tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 16, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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>> thanks for watching abc news. we hope you check in for "good morning america." we're always online at good night, america. and join jimmy kimmel next. up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> i wonder what the cast of "jersey shore" does on spring break. do you think they go to school for a week? >> channing tatum. >> i was nicknamed baby joe us in. i had to dress him, like a mom. >> you did? >> no, no. >> genesis rodriguez. >> [ speaking spanish ] >> yes, i will marry you.
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>> jimmy: hi. i'm jimmy kimmel, with the total rewards card from caesar's, harrah's, horseshoe and world series of poker. this helpful, little fella gives you v.i.p. access to the largest network of casinos and entertainment options anywhere. almost anyone can use it. with the notable exception of these guys. is that a tattoo of a skull on your arm? i'm going to show you something. i have a tattoo, a free lobster dinner i redeemed with my total rewards card on my foot. isn't that weird? we're like twins. hello?
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governor? you want to pardon a prisoner? just kidding, guys. they're calling about my helicopter. i got a free ride from total rewards. yeah. no. i'm ready. they're coming to pick me up. i'll catch you guys later. >> dicky: get your total rewards card today. and sign up for escape to total rewards game for millions in prizes at >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with genesis rodriguez, music from the joy formidable and channing tatum. [ tires squeal, engine revs ]
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[ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. welcome to the show. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for being with us tonight. this is a lively bunch we have here. now, you guys drunk from spring break? or march madness? or early start on st. patrick's day weekend? i need to know, if i'm going to adjust my approach. it's weird the way -- i was thinking about this. it's weird the way we celebrate st. patrick's day in america. can you imagine if ireland had a holiday where everyone dressed up like benjamin franklin and drank red, white and blue beer? it would seem like they are making fun of us, right? every year around this time, we show three clips that i believe
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to be the greatest local news clips on television. wpmi in alabama, visited a neighborhood where local residents claimed to have seen a leprechaun. that's right. a leprechaun. >> curiosity leads to large crowds in mobile's community. many bring binoculars, cameras. to capture the movement on the street. >> it's a leprechaun. >> eyewitnesses say, it only comes out at night. if you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears. this amateur sketch is what many of you say the leprechaun looks like. >> jimmy: wait a minute? that's an amateur sketch? because it looks very professional to me. and finally -- >> others find it hard to believe and have come up with theories and explanations for the image.
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>> it's a crack head. they're always around stuff. and they told him to get up in a tree and play a leprechaun. >> jimmy: finally, a voice of reason. it probably was a crack head. a little, green crackhead with buckles on his shoes. not only is this st. patrick's day weekend, it's also the first big weekend for spring break. spring break is the week where college students get a much-needed break from binge drinking in nebraska and go to binge drink in florida. las vegas is the second-most popular destination. and cities like cancun, phoenix and denver are up there, too. there's some cities that you wouldn't normally think of during spring break that are trying to lure college students to spend money in their towns, too. >> spring breakers, why fight
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the crowds in florida or cancun, when you can party for half the price in wichita. we have the world's second-largest i max theater. whoa. this is the great plains transportation museum. toot-toot. enjoy fine dining at the scotch ander ander and serloin. and don't miss our parka competition. why risk a nasty sun burn or a painful wipeout. visit wichita. >> brought to you by the wichita tourism council. wichita, you are in kansas anymore. >> jimmy: a tough night for wichita. [ cheers and applause ] spring break can be a -- spring break can be a crazy time in people's lives. especially when the people themselves are crazy. right outside our theater here in hollywood, there's a group of very talented performers/panhandlers who dress up in costume and lightly mug
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tourists who take pictures of them. we asked them this afternoon, what their most memorable spring break story was. and as usual, they did not disappoint. >> the craziest thing i've ever done on spring break, i dared myself to get drunk in public and run naked through south beach. and what an experience that was. >> the craziest thing elmo ever did on spring break is, he got his drink on with seven long island iced teas. and he jumped off the roof of the el presidente hotel. and he belly-flopped and he burned his stomach. but the girls dug it, baby. yeah. the girls was digging on me. but it hurt. >> we had a wild party on the beach, where we had a bunch of alcoholic-type games. a lot of nudity.
