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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 18, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EST

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this is vicki mabrey, for "nightline," in los angeles. >> she's probably still partying at this hour. thank you for watching abc news. i'll see you tomorrow morning on "gma." jimmy kimmel's next. good night, america. up next, on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> former governor, of utah, jon huntsman, has dropped out of the race for president, to return to his former job, as the guy in the picture that comes with the frame. >> katherine heigl. >> last time i came here, i wanted to wear a bikini. i thought that would be funny. >> we can probably get one.
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♪ from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- katherine heigl. ne-yo. and music from grouplove. with cleto and the cletones. and now, more than ever, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ jimmy kimmel live [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay. that's very nice. thank you. welcome. hola, my studio. and everyone to the show that is watching.
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thank you for being here with us. i hope you -- i'm glad you're in a good mood. hope you had a good three-day weekend. guillermo, did you have a good three-day weekend? >> yes. >> jimmy: the in-laws were visiting you, huh? >> yes. >> jimmy: guillermo has his first child. a little boy named benjamin. how old is benjamin now? >> six weeks and two days. >> jimmy: six weeks and two days. he's been keeping you up, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: benjamin has been keeping guillermo up all night. which has been hard for him but great for his followers on twitter. you've been tweeting a lot of weird stuff lately. yeah. at 6:00 this morning, guillermo tweeted this. yes, you must respect and appreciate women. they are the best things god made. they are the best. it will be hard without women in this world. [ laughter and applause ] what do you mean when you say it will be hard without women in this world? do you know -- are they going away? is there something you know about?
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>> no. it would be real hard without women. it would be only guys. >> jimmy: i see. >> we need women. >> jimmy: then, you tweeted, a woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things. but will always stick around. okay, guys. don't forget that. [ laughter and applause ] i won't ask you to explain it because i don't think it's possible. but did something happen? did you do something this weekend? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. what did you do? >> well, i've -- i was not taking good care of the baby. >> jimmy: oh. >> but she was okay. you know? >> jimmy: why weren't you taking good care of the baby? >> i was watching the game. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] and then, about an hour later he wrote, yes, like lady gaga say born this way. and i was born this way. if i don't lose ten pounds by february 28th, i will cut my mustache.
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[ laughter and applause ] you're holding your mustache hostage. what do you think you weigh right now? >> 205. >> jimmy: 205, okay. bring out the scale. let's put guillermo on it. we have a scale. okay. now, guillermo, you've set a goal for yourself. i want you to step on the scale. let's see if you weigh 205. i'm going to guess that you way mass than 205. all right. we're at 210. and we're not there. this, by the way, we tested this afternoon. it's perfectly accurate. you weigh 214 pounds. 214 pounds. >> oh. [ cheers and applause ] it should be right here. >> jimmy: well, you probably don't want it to be there because it should be right there. but if you can get it down -- okay. here's what we're going to do. you have until february 28th to get it down to -- what did we say? you're at 214? >> yes. >> jimmy: you have to get it
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down to 204. >> okay. >> jimmy: by then. >> okay. >> jimmy: do you accept this challenge? >> yes. >> jimmy: or your mustache gets it. >> yes. >> jimmy: all right. very good. [ cheers and applause ] you know what, though? i think -- stay on the scale for the rest of the show. [ laughter ] it makes sense. >> cleto: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and if you don't lose at least five pounds, we're going to shave one of your eyebrows off, too, okay? [ laughter ] there's no point in playing with it. you weigh what you weigh. >> it doesn't work. this one doesn't work. >> jimmy: it doesn't work? it works. oh, yeah. it does. you think you're lighter than that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. we all do. >> at least a few pounds. >> jimmy: maybe suck on a helium tank a little bit.
