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tv   ABC7 News at 5  ABC  November 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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this is going on. people are tweeting all sort of things, insagramming as many as 26 people dead at four locations where the violence isappening. as w eget more information we'll bring it to you. jonathan elias has more. jonathan: there were threats against the german socer team yesterday or early today. threat of a bomb. it was not taken as serious as it probably should have been. they went on and played the game. as soon as there was any word that violence was taking place, the german soccer team was evacuated. now theinidents that we are keeping track of is not in an isolated area of central paris. we have at the stadium where the soccer game going on, we understand two explosions took place there.
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there were people killed and wounded there. we are hearing close to the stadium, there was a restaurant and a bar. both were separate locations. at the bar, dozens of shots were fired. a lot of witnesses there. with regretting information now about how they were -- there was gunfire, automatic gunfire going off. this is a fluid situation. now we understand that there are 16 hostages being held at the paris concert hall. we are trying to get word of what was taking place at the concert hall tonight. 60 hostages are being held. if the attacks were coordinated because they had to be. these people are not covering all this ground in a short period of time. the hostages are being held.
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you are dealing with an element of people with no con punx of using gun -- comepunction of using gun o innocent people. this is afluid situation. the only thing we know is 26 opar dead. 6ps peopleare hel hostage 60-plus people are held hostage. these numbers could go up as the night goes on. we are not getting 100% accurate information. thes is coming from reporters on the ground right now. but what we were looking at earlier in the international television we saw around the street of paris, they were blocking off, bcks of streets in central paris. they are taking hostages or it's a shooting or racing stuff.
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alison: we have heard that the french president francois hollande was at the stadium where the explosions were taking place but he was evacuated to secure area. he has been holding briefings and meetings. there are a lot of concern of those who are leaving afghanisandreturning to france. th is an issue for some time. a lot to be dug into and investigated. alison: we are gathering information. we will update you with anything new. we are following breaking news locally out of d.c.
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tom roussey at the metro station. what is going on there, tom? tom: two minutes ago i will step out of the way. the police took the tape down and reopened the entrance to the metro station on ast of wisconsin avenue. a man was stabbed near the calator, to the entrance to them. we are getting reports if the suspect is in custody but we have not confirmed that. some are saying that on the scene. a scary scene. reporting live in northwest, tom rossey, abc7 news.
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leon: now a montgomery county man is heading to jail. not for the reason you might think of this case. brad bell has more. brad: this is a bizarre case. this has to do with people living in a brick house and those who live in this ranch house here. they just don't get along. this picture shows his neighbor socrates knocking down buckland's fence. this shows him blocking the driveway. this is even with the finger blurred this is self-explanatory. this goes back several years. >> he gave us a hard
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they just don't get along. >> bucklin is suing. rmanmeage classes.m to take but instead he take assert kate to give it to the judge. ury. when he doesn't show up for sentencing on that verdict in july, he gets locked up. despite pleas from the neighbor the judge sentenced e man dubbed "the neighbor from hell" to four more months in jail. with an order to leave the bucklin's alone. >> we have hoping for peace in the neighborhood. >> my brother is a great guy. a great father. >> t saying, "good fences make good neighbors" they have a privacy fence here. along with the judge's warning and the hope is this will keep the peace. in silver spring, brad bell,
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abc7 news. alison: thank you. crime alert now out of montgomery county. where the police are look for two men who robbed a cab driver. they picked up two men in georgia avenue and new hampshire avenue. he took them to myrtle avenue where a man put a knife to his throat and robbed him. both men are investigating a similar case in december that started in the same area and ended a half a mile from this incident. they have a good clue. sam ford has the latest. >> this is a street where the neighbors have their own facebook page. nay are interested in hte video by the police. talk in the neighborhood. burglary strikes wednesday
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night. adds he is taking an entrance in the home surveillance camera. then he is back with a accolice the next day. >> he is busted. >> the neighbors who saw the video were surprised by the clarity. they say burglary had been a problem for sometime recently. >> they are burglary conscious. obthis side, they had to climb over before they enter. >> this is not unexpected. >> the pace isg scalbt the deresints member it was a crack block. >> tre were never cars broken into. >> but they believe with the picture this is a matter of time before an arrest.
