tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 25, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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i've never felt this way before, but it's a scary time to be a woman. mitt romney is just so out of touch. [ female announcer ] mitt romney opposes requiring insurance coverage for contraception. and romney supports overturning roe versus wade. romney backed a bill that outlaws all abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. there's so much we need to do. we need to attack our problems -- not a woman's choice. [ obama ] i'm barack obama, and i approve this message.
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>> jimmy: hi i'm jimmy and this is guillermo, who is just back from panama with captain morgan rum. >> guillermo: yes jimmy, i was there to find the ship of the real captain henry morgan. >> jimmy: captain henry morgan was a real guy whose ship sank off the coast of panama. >> guillermo: yes jimmy. almost 400 years ago. >> jimmy: and captain morgan rum sent you to go investigate? >> guillermo: yes jimmy. >> jimmy: why? >> guillermo: i don't know. just be quiet and roll the tape.
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>> hi, i'm guillermo. i am here at castillo san morento. >> the fort was built by the spanish to protect the original panama canal, that attracted morgan here to get his hands on some of the gold. he ran his flag ship aground on the reef right there. >> you go scuba diving to find the ships? >> absolutely. >> enough history. let's go! >> yeah. ♪ >> hold on. give me one minute. it's not easy to be a pirate. look, i broke my sword. >> pirates gambled their lives to make a big payoff, sometimes you retire rich like captain henry morgan did. >> i drink to that, hold this.
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to captain henry morgan and to life! >> captain morgan to life, love and loot. learn more about the dive and the adventures of the real captain henry morgan visit >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with jeremy renner, aaron paul and music from nas. siri, what's my day look like? [siri] another busy day today. are you serious? [siri] yes i'm not allowed to be frivolous.
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ah ok, move my 4 o'clock today to tomorrow. change my 11am to 2. [siri] ok marty, i scheduled it for today. is that rick? where's rick? [siri] here's rick. oh, no that's not rick. now, how's the traffic headed downtown? [siri] here's the traffic. ah, it's terrible, terrible! driver, driver! cut across, cut across, we'll never make it downtown this way. i like you siri, you're going places. [siri] i'll try to remember that. let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking,
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i'm jimmy, thank you for watching. thank you for coming. i wish you all a happy national tequila day. [ cheers and applause ] today is national tequila day. tomorrow is national i woke up in a bush without pants day. i didn't know there was a national tequila day until today, there is. apparently it was started five years ago by people who want to sell us more tequila. now we celebrate. did you have a fun national tequila day? >> >> jimmy: i decided to conduct an experiment, during the show i will ask guillermo if he had anything to drink, what do you say? >> one or two. >> jimmy: this afternoon we told
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guillermo we had something we needed him to shoot. that wasn't true? was it? >> no. >> jimmy: we set up a camera. we told him the shoot wasn't ready. people started bringing him tequila shots. the idea was we wanted to see how many of them he would actually consume. >> a friend of mine had been chilling it. you and i. >> ooh. >> salud. >> salud. >> what is this? ♪ >> three, right? ♪ >> one more? >> magic johnson buying the
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dodgers. real nice s guy. >> you too. >> i got to go to the gym. we got to toast for it. earth, wind and fire. >> oh, okay. awe ca >> come on, don't be a [ bleep ]. >> ha-ha-ha. i have to tell you something -- >> what? >> i knew there was a camera right there. the tequila -- so [ bleep ] you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> so how many -- how drunk are you right now on a scale of uno to diaz? >> 7 1/2. >> jimmy: that's all. 16 shots. you are at 7 1/2.
