tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 10, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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"jimmy kimmel live" is up next. we'll you here tomorrow. >> dicky: tonight on an all new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: on the fourth of july, our budget was like the first 20 minutes of "saving private ryan." we blew everything up. cars, fire hydrants, grandparents. >> dicky: carl reuben. dreama walker and music from marina and the diamonds. >> jimmy: do you secretly love riley?
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>> jimmy: joining us here on this -- [ cheers and applause ] -- warm summer night. all right. are you guys still on vacation? is it vacation week for many of you here? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are not on vacate skags. well, i guess you wouldn't be here if we were. in fact, we were off last week for the fourth of july. i'm happy to announce for the 44th fourth of july in a row, i still have all ten of my fingers. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is very funny. this went on in san diego. they have a big fireworks show there called the big babe boom. more than 500,000 people waited hours and hours to see it this year. unfortunately, it was over almost as quickly as it started. the fireworks, it was supposed to be choreographed and go through 18 minutes of music. instead, they all went off at
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once. [ fireworks ] >> jimmy: that will do it. the whole show lasted like 20 seconds. and everyone packed up and went home. don't worry about it, you know what, it happens to a lot of cities. it's nothing to be ashamed of. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: every great youtube video ends with the guy saying "that was awesome." fireworks are very regulated these days. when i was a kid in brooklyn, the first 20 minutes of "saving private ryan." we blew everything up. cars, grandparents. nowadays, unless you live on swamp land in florida, you can't even buy firecrackers. i used to work at a fireworks stand. customers used to ask me, what does this one do.
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for every one, i'd say "it emits a shower of sparks." like it said on the labeling. this year in arizona, they had some fireworks that i'd never heard of before, and neither had this local news reporter. >> good morning, guy, just because you can buy a golden shower fountain here that is legal here doesn't mean you can set it off in your background. that's what they call it, rick, the golden shower fountain. >> jimmy: that's why you have to google before you do a newscast. everything is dirty now. there was supposed to be a big mess on the internet. experts were predicting that hundreds of thousands would not be able to go online for a bns virus. they were calling it internet doomsday. we may be overusing the word doomsday, not being able to check in on four square doesn't mean doom. it might actually be fliek the
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matrix when neo take takes that pill and says what happened, you've been living in a holographic pod your fire life. well, what about my farm? it wasn't a farm, it was farmville. the virus was the work of six estonian cybercriminals. really -- it sounds like the plot of mish impossible 8. does estonia even have computers? the fbi has been working to eradicate the virus. more than 4 million computers were affected worldwide. it was thought if people were unable to look at the internet, they'd be forced to look at pornography. fortunately, very few were affected. >> jenny from spokane, washington, posted a picture of her dog buttons wearing a bandana. and this -- ♪
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>> jimmy: great job, estonia. those are "johnny carson show" curtains. did any of you see the new "spider-man" movie this weekend [ cheers and applause ] "the amazing spider-man" was the number one movie at the box office. grossed $338 million. narrowly edging out mitt romney. last weekend, a movie about a violent teddy bear was number one. it's a very good time to be 8 years old. it really is. some people complained that this new spider-man movie was too similar to the first one which how different do you expect a spider-man movie to be? he's spider-man. he got bit by spider-man. what do you want him to do? go to dental school? the big success of the spider-man movie means a big boost for out our local hollywood boulevard spidermens.
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there are characters outside the studio who you probably met on the way in. they take pictures for tips. hi, spidey, how are you? >> i'm fine, how are you >> jimmy: why do you have a gun, by the way? why does spider-man carry a gun? >> since he's got to work on hollywood boulevard. >> jimmy: i see. okay. what else do you have on your belt there may i ask? >> a cell phone, direct connection to the mayor. >> jimmy: do you know the mayor's name. >> yeah, villaraigosa. >> jimmy: and what else do you got there? >> from australia. >> jimmy: why, are australians better tippers. >> there are more australians than chinese. >> jimmy: i notice you're wearing one glove like michael jackson. >> that's what i tell everybody.
