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tv   ABC7 News at Noon  ABC  April 20, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. all these low prices! what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood? no. just trying to save you a whole lot of "bread." [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. my giant. >> this is a breaking news alert. on the scene of a two alarm fire in prince george's county, this one in the 5000 block of silver hilt court in suitland. jeannette reyes is live on the scene. a building is being evacuated? reporter:
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it is. the damage is pretty significant. on the outside it is pretty deceiving. the is on the terrace, backside. this is where you are seeing a lot of this fire damage. the spokesperson for montgomery county fire and rescue is here. explain why you are here. there's a funeral for a prince george's county firefighter who was killed in the line of duty. i'm covering for the prince george's county -- today. 911 received a call that there in a fire at the apartments, the 5000 block of silver hilt court. -- silver hill court. thefighters from surrounding stations arrived on the scene. they had pretty heavy smoke conditions and called for a precautionary second alarm.
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people. injuries too civilians, no injuries to firefighters. we had about 75 firefighters here from multiple jurisdictions. reporter: we appreciate it. we did talk to some residents here impacted. take a look at how they describe what was going on here less than a couple of hours ago. when i looked over my balcony, i saw my neighbor underneath. they had something smoking, so i came outside. i went back into my apartment and at that point i saw fire. a share ofre was outside. i let him know that there's a fire, please call the fire department. he told me to pull the fire alarm. i pulled the fire alarm and went back inside to grab my phone and at
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come inside our building. reporter: fortunately there are no injuries to firefighters or residents, but it's not over for the residents. about a dozen people live here, so about a dozen people are displaced because of this fire. the red cross are going to be assisting these people moving forward. the only good news at this point is that no one is injured. reporting live, i'm jeannette reyes. nchor: also happening right now, the community coming together to say their final goodbyes to a prince george's county firefighter killed on the job. the funeral will be held in just about an hour. he was shot to death friday night as he and a colleague entered a home to check on a man in temple hills. yesterday hundreds of fellow firefighters and loved ones attended a visitation. his funeral will be at 1:00 this afternoo
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bring nicole home, that is the message from the family and coworkers of fairfax county firefighter nicole mittendorff. today marks one week since her disappearance. this as we learned she called in sick before she vanished. sam? reporter: the mystery surrounding this disappearance continues to deepen. we heard from the fire chief in fairfax county earlier this morning and he said nicole actually called in sick the day before she went missing. but she did not call in the day that she did not show up for work. here in fairfax county it is protocol for firefighters and paramedics to personally speak with someone when they call in sick. at this hour, it remains unclear what nick said on the phone that day. about two hours south of here at the shenandoah national park,
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their efforts where nicole's car was found abandoned this week. units left for the shenandoah national park. right now this is being called a search, not a recovery. mittendorff's husband is a virginia state trooper, and is not assisting in the search. back here at station 32, pleading for the public's help, big or small. >> than men and women of this department and station, they live and work together on a 24 hour shift. they serve the public, putting their life and limb on the line. this is a tough situationor these men and women at this station to have one of their own, and the unknown. we are always called to help. ems ems station just left -- just left the
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someone. we are relying on others to help nicole. 7:30 tonight there will be a prayer vigil for her at station 32 in fairfax county. back to you. anchor: maryland state police have identified the two people killed in a small plane crash in maryland yesterday. authorities say a man and his friend were killed. their single engine plane went down in a field next to the bay isdge airport great the ntsb investigating this noon. still no word on what is cause the crash. to vote 2016 news. some big wins in the big apple. hillary clinton, donald trump both crushing the competitioin
