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tv   Nightline  ABC  October 30, 2012 11:35pm-12:00am EDT

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[ male announcer ] jay likes it when his mobile phone helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when moth mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standarat citibank. >> this is a storm watch 7 special report. >> restoring power and mass transit remain the biggest challenges in the days ahead. that recovery is a mammoth job. >> a good evening everyone.
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we welcome you to our special half-hour storm watch coverage. as damaging as sandy has been to our region, conditions are a lot worse in the new york city metropolitan area. many remain in the dark on top of the flood related problems in manhattan, long island and other communities as well. >> crissy is live in new york with the latest on the cleanup and relief efforts -- chris is live in new york with the latest on the cleanup and relief efforts. >> good evening. folks in new york city are coming out from hunkering down yesterday and last night in their homes and hotels. they are waking up to some very interesting pictures. one of those is right behind me. this building lost its entire facade in the windall in all, across the eastern seaboard about 8 million people were without power today. that number is not to about 6.5 million. nonetheless, recovery efforts are just getting underway. >> all of a sudden, the east
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river creeping block by block. >> reliving the for a super storm sandy. with debris, came a sobering dose of reality. holmes unrecognizable, roads impassable, -- homes unrecognizable, roads impassable, trees toppling. >> restoring power and mass- transit remain the two biggest challenges in the days ahead. that recovery is a mammoth job. >> sandy will haunt much of the east coast for quite some time. the wind was too strong, water too high, and an impact hundreds of miles high, almost too much to comprehend. >> i am not sure where to go from here besides calling the insurance company. it is pretty devastating. >> at least 80 homes in queens were destroyed in a chain reaction electrical fire. about 260 patients at the nyu
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medical center had to be evacuated, some down 15 flights of stairs. by daybreak, hundreds of people in new jersey had to be rescued after a levee was breached. and problems kept multiplying. 3 feet of snow in west virginia waves rising along lake michigan -- the storm shut down the new york stock exchange, international airport, subways and trains service. we're told tonight that the stock markets will open tomorrow morning with mayor michael bloomberg bringing the opening bell. as to the airport, we are told by the port authority that newark and jfk airport will both open at 7:00 a.m. but with limited service. >> we have discussed all of the issues that everybody is dealin with. the long road to get things back to normal. how would you describe the mood in new york city? >> it is certainly coming back to life slowly.
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i would stress slowly but surely. you can see traffic coming and going behind me. taxis are back up and running today. people get up to look at and assess what is going on. we're still in a pretty big black cat in the southern part of manhattan. folks here without power are still struggling to get by for the next probably two weeks to 10 days. >> the folks in new york, you can tell them that they are in our hearts down here in washington. closer to home, we're monitoring the ever-changing recovery efforts in our region. the major school systems in the region do plan on resuming classes tomorrow morning including in the district and in montgomery, prince george's, and fairfax counties. as for power outages, these are the updated numbers. the bulk remains in virginia with dominion reported 36,000 customers without electricity.
