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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 13, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am EST

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from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, james franco. from "the taste", nigella lawson. and music from fall out boy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, act accordingly, here's jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching.
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thank you for joining me on this meandering journey. i appreciate that. today is ash wednesday, which marks the beginning of lent. this is the day on which catholic gkath catholics go to work and hear hey, you have a little something on your forehead, which they hear 20 times a day. you're used to give something up for lent. i usually used to try to pick something i didn't like, like radishes, but my mother never fell for that. here i am a monster. president obama made the annual state of the union address last night. the president told congress and the american people that the state of the union is strong. i bet even lincoln said that when the state of the union was happening during his era. the democrats say for everything obama says, the republicans cheer for nothing obama says. but there was some bipartisanship, most notably, this nice little moment. you can see here as the
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president made his way to the podium, he ran into mark kirk, the republican senator, and gave him the exploding fist bump. [ laughter ] it's funny to see our first black president doing the most white thing that could ever be done. [ laughter ] i'm always curious as to what the president is saying to people as he's walking to the stage. luckily, this year cbs had a microphone pointed at him like they do at the nfl games. they were able to pick up everything he said. i've seen presidents do this many times, but it was fascinating to actually hear. >> let's listen in as the president comes into the house chamber. >> how are you, mr. president? >> i'm going to give a speech. i'm giving a speech. >> that's why we're here. >> how you doing? i'm going go give a speech. you ready for a speech? >> yeah, yeah. >> it's gonna be good. got a speech to make. speech, speech. >> okay. >> speech. speech. speech. it's that simple.
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speech, speech. speech. speech. big speech to make. you fired up? you look it. got a speech to make. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. so maybe it wasn't to fascinating. but there was a funny moment when the president got to the podium, as is customary, obama handed two envelopes, each containing a copy of his speech to the vice president and the speaker of the house. but biden got a special envelope this time. obama left him a little surprise. the "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition, going right under his mattress. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you. we worked very hard on that stuff. and i appreciate your enthusiasm. [ laughter ] you know, whenever a president makes a state of the union address, the opposition party gives a rebuttal after his speech. last night, florida senator marco rubio rebutted for the gop, and while the president focused on the middle class and the rich should pay more taxes,
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rubio said you can't have a middle class without the rich. he's right. without an upper class to not be a part of, how would you even know you were middle class? you might think you were rich. that would screw everything up, so you need rich people to etch have a middle class. just like you need biggie fries to have regular sized fries. [ applause ] technically, you need poor people, too, although he did not point that out. while rubio covered a lot in this rebuttal, most everyone seems to be focused on this. >> we can't remain powerful if we don't have an economy that can afford it. in the short time that i've been here in washington, nothing has frustrated me more than false choices like the one the president laid out tonight. the choice isn't just between big government and big business. >> jimmy: that's what you get when you eat a whole bag of snider's bavarian pretzels before a speech. i've watched that a number of times. how about the way he never takes
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his es off the camera when he's reaching for the water. it's like drop the gun on the floor. put down the gun. but what a night for poland spring. you cannot buy that kind of product placement. at least i hope you can't buy it, but in washington, who knows? why was the water so far away? it would have been less awkward if he reached down the front of his pants to get it. [ laughter ] it would have been less awkward had he been wearing one of these on his head during his speech. [ laughter ] and while everyone seems to be talking about the water-gate, i guess, last night, i'm more fixated on the way marco rubio ended his speech. >> thank you for listening. may god bless all of you. may god bless our president. and may god continue to bless the united states of america. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: look at that. that is is a perfectly hydrated smile, isn't it? so while he might not ever be
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president, he does have a pretty good shot at becoming a dallas cowboys cheerleader. last night in new york, the finals of the 137th annual westminster kennel club dog show. they said they haven't seen such finely groomed well-trained specimens at madison square garden since the last time justin bieber performed there. it's a friendly televised reminder that our dogs are dirty. this is a 6-year-old affenpinscher, banana joe. his handler said they are the best-kept secret in dogs. what are some of the other secrets? do they speak spanish? banana joe beat out six other dogs in the final round and now he will retire from competition to spend more time on his true passion, which is licking
