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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 31, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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and now abc's "jimmy kimmel live." >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- bill murray -- from "the jungle book," neel sethi -- "this week in unnecessary censorship" -- and music from twenty88 with cleto and the cletones. and now, thank you for your patience, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. glad you're with us. we're excited. this is an exciting night. the beautiful and brilliant bill murray is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we're very lucky to have him here. bill as legend has it, bill murray is harder to find than a woman in l.a. who's not wearing yoga pants at trader joe's. bill's here to promote "the jungle book," as is the kid who plays mowgli, he's 12 years old, neel sethi is here with us. and music from twenty88 consisting of big sean and janay ike co. it's april fools' day moments from now. i have a fun tradition.
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parents. i have them served with papers. i take legal action against them. this year i'll be suing them for child support. i'm their child and i'd like more support, it's simple. hey, this is something you're going to be hearing a lot about the next several days. a bombshell revelation made just a couple of hours ago that could make you question everything you know about the state of american politics. >> nine months ago, i announced my candidacy for president. the journey has been an unbelievably interesting one and fascinating. but it's also been a real wakeup call. our country is totally divided. there's so much hatred. so that's what i made my campaign about! i said the craziest things i could think of. >> he referred to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small. i gair tee you there's no problem. i guarantee you. things you never heard a candidate say. >> i love the poorly educated.
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and i can say it with certainty. i had no idea it would go this far. no matter how insane i got, millions of you showed up to support me. me! the guy who hosted "the apprentice." and sold steaks. but enough is enough. it has to be stopped. it has to be stopped now. april fools, america! i'm not really running for president. it was a joke. you're so stupid, it's mind boggling. it really is. now go vote for my friend hillary clinton and make america great again. i can't believe you bought these crappy hats. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, of course donald trump is still very much running for president. he met with the republican national committee today. i wish i could have been a part
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like dr. frankenstein meeting with his monster. trump is busy preparing for what looks like might be a losing battle in wisconsin. the wisconsin primary is on tuesday. and in the most recent polls trump trails ted cruz by 10 points. try saying that ten times fast. they say one of the reasons trump might be struggling there is because he doesn't exactly exude humble midwestern charm. they have a term called wisconsin nice. which is people in wisconsin in general are nice. but the truth is while donald does have a tendency to be insulting and occasionally rude, under the surface he really is very nice. just listen to him. >> the pope is being told donald trump is not a nice person. okay? donald trump is a very nice perpendicular. number one, i am a nice person. i think i'm a nice person. i'm a nice person. i think i'm a nice person. i am a very nice person. i think i'm actually a very nice person. i'm a nice person. i think i'm a really nice person, actually. i'm a nice person. i am a nice person. i'm a nice person. i'm going
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going to be very nice. i want to be nice. i've been nice. i was nice. do me a favor, i'm trying to be nice. i'm trying to be nice. i'm going to be nice today. i've been so nice, i've been so nice. >> jimmy: he has been. a sweetheart what is he is. this race for president has been the kresest and nastiest probably ever, i don't know. i hear people say or see people write all the time, how am i supposed to explain this behavior to my kids? now you don't have to. now you can have your kids explain it to each other with this new line of dolls from american girl. >> play time can be learning time. introducing the american girl and boy doll presidential collection. collect them all. hillary. >> i'm with her! >> ted. >> i'm a tireless fighter for liberty! >> donald. >> we're going to make america great again! >> and bernie. >> free college for all of you! >> ya i am! >> how exactly do you plan on paying for that, you socialist? >> oh,
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ted, you're a loser. bernie, you're a loser too. >> donald, you're a bully and you have tiny hands. >> i'm a doll. we all have tiny hands. >> can we please just focus on the real issues? >> you mean like how wall street owns you? >> i am going to build the greatest wall. it will be the most beautiful wall ever built and you're going to pay for it. >> no bueno! >> your doll won't like g.i. joe. >> what this. >> my doll doesn't belong in prison. >> your doll's a communist! >> your doll's a sexist racist! >> my doll hates your doll! >> your doll is a loser. >> the american girl and boy doll presidential collection. donald doll campaign manager not included. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: even baby bernie sanders. all this fighting, this is the job everybody wants so badly.
