tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 15, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EST
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right here for you in the morning. good night, america. jimmy kimmel is next. up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- martin short. >> day three, there was a rash that just went like that. and i'd be like -- sorry, i -- i can't play today, coach. >> and from "life of pi," suraj sharma. >> suraj. suraj. >> yeah. >> your mother isn't your friend. cut her loose, just like she did to your umbilical cord. unfriend her!
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word about the new windows phone 8 from microsoft. it is the only phone that uses live customizable tiles to allow you to make your phone as unique as you are. to show you more, it's time to play "guess that famous person!" let's meet our contestants tonight. number one, young lady we picked from our studio audience, nadine. nadine, where are you from? >> long island, new york. >> jimmy: let's hear it for nadine. and nadine's opponent tonight is our resident celebrity expert, yehya. yehya, are you ready to put your celebrity expertise to the test? >> yes, i'm ready, jimmy. >> jimmy: very good. this is the start screen for a
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famous person's phone. your job is to guess who the phone belongs to, based on their tiles and apps. three tiles and you can make a guess. first clue is the all recipes app. yummy margarita recipe. and here is your second clue. this comes from the friend tile. it says, hello, my friend. and you can see yehya was on that. and for our final clue, we will look at their calendar tile, which says, walk pepe and paco. drink tequila and do the show. now, yehya, do you have a guess as to who this famous person is? >> i know do the show, jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: it is not jimmy kimmel. nadine, do you have a guess as to whom it is? >> guillermo. >> jimmy: guillermo is absolutely correct! >> dicky: jimmy, nadine's won the all-new windows phone 8 from microsoft. >> jimmy: and look at this. here he is.
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>> and here is your new phone. and here is your prize. a picture. >> jimmy: wow. everybody "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with martin short, suraj sharma and music from ne-yo. the road tripper. and the music mentor. ♪ we're for the gamer. the play maker. the page turner. and the up-all-nighters. so when we set out to make a smart phone we didn't make one for all of us. we made one for each of us. new windows phone. reinvented around you. it's the bourbon lost to evaporation as it ages. but this story has two sides. this is the devil's cut: a more intense bourbon trapped in the barrel wood... that we found a way to unlock. the result is a smooth, slightly sinister, bourbon...
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...and it ain't for choir boys. jim beam devil's cut. ...and it ain't for choir boys. go now for olive garden's new dinner today, dinner tomorrow. choose one of five entrées tonight for just $12.95. then take home a different entrée free for tomorrow. it's dinner today, just $12.95. dinner tomorrow, free when you go olive garden. ♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack.
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♪ five percent on hotels and airlines. ♪ ♪ oh everybody conga line, ok! activate your 5% cash back at ♪ everybody get, everybody get! ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- martin short. from "life of pi," suraj sharma. and music from ne-yo. with cleto and the cletones. and now, more than likely, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" sngz ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. well, that's very nice. welcome. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching.
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thank you for joining me here in california. i'm glad you're here, i'm glad you're alert and attentive. no one is texting, which is nice. that's a rarity. this is kind of interesting. they say for the first time since we started doing it, texting has started to decline. a new report has found that the average number of text messages, cell phone customers in the united states sends has dropped from 700 a month on average to 675 a month. which is still a lot, but -- maybe texting is down because a lot of the people who text and drive are now dead. [ laughter ] or maybe it's just tiger woods isn't texting as much since the whole -- [ laughter ] it makes sense when you think about it. because 20 years ago, everyone sent letters. you would sit down and write a letter. make them a few pages long. then we started sending e-mails and the notes got shorter, because you can go back and forth with people. after awhile, that seemed like too long, so, we moved to text and now we're just taking the next logical step, now we send nothing. [ laughter ]
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we finally realized we don't have anything to say to each other. [ applause ] thank you. a lot of the texts i get don't even have words. especially from my daughter. i get texts from my daughter that look like this. i think that means what's up, dad? get these out of here. yeah, there we go. try not to breathe those in. justin bieber got pulled over last night while driving his ferrari through west hollied woo. police became suspicious when they saw a mop driving a ferrari. actually pulled him over for making an unsafe left turn and then they found out his registration was expired. same thing happened to me when i was his age. instead of it being a ferrari, it was a bike and instead of being the cops chaising me, it was my mother. tmz had a video camera on the scene. the guys got footage of the reckless driving. this is just before justin was arrested. [ laughter ]
