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tv   ABC7 News at 4  ABC  March 31, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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we know we have three people shot. started 2:45 afternoon described as an active shooter situation at the greyhound bus station. the greyhound bus station located west of the city downtown area. this is a busy thoroughfare. it's right across the street from richmond minor league baseball stadium. there are a lot of commercial businesses there, that connects the downtown area to residential area. we are hearing reports of people hearing the gunfire and running for cover. the wounded has been taken to v.c.u. medical center. the virginia state police right now we are waiting on a press conference and anotherup date from them. shortly after the shooting broke out they had an update that two troopers had been shot and a woman had been shot. they say the suspect is in custody. we don't know the extend or any more
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was shot by police. or if he was simply captured. again, a lot of unknowns at this hour. we'll be staying with this throughout the newscast and as soon as we get more confirmation, more information we'll pass it along to you. jonathan: all right. jennifer, thank you for that. michelle: we should mention we have a live crew on the way. as soon as they get to the location we'll update the story. right now police are searching for a newspaper vendor who stabbed someone at a metro station this morning. jonathan: this happened at ad dyson road station -- at the addisson road station. stephen tschida has the latest on the investigation. stephen: 8:30 this morning, the man was walking away from the addisson road road metro station. when the witnesses say the newspaper guy chased him down and stabbed him. the 24-year-old victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. after a day in surgery. he is now stable. tonight the search is on for that newspaper man. witness says the man who hands out express newspapers started arguing with a
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walked away. the suspect put down his papers, took off his vest and charged the victim. >> my gosh, that is crazy. wow! that is unfortunate. stephen: he tackled the man and stabbed him repeatedly. one wound in his torso. >> makes me uneasy. stephen: the express newspaper man is a familiar face for a lot of commuters. this is days after the fatal shooting at a teenager at the deanwood station has some of the commuters worried tonight. >> addisson road and then you had the incident at deanwood just last week. you got -- i mean, it's too much. stephen: surveillance cameras caught the whole thing go down but because police know who they are looking for metro is not releasing the surveillance video at this time. we'll update you
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the search for the suspect. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. the man charged with shooting a d.c. boy will remain in custody until his next court hearing. kenneth parker was arraigned this morning in the october 2014 shooting of jaydan stancil. the boy survived the shooting but had to undergo several years of physical surgery. jonathan: in from maryland the judge sentenced leroy wilson to 30 we'res in priss for killing his -- 30 years in prison for killing his girlfriend's son over missing piece of birthday cake. he accepted a plea deal a short time ago. in court, wilson apologized for killing jack garcia in july. jack's mother and uncle go on trial in may. michelle: a preliminary hearing set for two suspects charged in the death of a teenage blacksburg girl. former virginia tick students david eisenhauer and natalie keepers will appear in court may 20. hearing scheduled last week was canceled. eisenhauer is charged with fi
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lovell. keepers is accused of helping him cover up the crime. jonathan: horrific scene in eastern india as a highway overpass collapses on a street full of people below. rescuer digging through the concrete and debris hoping to find survivors. we know right now 22 people are confirmed dead. that number, though, is expected to go way up. more than 100 people are missing at this hour. collapse happened around lunch time when the street was packed with people. the overpass was under construction at the time it went down. michelle: right now the mount vernon square metro station and several roads around the convention center are all closed. that's the perimeter setup over the nuclear summit for the next two days. tom roussey is live with mobiletrak7 with a look at the impact. tom? >> there is an impact. let me show you what is going on now. we are on 11th street in the shaw neighborhood at the corner of ann. let me swing the camera around. you can see the military vehicle there. i love this. the military vehicle is par
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road with a minivan. it looks intimidating, i know. if you go behind, you can see how traffic is not moving well behind us there. let me keep turning the camera. you will see that the other side of the road is also blocked by a u.s. army military man. a lot of traffic as far as traffic goes right now. use the front camera. we have open space in front of us. to the left, they are in bumper to bumper traffic. this is on the outskirts on the northwestern outskirts of where the roads are shut down near the convention center. if you go south of it, it's worse. we would have done a live shot there but we would have been sitting there and not move at all. we didn't want to do that. that is why you didn't do that live shot. we have seen effects. go to the roof cam and let me turn it and i will show you some more traffic issues. it's not just the main roads but the side roads as well having trouble. you see this is o street. they are bumper-to-bumper on
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it back to the right. on the other side it's bad as well. a lot of traffic issues here related to the summit. avoid the area of the convention center. that's a good idea. reporting live in mobiletrak7, tom roussey, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. if you want to keep track of the closures we have a list of them on jonathan: explosives training material used as part of a spring break training drill were found on a loudoun county school bus this week. diane cho is joining us live with a meeting between the school board, the sheriff's office, the fire marshal and feds. everybody is involved trying to figure it out. diane: they are, jonathan. that i are waiting for more information to come out at the time. we are at a school where the bus picked up and dropped off the students earlier in week.
