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tv   ABC7 News at 4  ABC  November 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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exclusive to abc 7. it shows her working behind one of the store counters. at one point the 27-year-old allegedly unscrews the victim's fiji water bottle and then pours a liquid product inside. shake the- lemonfield bottle and puts it back into the counter. it was not long until she took a sip in her throat and stomach began to burn. she ran to the restroom and started vomiting. they cultivate beauty product ingredients are anything but appetizing. acid, alcohol. is basically a drying lotion. it dries your face from acne. imagine pouring that into your system. you are drying your throat and system and stomach. is facinglemonfield
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charges of assault and attempted poisoning. all new at 5:00 i will tell you what she said to police as she was taking -- being taken out of the store. kevin lewis, abc 7 news. jonathan: the first appearance for david black, arrested last week for the death of his wife. 's parents were in the courtroom for the hearing but did not comment afterwards. bonnie black was killed last april in her arlington home. the couple's to young children discovered her body. david black will appear in court next thursday when a trial date will be set. a road rage incident ends with a car slamming into a motel in alexandria. when you see the video you wonder how everyone is able to walk away without serious injuries. this happened along route one in the alexandria portion of fairfax county. jeff goldberg explains what went wrong and who was inside the
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car. what happened here? reporter: we will get to the details in a moment. first, the aftermath. car in a chain reaction that went right into this motel room, leading to this kind of damage. this was classified as a road rage incident. it started on route one on give us out of the beltway in old town alexandria. look at some video from the parking lot earlier today. minivaner of the dodge got into some sort of merging dispute with a driver of a toyota corolla. they came over the beltway. that is when the driver of the said the corolla started getting closer and closer to him. when they got to fort hunt road the driver of the corolla got closer, clipped a lexus and thence -- and then slammed into the side of the minivan. slamming into a parked car going into the hotel room. both vehicles came to rest.
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no one was hurt. the driver of the minivan, also in the car was there wife and two-year-old son. we spoke with the driver of the corolla for details. but first, the driver of the minivan. >> i can't believe it. i don't know what he was thinking. he could have killed someone. reporter: was this a road great situation? >> no sir. reporter: can you tell us the sequence of events? >> knows her. -- sir. reporter: that was elmer king of alexandria. he has been charged and cited with a first-degree misdemeanor for aggressive driving. a lot more details and reactions to what happened here, including a woman who was cleaning that room and walked outside just as this was happening. and unbelievable story. more of that coming up at 5:00. live in the alexandria section of fairfax county, jeff goldberg. leon: a body found in dupont
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circle. stephen tschida is live. was this foul play or natural causes? reporter: we don't know yet jonathan. we know the call came in at around 11:30 this morning about an unconscious man inside a hotel room here at the dupont circle hotel. we have investigators on the scene at this time. throughout the day guests were coming and going. some of them unaware of what it taken place here. again, i just spoke with one of the police officers elected in the hotel about five minutes ago. i said what can you tell me? he said they are still on the scene and trying to determine what took place, what led to this man's death. he said the medical examiner will ultimately making that decision and then they will progress from there as far as the investigation. while we were here and just across the circle we still have some officers on the scene. a fight broke out between some
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men here in the circle. it escalated. everyone was standing here. we saw blows, fists flying. one of them and pulled out a knife and stabbed the other man. both of these individuals very bloody. they were taken away to the hospital. the investigation here is fars to what prompted that incident continues as well. a lot going on a dupont circle. stephen tschida, abc 7 news. alison: keep us posted. a desperate search meanwhile is underway in maryland. this is right along the gw parkway. she is missing and has not been seen in days. mounted police and dog to been brought in to help. coming up at 5:00, brad bell explains the dire medical need that makes this search a priority for park police. yesterday we told you about the ongoing investigation into former d.c. vincent gray's successful 2010 campaign. we are learning in the u.s.
