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tv   World News Now  ABC  June 29, 2016 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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breaking news this morning on world news now. airport terror attack in turkey. >> dozens dead and over 100 injured at one of the world's busiest travel hubs. images of decide pbombers detonating exploes ives. team coverage ahead including how the latest tragedy is affecting airports in the u.s. >> new details on the train crash in texas. the fires burning at this hour as we learn more about why the two trains ended up on a collision course. and a burglary suspect is taken down. a crew member chases him after a helicopter lands. we'll have that story and more on this wednesday, june 29th.
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>> good morning, everyone. >> we begin with that breaking news on the terror attack at the international airport in istanbul, turkey. >> the airport is back in operation as investigators work at the scene. three attackers wearing bombs threw themselves up after opening fire. nearly 150 others were injured. turkey's prime minister says all signs point to the attack being carried out by isis. >> this might be the first look at one of the three reported explosions in what appears to be airport security video of the attack that made its way onto the internet. you see a blast followed by people running. two explosions took place at the arrival terminal. the third was outside where taxis were waiting to pick up passengers. >> the airport is one of the busiest in the world, and remarkably resumed some operations just a few hours ago. this is a live image coming right now. you can
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there in turkey. they are seven hours ahead of the east coast. a very different scene from 12 hours ago. we begin with abc adrian. >> reporter: it's the fifth major attack in turkey's largest city in the past month. gunfire and explosions rocking the istanbul airport's international terminal in what appears to be surveillance video that landed online, a fire bail on the screen as one of the attackers detonates himself. another suicide bomber ran outside. the injured being rushed to area hospitals in ambulances, vans, and taxis. >> people were shooting on one side. we all ran the other way, and then the bombs went off. and people were running the other way and there was more shooting. we came out, and after that i think there's another
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erupted at about 10:00 p.m., a busy time for one of the middle east most popular travel hubs. officials say the attackers arrived by taxi then opened fire with assault rifles. detonating suicide belts. >> a lot of people are talking. i didn't see, but i heard it. one bomb, i think in the arrival area. i think two is departure area. >> reporter: inside the arptirp confusion, people looking for cover. some holding children, others on their phones. back in march terrorists linked to isis launched deadly assaults at the brussels airport and a metro station. dozens died. we learned all three of the attackers were detected by police before entering the main part of the terminal which is good. there could have been more lives lost as a result of this terror attack. >> all right. thank you, adrian. >> aid remember, not even two
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warning american travelers of this thing. what's being said about that? >> reporter: the concern is they were seeing evidence that tourists were being targeted. certain people of different religions being targeted while they were traveling in istanbul. the justice department responding today saying that they cleared all flights not only going to istanbul but coming here from istanbul, saying there was no threat. increased security. the department of homeland security saying there would be more security at major airports in both seen and unseen ways. >> quite understandably. adrian joining us. thank you. for more, we want to turn to our consultant and former counterterrorism official for the fbi. steve gomez joining us. good morning. what we've seen from the surveillance video, the coordinated attack seems to be the hallmark of one
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>> all the hall marks of isis. these guys came in strong. they were armed with firearms. they had explosive belts they were prepared to use right away. as we saw once the shooting started, they immediately started to explode those devices. >> and, stieveve, the u.s. stat department issued a warning that sounded like they were warning against this very thing the day before. should we be optimistic they're noting red flags or pessimistic that more wasn't done? >> for americans looking to travel to turkey, such an advisory is a good warning and heads up for them knowing that there's a potential vulnerability there in istanbul. i know that there's an issue with the border going between syria and turkey and that's a big concern. the fact that there could be isis fighters that are coming into turkey that could commit this type of attack, and that's what we see today.
