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tv   Washington Business Report  ABC  March 23, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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>> buss iness news fm the capital region. this is "washington business rert," with abc's national correspondent rebecca cooper. captioned by the national captioning institute news ande business matterhere in the whington region. countdown to the april 1
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primar the races up p to see who will be the next mayor of what is often dubd the most powerful city in the world. we have profofilesf thtwo candidates running. first, a look at the headlines this week in business news. giant starts claims on missing relation flight 370. toyota will pay big, one point $2 billion, as it joins gm and the club of carmakers accused of hiding designe defects. it is shameful. >>o shame is shown by vladimir putin. his response to u.s. freezing assets as russia claims crimea? russian sanctions on u.s. lawmakers, including house speaker john boehner, who says he is ok giving up his family travels to siberia the summer. janet yellen says when she said to reporters she only estimates six months before the fed eases
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efforts on holding down interest rates, plus the market ququickly bounces back thanks to better-than-excted manufacturing numbers on thurursdayay. big leadership changes i washingt. crcreated in 1940 four by the owners of the washinon post, the foundation gives big to numerous washington causes. the endowment grew to $210 million. it was a good week to ask reddit go for good food. nominees were announced for thee bestla in washington to eat, drink, and enjoy that exnse accoununt if y have one. lateter in the show we will talk about the annual foodie fight about whosthe best in the washgton area. .e will talk new finances and a look at some of the other top headlines. joining us today is jonathann
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ackermanf amplifieventures and pepeter mae c -- jonathan aa beberman and p peter morici. >> as a matter of law and internatnal conntion, there isismmediate reqequirements pay the families something. there will be another amount paid really soonased on strict liability after that -- - strict liability. notreal issue iwhether or there will be terrorism involved. the insurance companies will bee looking at a big claim. it may be something we never knowow. >> absolutely. we are certainly not going to kn. this far out in time it is highly unlikikely. the hindenbnburg this week. this is going to bone of tse mysteries that have four or five differenent explanations. lead explain another mystery.
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what wilill the fed do and whyhy does it matter? thiseard janet yellen ek. gi us a timeline on when the leadsll stop qb interest -- stop eping intererest rates at an artificialow. investors are sayinghat now that we take a look at these other good numbers, theyey are t so wried. she said there are a lot of things going into that. iin sixoing to do months, which is absurd. >> the mededia being impatient. andeey want certainty can't givehethat. the statement id t they cannot give them certainty. i don't think 're looking a hiring -at higher interest rates untntil next ye. >> i think the economymy is strongernd more revant than anybybody thinks it is. i think it is really sade are in a fan show in a financial
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world. we have ay is that mamarket that is driven by an to liquidity. we have fundamenental issues wih our fiscal situation. we may b be looking into the possibilitity of 07. >> ee up and china is sitting upup on $400 triion in forgn exchange reserves. they can literally baiailout evy bank in n the country. it is s a whole different gagam. ininstititutionally china so different. we just onon a how that will ply t. >> our bank is getting a good grade on friy. they say all but one major bank s the capital to pull throh. up.hey called mee >> why would you give up that? >> there's nothing here. you ha to remembeberr he stress
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test is not t real world, it is a flight sisimulator. they can't have all the failures in one country and this and that. >> last word on the banks. >> it ijust much more concentrtrated than it has ever been. a lot them are in good shape. >> the smart money listens to you and so do i. the man who said he would be the st ceo for the city, talking $14 billion deals and more. find out who it is when we return.
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>> the hotot race for d c mayor just gototter this week. a new poll shows it is neck anad neck between the twowo candidat. withth the primary quickly proaing, those f fighting to saying what it takes to grow the economy and be the city. saysilmember tommy y wells the fans are tragically shifting this race, given the charges vincent gray n hope out illegal attack -- charges vincent gr knew about illegal activity. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> i do have a strong vision for the city. going in the it is right direction, it is primary the privivate investment.
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certainly the department of transportation seems to be stuck in place. of course the e fire department mismanaged. the murder rate is going back up . and the homeless problem, that affects everybody. people say that his social services and such. that impacts the whole city. >> we are seeing some degree of job growth in places we haven't, how would you sustain that growth and even ke it bigger, especial given -- especially given the federal government may be downsizing. >> there a two major things. you haveve to have aa good publc transit system. it doesn't matter if you get a b but you canan't get to it. lawyer-er one private private employer is georgetown university. it takes one or two buses. then you havave a snow evevent. work fore late to
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five timeses you'rere fired. having great trait system is what interconnects our cit y. >> what would make you a good ceo? of things. one is that i would go back to hiring managers instead of risk takers. we have gone back to the old kind of government where everybody just covers their rear. once again you have people saying, that is not my job, you have to call somewhere else. we would go back to hiring risk takers and folks that also understand not just the new economies but how a communication works. predict the trends and what we have is we are trending -- as long as you don't mess this up we can indispensable city from the next 15 years. >> let's get to some of the criticism.
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been a person of concern to the business community because they see you -- they see camp time -- see campaign finance business reform is anti-ceo. you have to get ouyour mind around this, there's about $14 billion in development. him southwest -- southwest waterfront, $2 billion development. it has to stay clean. you caot have a pay to play system. it will collapse on itself if there is that much money flowing around. for me to be dealing with -- dealing with develops in a way that they can trust me, i really have kept perks and closed down
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my constitituent svice firms, where you can spepend money on yourself. close that out. they had a truck that they had an honest broker. worried about y your criticism? >> i have picked up five endorsement since last money -- last monday. d.c. voice, greater greater washington, the police union, the firefighter union, the national organization of women. i'm secocond only to vincent gry in the number endorsements coming in to say something in this election. the is excitement, energy, and it is very likely and very possssible that i will be the nt mamayor of washington dc. >> thank you for joining us on "washington business report." artur interview is our website. just google -- our entire inrview is on our website.