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the students were transported before they realized the training material is found on a special education bus. the loudoun county school officials say it was not active and that it was not a state where it could have exploded. we are told left there by a federal agency doing a training exercise at one of the high schools last week while the students were on spring break. the spokesman for school district said it was found by a mechanic in a routine check yesterday. and the engine block. in an area that would have been difficult for a bus driver conducting a daily check of the bus to find. meanwhile the parents we talked to had mixed reaction about it all. >> shocking, though. >> i trust the school. they said it was, couldn't have hurt anybody or anything. i think it's all okay. >> we are told the e-mails were sent out to parents and the staff members informing them of what happened.
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contacted individually. in loudoun, diane cho, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. overcast skies right now. clouds really dominating at this point. we could expect, we could see rain later on. chief meteorologist doug hill has a look at the forecast. what is the timing? doug: we have an isolated shower this evening. but before sunrise tomorrow morning we could have heavier showers and a few thunderstorms as well. but you are right. we had the sun before. plenty of clouds. gusty winds. without sunshine. march has been a windy month for us around here. shows no sign of letting up in the next 24 hours. 74 in annapolis. 71 in pep men. in addition to that, we are watching showers with the gusty winds. gusting to 32 miles per hour in manassas. 28 at the airport. i have the areas of showers around every now and
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tonight. but tomorrow morning showers crossing 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. we have more on the timing and look at the weekend in a few minute. jonathan: thanks. donald trump is in washington. he met with the republican national committee chairman at the r.n.c. capitol hill headquarters a short time ago. he met with the advisers at the soon to open trump hotel at the old post office. we look at how trump's comments about abortion are shaking up the race. >> donald trump off the campaign trail and in the nation's capitol for private meetings but still at the center of the controversy for his recent remarks. >> just yesterday, donald trump said women should be punished for having an abortion. >> donald trump is clearly not prepared to be president of the united states. >> critics on the right, the left and both sides of the abortion debate piling on. >> you have to ban it. >> after this exchange in an msnbc forum asked about the punishment if abortion were to be banned. >> the answer is that it has to be so
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>> for the woman? >> yeah. those be some form. >> ten years? what? >> that i don't know. >> why not? >> i don't know. >> hour later the front runner reversing course saying the doctor or any other person performing an illegal act on a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woma the woman is a victim. >> hillary clinton focusing on new york. ahead of a key april 19 primary in her adopted home state. >> the path to the white house goes right through new york. and i am not taking anything for granted. >> bernie sanders taking his message on trade to pittsburgh. >> american workers cannot be forced to compete against people making pennies an hour. >> sanders and campaigning in new york. his childhood home rich in delegates where he needs to do well. a new quinnipiac poll shows him trailing clinton by 12 points. in northwest, lauren lister, abc7 news. michelle: ohio governor john kasich is getting chewed out on social media for eating a slice of
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such a move is considered a food faux pas, as many new yorkers see it. donald trump famously got ino trouble on "daily show" doing the same thing. for kasich he said the slce was very hot, and he ended up eating most of it with his hands. jonathan: really good pizza should be really greasy pizza and you don't want to get it on your clothes. you can't fault him. michelle: in this political climate if that is all you have on the guy he's doing pretty good. jonathan: stop the bus now. food trucks are a staple across the country. michelle: but still to come, a concept proving popular. jonathan: plus -- >> i couldn't believe that somebody, some children as young as they were first grade could come up with something like this. jonathan: first graders. what they were planning is going to make your jaw drop. michelle: later, falling apart. the lawsuit in california that could have repercussions on some local fields. jonathan:
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>> until they take the crime seriously, there is no justice for the families. there are no justice for the victims. jonathan: how the families who lost loved ones to drunk drivers are one step closer to that kind of justice today. brad: i'm brad bell in annapolis. coming up, we is it down one-on-one with governor larry hogan and talk roads, buet and presidential politics. michelle: we continue to monitor breaking news out of richmond where someone opened fire at a greyhound bus station. we learned that the shooter is dead. we'll have the latest when we come back.