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attorney will be one of his top rarities. channing phillips says he wants to make a decision as expeditiously as possible in his words. gray has not been accused or charged with several associates have pleaded guilty to a number of campaign charges. jonathan: stop me if you've heard this one. metro has an egm. -- a new gm. the board announcing that paul whitefield will be appointed. brianne carter explains when and the credentials. the contractathan, negotiations are still underway but we do expect that this will be the deal. he will send me the new gm of metro. we will soon see here at this building and this comes a nearly year-long search to get a general manager into that position. thatoard announced today he will soon take over. we expect people be appointed on
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november 19. and then a transition plan will get underway. he is expected to be here on november 19 and at that time a transition plan will be outlined. he is no stranger to transportation. he served as the ceo of the debbie white airport. -- bwi airport. he spent a decade in the private sector with engineering, private management. until he is on board the current general manager will continue in his interim. position we talked to board members moments after making this announcement today. >> is very -- it's been a very streamlined process. we had two choices and we got one of our two choices. >> he has got experience. he's been through the mill. he has run big agencies and a smart. -- is smart. reporter: more on what the board
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will expect from him in his first year and also the issues laid out today that he will have to tackle as he takes over this position. brianne carter, abc 7 news. alison: one more metro note. good news for silver and orange line riders. it will against up the armory station starting monday. initial estimates or restoration or per by the end of the year. that was after a transformer blew up. full-service is not quite in place. trundle -- trains will rent it -- run eight minute intervals during rush-hour. carriers some british had place to stop all point to the egypt area after a russian airliner broken midflight. isil is taking responsibility for downing the plane. scott thuman is here now with the latest on the situation. sayingsians, boudin is don't jump to conclusions. everyone is pointing out to a -- to a bomb. reporter: the russians are being
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cautious about the bomb theory. if you talk to those in the circle of intelligence for u.s. and british authorities, they are leading -- leaning towards that likelihood. one points out it is the u.s. who has the best team of investigators when it comes to ntsb. a lot has to be sorted through. josh earnest said we cannot rule it out. the also spoke about the idea that there would possibly be under this administration some new changes, and security enhancements that are u.s. bound from overseas. nothing definitive but he was reading a statement. he was being careful in his wording and it opened a door for the belief that this was an attack. if it is an attack by isil, not al qaeda which is quintess possibly, it would be the -- al qaeda, which has claimed
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responsibility -- jonathan: russia is targeting isil in syria so they goes hand-in-hand with them saying the be retribution for syria. reporter: i think that is why you have so many people were willing to accept that claim of responsibility may have some legitimacy. in the past we've seen terror make accusations or take claims for something that turns out they did not do according to u.s. intelligence. at this point is a very solid theory that is being investigated. and because they never cover the black box as well as the data recorder it's a matter of time before the piece that together with whatever forensic evidence they have recovered at the scene. interesting to note jonathan some of the people on capitol hill are telling us this is all the more reason that the u.s. and international community would have to come together in andeffort to fight isil
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support opposition groups already on the ground doing some of that legwork. jonathan: all of this comes as zero comfort for the more than 200 people that were killed on the flight as far as the families go. france is stepping up efforts to combat isil. it will deploy in aircraft carrier. this game at the top french military advisers gathered to discuss the next move. alison: but get back to breaking news from chillum, maryland. three people critically injured in a crash and at least four others were hurt. brad bell is live on the scene and joins us on the phone. we are hearing that some of those hurt our young children, is that right? reporter: that is exactly right. ten children aged four to years old. southbound new hampshire avenue is closed. the two cars, to adults in the front seat and in the small backseat of this newer mustang,
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four children. we don't know how they were restrained but there are no child safety features in the car. there is a white camaro that went into a tree. the injuries in that vehicle are less serious to the driver of that car. prince george's county acted investigation reconstruction teams from the police department have arrived on scene. they usually do not arrive on scene unless an automobile collision is considered very serious and there are life-threatening injuries. the investigation is just getting underway. as i stand close to the black mustang, it does not appear there is a lot of damage to the car. something you would call a major fender bender. the camaro as well when into some trees but not a thick tree and does not look like it has a lot of damage. the injuries appear to have been caused in the mustang. perhaps by the sudden stop of the collision.