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very unsafe. not only is he driving on two wheels, he's in the bed of the truck. "people" magazine has revealed their sexiest man alive for 2012 and the sexiest man alive is -- mtumbe otawabe, a farmer from ethiopia. they did a very exhaustive search this year and they found -- actually, it's channing tatum -- >> no! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: guillermo really thought it was his year and i can't blame him. we have the cover. there's channing. and -- [ cheers and applause ] i'm happy for him. but i like to remind "people" that sometimes abs are on the inside, you know? big news from mtv today. vinnie from "jersey shore" is getting his own talk show. it will be called "the show with vinnie" and the plan is for
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vinnie to interview celebrities in his family's house in staten island. see, this is what we get for hoping staten island got their power back. [ laughter ] vinnie joins snooki, j-woww and pauly d among the "jersey shore" mates that got new shows. they've had more successful spin-offs than the cast of "friends." mtv is running promos for the new show. it may turn out to be okay. >> from the producers of "jersey shore," comes a ground breaking talk show with your host, vinnie, talking to snooki, j-woo, with special guests like snooki, j-wow and paul willy d. >> jimmy: that sounds good, too. i would watch both of those things. congratulations to vinnie. a reminder that those of you who
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are on facebook, this saturday, november 17th is national unfriend day, or nud, for short, you can call it nud heart with avengeance. it's up to you. just eliminate any friend on facebook who isn't actually a friend. or, at least an acquaintance. facebook, i believe, has deluded the name of a friend. a friend is someone you had a special relationship with. now, it isn't. it's time to say good-bye in bulk. if you are wondering who to get rid of, i'm going to give you a few types. start with people like this. the person who loves everything. this is the person who, no matter what they are doing, has to tell you how much they love it. "happy monday, my coworkers are my besties." "going to get fro-yo. love life." to that person, unfriend. next on the unfriend list, this is the person that hates everything. this is that person who posts
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about how much -- "ugh wednesday." "ugh, thursday." "snl sucks." and so do you. unfriend! and here's one more. this facebook villain is possibly the most dreaded of them all. it is your mother. that's right. i don't think i need to explain this. your mother isn't your friend. cut her loose, just like she did to your umbilical cord. unfriend her! and here's another trick. go to your friend page, cover up the names with your hand and just go down the list of pictures, anyone you don't recognize, unfriend them. by the way, since we started national unfriend day, two years ago, facebook has made it very difficult to unfriend someone. in fact, they changed the process every couple of months to make it for complicated. but this is how you you friend someone. click friends on your page. enter your so-called friend's name in the search bar if you can even remember their name. then, hold your mouse over the profile until the window pops
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up. all right, hold your mouse over friends until the box of options pops up. scroll down to the very last option, click unfriend and be done with that person forever. yes. it isn't easy, but it's worth it to not have to hear about their zumba classes anymore. if you go to our facebook page, face p book da, you can add a national unfriend day badge to your profile picture. just click a button and it will add this logo to your picture. it says "i nud' d." we are using facebook against itself. let everyone know they're on alert. don't feel bad if you get unfriend d, too, because it goes both ways. all right. president obama held his first press conference today. and, you know what, he just had fun with it. he really did. four years ago when obama took office, he established a system where citizens can petition the government and if a petition
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gets more than 25,000 signatures, he promised he would respond to it. so, after obama won last week, citizens in all 50 states filed petitions to secede from the union. the guy they supported didn't win, so they want their own separate countries, i guess. the state with the longest petition is texas, texas has more than 100,000 signatures, which exceeds the minimum of 25,000. so, obama administration today as promised responded to this. >> hey. how you doing? i'm anthony capri see, president obama's special envoile for talking to the people from seceding from the [ bleep ] union. president obama got your petition. he read it, he mulled it over and here's his response. nobody -- nobody is seceding from no union. nobody! you got it, texas? good. now, go eat some [ bleep ] barbecue or whatever the [ bleep ] it is that you do.
