tv Washington Business Report ABC October 19, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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[captioning perfoed by the national captioning institute, ich is respoible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> business ws from the capitol region. this is "washington business report" with abc7 national correspondent rebecca cooper. >> thank you for joining us. this week in our small business spotlight, virirginia innovavats and entrtrepreneneurs pitching r prprojectsts to the governor. in the roundtable, a rouough wek the ebolarkets and ar f the national economomy and washington businesses. will have that and more coming up later in the show. this week we sat down with son of thend new, the white house chief of staff johnson and new. hisayays he got more of political skills from his mother.
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now he is using those skills in the business world, taking on what some have called one of the st important fights for our economy. room --numeral's being developed all of usill impact as regulators decide how to strike the balance between open competition a and internet for all. first t up in our one-on-one, te engineer turned senator tned business and broadband active it -- activist says it is misleading to claim the new rules could create internet fast lanes for some and slow lanes for others. sununu, welcome to "washington business report." why is it that everybody looks healthieier after they have left congress? >> that is nice of you u to say. i have less hair since i l left the senate.
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there is no qution -- in the private sector, even if yo're working full-time, workrking que as hard as you ever have, the fact is that you control your own time to a much greater degree than you do in congress. in congress, other people e at leasast try to control y your te with a committee heari or when they schedule votes, you d don't have a say. constituents, you neeed to meet withim but you can't tell them, don't come to washington on thursday. they are there with an organization or group or friends and family and they want to see you. bit ofare doing a little everything. how woululd you describe your career now? senate, iasft the excited to get back into the world of technology. time warner cable, a great scientific, an leading inventor and developer of medical devices.
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using stimulation to deal with chronic pain. it's very exciting. i work with a small venture capital firm that is making investments in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, and have a few consulting clients on the technology side. >> tell us about leaving. what do you miss about the senate and what do you like about life after the senatate? >> that's a great questi. the things i miss are p perhaps first the policy work and the substantive work on th committees on which i serve. committee, budget committee, tax issues, financial service issues on the banking committee, and t commerce committee, where i did a lot of telecommunications, broadband policy, internet spectrumum allocation. i enjoy that work, in part because of my technical background. that is onof the things have been able to pick up again because of my work at time warner cable, but also in
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cochairing a broadband for america, which is an organization focused on broadband policy instment access, adoption, and how to improve the broadband infrastrtructure across america. >> it is because of that organization. you are the cochair along with mr. ford, who is no longer in office. tell us where you stand on this issue. >> harold and i were elected to congre together. we have been friends for a long time. i was asked to be a cochair with him. policy work on the impact of broadband creation,, on job economic activity. it is amazing to look at the internetet today, because it changes so fast, we forget. a million people are employed in the apps s industry, which did t exist 15, 16 years ago. broadband and wireless invested more in infrastructure than any other sector of our ecomy.
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45 billion in infrastructure last year alone. , one ofegulato side the things we're focused on is mang sure that we maintain a light touch regulatory appach that started under bill clinton, was maintained under democrat and republican presisidents all the way up ununtil the present day. the fcc is working on new net neutrarality rules, because the old ones were thrown o out by te court at the beginning of this year. i think it is impmportant tha they are consistent with the framamework we have had for 20 years, which is to say a modest light touch regulatory approach investment and competition. midst ofre in the trying to revise the r rules the puic commentnt period is over. one of the most contentious public comment periods in the history of the fcc.
