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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 7, 2015 12:37am-1:08am EDT

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this is "nightline." tonight, everybody's talking about dad bods from leonardo dicaprio to vince vaughn. celebrities have been rocking this slightly out of shape body type for years. why it is now officially in style and why some women are firing back against what they see as a double standard. we're going to the deli. >> meet the real wendy williams. she's loud and proud, even in her home. the tv queen takes us inside of her life n her mom cave and even in her closet full of wigs for a rare unfiltered look at a leading lady of daytime talk. and star quarterback tom brady in hot water again over deflate-gate tonight after a new report finds it's more than probable he generally knew about those under-inflated footballs.
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>> i don't believe so. >> reporter: text messages investigators say could incriminate the new england patriots. first the "nightline" five. >> macy's one day saturday with door busters 9:00 a.m. to twop p.m. get this necklace 99.99. nax maxi skirts 24.99. half carat diamond rear rickearrings. and macy's one day sale on saturday with a preview day on saturday. doors open at 9:00 a.m. >> who's number one? we're
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good evening. tonight the internet is abuzz
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over something called a dad bod. what is a dad bod? it is not fat not thin it's just right according to the college women that catapulted the term to viral status. as a 40 something-year-old dad, d this notion profoundly reassuring. however, not everybody is pleased. here tonight is abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: introducing the new "it" body type for bros. who needs wash board abs and bulging bye accepts apparently what some women want is a soft doughy dad bod. >> it is a healthy meet yum between heavier set and worksout. the average guy body. my friends and i saw this body type on more guys and we were attracted to it. >> reporter: dad bod inspiration, think jason siegel's nude scene in "forgetting stair sara marshall" or paul rudd downing cupcakes in
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this is 40. it was this article why girls love the dad bod written by mckenzie pearson that made dad bod an internet sensation. she says this is why. >> it makes girls i think feel more vulnerable when they aren't with someone who is meal prepping every sunday and being intimidating. the experience of cuddling with someone w little more on them than pure muscle and bone and skin is definitely more comforting. >> reporter: mega stars like leonardo dicaprio and seth rogen have been called dad bods so for zach rosenberg he's in good company. >> you are working with a lack of muscle deaf nation across your chest and abs which i definitely have. i have abs in there someone. young i don't know how many there are but at least two. let me see yours. >> reporter: shortly after mckenzie's dad proclamation went viral there was a tidal wave of
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controversy. men were rejoicing. women started to cry foul on twitter using the #mombod. would a woman ever be celebrated for flaunting a mom bod? >> the fact of the matter is the dad bod is the average body. most people can't live in a g.i. most people don't have six pack abs. it's what average guys look like. in a way it's great they can be made to feel good about that. but what about the women on the oh side of that? the double standard annoys women to no end. >> when i saw the dad bod piece, i thought no one talks about mom bods like this. no one is writing cute lists of top ten reasons you would want to date someone with a mom bod. it is because mom bod is real but seen as a negative. >> reporter: sara is a blogger and mother of two twin girls based out of little rock. when she heard of dad
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immediately wrote a post about being proud of her mom bod. >> mom bod is something you need to get rid of as soon as having a baby because if there is any evidence on your body that you have had a baby it's a problem. a mom bod doesn't have six-pack abs. a mom bod has softness it to. it has been through the wringer a bit. probably tired. mom bod would probably rather wear stretchy pants, but mom bod is strong and mom bod is soft. >> reporter: the pressure to be a hot mom can be overwheming with some women sharing their trim post-baby bodies all over social media. take lingerie model stair ra stage for example. she stirred up controversy by posting these pictures of herself nine months pregnant with six-pack abs. critics called her too fit to be pregnant. >> i'm just doing me. i did this before i was pregnant. i want to do this after. i don't feel like i should have anything to hide and be ashamed of. i'm so excited.
