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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 17, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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"jimmy kimmel live." tonight kevin hart. from "unreal", constance zimmer. and music from fitz and the tantrums. and now, here's jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how very nice. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for coming. thanks for joining us on this major night of basketball.
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a special thanks to those of you with us earlier in prime time. game five of the nba finals. the warriors tonight were shorthanded. they were without draymond green who was suspended for what was the latest in a series of attacks on other player's testicles. here he is taking steven adams of the oklahoma thunder during the last series, and this was on friday night the league called this unnecessary contact with the swipe at the hand of the -- i don't know. they really know how to make it sound sexy. but two days after the game he was charged with the flagrant foul. i feel like there should be a statute of limitations, like you have to call the foul before the pain goes away. while the guy is rolling around on the ground holding himself the call must be made.
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if you get suspended in the nba, you're not allowed to be in the arena before or during the game. draymond watched the basketball game from the baseball game, the oakland a's game. what were they afraid of? i feel like we should have known this was going to happen. have people seen the draymond green signature shoe? i mean, looking back it seems to obvious. throughout the nba finals our friend, tracy morgan has been kind enough to share some of his personal favorite memories from finals past. tonight he's prepared to share again as he turns back to 1970. >> one of my best nba finals ever was when willis reed walked out of the tunnel after returning from his leg injury in
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it reminded me of my uncle jerry. he got his leg bit by pit bulls in a dog fight. i don't condone dog fighting or his behavior. it taught me a valuable lesson. you don't fight pit bulls if you happen to work in the butcher shop. the pit bulls can smell the meat and they can't control themselves after that. he had no calf muscle after he got bit, so his leg look like a pirate dude with a wooden leg. it was so funny. it was funny. he'll show it to you if you ever meet him. [ applause ] >> jimmy: quite a story. as a special bonus, we invited one of tracy's friends. and it's time for alec baldwin's nba finals memories. >> one of my best nba finals ever was when willis reed walked
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returning from his leg injury. [ intimidating trayty morgan ] i loved it because it reminded me of my uncle jerry. he got his leg bitten by pit bulls in a dog fight. that taught me a valuable lesson. you don't fight pit bulls if you happen to work in a butcher shop. you understand what i'm saying? anyway, he had no calf muscle after he got bit so his leg look like one of them old dudes, them pirate dudes, you know, with the wooden leg? it was so funny. it was funny. he'll show it to you if you ever meet up with him. >> jimmy: thank you, alec. they have so much in common. they both have an uncle jerry. this should be interesting. tomorrow night in washington d.c., hillary clinton and bernie sanders are having a meeting, a dinner at denny's -- i would love to be at that meeting. don't fall for it, bernie, it's a trap. hi
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van, tie you up, and put you in an assisted living facility. here is donald trump slowed down to half speed for comic affect. [ slow speed ] >> bernie. bernie. bernie, where are you, bernie? oh, we love bernie. bernie's okay. ♪ >> jimmy: only one here speaking like that from now on. you probably know donald trump is keen on suing people. according to usa today he's been involved in at least 3500 lawsuits so far in his life. that's a lot. most people sue or get sued once, maybe three times in their lives. by the way, when i'm vice president, i will propose a lifetime cap. you'll get five lawsuits and that's it, so choose wisely. [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: you know? but until that time we have to deal with wealthy people filing as many suits as they want. that's bad news for the legal system but good news for lawyers on both sides. >> have you or someone you love been sued by donald trump? call greenberg and greenberg today. we've successfully defended literally thousands of donald trump suits like this. >> i switched over to dancing with the stars. donald trump sued me for $400,000. >> my kids bought me this trump tie for father's day. i never wore it. trump sued me for 2 million. >> i retweeted this picture of donald trump's hair. he sued me for $500,000. >> i'm mexican. donald trump sued me for $8 million. >> when donald trump sues, we're there for you. call today.
