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tv   Nightline  ABC  July 19, 2012 11:35pm-12:00am EDT

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tonight on "nightline," hollywood's children, new details emerge today in the tragic death of sylvester stallone's son, sage. this yet another story of a celebrity's family burned by a life in the light of the spotlight. plus, they seem like a happy couple. devote mor mans with young daughters. one shocking twist, he's gay. meet the man and wife who say it's possible to be mormon, married, and gay. and only minutes to opening night, but holy backlash bat man. early revus of the "dark knight rises ", we take you inside the
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fan frenzy. good evening. i'm cynthia mcfadden. today, new details in the death of sylvester stallone's son, sage. they're trying to dperm the large empty prescription pill bottles found in his home are connected to his death. the investigation is still on going t fact that tragedy struck yet another hollywood child, is a sad remind thaer having all the privileges of money and fame doesn't always mean a charmed life. here is abc's juju chang. >> reporter: were it not for the fact that sage had a famous father, news of his death wouldn't be trending day after
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day online. was he a drug dealer, or was it an accident after he had five teeth pulled out by a dentist? does any of this have to do with the fact that his dad to the rest of us was rocky, one of the most famous actors in the world. >> i can handle it. >> reporter: sage was 14 years old when he starred opposite his father in rocky five. >> i'm not scared. >> reporter: at the height of his fame, sill ses was the epidny of man. >> ram bow was seen by hundreds of millions of people. sage stallone was a struggling actor and sometime director who never made headlines until his untimely death a few days ago at the age of 36. we don't know the real cause, it's clear that growing up in the shadow of fame can leave kids vulnerable many. >> they're competing for roles.
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they're get aing a lot of feed back. they're getting turned down. >> reporter: today, the children of celebrities have added pressures, spending more time playing hide and seek with the paparazzi. >> reporter: should there be a zone of privacy around celebrity's kids? >> when katie holmes brings suri in and out of his apartment building, he is making a public relations decision to do that. she wants us to see her and suri. she wants us to see her being a good parent. >> i cringe when i see suri cruise under the constant glares of the cameras. there's no privacy, no way for her to grieve in a personal and private way. >> reporter: suri is just one of the many hollywood kids now caught up in a culture of celebrity. the world can't get enough of them. and has little regard for the children's welfare.
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>> there are some people who are absolutely focused on the life some ways, could be emotional vampires. >> reporter: there are a lot of celebrities who say they work hard to keep their kids from the feeding frenzy. >> michael jackson went to extremes. he had his kids wear masks to shield them. bruce and demi moved their kids to hollywood. and tori spelling told us she got in a car accident running away from the paparazzi after drop off. >> i started crying. what are you crying about? we feel terrible this happened. i'm sorry. i'm sorry i brought this here. >> the ones who have been able to have the best results as far as their children being well adjusted are those celebrities who try to keep their kids out of the public eye and who do everything within their power to try to give their kids as normal an upbringing as possible.
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>> reporter: spelling says her kids don't like prying photographers. >> oh, my god, he's attacking the paparazzi. even though they've been on television on her reality show since they were in the woman. >> she says it's different. >> you're angry about the paparazzi stalking you and doing things and taking pictures of your kids. >> reporter: there's paparazzi. >> yet you have reality cameras in your home. i'm very quick to say, it's completely different. the camera is in our home. it's a welcomed crew. they're family. >> maybe, but that's not what cher and sunny bono's child says now. remembering as a kid being featured on their variety show. >> i can't tell you how many people throughout my life have said to me, when i was a kid, i wished i was you. >> reporter: did we know what we were saying? >> no, i don't think so. >> reporter: without being put in front of cameras, just competing with the parent who is
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larger than life can be tough. >> being the child of a celebrity is no party or cake walk most of the times. we're seeing parents who are always traveling, filming their movies, doing a show. they're not present as much as they need to be in their lives. >> reporter: red monday o'neal's mother farrah fawcett. her son was ryan o'neal wound up in rehab a dozen times. >> i kept a fairly loose house here and they were musicians. the room over here was a band room. but that's a loose, maybe too loose way of living. >> do you ever feel you failed as a parent? >> sure, of course. i'm a failed parent. >> we don't know why sage stallone died or whether she was strugling with addiction. but even in death, his father's celebrity is still overshadowing the story of his life. for "nightline" i'm juju chang in new york. >> our thanks to juju chang. and just ahead, he's mormon,
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he's gay, and he says he's been happily married to his wife for ten years. how is that? he tells us next. down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. and just ahead, he's mormon, the progress continues... and just ahead, he's mormon, to seeing this through. 'red
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friends, donors, campaign supporters, special interest groups where did the obama stimulus money go? solyndra: 500 million taxpayer dollars. bankrupt. so whwhere did the obama stimulus money go? windmills from cha. electric cars from finland 79% of the 2.1 billion in stimulus grants awarded through it went to overseas companies. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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"nightline" continues from new york city with cynthia mcfadden. well, it sounds like a set of contradictions. how can someone be a gay man, devote mormon and happily married to a woman? well, a decade after tieing the not and settling down to raise three daughters, one man is coming out of the closet with his wife at his side and raising some interesting questions about faith and love. here is abc's neil karlinsky. >> reporter: under tent wedding
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anniversary a few weeks ago, josh and lolly revealed a secret so sensitive they had no idea what reaction it might unleash. >> i'm a devote mormon and married to a woman and happily so, but i am homosexual. >> this is where a seemingly normal family with three beautiful daughters turns into a social experiment that challenges what it is to be mormon, what it is to be gay, and what it is to be mar married. >> the first question most people have is how does that work? you're a gay man married to a woman. >> good question. it works well. it works well. for us. >> for us. >> reporter: by all appearances they are a very old fashioned couple until they came out in a most modern way. they wrote about it on josh's blog. >> i am gay.
