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tv   World News Now  ABC  October 14, 2015 2:37am-3:01am EDT

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result of the detonation of a warhead outside the airplane. >> reporter: july 17th last year the boeing 777 shot out of a clear blue sky as it flew above war-torn ukraine. months of painstaking work shown in that remarkable video release allowed investigators to reconstruct the final moments of the flight, which they animated dramatically. >> this warhead explodes to the left and above the cockpit of mh-17. >> reporter: investigators say the cockpit crew was killed instantly. they found telltale fragments of a russian-made buk missile in their bodies. and for the passengers, unimaginable horror. the front of the plane torn off, a deafening sound wave ripping through the cabin, a blast of frigid air, decompression and loss of oxygen. those who weren't killed instantly, investigators say, could barely comprehend what was happening. but one passenger was found with an oxygen mask on, and abc's aviation experts say some passengers may have remained conscious for up to 30 seconds. the investigation describes how the plane was shot down but not
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who did it. dutch prosecutors are working on that. meanwhile, russia has rejected the findings, saying that missile is no longer in its arsenal. terry moran, abc news, london. a gun store and its owner are liable in the shooting of two police officers. a milwaukee jury found badger guns broke four laws in selling the gun used to shoot the cops in the face. one suffered brain damage. the jury found the practices at the store to be shoddy and irresponsible. the verdict included nearly $6 million in damages. the store plans to appeal. a north carolina hospital says it is now bedbug-free. the medical center in salisbury denies it was ever infested but blames the bedbug outbreak on a patient who brought the blood-sucking insects into the clinic. >> it's fairly unusual for bedbugs to actually be on somebody's body just being there and not feeding, which would indicate that it's a very large infestation if you're actually
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walking around with, say, 20 bedbugs on you. >> hospital administrators say the two areas visited by the patient were disinfected. the hospital also donated a new bed to the family of the patient and paid for an exterminor. yeah. >> we're getting a new high-definition look at jupiter, all thanks to nasa's hubble space telescope. >> images captured by hubble were used to create two maps of the mysterious planet. those images were put together to make this high-def video. >> scientists say the new images confirm jupiter's great red spot is actually shrinking faster than previously thought and that spot is actually more orange than it is red at this point. >> yeah. that spot is larger than the entire earth. >> the red spot? >> yeah, that red spot. >> let's take their word for that one. >> i guess so. it's getting smaller. beautiful images, though. >> absolutely.
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coming up, something fulfilled in insomniac kitchen. did you know it's national dessert day? we hope you're hungry. >> who knew? i didn't know. >> our producers knew. >> there you go. also ahead, going all out for halloween. the neighborhood haunted house so scary you need to sign a waiver before facing the fears. but first, a real-life fear in the skies. a common item airlines don't want you to bring on board. that after a look at today's forecast map. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather. brought to you by united healthcare. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. your clever moves won't stop the but disinfecting with lysol can. because lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. including those that can make you sick. for a healthy home this cold and flu season...
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show the world your roots with root touch-up. well, things in the bedroom have alwaysyeah, no complaints. we've always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. and i'm into that. so we're using k-y love. it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. right, i mean, for both of us, just... yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them... rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. well, that's the police bomb squad blowing open the trunk of a car at a gas station in southern california. the agitated driver told the manager to call 911. >> he said you don't understand. he says, i want to see a cop. he says, i have four to five bombs in the car. this could be a huge explosion.
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>> boy. she not only called police, she hit the emergency gasoline cutoff to the pumps, and she told customers to leave. with his car right next to the gas pump there actually could have been quite an explosion. police closed nearby roads including freeway ramps and they brought in the bomb squad. no bombs were found. the robot blowing open the trunk was the only explosion. i can't even think about it. if you're at a gas station and this is a situation like this, cut the valves off. >> yeah. one of the worst places for that to happen. >> totally, yeah. there's a new warning from the faa saying airline passengers should be told not to check lithium ion batteries with their luggage. >> it's prompted by a recent incident where smoke and fire disrupt aid flight. here's abc's david kerley with more. >> reporter: warning the passengers not to pack those extra lithium batteries in checked bags comes after one of the more unusual cause of an emergency landing. >> the fire is out at this time. >> reporter: this alaska airlines flight to seattle landing in buffalo. the in-flight fire caused by one of these.
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a credit card reader used for purchases of food and drinks on a jetliner. alaska has pulled more than 3,000 of those brand new card readers, all powered by lithium ion batteries. the maker, guest logix, tells abc news it believes this is an isolated incident. but lithium ion batteries like these which power everything from our cell phones to our computers and those credit card readers, can ignite and burst into flames. >> reporter: that's why the faa is alerting passengers not to check extra batteries. and as this test shows, the agency wants a worldwide ban on airlines carrying bulk shipments of batteries. this chain reaction fire consuming a shipping container. but the warning to passengers -- if you have spare lithium ion batteries, leave them at home. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> i didn't realize this until after this report, but apparently it's for both rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries. >> but alkaline batteries, they say those are okay. the faa recommends that you put
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all of your batteries into your carry-on luggage. >> oh. i would have thought the other way around, check them. okay. >> they say carry-on. all right. see that there? we are celebrating national dessert day. >> mm. we've got the help of an iron chef with us in the insomniac kitchen and that's next on "world news now." ooh, that's good. a good one.