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>> i had a chicken burrito and a cheesecake. >> jimmy: what? >> a peiece of cheesecake. >> jimmy: that soaked it up? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. keep an eye on him. tonight -- snoop dogg has an interesting project. snoop dogg announced he will release a reggae album later this year. in related news, the world will run out of marijuana. a statistical inevitablility he would produce one reggae album, called "reincarnated" not releasing it under snoop dogg. for this one he is calling himself snoop lion. snoop lion sounds like the name of a stoner grocery store or something. dude, let's go to the snoop lion and grab some pizza curls. the first single its out now
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called "la-la-la." he sings la, la, la. and oh, yeah. snoop is the best. remember when he used to kill people. kate goeslin, formerly of jon and kate plus eight, pitching a reality show. this time, a dating show. she is the date. it is like the bachelorette meets the deadliest catch. if you are interested -- thank you. if you have any interest in dating kate goeslin, she enjoys long walks on the beach, not the beach you picked out, that beach sucks you are an idiot for choosing it. she likes quiet evenings by the place where the fire would be if you weren't so incompetent in case you couldn't get the duraflame lit. don't know if a dating show is a good fit, how do you know if the guy likes you, or using you as a
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steppingstone to the octomom. i made fun of kate goeslin, i hope she finds true love or a new hair stylist. say what you will about the new show. the promo looks like a lot of fun. kate goeslin is back and ready to find the man of her dreams. whether he likes it or not. 12 men selected at random. shot with tranquilizer darts by sarah palin. transported to a deserted island. and hunted like animals by kate and her eight kids. who will escape? who will perish? and who will be captured and forced to marry kate? "escape from gosselin island." only on lifetime. [ cheers and applause ] a guy named manny perez from north carolina, driving to the airport with his wife and kids. some where along the way his
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wife fell asleep. so he decided to wake her up in the most terrifying way possible. >> so there is a truck getting towed and it looks like it is coming at us. and my wife is a sleep. we will see if we can scare her. >> dad! daddy! >> babe, wake up, there's a truck! >> i'm sorry, honey. it was getting towed. >> that is a good one. very nicely done. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a husband who knows how to keep romance alive. a lot of wedding videos, not all are divorce videos. unfortunate news for america, a new study out of harvard university shows students in the united states aren't advancing as quickly as students in other industrialized countries. to me means students in other
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industrialized countries are nerds, children in chile, and brazil, advance three times as fast, and in math and reading, we rank behind china, singapore and south korea, yeah, because the kids have a lot more asian kids to cheat off. it's not a fair comparison. our kids rank number one in cholesterol and having sex with their teachers. so we still have that. [ cheers and applause ] mitt romney's campaign got a big boost in the form of song, mitt romney has been using a clip of president obama singing "let's stay together." he sang -- using it in a campaign ad. he had to stop because of copy right issues. romney supporter stepped in and wrote a original song, called "mitt romney a hero in my mind." i don't know what else to say other than it is enchanting. ♪ world war ii that's obama plan for you and
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me ♪ ♪ what a crock it's the only hope he's got ♪ ♪ he can't be elected on his record it's a crime ♪ ♪ he should resign ♪ that's why i'm voting for mitt romney ♪ ♪ he's a hero in my mind ♪ i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. >> maybe, get the keyboard in the middle of the river, incredible. mitt romney is involved in a twitter controversy right now. normally his twitter audience increases by between 3,000 and 4,000 followers a day. some how over the week hend got 135,000 new followers which is a lot for some one who still has the the egg as their profile
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picture. some people believe the romney campaign bought a bunch of followers. you can do that, buy followers. the romney people deny it. others are suggesting most of his followers aren't even human. they have twitter-bots, i guess computer programs, most what they tweet is repetitive nonsense. this is what one of romney's new followers tweeted, lmao, lucky there was no time left on the clock. and here is the exact same thing from another follower. and from another follower. mitt romney -- they don't use the word dat with a "d." and dat doesn't happen. with the new followers, romney's followers is very low compared to obama's 17 million twitter followers. maybe he should think about sin signing up justin bieber. mitt romney doesn't have a lot of followers. his tweets aren't that exciting. fun to play a little game.