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>> jimmy: i'm glad that went your way, guillermo. this is the biggest week for major sports titles of the year. last night the stanley cup was won by the penguins. a lot of hockey fans. it's interesting to see how many people outside of pittsburgh and san jose are paying attention to hockey. the kings were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs which was like two months ago. the series goes on forever. we decided to have fun with that. we asked people who claim to be l.a. kings fans if they were excited that the kings won the stanley cup, which, of course they didn't. that didn't stop the fans from celebrating anyway in tonight's stanley cup finals edition of lie witness news. >> we're out talking about the people about the exciting victories by the kings taking home the stanley cup again. who's excited? >> excited?
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i think i'm very excited. i'm sure the rest of my family is. we're a huge stanley -- we're a huge hockey fans. >> did you watch the game together last night? >> we couldn't, but we listened to it on the radio. >> what were you doing? you're listening and hearing it. you're getting excited. what's going on? >> it's kind of hard to describe because there's so many things going on at the same time. but what i can tell you from one word is just pandemonium. >> when the victory happened last night people were out in the streets, victory celebrations exploded. >> it was crazy out here. i went down to b dubs. i seen a lot of it. >> my favorite player is john than click.
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>> congratulations to the kings. >> i can't wait to touch the stanley cup that you won. >> go kings, 2016 stanley cup victors. >> you're a big fan? >> season tickets. >> the victory by the kings last night, did you catch any of the game? >> they didn't play. >> you're smarter than all the other people out here today. [ applause ] >> we'll break him eventually. don't worry. >> jimmy: are you familiar with kidz bop? you know what that is? that album. you're clapping for that? anyway, well, we put together a new kidz bop album with help from some famous hip hop artists like this. >> he's my song today was a good day kidz bop style. ♪ it runs so deep, so deep when we come back the music of
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hip hop artists as sung by children and my exclusive chat with baby steph curry and baby lebron james. stick around. we'll be right back. this is brian. every day, brian drives carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. illuminates skin with pearl optics science. your concert style might show your age, your skin never will. with olay you age less, so you're ageless.
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innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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♪ ♪ (whistle) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now go left, left, left, left. ♪ ♪ run to old navy for activewear from $5.00 and up to 50% off the entire store.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from fitz and the tantrums. from "unreal" constance zimmer is here. first tech news. apple unveiled a few things today. apple called developers to remind everyone that they still make a watch. they showed off a new operating system for the iphone and ipad. they showed off some improvements for apple tv and new upgrades for siri. now siri will be available on your computer and i think on your watch. apple
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focussed on getting us to talk to our phones and computers. watches. and they don't realize the reason we use these things in the first place is because we don't want to talk to anybody. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i want a phone that keeps quiet and doesn't even turn on. tonight was game five of the nba finals. because i am fortunate enough to host a television show, i had to chance to sit down with two young superstars from each team. it was interesting to get inside their head. this is part two of my exclusive two-part interview with steph curry and lebron james. ♪ >> do you think the cavaliers are more motivated than your team seeing as how you beat them last finals? uh-huh. your team is healthy this year, how do you feel about this? lebron, are you pooping? lebron is pooping.
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>> this is steph's pregame ritual. he passes the ball to one of his teammates over and over again. it's unorthodox, but obviously, it works. just speak right into that, yeah, right. yeah. just -- yeah. >> steph, some have called you the jiggliest player in the nba right now. do you think that's true? huh? yes? are you going to eat this microphone? right. you know, on the court it seems lebron is much bigger than steph, but when you're holding them, steph is quite a bit heavier. no offense. >> jimmy: so while we're on the subject of kids, i have a baby daughter.
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looking for things we might have in common. music is one of them. and don't get me wrong. i love the song the wheels on the bus but after the 40 th time in a row, i'm anxious for some variety. so i took matters into my own hands and teamed up with ice cube and friends to produce this great new album of kid friendly hip hop songs we can all enjoy. >> what up [ bleep ]. it's your boy ice cube. i've been seeing kidz bop for years. it got me to thinking, why can't we do it with hip hop? i got some of my hardest, and we took out all the [ bleep ] so they can finally enjoy my songs. here's "today was a good day". kidz bop style, bitch.
