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tv   Inside Washington  ABC  February 5, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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>> thank you tonightht forhis grt victory. >> this week on "inside washington," mitt roromney scores an impressive win in florida and walks directly into sound bite hell. >> i am not concerned about teh very poor. we have a safety net. >> governor romney, go out and get them. >> newt gingrich vows to fight on. >> we will be the nominee in august. >> the politics of breast cancer. > the scurrilous accusations are profoundly purple. > -- hurtful. >> why did you go to the people
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you are fighting with intel on the date you pull out your troops? it makes absolutely no sense. captioneby the national captioning institute --www.ncicap.orgrg-- >>fter taking a shellacking from newt gingrich in south carolina, mitt romney is on a roll again with the big winin in florida. romney won women voters, moderatate voters, catholic voters, hispanic voters, voters looking for somebody who can beat barack obama in november. then he talked to cnn's sold at o'brien -- soledad o'brien. >> i am not concerned about teh very poor. they have a safety net. i' not concerned about the very rich. they are doing jusust fine. i am concerned about the 95% of americans who are struggling. >> romney goes on in that
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interview to define the safety net, which incdes food stamps memedicaid, housing vouchers, but the damage was already done. the line about the poor is s all over the 24-hour news cycle and itit is not stop it democrats are stockpiling them for campaign ads. mark, is there a cure for polical foot-in-mouth disease? >> it is a problem for gov. romney because it plays into that perception of him alrlreaeady as a detached, rich man, perhaps not familiar with the struggles of the particularly people at a lower end. 20 million americans living in households at 1/2 of theoverty level. that is $11,00a year for a family of four. talkbout the safety net taking care of those people. i don't know anybody who wants to live on the safety net. >> can romney shrug it off? > as ma says, it is the
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accumulation. it feeds thehe existing idea of a person, and this feeds into other examples, when he said "i will bet you $10,000," or a few of these worhere he playays the out tououch patrician. it happened with george bush sr. in his reelection campaign at the checkout counter. was a trivial event but it added to the image. this is a guy whos a businessman from politics as a second language, and he does not spk at all -- does not speak at well. >> evan? > as mebody who alerts stuff out, saidhat whwhen people say stupid things. i am sympathetic when people sister but things did you want to have a a beer with a guy is an
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essential te in politics. he has got to find a way to humanize himself. >> nin? >> everybody is right here, it does feed into the stetereotype. at the same time, you have to say that the romney of this campaign is somethinof a subtly t to sulant t th -- magna hasn'in th - -- magnificently disciplined. i am caught between admiration and fascinatn with the un disciplined moments. >> but he is giving you a businessman's analysis in the interview, isn't he? >> he is trying to identify with the middle class. it has become a coveted it constituency of both parties. not what you do for the least, is what you do for the middle-
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class. democrats are just as guilty of this.. the antidote to this problem that governor romney had was the endorsement yesterday by a billionaire. [laughter] he is a multi millionaire and he got endorsed by a billionaire -- >> who gotlikes to fire people! >> if there is a guy who epitomizes sympathy and compassion, donald trump. >> donald trump solidifshe billionaire vote for romney. >> he is also lead to his ideology. if you are conservative, youou don't want to play on the ground of liberals, which is a class distinctions, pitting one class against another. the conservative view of economics, the moral defense of e free market, is that it helps everybody. that you ultimately have economicic expansion and that it wiwill incncrease creation of jobs
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and allow people to rise. consecorvatives argueue that if you take away the fetters, it will help everybody including the poor. he agreed with the promise of liberals that at you do with teh poooor is that you stick them in a safety net and you lve them there. that is a laer problem he has he is nott fluent yet inin conservative ideology. >> mark mckinnon, a former bush and mccain aiser, says that romney is reinforcing the image of the republican party as out of t touch, and that is why he is having such problems with independent voters. hodoes he get past that? >> it is a mistake to underestimatate romney because he is maladroit but there is an ner toughness to him. his family history y it hasee costed persecution. his family has always been ground down, runt out of
