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tv   World News Now  ABC  February 11, 2016 3:00am-3:31am EST

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this morning on "world news now," political momentum. >> after new hampshire victories, donald trump draws crowds in south carolina last night. while bernie sanders heads to new york. the new battlegrounds for the democrats and republicans. legal fight, the police tension in ferguson, missouri. and why the u.s. attorney general filed a federal lawsuit. the swift decision. and what led up to it. >> and breaking overnight, the search for a fishing boat crew in the middle of the pacific ocean. the rush to save dozens of people ho abandoned ship. and later, celebrating valentine's day with an easy yet impressive dinner and and i dull gent dessert. this was one at the present timing beverage. america's chief entertaining officer is here with his usual good taste. it's thuda
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we say good thursday morning to you. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm reena ninan. >> yeah. so let's start with the battle for the white house because it's really, really heating up now. and it is shifting to the south after the outsiders crushed the competition in new hampshire. >> and riding high from his astounding victory donald trump headed to klemm on university in south carolina last night attracting thousands of supporters. but rivals are gearing up to fight to the bitter end. >> it's your voice, your vote. abc's elizabeth hur is covering the race. >> here's your next president, donald trump. >> reporter: donald trump fresh off his huge win in in new hampshire stressing a win in south carolina is paramount. >> if we win here after winning so big in new hampshire, all of these characters are going to give it up. we're going to run the table. and we will make america great again. that i can tell you. >> reporter: the challengers not backing down. iowa winner
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already running attack ads. >> i got the trump action figuring. > no way. it's huge. >> what does he do. >> he pretends to be a republican. >> reporter: and john kasich, the second big surprise putting his rivals on notice. >> don't mess with me, okay? so i'm not going to be a pin cushion or a marshmallow. >> reporter: meanwhile on the democratic side -- following his big win in new hampshire, bernie sanders feeling the love on "the view" telling the ladies he's all in. >> the message that we're bringing forth that this country is supposed to be a nation of fairness. and we're not seeing that right now. >> sanders stopping in harlem for coffee with al sharpton earlier. hillary clinton also in new york after reassuring her supporters in new hampshire she is a fighter. >> and we've learned it's not weather you get knocked down that matters. it's whether you get back up. >> repte
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trump are heading into south carolina as the front-runners with double digit leads. reena and kendis. >> but there's plenty of time left. thank you. the republican field is a little small they are morning now down to six candidates. new jersey governor chris christie dropped out of the race after a poor showing in new hampshire. christie posted on facebook that it is without an ounce of regret. also calling it quits, carly peern, the former hewitt pack card ceo took on donald trump in earlier debates but she struggled to build support. both fiorina and christie needed a strong showing to try to qualify for next republican debate. >> a small community near baltimore is shaken had morning after two sheriff's deputies were gunned down. it unfolded at a restaurant? abbing done where one deputy was killed. the suspect whom police descrid
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then killed by deputies. the two victims were targeted because they were wearing a police uniform. >> the justice department slapped ferguson, missouri with a civil rights lawsuit a day after the city rejected an agreement to overhaul its police department and court system. ferguson came under scrutiny when the fatal police shooting of michael brown sparked angry protests. the suit accuses the city of a pattern of misconduct that includes routinely violating the rights of residence. attorney general lynch says they had no choice but to sue. >> they violated the fourth amendment by stopping people without reasonable suspicion. by arresting them without cause, and by using unreasonable force. >> the city council wanted to amend the settlement because it would have cost ferguson millions of dollars to implement. now to the latest on the growing zika virus outbreak. one of the government's top doctors tells congress that a vaccine likely will be able by the summer of
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his office is already getting calls from big drug companies willing to produce a vaccine if a safe and effective version is developed. and the u.s. olympic committee will higher two infectious disease specialists to advise potential olympians worried about the zika outbreak inning brazil after high profile athletes expressed concern about the vice. here's abc's gio benitez. >> alarming news out of brazil. the cdc saying two now born babies tested positive for the virus. the cdc calling it the strongest evidence yet that the virus caused the birth we do tect that prevents the brain from developing. > our goal is to protect pregnant woman. >> the u.s. women's soccer team has been briefed on the virus. the qualification tournament is today in texas. the olympics are just months away in rio. >> we're sensitive to the fact that has become a
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>> legendary u.s. soccer star hope solo, now saying if she had to make the choice today, she would skip the olympics. hoping to start a family one day. saying she would never take the risk. >> and health experts belie the zika virus causes birth defects but only if you're pregnant already. it's enough to give people pause because so little is known about the virus. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> high drama playing out on the high seas right now about 1800 miles south of hawaii. where the 42-person crew of the american eagle had to abandon ship because of a fire. the coast guard sent a plane to the area to assess the situation there. the american eagle's cell evacuated on to six small boats toe await rescue. we're told there are no injuries there. and on east coast, thousands of passengers have finally disembarked from that royal caribbean cruise ship tossed around in the raging atl
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storm. the anthem of the seas arrived in new jersey last night. one passenger said the ship's captain should be thrown in jail for steering into the storm. royal caribbean says it is making changes to its storm avoidance systems and the ship's next krus is still scheduled to begin on saturday. pope francis leaves the vatican tomorrow for a high profile visit to mexico. yesterday the pope took part in ash wednesday services meantent to usher in the lenten season of prayer and surprise. he said this was a good time to train ourselves to be more sensitive and mercy full to others. in texas, hundreds of faithful took advantage of a drive through ash ceremony. it was meant for those who didn't have the time to on the holy day. come on now. really? >> hey, we're busy? >> you don't have -- more than 2 1/2 minutes to drive through and get your ash?