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♪ i didn't have to have a school day. i got to say today was a snow day ♪ >> what? it's lil' john. if you thought these kids couldn't get low, then you were wrong [ bleep ]er. ♪ on the playground, with the ball ♪ ♪ let's all play tether ball ♪ smack smack smack smack that ball ♪ >> what's up? if you heard my song paranoid, you'll love it even more without the naughty language. ♪ i see all the bubbles in the tub. got to hide from my mother ♪ ♪ i think my mommy's trying to scrub me up ♪ ♪ baby, i'm a dirty boy >> these [ bleep ] got flow and dance moves. that's why i had to get them to do t c
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problems. ♪ that's my trucking problem ♪ if you find some dirt and rocks, that's the problem ♪ ♪ maybe can i solve it >> this is big shawn. i always thought kids needed their own version of i don't [ bleep ] with you. and now t and now they have one. ♪ i can't tie my shoes ♪ there's things i would rather learn to do ♪ ♪ no, i can't tie my shoe ♪ i can't tie 'em, i can't tie 'em, nope ♪ >> prove what i always said. you can do the heat without all the cusses, which is why i also head them cover our nwa classic, [ bleep ] the police. >> hug the police, come on, plug the police ♪ ♪ let's give them a hug
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>> all the for the low price of mother hugging $19.99. call today mother hugger. >> jimmy: thanks to all of them. tonight on the show music from fitz and the tantrums. from "unreal" constance zimmer is here, and we'll be right back with kevin hart. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ the new ford escape. life is a sport. we are the utility. be unstoppable. hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can... right now, switch to at&t for an iphone and get one free. wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess
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okay, shut her down. turn it off. right now, buy an iphone and get another one free when you add a second line. z212lz zi0z y212ly yi0y
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z212mz zi0z y212my yi0y >> jimmy: tonight from the peabody award winning show "unreal," constance zimmer is here. then a great band from right here in los angeles. this is their self-titled album. fitz and the tantrums from the samsung outdoor stage. later this week, the great oprah winfrey will bless us. mindy kaling and ben mendelsohn will be here. and we will have music from garbage and meghan trainor.
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>> jimmy: our first guest is one of the most successful shoe salesmen-turned- comedians in show business history. he has a big movie coming out just in time for sandal season. "central intelligence," co-starring dwayne johnson, opens friday. please welcome kevin hart. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you smell like leather. >> thank you. oh. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. >> it's good to be seen. you look good. >> jimmy: i know you've been traveling. have you been following the nba finals?
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>> i'm a man, yes. yes, i have. i'm very much into it right now. >> jimmy: where have you been? have you been out of the country? >> i've been everywhere. i'm what you call a renaissance man. i do it all. >> jimmy: that's what i've always said about you. what are you cheering for? >> i like greatness. you have two different scenarios, lebron james is, quote unquote, the best player in the nba. it's arguable but the truth. this guy has been there six times. i would love to see something happen within the six times but on the other hand, you have steph. steph is having an amazing season. i love that he and his team made history. a unanimous vote for mvp and now the chance to cap it off with a back to back championship. to say i witnessed history and saw it, that's -- that's a big deal. i want to see it. >> jimmy: who are you cheering for? >> i'm trying to avoid that part. >> jimmy: you run into them all the time, right? who's your all time favorite basketball player? >> michael jordan. >> jimmy: along the way you've run into michael jordan? >> a couple times.