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i'm the michael jackson of spider-man. >> jimmy: i don't know what that mean, but congratulations. where are you from, by the way? >> i'm from san francisco. >> jimmy: can you reveal your secret identity? >> well, yeah, i guess so. >> jimmy: i guess what i really want to ask more than anything is, you know, spider-man, the movie, grossed $338 million this weekend. how much did you gross in tips this weekend? >> about $330. >> jimmy: that much? >> well, yeah, counting from july 4th till now. >> jimmy: what do you keep looking at on the side there? >> well, at least i don't have to eat out of the trash can like that guy over there? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what's going on over there? is there somebody eating out of the trash can? >> yeah. >> jimmy: spider-man is seeing things. thanks for talking to us. good luck out there. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know, he doesn't need muscles anymore.
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this is funny. from the new show in new zealand. dr. wayne hope, i don't know who he is, he's talking about rupert murdock's plan. he had trouble with the dismount. >> doctor, thank you for coming in this morning. >> thank you very much. >> still to come, sleeping out in the cold to draw attention to the harmlessness in new zealand, we'll bring you more of the saga for the first time to resume the parties have overreacted. now, it's time for sports making news this morning. >> jimmy: in new zealand, they let the guests leave in a counterclockwise fashion. [ applause ] >> jimmy: a new episode of the "the bachelorette" here on abc tonight. bacheloret emily had one-o one dates with the three remaining suitors. we don't want to brag, when emily was here. i had not seen any of the show.
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i made predictions based on who the final choices would be. the final three were jef, sean and ari. first of all, i think jef -- with one "f." i find it unacceptable that he has one "f" in his name. >> no. unacceptable. >> it's cool. >> jimmy: sean. >> i like the ginger. >> jimmy: and ary the race car driver. >> really, i know nothing about indycar. i know nascar. >> jimmy: you know it now, though, because you and he are maybe there. look at that, jef, sean and ari, the three i picked. [ cheers and applause ] you know, before last season, "the bachelor" i correctly guessed bachelor ben's final four picks.
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and i correctly picked "dancing with the stars" season two. i'm the gay nostradamus. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] tonight, emily had the option tonight to use the fantasy suite with her three finalists and she opted not to sleep with any of them. that is not how the show is supposed to work. you're supposed to sleep with all of them and get engaged with all of them. that's supposed to last 14 weeks and then break it up. this is like if you go on "jeopardy!" and you refuse to answer in the form of a question. sean got the boot that means ari and one "f" jef will face off in the finale and we can go back tole not caring about any of them. this is interesting video. roy mitchell. went into a convenience store get a bag of nacho cheese dor o doritos. he paid for the doritos but when the clerk turned around, he pulled a gun out and demands
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money. this is his mom who comes in, yells at him, takes the gun out of his hand. and forces him to leave with her, which he did, but before he went, he made sure to grab those doritos. [ cheers and applause ] you know, you get hungry. he was arrested. on charges of attempted armed robbery, and he's also grounded for three weeks. [ laughter ] mothers, congratulations are in order for courtney kardashian who gave birth to a reality show spinoff. penelope, that's penelope with a "k." knowing the kardashians, they probably taped the birth of the show. which would mean they showed us both the beginning and the end of the reproductive process.
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little penelope was born at the same hospital that ernest borgnine passed away. i'm hoping someone makes a movie where his spirit takes over the baby. i'm the new kardashian. justin bieber was stopped by police not too far from here, cited with reckless driving. he's trying to get away from paparazzi, you'd think with a low-profile car like that, he'd be able to fly under the radar. somehow, they noticed him. it's important to remember, four years ago, justin bieber was a 14-year-old girl singing on youtube. now, he's got grown men chasing him on the freeway. after justin got ticketed, the paparazzi started following him again, he called 911 to report them. tmz got their hands on the tape. >> 911 emergency, what are you reporting? >> hello, i have like five cars following me.