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joyce durant after 72 years. >> oh. >> these little cuties they dated in england in 1944 lock before but nor w50d was sent to france. they never forget each other. >> they reconnected thanks to the internet and their sons. they talked via skype a couple times. now thomas is in australia for a couple weeks visiting. he said the reunion was the greatest thing that could have happened to him. >> i love this story. isn't that sweet? >> it is kind of sweet. >> after all these years they still had this little flame for each other. >> once he got to australia, he realized there are
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offerings on tinder. >> he did not swipe to the left or the right. >> swipe to the right. >> he kept swiping to the right. >> did you see the hug? i thought he was going to carry her away somewhere. that's love. >> 72 years. >> that's love before the age of tinder. >> coming up "in the mix" the wild fox that went epa over an ordinary bed sheet? the safety alert over common batteries that can explode. the latest test by the faa and what it means for airline passengers. >> tim laird america's chief entertaining officer here. we've got everything you need to plan a great valentine's day celebration. an easy dinner, decadent dessert and super sweet cocktails. we'll help you do valentine's day right. you're watching "world news now." everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade.
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it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection against stress sweat. with secret clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel.
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and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. human hepati-irus... >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. (sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème.
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every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch.
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a day on the mississippi river nearly turned deadly for two boaters. they were lifted to safety by the coast guard as their 13-foot aluminum boat started sinking. the pair sent out a distress signal. once their small boat began taking on water, the chopper safely took them to dry land. >> more automakers are recalling vehicles with defective air bags, volkswagen, audi and bmw now recalling 1.7 millionian vehicles that have the takata air bags that can represent tour and send shrapnel at people in the car. so far 20 million vehicles in the u.s. have ever been recalled due to these air bags linked to 11
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high in the sky meantime, there's a new alarm being sounded over what's being called a ticking time bomb. aboard both cargo and passenger jetliners. >> we're learning more about the faa's safety alert to the airlines about lithium ion batteries and the potential to spark fires. abc's david kerley covers aviation for us. >> reporter: this is the faa's own test of what can happen if a shipment of lithium ion batteries spontaneously ignites. these batteries can lead to "catastrophic aircraft loss," the faa is warning, and current fire suppression systems "cannot effectively control a lithium battery fire." they power our computers and tablets. and can overheat and ignite. think about the house fires and the hoverboard fires suspected of being started by batteries that we've seen recently. what if it happens in a cargo hold? and it apparently has. two 747s have crashed. the packages of batteries they carried suspected of contributing. that's why the national
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also out with a recommendation, that if batteries are carried, they are separate from other flammable materials, and the number of batteries be restricted. airline pilots want even more -- that the batteries be listed as hazardous. >> we cannot continue to lose these airplanes due to fires that are uncontained and will quickly bring an airplane down. >> reporter: major u.s. carriers don't allow the shipments of lithium batteries, but that's not true for all airlines, which is why the faa is calling on those carriers to study the risks of carrying this potentially dangerous cargo. >> david kerley at reagan you national airport. >> it only takes eight lithium batteries to bring down an aircraft. >> okay. my question about this, a, what's taken them so long to come to this point to finally say we need to make some changes to this, and how quickly is this au going to get fixed. why they're so dangerous, the
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show when they short circuit, they can emit hydrogen and other gases that can build up all of this in the cargo hold of many planes. >> i wish had i taken an extra semester in chemistry has class. the big headline is ban the batteries our panel said that last month. ban the batteries. >> coming up, the game show gaffe that's going viral. >> how one family answered the question tell me another way people say mother. here was an outrageous answer that even cracked up steve harvey. >> but first, countdown to valentine as day. some absolutely scrumptious ideas for revving up the romance. you're watching "world news now."