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it's probably the jacket adds about 18, 20 pounds. >> no. the mic. >> jimmy: the mic. you know, the miss america pageant was held in las vegas on saturday night. it was an evening filled with smiling, waving, crying and deep philosophical thoughts like this nugget from miss wisconsin. >> the divide between democrats and republicans seems to be getting wider and nastier. do you think miss america should be free to declare her political affiliation? >> miss america represents everyone. so, i think that a message t the political candidates is they represent everyone, as well. in these economic times, we need to look at what america needs. and miss america needs to represent all. >> jimmy: in these economic times, we need to look forward to what america needs. and that answer won the competition. that's miss america. she won with that. she must have done really well in the bikini competition is all i have to say. you know, i watched some of the
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miss america pageant on saturday night. more than i care to admit. and i decided i want to host that show next year. right now, the hosts stand there and pretend the girls are making sense. i wouldn't do that. [ laughter ] i would be honest. and when a contestant said and as miss america, i will find the qualities in all that is my attribute and americans should be even, i would say, thank you, miss florida. you are very, very stupid. [ laughter and applause ] and i will only answer -- i will only ask ridiculous questions. like, miss tennessee, the hippopotamus is said to be the most dangerous animal in the world. if one got into your hair, how would you kill it? then, we'd have a show. the one thing i did like about the pageant was, they put facts up about each contestant during
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the talent competition. and i loved this one they shared about miss illinois. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: afraid of windmills. [ laughter ] she fears all alternative energy sources. [ laughter ] like that she's afraid of windmills. it makes sense that we're we have a dumb miss america, right? we're kind of dumb as a country. and we're also overweight. so, if we really want a miss america to represent us, she should be fat, too. she should be dumb and she should be heavy. she should weigh whatever oprah happens to weigh that year. that's how you represent this nation. if you look at the real miss america, look no further than vh1 and the reality show, "mob wives." this is like "real housewives of
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new jersey," but without all the class. there's a new mob wife on the show this season. a woman named big ange, the niece of salvatore lombardi. >> they bought me nice houses. furs. diamonds. cars. they're very generous. and they're very good-looking. good-looking guys. >> let me ask you something, that guy. you said you went out with him 30 years ago. >> i went out with him -- >> the black shoe polish head. >> i've dated plenty of wise guys. and i'm looking forward to meeting another one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is some laugh. that laugh, it reminded me of someone. but i'm trying to place where i -- [ laughter ] the very beautiful herman muenster.
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"mob wives." former governor of utah jon huntsman has dropped out of the race for president to return to his former job as the guy in the picture that comes with the frame. you know him, right? there he is. [ laughter ] during his concession speech on sunday, huntsman endorsed his opponent, mitt romney, which is interesting, considering how critical he was of romney throughout the campaign. in the old days you could get away with this sort of thing because people would forget what you said. now that we have the internet, you can't forget. and they've been pulling all of the anti-romney rhetoric they had on their website. and they have toned down other statements on the web. like this one that questioned his integrity. >> i want to restore the principles that made america. >> mitt romney says he's for conservative values. is he telling us the truth? >> yes. >> is he talking out of both sides of his mouth. >> nope.
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>> how many more promises will he break? >> none. >> mitt romney, a true -- >> leader! >> i'm jon huntsman. and i want to be vice president. >> jimmy: we all do. [ cheers and applause ] the remaining candidates for president debated last night. newt gingrich will have to back off of his attacks on mitt romney. but here's something that could change the complexion of this race. a pastor revealed shocking information about newt on his internet show, "the manning report," some inside information, that i suspect may have come from inside his head. >> i have got some inside information about newt gingrich. i believe that newt gingrich's real father was a liberal but educated black man because newt's real name is newton leroy
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macpherson. that's what he was born. nobody on the planet names their children leroy except black people. [ laughter ] nobody on the planet names their sons hector, except hispanic people. if your name is hector, everybody knows somewhere down the line you hispanic, homey. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that makes a lot of sense. [ applause ] and with the name newton, he might be part fig. [ laughter ] here in los angeles, our city council got together to pass an ordinance that requires adult film actors to wear condoms on-set and in the car on the way to the set. the ordinance passed 9-1. here's the guy that voted against it. his name is mitchell englander. i don't know why i thought it would be funny to show him. but -- [ laughter ] turns out it is. i love that this is what our
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city council is doing. meanwhile, i drive into a pothole the size of a mini cooper every day on my way into work. but they're going to -- how will they monitor this? will we have condom squads going around? we couldn't get our governor to wear a condom. never mind film stars. it's silly. but apparently regulation is something the city council is something they already have covered. >> the mandatory condom use in the adult film industry may be on its way to becoming law. the l.a. city council approved the measure 9-1. once they get the mayor's signature, performers will be fitted with a large, metallic boot to be worn around the waist. this would ultimately push the adult film business out of l.a. >> jimmy: we don't want them pushed out of l.a. those people are the heart and soul of this town. in television news, the c.w.