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himself. [ laughter ] congratulations. we are now really minutes away from valentine's day. guys, don't forget to stop by the drugstore and grab something terrible for your wife or girlfriend on the way home from work tomorrow. if you're still not sure what to get for valentine's day, may i suggest that you make her part of your latest youtube challenge. i'm asking our viewers to wrap a small gift, give it to your wife or girlfriend, make her think it's something nice like jewelry, but put something weird in the box, like a lego covered with almond butter. put that in the box. videotape your wife or girlfriend opening it, and then up load the video to youtube with the title "hey, jimmy kimmel, i gave my wife or girlfriend a terrible gift for valentine's day." check your e-mail and youtube account for a message from us after you do, and then we will run our favorites on the show next week. once again, our lawyers have asked me to ask you not to harm anyone or to damage any property while making these videos. the truth is they really don't care about you or your property, they just don't want us to get
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pseudo. -- sued. i thought i would tell you about some love that is literally in the air. a travel website did a survey of more than 700 flight crew members. they asked them which country's travelers are most likely to join the mile high club. and the winner was -- [ drum roll ] [ laughter ] it's not going to be as exciting as it should be now. the winner was great britain. yeah. [ applause ] so congratulations. behind the british on the list, number two australians, number three germans, four french, five brazilians. americans way down near the bottom. it's tough to get in the mood when you're flying southwest. [ laughter ] i guess it makes sense that british people are having the most sex on planes. i mean, we know they're not in the bathroom brushing their teeth. [ laughter ]
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this survey was interesting, but i never believe this stuff until i hear it firsthand. i don't think i know anybody who's in the mile high club. cleto, are you in the mile-high club? >> technically, no. >> jimmy: i don't know what that means. but i will investigate further. we went out on to hollywood boulevard today to ask people strolling by, have you ever had sex on an airplane? this is what we're going to do. we're going to see someone introduce him or herself, and we'll try to guess whether they've done it at 30,000 feet. are you ready? it is time for tonight's "pedestrian question." >> hi, my name is spencer, i'm from san diego, california. >> have you ever had sex on an airplane? >> jimmy: okay, do we think this man has had sex on an airplane? the audience mostly says no. there is one yes. let's see. >> wait, what? no. >> jimmy: next up. >> have you ever had sex on an
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airplane? >> jimmy: has ricky anne -- everyone now saying yes. >> no. i've never been on an airplane. but i totally would. >> jimmy: never been on an airplane. wow. all right. >> my name is renee, i'm from holland. >> jimmy: have you ever had sex on an airplane? we're fairly unanimous here with yes. >> yes, i did. you want details? >> sure. >> we just went to the toilet and had sex. >> jimmy: how romantic. all right. >> i am from san diego. >> have you ever had sex on an airplane? >> jimmy: everyone says yes. >> no. well -- honestly, yeah.
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>> jimmy: all right. a little curveball. >> i'm from here in los angeles. >> have v you evyou ever had se airplane? >> jimmy: most people are saying no. there are some yeses, though. >> no, i haven't. but i did take airplane news went. i plugged my phone in so i could charge it a little and took naked pictures once. >> wow. of your whole body? >> i had just gotten my nipples pierce so i was trying to show them off a little bit. >> jimmy: just want to point out that this young lady is in our audience here tonight. [ applause ] i'm sure her parents are delighted. all right, a couple more. >> i'm from jersey. >> have you ever had sex on an airplane? >> jimmy: most people say no, but there are some yeses.
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>> i have and i wish i could do it again. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, we have one more. >> from san antonio, texas. >> have you ever had sex on an airplane? >> jimmy: all right, we have a mixed opinion. >> no. >> we tried. >> what happened? >> we thought about it. but we didn't have enough time. and it was too small. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i guess we won't get any further clarification on that. we have to take a quick break. when we come back, academy award nominee christoph waltz is going to teach you how to seduce a woman. plus, james franco, nigella lawson, and fall out boy on the way. so please stay awake.
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[ gwen ] i used to sleep on the tour bus between shows. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon.
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[ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc hershey's is more than chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious. [ coughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] you can't let a cold keep you up tonight.
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vicks nyquil -- powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ 6-symptom cold & flu relief. yeah.mmm! this is microwaved? it's great. nice. ehh. introducing ball park beef patties made with 100% beef. they're pre-grilled, then individually frozen for a juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger in about a minute. because these days, every penny is a little more important. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free.
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it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. welcome back. james franco, nigella lawson, and music from fall out boy are still to come on the show. there's a strange new phenomenon, apparently. it's going on among american teenagers now. professor at villanova university says teenagers are sleep-texting. they're either asleep or half-asleep and hear their phone buzz and they answer a text using real words or gibberish and they have no recollection of doing it. [ laughter ] this is why i wear sleep mittens at all times. that is something, though. where was this report when anthony weiner needed it?