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so it happened again, valentine's day snuck up on you and you forgot to get a reservation. there's nothing more romantic than a especially planned evening in. here to help us out is america's chief entertaining officer, our favorite, tim laird. >> valentine's day is around the corner. i've got great ideas. it doesn't have to be a romantic occasion for two. it could be a great fun way to entertain family and friends. and what better way than to do maybe a dinner and a movie night. but tie your food into what the movies are. i'll show you some ideas. first i want to start out with a great cocktail, what i call the ruby valentino. it starts out with a glass. i'm going to put in about four ounces of korbel sweet row say. perfect for a valentine's day celebration. a beautiful pink color. the ruby comes in
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about ounces of pomegranate juice a couple candy hearst for gar flish. there you go. the ruby valentin know. the alcohol free version is lemon lime soda and pomegranate juice. dinner and a movie. the godfather big night. even lady and the tramp". all these talk about pasta. why not set out a big dish of pasta. my secret to this pasta recipe and all the res fees on your facebook starts out i render two pieces of bacon in a pan. take it out then put in some garlic, a little bit of shallots. and then your tomato sauce. stir that up, add herbs and you get this beautiful pasta with a little bit of cream in there too at the end. it's just delicious. it bes a lot of people. easy to do. >> i'm drooling. >> how about movie with a
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it is valentine's day. you could watch willy wonka and the chocolate factor or chocolate would be another movie into it looks like black pepper but it's chocolate. >> i bought kettle corn. microwave that. you bought it in the bag. sprinkle a little cocoa over it. you've got your popcorn with your movie. also chocolate, here's a fun idea. this chocolate decadence. it's beak a flourless chocolate cake with a little bit of raspberry sauce garnished with fresh raspberries. see what you think of that. is that rich and delicious? very easy to do. here's a fun idea. red wine in a chocolate rimmed glass. beak take some chocolate chips, melt them in the microwave and dip the rim of the glass in there and it sets up right away and pour in a merlot, cabernet. it's just delicious. every time you take a sip, you get the chocolate and red wine. >> it's genius.
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theme. this is ratatouille, famous french movie. i'm serving this with a little bit of macaroons and of course, my strawberries. there is a little chambord in with the chipped cream. you can dip the strawberries in the whipped cream. kind of a french twist if you will. also chocolate cups i filled with chocolate mousse. you can fill them up with the chambord or other things. maybe whipped cream. it all comes together. >> you can find the cups at a lot of party stores. they're a lot of fun. i love experimenting, and like they say in the candy man, you can even eat the dishes. >> you would there of it all. happy valentine's day to you. this is a great spread. i wish you could come over and launch it all for us. >> try the recipes. and they're on your facebook page. so they're delicious and easy. >> tim laird, america's
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entertaining officer. we will go to facebook for those recipes. you're watching "world news now." if ynow's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today.
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yourbut the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. laundry can wreak havoc on our sweaters stretch into muumuus. and pilled cardigans become pets.
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protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. chomove free ultraely. has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on.
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move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. and now it's time for "the mix." so a new mom, well not a new mom. she had a son that is 12 weeks old and decides the son's hungry. she's at the zoo and decides to breastfeed the son. a curious orangutan happens to show up here at the zoo. wondering what mom's doing. had his hands over his head and watching mom breastfeed little eli there. mom elizabeth hunt barrett, they were trying to celebrate their daughter's birthday and then she thinks that the orangish had reddish hair of her son kind of attracted the orangutan. >> the orangutan kind of stay there had for the whole time. >> with his hands on his head wondering uh-oh. there weren't
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comments when this was posted that the mom was breastfeeding in public. the orangutan appeared to be up comfortable or curious. >> it's a very cool shot. i'm sure she attracted more attention after that. good job there. so you know, people have some weird animals as pets. there's this one guy who happens to have a fox as a pet. >> okay. >> and this fox has become sodo messticated, it's not really used to the outside world but in its nature it knows what snow looks like. it knows know is might about you at home he kind of takes. >> that's his bed. he kind of thinks the white sheets are a bed of snow instead. so he just kind of like trying to -- his nature, trying to like pull it apart. >> this is why you can't bring a fox inside your house because the fox might think that the bed
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this sounds like a children's book, doesn't it? >> it kind of does. the only fox that should be in your house is the sman that will fox cd. >> fenway, the green monster of fenway park was sort of outshined by this 14 foot ramp. >> white monster. >> yeah, the green monster out shined betty white monster, which was part of a competition for snow boarders. >> yeah. >> you get $150,000 grand prize at this. the u.s. grand prix tour. >> that thing is huge. >> several sef olympic medalists participated in the snow board event. >> look how tall that is compared to the rest of the park. >> i would love to slip and slide down it. the event is taking place today and tomorrow. >> up there in boston. do we have time for this video? take a look at this magician. this magician who seemingly controls
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this morning on "world news now," scary vacation. infuriated passengers aboard a cruise ship that sailed into hurricane force winds finally arriving home. why some people on board thought they would not return. >> extreme weather from record-breaking heat in the west to heavy snowstorms and dangerous cold in the east. the unusual conditions from accuweather. >> and new this half hour, a valentine's day gift from a wife to her husband like no other. >> he needs a kidney transplant and she is the donor. why this couple and this organ match is just so rare. >> and later in "the skinny," the new sexy swimsuit issue of "sports illustrated." the bigger, glossier pictures and why the models this year are getting even more exposure. it is thursday, february 11th.


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