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true story. >> jimmy: why? >> listen, i pissed him off. he had an event. mike had a charity event in las vegas. they called me. they wanted me to host the event. i get there to host the event and it's something where they're like auctioning things and -- it's a real tight crowd. >> jimmy: rich people. >> everybody's neck was really straight. so i get up there and i'm like man, loosen up, relax. have a good time. as i'm saying stuff, i lock eyes with mike. he's in the front row, and i start teasing him. i'm like man, what age do you get to where it's okay to wear your pants that high and nobody addresses it. you tell me i'm the only one that thinks mike is past the legal limit to waist? it was fun jokes. he had the little square mustache at the time. i was like what's that. it looks like a thumbprint, like you just smelled something. and
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it got to the point where nobody was laughing. he's looking straight. he's actually giving me a look like you're going to keep going? you ain't going to stop. i don't care. i'm having a good time. i was laughing. i may or may not have been drunk at the time. [ laughter ] >> i hit him with one more. nobody said nothing. it gets over and i see him. i'm like what up, mike. he shook my hand and squeezed it real hard and was like you have a good day. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. i ain't seen him since. >> jimmy: oh, no, wow. >> he still my favorite player, though. if i see him again, i'll ask him about it. like you better lose the tude. >> jimmy: it seems like when a guy has a hitler mustache, his friends should intervene. >> i'm big on telling people things that make me uncomfortable. if there's something about your appearance that makes me
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address it. mike's pants made me uncomfortable. it was like a dress pant. it wasn't a jean. it was like a slack. who wears a slack right here? >> jimmy: michael jordan. that's who. >> technically he can, if anybody can. >> jimmy: for those who don't know, you're engaged. for how long have you been engaged? [ applause ] >> sorry, ladies. it's almost over. i've been engaged for two years. about to get married. >> jimmy: you are? i was wondering about that. it seemed like you've been engaged the last 11 times i saw you. >> i have. i didn't know her yet. you got to figure it out. >> jimmy: first get engaged. >> draw it out as long as you can. >> jimmy: are you involved in the planning of the wedding? >> in the beginning i didn't want to be. i made a very strong point saying do not involve me with any of it. i just want to make you happy. i want to pay for it, but i don't want the questions.
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forth. and then i wound up getting involved, and now i'm worse than her. [ laughter ] once you in, you in. i'm like i don't know if i like those flowers. let me see another one. i don't know if i like that dressing. let me taste it. let me see that napkin. no, that doesn't feel right. let me see another one. you get in. once you really get involved, you get involved. >> jimmy: how many people are you inviting to the wedding? >> we don't want it too crazy. right now we're at 175. >> jimmy: will it end there? >> at max 200. it's all her people. none of my people. my people didn't know i was getting married until i said it on this show. i'll have to explain it in the morning. >> jimmy: so you didn't really invite your whole family? >> no. >> jimmy: why? >> i want it to be small. i don't want it something grand.
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>> jimmy: when they see you got her aunt uncle -- >> it's for her. >> jimmy: it's for her? >> yeah. you go, do that. >> jimmy: but you picked out the napkins. >> that will piss me off if i see it on the floor. it's a good napkin. i can't remember the pronunciation of the cloth. it's expensive. if i see people wipe their mouth and not appreciate it, it's really going to piss me off. i'm making eye contact. you see why i picked that, don't you? yeah. it was the best one they had. >> jimmy: who's your best man? >> my son is my best man. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how old is your son? >> he's eight. >> jimmy: that's going to be the worst bachelor party ever. >> i got nothing going on. >> jimmy: a bounce house. >> i just wanted to include my son and my daughter, because those are the closest people to me. this is a big day. i want them to remember this day, but i think it shows my level of love. you know, you guys are going to walk me down the aisle. son, you're acting as my best
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toast? >> if he wants to. it's not -- i don't have a lot of rules. i don't like -- i don't want the wedding to be too formal where you can't have a good time. i want the ceremony, top, seven minutes. nobody want to hear that all day. i hate going to people's weddings. you hear this and then the grand mom gets up. >> jimmy: is this your way of getting out of writing your vows? >> yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: kevin hart is here. his movie is called "central intelligence ." we'll be right back. >> kelly ripa is comfortable asking questions of her guests. what if the tables were turn and someone was bold enough to queery kelly herself.