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president obama yesterday commuted the sentences of 61 federal prisoners, most of whom were low-level drug offenders. then he had lunch with a bunch of them. obama ate lunch with seven former inmates. usually former inmates have to be on the team that won the super bowl to get invited to the white house for lunch. [ laughter ] but the president, he's clearly in that kind of senioritis phase of his time in the white house. he's like, screw it, i'm going to lunch with prisoners today. maybe they'll score me some weed, who knows. [ laughter ] this is great, here in california whoopi goldberg is launching a line of medical marijuana products for women. the company is called whoopi and maya. her partner, i think her partner is the late maya angelou? >> guillermo: i think. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. starting next month the company will sell a line of items that includes medical cannabis bath soap, sipping chocolate, body baum, all sorts of luxurious ways to get pot into your brain. the idea is i guess
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pain. she could make a lot of money from it. california produced $2.7 billion in medical marijuana sales louisiana ye last year, it's our biggest cash crop, not including the kardashians. whpi said she wants to go nice and slow with the new venture, which i'm sure all the marijuana will help with that. maybe this is why whoopi was the only 1 who could see patrick swayze in "ghost," she was high the whole time. i don't know if this is at all pot related. but it comes to us from the town of reading in england where a guy watching a local boxing match put his canty -- look at what he did with it. >> now you see him, now you don't. >> jimmy: why is that one of the best things i've ever seen? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy:
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bit evander holyfield's ear off, he thought he was a milk dud. it's thursday night which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> what republican candidates have now stooped to is to start [ bleep ]ing each other's wives. >> a bird landed on bernie sanders' [ bleep ] at a rally and the crowd loved it. they went wild. >> his mother called him wild thing. and max said i'll [ bleep ] you up. >> don't say that to your mom. >> nobody [ bleep ]s women more than i do. >> the moment he said it, the trump campaign realized it would need a crowbar to get the candidate's [ bleep ] out of his mouth this time. >> i'll go take a [ bleep ] now. >> i'm a good old western boy. i like the classics. like a hot black [ bleep ]. >> from time to time we like to celebrate the little things. >> today
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[ bleep ] day. >> because new yorkers took a [ bleep ] on me. and i will never forget that. >> i probably maybe shouldn't do this. but what the [ bleep ]. i'm in my last year. >> hey! [ bleep ] this guy anyway. >> you can't [ bleep ] my dad. >> oh! i'm sorry, i didn't mean -- >> no! you literally can't [ bleep ] my dad! he's [ bleep ]less. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we have to take a break. when we come back, guillermo and with a doctor from the mayo clinic are going to learn how to properly wash our hands. stij around or you might actually die. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can... right now, switch to at&t for an iphone and
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wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess with the mostest okay, shut her down. turn it off. right now, buy an iphone and get another one free when you add a second line. greasy, fast food. treats your body... you'd have to walk everywhere. so instead treat your body to all-white meat chicken raised without antibiotics. with the new rotisserie-style chicken sandwich. subway. fresh is what we do. ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back. music tonight from twenty88. neel sethi and bill murray on the way. first there's been illness going around l.a. the last few weeks. colds, coughs. did you get sick? >> guillermo: yes. >> jimmy: that's right, what did you have? >> guillermo: the flu. >> jimmy: he had the flu. is anyone in our audience sick right now? okay, good, thank you for coming. anyway, i shake a lot of hands which means i come into contact with a lot of germs. it got me thinking about hand washing. washing your hands is important but it's not really something you learn. your mom tells you to wash your hands and you just do it for the rest of your life. i wanted to make sure i was doing it right. we got in touch with a doctor at the mayo clinic in minnesota, dr. poland, a specialist in infectious disease. he flew all the way to l.a. just to teach us how to wash our hands.
