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tv   ABC7 News at 5  ABC  March 14, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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where does the investigation stand? brad: we learned a lot today and we expect to get confirmation much to tell you about at the press conference. everybody is set up and we expect it to start at 5:15. first and foremost, this is a police agency in mourning. for a you can officer, jacai colson. been with the agency for four years. narcotics officer. he was gunned down yesterday. in a shoot-out. now, what we can tell you about this shoot-out, what we have learned today. it's a bizarre, bizarre story. a man showed up here at 4:30 in the afternoon. he is local to prince george's county. his name is michael ford. but there is a warrant for his arrest in south carolina. it is alleged that he beat his wife. it's a domestic violence charge, south carolina. what we are told by multiple sources is that mr. ford showed up here a
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headquarters yesterday intent on committing a so-called suicide by police. he brought his two brothers with him. their job apparently to videotape the whole encounter. so as ford opens fire on the hat-trick iii police station the brother -- district iii police station his brothers are taking video of the shoot-out on their cell phones. mr. ford was shots by police. he dropped. that is recorded on video. but just at the wrong moment officer colson off-duty was arriving at district iii to bring a meal to his girlfriend. he sees a shoot-out underway. he gets out of his car and draws his weapon. and he is then shot. sadly what we learned is the police believe it was a case of friendly fire. that another police officer saw him, perceived a threat an
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police will come hewitter. we expect to hear from police chief hank stawinski to confirm the terrible detail. three under arrest. michael ford hospitalized from the gunshot wound. he is expected to survive. all three of the suspects we're told by sources will be charged with second degree murder. brad bell, abc7 news. alison: we will take that live. michelle: he would have turned 29 but now family and friends mourn his loss. amy aubert is live in upper chichester at colson's high school. difficult day for the folks there. amy: very difficult.
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news that hit the community hard. a day spent coming together, hugging, sharing stories and remembering an officer gone too soon. >> the greatest grandson you could have. kind, courteous. >> my heart dropped to the floor. >> a call they will never forget. >> the phone rings at night. you think something bad happened. they told me he got killed. amy: the 28-year-old doing a job he always imagined. >> he had the personality for it. he did. he loved what he was doing.
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>> he took a his grandfather. >> his grandfather was an officer in pennsylvania. >> a very sharp young man. very sharp. amy: a sharp young man. quarterback on the high school football team and second vice president of the class. contagious smile and friendly personality never forgotten. amy: colson's high school principal said his smile hit up the room and called him a top student on and off the field. live in upper chichester, amy aubert, abc7 news. leon: thank you. 2016 has been a deadly year for law enforcement. nationwide. and in our area as well. on february 10, a gunman opened fire on two hartford county deputies a it a panera resident. long-time veteran daily and logston were killed. over two weeks ago
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william county police officer ashley guindon was shot to death responding to a domestic incident. it was her first day on patrol. coming up at 6:00, we look at how all of this is part of a national trend of the officers shot to death on the job. michelle: coming up we will hear from the widow of the last police officer that died in the county. leon: the s.u.v. stolen from the fairfax county, the owner said she had three legally purchased weapons inside the vehicle at the time of the threat. they were there entering the home after tracking down the
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lockdown until the police secured the scene. michelle: another big story. caught on video. the town house wall collapsing on top of the firefighters battling the flames. we spoke to the man who captured the scene on video. we are live with the firefighters and those who lost their homes are doing tonight. >> the fire investigators were here for several hours sifting through the debris to figure out what caused the fire. second later they were battling the flames on top of the home that collapsed on them. this is what it sounded like on the radio. >> mayday, mayday, mayday.