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it was almost like "girls gone wild," but with a bunch of guys. >> we met these three supercute guys. then, we started drinking. and we were playing beer pong. next thing i remember, we were playing nude poker. you say nude poker? naked poker? naked poker. >> i bet this girl at a bus stop. we went on a date. and it turns out this girl wasn't a girl. it was actually a he. so -- >> i went to vegas. i had me half a bottle of pinnacle. i met two girls. i took my clothes off. we did the freaky business in the hotel room. and i hope i don't have a six pack out there. >> one time on spring break, i tried to hook up with this girl. she worked at the 7-eleven. and i just started, like, following her. and she was always, like, stop following me. and then, i said, so, when are
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we going to -- you know, when are we going to hook up? you know, it's spring break. you're a girl. i'm a guy. we should be hooking up. but she said she wouldn't hook up with me because i was not normal-looking. so, i went home. and i just drank whiskey out of a bucket. because that got me drunk. that was good enough for me. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: well -- don't you have to go to school to go to spring break? [ laughter ] rick santorum got a little taste of spring break in puerto rico yesterday. he was there campaigning for the republican primary to takes place on sunday. he was happy to be in the warm climate. in fact, instead of his sweater vest, he was wearing a sweater bikini. puerto rico is a territory of the united states. and yesterday, santorum greeted the locals by telling them if
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puerto rico wants to become a state, they need to start speaking english. like jesus does. only rick santorum would go to someone's native land and tell them they're speaking the wrong language. and he told them to stop being so mexican. he has the shot to be the funniest president ever. this is a local fox weatherman from birmingham, alabama. mickey was outside a walgreens in tuscaloosa yesterday, for a weekly segment he calls weather wednesday. it's where they check the weather on wednesday. weather wednesday came to a walgreens parking lot, where mickey encouraged a couple little girls to show them a cheer routine. and follow along with this. you're about to see a man dig himself into hole after hole after hole. >> okay. you know a cheer? >> yeah. >> okay. let's do it. one, two -- a one, two, three. >> i love being in my britches,
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yes, i really, really do. yee-haw. >> i was wondering what was in your britches, all this time. and it's spirit. okay. that's what i'll tell my wife next time, when she complains. okay. thank you. after the mexicans. all right. let's go to weather now. >> jimmy: he managed to be creepy, mildly racist, and he humiliated his wife, all in one weather report. it's impressive. he's a tuscaloose canon is what he's is. march madness is going. 16 games in play. i only lost one game today in the first round. this is a pretty good story. a fifth grader from west omaha, a young man named max, got into trouble because he organized an ncaa pool at his elementary school. he went around, and passed out bracket sheets. and collected money from the
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other kids. and the principal found out. and she called the parents to put a stop to it. this is why we're falling behind china. if our kids don't have a place to learn how to gamble, how in the future are adults going to know how to gamble? they aren't. well, we tracked the boy down today because i wanted to learn more about this. and here, now, through the miracle of skype, is 11-year-old bookie, max cole. hello, max. [ cheers and applause ] i swear, i'll get you the money soon. please, don't break my kneecaps, okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: max, you're in the fifth grade. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is this the first time you organized an ncaa basketball pool? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and whose idea was it to do this? >> mine. >> jimmy: it was yours. and why did you want to do it? >> i just decided to do it. i just got the idea. >> jimmy: and how much was the buy-in for the pool? what did you charge to get into it? >> $5.
