tv World News Now ABC March 23, 2016 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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this morning on "world news now," the search in brussels for an isis bomber. >> from the manhunt to the human toll to the travellers who feel vulnerable worldwide. live coverage coming up. terror investigation. who were the men responsible for the brussels bombs? new details about their isis network. and which targets could be next. paying tribute showing strength in brussels with heartfelt memorials to the victims. the city in grief trying to heal. and our other major story, long lines at polling places in three states. the candidates talk terrorism while donald trump and hillary clinton have an eye on the delegate counts. it's wednesday, march 23rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." . >> good morning, everybody.
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gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. >> the world is really grieving all that took place just about 24 hours ago. want to show you a live picture right now of the empire state building. you'll note it is noticeably dark. they turned the lights off overnight in memory of the victims in belgium. >> and the president has announced that the white house, federal buildings, even military posts will all fly the flag at half-staff until saturday night to honor the victims. >> so many people remembering the victims over there. we want to get to the latest coming out right now because the day after the terror attacks, the city is on edge as authors hunt for those responsible for the chaos. the death toll from the attacks now up to at least 31. at least 250 people injured. >> brussels airport remains closed. the city's transit system has limited service today. molly hunter is in the belgian capital this morning. >> reporter: on going raids continue across the european
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the manhunt for this man who authorities have identified as a suspect in the airport attacks. investigators say it all started around 8:00 a.m. tuesday morning. two bombs exploding. the terminal filled with smoke, chaos, people frantically running for safety. >> big bang. everybody cried and came along here. we saw kind of moek smoke. >> reporter: the force so great, ceilings collapsed, people lying on top of one another and the horror continues. 9:11 a.m. an hour after the explosions seven miles away another bomb goes off near the offices of the european union. the target a packed metro car. children screaming in fear. >> this is the first time i saw such a thing in my life. >> reporter: the aftermath leading to hundreds of injuries, among those nine americans including mormon missionaries richard are nor by, joseph empey and mason wells all seriously hurt
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of hope and condolences. belgium remains at the highest security threat level tonight. isis claiming those attacks just hours later. now the state department warning americans against travel to europe saying terrorists are planning attacks right now. molly hunter, abc news, brussells. >> our thanks to molly hunter there in brussels. a lot of people, so many images coming out of brussels over the last 24 hours. many people remembering the victims. the manhunt is on for that man on the right. >> people wondering what it means for airport security across the country, across the nation and across the world especially as the spring break season is beginning. so many people worrying about families traveling. the faa looking into what action they may be taking. >> you saw that image i showed you a few seconds ago. authorities are looking for that man seen walking with the
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bombers at the airport. >> there have been more raids across belgium and an explosive device found in brussels apartments along with an isis flag. more on the investigation from abc's brian ross. >> they look grim and determined as they push carts through the airport. now identified by the authorities as the suspects attack team. two dressed in black with no effort to hide their faces are believed to have been the suicide bombers. their bombs hidden in their large suitcases according to officials. each wearing a black glove on the left hand. perhaps to hide the bomb's trigger according to one former fbi official. >> whether it's wires, strings a button, something is in there that when they move their hand, it actually makes the bomb go off. >> reporter: the third man who authorities say got away and is being sought tonight has a hat pulled down over his face, pushing what may have been the third bomb that authorities say did not detonate. >> the other individual could be their handler. he wants to be able to live for
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terrorist attack. >> reporter: bomb experts are studying the aftermath of the devices set off at the airport, but already they say the third bomb at the metro stop in brussels appears to have been much more powerful than the explosives used in paris last november. this x-ray of one of the victims shows how ot bombers used three-inch metal bolts tearing through flesh at the rate of about a mile a second. >> isis is very good at this sort of thing, they know how to plan and they have resources. >> for the last year at least, isis has been organizing foreign fighters by language and nationality and sending them to attack their home countries. among the targets, belgium and france of course, but also britain, germany, and the u.s. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> and here in the u.s. especially, millions of commuters will notice increased security this morning as they travel the roads and rails. in new york city, thousands of additional officers a
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ready. in the subway, they'll be searching bags and patrolling with canine units. travelers at grand central terminal say they're going to be extra vigilant. there is no credible threat to the u.s. at this moment. >> global air travel is expected to be impacted as security measures are tightened. in orlando, au jet from brussels was isolated when it landed in the anxiety after the attacks. airline terminals are still considered soft targets. >> we have clearly entered a period of new normal where we have to be concerned about a much broader range of attacks. >> all flights to and from belgium have been cancel as the airport remains closes. the terror in brussels came as president obama was ending his trip to cuba. in a nationally televised speech, he made a brief reference to brussels saying the u.s. stands with the people there and will do whatever it can to bring those responsible to justice. then he kept his original