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>> this is dr. poland. you came all the way from mayo clinic. >> rochester, minnesota. >> jimmy: ridiculous. >> it is. >> jimmy: to tell us how to wash our hands. >> almost nobody knows how to do it. >> jimmy: that's what i was thinking. i want to learn and you want to learn? >> guillermo: i want to learn. >> jimmy: he wants to learn. let's learn. >> let's do it. >> jimmy: thank you for coming. did you wash your hands? >> we're just trading bacteria. >> jimmy: great, we're off to a terrible start. >> we're going to put stuff on the palm of your hand that mimics what it would be like to have bacteria on your hand. >> jimmy: okay. >> just want you to rub that all over your hands. i'm going to do the same thing. and the reason to do this is that if you wash your hands properly, you can prevent about two colds every year and about one or two episodes of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea kind of illness. >> guillermo: i only get diarrhea when i drink milk. >> jimmy:
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milk. >> you're lactose intolerant. >> jimmy: i didn't know that about you. >> guillermo: yeah. >> what we're going to do now is we're going to turn the lights off and show how this actually is on our hands. >> jimmy: ew! >> guillermo: wow. >> if bugs could glow this is what it would look like. our hands are literally covered with this stuff. >> jimmy: disgusting. >> then it's a real easy thing to remember. wlsrd. wet, lather, scrub, rinse, and dry. >> jimmy: that's not that easy. >> it's too much, isn't it? >> jimmy: wet the hands first. does it have to be hot? >> no. >> jimmy: it doesn't? >> no. >> guillermo: i do the opposite. >> jimmy: no. >> most people do. here's what we're going to do. get our hands wet. go ahead and put soap on here. hand soap. guillermo, just five seconds for you. then rinse it off
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>> guillermo: okay. >> 10 for you, jimmy. dry your hands and then turn it off. >> jimmy: dry your hands, then turn it off like that. >> what we're going to do is put that black light on again and see whether we've actually effectively washed our hands. >> jimmy: okay. >> you did yours for about five to seven seconds which is what most people do. look how dirty your hands still are. >> jimmy: you're so dirty. >> we barely removed any. all right? you did yours 10 to 12 seconds. much better. >> jimmy: see how much better mine are? how clean i am? >> flip your hans over. look at the thumbs. >> jimmy: the thumbs are hard to wash. >> let's put the lights back on and we'll show you how to actually wash your hands. >> guillermo: what about if we are at the mall? like shopping? >> jimmy: what if he's at the mall chopping? >> guillermo: with my son. >> jimmy: shouldn't go. >> don't go to the mall. your son should be doing his homework.
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>> guillermo: we shouldn't wash the hands? >> no, you should, and let me show you how we're going to do it. >> guillermo: okay. >> we flip the water on. get enough soap. >> jimmy: a good amount of soap. >> lather up and here's what we're going to do. we start at the end. we move our way forward. now we do this. between our fingers. >> see that, guillermguillermo? like you're praying, god don't give me a cold. >> we've done it 20, 30 seconds which is how long you need. then rinse. just as you're doing. >> jimmy: rinse from the testicles to the tip of the finger? >> the whole kit and caboodle. and we just shake the water off. we grab our paper towel. >> jimmy: like this? >> there you go. >> jimmy: shaking? >> then we dry our hands. >> jimmy: all right. >> wetlands increase the risk that we're going to transmit bacteria. so we're going to do -- >> jimmy: really? we have to dry -- >> turn it off with the actual. if we were going out of the bathroom, open the door with the towel and drop it there.
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there, you drop it. >> jimmy: on the floor? >> it only takes a couple of days before the janitor gets it. >> jimmy: littering is a no-no. >> we did a proper wash. let's see what our hands look like. >> jimmy: okay. you're little mr. filthy. let's see. >> there's still some around the fingers. and really without a scrub brush you really can't get that. what we're trying to do is reduce that bacterial or viral burden. >> jimmy: we're trying to reduce the bacterial or viral burden. >> guillermo: okay. >> let's see your hands now. look, that's a good wash, a very good wash. >> jimmy: thank you, doctor. >> yeah, and same with mine. >> jimmy: does it make sense to wash your hands before you urinate? so you don't transfer the germs? >> i think that's not a bad idea. >> jimmy: wash beforehand and then should you wash your penis in the pink? >> no, no. >> jimmy: you don't have to do that? does money of that germs on it? >> money's very
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>> it even has traces of cocaine on it. >> jimmy: it does? cocaine gives guillermo diarrhea. >> guillermo: no milk. >> jimmy: that's milk i'm thinking of. now what do we do? get the paper towels? >> guillermo: paper towel to open the door. >> we don't want to touch any handles in the bathroom, they're all contaminated. >> jimmy: no handles. >> guillermo: nothing, nothing. all right. >> jimmy: let's get a glass of milk. >> guillermo: no. i don't want to get diarrhea. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show we have music from twenty88, big sean and janay eico. from "the jungle book," neel sethi and bill murray are next, be right back! >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by nest. learn how to see your home away from home with nest cam at
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first they're sour. then they're sweet. for me? (pointing) yeahhh! sour patch kids. sour. sweet. gone.