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the investigation team will work that out. the bottom line is commuters this evening, new hampshire avenue south is closed at the scene. it looks like the investigation will be going on for quite some time. when we have more information we will get back to you. jonathan: hopefully the kids will be ok. thank you. alison: we will check back in with him in a little bit. we move on to marco rubio essentially going to be on the ballot in new hampshire. that's the first primary state. he's the latest candidate to file the paperwork. he counted attacks on his ability to handle money. going right after donald trump. >> i find it ironic that the only person running for president that is ever declared for bankruptcy four times in the last 25 years is attacking anyone on financing. alison: he is polling third behind trump and dr. ben carson. jonathan: dr. -- speaking of
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trump, he can make front of the other candidates. he is making -- hosting "saturday night live." should he be given the year time? we posted that question on twitter and open up a poll. wait.nie says "yes, can't i hope they all took a turn hosting snl. it helps to get to know them that much better>" we will have the early results coming up with a new cast -- newscast. --t go to and outraged to the president's choice to have his motorcade rolled down the 495 the middle rush-hour. alison: an update on a dog injured. we have some good news coming up next. reporter: your phone could be tracking for every move. how it's doing that and what
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that information is used for. we will share that with you on abc 7 news at 4:00. reporter: after the tragic death of a dog at a chain store, how to safely groom your dog. will be right back with a live report. doug: skies have cleared outside the weather center. still some fog.
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alison: a family in springfield is thankful that the family dog is a life after being impaled by a piece of rebar. tonight he is heading home. it happened while the five-year-old lab was playing outside. the owners were not home at the time and they don't know exactly how he was impaled. fortunately, it did not damage any major organs. >> he had it coming from the left side of his abdomen coming out of the right side of his chest. >> knowing he made it is he miracle. reporter: this is not the first close call for him. he was struck by a car reduces one-year-old. now the family calls him the wonder dog. jonathan: or just rebar for short. alison: that sweet face. jonathan: dog deaths at the
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groomer is a court case going to court this month. alison: is there anything you can do to protect your pets? can really suitors joins us with with a cautionary tale. she was just a set of richmond. she will be there for the court case of the former petco employees go to court later this month. she says she wants to be the voice of her daughter died in for any dog that dies at the groomer. she talks to is not only about her broken heart but also about changes in the lawsuit like to see to prevent the next tragedy of the groomer. the grooming industry believes it's one step ahead. a coalition of groomers nationwide, including the big chains compiled the first-ever list of standards for safety, care and sanitation. coming back with to this private groomer. this table is for pet owners to
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sit down and join the dogs. she actually prefers that owners are here while seagram's. she said -- while she grooms. she says the dog is actually calm her 20 -- calmer when you can be with the dog. she neighbor -- she never loses touch or site with the dog. the bath tub is right over here and she has a pile of towels where she can dries the fur. and they handed drier. this is a heated dryer. she does not blow it in their faces. he is cognizant of the dog's condition and health throughout the experience. marcy says she would never use cages. professional groomers say they are safe and good, efficient tools when used properly. it's up to you.
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you are the owner and want to make sure your dog is getting the best care it can. -- i would call it childcare. dog dryer danger. if you're a pet owner or dog lover, you will not want to miss this tonight at 11:00 on abc 7. kimberly suiters, back to you. alison: that owners will be watching. this is a look at the beltway. nothing really out of the ordinary, at least for now. jonathan: just 24 hours ago a totally different story. the president was on his way to a fundraiser in the motorcade decided to go on 495. backups went on for miles. suzanne kennedy has the average that follows. people are still fuming about his choice to go to that fundraiser at that time. reporter: this is already a difficult week for motorists and when the clocks are driving in the dark again. that makes for a slower commute.