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message.
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michelle: we want to get update on breaking news out of richmond, virginia. go to jennifer donelan at the live desk. the suspect is dead? jennifer: the suspect is dead but we have a sad development in the breaking news. we confirmed multifinals that the trooper in this case, one of the troopers who was shot also has died. here is what we know from la
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i just spoke. in was a training exercise apparently. virginia state police were at the greyhound bus station. they were conducting this training exercise. they moved into the practical portion of the training exercise. that is when they actually began to apply some of what they were learning. and apparently, they had, they were checking to see if this person had a gun. and indeed, the suspect did have a gun. pulled out that gun. and fired that weapon, shooting the trooper. another troper was shot. we know one trooper is alive. one has died. a woman was shot. a civilian who is described as a civilian. all of that confirmed from virginia state police. we are getting multiple reports out of richmond that more people were shot. we're still trying to nail down that information. the latest that we have for you now is the suspect in this case is dead. multiple sources confirming that one virginia state
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another trooper in the hospital and a woman in the hospital recovering from the gunshot wounds. we will keep you posted. michelle: jennifer, stand by for us. just to clarify here. walk us through this. you have a training exercise that is underway. then the suspect, does he interrupt the training exercise? and he is shot at that point? walk us through that. jennifer: the way it's explained to me is the trooper approached the suspect. to see if he had a weapon. discovered he did indeed have a gun. and the suspect pulling his gun out and firing. that is how it's being explained to me at the moment. okay. michelle: we know you work your sources and we'll check in with you when you get more information. let us know. thank you, jennifer donelan, in the newsroom for us. jonathan: new developments to tell you about in the fight to get noah's law passed in maryland. named for officer noah leotta hit and killed by suspected drunk driver last year. the m
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both passed the bill. here is the rub. they have been passed in different forms. today, supporters of the law went to annapolis to push legislators to work together to work out the differences. >> we can't let the legislators go home until the job is done. >> noah recognized that drunk drivers are domestic terrorists on the road. killing 10,000 people a year. jonathan: the senate's version of noah's law would mandate ignition interlock device for anyone arrested on the drunk driving charges. you have to blow in it to make sure the car would stop and if you weren't drunk it wouldn't. the house version doesn't. i will now go to conference committee. lawmakers have a week and a half to iron out differences. michelle: the phrase "northern scum" may not be come out of the maryland state song afterall. the effort to change the words to
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stalled in a house committee. lawmakers want more time to consider other options meaning that the changes aren't likely to come up for a vote before the session ends. the song was written in 1861. it includes civil war references like the word "northern scum" that some say are offensive. jonathan: in the last two hours, maryland governor larry hogan spoke with maryland bureau chief brad bell about what is going on in the free state. brad joins us live from annapolis with what he had to say today. what did he say to you, brad? brad: well, he had an awful lot to say. we left him 45 minutes ago. we will have a complete report at 6:00 on interview. the governor wants to talk about a lot of things. he wants to talk about budget and road improvement. we can show you video. we sat down with him you one-on-one in the office. all the questions on the table. he said he wants to talk these days about the transportation a lot. one thing he campaigned
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he was announcing. he said far too much money spent on transit with far too. >> we put hundreds of million in budget improvement in the state. finally on the 84 top road projects the top priority in all 24 jurisdictions. brad: the governor telling us that he is proud that his balanced budget has moved through the general assembly. 98% intact. he says he is frustrated that he hasn't been able to do anything about maryland's notorious,