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town, and each timime they come back and rebuild the fortune. he seeees that things, he accepts bad things, but he is pretty tough. >> you just haveo look at the way he came back from south carolina. it does remind me in a way of clinton. you just cannot knock this guy out. has an inner toughness. >> he n take a punch mark. >> he can definitely take the plunge but i guess all -- can take a punch, but it is all moot if it is going to be 8.9% unememployment at the end of this year. if that is the case, forget the gaffes of mitt romney. >> another problem hhas is at he has defined the reason he should the president is biography -- i am a businessman
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i know how to create jobs, hire me. he does not have a policy. he has that but he does not speak about it. he had a plan for tax reform, entitlement rerm which h delivered once andever again. >> tell me how you are going to fix it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation every solution comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. rthrop grumman. o0 c1
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i really lieve we should care about the very poor, unlike under romney. [laughter] but i believe we ould care about them differently than barack obama. barack obama and mitt romney believe that a s safety net is all the poor need. i don't believe that. what e poor need is a
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trampoline so they can spring up. >> will the south became rich's lifeline, charles? -- be gingrich's live, charles? >> lifele? it ithis island. he doesn't have anywhere else to go. here is a guy who lost by 15 points and his speech is about the fight executive orders he is going to issue in the first hours after the inauguration. it was k kind of a charmingly delulusional. you have to admire a guy who is so dogged and sure of himself. this is ahahab on the loose, and he is after the greathite going after mitt on a personal level. >> if you watch gingrich over
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time, when he gets shellacked by this huge money, negative infusion like he did in iowa and 5-1 in ads with the super pac and the romney money,omney and hiallies, and the he runs only one ad that is positive -- he is enraged by this. he is bede himself with the theor -- with fury. then reality sets in. at some point, suspect reality it wl sink in, and it may be in april or something like that. predicting newt gingrich is dangerous. >> newt'ps problem is that he has a mixed message in
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floridida. i am the only guy tough enough, smart enough, quick enough to take on barack obama but in the meanwhile, i am going to whihine about mitt romney, who is obviously not qualilified to be prident but is mean. you cannot claim you can take on rack obama and at the same time complained to the jury about the tatment you're getting. in his vendetta, he will make romney look like those sold moderation, the ground up, the middle of the road -- the soul ofoderation, the grown-up, the middle of the road. >> the labor department says that unemployment has dropped to 8.3% bid on the other hand, i pick up "the washington post"t" on friday "israel -- iran must be stped soon."
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>> thing which will be forgotten side show, next -- gingrich will be a forgotten side show next fall unemploynt at but the real ld card is whether israel bombsran, and how the iranians rerespon and how the united states respond to that -- here is a giant economic crisis, because if the iranians close the strait of hormuz -- all the her stuff will be child's plplay compared to that. >> making any bets, charles? >> i think i.t. is fairly certain that there will be an attack, otherwise heould not have this leak this week from the secretary of defense thrgh david ignatius of "the post" that israel will attack, and then he specifies when, in three months.
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you don't say that if there are indications s from the israelis that they are going to do this even if they are getting signals from the united states not to do that. >> is there the calculation with the presidential election in nonovember? >> no, the calculation is what ignatius reported panetta said. israeli it thinks that iran is about to enter the zone e of immunity, and that means the trigger is not the assumption that iran has the know-how to make a bomb. that is later down t road. what comes earlier visit iran ha put enough uranium completely untououchable protected sites ke the mountain where you cannot touch it, and at that point iran has the wherewithal with the facilities and materials to ild a bomb unmolested and it can never be attacked again. israel believes it is
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approaching the point t of immunity enable attack. >> -- and it will attack. >> i do not know why secretary panetta revealed this spirit i am trying to u understand. >> he is trying to stop them. >> that urgent -- >> and that is -- >> absolutely. >> we have these ecomic sanctions thatt have, amazingly, seemed to be working, and there seems to be a fair amount of unity in squeezing the iranians. just as they are working, this could blow sky high.