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♪ in honor of phillip's return we made sure to bring you some sweet treats on this national dessert day. >> sweet. when you've got a great dessert, who cares if you mess up the enee? let's head right into the insomniac kitchen with abc's genevieve shaw-brown. >> sue mothers, we're always looking for fun stuff, right? >> yes. i am here at butter with celebrity chef alex kornasheli. i see pears, i see bananas. i see sugar. what are we making today? >> this is a pear and almond tart. we're melting a little bit of sugar. a little sherry vinegar. >> you're saying even i could do this. >> you so could face it hp let's face, it we're dumping something in a pan and heating it up. >> it's true. when you break it down like that, it makes it sound more
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manageable. >> i'm taking half bosh and half d'anjou pears. >> they go in the oven to finish. >> the filling. cup of brown sugar right in the pan. ps a du this is a dumb. and stir recipe. my favorite kind. some butter. and then the fun stuff. rum. >> okay. >> a teaspoon of vanilla. >> delicious. >> molasses. and then dry ginger. basically, we're making a fake banana foster filling to go underneath our pears. we drop the bananas right in there. we're just going to cook this and let it kind of fall apart. easy recipe. even for people who are intimidated by sugar. >> i think so too. >> if you want a hard shell, a few minutes, add two ingredients. >> two ingredients.
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>> pour that right in. 1 1/2 cups of almonds. >> these are the two ingredients. >> we're done. that's it. and when you bake it we take it out. >> what do you get? >> you get that. >> magic. wow. >> all right. now we have these -- >> look at you. >> wow. >> now, you can cut up the pears if you want something a little less, you know, dramatic. but i like the drama of this. >> let's get dramatic. we are all this kind of wonderful juice in there. there's no right or wrong here. it's how you want it to look. >> this looks very, very good. >> i'll cut a slice. >> this is piping hot. go ahead.
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>> mm-hmm. and our thanks to chef alex guarnasheli at butter midtown. >> by the way, it's really delicious. and places that celebrate national dessert day, village inn, free slice of pie with any purchase. noah's bagels here in new york. half a dozen free brownies with special catering orders. and chompie's. buy one, get one free. >> run into basically any restaurant you want and ask for your free dessert. >> and if they don't have to remind them it's national dessert day. have them hook you up. >> this is really good, though. and potentially dangerous. this is a lot of -- this is a lot of dessert before breakfast. >> i think i ate a stick of butter in that one bite. >> is that right? >> very, very rich. >> experiences are earned, reena. >> what was your favorite dessert? quite the ensemble. >> what we're eating right here. >> pear one. this is very delicious i have to say. >> love it. thank you so much again.
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and happy dessert day. >> yeah. coming up, a haunted house that coming up, a haunted house that really takes the cake. ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just watil we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. we've been changing things up witoh it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both our sensations. it gives us chills in places we've never gotten chills before. yeah, it makes us feel like... dare to feel more with new k-y love.
2:53 am
♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need
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and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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to go the distance with you. go long. ♪ it is that time of year to get out the costumes and decorations so you can try to scare your neighbors. >> okay. and for one family in southern california it's quite the challenge. they take it very seriously. here's kabc's greg lee. >> meet robbie and heather luther. [ screaming ] they're responsible for a brand new terrifying and unique haunted house. >> there's a lot going on where it's very interactive and immersive and kind of invades your space. and you will get touched and you might get wet. >> reporter: the haunt, called the 17th door, is so scary guests are required to sign a waiver before going in.
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once inside you're inside the demented head of paula, a first-year student at gluttire university. >> she starts this downward spiral. deem fronz h demons from her past come back to haunt her and she ends up spiraling out of control. >> reporter: your group will spend about a minute in 17 different rooms, each with a unique theme and each with a painstaking amount of detail. [ screams ] and all of them with a troupe of monsters lurking around every corner. the luthers and their team began construction in april. >> a lot of money. a lot of time. a lot of effort. a lot of sweat. some tears. not his, mine. >> reporter: another difference between the 17th door and a normal haunted house is once they close the doors behind you the only way you're getting out without them opening them is if you say the word "mercy." >> mercy. >> a running tally so far is up to 350. i don't know what that number's going to be by november 1st, but i'm sure it's going to be very
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high. >> reporter: that's just in two weekends of being open. luther says on average they're getting about 800 visitors per night. most of them reacting like this afterwards. >> super intense. i've actually worked in haunted houses as an actor myself, and this is very, very intense. very scary. >> reporter: tickets cost between $21 and $35. and take it from me, watch out for the last room. >> first i start with the bad news. abc 7 now hiring. >> reporter: in tustin, abc 7, eyewitness news. >> i don't know what happened. i used to love going to haunted house ppz now like roller coasters i could do without. >> never into that. >> never? >> no. >> i'm surprised. i would think you're the adrenaline junkie. >> i'm not a big fan of nightmares. that's all. >> that's the news for this half hour.
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this morning on "world news now" the unexpected moment at the democratic presidential debate. >> the sparks that flew. the exchange that caught political insiders by surprise. bernie sanders and hillary clinton finding common ground. extended live coverage, straight ahead. deadly violence on the streets of israel. the stabbings and shootings during a so-called day of rage. and who's promising to stop it. family fight. the dispute involving an aunt, her nephew, his enthusiastic hug, and her broken wrist. it went to court, and we have the painful decision. and later, special delivery. the baby girl born at 30,000 feet on a plane flying over the pacific ocean. the big question -- is this child an american? it's wednesday october 14th. >> announcer: from abc news,


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