tv Washington Business Report ABC May 13, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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feel good a ybout your decisions. captioned by the national captioning institute >> business news from the capital region. this is "washington busisiness report" with abc7 national correspondent rebecca cooper. >> thank you for joining us for a lolook at business and finance in the washington region. it was a week where a $1 billion loss by j.p. morgan case raises questions about regulation and as president obama. for fairness, republicans y they will not be distracted by talks about gay marriage. let's look to e economic
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outlook for our region. what does the smar money saved? when the question comes up, we callll investor, an entrepreneur, and owner of the washington cassels professional texas team -- tennis team. he has a catalog issues tt move young companies to move out of theistrict. markthank you f for java in a. of what is t the outlook for the rest o of 2012? is it an investment opportunity? >> i think things are saying it stable but will be bumpy for a while. i think we are in the middle f someacro trends that will be here. the companies are movoving in, stay in. at the same time,e, governmenent spending l less and consolidating
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real-estate. i think you have a mix of things that willl kp them bubumpingg along wiwith many ups and downs hopefully nothing too sevevere on the down side. >> you havto do a different vvanta points. you are the vicehairman off two harbored corpotions, wit a a lot invested in al estate and you are the owner of capital security, which i lenened has 50% of d.c. bubuilding. from that vtage point what do you see? >> from a commercial real-estate point of the dl, there are some conventions -- some projojects that will be redeveloped, but not as mh as historically. there is construction of resisidential real estate, particularly apartment. therwas a shift of people
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renting to buying in the 2000's, and now we are shifting back its mortgages are harder to get.t. ople are moving backk to aparartments. relative to the rest of the country, d.c. is prorobably the be commercial real-estate market. >> there is a fight growing, and a lot people say if you want to keep developing d.c., liftt the heigight restriction let buildings be taller than the washington monument. you say that is a bad idea. convce me. i think it might not hurt. > i think its a really bad idea. again we have arguably the best real-estate market, and the two sources of great stability have been the government and the real-e-estate market, and the reason theeal-estate market is so s stable is you can not mess up the balance of supply and demand with one tall building. almost every single city, if
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the is someone building one yscraper the market is flat on its head. because there is a heigh limit neighborhoods have bn developed ound the city. yoyou have to spread out. that leads to o retail, residential, and one of the great things is that the element is widespread, notoncentrated. >> b because there i is th finite supply, you are one of the biggestdvocates, giving a speech to the d.c. chber o commerce taking them to tasksk for letting businesses move outut of thee city, andnd one of the reasonons is they do n not have the space to ow. >> i also identified that we have space to build campuses. histstorically we focus on tracting govovernment clients. we shoulfocus equally as hard on bringing corporate users to those spaces, and whether it is walter reed, osaint elizabeth
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there are a lotf places to have developme. i think dedevelopment will spread wider. that i is great.. we still need devepment east of the riviver around the bal park where we e could of world- class development. >> t tickets to the message he ma about a common refrain that taxes are too high in the distririct a the district does not cacare about keeeping some of the businesses that leave. >> from a tax pererspective we are in a uniquee place where you coululd stay in the washingto area and move across the river ben virginia, and be in a differenent tax regim that is an issue. is the whole regulatory environment which historically have been a lot more friendly in virginia. the second point ii speak to companies that were started in washington, and it is amamazing that people dodo not realize t world class cocompanies started in wasngton and moved out --
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one ofof the common refrain is is that the d.c. govevernment did not carry enougugh to get engaged with them. i think this it administration is doing a good job of trying to fix thatat. they have donone a lotot to retain companies like livg social. >> you have come a fan of the mayor. he has had stumbles along the way. whwhat in fact -- whatat impresses you about vincent gray? >> i have only gotten to know the mayor sinche ce in office. i thk he c cares deeply about ththe city. i thk he undererstands the balalance between the difrent connstitueuencies it tes to govern and g grow the city. i think he workiking really hard too make the city a better place. >> it is fair to say the city hataken a bla guy into o the region with the investigations into the city government. -- black hieye with all of t
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investigations. >> i think t the forces that create grorowth are much better than any of these short tererm things. hopefufully they will pas with good outcomes, but long term it wi not have an impact. >> we are going to talk about something that is having an impact on the city, and that is a championsh team you brought to the city as a strategy that is starting to pay off. will hear from one of your top ststars. the coa. >> loved it.
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>> welelcome back. the washington kastles are preparing for theirir summer scheduleand the business office has started selling ticketets. murphy jensen coached the team to the 2011 championship and he joins altheir mark ein -- owner mark ein. murphy jensen, hoare the washington kastles doing? >> we are going to be great this year as we were last year, completing the first perfect season. i know you were at some of the matches. >> it t is a lot of funou make it fun the showman. >> i was praying for a victory. that was at 15-0, and i threw a water bottle and really messed up the team.