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>> moments later they rushed to help. >> it's hard. >> i woke up to the smell of spoke. >> it's to the left of where it started. >> there was a person that because unaccounted for. >> inside searching. >> the first and the second flore collapsed. >> they ranged from minor injuries but all non-life threatening injuries. one at at the hospital. >> the residents and
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neighbors affected made it out safely. but because it damaged a home adjacent to the one where it started 20 people are displaced. the cause of the fire is under investigation. leon: all lanes are back open. the road was closed after several hours. concrete fell to pavement below. the incident was report of the repair work done on the bridge. michelle: drivers should repair for backup on the beltway. tonight, the two lanes of the outer loop are closed over arthur macarthur boulevard. lane closures go from 79:00 every night until 5:00 in the morning. the first everything commute of the daylights saving time isn
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when is the sun going to show up? >> this time in the afternoon we have sunshine around the area. but not so much. not much rain at all. 52 in reagan national. farther south through the carolina and western pennsylvania. the area of rain moving through is headed here to the overnight. this is a large area of rain across the region. this is warmer tomorrow. we could see high of 60 degrees. wednesday is brighter. but there are changes and the ups and downs of the seven
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we have it for you in a couple of minutes. leon: you got it. some call it super tuesday 2.0. tomorrow has the potential to be one of the critical days of the election cycle so far. this is as the storm's surrounding donald trump grows to th biggest point yesterday. >> cruz insists he can beat donald trump especially in a two-man race, which he is hoping it will be after tomorrow's make or break contest. ahead of the primary, a final push for support. >> stand with us. >> this says going to give us
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>> senator rubio focusing on his home state where he is polling behind g.o.p. front-runner donald trump by 20 points. the polls more promising in ohio for john kasich. >> i need your support tomorrow. >> that close contest with the potential to shake up the g.o.p. front-runner path to the nomination. >> if he wins ohio he will be the nominee. if he loses ohio we are going to have an unbelievable time in cleveland because it will be contested convention. >> protests at the trump rallies peaceful. >> both candidates blaming trump. >> he is trafficking in hate. and fear. >> donald trump is literally inciting violence with his supporters. >> as bernie sanders fights for another upset. pulling behind hillary clinton in all five states holding primaries
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>> he is busy today holding five events in three states. meanwhile, donald trump is feeling confident in florida. canceling an event tonight to instead hold a rally in ohio. live in miami, marci gonzalez, abc7 news. leon: you have the wind in your hair. let's see who has the wind in their sails after tomorrow night. abc7 and newschannel8 have you covered. scott thuman will be hosting an hour-long special tomorrow starting at 9:00 on our sister station newschannel8. still ahead at 5:00 -- the problem on metro that snarled the morning commute. and is going to force a station to close tonight. michelle: plus, see what happens when someone's cell phone rings in an important presidential speech. leon: record-breaking flooding stretching across the huge chunk of the nation. while the worst is not over yet
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leon: prince george's county police will be updating us on the case of the officer stephen colbert killed in an ambush at a police station in
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to get underway live any moment. we'll take you there. michelle: thank you. thousands of homes are uninaboutable amidst intense flooding in louisiana and mississippi. >> for extreme flooding and tornadoes the south is being rocked by the severe weather. the floodwaters are expected to break records. >> we will go back in. >> many are turning to shelters for hel
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several weeks. >> across the state in louisiana four people have been killed. >> if you get in and it's gone, it's over. >> the national guard stepped in to help as water is receding in some neighborhoods. north carolina, the weather is blamed for this massive pileup involving 130 vehicles. 25 people injured. >> while in northern california, more heavy rain led to the mudslide forcing several family by home. in brandi hitt, los angeles. doug: wednesday is the day to look for. we could get in the lower 70's with the sunshine.
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doug: the one nice day this week. look at the conditions in laurel, maryland. the temperatures at the high school in lower 50's. that is the story across the area. we have 7:15 tonight for the sunset and long evenings. we will get warmer. this night not so nice. 50 in andrews. 50 in frederick. you don't have to go northwest or south to see warm weather. sunshine all day. 77 in charlotte. 71 at pittsburgh. cool weather up and down the east coast. 40 degrees
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satellite and radar. take a break right now to go to leon and michelle. leon: let's go to palmer park. the officials will update the case on the ambush shooting of police officer jacai colson on district iii station sunday afternoon at 4:30 or so. the officer killed in the shooting. waiting for me details whether the shooting was the result of the person who ambushed the station or if there was friendly fire involved. there is question about that. word possibly that allegedly the whole incident was recorded on video. by two of the brothers of the shooter who appeared outside that station. we don't have any information on who is on the dais. we will assume we will hear from chief
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we don't see the public information officer julie parker. but there is stawinski. picture of officer colson four-year officer working there. >> good afternoon. thank you for your patience. i'm julie parker, the director of the media relations for prince george's county police department. before we begin our department would like to express its extreme gratitude for the show of support we have received from around the nation. we have heard from the white house. from the f.b.i. director. f from the a.t.f. from governor hogan. senator mikulski, congressman hoyier and congresswoman edwards multiple other people. and from our law enforcement family from around the country and in fact around the world. we can't forget the citizens of prince george's county who reached out to so many of us. we thank
