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tv   ABC7 News Weekly  ABC  April 9, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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play the hornets tomorrow at noon. kellye: playing for pride. thank you, robert. but jamie raskin is the only democrat for congress o's authored landmark ogressive laws -- marriage equality, equal pay for women,
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raskin: i'm jamie raskin, and i approve this message.
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kellye: when a
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massachusetts homeowner got a message on his phone come he saw this, video from a security camera in his house. as he watched live, the men were walking through his home, stealing belongings. they even stop to play with his dog. the homeowner called the police come who were arrived in time to catch the burglars, and they are now facing multiple charges.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row.
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on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. the sun will come out kellye: ♪ tomorrow ♪ not look tomorrow does it, but it will feel much better after the cold start. it will be cold in the morning. tuesday the temperatures drop, but after that things will be better. kellye: we will be right back.
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message.
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kellye: senator bernie sanders and hillary clinton each took home seven delegates in the wyoming caucus, while ted cruz won big in colorado. wo insurgents taking the fight to the front runners, ted cruz and bernie sanders vowing to fight all the way to the convention floor. saturdaynders late declared the winner of the iowa caucus. now claiming victory every other clinton in seven of the last eight states. sanders is closing the gap with clinton's pledge delegates, though clinton is still ahead. >> if we can win here, it opens
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victory for the white house. reporter: clinton is not sounding worried. >> i will keep going until i have all the delegates i need to be nominated. cruz is trying to outflank donald trump by sweeping up delegates wherever he finds them, the latest in colorado. >> i believe the first ballot will be the highest vote total truck receives and we will earn the majority. reporter: cruz poised to win most if not all of colorado's 37 delegates. off the campaign trail for three days come he made a surprise visit to the new york 9/11 memorial come avoidingeristically talking with reporters. he has been retooling his campaign since his loss to cruz in wisconsin. kellye
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been complaining about dirt like an atv riders on the streets for months. after named elaine's carrying a child to the hospital was surrounded, local police are saying no more. sam sweeney shows us the new initiatives to fight back. cathy lanierhief says the dirt bike gang in d.c. will and the, and her messages being echoed from law enforcement and elected officials across dcn and maryland. the goal right now is to identify the riders, confiscate their bikes, and destroy them. 400 dirt bikes and atvs have already been cannot this gated -- have already been confiscated this year alone. police chief cathy lanier released more than 200 photos of dirt like and atv riders wanted in nonviolent incidents, several foreign 10 silly -- several for
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police officers. chief lanier: we have had enough, and the riders that we can identify we will aggressively prosecute. the bikes we have seized will be destroyed. sam: they have treated out a full list of these men, which is also on her website. if you tell the police who they are, $250 could be years. with wordvering metro the federal transit administration is inspecting the entire systems tracks. the agency is calling it a safety blitz. it is focusing on 10 segments of concern, based on past problems and recent federal inspections. the inspection should run through wednesday and should not have any impact on riders. of publicnd board works has unanimously approved a contract to build the purple line. have 21ile line will stations between bethesda and do new carrollton.
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$3.5 billion of the price tag. -- why some maryland tax preparers are in trouble with the state. how it could affect thousands of returns. devon: possible record cold coming our way. the forecast coming up.
