tv ABC7 News at 4 ABC October 7, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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confessed to committing that initial attack on a woman on north scotts street, as well as an attack last week on quincy street. d.n.a. is also being tested but police suspect will connect him to an attack in august on north highland street. the big break came after last week's incident men the victim said she thought she -- incident when the victim said she thought she had seen bonilla on her bus. they eventually tracked the travel patterns before making the arrest this morning about the same time of day that the three attacks have taken place. >> cure some of the uneasiness. hopefully this won't be a trend in this area. >> now we can say we placed a dangerous vim behind bars. i believe the arlington county community feels safer knowing he is locked up. jeff: police say the composite sketch was critical in making this arrest. they are still looking for
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that other suspect in some of the other cases. there is another composite sketch floating around right now. police say, believe and hope that it will be critical in making that arrests a well. we'll have more on that at 5:00. jeff goldberg, abc7 news. alison: many of you might have heard the news on your phone because abc7 sends outbreaking news text alerts. don't miss a beat even when you are away from the tv. just log on to and pick the alerts that you want there. jonathan: the other developing story we're following is in culpeper where three schools were locked down this morning after a student brought a gun on a school buzz. the potential disaster was averted. the student is in custody. a lot of parents scrambled when the news broke. >> three schools were closed down here in culpeper. the high school, the middle school and alternative school.
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at 10:15 this morning, the students said they had seen the student on a school bus with a handgun. after a long intense search and a lockdown of the schools, the student turned himself in. the gun was later discovered. the fun did turn out to be a pellet gun. anxious moments. this is what the sheriff had to say about what he heard. sheriff: he claimed it to be a firearm. he made. stays about what he would would do with it and gave details about what he would do with the weapon. it's frightening. >> a 15-year-old student, a ninth grader here at culpeper high school. now we also understand that he is in custody. the investigators are talking with him and his family
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members. this is one take-away and why so many people are disturbed in culpeper. the students who came forward who said they had seen the handgun and heard of the threat from the individual, the is a-year-old say he first showed them this gun which did turn out to be a pellet gun yesterday. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. jonathan: thank you for that. if you were wondering why swat teams were descending on stafford boulevard this morning, this was it. but it's now over. someone called 911 about a guy with the gun. the caller did get out of the apartment. the person with the gun barricaded himself inside. police took him into custody. they haven't said what started the whole thing. alison: today we are hearing from the owner whose gun store is sparking outrage among some parents in mclain. it opened less than to weeks ago and it's next to franklin sherman elementary school. parents started an online petition to have it closed.
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the store owner james gate says he doesn't want to move. he wants to work with the community to ease their fears. he says no one has reached out to him directly. >> i'm more than happy to meet with the school, p.t.a., to show them i want to be part of the community. >> i don't think as long as the gun shoppe is there that this matter is going to get resolved. alison: the citizens association will talk about the issue tonight at the monthly meeting. it's at 7:30 at the mclain community center. jonathan: we have to wait another day for opening arguments in the charles severance trial. he is charged in three alexandria murders. jury selection continues for a third day today. prosecutors asked potential jurors if they could handle the case and warning them that the evidence will be frightening, terrifying and very graphic. alison: coming up this weekend, d.c. will be hosting the march for justice or else. jonathan: u.s. capitol police preparing for the crowds but sent out an e-mail about an
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e-mail the department wishes they could take back. d.c. bureau chief sam ford explains why. you will cover the march on saturday. it is expected to be pretty big. sam: i will be covering the march on saturday. i don't know if it's as big as the last one. i sort of doubt it. but nevertheless there will be a lot of people on the mall. there is already controversy. as there was last time. we are standing in front of the u.s. capitol. work is going on underway here. they are putting in the port-o-johns and the speakers. getting ready for what is going to happen in a few days. work is underway for the million man march. but controversy swirls around a newsletter, e-mail. from the intelligence unit of the capitol officers. i was obtain -- it was obtained by the "washington post" and says nick fairley --
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louis farrakhan is accused of inciting violence and questioned whether the march would be peaceful. the news got out and the newsletter was rescinded as it was not authorized, approved by the chief of police. it was poorly constructed and does not reflect the value of the u.s. reaction from the march organizer today, reverend willie wilson. >> i wish it hadn't happened. it's a tactic to frighten people from coming. i think people can look back to 1995 and see we had a very, very peaceful event. sam: we are back live here looking at the workers. that is -- i was told that will be a speaker stand. so there is a lot of stuff here. we have got various devices, machines, moving around this place because obviously they are getting ready for the march that is going to be