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your colleagues still in the counterterrorism business with the fourth of july holiday coming up a few days away, and a record number of people expected to travel over the weekend, is there a reason to be concerned at home? >> absolutely. the problem i have with this attack is that it happened before the screening area in the airport. and usually once you get up to that screening area, nobody is checking you out unless they -- some law enforcement personnel sees somebody acting suspicious. it's vulnerable. nobody has been checked. once you go through the screening everybody has been checked. the security officials have to look at that now. what do they have to do as people are coming into the airport? there are a lot of people there, a lot of taxis, cars, and so on. that's what the terrorists are looking for. >> and, steve, flights originally to istanbul from the u.s. were
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are there any precautions that need to go into effect immediately here and there, you think? >> well, the fbi and the other government agencies here in the u.s. are going to be looking at all the intelligence that was occurring prior to this attack. all the chatter, so to speak, and they'll try to determine were there signs that this attack was on the horizon and if there are other attacks that are potentially going to occur whether it's also in turkey, someplace in europe, and here in the u.s. so that's what's the analysis is going to be doing right now with regards to the threats that are out there from isis. >> all right. that's steve gomez. we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. thank you, steve. immediately after the attack, flights were stopped from the u.s. and us stan. the stop has been lifted. >> there were 10 flights from
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all of them landed safely and without incidence. many airports in u.s. beefed up security immediately after. officers with tactical weapons have been deployed after the nation's busiest hubs. particularly here in new york. we'll continue to track the latest from istanbul throughout the morning. three crew members are missing after a head on train collision in the texas panhandle. the freight trains were on the same track each with a conductor and engineer on board. one crew member jumped and was injured. the fire is burning and the other three workers haven't been found. the speed limit for the trains is 70 miles per hour. a wildfire in phoenix has forced evacuations and closed part of an intertaet. it's burned about 1,000 acres. the winds caused the fire to shift directions. investigators are looking into the cause of the blaze which might have been sparked by
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decide whether recking a rational pot should be legal in the state. state officials said there were more than enough ballot significants. it's backed by a well funded group headed by shawn parker. opponents include the republican party, the teamsters union and groups representing police chiefs and hospitals. in the wake of the orlando massacr massacre. the fda does not permit men who have had actual contact with another men to give blood. the orlando blood center put out a call for donations after the massacre but had to turn away many volunteers because of the rule. >> two popes appearing together at a ceremony parking 65 years since one was ordained as a
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priest. >> benedict thanked francis for letting him live out his years where he felt protected. >> he's looking pretty good. >> do you think it was awkward they were wearing the same outfit? >> yeah. that is awkward. they both look good. >> coming up, the fascination behind corgi con. >> first, how t. >> tony hawk nailing it. yes. the michael jordan of skateboarding now nearly 50 years old pulling off one of the rarest sport feats yesterday. >> and find us on facebook and on twitter. you're watching world news now.
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want to update the breaking news. turkish officials say all signs point to isis behind the terror attack on the international airport. at least 36 people from various countries were killed when three attackers opened fire and then detonated the bombs they were wearing. nearly 150 others were injured. flights between the u.s. and turkey have resumed after being
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airports in the u.s. in response. the presidential candidates didn't take long to weigh in. donald trump starting by sending out prayers to the victim's families. >> he then tweeted about keeping terrorism away from our borders. he told supporters in ohio we have to do everything in our power to improve security to keep america safe. >> there's something going on that's really, really bad. all right? it's bad. and we better get smart and we better get tough or we're not going to have much of a country left. okay? >> trump reiterated his call for the return of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques in the battle against isis saying you have to fight fire with fire. >> hillary clinton expressed condolences saying the attack is a reminder that the united states cannot retreat. a statement released by clinton read terrorists have struck again in the heart of one of our
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stand united with the people of turkey against this campaign of hatred and violence. new fallout from the response to the 2012 response in benghazi. >> donald trump is going on attack. here is meghan hues. >> reporter: hillary clinton touring a denver training facility, touting an innovation plan and surprising the crowd, taking a question about the house republican report on benghazi. >> after more than two years and $7 million, i'll leave it to others to characterize this report. i think it's clear it's time to move on. >> reporter: the report released by the chairman didn't have a smoking gun against clinton. >> they have never asked me to do anything about the presidential politics. >> reporter: though some republicans pushed to blame him with an addendum. donald trump going after clinton
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>> hillary clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare americans into thinking small. >> reporter: and she's been one of the clinton's fiercest attack dogs. would senator warren take the v.p. spot? responding on the view. >> yesterday was not about vice president. yesterday was about having a chance to get out there with the woman who is going to be the next president of the united states. >> you're not going to answer the question. is that right? >> yeah. that's right. >> our thanks to meghan in washington d.c. on that. >> coming up, the desperate search, or the whale watch, i should say, off the coast of southern california. >> the 100 ton blue whale that's tangled up inside of hundreds of feet of fishing line off the coast. you can kind of see her there. you're watching world news now.