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shaped congressional district. he wants to completely reform the process of redistricting. when we come back at 6:00, you will hear about that. he talks about his improving health. he also talks a little bit about donald trump. he does not have kind words. he reveals to us who he will be voting for in the republican primary in maryland. that is coming up at 6:00. at the state house, brad bell, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. time for a check of traffic. check in with jamie sullivan with details. we know that the nuclear summit is causing some headaches for drivers. jamie: of course! we're seeing that, michelle, around the convention center. of course you can see here on the waze map. these are all of the streets right around the convention center that are currently blocked off. we have had a few people questioning going to the circus at the verizon center and will i be able to get there and what roads are closed off? we suggest you avoid
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everything is blocked off north of the verizon center. focus in on slowing spottings we are seeing. southbound 395, we cleared away a crash near edsall road. drop to 12 miles per hour. this is actually in the easy pass lane. again, that is now gone and clearing away. d.c. we are okay on 295. the freeway. no big issues. we have con sention on the inner loop to 66 and the american legion bridge. this is hard to say because of how much wind we have. doug, it's a windy one. doug: gusts out there still of 25 to 30 miles per hour. if you just got home a lot of time to look at the sky today, look at the time lapse from the washington lee high school. everybody is on the gusty wind and the warming
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73:clinton and springfield. right now in columbia heights with 72 degrees. tonight we will have the mainly cloudy skies developing through the overnight. but it will change in the overnight hours toward morning. a couple of sprinkles or showers in the area. large area across georgia, north carolina. this is going to move northward. so form the chances of the showers will increase. we have showers coming through. we are going to work the map 7:30 to 11:00, it looks like larger area with the thunderstorms that could move
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the winds will change direction. cooler and more up and down in the forecast. a few showers southeast of the city in the morning. it's going to turn chillier in the afternoon. 40 to near 50 for a high on sunday. michelle: 80's and 30s in the same seven days. wild. jonathan: nice range. thanks. michelle: coming up at 4:00 -- the beatles said money can't buy them love but find out what $1 billion can buy at a wedding. jonathan: later -- >> find out in the clientele the latest food truck rage is targeting.
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated.
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i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side. michelle: back to a developing story out of alaska where three first graders accused of trying to kill -- yes, kill -- one of the classmates by poisoning her lunch. >> my first reaction was shock. i couldn't believe children as young as they were first grade could come up with something
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michelle: the parent of another student at the anchorage charter school didn't want to be identified and said he learned of the plot from his child and in an e-mail from the principal. it says the police believe the first graders plan to use the silicon preservation package from the lunchtime food bag and put them in the other student's lunch. the students thought the packets were poisonous since they have warnings not to consume them. they are actually nontoxic but they pose a choking hazard. >> the good news here is another student learned about the plan or the intention. as soon as they learned of it they notified the teachers, parents and the principal, which is how we were identified. michelle: police investigated but would not file charges. the principal opted for suspension as punishment. the dad who doesn't want to be identify wonders if that enough? >> is that the appropriate punishment for a school that has a several year waiting list? i don't think they deserve to be at the school. michelle: more thn
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are on the wait list to attend the charter school. police and the school district say they hope this becomes a teaching moment. >> we also talk to them about do they learn this? >> teach kids if they hear something like this. something that they intend to do harm to someone else, tell someone they trust right away. michelle: glad that one student was smart enough to tip off his parents and alert everyone else. jonathan: scary situation across the board. good to get to the bottom of it to figure out where did it come from. >> the students are suspended but they could be going back to the school. jonathan: all right. get update now on the breaking news we are covering this afternoon. coming out to us from richmond, virginia. there has been a shooting at a greyhound bus station. we know as a result the gunman and the state trooper have been killed in this. jennifer, what more do we know about what is happening there? jennifer: this is a very dark day for virginia state police. losing one of their own.