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game. threw talked about his reason for going to the game. >> what they can doinging is scare and make people afraid and disrupt our daily lives. and as long as we don't allow that to happen, we're going to be okay. >> also in havana, cuban protesters interrupting espn reporter bob lee during a live shot. they shouted on air and threw leaflets in the air. police took them into custody. >> this morning we're also tracking election returns from several states many coming in right now. many enduring long lines. >> we want to take a look at some of the late results. republicans in arizona giving a landslide win to donald trump who gets all the state's 58 delegates. >> and democrats in arizona giving the win to hillary clinton who also adds to her delegate lead over busy. >> the attacks in belgium were on candidates' minds each
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claiming to be the most qualified to deal with terrorism. >> it certainly was a topic of conversation for voters in the three states who cast primary or caucus ballots. brandi hitt joining us now from phoenix. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, kendis, reena. the terror attack was also on minds of many voters out here at these polling places overnight. it's front and center out on the campaign trail, as well. with the candidates now arguing over who can be better protect america. the race for the white house is now dominated by talk of terrorism. following the bombings in brussels. >> we've got to defeat them online. you know, that is where they radicalize. >> reporter: hillary clinton calling for quick action. gop front-runner donald trump going much further than that telling abc news, he would water board surviving paris attacker
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information. >> i would use maximum interrogation technique. i would have waterboarding and a step further. >> ted cruz is pushing for more surveillance here in the u.s. >> it is good law enforcement to focus on where threats are emanating from and anywhere where there is a locus of radicalization. >> both bns and republican governor john kasich say that sends the wrong message. >> in our country, we don't want it on the create divisions where we say you're a muslim. therefore, we're going to keep an eye on you. >> we are fighting a terrorist organization. we are not fighting a religion. >> reporter: and you are likely going to be hear a lot more terror talk in the coming days. weise -- hillary clinton is going to be giving a counter-terrorism speech later on today at stanford university. you're likely going to be hearing it from the other candidates, as well on the campaign trail. >> certainly going to be a
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issue on the campaign trail. we also know there was serious trouble in arizona when it came to voting. long lines especially. will there be an investigation into this? >> reporter: there's a investigation now underway. the democratic party is looking into this especially maricopa county because some people were waiting in line for two to three hours in the sun and there were fewer polling places open odd up with more voter turnout this time around. it's a hot button election for a lot of people here. what's interesting, when the polling places close, there were still hundreds of people in line. when you're in line you still get to go and vote. by the time they got up there to cast their ballots the projections were coming in before they could go vote. that was disconcerting to a lot of people here. >> quite a mess in some parts of arizona. brandi hitt joining us live from feech. thank you. coming up, the attacks any brussels and we're going to show you messages of hope from nepa
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>> also ahead, inside the minds of those isis bombers. we'll hear from an expert on counter-terrorism to get more insight. >> and the heartfelt memorials and symbol offices strength after attacks. so unforgettable. you're watching abc's "world news now." so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. don't even think about it. cough if you can hear me. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this.
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>> welcome back. we're continuing our coverage of the terror attacks in brussels. the death toll now up to at least 31 with at least 250 people injured. the manhunt for one of the suspects is under way. and there are a lot of answers authorities are searching for. and joining us this morning, for some insight on this is former fbi special agent in charge of counter terrorism steven gomez joining us. good morning. >> how you doing? >> as you look and see all that's played out, what went wrong here? >> well, you had some indicators that law enforcement should have taken a look at in belgium. on flied, salah abdeslam was captured. he was a critical part of the plot in paris that occurred in november. and there was some chatter that was occurring about concerns in the community there in brussels where he was captured. and at
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enforcement should have taken the posture of banging the bushes as we call it, doing some additional surveillance, interviews, knocking on doors of people who were potential co-conspirators of his and letting them know they were watching him. >> there was a lot of time there. apparently as you're saying, somebody might have dropped the ball in not getting to this guy sooner. what can you tell us about this type of investigation 24 hours after the aftermath of the attacks. >> what they're doing is looking at all the social media, communication devices or communications that could have occurred involving the two suspects that were killed. and, of course, they're going to try to find the one guy that's till on the run. that's of highest priority trying to locate him. they're going to be doing a lot of for
