tv Nightline ABC September 24, 2014 12:37am-1:08am EDT
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, queen of mean? >> miss new york! >> she just won the crown, her platform, fighting domestic abuse. so, why is the new miss america now facing allegations of abusing her sorority sisters? i'm incredibly hurt that someone has said these things. >> with the winner coming under fire for alleged extreme hazing, we're going inside the secretive world of greek life. plus -- >> let's do it! >> confessions of a pot mom. forget wine. meet mommy's new little helper. >> consumers of cannabis shouldn't be criticized anymore than consumers of alcohol. marijuana's more sophisticated than ever. but are moms who light up putting their kids at risk? but first, the "nightline" five. ♪ things are gonna go my way ♪ i think it's gone that na be y
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good evening and thanks for joining us. tonight, the new miss america barely had that crown on her head before it was tarnished by a scandal involved allegations of some deeply unattractive behavior during her time in a college sorority. her story now shedding light on the controversial aspects of greek life that have cost some
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students their lives. here's abc's mara schiavocampo. >> miss new york! >> reporter: newly crowned miss america kira kazantsev wowed the judges with her brains -- >> every single woman that fights in our military deserves the right to be safe and be happy and respected by those she serves with. >> reporter: her activist spirit -- >> my platform's called love shouldn't hurt. ♪ clap along if you feel >> reporter: and her quirky talent. but tonight, she's anything but happy. >> i'm incredibly hurt that someone has said these things. >> reporter: a new report on the website alleging kazantsev was expelled from her sorority at of star university for exceptionally harsh hazing. >> she was playing a direct role in the hazing. >> reporter: erin ryan citing an
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unnamed source claims under kir a's supervision, pledges in the incoming class were called names and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion. >> it was pretty standard hazing type behavior. it's things that a lot of sorority girls have participated in. it's something that she for one reason or another is not full little copping to. >> reporter: the report stating kazantsev, along with another sorority sister, were forced to leave the alpha phi sorority in april 2013 after an investigation into the alleged abuse. >> these allegations, first of all, are just not true. >> reporter: but today, miss america was quick to defend herself. speaking to lara spencer on "good morning america." >> under the broad definition of hazing, yes, i was involved with some ofities while i was at hofstra. and i was hazed. >> reporter: while she admits hazing was part of the culture, she denied it was as serious as
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jezebel's report claims. >> it included something like you would stand in a line and basically recite information or sleepless night crafting. things that were menial tasks. and you were told that, you know, if y could learn the information and participate in the traditional things, you would be a member. >> reporter: her sorority, alpha phi, confirmed to abc that kazantsev is no longer a member. but wouldn't discuss the circumstances of her expulsion, saying in a statement, they have no tolerance for hazing in any form. but kazantsev says she wasn't kicked out for hazing, but because of a simple misunderstanding. >> i basically made a joke and that was taken out of context and forwarded to the national office. >> what was the joke that you made? >> that we would make the evening scary for the pledges. when that event never came to fruition when none of those things that i've been accused of ever happened or were ever
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intended to happen. >> the impression i got when i was working on this piece is that it's bigger than she's let on. and that she had a bigger role than she's admitting to. >> reporter: at hofstra today, administrators declining interviews. and the campus, buttoned up. we tried to talk to students about hazing on campus, but nobody would talk to us. we later learned that some sororities have sending e-mails to their members, specifically telling them not to talk to the media. extreme hazing and greek life often go hand in hand. more than half of college students involved in clubs and teams say they've experienced hazing. andrew knows this first-hand. as described in his memoir. "confessions of an ivy league frat boy." about his time at dartmouth college. >> there was about a seven to eight-week hazing term, called the pledge term. where the pledges were constantly psychologically toyed with and demeaned. had to go through a series of
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initiation rituals. chugging vinegar to vomit, competitive eating challenges. lots of kind of disgusting stunts we had to do. >> reporter: he claims that as a pledge, for sig ma alpha epsilon in 2009, he and fellow students were also subjected to a baptism of sorts. marking them as official pledges. >> we were told to remove our clothes and then swim in this foul-smelli ining mixture, we w told contained bodily fluids and when i became a brother, i realized that bodily fluids did go into that pool. >> reporter: it was a tradition that he admits he per pech waited as an upper classman. >> seeing that as a brother was really traumatizing. really weird. so, it was not long after that that i left. >> reporter: susan lipkins says this cycle is the blueprint of hazing. >> you come in and you just want
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to join the group, so, you're a victim of hazing. the next year, you're a bystander. eventually, you get senior status and now you're the perpetrator and you do onto others what was done to you. usually kids like to add their own mark, so, they increase the hazing. >> reporter: dartmouth is often cited as the inspiration for the classic movie on greek life, "animal house." ♪ dartmouth college today tells us hazing is strictly prohibited and that the fraternity andrew belonged to was investigated and charged with violating the hazing policy. we called sig ma alpha epsilon and said they could not validate the account but have since removed the pledge process altogether. and now, tonight, clemson university taking action. suspending the new member initiations of 24 fraternities, following the death of a student
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who went missing and died after a fraternity event. so far, there is no indication of hazing, though the investigation is ongoing. >> i think that we don't even know how many hazings there are, because nobody will tell you, because it's, you know, you're protected by that code of silence. >> reporter: as for kira kazantsev, the miss america organization says they were aware of her tomorrow nation from her sorority and are standing by their newly crowned miss america. >> i hope i'm exactly what had happened and i never wanted anything to be a surprise. i wanted to be honest. this is something that i can use on my college tour when i go into schools and really use it to help inspire women. if anything, i'm going to take this negative and turn it into a positive. >> reporter: for "nightline," mara schiavocampo in new york. next, meet the moms getting down with lighting up. but are they putting their kids at risk? in a race, it's about getting to the finish line.