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he's barack obama, and he approved this [ bleep ] message. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he's got that, i guess. this is a good video. this happened in london. this is in the tottenham court road tube station. you can see an apparently drunk businessman attempting to walk down the up escalator. luckily someone stopped to record this event. [ laughter ] as it occurred. most people just passed him by. some people had some things to say. this woman tried to -- actually tried to help him. she went back and tried to turn him around but the great thing is, she's trying to turn him around, the guy looks back at her like she's crazy, like, leave me alone, i'm trying -- and he keeps walking despite -- she keeps trying to stop him. eventually, she gives up and
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just leave, but -- maybe he just can't afford a treadmill. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. one more thing. there's a new study from the journal trends and genetics, i don't know what it is either, but they suggest that humans may be getting dumber. and get this, they spelled dumber with a b. morons. anyway. some je net cysts believe we no longer have the evolutionary need to be smart, so we're apparently, humans lose intelligence as they gain reality shows about toddlers wearing makeup. and, but don't worry, we're still getting fatter. that, we are doing. we thought this would be a good basis for one of our pedestrian questions, so, we went out today and asked people out on the street, are you stupid? okay. the way this works is, we together will see a person, introduce himself, we'll all guess if they think they are stupid, all right?
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yes or no. let's begin. >> we're asking people on the street today, are you stupid? >> jim: yes or no? most everyone says yes. all right. keep in mind, this is in her opinion, all right? here we go. >> yes. yes, i am. [ applause ] >> jimmy: okay. all right. who else do we have? >> what is your name? >> jeff. where are you from? >> tulsa, oklahoma. >> jeff, are you stupid? >> jimmy: no. jeff -- no, all right. let's see. >> mostly yes. >> all right, thank you, jeff. >> that's all you need? >> yeah, what are you stupid? >> i am. >> jimmy: all right. thank you, jeff. next up? >> what's your name? >> michael. >> michael, where are you from? >> england. >> michael, are you stupid? >> jimmy: the glasses would indicate that, no, but who knows what his opinion of himself is.
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let's find out. >> no. no, i'm not stupid. why do you ask? i'm not stupid. never have been. never will be. >> superman! >> oh. >> jimmy: gullible. reactionary. all right. >> what as your name? >> erin. >> where are you from? >> hickory, north carolina. >> and are you stupid? >> jimmy: is she? yes. wow. take it easy. all right. >> sometimes. yes. i can be. and i make really stupid decisions but it's cool because you only live once. yolo. >> jimmy: she's right. [ applause ] yolo. who else do we have? >> what is your name? >> john. >> where are you from? >> buffalo, new york. >> john, are you stupid? >> jimmy: is john stupid?
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everyone says no. okay. >> no, not at all. >> what makes you not stupid? >> book smarts. >> what sort of books do you read? >>. >> jimmy: those do make you smart. all right. >> recent study came out saying that human beings aren't as intelligent as they once were. may i ask you a question? are you stupid? >> jimmy: very interesting. all right. let's, everyone says yes. >> i am not stupid. i'm very intelligent. >> can you prove it? >> ah -- sure, shoot. ask me a question. >> are you stupid? >> no, i'm not stupid. >> jimmy: all right, we have another. >> are you stupid?
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>> jimmy: wait a minute. pretty sure that's -- i'm pretty sure that's casey abrams from "american idol." yes? let's see what he says. >> yeah, i think so. i think everything is -- there's a lot of things in the world that make you stupid, you know, like, internet and tv and things. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think we found him on the internet and tv, didn't we? all right. >> what is your name? >> thomas. >> where are you from? >> kansas. >> thomas, are you stupid? >> jimmy: is thomas stupid? most people say yes, a couple of nos. >> no. >> what's your major? >> ah -- kansas. [ applause ] >> jimmy: sometimes -- things have really gone downhill at harvard.
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time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. buy now. save later. i just wish i could keep it this way. [ male announcer ] now you can. with the crest pro-health clinical line. used together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. the toothpaste actually reduces plaque. and the rinse reaches all areas
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and is clinically proven to help prevent plaque regrowth. crest pro-health clinical line. together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. crest. life opens up when you do. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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tomorrow night, the great mel brooks will be here, as willhe great abc senior white house correspondent jake tapper and we'll have music from jason aldean, so, join us then, too. our first guest tonight is one of the funniest men alive. it says it right on his business cards. you know him from "snl" and most significantly, the stage. you can see him live december 16th at the marina civic center in panama city, florida. please say hello to martin short. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what an entrance. it is always a pleasure to have us here. >> i love to be overwhelmed by love. >> jimmy: how is everything? >> good. i love doing this show. >> jimmy: you do? thank you? >> it's my favorite.