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>> the neighbors would lke you to call the police. alison: more breaking news in chevy chase. stephen tschida is on the scene of a school bus accident in mobile track 7. we have news chopper 7. s.u.v. and school bus o n22 middle chool children. jones mill di closed off heading north for a mile ere up to where this accident took ace.
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wewill be hecking in later on. leon: keep us posted. leon: former football coach jerry sandusky will get his pension back blust interest. he was convicted of sex abuse for ten boys but they state the state requirement board said that he was a penn state employee at the time that he committed the crime and the pension is worth $4900 a month. one of the women seen sexually assaulting a man in the surveillance video will remain behd bars. that lady 23-year-old ayana knight caught on video twerking a man at a gas station last month. the other woman is marjorie charles. alison: we have new
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developments on a story that we brought you yesterday on the "abc7 news at 5:00". a secret service agent appeared in court today. after admitting he sent naked photos to someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl. they said lee,r -- lee robert moore sent images to undercover aent. >> allegation thathe adminitistraon and th secret e takesseriously. >> as soon as they were aware of t they actd.on: the secre see placed him on administrative leave. we will have more on the deloping story at "abc7 news at 6:00". le: get to a story overseas. update nbreaking n out of
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pari. jonathan:we talke you last, there is. e dall 30. ercould be three orfour differentcations in pari we look at the map. these arelocatns amile, mayb three miles separaing each of the different attack carried out simultaneously we understanat the soccer stadium where germany and france were suaring off, two explosions were seen there. pele were killethere. a restaurant not far from th stadium. there automatic gunfire heard the. an eyewitness tellin the bc more than 100 runds were fired. between that restaurant and a bar about a half mil south of there. at least 15 people are dead in those loions. the concert hall there are 60 hostages held there. some heavy malet concert going onthere tnight. there was gunfire i thehall.
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are hearing tt 15 oe ardeacoert hostagsitio laying out theru havtaking place simultaneously. thes are cd a tad th trying to figure ouwhere they need to go. now we are hearing 100, not 60 but 100 hostages are heldinside. in the time i have been talking to you the number continues to rise. 35 people now dead. very clued is ss so we are going towa the middle of the night. we will continue to monitor thiand be back to you after this.
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jonathan: want to update you on the breaking news out of paris, france. this is a pition chure, the stadium -- picture in stadium where there was a soccer match. a lot of people are standing on the field. we understand they have closed the stadium. these fans, spectators and some of the participants in the match are held inside the
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stadium. eades the stadium is the last place they want them to go to. paris, france, in chaos. there wee three simultaneous, maybe four simultaneous attacks at the stadium. two explosions were heard. people were hurt inside the stadium. we think it was more toward the outside. these are the streets now of paris, france, where you have firefighters trying to rescue people wounded. the death toll now from the attack is up over 40. 100 people are being held hostage at a concert hall where they were having a heavy metal band play. we understand inside that concert hall there wasan explosion. there was gun fire. at least 15 people in that location, we're told are dead. a hundred peple are held hostage. at the restaurant and the bar, the restaurant three miles fm the soccer stadium. we understand that there ws gunfire. onewitness told bbc rerter over a hundred shots
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were fired. they say 25 people in that location at a bar about a half a mile from that restaurant in the locations, 25 people have been killed. a number of others wounded. that is from gunfire. in paris, france, coordinated attack, simultaneously three or four lotion where the attacks with the explosions or with gunfire. in one case, i read something that the bbc reporter said the gunman opened fire, hit the targets he wanted to and run off before the police even got to that ocation. you can imagine withso many different locations to attend to their hands are full. streets are blocked off. people are evacuated. i central france you have tourists in the area. they were evacuating a street or two. they have evacuated blocks of streets. the hard part now is figure out where the bad guys are.