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he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. but when the day comes when he forgets who i am, i'll still know who he is. the first time we said i love you we didn't use words. we simply held each other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message.
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. tonight, from the new movie "the jungle book," neel sethi is here. he plays mowgli. in the movie. then, big sean and jhene aiko have teamed up. to form a duo called twenty88. this is their album, which is avai
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it is called "twenty88," and tonight from the samsung stage. our first guest tonight -- my hands are so unbelievably clean right now. i've been washing them. are yours? he told us to wash them 10 or 12 times a day. >> guillermo: 12 times. >> jimmy: have you been doing it? >> guillermo: only 10. >> jimmy: that's guillermo, he gives 84% no matter what. our first guest tonight is the greatest. that's that. and that's that. he is a positive life force in every way who gives voice to baloo the bear in a new take on the classic "the jungle book." it opens in theaters april 15th. please welcome bill murray. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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pants you've got there. [ cheers and applause ] it as great-looking pair of pants. are those your own? were those here somewhere? >> they were given to me by one of my sons who thought they were too loud for him. >> jimmy: he was wearing them? >> i mean, they look better -- they didn't fit him, let's face it. >> jimmy: which of your sons gave you the pants? >> cooper. >> jimmy: cooper, okay. your son luke was -- is one of the assistant coaches at xavier. >> right. >> jimmy: did you know that you were on camera a lot during that game, the ncaa game? >> i knew i was on sometimes. i didn't watch the show on tv, i was there. so i didn't know. >> jimmy: do you know that they captured your sad face because they lost to wisconsin. >> yeah, the good guys lost. and i was rooting for the good guys. >> jimmy: yeah. >> they have my face going sort of like -- something like that. something like that. >> jimmy: did you know also someone at wisconsin put that
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them for $14.99? >> well. i mean -- i love wisconsin. >> jimmy: you don't get a cut of that? >> they've given us all the dairy products anyone could ever want. >> jimmy: that's true. >> they deserve a t-shirt. >> jimmy: that's so true. where do you stand on hand washing? are you a frequent washer of hands? >> i like to wash my hands as i enter a restroom. i'm old fashioned like that. >> jimmy: not as you exit? >> i think it's more important to wash on your way in. [ laughter ] i mean, really, all i'm touching is myself, you know? i feel pretty good about myself. [ laughter ] not as good about some of the surfaces i run into. >> jimmy: like this one, for instance. ted cruz was here last night. >> yeah, you know. carry your suitcase, whatever. >> jimmy: is it accurate to say that you do basically what you want to do for the most part? you go where you want to go? you kind of go with the flow? >> i think we all do that. we all pretty much do what we
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isn't that right? i just don't think anyone feels they're doing it or is enjoying it as they do it. we're miserable because we choose to be know what i mean? you don't have to be any particular way. but i've been lucky. i had a lot of people -- i work with a lot of very talented people that made me comfortable. made me look good. made me afford to take a day off. so i've been fortunate in that regard. but i always was -- there are people in front of me that were smart and i watched them. someone like gilda. gilda was great, gilda radner. [ cheers and applause ] >> i don't do this enough, people don't do that when you're sitting around the dinner table. you don't say, i'm doing jimmy kimmel. oh! great! they don't do that. anyway, she was with someone who had incredible confidence whenever she walked into any job interview because she grew up with money. you know? and so it just cam
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she didn't care whether she got the job or not. and it would dazzle people. they'd go, we must have you, we must possess you. >> jimmy: really? >> not that i could act rich but i acted like it was not going to be a big thing and people will give you a job. it's like that, you have to be confident when you walk in. >> jimmy: did you feel like not being tied down to a five day a week work schedule is a great thing? because i envy your lifestyle. i love the idea that you can just go play golf for the week. >> i had a five day a week job at one point in my life. couple of times. and i was let go. from those positions. you know? i was, you know -- people like me but like me somewhere else. >> jimmy: i see. >> want to see me somewhere else. it didn't suit me so much. when i started acting and i realized, god, you can sleep -- i was in the theater. you can sleep until 4:00 and still make it to the job on time. you know? i thought, i've found it. i've found it now. >> jimmy: yeah people forget about that part of it.