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of the 47 talk shows, it's in the top four of five because of the responsibility native. >> jimmy: of whom? >> our conversation. since you refuse to prepare. and i think it's your strength. >> jimmy: that it is. >> you're the honey boo boo of late night. >> jimmy: thank you very much. [ applause ] i've been eating a lot of cheese balls to prepare. well, that's -- >> i love -- >> jimmy: do you really? >> yes. the difference between her family and the palins is teeth. and that's it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and a few pounds, maybe. and i think, by the way, i'm glad that you showed up. >> jimmy: thank you. >> considering that when that national enquirer story hit today. >> jimmy: what story? >> well, the one that says that you're dating general petraeus. i think it's just -- shocking. >> jimmy: i call him david. >> isn't this the greatest story ever? >> jimmy: it's no the greatest. but right up there. >> pretty amazing. paula broadwell is the biographer and then becomes his
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mistress. you know, and i now think of paula broadwell, some people are born great and other people have greatness thrust into them. and i think -- [ laughter ] i think -- thank you very much! don't leave me hanging. don't leave me hanging. >> jimmy: you have generals in canada? how does it work over there? >> yes, we do. we have generals. >> jimmy: what goes on? >> listen. we are a proud -- you know, we're the, canadians are the aliens you don't deport. it's just -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm pretty sure they deport us. and you have a political system? there are -- >> yes, we have a political system. >> jimmy: do the moose choose the candidates? >> you know what it is? it's a drunken game of darts. whoever wins becomes the king. >> jimmy: i like that. >> you got a bulls eye, you are king for the next ten years, eh? good on you. >> jimmy: the king -- actually, the queen of england is also the queen of canada. >> that's true. >> jimmy: she doesn't go by
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that. >> what do you mean? >> jimmy: why do you think that is? >> well, because it's not so hip. because it's hipper to be queen of england. >> jimmy: you have met the queen? >> yes. i was just in london. i met the queen. >> jimmy: recently? >> yeah, yeah. i met the queen. i was invited to buckingham palace. and they were very excited because the potential pitter patter of little feet because andrew lloyd webber is getting another knighthood, so, they are -- >> jimmy: the drummer, it's like he took the night off. >> honest to god. no, no, she's very -- >> jimmy: can we go backwards for a second? is this a vacation or are you summoned by the queen? >> my christmas gift last christmas to my three children was, because two of them are graduates of notre dame university. >> jimmy: ah, nice. >> so, for the first time, notre dame was playing navy, but the first time ever they were playing in a stadium in dublin, so, i flew the family over, we went to the game, 50-10, notre
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dame over navy. and then we went to ireland and over to england. >> jimmy: that's a good trip. >> being a legendary canadian, i am knighted by canada and, but then i want to hear about you. and then i was invited to, and it's amazing. she's completely different than you think. >> jimmy: in what way? >> pick cockney accent. don't put your feet on my table, that was from my granny. she's 86, can still do the ping-pong ball act. >> jimmy: is that right? you might have just gotten unknighted. can you be unknighted? can they take that away? move the sword backwards? >> no, she's very hip. and prince philip is 91, as sharp as anything. there's not an anti-semitic joke that he can't remember saying. he's very cool. >> jimmy: i didn't know that about him.
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>> very cool. >> jimmy: i had no idea about any of this stuff. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what else did you see while you were over there? >> we went to shorts bar. shorts bar, since 19880. my father was one of 11 children. however and a half north of dublin. >> jimmy: that's great. >> all the family is still there, one went to canada, my father, and one went to london. but the others are there. >> jimmy: do they have photographs of you, do they have -- >> i'm very big. the whole thing. >> jimmy: that would be great. >> a lot of drinking. >> jimmy: yeah. well, that's what goes on over there. do the kids drink? did you get drunk with your children? >> my kids are 58 years of age. >> jimmy: they're in college. >> they're about to put me in a home. >> jimmy: it's legal over there, but do you go along with that? >> of course i do. my kids are in their 20s. they can drink. i don't cabe. >> jimmy: oh, they went to notre dame -- >> my son henry just garage wait and he's the youngest.