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in this tragic time. we are going to begin this afternoon with steve stawinski of our police department -- with chief stawinski of the police department who will introduce f.o.p. lodge 89 president and we will take questions afterwards. chief stawinski? >> thank you, miss parker. good afternoon. a little less than 24 hours ago it was my sad duty to come before our community and talk about the fact that one of their defenders had fallen. now i come before a much larger community as julie alluded to and i want to send my personal gratitude to all the people mentioned an unmentioned who wrapped their arms around this department and indeed this county in the hours that have passed. as always, my commitment is to ascertain facts an
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them to this community so that you can understand what happened. what i can ill you now is last evening, mr. michael ford and the three ford brothers on the touch screen to my right had a number of conversations, which investigators have concluded that michael ford, the shooter in this instance did not expect to survive the engagement that he and his brothers precipitated at the district iii station. at 4:17, those conversations are happening. just after 4:30, the incident you are all familiar with now began. during the engagement with the officers,
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opportunities for the shooter and our officers to exchange gunfire manifested themselves. i want to point out clearly based on our review of the video evidence that the prince george's county police officers involved in this used incredible restraint. because they were cognizant of the fact there were homes behind michael as he was firing at them. because they couldn't be clear in every instance, who else might have been down range as the gun fire erupted? michael begins the confrontation unprovoked with a series of several shots. reloads the weapon. continues the engagement. i need the community to know -- i'm going to step here for a second, that the ford brothers involved fired at this
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this citizen's car, fired at an ambulance, fired randomly. heroically, detective colson reacted to a set of circumstances that frankly i don't think he was entirely prepared for. seeing the danger presented by michael the shooter, he took action. in doing so he demonstrated extreme heroism, his actions allowed officers to take a position to intervene and neutralize the threat. detective colson drew fire to himself and was mortally wounded. my principal concern in this
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with you. that image is of one of the ford brothers standing by taking no action on a video recording device taping this, his brother, shooting at prince george's county police officers. they knew in advance, they had every opportunity to call 911 and seek medical help. they did nothing. they witnessed him shoot the citizens' cars, shoot the ambulance and the restraint of the police officers not firing at them as they were doing something odd, sitting in the middle of a firefight, they were engaged. they were concerned for their own safety. but not for the safety of the citizens and the public. now it is my sad duty to
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to share with you that circumstantially we believe the fired round that led to detective colson's death was fired by one of the fellow prince george's police officers reacting to this. something that could have been prevented. could have been stopped. you see james and sheila, not with him today, their son, they are standing in unity with this family today. something the ford brothers could have stopped. know that i spent the day talking to our county executive. he has wrapped his arms around this family and fully supports this community and this police family. the same with the state's attorney miss angela alsobrooks know that 21 charges are being placed against these individuals as we speak. everything from conspiracy to commit murder to
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murder. know that this was preventable i spoke about the fact that circumstantially we believe the round that killed detective colson was fired by a police officer. but the community knows this department does not operate on circumstantial evidence. so while we have identified the six officers who will be named and victims charging documents made available from the state's attorney office already, i am not prepared to say which of those officers might have fired that round. results of the office -- results of the autopsy are spending. this is circumstantial. result of the examination of the forensic technicians and firearms investigation are spending. my concern, grave concern, the community needs to know this was callously recorded and could have b
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so with that, i'm going to invite the president of our fraternal order of police who has been with me all day as we tried to help the membership of this department sworn-in civilian manage through this. zeke will step up to speak to you. >> thank you, chief. jacai colson, son, friend, police officer, hero not only to the prince george's county police department but every citizen in prince george county. he was presented with a situation. he didn't ask for. and he reacted. he reacted to protect his fellow police officers. and the community. while doing so, the individuals videotaping i
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something we will put on youtube and glorify. i know this community better. than a lot of people. i have worked here for many years. 16-1/2 years. this is not acceptable. this is not tolerated. this is a small segment of the population who would believe something like that is acceptable. i know we will stand to condemn the actions. and assist us palestinians the street to keep us safe. the police officers take risks. they put their live osen the line but he
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community at their back and we police together. we live in the community. we are part of the community. i said before that jacai colson could lit up a room. he lit up everybody's lives he touched. he made a commitment to make a difference in the world when he joined the prince george's county police department. he made a difference every day he was here. he saved lives yesterday. we thank god he was allowed in our lives. we are so grateful his family shared him with us. thank you. >> chief?
