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tv   Washington Business Report  ABC  June 28, 2015 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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announcer: business news from the capital region. this is "washington business report" with rebecca cooper. rebecca: thank you for b business and finance and how iaffects you. cocoming up on today's show, r one on one with the donald now that he's an official pridenal candidate and promomoting his business ventures in the washington area and belong -- d beyond. an author teaching hospital doors how to harnrness the advantagesf add. in the roundtable, what we can learn from t the tech community and d the gh-tech ruling on a obamacare and more. he is lo, proud, and he says that is exacy what our country needs in a a president for 2016.
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is it bad forusiness? this week, donald trump officially launched his presidenti campaign t the. but his day job. when we talked to hione on one, he s eager to tout his new pga court and his blood views on trade, china, and his -- and his blunt views on trade, china, andnd hispponents. donald trump, welcome to "washington business report," you are officially a candidate and a business mave donald: we are opening up one of the greatest golf courses in the world. this is the only one that has frontage on the potomac river. we have a lot of great players and professionals. coming up day, we have the senior pga championship, we have major tournaments come. it is a very spectacular day.
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rebecca: you are a business leleader and you are very outspoken politically. any concern that being a presidential candidate could be bad for business? donald: the country's deep trouble, everybody's taking our jobs japan, china. we are like a bunch of dumb people that don't like what we are doing. some people like when message if they don't, that is ok. i will take this country and make it great again, i can tell you. this country is in trouble. we are losing our jobs, our manufacturing. i've taken this place and made it one of the great places anywhere. you look at summoning different things. i look at things, make them better, make things great. we can make america great again but people have to get out there and i have to work. the country has no spirit. rebecca: you like winning in the business world and most corporations steer they are of politics because they know by taking one side, they will
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alienate half of america. as a businessman, does it make buness sense to be outs -- to be so outspoken? donald: doesn't matter to me, it does or doesn't. i lolove the country first. we have a chance to make the country great again. i know everyone running it is not what happened. if they want to do it, if they want this country to be great again, i would love to do it and i would do a great job. i would be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. they may not want that, they might not nt that message. we have to get the country rking again. rebecca: where international are you mostst interested in going next? ronald: we are doing deals in china. rebecca: it has to be difficult with the chinese? u have to have them saying to you -- donald: nobody is tougher on chchina than me, they love me. one of the 10 things they love,
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anything trump. i am not against china i am angry that our leaders cannot keep up with theireaders. china is taking advantage of our country. rebecca: does your team in china say, don't say that. donald: absolutely, i say sorry, i am from the u.s. of a. it might help me because they respect me. i know the richest people in china. they cannot believe what they are getting away with. really, they say it with me. they cannot believe how stupid our leaders are. they call them stupid. i don't hold that against the chinese, i hold it against our leaders. rebecca: a lot of leaders have to explain with china. donald: i say this. that is ok, i made at shimeda's
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amount of money, i've made tremendous success. that is the kind of a person, a mindset you need in the country because our country is going down. we have 18 trillion, we have tremendouseficits. they need a person. maybe e they all want that. that ivery possible. this is absently find. i don't think about t my wealth. i say, i made a lot of any, that is the kind of mindset you need. rebecca: let's do a quick lightning round. her republican candida you most admire. donald: i like them all, i can do a better job then all. politicians are all talk, no action. rebecca: carly fear rina, she isis given a lolot of flak in the presess. how do you rate her as a businesswoman? donald: i don't know her, , she
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sees -- seems like a nice person. she lost in a landslide in california and she ran for the senate against somebody that should have been eaten. i don't know anythg about her. rebecca: clinton, you got along with h well. personally, what do you think? donald: we need somebody that can. i deal with politicians on both sides all of my life, i get along with everybody. you've got to have someoeone who can make people -- you don't want a president who will sign executive ordersyou have to get along with peopl our country isn't in gridlock right now. we don't know what we are doing. we are making rrible deals. the ran deal is a disaster. the trade deal is a disaster. we don't know how to make good deals. 5-1, that t is t kindf deals we areaking.