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perpco says that only 733 customers are out wawhile bge has 1400. >> residents and business owners in old town alexandria have endured a long night because of the rising water. thomas live in old town to update the situation. >> it has been rough throughout the night in old town alexandria. the worry is that we may never be done with this because of more high tide's coming up. it was expected that the water would get up to the nine level. fortunately, it was to 7 at the worst. residents said that this was the worst flooding they have seen in the old town in years. we still have a lot of flood waters here, but much of it has receded over the last couple of hours. still, they are concerned because there is a high tide tomorrow and a high tide on
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thursday that a spokesperson for the city tells me they are keeping a close eye on. they tell me the flooding could be as better potentially worse than tonight. the city of alexandria is giving out sandbags to businesses here long king street. the water actually gone up and would have gone into the business because it got to about here. because of the sandbags, i am looking inside and is bone dry. so the water did not make its way in. the concern is come over the next few days, the flooding -- the concern is, over the next few days, the flooding could be rising. there is a full moon and that is affecting the tides. >> moving forward we are keeping a close eye at what trick-or-treaters can expect tomorrow. >> the complete forecast ahead. >> we have a costume alert
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>> and the cleanup has begun in the ocean city but one staple of the beach escaped major damage. a picture of the candy kitchen ride on the boardwalk sandbags still along the doors. >> sandy has not departed -- has
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now departed and move on out. parents are resuming the halloween plans. >> it is tomorrow, but tonight a warning you need to see. this is before tomorrow night. but we will tell you about that after we talk about what the weather will be like when you are out trick-or-treating. >> it will be a lot better than last night and it will be a chilly night for trick-or- treaters. >> you will need a coat over your costume. >> there were some tricks earlier. the one to show you some pictures. it is hard to believe that, at the same time we were looking at that historic and tragic, tragic damage on the new jersey coastline and new york, these were some of the pictures sent into is from oakland md. it has been up to 20 inches of snow around davis was virginia. this has been an exceptional storm. he is sort of what we talked
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about, the convergence that came into the atmosphere of an unusual tropical system coming up the coast and then getting drawn in with a huge wave -- two separate things not related -- and they all came together right in and around us. fortunately, not right into washington, unfortunately for new jersey. look at care bill, maine, high temperature today 61 degrees. -- look at caribou maine, high temperatures today 61 degrees. washington was 46 degrees. here is the reason why. here is what is left of sandy, drifting to the north of pittsburgh. but on the east side, they are was still tropical moisture and tropical rain going all the way to canada. for us overnight tonight, there are a few lingering sprinkles as you can see on doppler, in and around us, and some more
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lingering snow is in the mountains of west virginia. but that " core will be selling. when you head out -- but that cold core will be sellingtettling -- but that cold core will be set tling. the other thing with the lights of the early wind, here is the storm surge down the potomac. that comes through about this time tomorrow in georgetown with some moderate flooding. the flood stage is 2 feet above high tide. temperatures will be into the 50 calls for the trick-or-treaters. it will be only into the high-
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40's and low-50's. then more sunshine and temperatures return to near average for an extra hour on the weekend. >> how would you address of -- how would you dress up as sandy for halloween? >> they will want to put that behind us. thank you very much. >> sandy is gone and a lot of folks are thinking about what they will be wary for halloween. >> but tonight, we have been warning you need to see before tomorrow night
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[ earnest ] out of the blue one day we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage not knowing what it was f. just days later all three shifts were told to asseme inin the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plantnt is now closed and all of you a are fired.... i looked both ways i looked a at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devevastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage it was like building my own coffin and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] prioiorities usa actio is responsible for the
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content of this advertising. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% % more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything.
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>> hurricane sandy is having a noticeable impact on the campaign trail. president obama met with people at the red cross in northwest d.c. he will be flying off to new jersey tomorrow to join gov. chris christie for a tour of
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the damaged areas. >> nit romney turned his stop in ohio into a star relief effort today. boby ryan will be back with a look on your back to work and hallowing forecasting a few minutes. >> a halloween alert you need to see before tomorrow night. >>
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we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and 'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> now that sandy has come and gone trick-or-treating will be back on tomorrow night. >> but before you dress up your kids for costumes, you want to be careful of hidden dangers of the one we found. pamela brown has that story. >> it is not uncommon to find witches, monsters, and
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ferocious costumes. but we discovered something more scary and dangerous. >> it cannot be saved, it should not be sold. >> we launched our own investigation. we bought three costumes at local stores then took them to a lab in richmond for testing. 10 samples came back with lead hits most within the legal limit. but this sputtering was off the charts with 67% lead content nearly 6000 times the legal limit. >> we had to run it on three separate instruments to confirm the result. >> that is really upsetting. something for a child that comes back with such a high-level, i am definitely concerned. >> this pediatrician was shocked by what we found. >> severe lead poisoning is associated with caesars and permanent neurologic damage. so it is a big issue.
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>> something else to keep your eye on is these decorative lenses. efta says not only are they potentially harmful, it is illegal to sell them without -- the fda says not only are the potentially harmful, it is illegal to sell them without a prescription. >> they could cause damage to one side including blindness. -- to one's eye, including blindness. >> we stop them out prescription, but we can order them with prescriptions. >> of the fda says they are illegal to sell without prescription. >> that i have not heard. >> lenses do come with a written warning. federal officials say it is up to the retailer to make sure all of its products have the required blood testing cert. it is taking a finding very


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