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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 28, 2012 12:00am-12:12am EDT

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we're always online on good night, america. jimmy kimmel next. >> dicky: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> if you're googling harry nude photos right now -- make sure you spell harry right. >> robert pattinson. >> this morning, there was a line of women, i thought they were for me. anna, what do you have. >> it's her bar in her room. >> dicky: and ricky and corey harrison.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel! tonight, robert pattinson. from "pawn stars" rick and corey harrison. music from polica. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, cleto. hello, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for putting your lives
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in my hands. i do want to say this before -- i'm not sure if you are aware of this, but robert pattinson is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] no, no, no, don't be scared. he's not going to hurt us. he's not really a vampire. the guys from "pawn stars" are here, too. they are going to hurt us. [ applause ] hey, this is something. nude photos, very notable nude photos popped up on the internet today. photos of what appears to be prince harry, having a big naked party in las vegas. >> the royal family is learning the hard way that what happens in vegas, for them, doesn't stay in vegas. >> prince harry is finding out that what happens in vegas, doesn't stay in vegas. >> they say what happens in vegas stays in vegas, but not, it seems, if you're prince harry. >> what happens in vegas apparently is not staying in vegas. >> what happens in vegas does not stay in vegas. >> what happens in vegas doesn't necessarily stay in vegas. >> what happens in vegas stays
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in vegas. unless, of course, you're prince harry. >> what happened in vegas doesn't always stay in vegas. >> now, it is an age-old saying that what happens in vegas stays in vegas. unfortunately for prince harry -- it hasn't. >> jimmy: well, i don't know that it's really an age-old saying. i think it's from, like, 2005 or something, but -- prince harry was hanging out by the pool in las vegas on friday. by the way, if you are googling harry nude photos right now, be sure you spell harry right. trust me on this. [ applause ] so, they were at the pool, with friends, and the prince. one thing lead to another and the story says he and his friends brought a group of women up to the room for a game of strip bill yards. they had a pool table in their room. here is one of the photos. that's one of the individuals believed to be prince harry. wearing the same necklace that harry had on at the pool.
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he's covering the crown jewels there, so -- and there was another picture, i think he's giving the heimlich maneuver there. fortunately, he was wearing a big red star on his butt. [ laughter ] buckingham palace today confirmed that the pictures are harry. which was -- with an ass that white, we at least knew he was british, if not -- of course, this has caused quite a come motion in london. i'd be disappointed if my prince wasn't having naked parties in vegas. this is what princes do. at least we know now that the tea matches the crumpets, right? [ laughter ] i would say this, though, tmz really has ruined everything. i mean, famous guys can't have fun anymores, without some little sneak takes pictures with their phone, and what's the point of being a prince if you can't round a bunch of girls up in vegas and get naked with them in your hotel room? in the olden days, that probably went on every night and if you told anybody about it, they cut your head right off. you know what the t in tmz stands for? tattle tale.
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they are tattle tales running to mommy. [ applause ] we don't know the story. maybe those poor girls lost their clothes in an accident and the prince graciously gave them his. it's called chivalry. look it up. buckingham palace released a statement today. may i have the statement. okay, we have it here. her majesty the queen decrees it such that prince harry of wales fourth grandchild of queen elizabeth ii is an act of tomfoolery of the highest order did indeed parade his arse. his twiggles and fanny were as it seems concealed by the very happened that may one day yule rule the united kingdom. the house of windsor relents this judgment. signed, benny hill. that's weird. i like reading from a scroll. i might start doing this every night. bury that. i almost forgot the best part of
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the story. one of the guys he was hanging out that night was olympic gold medalist ryan lochte. this ryan lochte, mark my words, he's a lot of fun. this kid could be the next brody jenner. i'm going to keep an eye on him. prince harry is about to get about earful from his very earful father and this isn't the first time he's embarrassed himself. now there's even a company hoping to capitalize on it. >> once again, prince harry disgraces the royal family with his scandalous behavior. hi, i'm billy dee williams. now, you can make the royal family's faux pas apart of your home with the prince harry scandalous photos commemorative plate collection. each month, you'll receive a platt come them rates one of prince harry's spectacular slips. you'll get prince harry grinding on a jamaican lady. prince harry licking on a nipple. prince harry bearing a bra.
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naked prince harry in vegas. naked prince harry in vegas, humping his naked friend. and the classic, prince harry the nazi. order now, and we'll throw in this "oh boy, i really [ bleep ] up" mug for free. mm. time is running out. don't be late. call today. [ applause ] >> jimmy: very special. the nazi was a halloween costume. that was a halloween costume. we didn't make that up. we would never do something like that. but i do know what i'm getting the queen for christmas. i just think it's refreshing to see a famous redhead drunk and stripping that isn't lindsay lohan for a change. [ applause ] hey, this is -- puzzling. student athletes at the university of kentucky and at the university of louisville now have their social media accounts monitored by coaches.
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if you want to play sports in louisville or kentucky, student athletes have to use a special software that alerts the coaching staff when an inappropriate word is posted on facebook or twitter. there's a list of words that will set off an alarm, for real. it's a great list. the university of kentucky, some of their words are crunk, alcohol, bamboozle, act a fool even benjamins. that's guillermo's baby's name, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: right, yeah. >> jimmy: they cannot tweet about guillermo's baby. that's weird. at louisville, the list includes panties, bartles and james and gazongas. who still uses that word? maybe they're afraid that's a gateway word to sweater melons or something. i don't know who is using that word. maybe the guys that still drink bartles and james. is that still a thing? no gazongas allowed.
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but you can still say it at gonzaga university, just fyi. here an interesting new art form of which i was unaware. in fact, i think we just found snoop dogg's new favorite artist here. >> a painter in brazil is making an art out of smoking pot. at a studio in rio de janeiro. look at the images. fernando blows marijuana smoke into stencils. it takes him a week to do a single print. >>imimmy: gee, i wonder why that is. [ laughter ] a whole week. 38 bags of cool ranch doritos. little league world series is under way in williamsport, pennsylvania, this week. espn is airing it. they have a fun little segment. they let the players introduce themselves. this is from the game between taipei and mexico. >> the color of the fans from mexico. let's meet their kids. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> guillermo: hola my name is guillermo, i play pitcher and catcher. my favorite dog is a chihuahua. baseballs are delicious. >> jimmy: that's a cute kid. you might need to check his birth certificate. it's that time of year when college students across the country say good-bye to a summer of drunken debachry and hello to pretty much the same thing at school. we thought it would be fun to play a game with college roommates. we contacted real college roommates and it's time for a special back to school edition of the skype scavenger hunt. tonight, our contestants will be working in teams. first up, from indiana university, please welcome victoria and allie.
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[ applause ] hello. how long have you been back in school? >> for two weeks. >> jimmy: are you all unpacked and settled in there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are you studying? victoria, you tell us first. >> i'm studyinphoto


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