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i am mormon. i am married to a woman. i am happy every single day. i have a wonderful sex life, all of these things are true, whether your mind season allowing you to believe them or not. >> reporter: just to hit the very basics. >> sure. >> reporter: are you attracted to women at all? >> no. >> reporter: are you sexually attracted to your wife? >> yeah. >> reporter: but our you're not attracted to women? >> it can be nothing totally real. >> what we have is truly something that i cherish. but he gave up something in his so core to show his love for god and for me. i can't imagine anything more beautiful than that. >> reporter: josh and lolly have known each other since childhood. he first came out to his parents when he was 15. ♪ happy birthday to you
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♪ >> reporter: he said his parents were understanding and but there was a concern that cut even deeper, the mormon church which at the time considered homosexuality a sin. afterall, josh was raised to believe that marrying and raising family was his duty to his faith. so he turned to his best friend lolly. >> i outed myself to her when i was 16 and we spent hours and hours every week talking about this issue. it was something that we explored very deeply. >> it's josh's princess. >> reporter: as grew, they realized they couldn't stand to be apart, despite his earning to be a man. she was prepared to risk everything, to marry josh even though he was gay. even though her mother was very worried. >> she was just like, i just don't know. i don't know. i don't think this is right. >> reporter: lolly wanted to go through with it any way, saying
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she was spiritually guided to marry josh. and so they did and got married in front of family, friends, and the mormon church's holiest of holy's temple square in salt lake city. >> we genuinely love each other. i am the most beautiful woman to him. when he says, i wouldn't want any other woman, he really means its. >> reporter: this one secret life is now an open book. the blog post quickly went viral, setting off a fire storm of debate within both the mormon church and the gay community. at this radio station in salt lake city t heart of mormon country, a panel of mormons all the talking about their struggles with faith. one of them is john, who studies and writes about the mormon
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church and homosexuality. >> there are some who can make it work long-term. >> the reeds have made a dangerous example thand he's received e-mails written by mothers asking their gay sons why they can't be like josh. >> using religion or spirituality is as a way to manage your sexual orientation by being extra righteous or faithful as a way to suppress those feels or control yourself, is the most damaging way to cope or deal with your same-sex attraction. >> reporter: while the church no longer teaches that being gay is a sin, leaders to be a good mormon you can never act on those feels. since josh has a private practice as a counselor, the biggest concern is that he was trying to turn gay men and convince them that a straight lifestyle is possible. >> i do not try to change people's sexual orientation. my assumption going into it is
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that their sexual assault probably will not shift. >> reporter: inevitably there are people watching this who want to say to you, you know, that you're living a lie. why are you living a lie? >> i feel like i am being true to myself. i had to choose one path or another to make the choice that would be best for my life. >> reporter: he insists he is not bisexual and says his religion is what's most important. despite the fact that he is only attracted to men. >> reporter: do you think you will ever act on that? >> no. that's part of the decision i made. >> reporter: is it hard? >> it has been -- there were moments that, you know, certain -- the reality of it sinking is that this works. ultimately for me it is. >> reporter: i'm neal karlinsky
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for "nightline" in washington. >> fascinating. next up, the minutes are ticking down until the first midnight showing of the "dark knight rises," but batman's real-life battle seems to be happening online. [ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? ♪ this olympian's mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. let the spills begin. p&g. proud sponsor of the olympic games. ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts.
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♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at
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well, no doubt you've heard batman is back. there are only minutes to go until the "dark knight rises" descends on movie theaters nationwide. ticket sells are poised to smash
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records. fans are lining the streets waiting for midnight shows. online a fiery battle is pitting fan against crit. abc's chris conley brings us the latest. >> reporter: open already, such fans has these spent weeks awaiting the "dark knight rises," third film in the christian bail bale. mood viness and may ham nearly aupon them, folks have been feeling it. in line and online. when an unfavorable review appeared on the movie website rotten tomatoes, many yet to see the film posted so many hateful comments that the site shut down his commenting feature. back in 2008, when the dark night debuted, director christopher nolan cruised up to a chicago sin plex near his
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boyhood home. >> somebody recognized me i have to ask what are you doing. >> reporter: this time he probably couldn't find parking within a mile of the theater. fans purchased $25 million in tickets before it's opening you work for it. until you see it to somebody who is hoping they'll intern tine them on friday night, that's what the film is and what you have done and haven't done. >> reporter: that hasn't stopped others from weighing in with their own take. like rush limbaugh, was meant as a stand gin for mitt romney's former place of business bane alcoho kpol. >> links between the film occupy wall street, the here is size of the "dark knight rises" reach figures to make it top culture grit for many mills.
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yet even as nolan has gone his own way on his movies, he's grateful from his support he's earned the toughest audience t batman faithful. >> it's a huge responsible to take on an icon who is beloved by so many people. you feel like if you get it wrong, you'll be in a lot of trouble. >> i have some nerves being the final movie and whether i was able to accomplish what we set out to, you know, achieve. >> we want it to not just make another episode. the batman universe, we wanted to continue our story and finish our story. >> reporter: a story that for an audience getting its first good look late tonight is really only beginning. >> the "dark knight rises" is in theaters now. thank you for watching. good morning america will be waiting for you in the rn


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