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in downtown richmond. what we have been able to garner from the law enforcement source, they tell us that this was a training exercise. real-life scenario. virginia state police at the greyhound bus station. they had moved in the practical portion of the training. a trooper approached to person to see if they had a gun and the person did indeed have a gun. the gunman pulling out his weapon. firing the weapon at the trooper. we understand the trooper passed. another trooper was also wounded in the hospital. another woman civilian being described by virginia state police. she is also in the hospital. we are getting reports that more people were shot and waiting to confirm that situation. virginia state police in charge of the investigation. that greyhound bus station in richmond has been closed. we are stayingon of the of this and
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governor mcauliffe, if you can stay with me, just issuing this statement on the shooting in the city of richmond. he says, "i have spoken with the mayor of richmond and the superintendent of the virginia state police and offered whatever state resources may be necessary to respond to the situation. our public safety team and i will continue to monitor the situation and support state police and the local authorities in the response and the investigation of this incident." those words from virginia's governor terry mcauliffe. just issued moments ago. jonathan: do we know how many people total were shot at the bus depot? jennifer: i'm a little afraid to say. we are getting multiple reports more people were thought than the three we know of. we confirmed and we have been unable to confirm the number. we'll hold on that until we get a firmed up number from the sister station there in richmond. jonathan: all right. as soon as you do we'll go back to you. thanks. moving on, rush hour can be a bear but in virginia transportation
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mega-projects will reduce congestion. mike carter-conneen joining us live in the newsroom to explain how this might work. mike: vdot provided an overview to the lawmakers, stakeholders and the reporters like myself on this plan for 84-mile network of express lanes across northern virginia by the year 2021. of course, there are already the high occupancy toll lanes on 495 many drivers are familiar with. using already 66 outside the beltway and inside the beltway. more toll lanes flagged. also you will see vdot crews doing environmental assess thomas put in more on this area and south end of the 95 corridor. in stafford county two-mile extension past garrisonville. ending the southern terminus in that part of the county. frankly, many drivers are critical of the express lanes
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wealthy who afford to use them and call them a trickle down solution to road congestion. some are skeptical they solve problems. the virginia secretary of transportation say the hot lanes are helping and even in the regular lanes he says the travel times have improved. >> we have seen on 79 it 5. a 20% -- on 95% a 20% improvement by people opt to go in express lanes. we believe that is the best way. we have scarce resources. so therefore we think it's the best way to manage traffic. and leverage our state investment with the hot lanes network. mike: coming up at 6:00, new details on virginia's effort to get federal funds to extend these express lanes on 95. even further south. mike carter-conneen, abc7 news. michelle: coming up at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- pushing for equal pay. the step some member of the u.s. women national soccer team taking to raise the bottom line.