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>> jimmy: so the whole family's drunk together. >> the whole family's graduated. we all went. >> jimmy: do you take them with you on florida. >> they don't want to go with me. jeff, you're very kind to let him out. >> jimmy: he plays with you. sometimes paul schafer plays with you and sometimes jeff plays with you. >> jeff is, you know -- >> jimmy: is it true to say jeff is your second choice? >> um, no, there's another guy. so, he's third. >> jimmy: oh, so, she's third. not 3wbad. you're in the top three. >> listen, i want to congratulate you, i know that, i know you're upset about this election because -- >> why did you say that? >> jimmy: you didn't get your country back. that's okay. [ laughter ] i think you might be thinking of another guy. >> i know that you're a big -- >> jimmy: when we come back, i want to find out what you're -- [ laughter ] >> it's nothing we're doing.
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>> jimmy: when we come back, i'm going to talk about some, who knows. we'll be right back with martin short. >> wow. >> jimmy: yeah. be positive, yet firm. we need to leave our contract plan and make the move to net10 wireless. what??? oh nice, let's just have our calls drop all the time. net10 uses the same cell towers as the top carriers, but for half of what we pay now. half? don't worry. confusion is normal.
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but, i... it's better this way. but what if... what if... shhh... welcome to the next generation of family plans. fifty dollars the first line, 40 dollars each new line with unlimited everything. visit double barrel whisky sirloins, and brew pub pretzels, crafted with a touch of whisky, wine, and beer by highly skilled chefs. ♪ it's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme... ♪ oh, look at that. well, that's not really the kind of skill i had in mind. okay, so, cooking down the alcohol releases deep, rich flavor and, apparently, your inhibitions. ♪ are you really gonna do this every time? it's applebee's new spirited cuisine menu with entrees starting at $9.99. see you tomorrow and late night for half-priced apps. i want to get a big tv foror my big family, for the big holiday.
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we like to watch big games. we got a big spread together... so it's gotta be big. how about the 55-inch lg tv. it's led and has incredible picture quality... that's big... but i got a little budget. with the walmart credit card special financing you can go big this year. that's big time! alright! [ male announcer ] get the season's hottest brands, like an lg 55-inch led tv. make an electronics purchase of $429 or more on your walmart credit card and get no interest if paid in full within 18 months. america's gift headquarters. walmart. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] go-to gobble gobble gobble. always a favorite for turkey day. yellow tail. the go-to. [ gobbles ]
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were you -- >> i was -- i was, you know, i was always going to be in show business, i used to have an applause record and i used to have my own imaginary show in my attic. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. i had a goose neck lamp and i would put it up. even then, i needed lighting. and i used to have my own television show and i'd -- ♪ such a coo-coo day people are outside playing hockey, looking up. and then i was a little neurotic. one time, i was 13 and i felt a lump at the base of -- and i know it's television, so, my ding dong. i felt it, i was like, oh, boy. >> jimmy: they just unknighted you again. double unknighting. tell me about this lump. show it to us, if you would. >> no, it was a little cyst.
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it was nothing. i didn't know that, and i was 13. i thought, oh, my god. this is serious. and i was shy, i didn't tell anyone. so, i went to the medicine cap net and i got a bottle of this thing called dettol. i would later found out, they would clean hospital floors with it. but i didn't know. so, i just -- poured it on there and then by day three there was a rash that just -- went like that. and i would like, sorry, i can't play today coach. you know? and -- [ laughter ] it was unbelievable. >> jimmy: did you tell anyone about it? >> finally, i got so -- it was so -- so i finally broke down to my father. i'm going to die! crying like lucy then, and so he went, oh, [ bleep ], you know, he was -- it's like, we say in canada, it made him -- if he had
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been a seam tres, he would have spit the pins right out. it was a startling moment. we went to the doctor. he said, that's the scariest thing i've ever seen. and the rash isn't very good either. [ applause ] it looked like an aerial view of versailles. anyway, he gave me a cream or a salve or something and as i was leaving, i said, do you still put the dettol on? he said, you put the dettol on? that was horrifying. >> jimmy: do you miss your kids being little with the fun shenanigans? >> you know, it's so interesting you say that. no. [ laughter ] i miss -- my kids are in their 20s. i miss christmas. >> jimmy: that is fun. >> that was the greatest thing in the world. i remember the most horrifying christmas i ever had was when my kids were, like, well, we had a baby and we had a 3-year-old and
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a 5 1/2 year old. my wife had pulled her back, so, she was no bed and so i said, don't worry, i'll take care of christmas. i'm going to take it, doing christmas and i'm running around and i'm bringing her sandwiches and making sure the kids -- i was so exhausted because we had babies and the 3-year-old that finally my son oliver started to cry and i kept saying to katherine, you be good, you be good, or santa, you know -- and so, anyway, i -- oliver is crying, i get into bed with him, around 9:30, and i fall asleep and i forget to set up anything. and then in the morning, katherine comes in, says, "he didn't come!" "all your threats and your warnings and he actually didn't come!" so, i just -- i ran out of bed and i saw that there were, like, boxes that i had planned to set up. >> jimmy: they weren't assembled?