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>> jimmy: and were a lot of kids interested? >> yeah. but then, some of them dropped out. >> jimmy: oh, they did. >> they became scared. >> jimmy: oh. and how did the principal find out about it? >> someone must have told on me. >> jimmy: oh, no. and then, what did the principal say to you? >> she said, so, you're into basketball. and then, she just started talking to me. and then, she said how some people got in trouble and got fired from their jobs for that. >> jimmy: did you tell her that president obama filled out an ncaa bracket? [ laughter ] yeah. maybe tomorrow. what did your parents say when they found out? were they angry? >> oh, they knew. they didn't care. they knew before i left for school. >> jimmy: i don't blame them. which team did you take to win? >> north carolina. >> jimmy: okay. you had north carolina. and now, you're going to feel
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bad if north carolina wins and you could have won a lot of money, right? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you have other ideas to make money? have you ever heard of bernie madoff, for instance? [ laughter ] no? >> um. >> jimmy: what do you want to do when you grow up? what do you want to be? >> either an athlete or a pharmacist. >> jimmy: i would go with athlete because we could shave points together. you know? [ laughter ] well, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us tonight, max. and you know what? call me in about seven years. i'll take you to vegas, okay? all right. very good. thank you, max. max cole, everyone. that's a go-getter. [ cheers and applause ] in less wholesome news, the season five finale of "jersey shore" aired tonight on mtv. i wonder what the cast of "jersey shore" because for
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spring break. do they go to school for a week? this is the last season. the chimpanzee at your local zoo will remain open if you want to see that. in tonight's finale, the show got hit by hurricane irene. the winds got so crazy, pauley d.'s hair almost moved. before the finale, snooki gave her first tv interview about her pregnancy. it was kind of interesting. she revealed she found out she was pregnant accidentally. apparently she was drunk, and peeing in the aisle of the drugstore. and just happened to hit a pregnancy test. and the test turned pink. and now, she's a mommy. [ laughter ] we have a tradition we do at the show every week. it's a weekly tradition. what we do is, we -- what do we do, guillermo? how do we do this? >> we bleep and sensor -- something like that. >> jimmy: we bleep and blur things, whether they need it or not. it's time for "this week in
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unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> the prime minister has enjoyed meeting all of the wonderful folks here. we got a chance to [ bleep ] some young people. as a matter of fact, we ended up [ bleep ] a young lady from great britain. >> it may not be a fair fight. but the biebs is about to get [ bleep ] by five dudes. >> a couple of eggs here. some bacon? or would you like [ bleep ]? >> i don't know. >> last night, i got more [ bleep ] than anybody else. >> will you [ bleep ] me? >> yes. of course, i will. >> our target is barack obama. he is [ bleep ] in so many different ways. >> i want to [ bleep ] everybody. >> harry reid wants to put his finger in [ bleep ]. it's insane. >> you have so much power. you have [ bleep ]. >> the funny thing, is i love [ bleep ]. that would be a great [ bleep ]. >> i've done it once. and i feel as though i should get the opportunity to do it again. >> i love animals. i [ bleep ] animals when they're in trouble. [ laughter ] do you like [ bleep ] animals?
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[ laughter ] great. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. genesis rodriguez is here. we have music from the joy formidable. and we'll be right back with channing tatum. so, stick around. [ cheers and applause ] i'm here at walmart with tiffany who drives around town looking for low prices. that burns a lot of gas. yep. want to see if this walmart low price guarantee can help you out with that? ok! every week they lower thousands of prices and check over 30,000 competitor prices. check out that low price. you want to grab one? grab two. what happens if she does find a lower advertised price somewhere else? i'll match it right here. so what did you learn today? every dollar counts and now i get to bring more home to my family. [ male announcer ] that's the walmart low price guarantee! see for yourself how much it can save you.
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[ male announcer ] tough on sweat. ♪ not on skin. get powerful 48 hour sweat protection plus 1/4 moisturizer technology. only with dove men + care deodorant. all the different schedules i have. my clinical, research, kids' schedules. i can be a mom, i can be a doctor, and i can be a scientist because i have a blackberry. it's my other brain. [ male announcer ] blackberry bold. be bold.