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>> okay, where are you located? >> i'm passing barnham boulevard -- >> barnham? >> barnum. >> what are the cars doing? >> they won't stop following me. >> what's your name? >> justin. >> what? did you say justin? are you justin bieber? >> yes. >> get the [ bleep ] out of here. holy [ bleep ] justin bieber is on the phone. guess who is on the phone? justin bieber! >> hello? >> this is crazy. >> can i just feel your hair, put your hair on the phone. justin put your hair on the phone. i want to hear your hair. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. tmz. from now on, justin will be transported obtusively in a nondescript carrier. i had an idea, to hookle kids up
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to what they think is a lie detector. they think that because i lied to them and told them it was a lie detector. we've done this a few times and went ahead and did it again. this time, it was an adorable young lady who's name is joel. hello. >> high. >> jimmy: how are you? >> good. this is the truth fairy. the truth fairy is going to hook you up to the machine. go ahead and do that. this is call add lie detector. do you know what that is? >> no. >> jimmy: a lie detecter is a machine that helps you know if you're telling the truth or not. i'm going to ask you to tell the truth, the whole truth and not a half truth, okay? is that comfortable on your head. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: okay. we're off to a bad start. that feels a little uncomfortables right? what is your name? >> joel. >> jimmy: how old are you?
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>> 5 1/2. >> jimmy: what grade are you in? >> kindergarten. do you like all the other kids in school. >> i feel not. >> jimmy: who do you have a problem with? >> his name is riley. >> jimmy: riley, okay. all right. anybody else? >> i don't know. no. >> jimmy: nobody else. douflt secretly love riley? >> no. [ buzzer ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a little bit? >> i guess a little. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: sometimes, that happens when girls will see girls in school and they're mean to them, it's because they really like them, did you know that? >> no. >> jimmy: i have a feeling riley has a crush on you. >> hmm >> jimmy: uh-huh. have you ever killed anyone? >> no. >> jimmy: do you think you ever will will anyone? >> no. >> jimmy: do you know who let the dogs out? >> yes.
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>> jimmy: who? who? who? ♪ who let the dogs out [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: that's weird that it would do that, huh? are you always nice to the other kids in your class? [ buzzer ] >> yes. >> jimmy: not always? >> not always. >> jimmy: what do you do? >> i have a friend named katie, she's just scribbles on it. >> jimmy: she scribbled on your drawing? >> yes. >> jimmy: and you tattled on her? >> yes. >> jimmy: and you felt that wasn't a nice thing to do. why did they scribble scrabble on your drawing? >> i don't no. >> jimmy: would you ever scribble scrabble on her drawing? >> dmo [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: you would scribble scrabble on her drawing? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you have any secrets that you're keeping from
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me? >> yes. >> jimmy: is what are they? >> i like griffin. >> jimmy: who's griffin. >> he's say boy. >> jimmy: oh, his name is griffin. does he know you think he's cute? >> yeah, because once he chased me. >> jimmy: that's how you know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can you let him catch you. >> no. >> jimmy: but secretly, you want him to keep chasing you, don't you? >> yes. >> jimmy: in that always the way. that's why we can't figure women out, what is it with you people? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: anything you want to ask the tooth fairy? >> when you're done, can you buy me a gum ball from the machine? >> guillermo: okay. >> jimmy: i'm glad we got that settled. it was very nice to meet you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, joel. tonight, dreama walker is here, we have music from marina and
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the diamonds. we'll be right back with paul reubens so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] my name is jessica jackley, and i started kiva is the world's first micro-lending platform, where anybody can lend $25 or more to entrepreneurs around the world. this is the laptop we got jessica when she first went away to college. that was the beginning of the journey for me. it's incredible to have someone tell you that your child has had such a major effect on their lives. it's hard to believe that it started with just a dream and a laptop. when the technology is right, anything can happen. vo: save $100 on a new toshiba p series laptop, backed by our perfect match promise.