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ordered a new game show, which they describe as a fun, high-octane take on musical chairs. i guess we've run out of ideas. the show is called "oh, sit." clever. barely beat out their second choice, which was "total crock of sit." it sounds ridiculous. but i thought making a movie out of "the pirates of the caribbean" was dumb, too. >> the creators of "oh, sit," are bringing you a brand-new game show. >> duck. goose. >> guaranteed. to knock you out of your seat. >> goose. >> it's not your momma's duck, duck goose. we use tasers. "duck you," fridays at 9:00, on
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the c.w. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: one more thing. you know, at the beginning of the year, a lot of people made new year's resolutions. and i was wondering today how long they last. we're 2 1/2 weeks into the year. and we sent a camera out on hollywood boulevard to ask people how their resolutions were holding up. and i thought we would turn it into a game. we'll see someone, and they will tell us their name and their new year's resolution. and we'll guess whether they kept it or not. our first resoluter is -- >> what's your name and where are you from? >> my name is melissa. i'm from gilbert, arizona. >> what was your new year's resolution this year? >> this year, my resolution was to cook more for my husband and shop less. >> have you kept your resolution? >> has she kept her resolution? >> no. >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did not. let's go to the next. >> what's your name?
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where are you from? >> i'm sara. i'm from victoria, b.c., canada. >> what was your resolution this year? >> to save money and pay off my student loan. >> have you kept it so far? >> jimmy: her head indicates that maybe -- well, let's find out. >> no. i just bought a new bag. there's the savings. >> jimmy: all right. >> what's your name? where are you from? >> jan buckman. i'm from loss springs, kansas. >> what was your new year's resolution? >> i'm known as the goat lady. i want to get my goats to breed more often to have more babies. >> have you kept it up? >> reporte >> jimmy: has the goat lady kept it up? >> yes, i have. >> what was your new year's resolution this year? >> my new year's resolution was to stop procrastinating.
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>> have you kept it? >> jimmy: all right. you say no. >> actually, no, i haven't kept it. been hanging out all day today. i probably start it tomorrow or something. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe. i don't know. may have been joking there. who else do we have here? >> what are your names? where are you from? >> katrina. >> and roque. we're from the gold coast in australia. >> what was your new year's resolution this year? >> to save yourselves for marriage. >> jimmy: how are katrina and rob doing? >> uh -- >> jimmy: so far, so good. >> what's your name? and where are you from? >> jovan. and i am from haiti. >> what was your new year's resolution? >> my new year resolution was to stop working as a michael jackson impersonator on hollywood boulevard and to --
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that one answered itself. we've got a good show for you tonight. from the movie "red tails," ne-yo is here. we have music from grouplove. and we'll be right back with katherine heigl. so, stick around. [ cheers and applause ] how about we make a big change for just a little money? let's start with a paint we know can do the job. new glidden duo paint plus primer. ♪ one coat does double duty. ♪ and fits our budget perfectly. so there's a brand-new room right where the old one used to be. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. new glidden duo paint plus primer only at the home depot and starting at only $24.97 a gallon.