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with these new belvita breakfast biscuits. they give you energy that lasts all morning. suspect is heading south. freeze. stand back kids. [ grunting ] [ ray ] belvita is a new kind of breakfast that gives us the energy to serve and protect. this milk is expired. [ ray ] this sleepy town has never been safer. ohhh, i got one in my mouth! [ ray ] 18 grams of whole grain specially baked for nutritious sustained energy. belvita, there's a new kind of breakfast in the cookie aisle.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, hello there. welcome back. tonight on the program, a lovely woman, whom you can, starting tomorrow, see alongside will ferrell in his new movie "casa de mi padre." genesis rodriguez is here with us. i need you to control yourself, guillermo. okay? >> all right. >> jimmy: and then, with music
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from this album, "the big roar," the joy formidable, from the bud light stage. [ cheers and applause ] that's a whale. and they're very good. we've got a good lineup for you next week, too. with jessica simpson, kristen bell, the great don rickles will be here. ice cube, kristin chenoweth, dave franco, gael garcia bernal, jimmie johnson. and we'll have music from kiss, neon trees, the naked and famous, and dr. teeth and the electric mayhem, which, if you don't know, is the band from "the muppet show." and travis baker will go head-to-head in a vicious drum battle, with animal. it's man versus muppet. [ cheers and applause ] after sharing the screen with amanda seyfried in "dear john," and rachel mcadams in "the vow," our first guest has finally found his ideal mate. his name is jonah hill. and you can see the two of them in the new movie "21 jump street." it opens in theaters tomorrow. please say hello to channing tatum. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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how are you doing? >> well. very, very well. >> jimmy: your buddy, unfortunately for you, jonah, was here last night. he told us a lot of things. >> i'm sorry for that. >> jimmy: he said, they put you in a plane full of beer. and you were drunkenly promoting the movie around the world? >> we'll see when the movie opens. i don't know if it was a good idea. >> jimmy: it was probably a good idea. when nobody died. >> we took turns in who starts the trouble. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. >> jimmy: who is the worst influence on the other? >> i think we're pretty equal. australia. they know how to party there. coming home, there was a bunch of people singing and running around the streets. it was raining. i tried to rep it right for the united states. i do a belly-flop into a fountain.
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>> jimmy: did they appreciate that? >> i don't know. i'm not sure. everybody started doing it, though. so, i think so. >> jimmy: you started a thing. all right. that's pretty good. that's good. it's important to represent your country in that way. you're an ambassador in a way. you have to drink more than them. was there any trouble with the law or the locals or any fighting or anything like that? >> no. jonah might have had a bit of trouble in miami when we went, if it wouldn't have been for a good big brother. >> jimmy: which was you? >> yes. i paid the favor forward. we went out in miami. and we decided to jump in the ocean, naked. >> jimmy: this is wild here. >> we like water. i don't know. >> jimmy: you're like a duck. you did? you jumped in the ocean naked? anyone see you guys? >> it was night out. thank god. this is where jonah decides to
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ride it out. he wants to go in. and he has a t-shirt and his underwear on. i'm going in and getting something to eat. >> jimmy: you stopped that? >> i stopped him. i drug him into the car. and now, he's nicknamed baby jonah because i had to dress him like a mom. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. like no, no. bad, jonah. no. butt up. butt up. all right. okay. we can go in now. >> jimmy: it's funny you saw that, because last night he told me one of the craziest stories i've ever heard. that he goes to sleep. but when he wakes up in the morning, he has a shirt, a tie, a coat and shoes on, but nothing else. [ laughter ] and he calls it donald ducking. >> donald ducking, man. >> jimmy: because donald duck wears -- >> what's weird is that he takes his pants off. and he puts back on his shoes and ties them up. and then, i don't know. >> jimmy: and you're not breaking into his hotel room and
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doing this to him? it sounds like a prank is happening there. >> i wish i was that talented of a prankster. or that committing. no. >> jimmy: are you a prankster in general? >> i can keep it a little light. a little light. i brought some pictures. >> jimmy: you did bring some pictures. this is from the plane. all right. here we go. this is jonah. >> we call that dr. evil. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and there's you, screwing with him. >> i put about 95 napkins all over him. >> jimmy: more napkins. like an unfinished picnic you covered him up. and then -- [ cheers and applause ] who took this picture, by the way? >> that was my buddy. >> jimmy: your buddy? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you guys were ganging up on jonah there. do you always do this with all your friends?
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or is this kind of a new thing? >> yeah. when there's no women around, you know how guys do. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> if there's no supervision, it can go way off the rails real fast. >> jimmy: do you take, like, guys' trips and that sort of thing? >> whenever the ladies go out of time. it's go time. >> jimmy: really? >> the last one ended up essentially, i think i woke up and i was, like -- i had a tattoo. i had somehow carved free into my arm. or someone did. >> jimmy: free? >> i don't know. i don't know what happened. i really don't know what happened. what i remember of the trip is this. we all got together. everybody's lady was out of town. so, we decided to do a guys' trip. we decided to go skeet shooting and drinking. which is always, guns and fun, and alcohol. >> jimmy: sure. >> don't try that at home. then, we decided to go home. okay. what do we do now? it's either drive to vegas or get tattoos. and we decided to do something permanent for life, instead of just going and losing a little bit of money. and we kept drinking as we were
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getting tattoos. at some point, we realized how close we were to marlon wayans' house. and we home invaded marlon wayans' house. >> jimmy: did you knock? >> four white guys and a puerto rican guy got naked, essentially. >> jimmy: naked again? >> and there's, like, people in marlon's house, partying and having fun. marlon, this is the weirdest thing. it almost freaked us out enough not to go in. and he is playing chess, with his cousin, while a whole party is happening. we were like, what do we do? we don't want to ruin the chess game. >> jimmy: heavens, no. >> can't ruin it. what if he's winning? we busted in the back door. and marlon was the only one that jumped up in a fighting stance. his cousin grabbed a pillow and was trying to hit somebody with it.
