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tv   Inside Washington  ABC  May 13, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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>> i think same-sex couples should be able to get married.. >> this weweek on "inside washington," p president obama gives the green light to same- sex marriage. >> marriage itself is the relationship between a man and woman. >> the tea party claims of one more republlican incumbent richard lugar. >> who sure republicans want the senanate taking a more conservative line. >> even high school is not o off- limits. >> i did some stupid ththings in high school d if i hurt anyone with that, i am sorry and i apologize for it.
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>> a bomb makers still at it, and borders in europe trigger a political tsunami. >> money is like water, and if the dam brks, ththat could flood. captioned by the national caponininstitute >> as we all know, vice president joe biden has a reputation as someone afflicted with foot-in-mouth disease. on last sunday's "meet the press," he said gamarriage is fine with them. >> i am absolutely comfortable with the fact that many married menomen marrying women, are entitled to the same exact rights. >> that caused major flap with
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the chattering classes, and mieeeek, in an interview with robin roberts, the p president suggested he jumped the gun. >> he got a little over his skis boat t out of generosity of spirit. >> on the fox news website, a man who has been around this town a a long time said that the president and vice-president "played us." >> as much respect as i have for him, i don't think so. this was not one where the president appeared to be leading forcefully with conviction om his position involving. it was carried out, press available only to robin roberts of abc, who deserves credit for forcing the president to talk about this subject.
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>> colby? >> the president had to say something. ishand was forced no onlyy by vice president joe biden but secretary of education arne duncan. the comment was nohiswn but he did the best he could under -- timing was not hisis own but he did the best he could under the circumstances. >> evan? >> good to see a politician saying what he believes. he believes in the marriage, but for is to come after -- i think ey called themm joebombs in the white hse. give him credit for coming out for sothing he believes in. >>n? > -- nin >>t is aisky stepp. it will energize his base and get extra money from the gay community.
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republicans seem uomfortable about it,t, too. nobody is quite sure how this will play out. the presidentnt, instead of taking risk -- president is taking a risk and it is not clear in the long run. >> hollywood was open with open arms and open checkbooks this weekend. john boehner, the h house speaker says it is time to shift the debate to the economy. >> i believe that marriage is the union of one man andnd one moment. the presidt and democrats can talk about this all they walk. the american people are focused on our economy not asking the question, where the jobs? -- and is asking the qstion, where are the jobs? >> does he have a point? >> that is where you want to run the campaign if you are john boehner. this is an issue that is truly
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dynamite politically. if you think about it, the change, when bill clinton was president in 1996, 27% of americans were in favor of same- sex marriage. 60% opposed. the same poll, majority y now support. that is a sea change in a short time. 31 consecutive states have voted on this and voted it down. in iowa in 2009 the supreme court unanimously legalized same-sex marriage. the next year, very next year, the supreme court justices were ousted from office, the first time in 50 years. it is an explosive issue. >> how many people are going to go into the polling place and say, "obama is for gay marriage, i am against him"? >> not on that one iss, but it fits the narrative, the general
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perception of obama as dictating,g, particularly with angry whites who are swing votersn a lot of these states. >> i thinthat i is a little over-simplistic -- forgive me, evan. it is young people driving his opinion overwhehelmingly, but yoyoung people don't vote as much. a lot of these laws that have banned gay marriage have passed during primary times. it is very complicated. >> it affects a lot oolder voters. >> older voters, perhaps a lot of african-american voters. would hurt barack obama in the eltion? no, it won't. wewell let her enthusiasm for him? i don't think so over the long haul. it is probably better that he
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ok this position now than later in the year. the ise is beyond back obama. the question is where the countrtry is on this issue. do you do it through the ballot box or throu the courts?s? i think you do it through the courts. >> this raises the profile of that issue, same-sex marriage, in 2012. no doubt abo that. the second is that it highlights, spotlights the differences between barack obama and mney.
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in a minute, but i c cannot resist ththis. in west virginia, keithth russell judd 142% of the vote. he is a prisoner at the belmont federal correctional institution in texas. how significant is this? it sounds funny, but if you were running the obama campapaign, would you be worriedbout that number? >> yes. any time and i, -- a incumbent who is unchallenged for nomination gets a 20%, that is a cause for concern. 30% is a cause for alarm. 40% is a statement. the governor of west virginia, a democrat, and the united states senator joe manchin, will n not
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reveal for home they voted in the tuesday primary. the prisoner will be at the reeation arein 20 minutes. >> west virgin at never did love barack obam hillary clinton buried him. >> to follow on mark's point linden johnson had a simimar experience in new hampshire. >> but what happened to him. >> we saw something comparable in south carolina last year, when an unknown i individual with a criminal record won the democratic nomination and got thosose from people who knew nothing about him. same thing in this case in west virginia- >> the democratic party is a big tent. >> that pron ibelmonte's the worst of the worst, also. >> wee have a lot of angry voters
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out there and, if they are voting for cons. >> angry republican voters told lugar to takake a height. >>he lugar election which you could see comoming about month and half ago is evidence of such polarization that mr. mourdock said that the problem with lugar is that h crossed party lines. in my ew, that is not a way to run a country, but ideas winning momore and more. -- ti is winning more and more. it gives the demrats bitit of an opening in indiana. >> lugar is well respeed in washingtgton, the people back home thought he had gone washingt. he did not even have a permanent
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redence in indiana -- >> he had a farm. >> but that does not pass thias far asoing back and staying in touch with people in indiana. i have familyn indiana and they don't know lugar other tn any money washington. >> i like lugar, but he wais 80 years old. >> what are you in an ageist? >> oh, oh. >> this was a tea party vicictory mourdock is different in that he is a state treasurer, t somme nobody. but it does fortified position of t the tea party, and the biggest liability for lugar other than his agend his residency isis that barack obama
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had praised him as a senator he could work with. >> kiss of death. >> it was a over norist victory,oo. >> club for growth ended up spending -- >> let me ask about the mitt romney high school thing. he does not rememberer it, he says, but they roughed up aid who looks different. highchool is no longer off- limits? >> kids are cruel. i am surall of us did someththing we regret. this looks like something out rule he d. it is not necessarily define you for life. the question is whether anynything like that comes up from later in lifefe. >> he had a good resnse. he said he was sorry for it, and i think he will be able to sayy that his life has been pretty exemplary. i think there are too ma samples -- >> maybe he just did not care.