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see if you can differentiate between mitt romney's tweets and the real tweets of kanye west. all right, it's time to play "romney or kanye." [ cheers and applause ] freedom, hard work, and innovation build successful businesses the who tweeted that -- romney or kanye? it was indeed mitt romney. we are off off to a bad start if you couldn't get that one. what about this one -- individuals pursuing their dreams build successful bi fufu businesses? mitt romney again. couple kanyes, yes. i'm going to make a book of my tweets, tweetbook. >> kanye. >> jimmy: you are getting good. kanye. one more. i hate when i am on a flight and i wake up with a water bottle next to me, like, oh, great, now i got to be responsible for this
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water bottle. that was, maybe wasn't as difficult as the i thought. that was kanye west. congratulations, i think that makes you political scientists. [ cheers and applause ] hey, you -- youtube is trying to get their users to use their real names. when you post a comment on a video, youtube gives you the option to post under your screen name or your real name. and if you don't use your real name, you have to tell them why. i told them i can't give them my real name because i am spiderman. let's keep that quiet. theoretically this would cut down on the number of vicious comments. i don't know our internet was built on a foundation of unnecessarily cruel and vicious attacks from hateful nameless bearded former blockbuster clerks. i mean what kind of a world is this if you can't anonymous sly attack a mother who posted a video of her laughing baby? what happened to our privacy, you know? i don't think this would work. i think they would have better luck trying to get strippers to
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use their real names than people on the internet. it would be nice if we had real nails. we could round any one who has written the phrase and deport them to scandinavia, we can't. celebrities get a lot of abuse on the internet especially on twitter. you have a direct connection. some people are inherently cruel. some people write very harsh things to famous people without thinking about the fact that they're people. so tonight i want to give you a chance to think about it. what you don't see when you send ape nasty tweet is it can actually cause pain. over the last few months. we've been asking celebrity guests to read actual tweets directed at them. here they are for your amusement and hopefully reflection. ♪ if mike piazza's hair caught fire and some one put it out with a cast iron skillet you would have danny mcbride. >> a new show where james plays
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james, guys get your backpack and boots, this is the apocalypse, i'm sure of it. >> i would rather chop my arm off and [ bleep ] myself with my detached limb than watch katy perry the movie, what the [ bleep ] is wrong with the world? >> zoe dechanel is overrated. i think i'm underrated. >> do you know if you skinned larry king and ironed out his leather you could make enough coats to give one to every poor child in america. [ bleep ]. david spade. this guy gets right to it. >> i like kristin stewart more when she was a boy. ♪ everybody hurts >> matt leblanc looks so old. what happened? why don't you go [ bleep ] yourself. >> if you climbed inside snooki's vagina, it would
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probably be like the [ bleep ] pacific ocean. >> ever since he shaved he looks like old, fat, justin bieber. thanks. >> dear god, give us back tupac and we'll give you justin bieber. >> doesn't bother me. i don't give a [ bleep ] what some nobody says about me. [ cheers and applause ] >> and we got a good show tonight from "breaking bad" aaron paul is here with us tonight, music from nas. we will be right back with jeremy renner so stick around! [ cheers and applause ]
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when we set out to totally redesign the ford escape... ...we had to go further, and reinvent the suv. with an innovative foot-activated rear lift gate... technology that can recognize your voice, and the best highway fuel efficiency in its class, up to 33 mpg. because we wanted to reinvent the suv, we had to invent... this. the all-new escape, from ford. yes, you do! don't! do! whoa, kitchen counselor here. see cascade complete pacs work like micro-scrubbing brushes to help power away tough foods even in corners and edges. hmm! cascade. love it or your money back.
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hi thwhoaa! hmm! chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. that's great! i know, right? just learned how to drive this yesterday. one second i'll be right back around... here's that 5% cash back you earned. wow, thanks! courtesy of chase freedom. oh boy! earn 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. activate your 5% cash back at time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft.
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[ bresha ] you know? you could increase your punching power if you opened your stance a bit. because if you win gold, i could win prizes. so chop, chop, marlen. let me know when you're ready to start. there you go, sting like a gnat. [ male announcer ] keep an eye on your us athletes when you enjoy select favorites under 400 calories at mcdonald's. when they wigold, you could win prizes. remember, the ukranians are doing this in the snow. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of winning.
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and start living in the real world. [ male announcer ] among the living, he just doesn't fit .. "look at me. whoo! i'm talking to ghosts." [ male announcer ] but among the living dead, he's very popular. peace, man. totally. [ male announcer ] from the makers of "coraline"... you got to use your gift to stop the witch's curse. [ male announcer ] evil's no match for norman. get down from there this instant! you're grounded! oh, yeah! [ male announcer ] "paranorman." rated pg. starts august 17th.