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compact sedan that's fun,neered fuel-efficient, and affordable, there's only the volkswagen jetta. like this one, 36 highway mp well, except for the 42 highway mpg jetta tdi clean diesel. oh, right, and the 48 highway mpg jetta hybrid. and if you want all that variety in another cpact sedan there's... huh. nothing. right no get a great deal on all jetta models like the 2014 jetta s for $139 a month.
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you probably don't expect a nice mom next door to be getting high, but in certain parts of the country, it's now not only legal, it's big business. the weed-friendly entrepreneurs you're about to meet choose marijuana, not merlot, to relax. so, are they the coolest parents on the planet, or is their habit putting their kids at risk? >> can you guys work on this together, please? >> reporter: by day, she's a busy mom chasing her two sons. >> take turns, okay? >> reporter: but by night, this is how jane west likes to let loose. >> let's do it! >> reporter: lighting up a joint
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of artis nall marijuana. that's right, like jane, a 38-year-old entrepreneur, these young moms are unapologetic about getting high. i guess the question is, you know, if you get so high that you can't respond to your kid or you overdose on a brownie and so, then you miss some cue with your kid, i wouldn't want my babysitting smoking pot and watching my kid. >> absolutely. i wouldn't want her drinking wine and watching my kids, either. and i really think once we start to understand that this substance is no more dangerous than alcohol -- consumers of cannabis shouldn't be criticized anymore than consumers of alcohol. >> reporter: forget glasses of wine. this is now mommy's little helper. in the nine months since pot became legal here in denver, colorado, moms like jane have been navigating unchartered territory. it's not against the law to get high. but that doesn't mean taking it is socially acceptable. some are adamant that pot and
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pearnhood simply don't mix. how would you feel about your kid smoking pot? >> the same way i would feel if they started drinking alcohol? they need to be responsible. and i truly hope they don't start using substances until they are adults. >> reporter: jane keeps her pot stash locked up tight. >> i always keep it in my office closet. it's in this container. >> reporter: jane's well aware of the science that says cannabis can harm developing brains. so, she says, she would never smoke marijuana anywhere near her children. but she doesn't draw a firm line about being high in front of them. >> i don't think my kids should watch me smoke a joint. >> reporter: you're not opposed to being a little bit high in front of your kids. >> i am -- i am hoping that people don't have to answer this question anymore. because no one gets asked this question about alcohol. >> reporter: despite the controversy, jane is making it
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her mission to bring pot out of the shad doles and into the spotlight. >> if other people were willing to talk about it instead of saying, oh, my god, i was to drunk last night, to be comfortable saying, i was so stoned last night, then more people would be talking about it just as open lip. >> reporter: in fact, jane's actually leading the charge to turn pot posh. she's not only convinced this is the beginning of the end of pot prohibition nationwide, she wants to spread the word as a founder of edible events. a company that throws elegant, upscale, weed-friendly parties. it's almost as if pot use is coming out of the closet. >> i would like for it to come out in a dress and heels. >> reporter: but worki ining ins brand new industry presents some unique challenges for jane, when it comes to her 4 and 6-year-old sons. they said it on npr the other day, they said a story about marijuana and fisher said, marijuana? that's where my mom works! >> reporter: jane is not alone when it comes to moms who get
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high. and as brittany driver discovered, the risk comes with higher stakes than just being judged on the playground. brittany gets high regularly. >> oh, elliott. >> reporter: and she's mom to a 2-year-old boy. she's also a local columnist who wrote recently about the very real risk that child protective services can take your kids away if they think you're an irresponsible pot smoker. when you call cps, what you discovered was, even though it's legal, if a parent smokes pot -- >> they can take my kids. based on just the fact that it's in my home, which is crazy. >> reporter: colorado child protective services says a parents marijuana use is held to the same standard any alcohol or prescription pills. but critics believe parents that smoke pot are putting their kids at risk. and accusation these moms believe is based on old stereotypes. people in this country think it's not right for a mom to spoke pot. >> i have gotten backlash from