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evidence. they've got the one bomb that did not explode. they'll look at that very, very hard and fast trying to figure out the fingerprint of the bombmaker of that bomb. that's a key piece of evidence. >> absolutely. >> that's going to hopefully lead them to other people, lead them to the bombmaker which is critical. >> as we go forward, i mean, you covered counter-terrorism for some two decades or so. i'm assuming you still have a lot of connections with people in that field. are they hearing anything about possible future attacks? east ser coming, passover is coming, as well. >> right. absolutely. they're preparing for that. lease no intelligence that's indicating that there's going to be a follow-on attack say here in the u.s. but they're concerned about any type of potential attack just because of the fact that these types of attacks especially if you look at san bernardino, they happen out of nowhere. they're not on the radar. and they then have annd
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or two or three that then commit the attack with no warning. so that's the problem. they have to be prepared for that. >> absolutely. and critical days ahead. former fbi special agent steve gomez joining ushis morning. steve, thank you. >> thanks a lot. we always wonder how it will affect us back here home. a congressional report last year found about 250 americans have left to go abroad to engage in the fighting. it's just not clear exactly. you can't really track these people. the uncertainty of how you this could affect our subway systems and airports still remains. >> it is troubling. i was mentioning to steve during the interview, you have big holidays that are coming up, easter pore christians and for the jews passover coming up. even at this hour, there are many that are worried about what might be ahead. >> yeah. very true. coming up, the world shows its
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1 world trade center there proudly displaying the red, white and blue overnight. even though governor cuomo directed the building to display black, red and yellow as a show of solidarity with the people of belgium. >> regardless of the actual colors it's one of the many displays from around the u.s. and across the globe as the world stands united against terror. abc's david wright has more. >> reporter: at the eiffel tower in paris, at the brandenburg gate in berlin and the trevi fountain in rome, black, yellow and red.
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solidarity from cities that have been there, saying, sadly, welcome to the club. a club that already has too many members. in this cartoon, the battered little man holding the sign asks all the others, can you make a little place for me? they did at vigils and memorials worldwide. >> terror is not the only result of violence such as this. there's togetherness, too. strangers united. comforting each other. deploring an act of hate. david wright, abc news, washington. we should point out the world trade center started out the night with red, white, and blue. once they got the memo from the governor's office, they did switch it over to the colors of the belgian flag. >> and reaction from all over. mean the pope speaking out offering prayers and condemning what he called blind violence. >> all right. we're going to continue to follow this story and coming up in fact, the morning papers and
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>> and headlines are from around the world all coming up next. you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better.
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♪ we're back now with continuing coverage of the attacks in brussels. we want to take a look now at the headlines being printed from around the world. we'll start with some of the belgian papers right now. the headline in this one saying hold on. goes from hope to sadness here. this one our darkest day. and then another one here also from belgium. never safe. >> never safe. you should note the interesting thing about all of them are all printed in the three different languages that belgium is nad up of. flem mish, german and french.
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team, as well. this particular headline is coming from greensland, australia. really this captured newspapers all around the world this morning. dagger to europe's heart as you can see. and another one from spain. yaush terror. the entire world is feeling the impact of this. many of the american newspapers, as well printing outs some of these headlines. >> also social media. facebook pages, they reactivated the safe page where you can click and notify you're safe and an image a cartoon that tweeted around from the french paper le mond. you see the dates of the paris attack and the brussels attack. >> 13th of november and 22nd of march. some celebrities i've noticed on my feed have been sending out that image, as well. another newspaper here this one coming from poe land. saying translation here, we are all brussels and in fact, an lot of people are saying that, as well this morning. and you were mentioning there
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we got of some refugees, as well. >> yeah, a pretty striking image. i hope we have that one. this also is showing a young boy with his shirt on and you can tale see him talking about the attacks saying that. >> giving support i guess. >> in support. you kind of don't realize how significantly impacted these refugees will be. there was a united nations turkey deal to have the refugees go back from europe to turkey. and a lot of human rights activists are saying that's not enough. seriously, fear now in europe over these attacks and how isis militants could be mingling in with the population of immigrants. >> this could really change things in brussels which has a porous border and allowed a lot of people into that country and a lot of people are probably locking down and saying enough. we want to mention the wireless carriers are offering free calls and texts to brussels. >> absolutely. >> in
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this morning on "world news now," the search for a terrorist. the man linked to isis who got away after the deadly attacks in brussels. the moments of fear, dozens dead and the tactics for police today. >> americans hospitalized, three mormon missionaries badly injured by the blast. why one of those victims says this was the terror attack number three. >> and new this half hour, in their own words. >> the survivors in shock remembering a terrifying ordeal they may never forget. what they saw and what they heard. and our other major story this morning, voters in three big western states cast ballots in primaries and caucuses. the one big state where donald trump and hillary clinton are claiming victory on this wednesday, march 23rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is
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