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in the concert hallwith a hundred hostages being held they have their hands full to negotiate with the hostages to try to get them freed. the video you are seeing ow is what we are seeing coming in the newsroom. if you look up thestreet you see the officers hiding behind a van. they are trying to hide behind or get cover. want to play video from inside the soccer stadium a short time ago. i hope we have this. you can hear the explosions going off as the attack gets underway. listen. [explosion] jonathan: that's the sound. the explosion, two of them. there were two explosions at the stadium past the stands watching the germans and the french square off at a soccer match. again, we are going to continue to monitor the situation. right now we don't know what is happening in the streets of france. we are trying to get reports. we know that the hostage situation at the concert hall,
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as far as the other three locations at the stadium, the soundof the fans and the players, that i have to stay in there. we are told that they have evacuated president. he is in a state location and talkin to the minister of defense to talk about what is happening on the streets of france. we know of four locations places attacked. the only place we know that the situation taking out now is at a concert hall where a heavy metal band was palying. there were shots fired in the hall. 15 people are dead at tha location more than a hundred others are held hostage.
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another shot of the stadium. the fans and players are holding them there. the last place they wt the folks to go is out on the streets of france where all of this is playing out. we have not heard of gunfire or explosions on the street of paris, france. we are monitoring the situation. we'll bring you an update. back to you. leon: you got i. lebanon dealing with attacks. 43 people killed in suicide mbings. the first time a group is recognized in lebanon. scott thuman is in beirut with what all of this means. scott: i'm scott thuman. we are in a day of mourning after the two deadly suicide blasts. you can see where the building g
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is sheered off. at this point, isil claimed responsibility for the attack. if true this could mark a significant develop. the u.s. issuing a statement quickly condemning the attacks. saying that it stands and reaffinals its commitment -- affirms the commitment to lebanese security. hoping to do whatever possible in savoring off isil in -- staving off isil. this is a chaotic scene in downtown beirut. scott thuman. back to you. leon: a chaotic day. we are monitoring the situation in paris. we are working to get more
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information for you in a moment and have a look at the weather ahead here. don't go away.
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doug: a quick update on weather. gusty winds but only or 35 minutes or so. the wind advisory in north of the city. it will be breezy and tomorrow theyl ba suay t winds wi calm down.
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cool but seasonal. it's 55 in manassas. sky are mostly cleared. in the past hour or so. so the past in d.c. wind starting to diminish a bit. out of winchester, 26-mile-per-hour gusts and 26-mile-per-hour gustsational a. the forecast as we get to the afternoon hours breezy time the wind sength will diminish and be clear. the ir s d whhtwe will see hetemperatures . th reason for the gusy nds. the torm system we eportedon. there is snow non the south sids are clar and the winds surgg in the area as the high pressure builds in. high pressure system will give us nce weather. as we head to the next few
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days. so tomorrow breezy. winds high of 5 monday, tuesday, wnesday thursday and fday.n is stay with us. when wereturn we will have the latest of the attacks in paris. when we continue. wow. this place is spectacular. thank you . we worked with a designer from havertys for a complete refresh. you must be happy to get out of that tiny house? yeah youw when we realized how great the furniture could be, knew we wanted re space. when we realized how great thhow much more space?, we went from a hundred square feet ... three thousand! (whispers) three thousand! we still have the iginal structure. (she uses it as a yoga studio. it's more like a tool shed. refresh your space with bonus discounts
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up to one-thousand dollars at havertys. plus enjoy twenty-four month no interest financing. havertys. discover something you.