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i'm so happy. so why not share it with everybody? >> reporter: now she's had the baby and bounced back immediately, sharing these snaps with her fan following shortly after giving birth. she maybe an extreme example but nonmoms can feel the pressure too. one reason that sara thinks it is time we all embraced the mom bod. >> i think mom bod pride should be a movement because everybody should be able to be proud of who they are in the skin they are in. they are the ones that make you sexy. your body doesn't decide whether you are sexy. >> i think every mother on the face of the earth would love if the world embraced the mom bod the flabby body and stop the pressure we all feel to be thin an perfect and beautiful all the time. >> reporter: over 41% of men over 18 in the u.s. are overweight. so embracing the dad bod could be a convenient way to accept the bodies many men already have. >> i think that dad bods are,
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you know sexy because as the original article stated it's kind of a non-intimidating body type. who has a bigger muscle me or you? >> me. >> i think celebrating a body type that has more to love is totally a realistic way to go. >> reporter: rosenberg found the dad bod trend so amusing, he created a fake diet plan to help his fellow dads get the perfect flabby body. >> part of the 30 day dad bod challenge if you want to participate. we have awesome stuff like pizza, cake and tacos. >> pizza's here. >> it's a funny joke we are enjoying now and dads are saying, great we have an excuse not to do sit ups tonight. >> reporter: he said embracing a little flab might be good for everyone. >> i hope the mom bod becomes a thing. moms should feel comfortable in their skin. >> good thing it is cheat day celebrate their husband's dad bods and dads should be
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celebrating their wives' mom bods and we can all be happy and healthy together and a little squishy. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm mara schiavocampo in new york. >> our thanks to mara schiavocampo. tonight what do you think of the concept of dad bods head to our facebook page and let us know. coming up, a behind the scenes look at the wendy williams you have never seen before and she's not holding back. bad news for tom brady. the star and the new england patriots under fire again.
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everyone knows wendy will williams the daytime talk show host. but few know the wife mom and likes to stop by the local deli and decorate her house and escape in to her mom cave. tonight a larger than life tv personality letting us in to her real life. here's my "nightline" coanchor byron pitts. >> we're going to the deli. to pick up dinner. >> reporter: if a woman so famous a public persona so big. >> just up the street. >> reporter: wendy williams lives a remarkably normal quiet life. >> why do you think that viewers like you so much. you are one of the most successful women on daytime television. >> i am? >> reporter: from her shameless love of wigs. >> please honey, look. >> reporter: the occasional over-the-top outfits and of course the iconic catch phrase.
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wendy williams might be tv's mien most unique host. >> this is the best show ever. if i wasn't sitting here doing it i would be home watching. >> reporter: the show this in the sixth season and she is dubbed the unlikely survivor. >> there you go. >> reporter: the cut-throat fickle world of daytime talk. >> people like me because i'm funny, real i'm comfortable with myself and that makes people comfortable with themselves. >> reporter: at age 50 she is thriving as a single host where others like queen latifah, anderson cooper and bethenny frankel failed. >> it is time for "hot topics". >> reporter: no celebrity is too big or small for hot topics. >> i don't feel duped because he is turning in to a woman. i feel duped because she a fame whore like the rest of the family. i feel dupd. >> any concern you might be
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sharing false information? >> a lot of it doesn't come from the tabloids. some of it does. we have a legal department. one woman is a lawyer and she is here every day and she will be quick to say, okay look you can't say this or that. which i do appreciate. >> do celebrities call you up and say, why did you do that to me? do their publicists call and complain? >> i don't know. they keep that information from me and nobody has my number. you know what i mean. >> reporter: she kindly granted us a rare look behind the curtain in to her private world. is this where your bring celebrity friends to kick back on weekends? >> no. >> reporter: you are shaking your head no. >> i have no celebrity friends on my phone. >> reporter: not one? >> no. i don't need to be out for lunch with a group of celebrity girls because now stuff is going on i feel weird talking about it. >> reporter: for the girl who got her start as a shock jock local radio deejay she now it ises atop a multimillion-dollar
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media empire that includes a production company, best-selling books, an hsn clothing line and sold out comedy shows but she is happy to keep it snimpl the suburbs of new jersey. >> you have a lovely home. >> thank you. i decorated it myself. i'm a jersey girl through and through. >> what does that mean. >> we have a certain way about us. it is tacky but lovable. we know how to be sophisticated but don't care to exercise it all the time. >> reporter: the center of her universe, husband and business partner kevin hunter and their son kevin jr. >> this is my mom cave my guys are allowed to come in here but they don't. >> there's a moment on your show i saw, where you talk about your son. >> yeah. >> reporter: and you teared up. >> what i discovered this weekend is my son doesn't like me anymore. >> we weren't getting along. we get along famously now. i have a comfort level in front
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of that camera and with who i am that i don't mind crying on tv and telling you i'm crying because i'm sad, not because i have my period. you know? >> reporter: that's wendy williams. she speaks without filter lives without pretense, a working mom who loves to cook when she can and hits her favorite deli when she needs to. hi. i'm coming if ar sloppy joe. >> we love you. >> thank you. i love you more. >> reporter: so you watch her show? >> who doesn't watch her show? what do you like about her? >> she's beautiful and honest. >> reporter: yeah. >> good lady. >> thanks. >> good morning. >> reporter: as unassuming as her jersey life can be wendy's tv life in manhattan, high-end high wattage with every perk. >> doing the show is like being shot out of a cannon. when the doors open that's it. >> reporter: i've seen some shows where the audience are like props. but here they are real
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participants. their energy. >> yeah. they are my partners in crime. my cohosts. >> i have a friend who is 27 and dating a 60-year-old man. >> don't judge, yet. >> they have asked me to join them in the bedroom. >> now judge. >> reporter: the special bond with the audience wendy says she holds most dear. >> i just got a kiss and put it under my wig. >> reporter: who painted this? >> an 11-year-old girl named autumn. >> reporter: beautiful. >> nice to put smile on people's faces and some of my most touching moments -- oh god. one of my most touching moments with my wendy watchers are people who say they battled cancer and i help them get through chemotherapy or while they were pregnant and couldn't do as much as they used to. but i was there for them. what a mess. wow!