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i love this police department. i love the county. this is my home. jacai was senselessly taken from us. there are other questions that the community, the nation has my vow as information verified information arrived at through the proper technique is available, i will answer further questions. we do not operate off of circumstantial evidence. i want to be clear about that. i'm asking for your love and support as you have demonstrated it. to allow the men and women of the department come together and grieve because they are
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devastated. i want to thank james and sheila. an act of singular bravery to come before you now. 24 hours after the loss of their son. thank you for the manner that you dealt with this, the media up to this point. i will answer questions in the restraints i laid out. >> chief, why would the brothers do something? >> this is about nothing. unprovoked. this is more troubling to me because it's been reported that michael had a history of mental illness. more troubling to me that anyone could stand by callousously and watch
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unfold. whatever your police about policing might be, to observe someone shooting at an ambulance and do nothing and that brings up a broader issue. anyone traveling through the area yesterday in a number of other cars providing additional information on who saw this, please, i'm asking you to reach out to us and provide information about circumstances to have more understanding of the circumstances. that is my obligation to the community to bring you best and the most complete understanding possible. go look at your car. see there is damage. it's conceivable. we would like a conversation with you if that is the case. >> chief, the officer that ce
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running into? did they come out of the district free station? did they know there was gunfire? they engaged -- >> the police officers run to disorder. they run to the sound of shots. the officers who engage them, the majority of them are in the majority district iii station and were fired at directly. this wasn't shots fired at a building but the individuals fired upon. colson found himself in the middle of a drug fight. but his actions stepping out of the vehicle to engage be the shooter, drawing him and his attention away to allow the other officers to move forward from position of advantage to neutralize the threat that the shooter
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set about aid to get him transported to the hospital. >> you mentioned circumstantial evidence. we understand that. a lot of people watching are struggling to understand the circumstances that may have led to the tragedy. can you characterize how officer colson came to the scene, how he was dressed and perhaps might have been misidentified in the chaos? can you help us with that, please? >> i have seen this scenario played out on a couple of different recordings. as dective colson is arriving he is arriving -- we know he was a detective in narcotics enforcement division. he doesn't wa
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police officer. he arrives in a vehicle we use for the purpose and engages with the shooter. he is dressed in civilian closed. he is not prepared for a firefight he has arrived at. moving down barlow road in the direction of 202 to allow our officer see the motion and move up they are in a position of the advantage. but they don't know what they are facing. in this confusion we believe that the errant round struck detective colson. circumstantially that is our belief. unless i have the forensic evidence i won't fire conclusions on which officer fired the round. >> it does appear to show the assailant had a handgun? no long guns involved? >> michael had a handgun.
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firing had taken place? >> the shooting had begun. after a first volley and reload he arrived and now engagement to the officers behind cover. they are trying to get to a position to return fire. but talk about the restraint of the prince george's county police officers on this. they are moving cover to cover and looking for a clear threat. they are cognizant that residents are behind them and traffic on the roadway as they engage the shooter. >> can you give us the meths to let other officer knows they are undercover officers? >> there are ways we do it for visual co
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don't want people to know they are dealing with undercover officers but the reality in this circumstance is detective colson arrives in the middle of a firefight. that lasts a few minutes. we believe the motion of the interaction is where the misperception manifest itself and the errant round strikes detective colson. >> you say "errant round." you mean he wasn't intentionally fired at or he was -- >> at this point i characterize it as errant because it wasn't as a threat. i won't say it's misfire. that is what the investigation and the forensic evidence will tell us as a result of the investigation. >> to be clear, can you say if the officer that shot the round mistook officer colson fo
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or we just don't know that. something was fired in the chaos and officer colson was struck. >> i can't affirmativety -- affirmatively answer that. that's what they want them to lead me. we haven't interviewed the involved officers. we are still only more than 24 hours into this. we will know that. when we do, we will prepared to answer the questions. >> give us more information about michael ford. did he have an outstanding warrant? more on his state of mind. can you talk about the department and the loss? >> right now, mr. ford didn't have outstanding warrants. there were issues in days prior to the shooting that were reported. there were no open
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i want to thank kevin perkins and special agent in charge of the local a.t.f. office. through their resources we verified that there does not be a nexus with large movement behind it. as i said in the beginning of this we believe that the ford brothers did not expect the shooter to survive his engagement with the police officers. michelle: we'll pull away from this q&a portion of the news conference with the prince george's county. you can watch it on few of the highlights from this news conference is we are learning the situation, the circumstances, the turn of events that led up to the killing of jacai colson, the officer who was killed just yesterday outside of district