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you'll inevitably find yourself on a desolate highway in your jeep grand cherokee. and when you do, you'll be grateful for the adaptive cruise control that automatically adjusts your speed when approaching slower traffic. and for the blind spot monitoring that helps remind you that the highway might not be as desolate... you thought. ♪
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well, that's too bad. we're on our break. maybe one of the other tellers can help you. ♪ [ chester cheetah ] on your way. [ male announcer ] take a cheetos break with cheetos. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: tonight on the program you know her from "don't trust the b in apartment 23." on august 17th you can see her in the movie "compliance." dreama walker is here. and with music from this album called "elektra heart" it debuted at number one in the uk and comes out in north america tomorrow. marina and the diamonds from the bud light stage. tomorrow night from the new batman movie gary oldman will be here, espy host rob riggle will join us. and we'll have music from the dirty heads. and later this week wanda sykes, fred willard, music from serj tankian, grace potter and
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the nocturnals, and more. our first guest tonight is the artist formerly and currently known as peewee, you can hear him now giving voice to the evil base commander in the animated series "tron: uprising" watch it thursdays at 8:00 on disney. please welcome paul reubens! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> thank you, thanks for having me. >> jimmy: how's your summer going? >> my summer's going great. it's halfway over. >> jimmy: i hate that it's halfway over. what are you doing this summer? >> i spend a lot of time on "tron." i've been in my storage unit pulling items from peewee's playhouse to show at the museum
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of modern art. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that's a big deal. >> yeah, there's a show called century of the child, 1900s to 2000, 100 years of influence on children. >> jimmy: wow, that's a big deal. what items? >> many hundreds of thousands of items that have nothing to do with me. >> jimmy: did you select them? >> no, i selected them. the wall unit that has the door to the playhouse. my robot. my globe, globy. and my rock, rocky. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: rocky normally doesn't go for this sort of thing. that's quite an honor, isn't it? >> yeah, very cool. >> jimmy: now, use se shg, muse art, these things are priceless art? >> part of the reason for doing it it ups the value. >> jimmy: oh, i see.
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would you ever part with those pieces? >> yeah, they're all for sale. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they are! how many peewee suits do you have? >> oh, 600 -- >> jimmy: really? >> no, three or four. >> jimmy: and do they rise up in some sort of light box like batman or ironman's and you change into them? >> no, they're stored in a salt mine. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you really want to keep it safe. "tron" is very popular. it already has a following. >> people don't know this about me, but i've actually done quite a bit of voice work. this is actually the truth. i worked on later episodes of the flintstones when a monster family moved next door the frankenstones. and i was the voice. i got to say stuff like "hi, mr. flintstone, is pebbles
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here?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's about as good as it gets. >> i worked with mel blank. >> jimmy: you did? >> it was unbelievable. i'm in the smurfs movie. i'm one of the smurfs. >> jimmy: i'm one of the smurfs, too. >> you are! >> jimmy: the other smurfs movie or the first smurfs movie? >> i'm in both. >> jimmy: i'm one of the new smurfs that moves the old smurfs out. [ laughter ] >> no, i'm one of the original old smurfs, but i have one line. >> jimmy: i'm one of the new, better smurfs. [ laughter ] >> you probably are. >> jimmy: i'm one of the top smurfs now. >> what am i, a bottom smurf? [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. they did not give distinction to me. >> i'm jokey smurf. i only have one line in the smurf movie and two lines in the
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sequel. i guess it's because i have a package and it blows up. >> jimmy: what! >> maybe that's not kid friendly. it's very confusing. >> jimmy: there are a lot of famous people doing the "tron" cartoons. >> alijah wood. emanuel siddiqui. >> jimmy: did you work together? >> we all lived in a big house. >> jimmy: is that right? >> no, not really. i hadn't met anybody until the press junket. a press junket for those of hue don't know, they do all the publicity at the same time in one place. and all the reporters and journalists come in one place, and they move the cast through it. and so we did it a few weeks ago at disney. and i have this thing that i try
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to do when i do these things where i try to make up some story that's not really true. [ laughter ] >> known as a lie. >> jimmy: a lie, yes. [ laughter ] >> and i do this for my own kind of enjoyment. i usually try on the way there to come up with it. kind of like a maepearl, i embellish it, and embellish it, because they ask you the same questions all day long. so in order to make it exciting, i lie. [ laughter ] it started years ago, i was interviewed and somebody said what's next for pee-wee herman. and i heard someone say i'm building peewee land. and i heard about peewee land,
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that one ride. i kept embellishing it. after about six months, i got a phone call from somebody who builds shopping centers who was interested in building peewee land. so on "the tron" one, i wasn't thinking very clearly. i had stayed out late the night before. and i just barely got there on time. and i forgot to come up with what's my story. so i'm in the first interview. and the first journalist says to me, what was your attraction to tron, how did you get involved in tron? were you a fan of tron? because i have a little toy from tron from the original thing. it was a life cycle. she went, you have a life cycle? [ laughter ] >> and honestly, the only thing i did right that day was i realized, wait, this is it, this is my moment. she just did the work for me, she came up with it. [ laughter ] >> so i very quickly went, yes, i have a life cycle.