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. it never fails. how are you feeling, are you all right? >> yeah, good. >> jimmy: you are good. seems like you are under water? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: tonight on the program an emmy award winning actor from the great show "breaking bad," aaron paul is here. [ cheers and applause ] and then with music from this new album called "life is good," it's the number one album in the country right now the return of nas to the bud light outdoor stage. tomorrow night we'll be joined by lisa kudrow, from the movie "the watch." rosemarie dewitt will be here, and we'll have music from trey songz. and then on thursday, jessica biel. from the travel channel, a man searching for the best sandwich in america adam richman will be here, and we'll have music from rick ross. so please watch us then too.
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>> jimmy: our first guest is a two-time oscar nominee you know him from "the town," "the hurt locker," "the avengers," and now he drastically improves the bourne franchise in "the bourne legacy" which opens in theaters august 10th, please say hello to jeremy renner. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. i am a sucker for pop tarts. >> you made me eat one. >> jimmy: they're not hot. the toaster must not have been plugged in. how you doing? >> excellent. >> jimmy: a shot with him for tequila day? >> i didn't. during "avengers" red carpet. he was handing them out. >> jimmy: that's right you. had a shot with him. he doesn't remember. doesn't know his name right now,
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unfortunately. i saw your movie today, it is great. i will say this -- i was exhausted after watching it. i can only imagine how you were after shooting it. you were fighting and running and running and running in how many different cities did you shoot that in? >> well -- really just three. new york, calgary, and manila, other side of the world. >> jimmy: yeah, right. wasn't all in front of a green screen in burbank. >> downtown burbank. >> jimmy: you are done shooting you have to travel for promoting the movie. >> press. >> jimmy: you have done that already? >> in the middle of doing that. flying around. i go to, i can't think about it. freaks me out. >> jimmy: do you get jet lag and that kind of stuff? >> it's like, wow i just realize how much traveling i do. a lot of times when you are on the plane, you have to sleep. i am not a good sleeper on the plane. >> jimmy: i go out immediately on the plane. >> i wish i was like you only for that reason. ha-ha.
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>> jimmy: i got you. i got you. but you, do you like take -- >> literally i remember i had to fly from london to los angeles for dinner and then get right back on a plane to london. that's like, 10, 12 hours. i had to get off the plane to go to work if i had to sleep on the plane. i had to sleep. some body gave me pills like ambien. great. take a little sleeping pill. pop it. and realized nothing is happening, but something else is happening. i realize that -- very quickly that a was actually a little v on the pill, because not only did i not sleep the entire flight, i was camping happening. >> jimmy: somebody gave you viagra instead of ambien? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: fir yoost you need a doctor or new friends?
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>> friend of mine. friend of mine. >> jimmy: beginning of the flight? >> beginning of the flight. glass of wine. little ambien. no. >> jimmy: you are walking -- >> no walking. nude if i had to go to the restroom. i was embarrassed. >> jimmy: did any fellow passengers notice what was going on >> most of them were sleeping. cool, i had, dennis hopper, god rest his soul, lying next to me. his daughter was there, playing with the glass menagerie, the thing on the ledge. and playing with her and, hold on a second, man. i'm going to go to jail. i am going to get arrested. this does not look good. does not look good. >> jimmy: that's right. a great prank. how long were you on the flight? >> like 11 hours i think to get there. the flight attendants were sort of in on the joke. you know. >> jimmy: they were? >> can we get you anything, mr.