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this is interesting to learn and see the brothers accused of the crime. ford brothers malik and elijah are accused of recording and knowing about the shooting planned according to the police by michael. they recorded the shooting with the cell phone. did nothing to stop it. that is what led to the chaotic scene in front of district iii. leon: clearly agitated chief stawinski, hank stawinski, this is about nothing, they have no idea about the motive until michael ford showed up opening fire, emptying one gun and reloading. he said in heroic action detective jacai colson reacted by drawing fire. the fire of michael ford to himself to allow other officers to respond to the scene. a firefight ensued where the civilian cars were hit. ford fired at an ambulance even and a fire truck. in the chaos there, we understand that
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believe officer colson was shot and killed. they have confirmed that the bullet that killed him was fired by one of the fellow officers. right now six officers identified as fired shots in the firefight. chief stawinski at this point they are not ready to identify which officer fired the bullet that killed colson. right now 21 different charges are filed against the surviving brothers in the incident. as he said this was about nothing. michelle: also interesting to note he was in plain clothes. because he was an undercover detective. he was dressed as a civilian. you can understand in the heat of all of this it would be difficult to determine at first glance in the middle of a shootout who is on which side. leon: we understand that the police say they noticed that ford did fire at a two different cars that were not police cars at the scene. they are asking anyone who may have been in that area in landover around :30 p.m. on sunday who m
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it or who if you notice there is damage on your car that you did not notice before. police want to talk with you. you may have seen or heard something that can help them in the investigation. so if you were in the area, police want to talk with you as soon as possible. michelle: we'll have much more on the breaking news coverage. brad bell is at the news conference. we will get an update from him. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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leon: anger on the rail and the road as problems on metro snarl commute for thousands of area workers. michelle: the problem that caused it still unresolveed. brianne carter covering metro. what is behind this? brianne: the issue is the fire on the track. train were stopping in both directions. that is not the case earlier. they are now stopping in both directions. heads up tonight. closures at 9:00. to fix the problem. >> crowding and delays and single tracking after a fire on the track outside the mcpherson square station. >> every couple of weeks it seems there is some issue.
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a fire. single tracking or then it double or triples the time. brianne: they say it took two hours to get downtown. mckee traded in the morning metro mess for uber. >> we had to wait for a train to go to the metro center. switch over there to get it. >> midday the delays continue. >> now we are giving up. we're able-bodied. we can walk. >> the metro officials say the fire damaged several cables that will now have to be replaceed. >> a tough situation. you have buses deployed everywhere in the system. >> come back for a huge push like that. the timing could not be worse. >> this is as the authority is working on the recommendations to
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no word if they were in need of a replacement. >> the fire is under investigation. this is going to happen at the specific stations for repairs. >> now to the top story. that of a prince george's county police officer shot to death in line of duty. this is likely case of friendly fire as the officers responded to an ambush. officer jacai colson is the first prince george's police officer shot to death i
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of duty since 2005. the last was sergeant steven gaugin. 15-year veteran married to a fellow police officer. leon: for the first time the officer's widow tells us about the tragedy. about her survival as well. >> shots were fired and steve got hit. >> it has been a decade since prince george's county police sergeant steve gaugin shot to death in the line of duty. it was here on a street now named after him he was killed in traffic spot. it brings memory back for gaughan's widow. >> 11 years later i am in a better place. i will never go away. i have learned to accept it. >> a former county police officer knew the ris that can came wi
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thought she would be left behind with two small children. after her husband's murder she knew she had to move forward. >> a i have a purpose. i am not going to give up. that is how the police officers will come through the other side to see they have a purpose. >> she says her husband's funeral was surreal and seemed in slow motion. for those who will go through that, she offers this advice. >> hold on to each other. >> talk to each other. stay in the moment. go through the pain, not around it. >> not a day goes by she doesn't think after her first husband. >> the blessing that you have is you carry that person with you for the rest of your life. >> i am blessed to have known
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>> e has never told the story before. now she sees the role as someone who can help those who knew colson in the way few people can. leon: that advice will be need and used. the four officers shot to death in the past six weeks are part of a disturbing national trend. in fact, the number of the officers ambushed this year is half the number for all of last year. we are delving in the issue and what the department of justice is doing about it ahead at 6:00. michelle: ahead at 5:00 -- a dino discovery. find out how the t-rex became a top predator.