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and when marlon finally saw it was me. >> jimmy: he grabbed a pillow. >> he laid into his cousin. a pillow? what are you going to do? we were nervous. there's a lot of wayanses. >> jimmy: they keep coming. we're going to take a break here. we're going to show you a clip from a very funny movie, "12 21 jump street." doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies - into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. lay down a new look - with earthgro mulch, now 3 bags for just 10 bucks.
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the only thing that didn't change was my razor. [ male announcer ] up to 5 weeks of comfortable shaves with one proglide cartridge. great things start with gillette. is a total slam dunk. hey guys. how's everything going? yes! enjoying your bourbon street chicken & shrimp? slam it! yes! the game's on behind me, right? yup. [ male announcer ] it's all-new and all jazzed up with the flavors of bourbon street. enjoy a real fan favorite like our zesty bourbon street chicken & shrimp. or really score with our perfectly seasoned new entree:
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the department was forced to drop the charges because you forgot to read him his miranda rights. >> i did read him his rights. i did a version of that. >> do you even know the miranda rights? >> yes. >> let's hear them now. >> it starts with you have the right to remain silent. and then -- i think it sounds something like -- oh, right. you have the right to remain -- attorney. >> did you say you have the right to be an attorney? >> you do have the right to be an attorney if you want to. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he is technically right. that's "21 jump street." channing tatum and jonah hill. for those who don't remember the old show, "21 jump street," the idea is you go undercover into high school. and you're a couple of idiots through whole thing. >> basically, yeah. we're very bad cops going undercover and doing very stupid things. the funny thing is, we get
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totally caught up in being kids and not doing any cop work whatsoever. joan that gets to shine and he becomes the popular kid. and starts taking on me. >> jimmy: it's a reverse of what happened when you went to school together. cube is your boss in the movie? >> yeah. and he's just as intimidating as you think he would be. >> jimmy: yeah. and you shouldn't mess with him. did you mess with him? >> no. you ask him questions that are very respectful. ice cube, mr. cube -- [ laughter ] who do you think the best rapper in the world is? trying to get his on same level. and he's like me -- i'm so sorry. i didn't. of course, it's you. i don't know. and then, i find out later that jonah asked the exact same question to him. >> jimmy: really? >> verbatim same question. and he got the same answer. me, mo -- that's such a hip-hop
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thing. it's very much in the hip-hop culture. if you ask jonah, who is the best actor, jonah? he's never going to be, me, mo -- >> jimmy: he might think it but he would never say it. >> it's a hip-hop things. boxers do it. cult leaders indict. >> jimmy: anywhere your life is in danger is for some reason. you shot the movie in new orleans, which seems like a bad idea considering the shenanigans. like every actor that works in new orleans, are you planning to move there? >> i am because i'm thinking of opening a bar there. >> jimmy: really? are you really opening a bar there? >> yeah. hopefully on bourbon street. >> jimmy: that's a terrible idea. [ laughter ] what are you going to call the bar? >> we're not sure yet. we're trying to figure out the name. >> jimmy: call it bankruptcies. are you really opening a bar? >> yes. i don't know. it's a horrible idea, i know. >> jimmy: it's the worst idea
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ever, yeah. [ laughter ] >> it will be another -- >> jimmy: how far along are you on this bar thing? >> we signed the lease. >> jimmy: you did? for real? >> yeah. >> jimmy: whose idea was this? one of your friends? >> a buddy of mine who has been incarcerated a few times. >> jimmy: there you go. do you have any experience? >> patrons. >> jimmy: you've seen it from the other side. you know what to expect. >> i know how it should work. they should pour alcohol in the glasses and give it to people. >> jimmy: and channing tatum, everyone. enjoy him while he losts. i think he's trying to say. "21 jump street" opens in theaters tomorrow. we'll be right back with genesis rodriguez. sergio! christina! question for you. what factors led you to buy your explorer. definitely the ecoboost option. what's pretty amazing is that you can get the fuel economy of a car in an suv.