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happening here on saturday. among those also concerned about the letter was the police union. the f.o.p. they said there was no need for such a letter to be written. they are concerned that having written this letter and put this out, it might jeopardize police officers and the public. reporting live from the national mall, sam ford, abc7 news. jonathan: thank you for that. lost in the middle of a hurricane, the search for the cargo ship el faro continues for a couple more hours. the latest still just one body spotted in the debris field. the ship presumed sunken in the 50-foot waves and the 40-mile-per-hour winds from hurricane joaquin. the hope is that some of the 28 americans and the five polish workers aboard el faro survived. "7 on your side" consumer alert this an. volkswagen cutting nonessential spending to cope with the huge cost of the mission's cheating scandal. alison: the v.w. new ceo says the recall of the vehicles
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with the software should start in january. more than 11 million vehicles have that software. the auto-maker hopes to fix them all by the end of 2016. a new target is opening in arlington. but this is different than most others. it's the first target express in virginia. there is also one in college park. so it includes a section of apparel, groceries, home items. they are all aimed at smaller space living. eight stores like this are opening nationwide, including the one we mentioned in college park. jonathan: it makes sense. because of how many apartment buildings are close by. alison: in college park you have college students. it works out well for everybody. coming up here on "abc7 news at 4:00" -- where does d.c. and one other city here around this area rank among the most sexually active cities? we'll let you know. jonathan: plus, maybe video games aren't that bad. why you should may and which games are recommended? we have that for you still
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jonathan: around the nation, there is no bigger story right now thank the flooding going on in south carolina. the only way in is by the air. drops are flying over to assess all the damage. any roads in columbia from the floodwaters, that is what you look at there. some places you still have to boat around. you can't walk. brad bell is in south carolina. southeast of columbia. brad, water doesn't have anywhere to go right now. in fact it will be some time before it recedes west. prad: yeah, you know what? that is right. i'm standing here. show you what is going on. this gentleman lives in the neighborhood. a little surprised that the kayaks was rescuing an armadillo yesterday. it is just hanging out in there. we won't worry about that too long. we're standing in the middle
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of the residential street here. this gentleman lives back down here. there were a couple of cars in there. it is terrible in this neighborhood. we'll show you video of what it looks like around the area as well. this is the ashley river. the ashley river goes down and becomes big water in the heart of historic charleston. but here is generally a very small body of water. some of the houses have docks. they are able to take the boats up and down. started monday with the evacuation. last night at 10:00 but since then it has only dropped three inches or so. the folks have no idea what the damage is being done. >> it's out of control.
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you watch, you just want to say huh! brad: you want to stay stopped but there is nothing you can do about it. people talk about sandbags but there is nothing they will do here. the houses here, some have five feet of water flowing through them. they are hoping they have seen the worst of it. this is just a snapshot of what is going on all across the area. the flooding continuing. jonathan: it's sunny and it looks like blue skies now. how much water has receded since you have been there or has it gone up? braked: it's funny. yesterday we were in kingstree.
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we watched the water come up. what we're told here is impossible to see. they think it has gone down three inches. sol of the number, the amount of water they believe fell. what is going on here now near the coast is all of that water that fell in columbia upstate is heading here. jonathan: we appreciate it, thanks. alison: the water is going down a little in some spots, repairs to the dams can begin. this canal is near columbia where there have been seven breaches so far. the dam that is also under repair. there are 13 dams breaching. jonathan: bethesda has
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expanding to become. -- [inaudible] alison: but this is turning heads today. kevin lewis explains how the multimillion dollar deal is one way that the community is changing. >> hey there. it's not the price of gas. but rather the piece of the property that the station sits on to make news headline. the owner of the station struck a deal for $6 million. you know they say location is everything. this is a prime example. according to the montgomery newsletter, a real estate journal, a developer paid $5.8 million to buy this neighborhood fill-up.
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>> councilman saw the sale price. >> my her speculative -- perspective is a good news story where bethesda is a desirable place. kevin: the development that owns the red brick office building and the surface parking lot purchased the gas station. it reflects the value of being in bethesda. kevin: for now we're live in bethesda. kevin lewis, abc7 news. jonathan: thank you. researcher in wisconsin says he figured out to improve brainpower. his advice is go play video games. don't tell it to the kids. they are already doing that. its includes first-person shooters like "call of duty."