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renner. ice, ice. i asked for aspirin. they won't give you aspirin on the plane. they've don't want the responsibility if you are allergic. i was in pain. help me out. >> jimmy: you think aspirin is going to help with that? >> i don't know, man. give me a hammer. >> jimmy: a hammer they will give you on the flight. you haven't been home much -- really look for a long time, have you? >> yeah, it's, a high class problem to travel around as i do. and working a bunch. really been home two weeks in two years. >> jimmy: you build houses, something you did professionally before you became successful as an actor. you still do that? >> yeah, still doing it. i love it. >> jimmy: somebody could hire you to fix their house up. >> i don't like working for other people. too many problems. >> jimmy: a new place you are working on now? >> a new place. i came back and sort of realized, it becomes a problem
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where i was living. >> jimmy: why? >> you know -- starts with one thing, whatever, there is a lot of access -- by the canyon, a lot of hikers. and, i remember coming back on this, after two years, and i tried to sleep, and wake up fairly early like 8:00. 6:00 rolls around. i hear, let's stretch, pigeons! >> jimmy: what was happening? >> i'm looking around. let's stretch! i have to get up and i'm impressed. it was 30 people stretching in the middle of the street, on my driveway. they're out there, a stretch team, 6:00 in the morning, ready to go up the canyon do their hiking. fine, dandy, stretch all you want. not right on the drive. stretch and shut your mouth. i get my hose, pretending to water the plants. i have to --
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>> jimmy: nothing you can do about that? >> exactly. >> jimmy: you move. >> i wanted to buy a paint ball gun. instead of doing that i decided to move. >> jimmy: a nice idea. we'll take a break and come back and look at the new movie, the new "bourne" series that has been reborn. jeremy renner when we come back. couple's paddle boat ride... starboard! [ captain ] he's on a swan boat! gross! [ captain ] in extreme manmergencies, beef jerky won't cut it. we need to use something steakier. ♪ new slim jim steakhouse strips. ♪ get him in the boat, we're losing him! take it! ♪ it's so moist. and? tender. ow. [ male announcer ] new moist & tender slim jim steakhouse strips. made from stuff guys need. [ male announcer ] if you want play in the same sandbox as luxury s.u.v.s,
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[ female announcer ] when a woman wears a pad, she can't always move the way she wants. that's why stayfree created a brand new ultra thin that moves with you. inspired by athletic wear, only stayfree has new flexible layers that move with your body. while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. so feel free to move the way you want. switch to new stayfree ultra thins. keep moving. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. [ man ] "the odyssey," by homer. book one. tell me, o muse... famous town of troy... book three. book 12. poseidon... book 17. book 20. thunderbolts. book 24. the end. [ ryan ] alright, what's next.
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jason bourne its not in the movie. matt damon is not in the movie. there is no bourne in the legacy. just his legacy? >> essentially, yeah. >> was this an oversight on someone's part? >> i felt the same way. how do you make a bourne movie without the central character. >> jimmy: i think it's better without him. i really do. >> it's clever how they widened the perspective on the entire world that, that heas living in. and we realize that there were more programs other than treadstone and more, more assassins and agents that come out of that. >> jimmy: always a lot of very bad people out there, i have to say. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you in the movie there is one scene, it seemed like it might have actually been scary even as an actor when you're face to face with a wolf. and, you're in the snow. and, is that -- that's a real
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snarling that was in front of you? >> yeah, they have real wolves, beautiful in the winter when they're full and terrifying. my job is pretty easy to be terrified. they had hybrid wolves. and dog that kind of looked like wolves. all sorts of variations of it. but i felt as long as you had, they gave me some chicken livers mine pocket. they said this, they will eat this and not eat your face. i am like, cool i will keep some chicken livers in my pocket. >> jimmy: did they try to get into your pockets? >> no, no. they were at a distance. >> jimmy: they could wind up with a viagra in them. like "dancing with wolves." >> there you go. >> jimmy: you also ride a motorcycle around the streets of manila in the movie? are you really riding motorcycle? >> yeah, yeah, it was terrifying. the wild west out there, the street lights are all mere suggestions. the lines in the road are there for decoration. >> jimmy: it seemed like that, yeah. it seemed like, like -- it
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seemed like a bad idea really to me. >> kind of. but it turned out to be great. manila is a great sort of backdrop for that. and it helped us out for the look of the movie. and intense team of it i think. >> jimmy: it all came out really good. i think matt damon should be very, very nervous. they will probably forget him after this. at least we can keep our fingers crossed, right, everybody. jeremy renner "the bourne legacy" opens august 10. we'll be right back with aaron paul! [ cheers and applause ] a picture of us? uh... yeah. thank you! got it. there you go guys can you get one for me too please... just so i have a copy of it. okay. yeah. sfx : ahhh!! i gotta get one more on my camera dude seriously. sfx: ahhh!! get the ferris wheel in the background. can you do a panoramic kind of like... (group speaking at once) you guys ready? sfx: laughter, ahhhhh!! got it. share photos with your friends. instantly. only on the galaxy siii.