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leon: jonathan elias with the latest on the terror gripping paris. jonathan: this is a fluid situation. erhing is happening.that what w are getting from the international reporters on scene. 40 people now dead. 100 hostages bei held. nber o locations where simultaneous attack took place three, perhaps evenfour. we do know hat president obama has been briefed. telling him what is playing out in paris, france. thehostages, they have teams there now to negotiate the release or surrender. it will be a tough one given that the attack t understand there were explosions -- listen to this. [explosions] you hear fans. those explosions are going off inside or jus outside the
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ccer stadium where the french and german teams were squaring off. we don't know erwhe th came from, a suicide bomber, grenade or a bomb or device placed there. we don't know. we know people were killed and hurt as a result of the explosions. from the soccer stadium, a mile to two miles away, you will find a restaurant that was background for another attack. they went in and fired with automatic weapons. a witness told bbc reporter over 100 rounds fired. at that restaurant and a bar a half a mile outh from the restaurant. keep in mind these are really nice areas of paris where a lot of young people like to go out on a friday night and celebrate the weekend. we understand 25 people were killed in the two locations. lots more people wounded. the hard part for first responders, that i cannot rush in a situation to help people if they don't know if situation is secure, if they are facing gunfire or there are more explosio.
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so it has been a delicate process in the first place to get first responders to those wounded. andalso to try to figure out what is playing out. there was a fourth location, a concert hal. inside the concert it was heavy metal, i think rock 'n' roll. a concert. there was an explosion. we understand there was gunfire inside the soccer hall. we are told 15 pime were killed inside the -- 15 people were killed inside the concert hall and now a hundred people are held as hostages. i said earlier nobody has come forward to claim responsibility. cnn is repoing a hashtag put out by sis celebrating what is happening tonight on the street of paris. gaain, 40 dead 100eing held hostage. we do not know if the numbers are going up. chances are, they are. hang on, a sad update. nowweuderstand 60 people
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total dead. not 40. 60. the numbers will contin t go up when you consider how much damage was done with the explosions andthe gun fire. this is still early. a fluid situation. with redoing our best to get all thepageants. let's get ovchris papst. soal meia at a time like this has gone crazy. no exception tonight. >> absolutely. the people the ground seein this are getting on the phone and sharing video. sharing thghts with the world. some of what we are seeing now. this person took a picture saying terrorist attacks on our streets in paris. kamikazes. interesting words. "please stay ahome, my friends." the tweets and instagrams are in different languages. english, french, obviously, german. that is the team that was at
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that stadium playing the french team. explosions went off that we heard a few minutes ago. this one saying i was there by coincidence. just left the zone. pray for paris. this is taking over twitter tonight 11:30 at night. beautiful night, beautiful friday night. people are out trying to enjoy th evening. that game as well. wehave to deal with this. streets cordoned off in the area. the police response. re video. more of the same. a hectic and a terrifying situation happening right now leon? leon: thank you. keep us posted. alison: another note before we move on to local news. we have heard that the president here, president obama briefed. we heard the department of homeland security has made a statement that at this point
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there is no credible threat to the united states. we are following this. we'll back to it momentarily. we want to tell you today about the body camera video. this is becoming more common. now the america civil liberties union wants to take it to a place to share your side of thetory. suzanne kennedy explains how. suzanne: armed with a cell phone, private citizens are keeping a watchful eye on the men and women supposed to protect them. a smart phone app by the aclu makes video like to the hands of the advocates to investigate cases of alleged police misconduct easier. mobile justice makes it easy to record interaction th the police. >> virginia, maryland, d.c. now join the ranks of the 16 other states where t tool is available. >> individuals believe they
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have witnessedivil rights violation, they can send it to thelu for review with their ucndformatn. sunne: the way it you have to downld the app specifically to the city where you live. there is one more maryland, virginia and one in d.c. if you see a case of police misconduct say here in virginia you should shoot it on your phone and upload it specificallytothe jurisdiction in which it happened. the head of the d.c. police union says they don't oppose being recorded if the citizens don't get in their way. >> you can stand ten feet away n interfere. if the officer says to back up because they are creating a perimeter that is a protected crimescene usually. suzanne: washington area residents like the oncept. >> that would be nice. >> streamline the process of getting information to the proper authorities. that is a plus.