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only at the home depot [ thuds ] [ man ] that's it! [ thudding ] - [ announcer ] to do a job well-- - this is gonna take a while. you need the right tools. nobody knows taxes like h&r block. so file for free at never settle for less.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. welcome back. tonight on the program, you can see him, starting friday in the new george lucas-produced movie, "red tails." ne-yo is here with us. [ cheers and applause ] and then, with music from their album, "never trust a happy song," grouplove, from the bud light stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can also see grouplove on tour this spring, after they play the coachella music and arts festival. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by will arnett, from "revenge," madeleine stowe, and the remarkably humorous dana gould
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will join us. later this week, terrence howard, tom arnold, keke palmer, the young star from "extremely loud and incredibly close," thomas horn. and music from safetysuit and filter. guillermo, you can fiddle with that all you want. it's not going to change. >> i ate before i came. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. what did you eat? a bowling ball? [ laughter ] >> meatloaf. >> jimmy: what? >> meatloaf. >> jimmy: a meatloaf? or a piece of meatloaf? >> a piece of meatloaf. >> jimmy: how big was the piece? >> like this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that might be the problem right there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. keep looking at it. it will probably go down. [ laughter ] all right. our first guest tonight is an emmy-winning actress who dumped us here at abc news for the shimmer of the silver screen. her latest movie, "one for the money," opens in theaters january 27th. please say hello to katherine heigl. [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] how are you? >> so embarrassed. >> jimmy: why? >> because i had a really sexy, hot dress to wear. and i left it. >> jimmy: you forgot it? >> i forgot it. and it was in the wardrobe. it has fuzzys on it. >> jimmy: it's not embarrassing. it's nice to have regular clothes on. >> it's awesome to have regular clothes on. that's why i came in them. and why i forgot the dress at the hotel. i'm sorry. >> jimmy: the last time you were here, you were in a dispute, as i recall, with your neighbors. >> last time i wanted to wear a bikini because i thought it would be funny. >> jimmy: and who told you no? >> my agent. >> jimmy: oh. >> i know. >> jimmy: wow. that's -- yeah. well, we probably can go get one real quick if you want to -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> that might not be so hot right now. we're a little bloated. >> jimmy: we'll be the -- we'll decide that. yeah. you had some weird thing with your neighbor going on. >> yeah. >> jimmy: has that resolved itself? >> you know, i think i shamed him. >> jimmy: you did? >> because i came on your show and talked very publicly about it. and i haven't heard a peep since. >> jimmy: and you also have been spending a lot of time now in utah. >> yeah. my husband and i and my mother, actually, we have a second home up there that we thought would be more like vacation homes. but we've sort of relocated there. >> jimmy: you have? >> well, it's just so beautiful. and it's peaceful. and it's a very sort of mellow, wonderful lifestyle we really enjoy. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> and we don't have those kinds of neighbors there. we have 25 acres. some of the people in our gated community have 100 acres. if they're not happy with
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something you're doing, you receive a civilized note. >> jimmy: oh, you do. have you received -- >> i have. i'm starting to think the problem is me. >> jimmy: what dispute did you have with these neighbors? >> i put up lights for christmas. i love them. they're jovial and they make me happy. i leave them up all year. it's the mountains. who cares? and they didn't like that. >> jimmy: they didn't? >> they asked me to turn them off after january. >> jimmy: they did? what a couple of grinches you have over there. >> not in july. >> jimmy: july is that point of no return, i think. >> i know. >> jimmy: and are they up early? are they up too late? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: yeah. you're having problems. maybe it is you, then. >> it might be me. i guess i am. >> jimmy: you have a ranch up there? >> we do. well, sort of. we have this fantastic house that was my dream house that i had been dreaming about building up there for maybe 12 years. and then, had the good fortune of making that dream happen. and so grateful. >> jimmy: a white christmas with
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the snow and all that. >> no, sir. we didn't get a drop of snow this year. >> jimmy: you didn't? >> not a drop. i don't think anywhere did, except the east coast. not aspen. no one got snow. i had a bunch of friends come up for new year's and all of my plans were around -- >> jimmy: snow-related? >> yeah. snowmobiling. snowshoeing. playwrighting. that's fun. >> jimmy: resorted to skidding around on rocks. what did you do with everyone? >> we went for hikes and jogs. did yoga outside. it was beautiful weather. just not snowy at all. but -- >> jimmy: you hike up into the mountains? >> we did. we hiked a trail up in the mountains. and we had heard recently that there had been a lot of mountain lions that were spotted around our property. >> jimmy: great. >> i thought it was exciting. i had never seen a mountain lion. i'm not intimidated.