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they say it showed these video games can improve the players cognition, critical thinking. >> you have to identify targets. you have to be accurate. jonathan: it could make children more angry. but he found no strong link to the real criminal violent behavior. he says they have to work the first person driving games. >> it may help your brain. jonathan: let's check on the roads. jamie sullivan? jamie: we are not seeing so much popping up as far as what affects the interstate. at least in virginia. 95 and 56. i want to begin with an
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overturned. this is university boulevard. we have emergency crews on the scene. the lanes are blocked. keep in mind if you travel through montgomery county this may affect you. outside the beltway in maryland we have an issue that may affect you. on the outer loop, we are not used to seeing these delays but there is a crash. if you are working your way from college park, closer toward silver spring. keep in mind right now you my only be in the teens. we are not used to this outer loop delay. inner loop, yes. we are used to that. getting from virginia, crossing the american legion bridge and continuing closer to silver springs. that is what we are used to seeing. in d.c. watch out for a crash, 23rd street at southern avenue southeast. i want to take a live look outside. these delays that we have on the beltway. top side a lot of stop-and-go on the outer loop. we see everyone moving. just past the trees we start to hit the brakes. keep in mind the outer loop of
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the beltway in maryland. different from what we are used to. jonathan: thank you for that. take two today. last evening test launch scrubbed. the window opened tonight and closes later. it's recall about a weather window. the spacecraft will go into orbit. that is what they do. the weather has to be perfect and it wasn't so they scrubbed the launch. alison: if you live in southern maryland, look southeast. jonathan: it's cool. doug: spectacular. alison: we have a nice day. speaking of spectacular. doug: we got the sunshine and it's good to go now. start with a look around the region wednesday afternoon. this is a live look at laurel. at laurel high school annex which happens to be in laurel. that's why they call it the laurel high school annex. the temperatures in the mid-70's now. gorgeous.
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the kids have been practicing on the field for a while. but the big changes. we got rid of the heavy overcast. it's moved on to the sunshine. comfort temperatures. even though this is october, the sun is strong enough. 77 in annapolis. the cloudiness moved out. most of the cloudiness is out of the picture. when we go the day on friday we have a better chance of noticeable cloud cover. we put this to work on the future cast. disturbance of clouds that came through is washing out. tomorrow, high pressure with a sunny and a warmer day. 77 in the an. the next front comes in on friday. preceded by the showers and storms. i'm not sure what time in the an. 2:00 to 8:00, somewhere in that. 2:00 in the afternoon to 8:00 in the evening. before it arrives we will be in the lower 80's with the gusty breeze and sun. showers and storms. it will clear out nicely over
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the weekend. the day planner for thursday. 50's in the morning. mid-70's with sunshine in the an. as we head through the next seven days check it out. there is 60% chance of showers and thunder with a front on friday. clear and cooler on saturday and sunday. monday and tuesday, pop back up in the 70's. quiet weather wise through the middle of next week. jonathan: it looks good. thank you. quality is out with the top ten most sexually active cities. number one on the list, denver. there you go. following that is portland, oregon. third is ann arbor, michigan. i would have thought every college town would be on the list. but anyway. d.c. is in seventh place. alexandria ended up tied with salt lake stim for eighth. alison: why do the do the survey? just because? jonathan: because they can. i guess federal grant money. where are they having a lot of sex? let's do a survey. i wonder if even answers that truthfully, though. alison: probably not. jonathan: coming up next at "abc7 news at 4:00".
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if you can't remember all the gadgets you have in your cabinet and drawers you might have too much stuff. the gadgets you really don't need. alison: still ahead. coaching up students in prince george's county. who is stepping in to increase literacy in the county and the programs there place. "abc7 news at 4:00" continues after this.