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what happened last night was the icing on the cake. we have the view from some of our traffic cams last night. they show exactly what happened as the presidential motorcade went down the gw parkway and across the brick and legion bridge. it cost of backups that lasted for miles. about 11 miles and caused people a lot of heart ache on the ride home from work. social media lid of the people complaining about this. "whoe like this he says would stop traffic on the belly during rush-hour for a motorcade?: charlene says whoever decided have a motorcade to the belly during rush-hour owes me win and chocolate." " sitting completely stopped in traffic for 30 minutes, waiting for the presidential motorcade to go by. thanks obama." whoill talk to people tonight are questioning the timing of this motorcade during rush-hour.
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suzanne kennedy, back to you guys. jonathan: winning friends and influencing people. jamie sullivan gave as the play-by-play yesterday. have you ever seen anything on the bout with like this before? jamie: i have not seen no traffic on the inner loop. that was a sight to see. than the backups came later. that hold northwest stretch of the beltway basically from tyson to 270 is about eight miles stretch. it is usually stretch. yesterday, about 11 miles. jonathan: people literally standing out there wondering what was going on. alison: into the longtime get back to normal. jamie: and now we're back to the eight mile stretch of stop and go traffic. i would to start with this shot. news chopper 7 is over a serious issue in maryland. we have a serious incident with a car that hit a tree. southbound on new hampshire avenue. this will affect you if you're trying to work your way from
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maryland continuing towards d.c. let's into the maps. the best alternate will be to go ahead and use riggs road. southbound is closed with his accident. you are in the teens behind this. working your way possibly from langley park and even north. southbound new hampshire, you cannot go further past 410. riggs road continuing closer to washington d.c.-maryland line is the best option. we are seeing delays on the top side of the beltway. the eight mile backup stop and go from just past tyson and continuing towards the 270 on the inner loop. in d.c., slowing on the freeway. heading outbound on 395. let's look at the capital beltway to the legion bridge to give you a good idea. both sides slowing. what we were saying on the inner loop yesterday was not a single car right around 5:30. we are moving but definitely at
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a slow pace. back to you. jonathan: at least right now you can open your window on 495 and relax and enjoy this. alison: is every chance we will break the record tomorrow? doug: the official high tomorrow is 78 and we could possibly hit 79 or 80. it is possible. we have a lot of fog this morning and cloudiness. by late morning it was clearing in the suburbs and then it moved eastwards. still sunny. lots of blue skies in rockville. noonu're joining me at today i was talking about how it will take most of the day for the clearing to get over to the chesapeake day. --bay. by air, probably only 20 miles that most. fog.ay still soft and with -- socked in with fog. 70 degrees are never reported in the nation's capital.
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63 at annapolis. much warmer temperatures in areas west. degrees in leesburg. forecast lows tomorrow morning are probably going to wind up being in the 50's to about 60 degrees. then it will climb rapidly through the day tomorrow. looking for temperatures to reach upper 70's to near 80 with sunshine and gusty breezes. the cold front will come through late tomorrow night and i will give us some showers. how long will the showers and clouds hold and? in?east -- hold they will eventually get out of there and be on track for a beautiful sunday, turning cooler and we will be good to go. a quick glance of the seven a shows the sunshine and cool weather over the weekend. warmer next week. jonathan: this is a great roller coaster to be on. not very high and not very low. alison: next at 4:00, your cell
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phone is tracking every move you make. what is being done with that information and who has access to it might surprise you. police are trying to find a cookie stole thousands of dollars from people who used an atm machine. find out where it happened and how you can protect yourself the next time you take cash out. >> countdown to veterans day sponsored by paralyzed veterans of america.