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i was sleep-texting! we used the sleepwalk and now we sleep-text. we are so lazy we're not even getting accidental exercise in our sleep anymore. speaking of hands disobeying their masters, this is crazy. cbs 2 in new york had a story about two people who have a very rare and very hilarious medical condition. >> karen burn and james cook have something very unusual in common. neither has control over their left hand. >> my left hand has a mind of its own. >> they suffer from a very rare but real and extremely distu disturbing medical syndrome known as alien hand. >> there she goes. >> watch what happens during our interview with burn when her left hand starts attacking her. >> jimmy: she is fun to play patty cake with. the scariest thing is that woman is a heart surgeon. [ laughter ] no, it's a joke. as i mentioned earlier, valentine's day is tomorrow. i don't have any romance tips. i'm not great at that sort of
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thing. but fortunately, we have someone tonight who is. academy award winner and current nominee christoph waltz, not only was he great in "django unchained," he's also great with the ladies. if you do have trouble in that department, i think you'll find his new program very useful. >> the art of seduction with christoph waltz. make any woman your woman. >> seduction. like needle point, flower arrangement, competitive bass fishing is an art. like any art it can be mastered. let me show you how. [ laughter ] >> the personal touch. >> pheramones are submitted through the armpits. >> don't be shy. now you smell ready for action. >> the subtle touch. my first line must raise her interest and put her at ease. your perfume is lovely.
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>> yes, it is. >> the ice is broken. now i ask her about herself, while also making a physical connection through an inconspicuous touch. do you enjoy racket sports, like ping-pong? paddle ball? badminton? >> yes, i do. >> the final touch. >> now remains only the final step to make sure she's not secretly a man. she isn't. >> act now, and you'll see a complete set of dvds, nine books and a bottle of christoph waltz's pit sweat. the art of seduction, drive any woman crazy. >> jimmy: it seemed like a good product. we have some fun things planned for you tonight. right now, as we speak, the star of the new movie "oz the great and powerful" james franco is in
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the sky descending toward our studio. [ applause ] look at that. how you doing, james? can you hear me? >> hey. just hanging out. >> jimmy: james, you all right up there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay, good. whose idea was it to put you this balloon? >> yeah, i think it was you and your team, right? >> jimmy: well, tell me as long as a strong gust of wind doesn't come, we'll see you in a few minutes. we don't want you to set your hair on fire before you come in there. >> all right. >> jimmy: so james is here. from "the taste" tonight nigella lawson is here. we have music from fall out boy. and if the balloon lands properly, we will be right back with james franco. so stick around. ♪
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[ male announcer ] whether it's mom's smartphone... dad's tablet... lauren's smartphone... or kevin's smartphone... at&t mobile share makes it affordable for the whole family to share data on all their devices. and when you connect a tablet, you save $100. ♪ at&t. rethink possible.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the program, she is a judge on the show "the taste" here on abc and author of this new book. nigella lawson is with us tonight. and then making their first television appearance in many years, their new single called "my songs know what you did in
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the dark," the return of fall out boy. we will spend valentine's night with rachel weisz and josh groban. is he up in the balloon? let's check that out. right now outside our studio, our first guest is gently descending, we hope, on hollywood boulevard, possibly on to an unsuspecting sponge bob out there. doesn't look like the balloon is moving down. it looks like the balloon is in a bit of a holding pattern, actually. all right. well, it may be a while -- well, he is an oscar nominated actor who also divides his time as an author, producer, student, college professor, soap star, "playboy" columnist, conceptual artist, and later this month, grand marshal at the daytona 500. his new movie "oz the great and powerful" opens march 8. joining us by hot air balloon, james franco. there's james. still in the balloon.