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you have taken a very definite view on this issue. where do you come down? >> the question at hand is, will you maintain that light touch, the regulatory approach i talked about or try to adopt something ch more jacksonian, mucmore different -- draconian, much more different than what we had before. what som are proposing is titledwo regulation, which is the way they used to regulate the copper telephone system. that is not the approach we should be taking for a 21st-century internet. >> critics say it is the approach we need when have such big, popowerful companies. most everyone has a choice of police two, if not three different broadband providers. the number of providers is increasing. speeds are increasing. of broadbandpeed connections increased 25% in the last year. inreally lead the world now
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access thigh-speed networks, next-generation networks, both wireless and fixed line broadband and cable connections. it is important to remember that when the fcc talked about title sorry,,ier this year -- the last time they were making rules, you saw the market values of all kinds of brbroadband companies contract. title ii is much more in overseeing the way companies can invest, the way they can price of products, the way they can package their produc. it does not encourage the kind of infrastructure investment i talked about. it's discraging. there e is no evidence thahat we neneeded, given how welll a ligt touch regulatory approach that bill clinton started and george obama-- bush and barack
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started in his first term, that has worked well. what are the stakes for net neutrality? >> we want to make sure consumers are never blocked for getting access to lawful internet content. we want to make sure that if broadband providers are managing traffic, that there is transparency and disclosure as to how they are doing that to make sure it is fair, and finally, discrimination. make sure that any internet provider isn't discriminating against the content that is going over their networks. >> what some consumer advocates said is we don't want there to be the so-called fast lanes where big companies like netflix can have a faster way to provide data that will discriminate against. >> several advocacy groups have come up with this really bogey man approach where they say, what if this happened, what if
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they created a slow lane and gave it to only certain people. that wouldn't be a good thing. the fact is no one is proposing that.. we did not have net neutrality rules for 20 years, of any kind. we don't have them today. still, no one's internet provider is doing these terrible things that some of the advocacy groups claim arere happening or what happened. >> and you have access to it. people with more money will have access to a faster way to stream or data. >> there is no question different companies offer different speeds. the seds are there and the speeds will continue to increase. that any provider would intentionally limits or throttle or block contentnt or create a fast lane and a slow lane and demand money from content providers, there is no busins case for that today. >> why not? >> it's a great question.
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[indiscernible] the reason it doesn't and probably won't in the foreseeable future is because that is not what consumers want. this is driven by consumer preference, consumer sentiment. i am a consumer of broadband internet. i want the best, highest speed, most reliable connection i can get. >> john sununu, thank you for joining usus on "washington business report." when we come b back, our sll business spotlight. some high-level exposure foror local startups. that is next on "washington business report."
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came to rosslyn. showcased the growining, while the sector and gave growing startups a chance to pitch straight to the governor and the secretary of technology. >> in many ways, it is aetrium scenario. start up companies getting aa chance to give their elevator pitch to the governor. that are a smalll company is building swarming drone technology. we are working on a system that 50 dronesto fly 20 to simultaneously in the air, and this allows us to have 100% on camera points. >> the governor declared this one techtober to celebrate the commonwealth's high-tech sector. >> android phone for the
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soldiers in afghanistan. you might say, what is the big deal? things are different in the theater of war. traditionally networks consist of this. recently we did a feeling exercise with the 173rd airborne in lithuania for an airfield seizure operation and the scouts useded this exact set up right here to take a photo, editit the photo on the phone, and send it to hf. that is onone of the first times that has been done. it is a combination of ththe old and new. this is 21st century technology paired with 1970's technology. >> mcauliffe is counting on virginia's tech sector. ouldhe goal here is you put a camera set likike this one you see here on the back of an m-wrap, armored v vehicles of
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sorts. of thed be in the back vehicle. you would be able to see what is outside of the vehicle. a lot of situations like this, there is a very small portable. that porthole does not really give them the view to what is happening outside. > each of these entreprenenes knows what is happening outside of virginia, places like california, where innovation continues to boom. >> we want everyone to be successful. we need to grow our economy. you folks are going to do that. we are a very entrepreneurial state government. >> many here got the chance to ask some tough questions, asking the governor to step up. >> huge opportunity with the test site. make thes not going to effective trade there really needs to be support behind that so that from the state -- meeting andgood