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rebecca: if you were sitting across from hillary clinton and you were assessing her ability how she was doing on the team, what would donald trump say to hillary clinton in terms of how she is doing her job and whether or not she should stay in the boardroom? donald: i would say she's not doing well, ok? i don't know if she is getting -- when you look at the crowd and everything else for other people . i'm not sure that she is getting the deal. donald: i don't want -- rebecca: i don't want the catchphrase, i want youelling people what their strengths are and they have potential. what are her strengths? donald: who would you rather have negotiating with putin, iran china? donald trump or hillary? think the answer is the obvious.
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rebecca: why? donald: that is what i do. she is notoing to make our country great again. very sple. she doesn't ve it. rebecca: how could she be a goodod new york senator? dold: who said she was a good editor? she will not make ou country great. the world is taking advantage of the united states. what she will be is another four years of baracobama. rebecca: what has been your favorite place to campaign so far? donald: april just came out in w hampshirthat was fantastic and we are doing very well. -- a poll just came out in new hampshire. maybe people want to stay mediocre. if they do, they should put a politician in office, because that is what is what happened. rebecca:a: dald trump, thinknk you for being with us on "washington busine report." how he used his deficit
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attention disorder to succeed in business. that is next.
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♪ rebecca: i could not wait to get this next guest on the show.. he says both entrepreneueurs and people living with attention deficit disororder are wired differently. beuse of his own success and learning how to harness his old -- his own adhd, he i is gone from repairing tires to owning one of ththe largeschains in thee region. now, matt curry is teachching others with hinew book, "the add, he is gone from entrepreneueur." climbing up the "new york times" best sellers chart.. you were 1when you are diagnod, i was in my 40' you were a time e when it was
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all seen as doside and disadvantages. now, youou havlearned about the plenty of advantages. one of t first one to o talk about, being blunt is a good thing. met: in business you don't have a lot of times to mess around withhings that aren't importan being blunt is a good thing and peopop might get offended i it but itit is what it is. rebecca:nother thing you do at wld be the envy of the buness world is you have the two minute meeting. i can see the gooood parart of that, t it done,e, get it done efficiently. the bad side is you still have to getveryone ininvolved. mamatt: this keeps people on focus. you want to share your vion and the focus and with everyone to listen. certainly, your teyour customers. having a daily meeting wityour guysgiving the highlights of your visn, it might vital that day. recca: it t might be a day that is busy but that is the
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poin -- it might not be a day that is busy. you have things to do, that is the top priority. matt: you still want to follow your company policies and procedures. you go and hunt r food when you' not busy. rebecca: you say the add entrepreneur is someone who will find aay to tackle any pblem and if they can't t find a way they will make away. ththat is a go thing. matt: it is. having attention deficit disorder allows you to be a creative problem solver. whenou cannot solve a problem creavely you -- rebecca: one of the things you describe are somomof the things that drive other people crazy when they y are trying to deal with that. you say thatat thanks to addour always thinking bi we have a tendency t think big and d then have a problem with the admistrative execution. what do you deal -- hodo you
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dealith that? matt: you are cating a lot of chaos, you are throwing things up in the air. you wantnt to surrouound yourself with people e that are picicking up the slack and doing the details. the e add allows them to exete effectively but you have to surround youourself with evil that do things you e not good at. rebecccca: one of the things you stress is finance is. you want t to surrou yourself th people e that are picking up the e slack and dodoing the details. yourur im, -- here i am, i'm a finaial reporter, daily have to keep up with this. matt: having your financial reputation i is importan learning h to read financial reports and knowing what you are key performance indicators are are extremely importt. you hahave to stay fed on this. i li numbers, eveven though i am add, thougsome people might not. know your performance inindicators. rebecca: andnd delegate e will
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rest. -- delegate e rest. matt curry, thank yoyou. when we returned, the report
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rebecca: this week, the supreme court issued a majajor ruling on obama ce. that sent health-care ocks slightly higher but what will it mean overall for the busines committee? larry hogan is battling an aggressive form of cancer. with this humor intetent, the governor vowed that he would fight for his agenda while he