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alison: here is a question for you today. what do you have in your kitchen? odds are you can't remember all the equipment you collected over the years. consumer reporter john matarese shows us kitchen devices you may get rid of so you don't waste your money. john: we love kitchen gadgets. but a new report says most of them we don't need. is you noticed the gadgets for sale at yard zeal? there is a reason. most people use two gadgets once or twice before putting them away forever. those you don't need is a panini maker, melon wedges, garlic and onion peelers. from if doesn't it stink file? the hottest industry around the homemade pizza when most of us eat frozen or delivery. unless you own a restaurant you probably don't need a pizza poster, pizza cutting sheers or pizza drill
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attachments. closet full of those? doesn't it stink? the only gadget you need is a round pizza cutting wheel for five picks. stick with the basics, toaster, blender, knives, pot and pans. i'm john matarese. abc7 news. alison: coming up next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- russia continues the bombing mission in syria. but a u.s. ally is raising red flags. the new threat that could pull america further in the fight against isil. jonathan: plus making prince george's county schools more competitive. the new program in place to help high school students overcome a major hur
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linzess can help. once-daily-d linzess treats adus with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include, gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today.
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announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 4:00". on your side. jonathan: russia continues bombing missions in syria, fighting isil and for president assad at his request. but there were claims they were crossing to turkey. this is like somebody has a finger on the trigger. it could go off at any time. scott: this is getting more attention now that you have two people that are the economic allies.
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they are fighting from the caspian sea over iraq and iran to syria to cause a lot of concern for the middle eastern nation. this could be a bit of an exaggeration to think the other nations will fight back against russia. i don't think it will be the case but they are voicing concerns strongly. jonathan: russia has been so provocative with the plans going into our air space. they did it in actually. we have seen them now doing the bombing runs. aren't the provictive moves trying to escalate things or take attention away from where they are already conducting this? scott: this is not uncommon from vladimir putin. the pentagon confirmed that the u.s. fighter jet had to make a traumatic move to avoid a russian fighter jet along
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the syrian line. there are major conflicts. on top of that, as you know, what we are dealing with in a larger picture is russia's attack within syria. they're not necessarily against sigh analysis -- against isis. some claim that they are hitting the moderate opposition rebels. so they claim it's only making the matters much worse. jonathan: a bad deal. scott thuman. thank you for that. for us, nuclear material struggle. the thwarted plots. who was selling the component and the buyers? we have it coming up in a few minutes. alison: returned the district police arrested a man they say stole a car, and tried to flee. it happened around 1:00 along
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the 11th street bridge close to route one. after the man crashed in the bus he tried to leave the scene. at one point he threatened to jump off the bridge. additional crews were called in and the man was arrested. the metro bus driver and the passengers were treated for non-life threatening injuries. across the country, thousands of students ditched the school bus and laced up today instead. today is national walk or ride your bike to school day. the event was created to encourage local government to fill sidewalk and the crosswalks for their community. you couldn't have picked another day. doug hill is outside and not a bad assignment today. doug: it's nice.
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it is delightful in the lower 20's. the pollen count high for mold spores. looking forward with the pleasant weather. it's the early fall color. small percentage change over to the metro area. in the higher elevation of the mountain change over occurring. the metro area beginning the stations. the temperature is 79 at reagan. it's 79 in baltimore as we speak. in the next day or so we'll enjoy more sunshine. the high pressure will bubble in. it's partly cloudy with the temperatures in the
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mid-to-upper 50's tonight. steve rudin will be back to check out the weekend forecast. alison: the push to improve academic performance in the public schools. kellye lynn is in suitland where the literacy coaches change the way teachers teach to improve how teachers learn. kellye: in classrooms across prince germ's county the students aren't the only one paying attention to the teacher. this school year there is a new process. former literacy coaches. they observe teachers in variety of the subject matter and meet with them to offer advice or improvement. >> you can be the best teacher
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on earth but if the students are not paying attention, if it's not interesting to them, they shut down. >> the rigorous literacy instruction strive to improve s.a.t. scores. in 2014, 41% of the students in maryland who took the s.a.t. demonstrated readiness compared to 12% of the prince george public school students. dissatisfied with her store, this high school student plans to retake the s.a.t. >> i am trying to improve my vocabulary. they're in the words i use on a daily basis. >> as she hopes to improve her s.a.t. score the county counts on the literacy coaches to achieve the same. the measure of success is improve the test stores and students who are well prepared for college, career and life. in suitland, kellye lynn, abc7 news. alison: a road rage incident
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caught on camera in texas. you can see right here the green pickup truck pulled in the shop with a man handing out the passenger side window and points a rifle at a cup that were soon to be married. he smashes the windshield and followed the couple as they tried to drive off. >> when they backed out, they followed us. i couldn't reach the phone to call for help. every corner he was right behind us. hang on, they're still there. alison: apparently started when the couple tried to prevent the driver of the truck from running into another struggling car on the road. the suspect is still out there.