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suzanne: 300,000 people nationwide downloaded the app with many more in the d.m. in southweswashington, suzanne kennedy, abc7 news. leon: rescues are set up to help the animals mistreat and have nowhere else to go. the recent seizure of emaciated orses have people calling for new laws to monitor them. this is a story you will see only on 7:00 tonight at 11:00 of the lasrded peaceful farm rse rescue and seized 81 horses. others we found ad. nine more had to be euthanized including the beloved matty. e temporarily ave the horse to the escue. now she a growing group of others want thlaws to resemble maryland where they have to be license, respected respected -- register and inspected. not trying to put people out but weare encouraging them to do a better job.
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stay with us. we'll be right back.
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national harbove rudin live at breezy here. temperareare falling. mainly clear skies. talk about te weekend. tomorrow not quite as windy. but still a brzy ay. we'lteperaturett will be around 53 degrees. en, move in the day on sunday a lot of sunshine. warmer.
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tree lighting is :15 with chief meteologist doug hill they are testing the liand it's. st with us "abc7 newsat 5:00" continues afts.
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jonathan: continuing covere of hebreaking news from ris, france, the last couple of hours a simultaneous att at three or four there been explos and shootings. we kn people killed. 100 more are now bieng held hostage insid of a concert hall where there was a 'rockn' roll concert goin on. now we have eard a ew location, a shopping mall, where there has been gun fire reported. perhaps this is another part of the this atack. we don't knowmany ba guys hae been caught. w know th th explosions that nt off, e don' know if they were suicide bombers or grenades or bomb devices left there. th sccer stadium thereere o or threeexpsions heard outside the stadium. they tld people insi stay inside. thing is appening utsidegermancer tm re to ation.y anen in uss we ae standing by forbriefed on,
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fran. assoon as e comesin front of the microphone we will take it live f y. b sep away for a ck break wwe get more inrmation. we'll beback to ouafter this on: looking at e white
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use where we expect esident obama will be speaking to t nation in response to seri of coordinated -- what appears be coordinated attacks in pas. number ofons d shootings. listenn to the president. president ot to make a few brief comments on the attacks across tonight. we have seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. this is an attack not just on pas. this is an attack n the people of france but his attack on all values we share. we stand prepared to providateve
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nce need to respond. france is our oldestlly. the -- we want to sandwith them. paris itsf represents val of huanress. those who tink the can terrorize r orwhat they stand wrong. americ pel draw strength from the french people commitment to life, ilberty, pursuit of happiness. we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberty, fraternity not valueshat the french people care about but they are values
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that we share. they will nsure far beyond any agent of terrorism or those who cmmitted the crimes. we'll do whatever it takes to work wi the frencheople and the nations around the world to brng the terrorists to justice and do after terrorist networks that go afrthe people. we don't yet know the details e been in contact with the renchoficials to communicate condolences to famiesf those killed and offer prayers and thoughts e wh. we have offeredour full suport. the situation is unfolding. i have chen not to ca id thndath
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ti becse buahe moment. by coincidence i talked tohim earliertoday in preparation for the g-20 meeting. but i am confidently be in direct communication with him in the next few days. and cordinate n any ways they think are helpful in the investigation of what has happenedment this is a heart-breaking situation. we know what this is like. we have gone through these episodes themselves. and whener these attacks happen we have een able to count on french people to stand with us. toe terewith them in the fashion. abouhappen and nn more
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communicatiowithth esinformatio. i do't want to speculate in t of who was rsponsi fo tis. beaivity d an wesp tuation isudercontl d we have iormation, i don't outrageous attmpt rhe ban sayinn rrorizope and a o manitytht vues we all are.: asw re gog to e sidentam conference we heard newyrk c sn no pecicthreat there. earnhing abore releasing d.c. or anything like that leon: we heard arl g aw the
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departnt of oel cred hreat a e states at. aliswestarted out n te stadiuwh. thenhe restaurant. thearer hostagare held. andthe lastcaton the shopp this is te center of paris. it doesn't get more central to the heart of paris near the museum. so this is on a friday night when the people are out and about. now it is under attack. leon: interestingly the other locations were within the proximity of the headquarters hs that were targeted in january and began this year setting the nation on edge at the outset. since then the country has been really trying to prepare for what is coming on later on. as you heard the president mention, the g-20 meetings is that are scheduled to be held there in paris coming up in a matter of weeks now.