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people who identify as stoners saying that moms should not partake. i think lot of that is based on bad experiences that people have had with people growing up and that's not how it is. everybody's different. >> reporter: but dr. margaret hinney at columbia university has been studying the effects of pot for 20 years. she says the fact that people react differently is precisely the problem. can a parent efficiently parent while high? >> oh, that's really hard to say, because it depends on how tolerant you are, how much you've smoked, heavy smokers can operate fairly well while they're high, because they become tolerant to all the disruptive effects. but you really want to think through what your kids are witnessing, and how your behavior might be changing after you smoke. >> reporter: of course, reck yagsal pot use is still against the law in nearly all of the country. the only exceptions, washington and colorado. here in denver, legalization has turned the city into a mecca for
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a new type of drag queen. >> $85 for a quarter ounce? >> reporter: jane is something of a pot aficionado. she says different var ryals help her to be creative and focused or to relax and sleep. >> busy mind when you are thinking about, i think tomorrow's wacky water tuesday, did i pack a swim suit, did i do this, did i leave the keys in the thing and what not -- >> reporter: we're having the same conversation at night. >> it kind of turns it down. >> reporter: jane brought me to the farm. her favorite dispensary, for a crash course in cannabis. here, she spends about $40 every two weeks, loading up on locally grown organic weed. but you're like the upscale u r user. >> i think, i mean -- i am who i am, but that's -- yes. >> reporter: that's kind of the demo breakdown. >> yeah. >> reporter: whether or not you think pot should be legal, even critics believe it's only a matter of time before other states legalize pot, as well.
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economists predict in five years, the business of legal marijuana will exceed $10 billion. which is why jane founded a ladies networking group called women grow, to encourage others to get in on the ground floor. >> the end of prohibition is inevitable in this country. there is so much potential for this industry and i'm very concerned that outdated, uneducated stereotypes about cannabis users is going to prevent women from entering this market at exactly the time they should. >> hay, gey, guys. >> reporter: jane is preparing for the highest profile event of her career. a fund-raiser for the colorado symphony orchestra here at red rock. >> this has been five months in the making and there's over 4,000 tickets sold and the seats are filling up. the performance will start in 30 minutes. and i'm -- i couldn't be more excited. i can't believe it's all really happening. ♪ >> reporter: class call music,
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brought to you by weed. >> without further ado, we would like to thank national cannabis industry association. jane west and edible events. >> reporter: the air is thick with the smell of pot. nothing new at a concert, yet, no one is smoking openly, because it's still elillegal, en in colorado, to light up in public. >> this is so amazing. it's over 4,000 people. and the weather is amazing. >> reporter: jane's hoping that what's happening here will help make smoking dope seem elegant, even refined. and eventually, change the tune of the debate. next, late-breaking developments in the search for missing college student hanna graham. why authorities have now charged the man they believe with the last person seen with her.
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and finally tonight, late breaking developments in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham. after searching the home of this man, 32-year-old jesse matthew, police charging him tonight with, quote, abduction with intent to defile, in graham's disappearance. after closely examining this series of surveillance videos, authorities eye debit if iing him as the last person seen with the 18-year-old. searches of his car and apartment gave authorities enough probable cause to make him a wanted man tonight. graham, as you know, has been missing for 11 days. our thoughts are with hannah's family tonight.
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thanks for stopping by... again. yeah, 'cause, uh, we've missed you since this morning. yeah. ha ha ha! ok. bye now. see ya. oh, hey! robert, listen, everybody was just leaving 'cause-- oh. hey, is that meat loaf? yeah. you wouldn't like it. very dry. we're throwing it out. yeah. is--is that a spot on your uniform, robbie?
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what, oh, this? yeah. oh, no. that's just a little something that the lieutenant pinned on a particularly deserving ofcer at roll call this morning. what did you get, like a condemnation? commendation, dad. ooh, let me see! ok, go easy on it. ohh... what's it for? perfect attendance. 3 years in a row. hey, that's pretty good, robert. ok, bye now. marie: ohh... i'm so proud of you, robbie. that's my boy. ways...there. hey, ray, look at this letter. you're up for spsportswriter of the year. hey. what are y you talking about? yeah, look. your newspaper submitted you, and you got nominated. oh, raymond, that's marvelous! i kn i was submitted to this thing, but i didn't think this was gonna happen. 1,095 days of perfect attendance..
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