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the eagle has landed. there we go. all right. you are very serious about reducing your carbon footprint traveling around by hot air balloon. >> yeah, i know. >> jimmy: look, the yellow brick road and everything. how festive everything is out there. all right, there he is. [ applause ] i'd know him anywhere. he has entered the premises. he is making his way through the lobby. only three quarters of a mile left to go. [ cheers and applause ] there he is. james franco. we should have sent a car for you, that would have been easier. how you doing? everything all right? >> yeah, that was good. that was exciting. thank you. >> jimmy: i usually get sick in the hot air balloons. >> you take a lot of hot air
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balloon rides? >> jimmy: i took one and i was nauseated the whole time. and my hair got hot. >> you're a tall guy. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. it was not a pleasant experience for me. >> i've never been in one. in this movie, i ride in one, but it's all -- >> jimmy: it's all fake. that was your first time in a real one? >> yeah. thank you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know your grandma is here with you tonight. >> there she is. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you spoke about your grandmother the last time you were here. your grandma mitzy. >> and she likes to go by mitz the vitz. >> jimmy: what does the vitz mean? >> the vitz means son of a vitz. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: your grandma is in the movie, right? >> i hope. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> well, she came out, visited ne detroit. and she was dressed as one of
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the townspeople in glinda's kingdom. she was just aside of being a munchkin. a little too tall. >> all of my jealous friends were sure i was a munchkin. but i'm too tall to be a munchkin. >> jimmy: isn't that always the way? too short for the nba, too tall to be a munchkin. [ laughter ] and so you don't know whether she made the cut in the movie yet? >> i'm hoping, grandma. i'm hoping. >> i got my fingers crossed. she's been in a lot of my films. she was in the robert altman film. she was in a film i directed where she played the matron of a crack den. >> jimmy: really? >> she had one line. she won't stop saying it. >> you owe me money, bob. [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: nicely done. i hope you're in the movie. it's going to be very disappointing if he's not in the movie. >> and she takes credit for my entire career. >> jimmy: sure, why not? by the way, she must be very proud of your art. you had a big art show in berlin last weekend. >> i did. >> jimmy: it was all your art. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's called gay town. why is it called gay town? were you in gay town? no, you weren't in gay town. >> the show was paintings. it had blankets. it had videos. that's a painting of the water polo team from my high school. >> jimmy: is this you on the water polo team? >> no, i one on theater polo team. i wanted to be, but i never -- >> jimmy: that's your actual water polo team, huh? now this one -- >> that's a painting that -- of a hunk calendar that we did senior year and i was in the hunk calendar and they called me james "the thinker" franco.
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>> jimmy: your muscularity back then was enormous. >> this is a collage. >> jimmy: this says k-stew. >> she plays snow white. >> jimmy: that's a series i did, they're paintings, but there's actual jackets in there. i thought they were just really gestur gestural. >> jimmy: it's not an extra coat? another coat? >> it's also fun. >> jimmy: it was that too? >> well, it's a coat -- yeah, i guess. >> jimmy: so i just thought of that is what you're saying. so in a way, we have created a piece of art together. and are you still teaching your college courses? >> i am. i have a couple students here. i don't know if they made it in here. >> jimmy: you do? >> i teach at ucla. >> jimmy: is it hard to get into your class? i would imagine that that would be a popular class. >> it is. i get to make some selections,
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but i don't know the students, so i let the other administrators select them. >> jimmy: how many students do you have? >> in the english class, i have 15. i have a graduate film class there. there's a lot. there's like 40. but that's all like screen writers, directors, producers. >> jimmy: how frequently do you do this? sit an every week type of thing? >> yeah. >> jimmy: every week you're there teaching an english class and a film making class? >> yeah, not only that. so we make movies. so in the film classes, we make movies and i act in them and then i get great actors to come and be a part of it. >> jimmy: wow. >> natalie portman is in one. kristen wiig is doing it. i was acting in one yesterday. in fact, we were -- this is a weird story, but we were in big bear -- [ laughter ] like five minutes from where all that horrible stuff went down. and i was -- in the movie, i was driving a sheriff car, too, so
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it was really weird. >> jimmy: oh, my god. wow. >> and there were, like, you know, swat team trucks going right by where we were shooting. >> jimmy: that's crazy. and yet as a young film maker, that's as much production value as you could possibly ask for. >> it didn't work for our movie. we just needed an old fashioned car. >> jimmy: that's where you rewrite the whole script immediately. that's unbelievable. >> actually, i was thinking you should, you know, come out and be in one of these things. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and do what? be in a movie? yeah, i will. >> we're done with big bear. >> jimmy: yeah, my acting is impeccable. the kids will be delighted. >> we'll find a good role for you. >> jimmy: we'll take a quick break here. the new movie is called "oz the great and powerful." james franco is here. we'll be right back. portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "bar rescue." tune in for a new episode this weekend. check your channel guide and go to for more.