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alison: if you own an iphone or android there was a good chance every move you make is being tracked. the information your phone is gathering is far more detailed than you may think. your phone is just a warehouse of personal information and it could be opened to anyone. reporter: you have to dig deep to find it, but on smartphones there are settings that lead to frequent locations. they are tracking where you live and work. even mapping your moves and recording the date and time you were there. we showed some folks how smart their phones have become. >> this is really detailed. it has exact addresses. >> it can be kind of scary and overwhelming. i did not have the depth of how much i was tracking. is a little frightening. reporter: companies use the gps
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to track personalized services for users and anyone with access to your account can access your whereabouts. >> the first instinct is let me turn it off. that will cause you a lot of headaches he is suddenly google maps will not tell you where you are and how to get from where you are to the location you want. reporter: have you set of the function in your phone? if you have any enjoyed, go to location in your settings, scrolling down to google location history and then sliding it off. if you have an iphone there are a few extra steps. go to privacy in your settings, and location services. services.n the system and frequent location then slide that off. it could take more than an off switch. experts say every picture you take, every call you make is saved. there is no way to turn this all around unless you use a landline and who does that anymore? or
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don't take pictures at all. jonathan: i read somebody's trying to go no digital anything. 4:00, howming up at thieves are targeting you at the bank. you will never even see them. the warning signs you might be ripped off is coming up next. jonathan: these service numbers are dedicating their bodies, but not to war. why cats are being made of their entire bodies. doug: it on thursday whether to be. one was the last time we had a record high? you can tweet is at abc 7 news. record high? you can tweet is at abc 7 news. we will ha ♪song: "that's life"
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♪song: "that's life" record high? you can tweet is at abc 7 news. we will ha ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life"♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by hehelping your body to get rid of some of the sugagar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lowe blood sur and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination,
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kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
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you're watching abc 7 news t 4:00, on your side. jonathan: way of the trivia question. doug: what was the last record high temperatures set at reagan national airport? your guess was? jonathan: majoring. -- may 3. doug: february 8. in the couple of weeks that followed we had all kinds of snow and only five days after that was 15 above. it really changed. no other records set the entire year for high temperatures which points to a cooler average temperatures. let me tell you the weather story and what is coming our way. it will be more sunshine and
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warmer temperatures tomorrow and then it will cool off a bit. right now it is delightful outside. 71 degrees in springfield. chevy chase, aspen hill, all at 71. here midday was early morning, and wes of the metro area but it's taking the entire day to push eastward. it's still foggy along the western shore of the was -- chesapeake bay. 56-62 tonight. tomorrow is partly cloudy and breezy. close to a record high of 78. the cold front from the west will come in and we will see showers tomorrow night. they could linger into the day on saturday. tomorrow absolutely beautiful. as we head through the weekend we are calling the possibility of showers. tomorrow, bright, sunshine, breezy. alison: thank you.
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today on "good morning washington" we ran a story about girl scout cookie prices going up. this is not the case. area is scouts in our not raising the price of its cookies. they will be the same as they've been. jonathan: that's a relief. my thin mints. is a different kind of casting call at marine corps base quantico. seven marines and one needy corpsman having casts made of the body. all of it is for a great project. they will be used for statues for new exhibit in the national museum of the marine corps. it will take a long time. >> but we are depicting is seven marines jumping out of a helicopter during vietnam in the 19 the five era. -- 1965 era. jonathan: it is set to open in late march. alison: they are in millions of homes but unite -- you might not
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have thought about the potential danger of window blinds. the cords of them responsible for dozens of children's deaths. there is no enforceable standard to keep your kids safe. josie is here to talk about the delay, the deadly delay the government says is cap products on the shelves. reporter: the consumer product safety commission is the one calling it a deadly delay asking they have been for changes to the window blinds industry for 30 years. no mandatory standard exists to protect you and your children. a joint abc news investigation that seven on your side as part of the change that. it all starts out -- with a local mom. erika thomas has become the champion of a tragic cause. 2014.n died in . he was struggled by the court on the blinds in his bedroom the 7 on your side team discovered his deaths is one of hundreds. the industry says it's made
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major steps to protect children with labeling and warnings, we found plenty of confusion. we parted with abc stations across the country on a nationwide hidden camera investigation to see what is on store shelves and if anyone is aware of the potential danger when you shop. >> what we found is a confusing array of information. is hard to tell which are the safe ones. reporter: we will tell you about this new push to get the stores to pull the cord. we will tell you which stores have done that and what we found one we took our hidden camera inside stores all over the area. jonathan: we will be watching. seeds are targeting you at the atm and you will never see them in person. diane cho has details on the scammers police have found and what you need to look for when you go to the bank. reporter: he says he just of this capitol heights 7-eleven to take money out all the time.