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and she said, you're kidding. did you ride it here? and i went, yeah. [ laughter ] >> so i leave there, we do the rest of the interview. she goes out. another journalist comes in. and they said the same thing, how did you get involved in tron. i said, well, i have a life cycle. she said, you're kidding me, you have a life cycle. third one came in, life cycle. then the handler came in. each one of the cast had a handler. the handler comes in and says, okay. we're going to another room. they walk me down the stairs, a floor, up some stairs, down some stairs. we come to another door where they're running late a minute or two. i look down at the other end of the hall i see lance hendricksson who i hadn't met yet. i hear him saying, yeah, i understand disney's giving us a life cycle. [ laughter ] >> i'd been there like 30 minutes and they had already
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done the life cycle. i did a few more interviews and embellished it even more. they took us out of that room and took us into what they call a roundtable. instead of one-on-one, it's 20 journalists on a table. they push their microphones and tape recorders towards you. so second or third question, somebody said to me, so, how did you get involved in tron? i said, well, i have a life cycle. they're like, you're kidding me. they said, you have a life cycle? i said, yeah, disney gave them to the cast. and then i said, i understand they're giving them to you guy, all the journalists. [ laughter ] all the journalists were like in between things, we're getting life cycles. [ laughter ] >> this is one of those, i love that story. it doesn't have an ending. >> jimmy: that is a good story. [ cheers and applause ] paul reubens is here. we'll be right back. [ boy voice ] what's that green stuff?
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[ girl voice ] it's yummy avocado. a superfood. superfood? will it give me laser vision? [ boy voice ] will it give me super strength? [ girl voice ] will i be able to fly?! i want to fly! i want some! can i have some? listen! it's supergood and it's super-mine. super-possessive. super-uncalled-for. super stingy. [ male announcer ] get your own subway turkey with avocado! or add this superfood to any sub. it's avocado season! only at subway. but now you're saved clear men, with mint, ginseng, and tea tree. it feeds your scalp to stop dandruff at the source. clear men. feed scalp. stop dandruff at the source. [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ]
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[ pitbull ] get the party started. dale! [ molly ] wash your paws, mr. man! [ female announcer ] think your kids are getting a dependable clean -in the bathroom? -[ gasps ] [ female announcer ] think again. try charmin ultra strong. for a clean that passes inspection with fewer pieces left behind. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable versus the ultra rippled brand so it holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. now who's the man? you both are. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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because we wanted to reinvent the suv, we had to invent... this. the all-new escape, from ford. at restaurants now... you 5% cash back? bon appétit guys, enjoy. activate your 5% cash back at in applebee's new florentine house sirloin, we start with fresh tomatoes. look at that deep red color. that's a product of mature lycopene content, which is generated about 50 days into the growth cycle. [ male announcer ] carl, you're doing it again. i-i was gonna say it -- [ male announcer ] you're talking about tomatoes like they're your children. we love you, buddy, but you're going a little deep here. right. [ male announcer ] allow me.
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the florentine house sirloin is a big, delicious steak with fresh spinach and bruschetta. it's one of the new fresh flavors of summer, starting at just $9.99 at applebee's. see you tomorrow. shhhh shhhh shhhh [ cheeses ] surprise! did you plan all this? pretty mature, huh? wow. that is really mature. go ahead. blow out the candle! oh. [ laughs ] [ candle whistles ] [ cheeses gasp ] [ cheese #2 ] surprise. i am so good at this!
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[ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. dove knows women want to feel beautiful but need strength totoo. dove clinical protection is prescription strength wetness protection with 3x the care for skin. dove clinical protection. where beautiful women find strength.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with paul reubens. first thing i want to ask, before we move on is, the peewee movie, we heard rumors, and we discussed the possibility that you would make one with judd apatow? >> right. it's still happening but it was leaked a long time ago, but it seems too long now. >> jimmy: but you are still working on it? >> oh, yes, it's done. >> jimmy: it's done? >> well, not done shooting. >> jimmy: when do you think you'll shoot? >> october, september, november. >> jimmy: well that would be fantastic. >> i actually think it's a really funny script. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what's your character in the "tron" animated series?