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we went on a hike and we saw some paw prints. and it was a group of six of us. and one of my friends, nick, who is on "revenge," i'm calling you out right now. and he googled the footprints because he was concerned they weren't dogs. and convinced us all they were not dog prints. they were mountain lion prints because they looked a lot like the ones he found on the internet. >> jimmy: i would be nick in that situation. >> we were trying to talk him down. you know? we were trying to not make the situation worse. >> jimmy: and he was trying to take you down to go back to the house. >> back to the car. then, we see a big splattering of blood. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> we're like, all right. the mountain lion clearly caught something. that's just nature. you can't fault them for that. that's what they do. we're hiking along. and you see dragging blood marks through the snow. it clearly dragged it this way. oh, there's another one. and nick is getting so freaked out at this point.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> saying i've seen enough episodes of how i survived. and it doesn't ever end well. we don't want to go through this. and my girlfriend kept saying, they don't attack random groups of to hikers in a big group. >> jimmy: she would know. >> she's a stunt woman. she knows. i believed her. until we got like closer and closer and the bloody, dragging spots got bigger and bigger. i went, listen. here's the thing. i'm not afraid. i'm not afraid. it's just that if we keep hiking in the direction they dragged their kill, we're going to stumble upon them at some point while they're feeding. and i don't know if that's a great idea. >> jimmy: probably not. >> i think we should turn around and go the other way. so, we did. and nick is taking a photo of josh and i. and slowly lowers the camera. and goes, oh, my god, you guys. there's something moving fast towards us. how fast? faster than a person. faster than a person. it's not a person. we're like, shut up. he has a sick sense of humor.
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i'm assuming he's joking. then, he starts to slip and fall and lose his footing down the side of the mountain. he's not kidding. i run. i'm not going to take my chances. when i turn back around, josh is grabbing his arm and dragging him back up and holding him. this is serious. we're going to die. or we're going to tell it on "how i survive d." we're standing there. should we run? and we realized something was coming at us really fast. it's a mountain biker. and six people start dying laughing. this poor mountain biker stops. what have i stumbled on? and he's wearing a neon blue shirt and a neon yellow backpack. >> jimmy: that's what mountains wear sometimes. when they're about to attack. that's how they dress. >> how did you -- did you give it away? what's going on. >> jimmy: i think nick did the right thing. we're going to take a quick break here. katherine heigl is here with us.
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"one for the money," opens in theaters january 27th. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] get your cash back! oh, hi. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cashback card? oh, i'll try the largest. oh, that is too bad. apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back. 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but have fun. bob and weave once you're in there. don't get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom.
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flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one too many... [ male announcer ] it's time to reclaim your garage. the all-new passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ seek your way and go
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but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals.
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>> dicky: this week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- will arnett, tom arnold, terrence howard, madeleine stowe, thomas horn, keke palmer, and comedian dana gould. plus, music from filter. and safetysuit. can't get enough kimmel? find highlights and more at
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when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf
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for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] be bold. introducing the new blackberry bold. with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. we're back. katherine heigl is here. ne-yo is on the way. i have something i wanted to show. where is this here? you did this -- this is a charity event that you did. this is a cabbage patch doll that is supposed to be you in this dress. looks like you're one of the klumps. >> when they want to make a cabbage patch doll in your likeness. i thought, that's sweet. as a cabbage patch doll in the dress i wore, with my hair. >> jimmy: the movie that you
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star in and produced, it's a comedy. and it's based on the book series. what is the book series? >> the first one is called "one for the money." and they go on. it's janet wrote the series about 20 years ago. now, there's 18 books. they're hugely popular. i didn't know anything about them until i was approached about the project. and then, i became pretty obsessed about them myself. >> jimmy: theoretically you could do 18 movies? >> well, probably not. they don't age in the books. but you age in real life. but if we got to 18, i'd be about 50. that won't work that well. i'm hoping we can combine books into movies. >> jimmy: or do that really fast. we have a clip from the movie. i think you need to explain what is going on. >> i probably ought to. yeah. probably weird, out of context. my character becomes a bounty hunter. she was a lingerie seller in
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trenton. she becomes a bounty hunter out of necessity, because she's itching to catch this old high school flame that did her wrong. and she has to bring in other f.t.a.s, which is failure to appears, who haven't appeared. and they bring them in on their bonds. and this is them bringing in a very respected, older man. >> jimmy: "one for the money," opens january 27th. >> i have an f.t.a. here. i'm requesting transfer of custody. what? it's still red. >> what are you beeping at? oh, crap. crud. >> what are you doing in my car? >> this is my -- oh, damn it. oh, my god. is that guy naked? you better be wearing pants. you better be wearing pants, pal. >> lighten up, son. fresh air is good for the boys. >> open the door. >> i've got to go.
