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tv   Inside Washington  ABC  January 22, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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♪ >> it is very humbling and very sobering to have so many people who so deeply what their country to get back on the right track. [applause] >> this week, newt gingrich not to out of the park in south carolina and the debates were a major factor. >> i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. >> isn't this where mitt romney was supposed to be coasting to victory? >> we still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do. >> why can't he figure out how to get his tax story straight? >> it is closer to the 15%
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raise. >> by was slips away. >> guess what, we defeated mitt romney in iowa. >> present obama rejects the keystone oil pipeline projects. hello campaign issue. >> the president's decision to veto the keystone pipeline - [boos] you have to wonder how out of touch with reality this administration is. ♪ ♪ >> hi there, we will try to stay in touch with reality. we have more in the south carolina primary. newt gingrich arises from the dead once again. he kicked the guy was supposed to be the front runner all over the palmetto state and begins running against barack obama. >> i believe the debate we will
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have with president obama over the next eight or nine months, the outlining of the two americas -- the america of the declaration of independence and the america of saul oliinsky and the american of dependence and the america of independence and the american. those choices will give the american people a chance to decide permanently whether we want to remain the historic america that has provided opportunity for more people of more backgrounds than any country in history or whether in fact we prefer to become a brand new secular european-style bureaucratic social system. >> newt gingrich says barack obama is the most dangerous president of our lifetime. he is also running against the news media. roger simon was on the ground is south carolina.
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how did gingrich pull this off? >> he was very effectively the campaigner of ander and you saw that in the recent clip. he rejects mitt romney's campaign of sunshine and lollipops and instead offers blood, sweat tears, and toil. he is an angry man and an angry time in an angry state and people are responding to that. he does not cut president obama and the slack. mitt romney refers to president obama as a nice guy who was over his head. gingrich paint obama as the most radical incumbent president in our lifetime. that shows the difference between the two men. >> marc, you saw gingrich in action in south carolina, can he keep this going? >> he finished fourth and fifth.
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the thing about newt gingrich he and south carolina are strangers. an ordinary person might have thought about getting out after finishing fourth in iowa and fifth in new hampshire. not nude gingrich. on he went -- not new to gingrich and on he went. >> more than half the south carolina voters decided on the candidate in the last few days. what does that tell you? >> it tells me that not only did newt gingrich brought winded debates without but the media -- when the debates with the help of the media in a room with an audience that we're told there were not allowed to applaud which is usually been the role, he would not have won those debates. the second thing is, it tells me that mitt romney really blew
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those debates. the tax stuff was -- he was pathetic. >> colby 2/3 of the voters identified themselves as the evangelists yet they voted for a christian. >> he gave them fire and brimstone. he was the wrath of god in this campaign against obama and against mitt romney. he is the kind of person that if you like angry, if you like somebody who is a strong preacher you want newt gingrich. >> alright, gingrich got on the food stamp kick and said president obama has issued more food stamps than any president in history actually
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was george w. bush. >> this is incendiary language. newt gingric knows it is. and he will deny it. people on food stamps are not human beings -- are human beings who have had a bad patch. ronald reagan in 1984, march 20 boasted in the first reagan term that we now have more people on food stamps than at any time in history in my administration. newt gingrich bills and self as a reagan conservative and is anything but reagan carried reagan was non-mean publicly and newt gingrich is in -- is eventual candidate. >> i agree there is a striking difference between ronald reagan and newt gingrich. mitt romney consciously, i
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think, tries to play the ronald reagan rolled. e. he says things will get better, american unexceptional listen, we can all work together and get through this thing. newt gingrich says let's tear the temple down and start over again that he has always been that way. when he came to congress there was a working relationship between the democrats and republicans and he said we will never get power if we do not take them on and tear down the temple and that is what he did >> i think of mitt romney as atlantic salmon. he moves along fine and then newt gingrich is the great white shark.
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he falls back into the water. he does not to his food. [laughter] -- it is not chew its food. [laughter] >> for those of you who enjoys all water fishing -- [laughter] >> this is more like a cooking show. the question we are faced with it with newt gingrich is -- is he a one-state wonder? is this taking off like gary hart did or jerry brown did? it could become a self sustaining our call.