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reporter: the presidential front runners celebrating crushing victories in their home state. >> thank you, everybody. thank you, new york. reporter: donald trump claiming nearly all of the gop's 95 delegates in new york, hillary clinton winning by double digits, pushing the democratic nomination nearly out of bernie sanders' reach. >> the race for the democratic nomination is in the home stretch and victory is in sight. reporter: sanders taking a day off in for the remaining confident, vowing to stay in the race. sen. sanders: next week we will be competing in pennsylvania, connecticut rhode island, maryland, and delaware. we look forward to winning a number of those states. reporter:
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he's in it for the long haul too, despite coming in third last night behind trump and kasich. cruz is now mathematically eliminated from clinching the nomination. trump tweeting about cruz today, now all he can be is a spoiler. i will beat hillary. marci gonzalez, abc 7 news. four newoking ahead to states up for grabs, including maryland. candidates are back on the campaign trail today. today gop front-runner donald trump is making his push in the free state. trump will be campa
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today and tomorrow are the final days of early voting in the free state. you can find a list of polling stations on our website, to the weather, it is cooler than yesterday. more gorgeous conditions out there. doug? doug: take a look at this, the national harbour area and the potomac river, capital wheel, blue skies. temperatures running a bit cooler than the past couple of days. monday and tuesday we had highs in the 80's. a light northeasterly winds, dew points are still low. there.y weather out we see the possibility of showers coming into the western suburbs late tomorrow night. 64 in manassas and fredericksburg. baltimore at 64 degrees.
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through the afternoon, nothing but sunshine. sundown at 7:50. warm front, actually was yesterday's cold front. moisture was scooped up ahead of a cold front. more than likely at times through the day, friday. thank you. an overturned dump truck causing a big mess on i-695 this morning. it happened in the southbound lanes just before the 11th street ridge. no word on what caused the crash. several lanes were blocked as crews worked to try to clean all that up. let's check in with jamie sullivan, who has a check of traffic. reporter: it is clear. southeast,el on the southwest freeway, it was before the 11th street bridge.
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there was gravel that spilled, so it took a while for them to open up the lanes. right after 8:00 a.m. they blocked off three of the lanes. 30 miles per hour is your average. as we get past this point, we will pick back up. no problems on 395 crossing the 14th street bridge. no problems on 50. quiet on 66 as well as the gw parkway. 95 in virginia, quiet. we are up to speed. 95 in maryland. clear heading up towards baltimore. jummy: thank you. coming up,
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arabia. it comes at a tense time between the two countries. combating the zika virus at home, a meeting to address the concern in our area.
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i don't believe that big money can buy votes -- not in our district. and i won't claim to have single handily passed just about every bill in annapolis. we can't settle for the same old politics, not when our basic rights are being threatened by trump and cruz.
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and be a passionate voice for maryland women and families. in tv and in business, i built relationships. as a woman in the house, i'll do the same to get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. jummy:
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around the nation, prosecutors expected to file criminal charges today in connection to the water crisis in flint, michigan. that announcement expected to come in the next hour or so. more than 50 lawsuits have been filed since january accusing that city of being complicit in the crisis that contaminated the water with lead and left hundreds of people sick. mitsubishi may have taken winning consumers trust back after evidence shows its employees falsified fuel mileage test data for several vehicle models. these inaccurate tests involved 157,000 of its light passenger cars. problem was discovered after nissan pointed out inconsistencies in data. mitsubishi struggled to regain customer trust after an auto defect scandal in the early 2000's. obama and defense secretary ash carter are in saudi arabia today for talks with gulf ally. saudi arabia is also under increasing pressure from the oil crisis, as well as aee
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president will meet with leaders from the gulf council cooperation countries. maryland health officials holding a zika awareness town hall in baltimore. the maryland department of health and mental hygiene said it is important that its employees and general public remain well-informed on steps to try to minimize the chance of getting the infection. another strong aftershock overnight in ecuador. the death toll at 525. find moreexpect to bodies following saturday's massive earthquake. more stephanie ramos has on the race against time to find survivors. reporter: today, markings on front doors and gates represent how many bodies were found underneath the rubble. locals risking their safety going back to their now badly damaged homes, gathering