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that basically did it for us. and the technology... oh, my goodness, the technology is amazing. everything is touch. you can actually talk to the car and it talks back to you. what have your friends said about your explorer? can we drive it? can we borrow it? what's your answer? no. no way. uh uh. (laugh) [ male announcer ] tough on sweat. ♪ not on skin. get powerful 48 hour sweat protection plus 1/4 moisturizer technology. only with dove men + care deodorant.
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oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. sort of like two in one. how did you guys think of that? it just came to us. what? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today. so, this is my honda civic. not as much fun to drive as i thought it would be. people are selling their old rides, looking for something new. whoa, check this out, you guys. they are having way too much fun without me. i need better gas mileage. so, up, up to 40 on the highway? then myford touch just said the temperature.
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here we go. nice and loose. ohhh. those are loose, but i actually just ordered three pairs of this kind. ooooohhhh. oh. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. next week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- jessica simpson. kristen bell. don rickles. kristin chenoweth. gael garcia bernal. ice cube. dave franco. and jimmie johnson. plus, music from the naked and famous. dr. teeth and the electric mayhem, featuring travis barker. neon trees. and kiss. little money? let's start with a paint we know can do the job. new glidden duo paint plus primer available only at the home depot. one coat does double duty. and fits our budget perfectly. so there's a brand-new room... ...right where the old one used to be.
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more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. new glidden duo paint plus primer. only at the home depot. and starting at only $24.97 a gallon. so i get claritin clear. this is all bayberry. bayberry pollen. very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. live claritin clear. music. and the confidence to win. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders active sport with the high-performance hydrazinc formula, helps lock in scalp moisture for hair that's up to 100% flake-free. head & shoulders active sport for men. wash confidence in.
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our next guest started her career at 15 years old, working 18 hours a day on mexican soap operas. i've been there. that hard work has paid off with a role in the new will ferrell movie, "casa de mi padre." it opens in theaters manana. please say hello to genesis rodriguez. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> hola, jimmy. >> jimmy: hola. [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: yes, i will marry you. [ laughter ] thank you for asking. [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: this dress is something else. >> he doesn't understand spanish. >> jimmy: i understand a little espanol. try me out. [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: do you want to go to the dragon and see if he's a whore? [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: you want to get a drink is what you're saying?
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>> guillermo? >> jimmy: i have a little mexican angel on my shoulder there. [ laughter ] and he helps me. >> guillermo. >> jimmy: either that or he was wanting to go get a drink. i don't know. was in a a signal to me, guillermo? >> yeah. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> i'm from miami. >> jimmy: you're from miami. >> yes. i was born in miami. i grew up half of the time in venezuela. i had to go because my dad -- >> jimmy: it's okay. it's okay you went. i have a picture of your dad. >> because that's weird. >> jimmy: you dad is a famous guy, especially in venezuela. >> he's a good-looking dude, man. >> jimmy: he has the greatest nickname i've ever heard. el puma. why is he known as el puma. >> he earned that. he's the most interesting man on the planet. >> jimmy: really? is he really interesting?
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>> heck, yeah. >> jimmy: my kids don't find me at all interesting. you do find your dad interesting? >> absolutely. i think he's the coolest man on the planet. just the greatest guy i know. he was a sex symbol. an incredible singer. >> jimmy: i have this, too. >> had the ladies around him. i was so confused and so jealous. why is my -- it's my dad. it's my time. >> jimmy: who are these ladies? >> ladies. fans. >> jimmy: okay. but your mom was all right with that. >> she's cool. she's oall good with that. not that way, man. my mom's a serious woman here. >> jimmy: your dad's in the movie, too. >> he is. >> jimmy: which is nice. the movie's very funny. it's all in spanish, for those who don't know. how is will ferrell's spanish, in your opinion? >> really? >> jimmy: yeah. >> incredible. >> jimmy: like hard to believe? >> no. he's really, really, really great at it. he nailed the mexican cadence.