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>> if that's been the tradition and i am not opposed to doing
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now, time will tell, but i anticipate that most likely i'll get asked to do that around april. my last 10 years my income comes overwhelmingly from investments made in the past. >> about every time he opened his mouth on the subject of taxes this week, mitt romney put his foot in it. 50% tax rate, in -- income from investments, critic 15% tax rate, income from investments -- abbas the campaign get into this kind of trouble? every campaign is inevitably a mirror. it is about his strengths and weaknesses. >> the campaign has come to him time and again and says we have to get this out. this is your credential, you're calling card is your business experience. your personal economic accomplishments. the bain finger in the last week and he fumbled and stumbled
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and mumbled and the debates and by thursday, he was worse. this is a man whose -- who has to do this. he says time will tell the body needs to get this out immediately before the florida primary. >> i bet he paid less than 15%. any time somebody says i paid around 15% there is stop there that he is embarrassed about for one reason or another. >> if you are vetting your candidate ne has some money in the cayman islands isn't that a red flag? >> the staff has come to him many times and said you will get aspirin -- ask this question and have to have a response. he says he does not want to go there and does not want to think about it and does not want to talk about it, stay away from me. >> we're not going to stay away from it. >> your not, but for him as a
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personal thing. is how he earned his well. it is a private matter that he would rather not discuss publicly any does not know how to do it. >> he is running for president of the united states. >> once you start you cannot stop. the questions will continue to come. >> you notice the difference between the way gingrich handled it. he released his taxes during that debate. he did not get past about it. the only released one year. in all that time, he was dealing with freddie mae or freddie mac i can remember which one we don't know what his tax returns looked like a van. >> his debate performance as are getting worse. >> he was incredibly competent and cool and confident and you can see that when anyone says time will tell, this proves that
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he outspent gingrich to-one, the debates or important. he better understand that. >> he had a glass jaw in this debate may be a cut crystal draw in this debate. all the other candidates now sense it. if they go after him, they can take this guy down. >> another blood in the water metaphor it. >> he was not the focal point in the early debate. it is now on him and this is where it will be difficult to distance. this could be a review of 1954 with nelson rockefeller and barry goldwater. people said barry goldwater is too extreme and he cannot make it, he got the nomination he got the nomination over this
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plutocrat. >> this is a big slap in the face for the governor of south carolina isn't it? >> every time you turn around, there is another senator standing there. we don't deliver groceries very well in this country. we do deliver mail and we don't deliver milk and launder and nobody delivers votes. voters understand that they will make the decision, not a lieutenant governor. let's consider the and evangelical leaders got together behind rick santorum. >> rank-and-file evangelicals look at this and don't care what their leaders say. >> jeb bush has learned the lesson he is endorsing no one. >> you can't influence it so why
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get into it? >> it lightning were to strike -- newt gingrich is not in the ballot in many states. virginia for one. it is not clear what is that the nomination. if lightning strikes in modern america and he wants to turn somewhere else, jeb bush is somewhere in my turn. >> the new
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he got a standing ovation from the charleston audience. i think gingrich has thinkjohn king a big basket of oranges. >> he is a good guy. our listeners should know that when a network sponsors one of these things, the entire brass gets involved in planning the order of the questions and who will ask what and even with the language was. juan williams' question was to find that way. this is what newt gingrich has done throughout the campaign whenever he gets something hard for it he knew he had an audience that was going to stand up and give him a standing o. normally, we have not had audiences that are part of the debate. >> not in the presidential debates because jim lehrer and
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others will not allow it. >> normally the anchor turns around and says nobody screams talks, applauds other than in a polite way and if you do, i will call you out. in the last few weeks that at -- they have -- that has gone by the boards. that helps somebody who is a hot candidate and newt is a hot candidate. >> newt gingrich always gets good mileage out of attacking the media been. he did it with many reporters. it is the one unifying thing of all republicans, moderate conservative flat tax you name it -- we hate the elite. we hate the liberal we hit the mainstream we did the media. >> he did it on fox. >> we're not talking about
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diseases or hurricanes or earthquakes. we're talking about what he apparently did according to his wife to her. >> the interview with marianne gingrich did not hurt them in south carolina >> he knows he will be asked about tax returns mitt romney and gingrich knows he will be asked about accusations an open marriage and he knocks it out of the park. it makes the media the villain. people love to hate the media. he manages the newt trick of making it more despicable to ask about adultery then commit the act of adultery. that is pretty slick. >> what about the rick perry endorsement? >> he took themselves out of the race which was an important thing for newt gingrich. it is good to get the endorsement that was good not to have somebody else in the race.
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he may do the same thing with rick santorum when he gets out of the race. in the case of gingrich, gingrich wants issues to come up. if onejuam williams had not ask the question, it would not have helped him. the questions went along with but the audience watching, helps them. >> what is the ron paul factor? >> it is not in south carolina. it is a very pro-military state and he is much more a non- interventionist isolationist candidate, some would say. he is organized everywhere. in the caucus states, he is deeply organized. i would not write him off as a serious factor still. >> he had two debates which
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forbade in south carolina. in a caucus, you measure intensity of support. can you get your people out and have them stay there all day and
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>> is one thing to say they cannot play chess at the white house and another thing to say they plan -- can't by check at the white house but they can play tic-tac-toe -- >> newt gingrich on the president obama decision to reject the keystone oil pipeline project for now. the president had 60 days to approve or reject the plan that would run oil from canada to texas. some of the labor unions like the pipeline but it is a beautiful campaign issue for republicans. >> obama gave him one. this is jobs jobs, jobs, and
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obama is on the wrong side of that. the environmentalists who applaud this will never be satisfied they will criticize obama for something between now and election because they want it all. there is no such thing as being mostly bare. you have to be all the way they're. >> gingrich says the canadians will ship out of vancouver to china. >> you think in short terms in the election. this is a decision for now wink but after the election, we will revisit that. it opens you up to political vulnerability and exposure. >> all of this is true but it will get built. it will be built over a slightly
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different route and they don't have time to ok it. obama did all the way the time -- diddled away the time any doesn't look good. >> this makes the party looks bad. the party is already displeased with them. the kansas said on their hands in november. >> why are they displeased? >> he has not delivered on his promises. he has not done enough. he has not been aggressive enough and he has made too many deals. >> he had actually govern the currented. >> where does he go from here? how does he respond to gingrich's on this thing? >> he can't on this he has to continue doing what he has been doing recently which is putting the focus on the congress as the obstructionists that he tried to
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work with them and gave them as much as he could and look at what he gets back. he gets the back of their hand and their the ones who are blocking progress in this country. >> one thing about mitt romney -- we know the endorsement was for him. he did not tell us what he is for and what it stands for in blog -- in florida appeared >> the last word is next. we today my journey continues across the golden state, where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundredsds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. ah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen
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percent oh dear... or more on car insurance.


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