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undergoes treatment. there is lots of talk about whether tech stocks are growing old. here for a reaeality check, to t top business leaders one of our regulars,im dimmick are, and the c ceo of motion soft in gentlemen, welcome. al ow that i will start witith you w is the season wise old man, arehe tech stoc gting too old, will we see the e bubble bursng in technology? al: ctainly some tec stocks are getting old. some companies likike amazon that continually burn cash is a stament to that. there is enough happening in t tech sector, certainly around werewolf technologyy, thipo was ththis week. onone of ourompetitive comompanies
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was this week. think that tech stocksks will change but they ll not le their luluster. rebecca: let's talk about motion soft, a company tt you have seen. tell us couple of the e things. you do a lot of different things anand you have a lot of dierent clclients, but wt are the mamain things that youo?o? jim: we are primarily a provider for consumer-based binesses ththat defined their relationship with their constituency, t there numbers by someind of recurring payment. rebecca: if you hahave an memembershipyou how people get in and out of f the door effectively d efficiently? jim: we help them get out the door and make sure that the bills get paid. rebecca: we e haveeen talkina lot about how this has becocome a
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sort of to. are we over inflating the importancef that sectotor in our economy? is it a healthy and owing sectctor? al: thisis deal, that is a big deal, that boosted the ecocomy also to the effectiveness and the reliability of rlly the power compananies. there's a lot of change ing on . you're watching elon musk, that technologyhat is batttterery-powered, that is transformation that brings more solar. the thing abouthe tech community is to heathis splitit up, it see to beverywhere and yet ththere is n not a menlo park, there is not o one area of tech startups that e the community. rebecca: we donon't have a silicon valley. to me, looking at it, seeing things like 1776, you are very activeember of f mind share
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tech leaders who correlate. i lovehat the business committee is constantly collaborating. before, we have been seeing as such a town that is s stuck in its old ways. jim: if they want to get something going at s saint elizabeth's oralter reed or someace else, a really active catalyst, put some money into it you would have me of a base. you have 1776, they are a stronghold, now in the part of virginia, mind share, you have other groups, dferent couountnties working thin their own incubators. we don't competete as well as we could ife added together even better.
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rebecca: y you did benefit t from a program that governor o'malley set up, a venture capital fund. they give you some money. tellll us about how you see the government being an n asset and what are some of the problemems? al: tom dowas great a spearheadiding an effort and in participating. governor hogan has beenn involve in setting up the economic development fund. they have done a fge of investment startups to h help some of t these companies that need seed capital. they a sort of high-risk ininvestors. the a angel c community is reluctant to get involved because e they don't have an idea. i thinink the government can continue to help. we w work with the economic development corporation n and they have been able to do things,
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eveven for companies our sizthat are little bitater staged, we ar able to rely on em to move paperwork and things as we move within the community. rebecca: i want to hit quickly on a couple of other tics. governor hogan the annouement from him that he is battling cancer. jim, so funny during hisis press conference, sodid about the treatment. any concerns in the business trinity that ey will have to take a backseat? jim: concerns for him and his family and certainly for a marylanders. this annncement, wishing him e best. ere are concerns aboutow it relates to treatment andow capable will he be governing in termrms of his availability and certainly then you havave the lieutenant governor. while it is emature to be lookining at a constitution of marylalandnd i think that ther
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does neeeed to be a clear path of who is going to be in arge when w will the decisions be issued? all of those take a pretty gooood amount of activity out of the governor's office. he hasot a greatat team, and is not just h him. rebecca: we are out of timime. the suprpreme court ruling that a obamacare will remain the law o the land. good or bad for the businessss trinityy? >> it would ve been vevery disruptitive if the eme court d overturn it. love ior hate it, there are people on all sides oft. people w wilill be dealing withtht. it setettles things down. rebecca: better the devil we know than ththe devil we don't. is it a double or sasaint when it comes to health care solutions? alal:'m a supporter but it has becocome escape g goatnd they continue to raise r rates. ou for joining us this week on "washington
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business report." we hope to see all of you when return next week.
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morris: this week on government matters. the general services adnistration just-released and rfq rctual delivery. it is a whole new ballgame for government contracting. >> the could not reach even a mo dest concession from the tech groups. morris: the battle over facial recognition technology. who isrotecting the privacy of youriometrics? >> there is literally no way to separate business strategy o mission strategy and i.t. strategy. morris: we talk top tech trends. government matters starts right now. >> from abc 7 and news channel 8, this is "government matter." morris: to our viewers around the world and here in the nation's capital, thank you for joining


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