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talked to him about what we needed to do. have an opportunity in virginia. t's s not lose that opportunity. >> one local busesswoman with this direct message. her company was funded by department of defense research llars. so far, no buyers. would you be willing to try out this new technology and be that early adopter? >> some of the startups that may have applications for us -- you should c come us first. we are a big government. it is wororth noting this week the governor announced new st-cutting measures that included a almost six hundred pk slips anand government jobs. terry mcauliffe saying state revevenue i is down due to sequestration, cuts in defense contracts, and research grants. the governor says morere than er
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welcome toou both. rick, we have had the boss on the show a few times. welcome to you. whwhat happened with the market is week? it is a cliché to call the market a roller cocoaster. it is a roller coasterer ride. >> the government kind of got it wrong in terms of market calming, mayaybe a little market exacerbation, in fact. what we had -- whatou are seeing is people panicking over airplalane stocks, over cruise ships. we learned the nurse on t the cruise ship was one of those treating the patient. what were other this contributing to the market besides the whwhite house and cc aneveryone getting it wrong
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when he came to attempts toto, everyone when it came to ebola? > p part of it was oil. oil prices havave been dropping early quickly. interesting because you get to watch these wall street experts. they talk about the calamamity o north dakotota and texas. this is great for consumers. $125 barrel oil was never going toto be the norm. with allll the great productione have s seen, consusumers need to benefit rate thihis is great for holiday shoppers. [indiscernible] now w we are wishinghe pririce r barrel goes s up. tina, it was intnteresting to se ththe market r react. i have been covering the ebolola story for a couple of weeks. the firsweek e everybody said, this is ridiculous. no one should panic. it's not going to come to america. the cdc was a little bit over
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emphatic that t it would n come here. they made more promises s than they could keep. there are some washington area companies that are having to jujump through hoops. who is being impacted in our region? >> h health officials nationwide are dealing with a credibiliity issue when it comes to deang with the sprises simply because of what happens at dallas. health officls pulled media aside this week to explain exactly at tir plan is. the are confident hospitals hav all the training, all the equipment they wouldld need d to deal with ebola. >> you wrote, d.c. health-care that theyintimatg felthat perhaps howard university hospital got outt ahead by saying they had a poible e ebolaatient. saying kudos from cdc, it was smart of power toto notet the e rumo mil take over, quickly say, we tested him and he d does ot have ebola.
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d.c. health-care officials would rather keep it not under wraps, bubut they would rather not soun the alarm until seoom h has been fully diagnosed. >> exactly. they said ty want to be able to control the message better. they' afraid people are going to avoid going to the hospital. wanted why they really to get out there and say, we have a protocol. if we have any ebola-infected patient, contact the health department and if f we reay think we might have a case on our hands, we will contact the cdc.c. >> tell us about a couple of businesseses in n the d.c. areat are directlympacted. > there a international delopment companies working in west aica. they have folks on the ground. they're working on food security issues. pole improvement out there. dea is trying to provide more
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security in places like liberia. tessl, all this news about ebola distracted the white hohouse from what it wanted to e doing, wch is messaging on the economy. the prpresident trying to selels measurespecifically to millllennial's, women, hispanic. that theyeration are now going to have to go back and sell to the base? bola really is taking er the 24-hour ne cycle. thepresident, while i think governrnment has been doing a gd job, no one e can predict -- ths is tough stuff, regardless off who is in control. >> forget msaging, focus on getting this message right. >> t the president has tried to maintain a sense of calm but i s coming off as aloof and detached. hehe is changingng that now. since he nationazed the elections, the demrats by saying mpolicicies are on the
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i couldn't play with him. i didn't have the energy, i was just so overweight. it just made me feel like i was nothing. and then my sister introduced me to herbalife. i started drinking the protein shakes, she helped me plan out a more balanced diet. i've lost 44 pounds. and now when my son asks me to shoot someoops, i wear him out! find out more at
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[captioned by the national captioning institute which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> we have not had a building built since i was there, and i graduated in 1981. >> the u.s. naval academy wants to fire up a new major in cyber security. admiral ted carter sasays a $120 million classroom would make it world-class. >> we are working to get it as lean as we can. the key thing is, we have lost about 30% of our volume. >> the postal service keeps losing money, that they have big plans for 2015. the question -- will congress play ball? >> that is the culture that has to be changed. that cannot be tolerated. he is working for the american people, not his organization. >> for nearly three decades, whistleblowers have relied on their guardian angel in congress. one-on-one with
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