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he's three ridiculous questions with kelly ripa. ♪ ♪ >> would you give up a toe if it meant that every day of your life you woke up with your hair looking the best it could possibly look? >> i'm going to say no. >> no? >> i'm going to say no. yeah. i like my [ bleep ] hair. >> not even a pinky toe? you love your pinky toe, don't you? >> i hate my pinky toe. i think it's really ugly, but i think i'd miss it if i didn't have it. >> if you had to transport a dolphin, like, a mile away, how would you do it? >> with a kiddy pool and several state boards. >> so not a truck? >> not a truck. anybody can do that.
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the kiddie cool. >> how is having a first name that rimes with smelly shaped you as a person? >> it really hurt my feelings. >> it did? >> yeah. >> here comes smelly kelly? >> when did it stop? >> i'm hoping after this airs and people realize you can't bully people. >> jimmy: yeah. it could good for the stop bullying campaign, hash tag "stop smellying". to hash tags. >> to hash tags.
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nice to meet you! today we're going to talk about the all-new 2016 chevy cruze, but here's the catch. you're only going to answer me in emojis. so, this cruze has built-in 4g lte wifi® with 24 gigs of data. wow. (message sent sfx) strong! it also comes with 24 months of siriusxm satellite radio. (message sent sfx) like, word, chevy. that's the way to go. pick the one emoji that sums up the car. a crystal ball... i can see the future. that was deep. take 25% off nike apparel, shoes and accessories for the whole family! everyone gets kohl's cash too! plus - yes2you rewards members earn double points on nike purchases! this week only! now that's the good stuff. kohl's. a farmer's market.ieve what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester,
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for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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(whispers rocket) whaaaaat? i can pour this champagne on my phone and it still work. whaaaaat? yeah look. [phone ringing] kenny, i'm 'bout to put you in the fish tank. whaaaaat? that's crazy. [electrical cracking] your phone can't do that max. here, i have another one. (all three) whaaaaaat?! the new water-resistant galaxy s7 edge.
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and uh, i don't even remember taking this one. we'll be in touch. sfx: phone rings hi, i'm just following up on the interview. dimpatient. dim and impatient. hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new snickers crisper. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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>> listen to me. stop. i need to know what is happening right now. >> okay, okay. you know what? moving too fast. bottom line, are you in or are you out? >> what are you talking about? in or out of what? >> no time for questions. just action. in or out? >> then i'm out. >> i'm sorry, jet. actually, you're already in. >> then why would you ask me? >> because i thought you would go i'm in, bob, and we would have a cool moment, but you kind of ruined the whole thing. >> that's kevin hart and dwayne johnson in "central intelligence". it opens on friday. you guys are funny together. >> he's good. >> jimmy: he's really funny. >> he's really good.
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funny he is. >> that and his teeth. he has perfect teeth. it bugs me. >> jimmy: he's supposed to be a fighter. >> you understand my frustration. all these years wrestling, nobody messed up your teeth. he's like nope. and he's always smiling. the chemistry we have is unreal. >> jimmy: did the chemistry transfer from the screen? will twain dwayne bed a your wedding? >> no. all our people are compact. he wouldn't fit in with the size. he'll throw the balance of the room off. >> jimmy: the movie comes out friday. your children have a plan to celebrate you? is there something -- >> every year my kids make a big deal over father's day and get me the same b.s. gift. i don't get excited. 6
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it will be something stupid like a sock with paint on it. i have to put it on, you did it again, no, you didn't. i wish i could say this is a stupid gift. my daughter brought me a wallet that folded eight times. i was like sweetie, i can't put this in my pocket. she's like yes, you can. no, i can't. i argue with my daughter about the use of a wallet that wasn't a wallet. i don't care. i'm just going to not wake up in the morning and wait for them to get up all excited and then do something to scare them. i'm just going to piss them off because they piss me off. unless they actually get a good gift. >> jimmy: what would be a good gift? what could anyone buy you? you probably have everything. >> i don't want you to buy something. i want you to be creative and make something that's going to last. make a nice collage and put creativity. you know why they can't? they have something called an ipad. it takes away creativity.
