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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 1, 2015 12:37am-1:08am EDT

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this is "nightline." tonight the combustible mix of faith and fame. >> i'm andrew. >> how did this '90s heart throb go from seventh heaven to be the face and thief thunder of a new-age spiritual community? why andrew keegan's surprising new role is raising some eyebrows. our reporter leaps out of a helicopter to see if he has the real-life extreme survival skills. to make it in shark-infested waters. how your pants could save you. >> i just took my pants off. and your celebrity crush could be a swipe away. from eric stone to hilary duff find out who is popping up on
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tinder today. first the "nightline" five. >> a single patch created the category of pain relief. 80 years later salon pas involved in to a family of pain relievers. perfect for back muscle and joint relief. zantac heart burn alert, stop. nexium can take 24 hours to work. zantac's different. zantac rushes relief in as little as 30 minutes for relief without the
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good evening. we will start with an intriguing cocktail of two american obsessions, fame and faith. andrew keegan who you may remember from tv classics in the '90s as "party of five" and 7th
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heaven" is at the center of a spiritual community. this role raised a few eyebrows and something we had to see for ourselves. we're in the heart of l.a. at a new-age temple where two of this touchb's primary preoccupations spirituality and celebrity are converging. >> i'm andrew. >> love you, andrew. >> andrew is andrew keegan the '90s heart throb who played jessica biel's boyfriend on "7th heaven". >> i like hanging out with you and the adorable bad boy in "ten things i hate about you. >> which do you like better? >> reporter: he graced many a magazine like "teen" and "bop." >> i am nadine. >> love you, nadine. >> love you back. >> i'm here to activate love.
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>> i'm here to activate joy. >> so it is. >> reporter: now he is the face and chief thunder of a new spiritual community called full circle. >> today is our one-year anniversary. >> reporter: at a time when celebrity and faith can be a combustible mix, think tom cruise, some in the media are saying keegan started a quote new religion. we decided to check it out ourselves. >> my name is dan. >> love you, dan. >> i love you right back. i'm here to see what you guys are up to. >> so it is. >> reporter: we witnessed free wheeling sing-a-longs and even a native american medicine man. >> rainbow thunder heart. i'm here to resurrect peace, love and harmony worldwide. >> reporter: we learned keegan is a hugger even if he never met you before. this congregation if that is the right word for it is filled
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with stylish young people many fans from keegans from way back. >> did you watch "7th heaven." >> i did. >> reporter: what do you believe here? >> we have a creed. we believe that everything is an expression of the creator and that we coming together create our own destiny, our own path. >> reporter: it's a little hard to pin down. >> full circle. everything comes together. >> they believe in the authentic story that is life. >> reporter: how did andrew keegan, of all people end up in the spirituality game? there was a time when he could barely go out in public without being swarmed by tween girls you would walk down the street and people would lose their mind. >> it was malls and any gathering place where you would have the mall mentality. >> reporter: he seems sheepish about the time in the limelight. >> it is like if your yearbook
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was floating around the internet. that's what it feels like when i see the pictures. >> reporter: walk me through what was going on in your mind for this shot. >> i got a lot of grief for. that think there was a i rumor of a drug addiction based on that. this was an artistic photo. of course it looks pretty silly now. >> reporter: all right. talk to me about what is happening here. >> i can't decide between basketball or football, a pivotal moment in my sports career. >> reporter: was this comfortable? >> not at all. but the bicep looked really good. >> reporter: after "7th heaven" ended his acting career slowed down and at the same time he broke up with his girlfriend leann rimes and moved to venice beach. he invested in real estate dabbled in new age spirituality and did a lot of surfing. >> surfing has a meditative quality to it. when you are in the ocean you are dancing with mother earth. >> reporter: he still does a little acting and still gets
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recognized. >> look at this guy. >> probably saw "7th heaven" or "party of five" or "ten things i hate about you." >> oh okay. >> reporter: it is spirituality that is his central issue. he and friends last year decided to start full circle. they have an art gallery here. >> this is the artistic verge of an acid trip. >> literally yes. >> reporter: they have pretty much every california cliche you can dream up including this milky drink that helps you fulfill your intentions. >> have you ever done an intention? >> take a drink and close your eyes for three seconds. cool. all right. >> reporter: i will let you know if it works. ♪ >> reporter: think whatever you want about this place. >> it is about telling the truth. >> reporter: the more time you
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spend with keegan it's hard not to conclude he is genuinely sincere. >> if you do things from a place of love you feel good. it is an energy exchange. it's being one with the environment and each other. >> reporter: it is worth noting this work is neither glamorous or luck krative. you poured your savings in to this. >> and then some. >> reporter: loans? >> some donation. >> reporter: you are taking a risk then? >> absolutely but with risk comes reward. >> reporter: in fact full circle leadership meetings often center around the issue of money. more specifically the lack thereof. >> i think as everyone knows we squeaked by this month. a lot of pressure on the organization to keep solvent. >> reporter: he thinks of himself as a spiritual entrepreneur. >> talk about kick starter or a fund-raising platform. >> reporter: and full circle as a sort of start up. >> two-thirds of young americans don't associate with traditional religion. so if there is a space that