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>> oh, no. there were stickers on them from macy's, you know? so, i said to her that i'd heard a noise in the middle of the night and i'd seen this fat man in a red suit and i wraszled him and got all the presents away. >> jimmy: so your explanation was that you beat santa claus up when you came? [ applause ] >> absolutely. >> jimmy: that's wonderful. >> she loved it. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. >> great to see you. >> jimmy: will jeff be with you in florida? >> yes, always there. >> jimmy: jeff is always there. >> martin short and jeff. >> jimmy: live in panama city, florida. thank you, martin. we'll be right back with suraj sharma. what makes guinness black lager so special? let me explain. regular beer is kind of a friendly bubbly color. there's just something about black it adds more character, more style, more taste.
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choose guinness black lager. the newest beer from guinness carefully crafted with roasted dark barley; it's easy to drink and full of flavor. i think you'll agree there's something about black. ♪ guinness black lager. ♪ it's on. it's on. ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally go together. ♪ ♪ ok. can we also bring trevor? ♪ ♪ he's hot. ♪ i think we should get those dvds first. ♪ ♪ duh! they're doorbusters. ♪ missing those would be the worst. ♪ totes. ♪ it's on. it's on, ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally shop forever. ♪ ♪ smiley face. don't be late. ♪ or whatever. what if you could shop forever? ♪[music plays]♪ ♪[music plays]
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and a powerful gel to finish off the rest, baby. liquid plumr double impact. ♪[music plays]♪ ♪[music plays] to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving. spend 35 dollars and a frozen safeway turkey
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i used to live in this apartment when the 49ers won the super bowl. i used to watch every game from this exact spot. i didn't know what else to do, this is my lucky seat man. and you're just coming over now. [ male announcer ] bud light. for the fans who do whatever it takes. and you're just coming over now.
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>> jimmy: well, hello. and still to come, ne-yo will be here. our next guest is a college student and first-time actor who beat out 3,000 other hopefuls for the starring role in the new movie "life of pi." >> ah! mine, mine! ahh! >> jimmy: "life of pi" opens in theaters in 3d november 21st. please welcome suraj sharma.
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>> jimmy: first of all, your name is s-u-r-a-j. did you pronounce it right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: close enough? what's the right way, i want to say it correctly. >> it's hard. >> jimmy: it's hard? >> it's suraj. >> jimmy: suraj. suraj. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: close enough. and what part of india are you from? >> new delhi. >> jimmy: are there monkeys running around? >> there are. >> jimmy: i like cities that have monkeys running around. i like them from afar. i don't want to be among them. how big are the monkeys? >> oh, big enough. >> jimmy: too big. >> not too big. they can get big, but -- >> jimmy: they cause trouble, though, don't they? >> ah, no. i mean, you get used to them. >> jimmy: you do? >> well, we have this very rare
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study, there's this huge, like kind of a jungle sort of a thing, we call it the ridge. >> jimmy: okay. >> and we have monkeys there. and sometimes you get boxed in. >> jimmy: by monkeys. >> my troupes of monkeys, yes. >> jimmy: troupes of monkeys? are they armed? >> well, they come and look pretty armed, you have a baby on your back, all going down. >> jimmy: do they attack people? >> no. but they'll take your food. >> jimmy: knock you down and take your food? >> snatch it out of your hand. >> jimmy: what do they eat? anything? >> anything. >> jimmy: anything you have? so, you're not able to eat really. that must be why you're so thin. >> no, you don't eat. >> jimmy: wow. so, you have -- and do they get inside, like, do you live in a dorm or, college, or do you live on campus? >> no, i live away from campus. no monkeys jumping into my house.