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they don't play with macaroni anymore. >> talk too me. >> jimmy: would you like to be my best man? you could hold up a juice box. >> dad, i died. i got to start over again. >> jimmy: it's crazy. do you let them when you go out to dinner -- >> no, we're big talking family. at dinner time, everything is shut down. we have to communicate. but they have their time where they can be on the ipad. my rule is do what you're supposed to do in school and bring home the grades you're supposed to bring home, i have no problem with you doing what you're supposed to do. i'm not too strict on it because they do what they're supposed to do. when it's time to talk and be a family, we need that family. >> jimmy: good idea. you're a good father. >> i'm actually the best. [ applause ] >> jimmy: kevin hart.
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theaters friday. we'll be right back with constance zimmer. (whistle) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now go left, left, left, left. ♪ ♪ run to old navy for activewear from $5.00 and up to 50% off the entire store.
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>> jimmy: our next guest plays the diabolical producer of a fictional reality dating show that's based on "the bachelor" which is another fictional show. it's called "unreal." it airs mondays at on lifetime, please say hello to constance zimmer. [ applause ] ♪ >> wow. >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. i'm great. >> jimmy: i know you're friendly. on the show you're one of the worst people in the world. is that fair to say? >> well, maybe. >> jimmy: your character. >> yes. but it's good. it works well. when people walk up to me and i don't want to talk to them, i can pretend i am that mean in real life. >> jimmy: that's a nice option to have. >> even though i never use it. is it fun to be mean like that in real life? >> you mean on the show? >> jimmy: on the show, yes, i should say that. >> it is. i mean, obviou
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feel like i could go and be quinn and not think at all about how much is she like me? is she funny? i can dive into it. i come up with things that come up from that weird actor place. where you become the character and she takes over. >> jimmy: interesting. we lost everyone. i mean -- >> i know. >> jimmy: speaking of taking anyway, this show is based as i mentioned, on the bachelor. how strongly do you feel like it is based on the bachelor? i watch and go this is pure lunacy that's happening? >> it is. one of the creators of our show worked on that show for over nine seasons. so for us, it's really about which of it is real and which of it is not real.
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>> jimmy: do you know which is real and not? >> no. we just choose to believe that it's all real so to the audience everything we're doing is real and has happened. we just have to commit to it. >> jimmy: do you ever run into the current producers of "the bachelor" and what's their reaction? >> they love it. i just had my daughter is in basketball right now. she's eight. so she's not really into basketball, but they were one of the parents who works in reality television came up to me and he said you realize that your show should be called "real", and i said no, it's an exaggerated version of the truth. let's be honest. we're a little bit crazy. and he said no, no, the real people are worse, so i was like, i'm sorry? >> jimmy: i want to ask you about something that you posted on instagram, and this is -- well, tell us what's happening in this photograph. this is your mom, and -- >> this is my mom. >> jimmy: and dad?