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>> i did not know this was going on. note was with a good that someone has been stealing thousands of dollars from unsuspecting victims using an atm like this one after attaching a skimming device to the machine. >> it is crazy. reporter: investigators just learned of it last week after a service technician noticed it and call police. at this point they are trying to figure out just how long it's been there and how many victims are out there. >> someone uncovered the device and called us and let us know and we began the investigation. reporter: he says it's important that any take money out of an atm to make sure to take a good look at the section where you can put your car. >> if you notice that particular part of the a team feels loose, it's possible someone may have tampered with it. take out your card and call the bank. reporter: she says as you enter your pin code on the machine,
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make sure you cover your hand just in case there is a tiny pinhole camera above where the quote may be watching what numbers you enter. he logged onto his account to make sure everything was ok. >> i am fine. reporter: he says nexen with a direct the to the bank. >> go right to the teller from now on. better to be safe than sorry . reporter: diane cho, abc 7 news. alison: this is hardly the first time we've seen skimmers in the area. log on to and search "skimmers." jonathan: should donald trump be don't from " saturday night life?" alison: we all know that teens text and drive. alison: we all know that teens text and drive. the one thing you can love or like? naughty or nice?k calm or bright?d. but at bedtime... why settle for this?
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enter sleep number. don't miss the semi-annual sale going on now! sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! gift the best sleep. only at a sleep number store. save $500 on the veteran's day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology, plus 36-month special financing. hurry, ends wednesday! know better sleep with sleep number.
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alison: you can call it creative marketing. justin bieber has released the names of all the songs on his album by using murals all over the world. one is right and d.c. on rhode island avenue north east.
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is a colorful mural and it spells out the words "the feeling." that is the night song on his album which is set to be released next week. jonathan: he graffiti's the walls. donald trump will be hosting "saturday night live>" we were wondering if you thought he should be allowed to do this. more than 150 voted. 64% said no, you are not ok with this. 36 said yes. that's how scientific it is. aboutays "snl is all comedy and donald trump is a good sense of humor." you can join the conversations on our twitter page. thanks for weighing in. big news before the country music awards. we will set the record straight on whether quinn stephani and blake shelton are now an item. crime-fighting tennis star?
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how serena williams
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reporter: live on the streets of downtown washington your the white house. thein mobile track 7 where group anonymous has been protesting throughout the day. they are doing and antiestablishment protest. they have been creating havoc with afternoon rush-hour traffic. there is the white house. you may be able to see some of them down there. isy get is is for traffic now they have gone towards the white house traffic should not be affected for right now as much as it has been. we've been around downtown washington and it's been a very difficult afternoon to get around as police have been shutting down various road trip is protesters. we will bring you any updates as we get them here in mobile track 7. alison: thank you. you probablynote, watched the country music awards on abc seven must night and some pretty big news before the show. jonathan: blake shelton and stefani are dating.
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that is where they were on the receiving end of lots of divorce jokes. that's not smart. along. laugh lambert was nowhere to be seen after she walked the red carpet. she give you taking care of you -- 30. hairdo.ebuted a pink alison: serena williams chased down a thief atreides deal her cell phone. -- tried to steal her cell phone. she confronts the man, asking him if he took the wrong phone maybe by mistake. the thief hesitates and then officially admits he did it because it was so confusing in the restaurant? she told her followers always listen to your superhero in her voice. jonathan: the guy is lucky she
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was not in a bad mood. [laughter] doug: having a singer chasing you. jonathan: he is strong. alison: weatherwise we are loving it. steve: is so nice right now. we have nine minutes or 10 minutes left, but it is 70 degrees. another beautiful day in washington. starting off a little bit foggy. we will see some more fog later on tonight but tomorrow record-challenging work. something to look forward to. the weekend also something to look forward to. it will be a bit of a shock to the system. by saturday we are talking temperatures in the lower 60's. sunday even cooler than that. a lot of fun things to do this weekend. we will see temperatures mainly in the 60's. i nice mix of sun and clouds and maybe an early shower or two. by late evening with temperatures falling in the
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50's, the race across the bay, the 10k will be chilly. temperatures will be in the 40's to lower 50's. by the end look for temperatures in the middle 50's look at the wind out of the northwest at 10-20 miles per hour. than the wind chill factors can early sunday morning. 39-40 degrees. let's look at traffic on this thursday afternoon with jamie sullivan. jamie: we are starting off with two big problems. news chopper 7 overhead. this is new hampshire avenue heading southbound. always -- all lanes are blocked. you can see the marks where it went off and hit a tree. southbound new hampshire avenue is blocked. northbound is open. i want to talk alternates for you. working your way southbound towards the washington d.c. -maryland line you are in the teens. you cannot continue past the sport so riggs road is the best alternate. this is langley park.