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i want to s somethinglse about the tea rty and mi romney this week, judson phillips asked whhe was going -- if he was going to vote for romney, said "i will have a large bottle of pepto-bismol in one hand and barf bag in the other." thus spopoke t tea p pty of mitt romney. >> ooh.
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>> they keep trying to devise more terrible ways to k kill innocent peop. it is a render as to why we ha tremain vigilant at home and abroad. >> the subject, the new
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underwear bomb. the first one did not work so they have to have a more sophisticated want to get through airportt detection devices. why do we know about the double agent? they used to call them secret agents for a reason. >> it would be bter if this we all silen i don't think this good news. ere is tension as to whether to report these things are not, but we need all the double agents we can get. >> i think that is the most troubling thg about it. it is great that they were ae to do tis and was apparently done principally under the auspes of the its, who usually can keep a secret. and wi help from us and from the saudis. if i had gotten destroyed, what i have run with it? absolutely -- if i had gotten the story, would have run with it? an absolute, because you figigure
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anybody else would have. >> that is a good point that at what point does the press have a responsibility to sit on this stuff colby? you have worked in that field. >> both sis. to me the significance of this stor is not the way it was handled in the press, but the fact that they are trying to come up with new devices to get around screing. the good thing about this is the cooperation we had with allies, particularly the saudis. this was a saudi and fought in this operation. they have good intelligence service in that part of the world. >> i bet that some of these except this information n in them. -- some of these leaks have misisinformation in that greahem. >> the fbi is getting better at
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this than they used to be pai .. >> i don't think there is any argument. the surveillance laws are up for renewal. ththis is not going to hurt the cause of renewal -- >> you cynic you. >> i'm just trying to put together pieces s of the cross we puzuzzled. not crs word puzzle, jigsaw pupuzzle. >> they h had a pretty sorry record break in the last five, 10 years, its recocord of being able to kill people -- i don't know how else to put it -- has gotten pretty good. >> we have not killed the guy who is the big bomb maker in yemen. >>ut we are getting close. every time those drones s go out and strike, they narrow the
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number oal qaeda in yemen working there. >> and every time, it widenshe number of civilians who are angry, furious, and alienated. it is not a freebie. >> drones scare me because they will be used against us me day. >> i am notaking away from the intelligence service. as an instrument of war it is not consequence-free. >> they and not that sophisticated and more and ty don't have to be good. >> we have had a lot of collateral damage in the lasast two wars that did not involve dres or civilian casualties. i don't know if we willveret to the point where we will eliminate the unfortunate consequence.
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>> hear you see it the only good
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news that came out of greece this week. the actress is ghlighting the relate torch for t the olympics. colby, the rest of the news from greece and europe is lousy. >> lousy, and cocomparable to what we went through in the 1980's with the debt crisis. they have the same problem and they got to at the same way. they have the clout to make deloping countries do the austerity they have e to. there is nobody to forcrce greece or ireland to be able to drink that medicine. >> france's predent is a man who led the socialist party for years. is he for r or against us? >> he is a master of mern
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western democracies were they don't st your proems and postpone the day of judgment. when iss the euro going to collapse? it is like watching a car wreck play out in slw-motion. >> what will it do to us, nina? >> if it collapses, and could hurt us severely and result in obama not being reelected. but you do have to moderate austerity witith some idea of how people live. >> elilies in europe and the united states, present company excluded or 10100% for austerity. austerity has been found to be politically unsustainable in europe, left or right.
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it is this prescription that t has led to growing unemployment and social dislocation. i would say that that would be the lesson o of this country. what the republicans did in the house this week was absolutely stupid as far as their survival as a party. >> nina, before we go, our condolences s on the passing of your father, a world-renowned virtuoso violin thiist. he was 101. >> his death was as extraordinarys his life. he made his debut at 11 years old. he went on to become one of the great violinists of his time tricky premiered works of dozensns of contemporary musicians even got called up on to the state b by benny goodman to gent with the band -- jam with the banned trade in t last week of his
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life, when his kidneys collapsed word went out but he wawas dying, and his former students fm all over ththe country started showing up at our house, driving through the nighto get there. we had to dissuade a kid from poland from jumping on a plane. all he wanted to do was play. he would conduct with his eyes closed in his bedroom slowing the pace and thhere, speeding it up, clapping like this. at one. there was a young woman playing a concerto, and she cannot hear what he was whisperiring. she put her ear to his lips, and he said, "that d, it was flat." [laughter] >> thanks, nina. let's gi him the last word. see you nene week. ♪ ♪
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