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great to see you. >> get out. >> you, too. >> jimmy: "one for the money," very cute. how old is your daughter now? >> she is 3. >> jimmy: 3 years old. i heard she is here. >> she is here. she's very hammy. she likes applause. >> jimmy: there she is. with your husband. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi. hi. >> jimmy: how are you doing? how are you? >> i'm doing great. >> jimmy: josh has a lot of body hair, i notice. hello. >> say hello, mr. kimmel. say hello. >> jimmy: no idea what's going on here, do you? >> she loves that. she loves the crowd. it loves her. >> jimmy: does she show signs she wants to be a performer in any way? >> she'll be shy right now. but when people applaud, she tends to start -- >> jimmy: she'll go crazy? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: she has her fingernails painted, too. >> who did your nails? >> andi. >> jimmy: who is andi? >> her best friend and her nanny. >> jimmy: you have a beautiful manicure. >> what are you thinking about? >> jimmy: just be yourself. >> daddy says, just be yourself. maybe not. >> jimmy: i have a feeling she's going to stick around for ne-yo. it's great to see you. great to see you both. thank you for coming. katherine heigl, "one for the money," opens in theaters january 27th. we'll be right back with ne-yo. [ cheers and applause ] so, this is my honda civic. not as much fun to drive as i thought it would be. people are selling their old rides, looking for something new. whoa, check this out, you guys. they are having way too much fun without me. i need better gas mileage. so, up, up to 40 on the highway? then myford touch just said the temperature.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back. still to come, grouplove. our next guest is grammy-winning r&b performer and now, an actor, too.
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his new movie, produced by george lucas, is called "red tails." [ gunfire ] >> ha ha. see you later, captain. you are the first. woo. >> jimmy: "red tails" opens in theaters friday. please say hello to ne-yo. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] what's happening? >> great crowd. >> jimmy: what a big deal to -- >> i was going to leave them on. then, i thought, that would be the move of a douche. i'm going to put them right here. >> jimmy: you made the right
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decision, i think. how are you? >> i'm good, man. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm good. but not as good as you. one of your first movies. and you're already working with george lucas. that's a pretty good deal. >> yeah. i'm happy. >> jimmy: have you ever heard of his film, "star wars," before? >> i was not familiar. man, i grew up with "star wars." it was very easy to not become the "star wars" nerd in front of him. you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> he walks in the room. and everybody kind of goes -- [ gasping ] and inside, i'm going, oh, my god. it's george lucas. "star wars." but i maintained. i was like, george. >> jimmy: did you maintain throughout the shooting? or did you eventually -- >> yeah. i mean, there were a lot of instances, you know, when i was in my trailer and i geeked out in there. and i think people would probably hear me through the door. and -- are you all right? there? yeah. everything's fine. everything's good. >> jimmy: i am your father. we both grew up in las vegas. did you know?
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>> they were telling me. >> jimmy: what high school did you go to? >> i went to las vegas academy of theater and visual arts for the first three years. >> we would beat those kids senseless. >> yeah. >> jimmy: there was no performing arts academy of anything when i went to school. >> i graduated from rancho. >> jimmy: oh, okay. wow. do you get back there much? >> not as much as i probably should. i still have a little bit of family there. >> jimmy: did you take advantage of the many amenities in las vegas? >> many amenities. vegas is one of the few places on earth you can get a lobster meal for like 3 bucks. >> jimmy: that's right. and the best lobsters, too. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: cleto, my band leader and i, we grew up in las vegas. and we without eat the $2 steak dinner at the horseshoe. >> every night. the greatest thing about vegas is every weekend, you get to meet new people. there's the strip -- you see vegas on tv. you automatically assume that the strip is las vegas. that's not true.