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doug: welcome back to "abc7 news at 4:00". cloudy skies. breaks trying to develop in the cloud cover of bethesda, where temperatures are in the lower 70's. most areas in the lower 70's now. farther south at 75 in fredericksburg. most of this warming has occurred without much sunshine
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southwesterly winds developing along a couple lines of showers and storms and we have to deal with both lines in the next 24 hours. we think we will see isolated shower or two this everything. if you go out, take an umbrella. we get to the overnight hours to the sunrise and the morning we have a chance, the heavier showers, maybe isolated thunderstorms. we will get through the afternoon and final line of the showers will move through. the cold front will pass the area and clear out briefly. saturday morning a new batch of showers to come up with the cold front south and east of washington. all this energy 36 hours argue over north texas, arkansas, tornado. severe weather. abc7's devon lucie looks at the tulsa tornadoes. >> on the ground right there. this video taken near tulsa international
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>> the tornado blasted through the owasso area. one home destroyed and several other homes were damaged. in wake, the storm left seven people injured. chaos on the roadways as the sun was setting. family lucky to be alive after the tornado snapped a tree in two and landed on the vehicle. thousands rushing to find safety. >> the bricks were flying all the way through my backyard. time to go. >> the builder was astonished at the damage the storm caused. >> high was 38 feet. now six-foot pile of rubble. it's disturbing. >> today utility teams work to restore the power to thousands. doug: check out our seven da
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afternoon. the showers south and east of saturday morning, breezy, cooler. 40's to near 50's on sunday. milder if we can hang around to middle of next week. hang with us. "abc7 news at 4:00" returns after this.
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row.
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only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can.
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jonathan: spring is in the air. cherry blossoms. love is in the air. you find the perfect person and you only want to spend the rest of your life with them. michelle: plenty of people are willing to spend whatever it takes to get the wedding of their dream. fairly tale. jonathan: insane amounts. specifically one case. we have an invitation to what the russian media calls the most expensive wedding in the world. >> it's hard to ignore the irony. the woman who once sang "love don't cost a thing" performing at what they are calling billion-dollar wedding. an air to oil fortune got married to 20-year-old bride in russia. nobody knows the total cost but the bride said i do in $25,000 gown weighing in at whopping 25 pounds. the reported 600 guests entered the elaborate affair through a walkway t
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have rivaled cinderella's castle. i was carpeted in flowers. the entertainment with aforementioned j.lo -- ♪ every breath you take >> sting sang classic "every breath you take." and the night ended with a bang as the weddinggoers enjoyed the fireworks. it's not over yet. the cup is rumored to be headed to london soon. to have another ceremony. dan harris, abc7 news new york. michelle: tom to d.c. spend the money. jonathan: 20 years old and billion dollar wedding. hope it lasts forever. coming up for us at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- leveling the playing field. what some member of the u.s. women national team says has to happen in the game of soccer.
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six-figure work at a number of local schools is being taken to court. up next i will tell you what it's accused of doing.
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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jonathan: a big moment today for u.s. women's soccer. five of the top players have now file ald federal complaint claiming that there is a huge pay disparity between the men's and the women's teams. in the complaint the u.s. women players claim when their salary is broken down with potential game bonuses, they make $3,00 to $5,000 a game. men make $10,000 a game. hear about that coming up at 5:00. >> montgomery county taking a tough look at the sin themmic fields over lawsuit filed how they are made. kevin lewis is life in bethesda. this started with a lawsuit. >> it did. the company being sued
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fields at six montgomery county schools including walter johnson high school. the lawsuits in california allege that florida-based company field turf usa knowingly sold them defective fields. adding insult to injury, the field fiber began to split and they ignored their warranty. parent coalition of the montgomery county appeared to show fiber shedding on the walter johnson field. but inlike the california schools they have had no problems with their inthettic turf of installed by the same company, field turf usa. >> kids playing football on the fields. in the course of doing so they might fall down.