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unless my brother comes. >> jimmy: i'm glad you brought your brother up because your brother is an actor. >> uh-huh. well -- yeah. >> jimmy: kind of, i guess. he's acted in some stuff. and, well, tell us how you got this part in this movie. great story. >> so my brother's acted in two movies before. and the casting director in my city, he called him for the audition and my brother was nervous so he said, suraj, please, please come with me, please come with me. so, i really didn't want to go because i was not going to audition, i was not interested. and he -- he bribed me, as such. >> jimmy: with what? >> with a subway sandwich. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: subway made it over there, huh? wow. >> got over there, and, yeah, they said, you know what, suraj, you're sitting around, not doing anything, might as well give it a shot. and i did. and, yeah, things went from, you
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know -- >> jimmy: and this was not just some little movie. ang lee directed this movie, oscar-winning director and he picked you. you'd never been in anything before. >> no. very lucky. >> jimmy: i tell you what. i hear stories like this and it makes me think, if you're an actor, you should never bring your actor with you, because it seems like the sibling that doesn't care is the one that gets it. now, is your brother happy that you got the part? >> he's been good about the whole thing. well, i was the kind of kid who hadn't really done anything, ever. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and, you know, it was a bad situation and i was all lost, and didn't know what to do. and, yeah -- >> jimmy: did you get the sandwich that he promised you? >> no, no. >> jimmy: you didn't? >> no. well, i went in for subway and i walked out with pi, so -- >> jimmy: you got dessert first. wow. is this your first time in the united states?
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being here? >> no. >> jimmy: you've been here before. >> fifth time. >> jimmy: oh, fifth time. you travel a lot. when was your first time. >> awhile back. >> jimmy: how old were you? >> 18. >> jimmy: oh, okay. all right. how old are you now? >> 19. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you are a stewardess? what's going on? >> no, i have work to do. you got to give this movie out to the people. >> jimmy: i got you. >> so, you have to come. >> jimmy: what do you think of the united states? what do you think of, like, l.a.? >> oh, that's funny. um -- i like it. i like it. >> jimmy: is it what you expected it to be? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it is. no monkeys. >> well, depends on what you t categorize as a monkey. [ laughter ] ah, have you -- have you heard of this game called grand theft auto? >> jimmy: yes, of course. >> so, i'm flying over l.a. and
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i'm looking down and i'm really nervous, you know, first time coming to l.a., hollywood, all that, it's a little bit creepy. i'm looking down and i'm going, huh. that's the mini map. and -- >> jimmy: that's how you know l.a.? >> yeah, i mean, i'm in a cab, going down the streets and it's really sometimes feels like i'm flaying a video game. >> jimmy: that's a very strange way to -- so, do you know your way around? you haven't stolen any sccars. >> sometimes you feel like, maybe you should -- >> jimmy: you should not do that. that's illegal over here. i don't note about over there. well, congratulations to you. are you planning on acting more, is that -- [ applause ] do you want to be in other movies now that you've been in this one? >> well, i probably will act again. [ laughter ] but -- probably will act again, all right. >> but -- >> jimmy: but? >> i think i want to, you know,
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the thing that i like best about movies is that you're telling stories. you're dreaming all these dreams and it's not just you, it's like the entire crew, everybody comes with their own skills and dreams and you follow this big one and you send it out into the world and maybe if you get lucky, it will touch someone's heart. so, i don't know if i want to act, but i do want to make movies in any way possible. >> jimmy: great to meet you. congratulations. suraj -- forget et. suraj sharma. "life of pi" opens in theaters november 21st. we'll be right back with ne yo.
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something that you never had ♪ ♪ ooh baby if you let me i can help you out with all of that ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and i will love you until you learn to love yourself ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and all your trouble don't be afraid girl let me help ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and i will love you until you learn to love yourself ♪ ♪ girl let me love you a heart of numbness gets brought to life i'll take you there ♪ hey! ♪ girl let me love you girl let me love you baby, oh ♪
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hey! everybody jump, hey! ♪ girl let me love you girl let me love you baby hey, hey! girl let me love you ♪ ♪ let me love you let me love you, oh ♪ ♪ i can see the pain behind your eyes it's been there for quite a while ♪ ♪ i just wanna be the one to remind what it is to smile ♪ ♪ i would like to show you what true love can really do ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and i will love you until you learn to love yourself ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and all your trouble don't be afraid girl let me help ♪ ♪ girl let me love you and i will love you until you learn to love yourse
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