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they were preparing for this and ramping up security in advae of that. alison: the latest death toll, we have heard 60 people. we are watching to see if the numbers change at all. let's get back to jona elias in the newsroom. what are you hearing? jonathan: a scary turn here in parinow. police are telling everybody, everywhere in that go inside your home and stay inside your home. unless you have an emergency reason to go outside please do not go outside. they are trying to sort out what is happening. they have people killed, others that are wounded. four, nowfive fferent locations where the attack was pling out. the three firstatt clearly happened simultaneously. they were coordinated. outside the stadium, two perhs and threwere hed. people were hurt and killed in the explosions from the reports that we aregeting from the bbc, reuters ad he "associated press." restaurant two ms away as the crow flies stadm, automatic gunfire.
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lots of it. at least undred rounds fid. remember, riday night in paris, a popular pa of town. those bars and the are backed. that is where the gunfire happened. half a mail from tha location more gunfie at a bar. we unerstand at both locations in excess of 25 people dead. others wounded. a concert hall now in a much different location about for or five miles a from bot thrstaurtar anadium,o he orth. at the concert hall a rock concert. a pack venue. inside we understand there was an explosion heard. there were shots fired. confirmed reports that someone standing up adgo "ts was for syria. on where a hundred plus people are held hostage as we speak. when you thought the locations where we heard the worst, a new location. mall that is close to notre dame, an area loaded with
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tourists at that mll. gunfire reported. no reports of how many people hurt or killed or what transpired at the mall. as you can imagine with any city this size with that many police are responding to those different locations, a chaotic situation. not to mention you have to get as you can see from the video you have to get the ambulances in there to get the wounded to the hospital. all the hospitals will be overwhelmed with the number of people coming in there. as a result, you heard the president speak. we know homeland security now is already said there are no credible threats against the united states. but nonetheless, new york city we understand the first city we understand has gone to heightened state of readiness with law enforcement. we'll continue to monitor all of the events taking place tonight. we will be sure to get back to you with more
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leon: from abc7 news, this is
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a breaking news alert. maureen: explosion from soccer stadium as multiple attacks. the death toll increased since the first report of the attack less than two hours ago. leon: there are more than a hundred people being held hostage. jonathan elias leads the team coverage now from the newsroom. jonathan, what is the latest? jonathan: the latest is french president hollande ordered all the borders with france be closed down. the military is now being deployed to help with the situation that is playing out in the streets of paris. if you are just joining us at 6:00, you are getting home and turning on the tv and the first you heard about it. here is what we know. simultaneous attack taking place at three or four different locations. a stadium, the first location, a soccer game going on between the french an the germans. explosions cod be heard outside the stadium. as a reu, the loud speaker
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came on with a voice saying please stay inside, stay away on the exits. do not go outside. as you imagine that created a panic. some people did leave the stadium. outside stadium, a restaurant, two miles away. another attack location. automatic gunfire was heard there. bbc reporting more than a hundred rounds fired from an automatic weapon. this is a friday night, a very populararea of paris. where young people congregate. the bars and the restaurants must have been packed when the automatic gunfire went off. they were aimed at the people inside the restaurant what we were told. 20 the 20 people killed in that location. a half mile from there a bar. that bar also automatic gunfire heard there. people were killed and wounded at that location. there was a concert hall three or five miles north in paris, concert hall. there was a rock band playing at the time. unconfirmed reports that someone stood up and yelled,
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"this is a result of syria." there was an explosion heard inside the theater. those are the reports. gunfire heard inside the theater. at least 15 people killed there. that is the location et going attention from the french authority -- getting attention from french authorities. 100 plus people are held inside that theater. half hour of lull after the activitier with heard near notre dame, popular places for tourists a mall. in the mall there is gunfire there. thest we have 60 people kill. 100 plus people hostage in the theater. we have no idea how many are wounded. the first responders are having a heck of time getting in the locion because they don't know if they have been deemed safe.
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