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jackson doll. >> jimmy: and this is from your childhood bedroom? >> yes. i was given this doll on my -- [ laughter ] >> on my 16 th birthday. my mother drove him up. in a limb zone limb limo. >> in a limo with my stepfather dressed as a chauffeur. >> jimmy: why? >> i was a huge michael jackson fan. my mom had this doll made. in one hand were two tickets to go see michael jaxen in concert, and the glove hand was out the window, and she made me drive around the block with this doll, and i lived in new port beach. it was incredibly uncomfortable, and also the windows were not tinted in this limo. i mean, it was all access. and then it lived in my bedroom
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for years. >> jimmy: how long? this would be in your room? you'd have the lights off and then walk in your bedroom and this would be sitting in the corner? >> it was very awkward when boyfriends came over. that's for sure. and everybody always put the hand on the crotch, because that was always -- >> jimmy: that's what michael did. what became of this figure? >> my mother kept it. and just recently sold it at a garage sale. >> jimmy: did you ever meet michael jackson? >> i did not, but i was an extra -- this is as close as i got to him. i was an extra in the pepsi commercial when his hair caught on fire. >> jimmy: yes. were you the one that did that to him? >>. >> jimmy: did you see his hair go? >> yes. yes. we were shooting a commercial and we were the fans in the audience in the commercial. he came out and the fireworks went off, and one of them got attached to his hair with all the hair product, and it just, poof.
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everybody jumped on him. i mean, tears. i thought he was dead. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> i thought that was it. i was at his funeral. it was incredible. >> jimmy: you went to the funeral and everything? did you say i'll be right back? i got a michael at my house. wow, the whole thing, the funeral and all? >> yeah. i really thought he was dead. >> jimmy: he wasn't dead. he turned out to be fine. this michael jackson, this one was dead in your room, but this one was alive. >> jimmy: what crazy object are you holding onto at your house? is there something on your mind? >> maybe. >> jimmy: something your children don't want but you have? >> yes, i tucked it away in a drawer. >> jimmy: what could it be? >> it's something that can fit in a drawer. >> jimmy: is this like a sex thing we're talking about? [ laughter ] >> god, i hope not. >> jimmy: it's the glove? >> it's the glove.
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i feel like she will appreciate it at some point. >> jimmy: congratulations on your peabody award. that's a great thing. if you love "the bachelor", this is the show for you. it's called "unreal." constance zimmer. we'll be right back with fitz and tantrums. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by samsung.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i want to thank kevin hart, constance zimmer and apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. nightline is next, but first, this is their new self-titled album here with the song "hand clap," fitz and the tantrums. ♪ somebody save your soul cause
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i know too many troubles ♪ ♪ all these lovers got you losing control you're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold ♪ ♪ i want the good life every good night you're a hard one to hold cause you don't even know ♪ ♪ i can make your hands clap said i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in this city i know too many troubles ♪ ♪ all these lovers got you losing control you're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold ♪ ♪ i want your sex and your affection when they're holdin' you close ♪ ♪ cause you don't even know i can make your hands clap said i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ every night when the stars come out am i the only living soul around need to believe you could hold me down ♪ ♪ cause i'm in need of somethin'
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good right now we could be screamin till the sun comes out ♪ ♪ and when we wake we'd be the only sound i get on my knees and say a prayer james brown ♪ ♪ that i can make your hands clap that i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ that i can make your hands clap my flesh is searchin' for your worst and best ♪ ♪ don't ever deny i'm like a stranger gimme me danger all your wrongs ♪ ♪ and your rights secrets on broadway to the freeway you're a keeper of crimes ♪ ♪ fear no conviction grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine but you don't even know ♪ ♪ i can make your hands clap said i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ every night when the stars come out am i the only living soul around ♪ ♪ need to believe
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me down 'cause i'm in need of somethin' good right now ♪ ♪ we could be screamin till the sun comes out and when we wake we'd be the only sound ♪ ♪ i get on my knees and say a prayer james brown that i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ that i can make your hands clap that i can make your hands clap ♪ ♪ that i can make your hands clap so can i get a hand clap ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, less than a week after the orlando massacre, one gay woman's reaction. she bought a gun, and shooe not alone. why a record number of gays and lesbians across america are packing protection. >> and she's the queen of daytime talk, and a big fan of ours. >> i watch "nightline" every tonight. >> reporter: she once again makes a splash as dori. ellen doing gets serious about taking a stand against bullying. >> why millions of us are finding deeper meaning on the videos on youtube. first, the night line five. >> try duo


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