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>> -- you have to save those for the john mcenroe match this. it wasas not initially at successful -- successful vestment. why did you do ? >> it w set up to give back to the community,y, the game of texas, and back to the community that has beeso gooood -- tennisnd back to the community so we could help local charitable partners. that is still our primary goal after >> but it has essentially become a successful buness. >> that is the thing. mark zuckerberg atat fabook has said that he wantnts to create a pruct at wilill changnge th wod, butut creating a good business how that allolows him to have a b bigger impact, and that is the se thing with us. the better the business, the more people come to the natchez e more sponsors are --
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natchez, the sponsors are activated. we sold out every game last year. we have e a buh of great sponsors. we have great traction on the coururt and off the cot. >> murphy jensen we give you a lot of credit. mark ein was voted best marketeter, but you are very savvy as well. what is your advice to business people? > follow mark ein. that is what attracted me to washshington, d. i could lrn sething beyon the game of tennis. when you stop playing whehether you're going to o do? our team istacked with talent. we also arable to sell of the venue thout a marquee name. it is momore abobout thecene and the community, and whahat we are giving to make the biggest
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inspector >> whyid you learn along the way? -- ththe biggest impact. >> what did you learn along the way? >> it has been an incredible learning experience because i'm usualllly an investor and a stepp orwo removed from the level of detail that i have been. we have used a lot of grasss roots. one of the secrets of our successes we havave been out in the loc community. that is one of the great things about having murphy. he comes of those to the clubs needs the people one-on-one. learning howow to combine the power of traditional mia wit new media toto create an audience -- i havave learned a lot. >> you were bold as well, venturing into terriritory when the vererizon center was billed ---
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was built in an area people said wod not t turn around. why did you get the waterfront? it is magical. we have this amazing waterfron and it has not been used tear >> it can be a totough sell. >> it can, but every single person left saying this is an incredible environment. in 10 ars, the a area will be reredeveloped anand people will say i i do not knowhy iwas not always likike this. you are on the water. the access to ryla and virginia is easy. it is r really y one of the most beautitiful rts of the city and it has not been used. >> we have to wrap it up, but we have had so many larger-than- life sports team owners, who do you ranank as t the best ad bubusiness? >> ted has done an amazin job. what he has done with the
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capitals the environment, the community he is built a i grew u up in this area. the e capitals wereever the t first t thing peoplehought of, andd now when yogo a around on game day, it is a sea of red. >> daniel schneider, you hearard it. you lost out in this round. thank you for joining us. we will be right back.
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>> it is roundtable time on "wasashingtoton business report." we are glad to have a test case brower and the director r for teaching the entrepreneur shipped.c. regioion. take, but me start with you. we had big news when j.p. morganan chase announced a billion dollar loss. it captured a lot of attention in washington because it was the rock stalike ceo jamie dimon who had been one of the ones lobbying whingn the hardest to get rid of regulations under dodd-frank. what is the reaction at the whe house? >> it is interesting. this plays into the clinton'n's hands. a lot of people are saying -- and the pon anddists cans.
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-- hands. he said that this i a wake-up call. the $2 billion loss is not disastrous but it shows the need for the volcker rule which is part of dodd-fran and it would ban this proprietary tradiding among commercial banks. so, it is i interesesting because as you said jamie dimon held a meeting with other ceo's try to find a way around dodd-frank. >> he'd brought j.p.p. morgan to the difficult mes asas one o of the successful ones, and he was critical sayin they stepped in and that they should not have been involved with bankingng but then on the conference call he said many errors were responsible, tre wasas bad judgment.
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they made egregioious mistakes. why s should d washington trust anything the banking industry has to say about regulating itself? > it is tough. it was eight teachable momen but right now someone like mitt romney would not want to enfce dodd-frank it is certainly a controversial thing with is loss. i would not be surprised to see obama campaigign tried to feed on this with mbe an advertisement pointing out that dodd-frank is not put in place, something like this could happen many times over.. >> julia amidst a owly recoveri economy, you are known for your ergy and enthussm to teaching region
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for teachg the nt generation not be afraid of business. how do you when part that message when young people see how difficult oan economy this is? >> the youth on employment rate is so high, and we are teaching kids that you do not get to go to work at mcdonald'd'ss or eight records store. -- a record store. we are saying make a job. take your passion and hobbyby and see how y you can start a small businesse have e been scang in america's schools teachining young people in low-income communities thatat they could ta charge of their destiny start a small business. >> it amazing to see the impact you are having. you are started by a forr entrepreneur were in new york, and you are across the country. yoare in charge of one of the most-active offices in
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washingt. tellus the numbers appeared >> it was started out of a mugging incident. he realized america's kids were not learning g about bususiness, especially in tough neighborhoods. he took his passion for small business and he decided to bring it to the kids that need it the mo starting in the south bronx hh netteve -- south bronx. i met steve when i was 21. it changed my y life.. hearing him speak, i wanted to come back to d.c., anand initially vovolunteer. i came e back to d.c. and 1995. we had a hundred kids inhe program and one donor. today, we train 2500 kids and we have about 600 d donorsponsing kids. >> that is an amazing number.
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kate brower, i want to talk about what the present has been saying about p for women. julie says do notait, m make your own. the president is touting thehe paycheck fairness act. what is that abobout? >> he is targeting the first act that he signened as president that is already in place. >> equal pay for women but it is not happening everywhere. >> a story i am doing is that itit is not doing what t he promised. there have been fewer wage discrimination cases. it is not athou the wage gap has lessened at all. in fact, it is actually higher. th g gap is wider r than it was before the recession. >> what is he trying to do now with the paycheck fairness act? >> he is trying to lobby congress to get thahat done.
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he would make it easier for peoplele to find out they're not getting discriminated against. >> h how wl that play out on the campaign trail? >> 56% of ththe electorate are women. he w won them by 13%. mitt rney has and put on the defens asked iff he would sign that if he went o on to be prident, and he kind of said he would not do anything to repeal it. the womemen's vote is huge. i i wanted to look atat the trruth behindnd what the president is saying.. i go to one of these fd- raiserto >> you are one ofhe best factheckers. thank you for your perspective. stay tuned, our number of the week.
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