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tv   World News Now  ABC  September 30, 2015 2:37am-3:01am EDT

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work with any country to fight isis. reena and kendis, back to you. >> our thanks to elizabeth there. a fugitive from oregon who was on the run for nearly a quarter century has been captured. talking about paul jackson, who was arrested in mexico, where he was living under an assumed name. he's accused of kidnapping and torturing two women in 1990. jackson fled after being bailed out of jail and had been missing ever since. he was taken into custody after his case was featured on a show hosted by crime fighter john walsh. the auto workers union is threatening to strike one of the ford plants that makes the popular f-150 pickup truck. 7,500 union workers at the plant in kansas city, missouri. a strike could prove crippling to ford since the f-150 is highly profitable to the automaker. the uaw says ford has refused to address issues of safety, manpower, and seniority at the plant. twitter's 140-character limit may be going the way of the fax machine. >> what?
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>> reports indicate -- yeah, get this. that twitter is working on a new product that will allow longer tweets. twitter has been debating for a while what to do with its unique limit on messages, and there's still actually no consensus within the company. the possibilities, though, range from raising the limit by 10 characters to creating a new product entirely. >> but the whole point is only 150 characters. you've got to -- >> exactly. keep it simple. or abbreviations. i like it. >> abbreviations, yeah. >> or else it's too long and i can't read it or understand it. well, a really incredible find to show you. it happened in the waters of the south pacific. it was spotted by national geographic divers, who believe it's the first ever glow in the dark sea turtle. >> yeah. it was discovered during a night dive in the solomon islands. the guy who saw it first described it as looking like a bright red and green spaceship. >> more scientifically it's a critical endangered hawksbill sea turtle that is exhibiting
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what's called biofluorescence. that's the ability to absorb light and emit it as a different color. that's pretty cool. i didn't know that existed. >> yeah. that's a very cool find there. hopefully there are others out there. >> one of our viewers did tweet at us saying they thought it was the result of an oil spill accident, which we can now clarify and say it was not. >> given the way our oceans-r it could possibly be as well. >> well, coming up, surviving the unthinkable. one woman's brave story after she was attacked by an alligator. and also ahead, expert fitness advice and how to tell if you're getting the most out of your workout. and later, hummus you can eat anytime of day including for breakfast. it's sweet and savory. after the forecast map. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather. brought to you by mucinex
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fastmax. ousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more.
2:41 am
this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ in your man-cave. you think it smells fine, but your wife smells this...
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sfx: ding music starts luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics there's febreze fabric refresher it doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors...'ve gone noseblind to woman inhales use febreze fabric refresher till it's fresh and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher two more ways [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy. it destroys limescale in seconds without scrubbing. tough hard water buildup - gone! no scrubbing. turbo power destroys it. for lime, calcium and rust, lime-a-way is a must! because now i've got pantene i knshampoo and conditioner hair, but i'm never gonna stop. the pro-v formula locks moisture inside my hair and the damage from 100 blow-dries is gone. pantene. strong is beautiful.
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mexico's active colima volcano is still putting on a show releasing a plume of ash and smoke and spilling some lava. the smoke rose more than 1,000 feet into the air. scientists say this activity is completely normal. colima has been spewing ash since early summer when hundreds of people were evacuated from towns nearby. is makes me nervous, though. i feel like at some point it's just going to suddenly surprise. and some of us are not going to be there. >> it's already gone poof. it goes boom. angry bees, wow, swarmed a police cruiser after the truck carrying them and their hives flipped over near oklahoma city. at first officers and beakeepers tried to gather up the bees, but it became too dangerous when they -- wait. they got aggressive. sought wreckage of the truck and hives were piled up and set afire. >> can't make that one up. >> that's not really the happy ending i was hoping for for the bee story. >> sorry. well, now to a florida woman
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who survived an attack by an alligator and through the whole ordeal she never lost consciousness. >> this is really intense. at first she thought her arm was just broken. but then she watched the gator swim away with it in her mouth. she's speaking out about it. here's abc's linsey davis. >> there's a lady that just got attacked by an alligator and it bit herr arm. >> reporter: the survivor of an alligator encounter details the horrifying attack. >> i didn't realize it was actually a gator until i had touched its head. it felt like a reptile. you know, it was certainly a big reptile on my arm. and it was clamped and it was not letting go. >> reporter: 37-year-old rachel lilli lillianthal was swimming in shoulder deep water this past august when an alligator clamped down on her arm. >> once i realized my arm was in the gator's mouth and it wasn't letting go i said a quick prayer. it rolled me around. and at that point i realized,
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okay, you're not getting out of this. and i needed to call for help. >> reporter: nearby couples in canoes coming to her rescue. one of them beating the gator with a paddle. >> just trying to go at it while it was on her abdomen and she tried to grab onto the kayak with her right arm but there was no arm there. >> reporter: the gator taking her arm and part of her bathing suit, this photo taken by another boater, shredded and dangling from the alligator's teeth. >> is she in the water still or did you get her out? >> she's still in the water. we're trying to get her into the canoe. >> reporter: lillianthal calls that brave couple who stepped in her heroes, crediting them with saving her life. >> i am so etd eternally grateful to both krista and casey. they were so brave. they didn't consider their own safety. they just saw someone in need and they rushed to assist. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> what i love, she says it's not hard to see some kind of divine intervention in a moment like this. she finds peace in just being grateful that she's alive.