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i'm baby swiss. whaaaa... [ laughs ] did you get it? i do get it. ummm... is it hot in here? and, now you're hot and spicy. what about now? [ chuckling ] i suppose that's... i'm you! [ laughs ] see the hair? it's perfect. [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheeses to mature before we bake them into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. a small amount evaporates. this is the angel's share gone forever. but some liquid stays trapped, deep inside the wood. this is the devil's cut, and we've found a way to extract it. a richer, full-flavored bourbon. devil's cut from jim beam.
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hey, is that a wall? >> of sorts. it propels our enemies and protects us from harm. >> but we're headed straight for it. >> yes, we are. >> and going very fast. how do you -- does this thing have any brakes? i'm going too fast!
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i can't die! >> you needn't worry, wizard, it's a magic wall and all good-hearted souls goat pass through. >> i'm gonna die! >> jimmy: that is "oz the great and powerful." it opens march 8. so you play the wizard of oz. you're the young one. >> i'm the younger version. >> jimmy: when you first got there. >> exactly. this movie is basically how the wizard began his role in oz. >> jimmy: that's interesting. >> it is. he starts off less than, you know, a perfect kind of guy. he's a little selfish. a bit of a womanizer. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. like dorothy sort of had to work out her issues, or the tin man had to get a heart. this guy has to get a conscience
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and be less selfish. >> jimmy: and how do you prepare for a role like that? do you do ride-alongs with actual wizards? >> actually, you do in a way. i had to train with the great lance berkman from vegas. >> jimmy: the magician, master of magic. >> yeah. is that what he goes by? >> jimmy: something like that. what is it, master of magic? >> he is a master. >> jimmy: so you trained with him? >> i did. for two weeks i think. >> jimmy: every day with lance for two weeks? >> well, here's the thing. yeah, i did, but -- and sam, my good friend sam the director insisted that i go out there two weeks early to learn these magic tricks and i did learn them. lance has special doves that, you know, work with him. and i ended up being able to have a flame arise in my hand and then i could do this and it would turn into a dove and pull rabbits out of hats. >> jimmy: let's do some of that right now. >> well, i need lance.
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[ laughter ] and i need special doves. >> jimmy: if we have lance, we don't need you. >> that's true. >> jimmy: so you're saying these are stunt doves that lance is using. these are not doves from nature, the doves that we would normally see? >> yeah, they kind of need -- >> jimmy: how disappointing that is. >> they're magic doves. >> jimmy: magic doves. >> but then all the scenes got caught out, the magic scenes, the dove scenes got cut out in the movie. >> jimmy: you should sue sam. you had to spend two weeks in vegas with a magician. >> but then i had these tricks on my iphone. >> jimmy: it disappeared. >> i got so mad today, i was looking for them so i could show them to you. >> jimmy: maybe next time you come on. i do enjoy magic. >> i'll be promoting like seth rogen's movie, but i'll show you some magic. >> jimmy: that's all right. you can make a cloud of pot
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smoke come out of the hat. >> that stuff i can do. >> jimmy: congratulations. thanks for coming. the movie is called "oz great and powerful." march 8 it opens. james franco, everybody. be right back with nigella lawson. portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by speak tv's "bar rescue." tune in for a new episode this weekend. check your tienl guide and go to for more. dr. i'm here to flush the pipe. vo: liquid plumr double impact has twice the drain clearing power with a plumber's snake to grab deep clogs and a powerful gel to finish off the rest, baby. liquid plumr double impact. n n n a paycheck. and you need to stretch every dollar of it.
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a hairline fracture to the mandible and contusions to the metacarpus. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car payments and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you between appearance, i livand reality.ce,
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>> jimmy: welcome back. fall out boy is on the way. i forgot to mention, because i'm dumb, that everyone in our audience tonight is getting -- each getting a pair of tickets to see "oz the great and powerful" in 3-d. [ applause ] our next guest's name has become synonymous -- she is a best-selling author who crossed the atlanta to criticize our reality show contestants. her show is called "the taste." please welcome nigella lawson. how are you? >> i'm incredibly well. >> jimmy: it's very nice to have you here. for those who don't know about you, you're not a professional chef. you learned to cook in your home, right? >> i'm not a professional
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anything, really. which is why i was a journalist for so long. but i'm a home cook. i learned not because my mother wanted to play with us and divert us, but because she believed in child labor and had quite a lot of us just to do the cooking. >> jimmy: what would she make you do as a child? >> i think you'd probably get taken into care now for what she used to make us do. we had a rickety -- it was called a new range, which is very old, open gas cooker and she'd put all the kitchen chairs out and we'd climb. talking about being 6 and 7, that kind of thing. she'd make us cook lunch. >> jimmy: they say it's a good idea to let 6-year-olds play with an open flame. >> well, in fact, i took it a bit -- i did it with my children. i was holding my son when he was a baby while cooking and he obviously thought it would be a good idea just to put his hand on a hot pan and burned himself.