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jonathan: unlikely pair of animals becoming popular. the cheetah and the puppy. they met and became fast friends after the cheetah had to be hand federal because the mother wasn't producing milk. they are a hit with the zoo visitors as well. alison: a couple in california made a lasting memory after the anniversary sailing trip that ran into trouble. it happened tuesday morning at coronado beach in san diego. the man ended up swimming to share to try to get help. the police and personnel waded through the shallow water to rescue the woman.
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>> it's okay. >> they are okay. they took it in stride. the police did not cite them for wrongdoing. jonathan: an anniversary they won't forget. over the past four yeah months i have learned a lot about d.c. still learning. the question is how much do we know about d.c.? we are putting you to the test. can you identify the memorials and the monuments in washington? all of them. we put a quiz online to see where you stand so far. coming up next on abc7 news -- the material that is for sale. the plan to buy equipment that could have led to a dirty bomb. we'll have it for you. >> i had no idea this is going to take place.
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i have type 2 diabetes. i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night. i take mine in the morning. i was trying to eat right, stay active. but i wasn't reaching my a1c goal anymore. man: my doctor says diabetetes changes over time. it gets harder to control blood sugar spikes after i eat and get to goal. my doctor added novolog® at mealtime for additional control. now i know. novolog® is a fast-acting, injectable insulin and it works together with my long-acting insulin. proven effective. the mealtime insulin doctors prescribe most. available in flexpen®. vo: novolog® is used to control high blood sugar
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in adults and children with diabetes. take novolog® as directed. eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injection. check your blood sugar levels. do not take novolog® if your blood sugar is too low or you're allergic to any of its ingredients. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and dicines you take. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. symptoms may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be life-threatening. other common side effects include low potassium in your blood and injection site reactions. get medical help right away if you experience trouble with breathing, serious allergic reactions like swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. now i know about novolog®. taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog®. it can help provide the additional control you may need.
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reporter: a police ring on suspected smugglers of the radioactive materials. this video released today by investigators in the tiny eastern european country of maldova, a former sew yet republican near russia where the investigators believe the criminal gangs are getting the potential deadly goods from hospitals. urrainian and it could be used to make a dirty bomb. >> in a dirty bomb explosion there would be fewer or immediate casualties and the particles could shut down the urban area, capitol of the united states for years.
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reporter: the facebook help in the undercover sting operations. four in five years. they were looking for buyers from extremist groups. the experts say it's only a matter of time. >> there are there are hundreds of sites. >> russia pulled out of agreement to better secure the nuclear materials and there is no way to know how much made the way to the black market. alison: a resolution in tennessee gaining national attention today.
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it is asking god to spare a county from performing same-sex marriages. county commissioner karen miller sponsored the resolution and says she will continue to push to pass it. opponents are bound to show up at the next commissioner's meeting. >> i think it was disappointing. i wasn't expecting that. i never experienced this before for a meeting to be adjourned before it started. >> if they introduce it again. we will again show up. >> they need 11 yes votes before it will move to the county commission meeting later. jonathan: a filthy bridge in falls church. alison: today, we are learning that finally something is being done about this.