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i had to adjust for this. and i couldn't imagine this gringo doing this. >> jimmy: on the telenovellas you worked at, was it really six days? >> they had to control the rates. if we had a passionate embrace, two days later i would hate the guy because the audience doesn't like us together. >> jimmy: really? >> you'd go blind. and you'd recuperate your vision. then, crazy, crazy situations. >> jimmy: they would test what the audience would like and didn't like after the show would air. >> it's a very democratic way of doing television. absolutely. >> jimmy: they're writing at the last minute, the show. >> yes. which by the way, you have to learn the lines because if you don't, you will be killed off. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> the writers were so sensitive ant it. if you don't say our lines, we're just going to kill you. >> jimmy: really? and would they really do that?
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>> yeah. i got killed. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: so, you're on these things at 15 years old. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you're family is -- are they enthusiastic about this? did they want you to do this? >> oh, no. my mother said i should have been something special, like a lawyer or the president. but i mean, i don't know. >> jimmy: is she disappointed now? >> she's extremely disappointed. >> jimmy: she is? for real? >> i'm dragging her along to all this? why am i here? >> jimmy: she had enough with el puma. >> she lived it once. and she's doing it again. and i'm just abusing of her right now. >> jimmy: do you have siblings? >> i don't. i have two half-sisters. but we don't -- you know. it's just me and my mom. >> jimmy: you and your mom. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she's to the point where she needs to get over it. >> get over it, carol. >> jimmy: maybe you shouldn't be calling her carol. you should stick with mom. >> it's carol. >> jimmy: she wants to be called carol? >> yeah. because she had me very young. it was the really hot chick with a little kid. she was very self-conscious
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about it. >> jimmy: is she in show business also? >> she tried modeling a bit. but then, she realized, she liked to eat. so -- >> jimmy: oh, really? [ cheers and applause ] guillermo is nodding over there. >> i like to eat, too, guillermo. >> great. >> jimmy: you know what i wanted to ask you about? you worked with our former governor, i understand. >> i did. >> jimmy: arnold schwarzenegger. >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: could you understand anything he said? >> everything is funnier in an austrian accent. everything. the first day i met him, it was like, sit down. i was like, okay. okay. get lunch. okay. i'll get lunch. i'm not hungry right now. and i sat down and i'm listening to him. and i'm eating. and he started saying the greatest stories. and i punched arnold. >> jimmy: why? he tried to impregnate you. >> let me tell you something. >> jimmy: go ahead. >> he was mr. universe. he was the terminator. and he was the governor. he clearly knows things.
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that we don't. we have to learn things from arnold. >> jimmy: yeah, well -- >> we really do. >> jimmy: there were a couple of things we definitely learned. so, you're in a movie with him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow. that's pretty good, huh? >> i know. >> jimmy: is it coming out soon? >> it's coming out next year. you'll have me back, i guess. >> jimmy: do you have love scenes with the govern center. >> i don't. >> jimmy: you don't? you lucked out. he's very fertile. you have to be careful. you'll wind up being called carol. it was nice to meet you. go see the movie. "casa de mi padre" opens in theaters tomorrow. genesis rodriguez. when we come back, music from the joy formidable. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ abacus watching me ♪ ♪ all we have is this chance called memory ♪ ♪ haunting me all we have is ♪ ♪ this chance called memory haunting me ♪ ♪ all we have is this chance called memory ♪ ♪ haunting me all we have ♪ ♪ is this chance called memory ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to thank channing tatum. i want to thank genesis rodriguez. i want to apologize to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. their debut album "the big roar." playing us off the air with "whirring," see the full performance at, once again, the joy formidable. good night. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this much delight
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fills columns to new heights ♪ ♪ all these things about me you never can tell ♪ ♪ colors run prime paint a picture so bright ♪ ♪ all these things about me you never can tell ♪ ♪ you make me sleep so badly invisible friend ♪ ♪ turn the dial on my words i can feel they fall short ♪ ♪ turn the dial chime alarm, chime alarm ♪ ♪ watch these hands move apart turn the dial on my words ♪ ♪ i cee
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