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it was really, really awful. i mean, i didn't have to go to hospital, it wasn't that bad. just bandaged it up. i was speaking to a friend of mine who married a child psychiatrist. i said i've done the most horrible thing. my son has burned himself and i feel that i shouldn't have been like that. he said no, on the contrary, it's very good for children to learn about danger in a place of safety. so i thought, so i was being a fantastic mother. >> jimmy: oh yeah. >> while holding a baby. but my mother was old fashioned -- >> jimmy: you should not write a children's book. >> it used to be called the school of benign neglect. >> jimmy: why is that? >> well, in other words, you don't actively encourage them to do anything that's wrong but you can't spend your whole time bothering about where they might be. >> jimmy: i think we went to that school too as kids. benign neglect. is it like smoking in your
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children's faces, could be categorized as benign neglect? if so, my aunt chippy might be -- [ laughter ] >> i have to say, when i was a child, people used to send you to buy their cigarettes for them. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. absolutely. >> that was considered completely normal. >> jimmy: it was okay. that's taboo now. >> you can't even get the children to light the significant rets f cigarettes for you or anything. >> jimmy: it's really a shame. >> my husband has a terrible habit, when they were 6 or 7 he used to say to their friends when they came for lunch, cigarette? and i always thought, one day someone -- i'm going to have someone's parents on the phone. >> jimmy: but it never happened? >> i did, but luckily it was a friend of mine and his daughter had been going through the christmas photographs and she said, that's the man that offered me a cigarette. thank goodness it was a friend of mine who got the joke. >> jimmy: thank goodness, sure. or he would probably still be in
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prison. >> i'd visit him. >> jimmy: you have this cook book. it is an italian cook book. you are not italian, though. >> i pretend. i am to myself. it's a delusion, an honest delusion, if you'll allow that. >> jimmy: well, it's not a bad delusion to have. you moved to italy when you were how old? >> i was about 18. i really wanted to be italian. and i realized that in order to be italian, i had to know how to speak italian. so i -- we have a thing called a gap here in england where you have a year off between school and university. >> jimmy: i had a bunch of those. >> i read about that. and so i wanted to go to italy and i said i'll do anything. and absolutely anything to earn a living except clean restrooms. so of course, i got a job as a chamber maid and all i did was clean restrooms. actually, i liked it. >> jimmy: what are maids up to in the room? >> that's the fun part. you try on everyone's clothes. you put their scent on. you go through their drawers. i've never, ever taken anything.
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but when gi go to people's houses, i look in their fridge. >> jimmy: you're very nosey. >> you must be very nosey. you couldn't do what you do -- >> jimmy: i would never go in someone's fridge. >> just their drawers -- >> jimmy: no, i don't think i would do that even. honestly, that's not my -- no. [ laughter ] now, you're on the show "the taste." and you have some big-time -- anthony bordain is one of your co-judges. people are cooks and they try to impress you and you tell them whether you like their food or not. >> sort of. but we tell them -- in a way i like this because we don't know who's cooked it at the time, because we taste it blind. so it's us talking to each other about the food. if we do say something disobliging, we're not being disrespectful to them. we're not saying you're a bad person, we're just saying what is going on here? >> jimmy: by the way, i'm very
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impressed by disobliging. that word has never been used on this show before. [ applause ] it's a fun show to watch and i'm glad you're part of the abc family here. i'm glad we could be so undisobliging. >> you're very accommodating. >> jimmy: i'm happy to be accommodating. this is the book, it's called "nigellisima." "the taste" airs tuesday nights at 8:00 on abc. we'll be right back with music from fall out boy.
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>> jimmy: their new album comes out in may. here with the song "my songs know what you did in the dark," fall out boy! ♪ ♪ oh oh oh be careful making wishes in the dark dark
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can't be sure when they've hit their mark and besides in the mean meantime i'm just dreaming of tearing you apart i'm in the details with the devil so now the world can never get on my level i just got you out of the cage i'm a young lover's rage gonna need a spark to ignite my songs know what you did in the dark so light 'em up light 'em up up up light 'em up up up i'm on fire light 'em up up up light 'em up up up i'm on fire oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh all the writers keep writing what they write somewhere another pretty vein just died i've got the


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