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what a gentleman. >> reporter: while you play a drooe diva on television -- >> i am not. >> reporter: really? >> that is a horrible stereotype that we get as women. in some sort of power. i don't believe that i'm a diva. >> wendy! >> reporter: her no prisoner attitude hasn't come without a number of notable celebrity feuds. in 1998 she was reportedly driven off of new york radio after making accusations about sean diddy combs. >> while the statute of limitations have passed on that topic, puffy and i made up wonderfully and we are both survivors in a game that normally turns you out to the streets and leave you for broke. >> reporter: in 2003 wendy, a former cocaine addict herself, passed the late whitney houston on her alleged drug use. >> is there drug use going on at this present time. >> who are you talking to?
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talk don't talk to me about that [ bleep ]. >> you are defensive. >> i have to you talk about it every day. >> did you know where it was going somewhere. >> i recognized the behavior. it was once me. >> addiction. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: despite her bumpy past, wendy says she has no regrets. >> i don't know how much longer the show will last but i can tell you i'm having the ride of my life right now. this is more than i could have ever dreamt. >> reporter: living her dreams on her own terms in her unique wendy williams way. for "nightline," i'm byron pitts in new jersey. next deflate-gate comes back to bite tom brady again. the incriminating report may have this year's super bowl champs in fresh trouble tonight. and the text messages at the center of it all. >> announcer: abc news "nightline," brought to you by macy's.
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♪ to many americans, especially those in my hometown of boston tom brady is a national treasure. a new report is shedding light on a skal scandal that will forever be known as deflate-gate. is the new england star quarterback now facing a tarnished legacy or worse? here's abc's ryan smith. >> reporter: tonight, football's golden boy and super bowl champion and mvp tom brady playing defense.
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>> deflate-gate. >> deflate-gate. >> deflate-gate. >> nfl investigators releasing a 243-page report in to the deflate-gate scandal, saying brady was at least generally aware about inappropriate activities surrounding those infamous deflated footballs. >> end zone, touchdown! >> reporter: the bombshell report revealing minutes before brady took the field for the afc championship game, patriots employee jim mcnally reportedly carried the game-day footballs out of the locker room to a bathroom and a minute and 40 seconds later he brings them to the field. a breach of game protocol the report says. those balls later found to be deflatd. perhaps most damming the report cites a string of texts between mcnally and equipment assistant after brady complained about game balls in october telling him talk to him last night. he brought you up and said you must have a lot of stress trying to gem get them done.
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mcnalingly calling himself the deflator and quipped about his work saying better be surrounded by cash and chicks. >> is tom bray day cheater. >> i would never do anything to break the rules. >> reporter: in the days thaef scandal broke, the report says that brady who refused to turn over his text messages toigators called the assistant several times and while brady has remained silent, tom brady sr. defending his son saying i don't have any doubt about any son's integrity, not one bit. adding this is framegate from the beginning. adapt weighing in on espn today. >> this is about discipline for patriots tom bray and the two in the locker room in in the face of the scandal that won't go away what's next for the man that seemed to have it all. for "nightline," i'm ryan smith in boston. >> our thanks to ryan smith for
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that report and our thanks to you for watching "nightline" tonight. get more on the story on "gma" first thing in the morning and as always we are on 24/7 on-line. snoop thank you for watching. good night. you want some help in the kitchen, marie? oh, thank you, amy. yeah, i'll help, too. oh...okay. don't lean too far into the oven, lady. good morning. does frank barone live here? what did he do? nothing. i-i'm just an old friend. friend? are--are you his family?
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who wants to know? yeah. yeah, yeah he's our father. i'm ray. this is robert. well, my name's sam gilula. i haven't seen mr. bararone in about 25 years. he's a great man your father. did you say frank barone? yeah. when i was a teenager, i used to work after school at the same company as your father. he was a real mentor to me. mentor? you sure you don't mean tormentor? damn it, marie. the elastic is completely shot on these pants. mr. barone? who are you? sam gilula! "sammy boy" from pelk accounting?


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