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chris papst gives it a look. chris: this pedestrian bridge is a very important bridge for people in the area. this is the only way to safely get away the highway, which is why it was built in 2009 for $5 million. part of the reason it cost $5 million because it's a nice looking bridge. an example of that can be found here. instead of the less expensive chain link fencing around the stairwell they have dock rative concrete slabs. they look nice but they create privacy. as "7 on your side" reported a number of times in the summer people used the privacy to go in the stairwells, defecate and urinate. it wasn't being cleaned. after the story aired vdot did clean the bridge. at 5:00, we will tell you how much it cost taxpayers. chris papst, abc7 news. jonathan: ick. we have something nice for you now. just before we get to the weekend forecast, a great
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sunset last night. look at that. let's give it an ahh moment. viewer edward rush from fredericksburg took this. that is a great shot. he sent it to us at you can do the same thing if you have taken a great picture and you want to share it. we will put it on tv. see it and send it. the e-mail address and we'll share it on the air again is ed, thank you for doing that. alison: looks nice. perfect weekend. that's what you want to see. >> we have a nice weekend. a cool start but otherwise looking good. at least it will be dry. we are starting out on the right note. a look outside. this looks different that it did a few days ago in ocean city. right now the temperatures are 66 degrees. the winds out of the northeast at 8 miles per hour. the temperatures 78 degrees at reagan national airport. we are going to keep things on the cool side, as we move through the overnight hours. the weekend forecast, middle
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60's on saturday. good deal of sunshine. by sunday we warm it up a little bit. back in the lower 70's. of course, the daylight hours continue to shrink and shrink. as we move closer to winter. taste of d.c. is coming up on saturday. the highs around 66, 6 dries. that may be optimistic. look at the seven-day outlook. 83 on friday. 54 on saturday. 71 on sunday. middle 70's for monday. a lot of folks have monday off for columbus day. jamie: a lot of people were biking and walking to work. keep in mind you may see extra pedestrian traffic this afternoon. starting off in montgomery county. a crash with four cars involved. this is old columbia pike northbound at freen castle road. not that big of an issue for us because we have a lot of the work-arounds. the best alternate is to take
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the columbia pike. if you get behind this, you will be in the teens. moving to wheaton. overturn on the university boulevard, there are the lanes blocked. we have the police on scene. there earlier crash on outer loop is gone. but that backup is still there. you are going to see the brake lights from around 9 it 5. so college -- around 95. college park, you are in teens. typical on the inner loop to work past the 270 spur. closer to connecticut avenue. in d.c. area we are seeing the heavy traffic southbound 295. northbound kem worth avenue. we have a rolling closure on military road. take a live look outside. gives you a good idea. 66. leaving the city. past the capitol beltway. a lot of volume. nothing ill would call a major slowdown. back to you. jonathan: thank you for that. coming up next on "abc7 news at 4:00" -- checking your smoke alarms and just having one really might not be enough. the fire safety tools that could save your life if a fire
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alison: well, that time of year geng where we are reminded to check the smoke detectors and create fire safety plan. a lot of us fail to follow through on them. jonathan: that is a shame. connie thompson found with many smoke detectors you're not as safe as you might think. reporter: when fire probing out at this apartment building -- >> i hopedded the door to the apartment and the hallway was in flames. >> i ran everything close to me. i could hear things falling. it was chaotic but everybody got out safely. that fire motivated her to be more proactive about the fire safety. i found another man who lives here that is like a lot of us.
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>> because he was nowhere near the fire, he says the fire safety is off his radar. >> the tragic truth is no, i have done nothing. >> a year later he relies on the smoke detectors. >> i'm behind the spoke detectors. >> the fire experts warn your smoke detector may give you a false sense of security. >> they primarily detect smoke. others are looking for fast-moving flame and the difference could be whether you are escaping on time. >> you are out shopping. look for ionization. >> ionization smoke detector responds to flames but could take a long time to alert you about dangerous smoke. for smoke you need a photo electric detector. but a key element is smoke, not fast flames. the best detection buy a dual
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sensor. regardless of what type of smoke detector you have, when you change the batteries check the expiration date. many smoke detectors in use now are more than ten years old which means they have expired. expired detectors might night work at all. i'm connie thompson. leon: in -- jonathan: in additin red cross has safety information as a family you should come up with a plan and follow through. get out, stay out and call 911. this is something you should practice. have a smoke alarm on every floor in your house. one is not enough. testing the batteries every time you change your clock is not enough either. check your detectors perhaps once a week. leon: parents race to three schools in culpeper county as word spread of a lockdown and student there with a gun.
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tonight, a student is in custody accused of bridging a gun to a school bus. stephen tschida is explaining how the other students sounded the alarm. stephen: first, this turned out to be a pellet fun. this came after a tense day for students inside the school and the parents across culpeper county. at this hour, a 15-year-old boy is in police custody. >> police launched an intense search. beyond the roadway, the students were in the classroom. >> it was scary. we didn't know if the person was in the school or not. >> a 15-year-old boy had brandished a handgun and he talked about using it. >> he gave clear details about how and what they would do. >> the students left the
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property without having the school. as the massive search continue, the student suddenly contacted the sheriff department and arranged to surrender. they found the gun later at a residence that turned out to be a pellet gun. >> the danger of the physical harm is the same. anxious parents arrived at the school to retrieve their children. >> this is scary. you think they will be safe you think but then you get a call like this. stephen: this is the result peacefully today but the concern for authorities in culpeper county that students waited two hours before they told anyone at the school
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