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>> oh, i was hoping you wouldn't ask. i'm pabo, i'm one of the villains. >> jimmy: i believe we have a clip? you're very rangy. >> i had a lot of input. disney welcomes my input. >> jimmy: let's see the clip. ♪ >> i am abe lincoln from the past of the future. who said i look like a girl. >> you -- i was going for a justin bieber look. [ laughter ] >> i'll terrify everyone with my eyebrows. look out, giant flying staples. >> hello, welcome to epcot center, everyone. >> watch out. watch out. >> fall out
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[ belch ] >> these are my neon pajamas. >> tron, tron. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm not a "tron" expert, but that seems a little different. >> yeah, we made that up before the show. that's what it looks like but that's not how it sounds like. >> jimmy: i have a surprise for you, over the commercial break, we were so tickled overstory of a life cycle, that we actually built you a real life cycle. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's reveal it, shall we. [ cheers and applause ] >> can i get on it? >> jimmy: yes, yes. >> oh! >> jimmy: you can see, this is an exact replica of the life cycle from the movie "tron" we even have the helmet which is an exact replica. and the frisbee, too. you can drive it, whatever, you
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know. >> i'm going to take off and drive home. watch out! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know how i fit into it. >> here we go, jimmy, peel out. >> jimmy: okay. "tron uprising" airs thursdays at 8:00 p.m. on disney xd. we'll be right back with dreama walker. paul reubens, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] can't beat the silverado. sounds great. i'll take it. are you sure? you don't want to go for a test drive? no. please? let's take it for a test drive. yes! shotgun! i'll get the keys! [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. celebrate independence day with $500 cash on the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition. plus trade in an eligible vehicle and combine trade-in allowance with other discounts for a total value of $6,000. [ whirring ] cheese me. [ beeps ]
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[ beeps ] ohh! ohh! [ whistles ] i can live with it. yeah, i can, too. [ male announcer ] take a cheetos break with cheetos. you've got to be kidding me. sweetie, help us settle this. i say this and this is called southern hospitality. well, i call it the clean getaway. [ scoffs ] you're both wrong. it's the freshy fresh. everyone knows that. i didn't know that. oh yeah, that's what they're saying now. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try them together. then name it on facebook. use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints
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to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. with our babysitter. no. these work, right? no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no. really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects deli meat. the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food. [ male announcer ] you get in the zone long before the race. get your head right. and focus. on race day you don't leave anything to chance. ♪ get set every morning with gillette fusion proglide. engineered with our thinnest blades ever,
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ today, we stand against the tyranny of single mile credit cards. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] for too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn double miles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up today for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. ♪ ♪ only you ♪ ♪ only you ♪
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♪ is all i see of you in applebee's new lemon shrimp fettuccine is here just in time for summer. lemons -- [ male announcer ] is this gonna take a really long time? i haven't even -- [ male announcer ] here's the part you really care about. the new lemon shrimp fettuccine tastes incredible. it's one of the new fresh flavors of summer starting at just $9.99 at applebee's. see you tomorrow. but you can't take your pants off in a museum." [ laughs ] ted, i can't wait to take you home and run my fingers through that adorable hair.
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who says we need to wait 'til home? ♪ hey, i don't come here for the ambiance. axe hair? [ male announcer ] with teddy bear hair you can get away with anything. get some of your own with axe hair. come see ted in theatres. rated r. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon combined if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> jimmy: i think you're the first dreama i've ever met. >> i'm the first dreama you've ever met? >> jimmy: have you ever met any other dreamas? >> i've met quite a few dreamas. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. actually, in the south, it's a somewhat popular name. >> jimmy: i didn't know that. is that a family member that you're named after? >> no, my mom has a beautiful story about a dream inspiring my name. i asked my father. apparently my mother was at the hospital and my father left for work that day, and they had decided on another name, and he came back from work to the hospital, and she's like, i changed my mind, her name is dreama. my father's a tiny bit about it. he's like, i was never okay with that name. >> jimmy: that's why they should have paternity leave.