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>> this is a violation of the basic right of conscience and religious liberty. >> i think this mandate violates our constitution. >> that this house saker
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boehner and the archbishop of washington. new obama administration rules require all employees to ovide for contrtraception regardless of theeaching on this issue. during the health-care law, the president of the catholic assoation supporteded the president. critics say that people like that are being hung out to dry. your take, mark. >> they are being hungng out t dry. this is a dissing, in common parlance of catholics. i have not noticed lines of people providing services to the homeless and hungry y and left behindnd. that's what catholic churches and schools do in the big city. they are not in it fo the bucks. it is demanded by their religion. i don't understand back obama
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on this, and politically catholics have voted on the winning side in every presidential election -- >> is it r relevant or irrelevant that the vast majority of catholics practice contraception in violation of this teaching? >> it is irrelevant because y you are closing down catholic instititutions. >> actlly, this has been the law since 20. theeeoc ru -- the eeoc ruling. 28 states have laws like ththis. there is a good argument being made b by the catholic churc but if you take it out of the area of contraceptives and say tt suppose u have a preschool that wouldn't do immunizatation, because religion didot allow immunization, and would not insure immunization, because we''re not talkibout paying, we are e talking about insurance the board ofof health would be in
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there. it is very t tricky question. >> immunization is a matter of public safety, birth contl is not. it is a a huge difference. at is doing, as mark indicated -- the catholic church is n only a chur, it has not reached and social services and does it works. the lls say that in the church you can appoint anybody you wanant and -- liberals say that in the church you can appoint anybody you wanand we will leave you alone, but w when you step out in society, you do it under our control. otherwise you are cut off. that is libera secular arrogance >> the susan g. ken foundatition, a leading breast cancer research group that you see with the marches sayit is cutting funding for planned road because -- planne p parenthood because it is the suject of a congressional investigatio
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planned parthood ss it is the result of political bullying. >> there is a huge e-mail and internet storm -- >> the mayor of new york has donated thousands of dollars. >> social networking will drive back the komen foundation -- >> if you live ithe memedical world, which i do bececause i'm mamarried to a doctor, the komen foundation is muchore controversial for the position that has taken than most people realize. this will put a light on th and it will be a real problem for the fouation. >> we have a doctor on the panel. >> look, i am sympathetic to both sides. if you have a will of regulation that you cannot donate to an institution in litigation perhaps. i am n not sure if that is an excuse or reason. >> i don't know on this one, b
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i will say this -- the komen foundation has been so pervasivive the ccccessful in rehing into every athletic event everyry community, every time you turn around traffic is interrupted by another walk by them. they are phenomenal, colossal institution. i would not want to take them on.
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[ carrie ] i remember my very first year as a acher, setting that goal to come a principal. but, i have to support my family so how do
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i go back to schoo university of phoenix ma it doable. a lot of my instructors were principals in my district. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree. my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at-risk school into an award winning school and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at > remember why we went into afghanistan. we went bececause of osama bin laden. >> wesley clark, who says it is time to transition away fr the mission in afghanistan, now focus on beating t taliban. general petraeus, head of the cia, says that the comment that leon panetta made is being over analyzed. are we getting out early or not? >> i think we are getting out early and obama seems
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determined to do eight or reonally, there was a report of that captured taliban. that taliban thinks they are winning. >> it gave it mitt romney a big club this week. >> we not going to sleep with a -- going to leave with a " mission called the" banner. if we are leaving in 2013 whose brother sister wife is going to be the last to die in this withdrawal? i don't see the policy objective rightow. >> we will never know ife poured the resources of iraq and afghanistan we could have "won" and left, but we are learning the lesson ever great power has learned -- >> young americans there right now -- >> "washington post" editorial
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on this ended on that sentiment is we are going to withdraw in a year, whwhy are we having soldiers dying now? clearly, withdrawing next year, and even speaking of releasing the worst of the worst of the taliban fr guantanamo as a sweetener, we are obviously embedded in afghanistan. if we are, you asked the john kerry question from the vietnam war, who will be the last american to die for a mistake? if this is a mistake, as obama seems to have included, he should withdraw right now and have the courage t to make that case to the people. >> if it was a mistake, why did he agree to teh sur -- the surge? >> they are building up the afghan security forces. it is not like there is no reason for american soldiers to be there. >> but the original idea is that it would take at least until
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2014. what accelerated the timetable we are doing so well that we can leave -- electioneering. >> can we be candid? afghanistan is a corrupt, non- functioning government. karzai is the mayor of kabul that is it. that is what we are leaving. >> we will see you next week.
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