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your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. steve: i'm steve rudin. showers in th
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compared to 60 degrees. lower 70's wednesday. st. patrick's day are lower 60's. looking ahead to the upcoming weekend 50 to 55 for highs saturday and sunday. we're kathleen matthews: imagine paying 20% more for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
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leon: two people are dead and a third injured after a crash. it shows the importance of wearing seat belt. they were in the front seat and not wearing a seat belt. the passenger in the backseat was belt and that passenger survived. preliminary information suggest that the speed and alcohol were factors in the crash. >> see how it is shaping up on the roads. jamie sullivan is on traffic watch. jamie: we're watching metro, of course, been an issue and will still continue to be an issue throughout the evening. single tracking from federal triangle to foggy bottom. service will be suspended between federal triangle and foggy bottom. still on the sill veer line operating wiehle reston to ballston. continue on the o
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the outer loop to green belt. outbound the b.w. parkway heavy getting close to beltway. you clear out. d.c. delays as well. southbound 295 approaching malcolm x. northbound on kennelworth. 66 is slow. it will take 20 minutes from the beltway to the fairfax county parkway. take a live look to show you what we have on 66. you get a good idea here. a lot of volume as you work your way out. no crashes to report. that is a look at traffic. michelle: the bald eagle found injured this month is improving. the owl-moon raptor center say the eagle named trust is undergoing physical therapy on the injured wing and is becoming more feisty and regaining an appetite. trust was found by montgomery county animal services officer on march 3. they believe the bird was hit by a car. let's check
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friends here. this is a nice closeup checking in with mr. president and the first lady near national arboretum. abc7 first brought you the story march 15. we could be a few hours away frommeing eaglettes. leon: we are watching closely and you can, too. go to the website and search "eagle cam." michelle: yes. t-rex now. this is probably the most famous dinosaur in the world. but how did it grow to become such a massive, meat-eating super predator? as mike carter-conneen reports, the national museum of the natural history announced a major scientific discovery today. dino species that helps explain the revolution of t-rex. mike: at the smithsonian national history museum they reveal t
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of a newly discovered dinosaur species. related and similar to t-rex but about the size of a horse. >> long, slender legs. a large head. hijack fossils were found in -- >> mike: the fossils were found in 2000 in uzbekistan. >> this is indigence style stuff. >> they believe this brain case, part of the skull is unique species that lived 90 million years ago to fill 20-million gap in the fossil record. >> this is an evolutionary story. how did the king get its crown? where did t-rex come from? how does evolution produce animal like a seven-ton super predator? mike: this replica of the brain about the size of a grapefruit is smaller than the basketball-size brain case of the tyrannosaurus rex. they believe the smaller, the
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smart as t-rex. >> it's a well developed ear for low frequency hearing. the noise you hear if someone walks about or a car drives by. mike: they believe the evolutionary superachieversing of t-rex happened quickly. he hopes to better understand that change by finding more fossils on the next expedition in kazakhstan and across central asia. mike carter-conneen, abc7 news. michelle: that is all for us at 5:00. more on the new information released about the prince george's county officer killed in an ambush over the weekend. "abc7 news at 6:00" starts now. announcer: from abc7, this is a breaking news alert. leon: we have breaking developments this hour. surrounding the shooting death of prince george's county officer jacai colson. just in the last hour police released new information about the suspects and what happened yesterday. nearly 24 hours ago, when the
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maryland bureau chief brad bell was first to report many of the details and is now live from police headquarters with the latest. brad? brad: the police concluded a gut-wrenching press conference. the police chief himself choked up about what happened here. this car says it all. this is a police agency in mourning for the loss of this young officer as we have told you his name. jacai colson. we can show you his picture. in his uniform. he was working as a narcotics officer and he was killed in the shoot out. what the police revealed to sus more details. including photographs of the suspects that were involved outs here. >> the shooter by the name of michael ford. he apparently had a death wish. he


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