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he should never have gone back to work. what was the name they were thinking of? >> alissa, a beautiful, name. >> jimmy: have you had problems with dreama? >> imagine being 11 years old and looking like a hamster, people call you nightmare. it happens. and then i moved here, and people automatically assume i'm a jerk and i have a stage name. i'm like, no, no, i promise, it's real. >> jimmy: i guess your mother wasn't really thinking ahead that, oh, this maybe might embarrass her. this might be that type of situation. >> or she didn't consider the fact that my father didn't like it very much. >> jimmy: was she like that? did she embarrass you in general? >> well, there were a couple of other things that socially she kind of did did to me in a hill
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layer justice way. >> jimmy: what did she do to you? >> in sixth grade, i decided to be an athlete. i played softball. i have zero intelligence, if you throw something at me, i'd scream and run behind the couch. i decided to play softball. i was smacked in the face with what do they call it, a pop fly or something? obviously, i was paying a lot of attention. i got hit in the face with a softball and was knocked unconscious. >> jimmy: that would be a line driv >> oh, okay. it was directly to my face. i totally could have caught it but i couldn't do that. my eye was swollen shut. and black and blue. the whites in my eye were red. it was a disaster i was 11, anyway. my mother is like, we're going to walmart, we're going to solve
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this. we're getting you an eye patch. [ laughter ] >> at the time, i thought, she knows what she's doing, she's my mother, i'll wear an eye patch in sixth grade. i show up at school, i walk up. i had my eye patch on. and my weird winnie the pooh t-shirt on. i go to home room and as soon as i get there, i just sensed that something is horribly wrong and i'm doomed socially. in five minute, i'm like, i'm taking this off. my eye is swollen shut. meanwhile, i transferred to another school? >> jimmy: i school for pirates? [ laughter ] >> from the campus, that would have been quite appropriate. no, we didn't have a school for pirates. we should have. i kind of went back to school with edge that i went to middle school with in high school. and i have known most of these
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kids since kindergarten. i see them in high school. and i'm like, we know each other since preschool. all they remember was i was the eye patch girl. >> jimmy: oh, once the eye patch girl, always the eye patch girl. i was the eye patch girl in my school. your television show is very, very funny. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i enjoy watching it. >> that was awesome, thank you. >> jimmy: your new movie is not funny, intentionally. >> not funny. >> jimmy: it's not a comedy. >> it's not a comedy. >> jimmy: it's actually a disturbing kind of thing based on something that really did happen. >> based on true events, yes. it kind of channels a social experience, the milldrum experience that took place. it's based on true events and it's sort of a psychological,
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intellectual thriller. just about how we respond to authority figures. it was a great film and glad i was a part of it. >> jimmy: congratulations. everything is going great for you. "compliance" opens in select theaters august 17th. dreama walk, everybody! when we come back music from marina and the diamonds.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is their new album. it's called "elektra heart." here with the song "primadonna" marina and the diamonds. ♪ ♪ primadonna girl yeah all i ever wanted was the world i can't help that ♪ ♪ i need it all the primadonna life the rise the fall you say that ♪ ♪ i'm kinda difficult but it's always someone else's fault got you wrapped ♪ ♪ around my finger babe you can count on me to misbehave primadonna girl would you do ♪ ♪ anything for me buy a big diamond ring for would you get to down on your knees for me ♪ ♪ pop that pretty question right now baby
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beauty queen on a silver screen ♪ ♪ living life like i'm in a dream i know i've got a big ego i really don't know why ♪ ♪ it's such a big deal though ooh and i'm sad to the core core core yeah ♪ ♪ every day's such a chore chore chore wow when you give i want more more more ♪ ♪ i wanna be adored cause i'm a primadonna girl yeah all i ever wanted was the world ♪ ♪ i can't help that i need it all the primadonna life the rise and fall ♪ ♪ you say that i'm kinda difficult but it's always someone else's fault ♪ ♪ got you wrapped around my finger babe you can count on me to misbehave ♪ ♪ primadonna girl
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fill the void up with celluloid take a picture ♪ ♪ i'm with the boys get what i want cause i ask for it not because i'm really ♪ ♪ that deserving of it living life like i'm in a play in the limelight ♪ ♪ i want to stay i know i've got a big ego i really don't know why it's such a big deal though ♪ ♪ ooh ahh going up going down down down yeah anything for the crown crown crown wow ♪ ♪ when the light's dimming down down down i spin around cause i'm ♪ ♪ a primadonna girl yeah all i ever wanted was the world i can't help that ♪ ♪ i need it all the primadonna life the rise the fall
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