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>> dicky: "the jimmy kimmel live" concert series, sponsored by bud light. to stream off-air performances and other music videos, go to >> the stars come out at night. >> are you tired of people telling you how great you are? >> you hang with jimmy. >> you look gorgeous. >> it is comedy worth staying up late for. >> i love you. >> i watch that all night. you know, we're a little early for this thing...
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the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. once we kept the lights on. but then we started using k-y yours & mine. yeah, we were nervous to try it. there's an amazing sensation for her. amazing. this one feels fantastic for me. and combined... ohh, it's a completetely new sensation for us both. it's opened a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. but we don't have a pool. i'll come in anyway. next week i'm going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. his excites. hers delights. together feel them ignite. keep life sexy.
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4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but have fun. bob and weave once you're in there. don't get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood...
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>> jimmy: welcome back. our next guest is an emmy award winning actor on a very addictive show about making a very addictive drug. do yourself a favor and watch "breaking bad," sunday nights at 10:00 on amc. please welcome aaron paul. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you look great, all dressed up. used to seeing you in character on the show. congratulations on your emmy nomination. >> you as well. thank you. >> jimmy: and your engagement as well.
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>> i'm engaged to the perfect person. she is a mazing. >> jimmy: she is. >> yeah. unbelievable. yeah. >> jimmy: that is a bad way to start the relationship. >> she is absolutely perfect. she is a mazing. >> jimmy: did you meet on a tv dating show? >> no, no, no. we met at cochella. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, yeah, we met at cochella in the desert. >> jimmy: a big music festival for people who don't know. you found love. most people are just looking for a port-a-potty at cochella. >> actually, that's huh i met her. >> jimmy: how do you meet there? >> we had mutual friends. shocked i never met her before. she was dating someone. and then we, stayed in touch. and then the following year at cochella, we were both single. it was look this unspoken thing. we ran off and just danced the night away and had our first
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kiss on the ferris wheel. >> jimmy: wow. >> aw! that was our year anniversary at cochella. we celebrated our one-year anniversary. >> jimmy: you should get married at cochella. >> i actually suggested that. >> jimmy: you did? >> i did. i did. she was some what into it. i remember talking to her nana about it. my granddaughter will not get married in front of a bunch of dizzy hippies. so anyway, nana wanted her granddaughter to -- >> jimmy: having your first child at cochella would be a nice thing. >> that its a plan. >> jimmy: beautiful. >> amazing. >> jimmy: what is the first concert you want to out of curiosity? >> oh, my god. you guys are going to love this. it was new kids on the block. >> jimmy: really? >> and new kids on the block. mc hammer.
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[ cheers and applause ] and vanilla ice. >> jimmy: all right. >> the sad part of the story is, vanilla ice got arrested at his previous show. he couldn't make it. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> i know. tragic. >> jimmy: you didn't get to hear "ice ice baby" or other hits. >> i'm still sad. >> jimmy: not having the chance to see vanilla ice live in concert. you haven't lived yet if you think about it. i can't imagine you at that show. you must have -- how old were you? >> i was like 12. the reason why i went, my older sister, danielle, she had this friend, paula. >> jimmy: oh. >> who i was just obsessed with. i had the biggest crush. i said "can i please go?" she said "yes." i was watching paula, stare at new kids on the block. i just want her to look at me
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that way that she looks at them. she never did which is fine. but it was still a great time. >> jimmy: you get very romantic at concerts? >> i do. i do. brings love together. >> jimmy: so happy "breaking bad" is back. two episodes into the season. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's -- it's been great so far. it seems like things are, i mean, seems like from the previews and, that sort of thing that things are about to get a little crazy. >> yeah, it's -- it is going to get so much darker than you could ever imagine. >> jimmy: i can't even -- i don't believe that. how can it get darker than it is? >> in the season we get darker, walter white is just becoming so venomo venomous. >> jimmy: he is actually becoming evil. >> super, super evil. >> jimmy: brian krantz, was here last week, he was telling us that you tweeted. think we have a picture of the phone booth. yeah, that phone booth.