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just google "washington business repo." stay tuned for more.
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>> jack evans has sat on the d.c. counsel for years. he thinks the current mayor will be indicted and it is time for him to take over as mayor. >> we have seen a remarkable turnaround in the city. and i came on the council back in 1991 the city was really in troue. financers were really a rack. downtown was largely deserted.
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economic development came to a halt. people werere leaving the city. it was a situation analogous to where detroit is today. him we have really rebuilt our city, revitalized it. we are running one of the most dynamic cities in the mayor today. only in the mayor's of job do i believe i can address some of the issues that are still outstanding in our city. there are four areas i want to focus on. schools being one, crime, affordable housing, and jobs. >> what do you say to those who , starting with when -- starting with nimum wage, d.c. is now close to business? >> i have seen nationwide approaches t toward minimum wag. to see aou are going trend across the country on a state-by-state basis of raising the minimum wage.
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$7.25 is just way too low. and today's too low world. in virginia it is always going to be a problem there. see are p probably going to that going to keep the minimal wage down. towill encourage businesses come here for other reasons. >> w why do you think some of te big companies look at relocating here? from the hilton to defense contractors, it is really virginia and maryland that seem to be in the game when it comes to attracting corporate headquarters. >> it is really a two fold problem. first is the tax right out-of-the-box. our corpore income tax stands at 9.97%. it is the highest in the region by f. when you compare that unvorably with virginia, who
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is at 56%, it is almost a whole four percent higher. general dynamics and the hiltons look to locate to the region, they see that four percen we are looking at lowering that tax. >> what macy think you can do anything about it to? it is ase recommendation of the tax ofmission, that was a group different people. for him to come forward and gives it aot more credibility. secondly you have money. a $938 milliond revenue increase. i sent a letter to the mayor and chairman saying we should use this money to lower those taxes. >> throughout the campaign you have not been a critic - -- you
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have been a critic of the mayo people may say why run for the mayor then doing the job currently? >> the federal investigation, i is going to get indicted at some point. we are going to have a trial and it will be a spectacle. i am the one with the experience, the skill set to run the city today. ,hen i p point that out to peope nobody believes i could be mayor today. something i don't have to do. he is unable to do that. i become the best choice. can beentire interview seen on our website. the ramey nominees. stay tuned for more washington
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the ramey nominees. stayi was going to theshington library to do my homework.
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it took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. for some low-income families, having broadband internet is a faraway dream. so we created internet essentials, america's largest low-cost internet adoption program. having the internet at home means she has to go no further than the kitchen table to do her homework. now, more than one million americans have been connected at home. it makes it so much better to do homework, when you're at home. welcome to what's next. comcastnbcuniversal. >>he restaurant industry in
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thd. regioare abuzz. the nominationare in for the restaurant awas, theamey' he can bring in newew customers, especially now that washinington has become an internationalal fd deststination. joining to discuss some of business,ames inhe
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kathy hollinger, president and ceo of the rtaurant association of the metropolitan of wasashington. d.c. has become a food deststination and it iexciti toto watch. buget righted to it with some of t names nomininated you a categogory everyone likes to lok at, new restaurants. let'talk abobout that cagory. this year we have h so many that have oped in the last decade. -- so many that have open.n. and the last dece it has been 700. a lot oft on 1h street. this is definitely a category to watch.h. caleco also look at another hot category. ery one likes to s who will be nominated f chef of the year. .ou see last year's winne he is competing up ainst two of the new nominees. all these are proven names. >> you have so much that goeses into new restaurant of the year.
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gluehef reay remains the that holds the establishment together.. thiss a very difficult choice for the judges to make. >> foodies like to look at restrants based on every categoryfrom the on be on something lococation. you have your own categories. chef othe year c comes down to the food and that is it for the biest foodies. let's looat another category that is alwaysnterestingor the buness audience because i is so muchch about the busininef the industry. we sat down with last year's winner. we are going to have that interview coming up later. nominee that hahas been nominated in thehe past, he isin interesting story. all of thehese peoplple have mat in a business t that is not eas. >> not at all. they're all very ieresting stories. they a have a passion for the industry. they a all local restauranteurs that have such
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innovation. >> their ccept's should ablutely be watched. >> he have so many new categories this year. you had categories that the public gets to vote on. in additioion to that you h some inresting categories thaare alwaysys popular with the publi. you u and said let's have some fun and look at some nominees there. screen.hem on the why are you adding some of these newer categories? broke out our mixologist category to focus on the year. we have seen a lot obuzz this last year. the craft brewers association did a conferenence here in d.c.a year ago at the convention center. pick cities where there are a lot of g great trends. it is a testamament to y is catego is going to get a lot of buzz.z.
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tick off some of these newer catetegoriries and tell us which categories thehe public can vote on. the brunch categories, another great example of trends we have bn seeing over thpast cououple of years. particularly in the last year, theyre poppingp all over our reon that ia category that the blic c go and vo. we -- we are excited to see with the comeme up with >> all they have to do is go to yo website we have story up on is a fun time of the year. some b big winnersnnounced in june. thank you so much for jojoining us. that is al for this week. be sure to tune in for xt week only talk with this candate taki o on the incumbent mayor. we continue to extend an invitation to mayor great. so far he is d declined to talko usbout business, js and the
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condition of washington. remember there are lots of ways you can weigh in on the show. sit our facebook page, follow us on twitter, and watches on thanyou for joininus. i am r rebecca c coor.
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new report finds the obama administration has a transparency problem. ♪ >> this week on "government matterss." >> it depends on how much support the u.s. has lost. >> an international tug-of-war over


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