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represents religion i guess is the right word o community center. >> reporter: in your ideal future there is a full circle in every city maybe several? >> yeah are. >> reporter: he wants to make clear he is not the boss here. are you not the guru of this place? >> there is none. we are a leaderful movement. >> reporter: it is not andrew keegan's personal church? >> not at all. >> reporter: since i'm running the interview we are not going to own the beginning. they were eager to amplify when we sat them down. is ann having andrew involved a blessing or curse. >> is it good that andrew is was a celebrity? i think andrew is a gift. so if andrew has been a catalyst for bringing that attention to our movement what an incredible blessing. >> reporter: is he the guru or boss? >> he is not the guru. >> not at all. sglipt you to know you are now involved in a spiritual organization with this guy.
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does that change your mind at all? >> i never want to see these again. ♪ hallelujah. >> reporter: as this sunday service wound down the pride that keegan takesn this place was abundantly obvious. >> thank you all for being here. this is awesome. thank you. >> to see us all raise our vibration together is really what its about. are you going to ohm with us? >> reporter: final, i will ohm with you. next extreme survival jellyfish, sharks rattlesnakes what your number one enemy really is out in the wilderness. and later, from eric stonestreet to hilary duff celebrities looking for love bridging the digital divide between fantasy and first date. if you struggle with type 2 diabetes you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different
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>> reporter: ideal lie most of us will never have to find out what it is like to fend off a shark or figure out how to
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whoage for food on a disease certificated island but if you had to would you survive for a week a day or a month? abc's matt gutman takes the plunge. ♪ >> reporter: that's me literally drifting away in the shark-infested sea of cortez in mexico. not sure how i will get out of this mess. i know how got in to it. on a perfectly synchronized jump out of a helicopter. one, two, three. the idea is to learn basic survival skills in the water and on land. awesome the same skills work for dave and a brother and friend when their boat capsized in the pacific. they survived by swimming to an island in british columbia. for nine days they survived by eating sea urchins, clams and seaweed. >> if you didn't know what to eat you would starve. >> reporter: our journey starts
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24 hours before this jump making my way from miami to mexico. our first stop a visit to a shrine. this is the most important basilica for folks here in mexico city. hoping it will bring us us luck the next morning begins at 5:00 a.m. taking with me little more than the bags under my eyes. leaving the lap of luxury for something so painful three hours later we landed in mexico. still not there. after a quick safety briefing -- have you ever dropped anyone in to the open ocean before? you have, okay. reassuring. we board a chopper for a 45-minute trip the whole village turned out. here i meet up with dan baird, head instructor of the california survival school. you think how hard can it be to jump off a helicopter. >> reporter: notice it is
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missing its doors because we will be jumping out of the chopper to the sea of cortez. the plan is for dan to teach me to survive being lost at sea. as the chopper reaches the drop locations, we take our positions. the clock is ticking. it is go-time. on a synchronized account of three, one, two, three. [ screams ] >> reporter: the rush subsides and i acclimate to the temperature, reality sets in. now what. >> we need to maintain our breathing. slow down our heart rate and figure out how to maintain afloat. >> reporter: we do that by -- i just took my pants off. didn't think i would do this on tv either. >> tie off the legs real tight. to make sure we don't waste air
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space by tying them. put them over your head and catch the air. a skill that actually takes practice. >> stay calm and conserve energy. >> reporter: your number one enemy is panic. >> another option is dead man's float. fill your lungs with air, face down and let yourself float until you need to take another breath. >> reporter: that is one terrifying dilemma. this time instead of a helicopter i'm in a sinking ship, sort of. i'm here with dan and dave over there. >> reporter: the guy in the straw hat is dave holiday. one of the most experienced survival instructors alive. mentor to some of the most famous survivalists on tv. good thing because it is time to sink this. trash, who knew it would come in handy, but that's the point. grab on to anything even a water bottle that can save your
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life. jellyfish, sharks. it's now 3:00 p.m. and i'm told to shuffle my feet to scare away the scorpion fish and sting rays. scaring the crap out of me. shark island will be our survival proving ground. less than an hour after we splash ashore i stumble on something that may save us. >> dave says this is something that could save your life. it has been here for a while. >> reporter: water is one of the four core things to survive, shelter water, fire and food. >> i'd like a nice fire going to signal for help. >> reporter: we set out to collect firewood and go caveman. shaving down wood with stones. >> if i keep doing this i will lose all of my shirts. >> reporter: dave tears the hem off of his shirt to create a bow drill. we use it too to try to create at fire. not easy. >> not enough smoke.