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freedom is unbelievable. >> it's nice to -- well, your, if you can make your job suit your ideals, sort of the way you like to live your life, that's great. that's really ideal. >> jimmy: did you know you're in oprah magazine this month? there you are. >> i'm probably in every month. [ laughter ] there's something about poetry, i haven't seen it, kidd meet a lady who was talking about it. >> jimmy: i've seen it, an interesting story. the lady said she asked you to do it, she must have left you a phone message? >> something. >> jimmy: and then she didn't hear anything for two months then you called her the day before the deadline. >> that's right. something like that. >> jimmy: then -- well, do you remember the rest of the story? how this went down? >> well, i -- well. maybe you remember better. but i think i called her up and i said, hi, i'm so-and-so. she said, oh! you know, and i said where are you? she said, i'm at 57th street. and i said, i'm on
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maybe you could come over, we could talk. she was there in like a half hour. and we did this thing in like an hour and something. >> jimmy: you gave her some of your favorite poems. you performed? you read them for her? >> i did read. i did read them, i like to read poems. oh god. anyway, i do like to do that. i read the poems. and these a really sweet lady. i'm not good on names. she was a real angel of a person. >> jimmy: her name is angel of a person, that's weird. that's actually -- >> she was there. >> jimmy: her name's not there, i don't know why. but yeah. i have to say, poetry's not something i read. then when i read these excerpts you came up with, they seemed great to me. this one in particular is great. what the mirror said. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: you found this on your own? >> yeah, someone -- i read a poem by this woman. this is lucille clifton? >> jimmy: yes, it is. >> and i didn't know lieu senow
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clifton, a black boat of the 20th century, died a short time ago. her stuff is incredible. i didn't know this until somebody had given me this book. that one's beautiful. but then when i started reading her book i was just blasted by it. it's really something. >> jimmy: would you like to read this? >> sure, sure. >> jimmy: there you go, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's called "when the mirror said" by lucille clifton. listen. you a wonder. you a city of a woman. you've got a geography of your own. listen. somebody need a map to understand you. somebody need directions to move around you. listen, woman. you not a no place, anonymous girl. mister with her hands on you, he got his hands on some damn
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>> jimmy: yeah i like that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's great. that's fantastic. >> she's a really big deal require want to say there's another fellow that i wanted to include, that asked me and i wanted to include jim harrison, one of america's great writers, who passed away. >> jimmy: just passed away. >> he has a great book of poetry if you're looking to read -- >> jimmy: did you know jim harrison? >> i knew him a little, met him through hunter thompson. he was a force, he was a buffalo. >> jimmy: i had friends who would cook for him, who would visit him regularly in arizona. and they said the experiences they had with him were just always unbelievably amazing. because he loved hunting and fishing and the outdoors and lived out in the middle of nowhere. and he loved food. just all of the things that men should like, i guess. >> yeah he just sort of cracked the egg shell of yourself. he really just said, no, you
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can be you. he would really just crack your egg shell and make you all sorts of you would come out. >> jimmy: i feel so hard boiled, i really do. >> he would make you feel runny, he would. >> jimmy: when we come back we're going to meet a young man, 12 years old. he's your costar. >> he's the star. >> jimmy: he's the star, yes. you are his costar in "the jungle book" which opens april 15th. bill murray is here! be right back with neel sethi! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ man, i'm glad aflac pays cash. aflac! isn't major medical enough? no! who's gonna' help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! like rising co-pays and deductibles... aflac! or help pay the mortgage? or child care? aflaaac! and everyday expenses?
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ah, ah, ah! >> relax, kid no need to get worked up, okay? >> where am i? >> this is a cave. it's my cave. you don't remember what happened, do you? >> no. >> i saved your life. yeah, i snatched you from the jaws of death. the coils of death, if you will. lucky for you, your new favorite hero, baloo here, just happened to be passing by. no big deal. just tell me this.