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this is riggs road. working your way towards d.c. that is the option. let's move to take a live look at 395. heading northbound, trying to get closer to d.c. we have our two lanes blocked. only the two left lanes getting by. already a two mile backup. definitely a busy one. jonathan: thanks for that. alison: teens texting and driving. what a dangerous combination. we see it through the eyes of a driving instructor and how you we see it through the eyes of a driving instructor and how you can te
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morehan: there is a lot danger for teen driving to just texting behind the wheel. a recent study found kids are so worried about missing out they can't take their eyes off their app store their phone. she the great talked to a team who was not surprised to hear that. this is a family 411. >> be home around 11:45.
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reporter: his parents said on rules when he got the drivers license a few month ago and he admits it is tough to put the smartphone away when he is behind the wheel. >> is a part of me. i use it all the time for snapchat,aff chat -- social media. i never be the behind. reporter: there is a term for this. fear of missing out. >> you want to be the first one to like something. there is the fear of i need to know what is going on. i don't want to miss anything. therter: he says teens of a rules and driving school but he is seen plenty of snapchat an instagram posts that prove a goes out the window. 88% of teens who consider themselves safe drivers use apps while driving. that is dangerous for inexperienced drivers.
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cameron has already had a close call. >> it was red in the to the left turn on their phone and i had to weave into the other lane. reporter: mike calls it and everybody problem. >> by the time they get us they've spent 16 years with their parents. even small things like rolling to a stop sign and not stopping completely, the kids pick up the habit. reporter: he thinks putting on the cell phone will become habit like seatbelt usage someday. he says he doesn't because he does have good role models. >> i'm doing it for my. and i don't like it into a crash because of a stupid mistake. reporter: sheila gray, abc 7 news. leon: evidence of a toxic environment. >> she knew what she was doing and what you is putting in there. leon: a woman caught spiking a
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coworker's water. was is a road rage situation? >> i don't know what he was thinking. leon: and angry driver puts a two-year-old in danger after a row great standoff. the right person at the right place at the right time during a frightening sidewalk accident. >> you're watching abc 7 news at 5:00, on your side. police say he tried to poison her coworker and the whole thing was caught on camera. the victim is talking about the ordeal. kevin lewis is live in gaithersburg with what you will only see on seven. what to the suspect have to say about this? reporter: officers tell me this woman admitted to the crime as she was being taken out in handcuffs. taking a chemical and pouring it right into her coworkers fiji water bottle. >> i ingested poison. i told them somebody put
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something in my drink. reporter: it was halloween night. sophia santa cruz was doing her mother's makeup. across the store, her coworker was acting sinister. surveillance video allegedly shows are unscrewing her fiji water bottle, only to four in a chemical based beauty product. feltstarted drinking and i they burn in my throat. all the way down. i felt like i could have breeze. reporter: santa cruz ran to the bathroom vomiting. officers, "ild guess it did not work." >> it was attempted murder. reporter: while santa cruz does not know the motive, she is aware the potentially debbie ingredients she swallowed. >> sulfur, zinc, like colic acid, alcohol. it's basically a drying lotion. it dries a certa


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