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including photographs like this one of a little boy's birthday party. that boy in the photo is this man. staring deeply at the aftermath of ecuador's strongest earthquakes in decades, santana says his wife, one-year-old daughter, his mother and two other family members were all inside and are all dead. santana detailing how his wife was cradling his baby girl when he last saw them. tragic loss, but also stories of survival. pablo is thankful to be alive. under apulled from hotel. the death toll from saturday's quake now rising above 500. .1,ther quake measuring at 6 shaking at the coast overnight. you
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are moving. this is an aftershock. reporter: across the pacific ocean, more rescue efforts in japan following last week's twin earthquakes which left more than 100,000 people homeless. >> the death toll is likely to rise in a quit door and it may take the country years to recover. stephanie ramos, abc news, washington. such a tough situation there. and in texas they had that flooding. today, beautiful weather. ong: we do have rain coming friday. kind of getting back above average later in the weekend. as far as what will happen around here, we will start with a time lapse. out, as the sun goes up higher and higher. the sun getting very high in the sky here as we head through the middle and end of april. gorgeous,
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everywhere. temperatures in the 60's. we will head close to 70 today. low levels of grass and mold spores, and weeds were absent from this morning's count. gaithersburg. 64 in fredericksburg. somewhere around 70, 72 degrees, that's a range for this afternoon. plenty of sunshine, clear skies. a couple degrees above average for the forecast. wise, weappening rain have showers and storms developing once again in southeast texas and heading north into arkansas. yesterday's cold front crossing here. that is to the south, so that will start slowly moving tomorrow. warmer air will return
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will be the instigation of showers and possible thunderstorms across the area on friday. as wene our story today, get through the afternoon, more of the same. by early tomorrow morning, a will be mild and humidity levels will go up as we get through the afternoon and evening hours. he will start to line up ahead of this cold front. the best chances according to this model of the showers and storms will probably come in afternoon between noon and 6:00. tomorrow, 74. becoming cloudy, isolated showers west late in the day, and our seven day outlook, 60% chance of showers and thunderstorms. that is a possibility, again, especially through the afternoon hours. the weekend will not be hot, but around 70 with sunshine is good. 70's linede all the up, you get the feeling that spring has spr
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jummy: thank you. a big night for the washington capital, coming up on abc 7 news at noon. getting ready for game four against the flyers.
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jummy: tonight the washington capitals will try to do something the franchise has never done before, and that is sweep a serious. a 3-0 lead on the philadelphia flyers and have all the momentum following a 6-1 thrashing in game three.
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drivers in parts of maryland may want to keep their windows up to keep the bugs out. the state highway administration and university of maryland are launching a study to create more habitats for bees and butterflies. five of these habitats will be along the frederick county and one will be on route 33. watch out there. now we head to a 7 on your side consumer alert. ina upgrading its software those so-called chip enabled cards. the company says it will now only take 2 seconds to register. walmart will know languor -- no longer as customers to confirm the amount of the transaction, which will save 11 seconds. we are tracking some rain before the end of the week.
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s the only democrat for congress who led the fight for tougher gun laws. only raskin took on the nra to ban military-style assault weapons. raskin: i'm jamie raskin, and i approve this message.
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sunshine, 72 today. showers and thunderstorms developing on friday. as we head into the weekend, a clears out and looks great saturday and sunday. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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>> one player. 14 questions. $1 million on the line. that's what i call drama. that's what i call "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music]6 ♪ hey, everybody. i'm chris harrison. welcome to the show. you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] me too. our returning contestant is a self-proclaimed "goal digger." she's here today to win money to start a foundation to help mentor youths. from buffalo, new york, please welcome back toni benjamin. [cheers and applause] >> hello. oh, thank you. >> welcome back. >> thank you for having me. >> just so we're clear, it was "goal" with an "l". goal. >> goal. >> goal-digger. >> goal with an "l." that means there's no o


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