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can you climb? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: bill murray as baloo the bear in "the jungle book." your next guest is a 12-year-old, this is his first movie that opened april 15th, please welcome neel sethi! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for coming. you look very handsome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: have you worn a full suit and tie before? >> yes. i actually love wearing suits. >> you do? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you like wearing your underpants in the whole movie? >> it was surprisingly very comfortable. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is freeing after that first couple of hours, you know? then all of a sudden it's like, i'm in my underpants. how did you get the job? >> yeah, so i was just in a dance class and the teacher heard about the role and said i'd be very good for it. >> jimmy: oh,
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i never really thought about acting before. everybody thinks oh, yeah, what if i'm famous, i've got to practice my signature, stuff like that. >> jimmy: have you been practicing your signature? >> no. >> jimmy: you have not, you have to. it's like the number one most important thing. >> so someone asked me for a signature. i was like, oh god. okay. and then i tried writing my name. it was really cool. but then i like -- it was bad handwriting. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. penmanship is so crucial. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that what you want to be when you get older, an actor? >> yeah, so much fun. and, well, my mom and dad are both dentists. >> they are? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, let me see your teeth. >> i want to be a dentist too. no cavities. >> they're a little crooked in the bottom. >> yeah, i have a space extender. >> jimmy: i know, yeah, yeah. i can see that. [ laughter ] did you know who bill murray was before this movie? >> i knew his face. but
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>> jimmy: you'd seen on it the wisconsin t-shirts? [ laughter ] did you have fun together? >> oh, yes. so much fun. okay, so i'm going to tell you the whole entire story. >> jimmy: okay, yeah, all right. >> so me and john favro -- >> jimmy: the director of the film. >> who's an amazing dude? is he the best director you've worked with? [ laughter ] >> yes! he is, yeah. he's one of a kind. >> jimmy: so you and john. >> all right. so me and john go on a private jet to martha's vineyard to meet bill. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. so the whole entire way i'm like, oh my god, oh my god. then the food comes. and then -- >> jimmy: on the plane? >> yeah. then i'm just like watching tv, calming down a little bit. then we land. i forgot about that part. and so -- we landed. and so we're about -- we're going, we're going. and he landed too.
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and we were like -- >> jimmy: bill landed too? >> bill landed. and i was like, oh, i thought you lived here, or something. so it was okay. and then i saw him. like -- so we drove back to -- >> jimmy: let me get paper, hold on. >> yeah. >> jimmy: wait what time did the flight depart? [ laughter ] you need a ride? all right, i'm sorry, continue. >> wow. all right. so we met bill. we trodrove to the house. we were just hanging around. john favro smoked a brisket for over 13 hours. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> that's what i was waiting for. >> jimmy: i didn't know where you were headed with that. [ laughter ] >> right, right? >> jimmy: smoked a brisket on the plane? >> put it in an organ transplant. >> jimmy: he did? wow. >> true. >> he carried it like his baby. slowly got it -- >> jimmy: then you ate his baby? wow. >> he took it out.
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gets cold! >> jimmy: john's very serious, a very good cook. >> yes, oh my god, it was so amazing. even on the last day of set filming, he made grilled cheese. >> jimmy: how did he make the grilled cheese? what cheese? >> pepper jack, one of my favorites. >> you really is are a grown-up kid. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i don't know many kids that like pepper jack. i don't know many kids who know what pepper jack is. so have you seen the original "jungle book"? >> i actually -- when i heard about the role, i watched the movie. >> jimmy: you did. >> but then i was like, whoa. because it's different. somehow. >> jimmy: it's very different. >> than a normal movie. >> jimmy: did you see it when you were a kid when it came out in theater? >> yes. >> jimmy: i loved that movie. and the -- you know the song. you guys sing the song, a little bit of the song "bear necessities" in the movie. yes? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you remember the song? do you know it by heart? would you be
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the two of you? [ cheers and applause ] i happen to have a microphone right here. and also an oprah magazine if you need that. okay, i'll leave that right here. yeah, okay, here we go. bill murray and neel sethi. [ cheers and applause ] >> we have not rehearsed this. five, six, seven, eight. ♪ the bear necessities the simple bear necessities ♪ ♪ forget about your worries and your strife ♪ ♪ i need the bear necessities the mother nature's recipe ♪ ♪ that bring the bear necessities of life ♪ ♪ wherever i walk wherever i roam ♪