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>> reporter: plan b. a spindle. half hour of that and team work does the job. >> i give to you fire. >> yeah baby. get it down. >> reporter: there's little daylight left to search for water so we head inland to look for wood to last for the night. on the way, misery. something is crawling up the pants. a bee takes up residence in my pants. a cactus attacks my producer robert. >> rattlesnakes. >> he doesn't want to bother us. he is beautiful, though. >> yep, he's buchlt. >> under no circumstances do you want to handle a rattler. >> don't worry. >> reporter: a closer rattlesnake closer to camp not so lucky. he was aggressive and becomes dinner, bones and all. lastly, shelter. seven hours in dave has gathered sea grass that he's dried out. tonight, it's our bedding. oh and remember that water i found. >> oh my god. that is so unbelievably good.
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>> reporter: a lifesaver. next morning we wake up early and set out in search of breakfast. going to dig up mollusks for breakfast. pretty good. >> yeah, it is. >> reporter: while we have getting mighty thirsty. here's where the fire really comes in handy. the smokier and bigger the better. as our 0 rescue boat arrives 24 hours all i can think of is water, and water never tasted so good. dropping in to shark-infested waters apparently a swim to shore, a crunchy meal and survival tips just might save your life. i'm matt gutman for "nightline" at the sea of cortez. >> big thanks to the sberpd matt gutman and this question if you were rescued from a deserted island what is the first thing you would eat when you got home? would it be thissen an unshaven matt gutman with a fish. i have would go with a cheeseburger but no judgment here. tell us your choice on our
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"nightline" facebook page and survival week continues tomorrow on "gma." coming up next hilary duff eric stonestreet. could the match on tinder be a real celebrity? in. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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>>visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof!
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one would imagine one of the perks of being famous would be it would be easy to get a date. why are celebrities from eric stonestreet to hilary duff now popping up on tinder? >> hillary. >> your celebrity crush could be a swipe away. >> it's true. i'm on tinder. >> is it the real you? >> yeah. >> hilary duff announced she is looking for love on tinder. ♪ came clean on the radio show "valentine in the morning." >> i'm talking to probably about nine guys right now. >> reporter: she met up with one of her matches at a bowling alley. posted this pic from the date on instagram and dished about it with ryan seacrest. >> he was cool. he brought a friend and i had some friends there. >> reporter: the only problem, the former star of lizzie mcguire has hard time proving to
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her matches she's the real deal. >> you rock. >> some people don't know. some act like they don't know and they do and some are like this is a joke, right. >> reporter: she is not the only celebrity swiping. eric stonestreet who plays cameron on modern family and who unlike his tv camera is actually straight also revealed on this hoe ward stern show is an avid tinder user. >> i have gone out with a couple of girls i met in l.a. on tinder. it is hard to meet people. >> bewarks sometimes if a match seems too good to be true that might be the case. for example, scott eastwood star of the longest ride recently said on live with michael and kelly the tinder account under his name is a fake. >> apparently i'm on tinder. didn't even know. >> oh my gosh. your name is david on tinder. >> i saw women pulling out their phones. put it back. it is not him.
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>> don't if you are an eric stonestreet fan, however. stay tuned for "world news now" and "good morning america" in the morning. we're on-line 24/seven at the "nightline" facebook page and at thanks for watching and good night. ally! where's ally? you took her over to the spencers last night. i wouldn't have took her if i knew she had my batteries. come on. where's my batteries? why do we have a thousand packets of ketchup? i guess nobody likes ketchup. all right, you know what? this rememote stays with me. i hope you like that channel 'cause that's the one you're watching for the rest of your life. okay. ray, i'm...
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ray? we're out of milk, so i'm going to the store. all right. deb, i'm gonna go... deb. deb, i'm gogonna go buy batteries!


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