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>> and he had has a lot to be grateful for. that is just absolutely incredible, to watch that creature swim away with your arm. i can't imagine. that's when i would have been like peace out, deuces, i'm done. >> i would have blanked out. and she never did that. well, coming up, hummus. we've got lofts different types of hummus. >> hummus? >> hummus that's even dessert flavor. >> the favorite food of many around the world is getting a gourmet makeover. plus how you can eat it for dessert as you mentioned. oh, i see. our insomniac kitchen next. >> that's a float. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this. >> announcer: "world news now"
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one thing that gets the job done, hummus. and we're now learning it goes with everything. and that includes dessert. >> that's good. >> after you've had hummus, wash it down with more hummus as well. >> this is so good. this is the real stuff. >> yeah. let's get abc's tina tran to show us the data. are you just going to eat the whole thing? >> yeah. sorry. >> reporter: hey, insomniacs, we're here at taboon restaurant in manhattan. the specialty here, hummus.
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but it's not just a dip for your carrot sticks. we're going to get creative with it. we're in the kitchen with executive chef essie nolan. who's going to show us everything hummus. this is your basic hummus right here. you have it with falafel? >> yes. we have it with falafel, some schug, which is spicy yemeni paste. garn being with some olive oil. >> mm. creamy. and kind of nutty too. >> that's because of the tahini. >> what's this over here? >> this one is like a mexican version of it. the base is real hummus. black beans instead of regular chickpeas. crispy avocado, deep fried avocado, coated with panko, pico degallo, and some tomatillo salsa. >> and what's this one over here? >> this one is of course hummus with wild mushroom, any mushroom you can get. we use meitaki. braised with red wine. and on top that's poached egg
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dipped in some butter and deep fried. >> it's almost like meat. the mushroom is very savory. and here you have slim np hummus. i've never seen that before. >> and the basic hummus is not made of chickpeas. it's made of cauliflower. of course tahini over there. >> so if you don't have chickpeas at home you can totally use cauliflower. >> yes. >> you're going to show us how to make a dessert with hummus. this is kind of crazy. what are you making today? what are we calling this? >> we call it tahini taboon float. we're going to start with the black tahini over here on the inside of the glass. we'll take one ice cream scoop. >> okay. >> then a little bit of the kumquat. this is the caramelized chickpeas. >> all right. >> another tahini ice cream. >> tahini ice cream. >> and a little bit of the kumquat. and root beer. >> root beer. it's basically a mediterranean
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ro root beer float. >> exactly. there you go. that's a big bite. >> mm. mm. chickpeas in a dessert. who knew? it totally works. >> thank you very much. >> yummy. >> and the good folks here in taboon new york city sent us a bunch of different hummus. we've got hummus with shrimp, fried avocado. this one's a poached egg with hummus. and of course traditional hummus with falafel and chickpeas. >> yes. and they're all really, really good. i was able to wrestle some of them away from you. >> you were? >> this one is my favorite. the falafel. >> the falafel. but it tastes very authentic to me. >> it does? >> not out of a -- >> as someone who's spent a lot of time as well in the middle east. >> yes. i know my hummus. and true authentic hummus you only eat the day of and then you throw it away because it's all fresh. >> is that right?
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>> yes. you would never eat hummus past 5:00 that was made at 8:00. it ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance
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with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit.
2:54 am
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so why choose anything other than lysol? ♪ top apps. i'm feeling bloated from all that. managing calories is a major part of good health, especially after you're eating all this. and if you're dieting and burning off those calories is, you know, just as important. >> but new info suggests that we're not burning as many of those calories as we think. i'm going to burn it this way, right? >> that's a good way. >> abc's mara schief campo has more. >> nice bicep curl. right. >> reporter: drenched in sweat, feeling the burn. workouts make you feel like rocky. but experts say what seems like
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heavyweight training may actually be a lightweight workout. studies showing men and women tend to overestimate the number of calories they burn when exercising. >> why are people overestimating how much they're burning? >> well, it's hard to tell. i think if you go out and run and take a spin class or something and you're tired and you're sweating you have no context to know how many calories that was, so you just think i must have burned a lot. >> reporter: to find out just how hard it is to accurately gauge your burn we went to new york's hospital for special surgery. >> this is a metabolic cart. it's going to measure how many oxygen and carbon dioxide is in your exhale there. it's going to measure how many calories you're burning. >> reporter: i ran at a comfortable pace for ten minutes. >> how many calories would you say that was? >> i would guess about 200. >> reporter: but after crunching some numbers. >> 90 calories. >> stop it. >> reporter: next up, brianna bikes for ten minutes. she thought she would burn 110 calories but only burned 97.
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gibson does a series of high intensity intervals for seven minutes. >> how many calories do you think you burned? >> i would go with 100. >> reporter: his actual number of calories burned -- 72. experts say this overestimating can potentially lead to overeating, revealing a hidden reason weight loss can be so tough. >> it takes a long time to burn a lot of calories and a very short time to eat those same amount of calories. you may go for a run, you burn 500 calories. you could really eat that in probably 30 seconds. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> that is a problem for a lot of people. you work out and think oh, i can afford the chocolate cake now because i ran. and then you defeat the whole purpose. >> but that was such a buzzkill after all we've eaten this morning. >> but you, mr. universe. >> whoo! >> i would like to say -- >> you're here to pump us up. >> i don't know how you guys got one of my selfies. >> we told you a
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this morning on "world news now" -- tropical trouble. >> the storm system flooding much of the east could be followed by strengthening storm named joaquin. the extreme weather delivered in a one-two punch. cold case solved. after 24 years the man accused of torturing two women is now in custody. how a famous tv crimefighter helped police. consumer alert. the battle for your smartphone business dials up even more. how you can save hundreds thanks to intense competition. and later, record jump. more than 200 brave skydivers sharing the same goal. the amazing outcome on this wednesday september 30th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning on this we


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