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♪ i'm fond of my new home ♪ make some honey just for me ♪ if you look under the rocks and plants and the fancy ants ♪ ♪ maybe try a few >> they're better than they look. and they tickle going down. ♪ the bear necessities of life will come to you ♪ ♪ will come to you will come to you ♪ ♪ one more time ♪ will come to you [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: neel sethi and bill murray! thank you, fellows. "jungle book" opened april 15th. we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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twenty88 is on the way. tonight, you are probably watching this show from home. we all love to be at home. but for times when we can't, the geniuses at nest cam have developed a security camera that allows you to watch over the things you love most 24/7 with live streaming you can watch right on your phone. it's so wonderful and amazing, it's almost like a fairy tale. >> guillermo: grabbing a selfie! oh-oh! i got an alert from nest cam! there's a woman in the cottage. someone has been eating my spicy hot chili! >> someone has been eating my medium-hot chili! >> someone's been eating my pizza! i don't like chili. >> someone's been sitting in my bean bag chair. >> someone's been sitting in my bean bag chair! >> someone ate my bean bag
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my bed! >> someone has been sleeping in my bed! >> someone's sleeping in my bed right now! aahhh! >> get out of bed, intruder, we see you! >> be quiet, i'm trying to sleep. >> leave right now, we'll eat your face! arggh! >> this is the worst hotel i never stayed at! you ruined my vacation! >> ew, girls. >> dicky: to learn more about nest cam or grab your own, go to >> jimmy: when we come back, music from twenty88. ♪ music plays ♪ music plays
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♪ music plays
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but jamie raskin is the only democrat for congress o's authored landmark ogressive laws -- marriage equality, equal pay for women, green maryland act, assault weapons ban, and more. raskin: i'm jamie raskin, and i approve this message. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: thanks to bill murray, neel sethi and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, their new self-titled album is available now on tidal. here with the song "selfish," twenty88!
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♪ how could you be so selfish phone off careless ♪ ♪ you ain't drinking no more of that bull ♪ ♪ i heard your taking more shots than a full clique ♪ ♪ no call no text huh ♪ ♪ that's how you feel when you stressed huh ♪ ♪ you know i'm from a tribe called questions i need them answers now like it's test time ♪ ♪ do you realize how many good girls i lost when i changed my number for you ♪ ♪ when i needed that peaceful sleep and still cuddled for you ♪ ♪ you ain't even know when times get hard i bent up the budget ♪ ♪ i kept it subtle might as well put jackets over the puddles for you ♪ ♪ you're acting irreplaceable shhh hardly ♪ ♪ i said that to the one inside how nice you are i hate that when you have ♪ ♪ your back to me morning time you grab me on the borderline ♪ ♪ i used to put want to put the work in now it feels like over time ♪ ♪ when i hit you up late night texting ♪ ♪ phone off no stressing how could you be so selfish selfish so selfish ♪ ♪ phone off
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no pics no calls no sexting ♪ ♪ how could you be so selfish selfish so selfish ♪ ♪ i can't help it i can't help it i can't help it i can't help it ♪ ♪ so so selfish ♪ ♪ why would you just play with the one who been there with you when no one would come ♪ ♪ can't believe i stayed faithful to somebody so ungrateful ♪ ♪ don't you know there's a line for my love and you be out here lying on us ♪ ♪ ain't that [ muted ] ain't that [ muted ] ♪ ♪ and you wonder why the past has changed us wonder why it ain't the same for us ♪ ♪ you keep messing it up it's all on you ♪ ♪ you just made it so hard for you ♪ ♪ late night texting phone off no stressing ♪ ♪ how could you be so selfish selfish selfish ♪ ♪ phone off texting no pics
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no calls no sexting ♪ ♪ how could you be so selfish selfish so selfish ♪ ♪ i can't help it i can't help it i can't help it i can't help it ♪ ♪ so so selfish ♪ ♪ breakdown breakdown i think it's time to break i might need to break down ♪ ♪ late night texting phone off stressing ♪ ♪ late night testing me now stressing me out ♪ ♪ out out how could you be so ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, an emotional verdict. the stunning conclusion for a former sheriff's deputy charged with murdering his young wife. his defense team arguing her death was a suicide. and the prosecution turning up new witnesses with dramatic accounts pointing to murder. >> he proceeded to say, "i shot my wife." >> the final word tonight. plus professional pranksters. these three guys will do anything for a joke. some feel these pranks cross the line. but their videos are earning the youtube stars millions of subscribers. and now they're taking their antics to the big screen. and


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