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are full of fibers if they would have fall on a freshly nowed lawn. but -- mowed lawn. but in the case of the synthetic turf it does not grow back. so far no comment from field turf usa. live in bethesda, i'm kevin lewis, abc7 news. michelle: thanks. high school baseball season underway. jonathan: it is. scott abraham joining us now. a day on the diamond, this puts it in perspective. has a different meaning for one local team. >> you remember "angels in the outfield"? this takes it a different level. it's an amazing, powerful story. six years ago jeff and laurie had the second child madison. eight weeks after birth, madison died from heart failure. since that moment, jeff has been using baseball as an emotional outlet after madison's passing. he led gaithersburg to the first ever state championship last spring. every time jeff steps on the
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>> it's a difficult question how many kids do you have? i have three kids. unfortunately one is not with us. scott: i'll tell this story and how they plan to honor madison on the diamond. emotional, power story. >> you love for someone to take that experience and translate it. it's not just a game. >> learning tool for players as well. michelle: thank you, scott. jonathan: food truck is all the rage. go to seattle for this. bakery truck. owners decided instead of being professional dog walkers they'd make cupcake and pretzel and set up a shop near local dog park and they appointed the own pup the chief tasting
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he takes everything seriously. >> it's fun. they say the best seller is a bacon cupcake. michelle: i love the name for the food truck. barkry. play on words there. jonathan: the problem is anybody that watches their dogs will want to see and spend time there. that is what they want. my dog would eat a bunch of stuff, especially bacon. michelle: if you want to walk the dog, do it early. rain will come to a certain area. >> this evening it will be light. doug: in the next three days we are round out april. highs near
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we will turn breezy and cooler. south and east. 63. chilly, cold. the nats have a preseason game. it's part of the grate fruit league. nats park at 6:05. the rain chances will have passed us by. early sunday morning we have a cherry blossom ten-miler in the district. it will be cold. no way to put it. race time it's 40 degrees and it will feel colder. next seven days, 80 degree temperatures. chilly on sunday. chilly on monday. a warmup will begin next week. >> we ares
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d.c. many closures are in place because of the summit. as i move to the waze map, show the red around the convention center. move to the map. there are delays to largo because of an earlier malfunction. in the teens heading outbound at 395, we are seeing the delays as well on the northwest corner. on the inner loop. that is a look at traffic. back to you. michelle: ahead at 4:00 -- we enlist the gladiator to verify
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jonathan: that and what else
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>> the gloves of coming out. michelle: and kidd o'shea has details. >> who is ready for drama on abc. time for the "scandal" scoop. the big debate we have been waiting for takes place and anything can happen. what will be said after so many secrets have been released? relationships tested. >> we really care for each other and say that we t
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we should focus for working for the country. we remain close friends and wish for best. >> i don't want to fake it anymore either but there is no version of us breaking up that looks good for me unless you are willing to say i left you because you're an impotent alcoholic who hates kids and dog and god. are you willing to say that? kidd: good stuff! what happens next? you have to watch to find out. this is the line-up -- grab a bottle of wine and enjoy. i'm "good morning washington"'s kidd o'shea. that is the "scandal" scoop. leon: breaking tonight. shots fired at a virginia bus station. rapidly developing story tonight. plus -- >> drunk drivers are domestic terrorists. leon: ratcheting up the pressure in annapolis
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fight to get drunk drivers off the road. how a community is getting around the traffic nightmare. >> another attack at a metro station. this time a newspaper vendor accused of stabbing a man and taking off. >> from abc7 news this is a breaking news alert. leon: that breaking news coming out of richmond this evening. where within the hour we learn a state trooper there was shot and severely injured with life threatening injuries we understand. we understand several other people are wound and the suspect is dead. alison: your jennifer donelan is watching this closely from the live desk. they had a news conference that wrapped up. you just got off the phone with the sources. jennifer: 2:45. the shooting breaks out. we understand from the sources and the state police confirming much of this. there is
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going on at the greyhound bus station. state police training exercise. also begins, you know, we were trying to understand why the state police were handling this when they have the city of the richmond police. that is because they were there and this was their training operation. they were in the midst of the practical application of training. this is where you go to make contact with people. try to identify if they are armed or have drugs on them. the trooper approached the individual to see if the person had a gun. the person did indeed have a gun and pulled it out and fired at the trooper. the trooper getting hit directly in the chest. if you were watching at 4:00, sources were confirming that the trooper died. virginia state police holding a press conference and they were not saying that the officer died. they said he has been taken to the hospital with the life threatening injuries. that is


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