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you gave out the number. while you were on set you told people to call you. then you took phone calls for a while? >> yeah, literally the phone. we were there for a few dates. the phone rang. for like three days. >> jimmy: three days straight? >> people kept calling. >> jimmy: what was the strangest call you got? >> people were calling from all around the world. there was this girl from sung po -- singapore. i could tell, she told me she was having a rough past couple months. it is going to get better, i promise. she goes, can i ask you one question. i just love you so much. do you think jess s e would mak good father? i'm like, well, yeah, maybe. i mean, not right now. once he stops cooking crystal meth. maybe down the road he would make a good father. >> jimmy: that is a strike against you in the father category. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: last week, a commercial with p-diddy.
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how did that happen? >> a random phone call. i guess he is an obsessed fan of the show. and -- he called and offered me this, this job. but actually right before that happened, my, my managers or agent's assistant called and said we have a strange request from puff daddy or p-diddy, sean combs, i don't know. his manager wants a signed autograph from you so he can give it to diddy. i'm like, what? i would play this voicemail to everybody i knew. i'm like diddy likes me. diddy wants to be my friend. >> jimmy: what did you write? what do you write? >> i actually never did it. >> jimmy: you didn't do it. >> i'm sorry! i didn't do it. i didn't do it for diddy. then a week later i got this offer to come out to vegas and party with diddy. >> jimmy: was it fun partying with diddy? >> it was everything that you would expect. it was crazy. >> jimmy: did you call him diddy the whole time? >> i didn't know what to call
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him. uh. >> jimmy: saying diddy to start with. you wonder. >> i don't know what to call him. such a great guy. he was. and -- >> jimmy: did you drink the whole time? >> not in the morning. but we started like 5:00 in the morning. so -- >> jimmy: i see. >> started drinking at 4:00 or 5:00. >> jimmy: in the evening? >> yes. >> jimmy: has the vodka commercial. have a few drinks. it is great. i am enjoying the show. i love it. it is called "breaking bad" if you haven't seen it. see it. aaron paul. breaking bad, sunday nights, amc. we're right back with nas! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ you're gonna find this hard to believe.
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♪ smoking a escubano guzzle my second bottle hope i don't catch a grossing our nt ♪ ♪ every tat mean something that's my word on my body i'll have to lean something with that mossberg shotty ♪ ♪ my is ignant put lead in your pigment just cause y'all was mad at all the years i was getting it ♪ ♪ in 97 the six 98 the bentley now it's the ghost phantom and y'all can't stand em but ♪ ♪ nas the don nas the don nas the don nas the don m
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♪ nas the don nas the don nas the don inna new york city ♪ ♪ army jacket swag army jacket green and black with the square top pocket that snaps where the gas at ♪ ♪ pass that not you you hold cracks ♪ i never did that my sock's where my stash was at ♪ ♪ yo i used to listen to that red alert and rap attack ♪ ♪ i fell in love with all that poetry i mastered that cutting school with preme team ♪ ♪ the fat cat was at future not crystal clear yet baccarat ♪ ♪ now i'm the one who repping queens way beyond your wildest dreams ♪ twenty years in this game looking seventeen ♪ ♪ i don't lean ♪ another chapter heavy d gave this beat to salaam for me to rap to ♪ ♪ nas the don nas the don nas the don nas the don m ♪ nas the don
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nas the don ♪ new york is like an island a big rikers island the cops be out wilding all i hear is sirens ♪ ♪ it's all about surviving same old two-step try to stay alive when they be out robbing ♪ ♪ i been out rhyming since born knowledge like prophet muhammad said the ink from a scholar ♪ ♪ worth more than the blood of a martyr so i'mma keep it on 'til i see a billion dollars ♪ ♪ keep your friends close and your enemies closer love model chocha - mommy pop it like she 'pose to ♪ ♪ eyes red shot like i'm never sober big time smoker indonesian doja ♪ ♪ mini me's you can hold up before you end up wet up from my soldiers ♪ ♪ don under fire i remain on some calm this for every ghetto in the hood ♪ ♪ nas the don jimmy kimmel understood ♪ ♪ nas the don nas the don nas the don nas the don m we love you. >> jimmy: i want to thank jeremy renner, aaron paul.
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