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kellye: are you ready for april 18? tax businesses are gearing up for last-minute filers, but in maryland some are under court watch. brad bell explains. d: at the first shutdown tax preparer we went to, we do not get very far. i'm brad bell come a reporter with abc 7 news. silence from the intercom. nobody wants to talk. at tax point solutions, the ceo was eager to defend his reputation. >> i know i do good business. brad: yet his business and others joining 63 tax preparers on a quarantine list for the state comptroller. these are the ones in montgomery county and prince george's county. >>
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questionable tax preparer show up in our office. brad: state comptroller peter franchot said that thousands of returns from these companies set all fraud alerts. >> this is criminal behavior. controln't have much from the clients giving information. we have to rely on their information. brad: he plans to appeal. the state comptroller says so far none of the accused tax preparers have not been able to justify a single suspicious return. if you suspect fraud, you are asked to call 1-800-md-taxes. kellye: still ahead, a five-year-old girl is losing her eyesight and running short on time. the special meeting that her family hopes w
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kellye: a special moment for a very special girl from ohio who got her wish to see pope francis . that was on her visual bucket list. she has a rare disease that is taking away her vision. when word of
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meyers waved and smiled, hoping to catch pope francis' the tension as he drives by. at first she is just happy to catch a glimpse. then this. >> we were awestruck. >> he blessed her eyes. that we pray for him and he would be praying for us. alison: it is a meeting that this five-year-old will treasure. >> there will be a time when i tell her. i dread that day. but right now we don't feel it's necessary. does not know it yet, but she is slowly going blind because of a rare genetic disease. >> because we are catholic and also because of her interest in art and big things. alison:
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lizzie wanted to meet the pope. with a visual bucket list, they flew to rome, hoping for a good article. once their story made the news, their prayers were answered. >> what pope francis has done for her, if there is a new for a miracle, it will be here. kellye: lizzie is already suffering hearing loss. her family said they went to rome hoping for amazing memories and now they say they will continue to pray for that miracle. we hope a get it. devon: could there be more of a rock star pope? kellye: i don't think so come in to lay his hands on that you do for little girl, touching. the complete opposite unfortunate is what i have to bring now, it will be brutal, possibly low records tomorrow. then we will warm up, just like with the pope gave us in the previous story. clear skies tonight, clouds at times. we are already freezing
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winchester, luraty, stanton, cumberland. feels like 27 when you take the wind into account. 15 to 25 sustained wind. the system brought in the little bit of snow earlier today, sending it out to sea. we still have the wind. completely get rid of that overnight. days, a possible start of a record cold sunday, but the rest of the day is gorgeous. then more rain. the front, clouds, showers late in the day. much closer to where you are come overnight into the morning, freeze warning in effect. bring the plants inside commit least into the garage if you do don't with them to freeze and die. 22 to 30 in the morning, feeling colder than that. the record lows, we'
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maybe at reagan national, where the record is 28. 53 in the afternoon will feel tremendous. rain overnight monday. monday, clouds, showers possible through the day. if that happens, it could hold the temperatures in the 50's. if weekly route in the southwest wind kicks in, we could be in the 60's if we have bright sunshine. i have 66, chance of rain coming in. looks beautiful tomorrow, starting subfreezing, but gorgeous sunrise. bundle up for sunday services, 53 in the afternoon. compared with today, it will be a lovely day. the next rain likeliest tuesday. the temperatures plummet through the day. 62 is that midnight high, only in the 40's in the afternoon. kellye: up
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, rfk stadium time magazine called chris van hollen "a hero to environmentalists, education groups, and gun control advocates" for his accomplishments as a young legislator.
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er in congress and key ally of president obama, protecting planned parenthood and social security... chris van hollen is the only candidate who fought the wall street banks and the nra...and won. that's why he's endorsed by the post as the "talented successor" to senator mikulski who will "deliver results." i'm chris van hollen, and i approve this message. i'm chris van hollen, fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can.
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kellye: rfk stadium could be end for a makeover, events d.c. unveiling several new concepts for the campus, but some of the ideas are raising eyebrows. tom: among the ideas
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or putting a new arena there for the wizards and capitals. a redskins fan, but does not want the team to move back to the property. >> i think there is a ton more where they could do more. tom: whether ray pro sports complex goes here or not, there would be a lot more. driving acrossou the anacostia to many new things -- an indoor track, athletic fields, a bandshell for concerts, and even a beach on the anacostia. notice there are no people in the now-polluted water, but that is the dream. >> this should be what we strive for. tom: some are concerned it's a bit too much. >> it feels a little overdeveloped. >> reach out to more established people. commissioner once more outreach to longtime residents. >>
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when it comes to the things you love, you want more.


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