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the strip is one street in the city of las vegas. >> jimmy: right. >> you know? other than that, the strip is honestly a little boring. >> jimmy: was it, really? >> it was. everybody's house looks the same. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's just a regular city. but you go to the strip, every weekend, and you meet a new group of women every weekend. >> jimmy: yeah. i didn't have that really. >> becky and her nine friends from minnesota. yeah. who lives by, what happens in vegas stays in vegas. nine times out of ten, i was that thing that stayed in vegas. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. i, on the other hand, really wasn't, it turned out. now, this movie, "red tails" is an interesting story. tell us a bit about the story. >> "red tails" is the story of the tuskegee airmen. those are the first african-american fighter pilots in the u.s. air force. the reason the movie is called "red tails," so people knew there was a black pilot, they would paint the tails of their
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plane bright red. it tells the story of these guys, mind you, they did something incredible for america. it's part of black history. but it's part of american history. >> jimmy: and they had an unbelievable record. >> oh, yes. they were bomber escorts. the bombers are the great big planes that fly over and drop the bombs. they never lost a single bomber. in the history of the tuskegee airmen, they never lost one bomber. that may not sound like much. but as soon as you get the enemy, five kills makes you an ace. and an ace makes you a rock star of the air. so, these guys will fly off and try to get killed and leave the bomber unprotected, one bomber, ten men. the bomber is getting shot out because everybody is chasing the scouts. the red tails stayed with the bombers the whole time. never lost a single bomber. never, ever. >> jimmy: and how many of those airmen are still a -- are still
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alive? >> i'm not sure. but i know in a george lucas -- there was about -- i think he said there was about 40 of them he was consulting with to get this film made. he's been trying to get this film made for 23 years. >> jimmy: he has? wow. >> it's a crazy story. george lucas, "star wars," "american graffiti," "indiana jones." you wouldn't think this guy would have trouble selling the script, right? >> jimmy: you would think. >> no film company would touch the script. he had to go in his own pocket. >> jimmy: we better go see it, then. >> you should probably go see it. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. congratulations on all of this. you make las vegas very proud. ne-yo, everybody. "red tails" opens in theaters friday. when we come back, music from grouplove. [ cheers and applause ] portions of "jimmy kimmel
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[ cheers and applause ] the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series, sponsored by bud light. >> jimmy: this is their latest album, "never trust a happy song." here with the song, "tongue tied," grouplove. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ roll around this roundabout oh, yeah ♪ ♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ i loved you then and i love you now ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ don't take me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't wave no good-bye ♪ ♪ don't ooh ♪ ♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ normally we're making out
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oh, yeah ♪ ♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ i loved you then and i love you now ♪ ♪ don't take me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't wave no good-bye ♪ ♪ don't ooh ♪ ♪ one, two three, four ♪ ♪ don't leave me tongue tied let's stay up all night ♪ ♪ i'll get real high slumber party, pillow fight ♪ ♪ my eyes and your eyes like peter pan up in the sky ♪ ♪ my best friend's house tonight ♪ ♪ let's bump the beats till beddy-bye ♪ ♪ don't take me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't wave no good-bye ♪ ♪ don't take me tongue tied don't kiss me ♪ ♪ good night don't ♪
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♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ roll around this roundabout oh, yeah ♪ ♪ take me to your best friend's house ♪ ♪ i loved you then and i love you now ♪ ♪ don't leave me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't leave me don't wave ♪ ♪ no good-bye don't' wave ♪ ♪ don't leave me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't leave me don't ♪ ♪ don't leave me tongue tied ♪ ♪ don't wave no good-bye ♪ ♪ don't leave me tongue tied ♪


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