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first of its kind rescue. freeing a 70 foot blue whale from hundreds of feet of fishing line off the coast of
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some of the lines appear to be wrapped around one of the flipper and possibly through its mouth. >> reporter: crews in boats are scouring the pacific coast for a 100 ton patient. >> this is very unusual. >> reporter: the juvenile blue whale, the biggest animal on the planet, spotted monday off california, in distress. >> see how he's floating with the chin on the water? that's not good. >> reporter: the whale was entangled with commercial fi fishing gear. it was an impossible task. the whale as long as this boat, five tames as heavy. the boat moving at about this speed. the rescue team had to cut it free with a knife like this. what happens to this wheale if rescue team doesn't find it? >> it'll die.
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record 61 entanglements. after another day on the water, still no sightings. >> and it's actually really unusual for this to happen to a blue whale because they are further away off the shore. they're so big and strong, they can generally fight off the lines. a lot of questions raised about how this happened. >> knnoaa saying more entanglements. there's between 10,000 and 25,000 blew whaue whales in the. >> still considered endangered. the big rescue mission, obviously, underway to see if they can keep one more. >> all right. coming up, the burglary suspect to tried to outrun a police helicopter. >> and the 48 skateboarderho
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apparently still has it. the mix is next. "the mix" is ne.
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ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x.
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>> time for the mix. if a burglar breaks into your home and you call the cop. here's one guy you want on the job. this happened in houston. you can see the helicopter police officer comes down from the chopper and then chases after a suspect. >> so this is the suspect on the run. >> being chased also by police cars. here comes the helicopter crew. boom. runs after him. literally leaps and takes him down coming straight out of the chopper. >> it looked like there were police officers there in that patrol car who were like all right. we tried to circle him around. the helicopter guy is like no. i got this. >> he has some wheels. look at him go. >> well. very nice. mayb t
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all right, now to tony hawk. he's at the ripe old age of 48. two years shy of getting his aarp card. do you remember some -- probably got it a long time ago, 17 years ago he was known for doing a tony hawk 900. that's basically 2 1/2 revolutions on his state board. okay, so to mark the anniversary, 17 years later, old man tony talk decided he would do it. this is him. he posted this new video. >> wait. >> no. you have to build up to it. >> oh. was that it? >> and he stuck the landing. yes. that was it. >> wow. >> he just tweeted. he said thank you all for your kind words. i am sore. >> thank you, tony. way to go. >> good job, tony. >> everyone likes a day at the beach. apparently so do
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hundreds of corgis gathers in san francisco at ocean beach for -- this is a real event -- corgi con. some of the dogs even dressed up in costumes, and they had a corgi race. i'm kind of interested to see how fast that race was. if you're familiar with corgis, they have short little legs. >> yeah, and that one is just running, doing its thing. nothing says america like cereal, i would say. there are other things, but -- so, just in time for july fourth, here in new york the capital of everything overpriced, there's a new cereal store opening in times square. this is the store there. so -- >> it's a cereal -- >> you can get your corn flakes. >> gourmet cereal? >> yeah. >> a regular size corn flakes for about $7.50. the box is $4. but this comes with milk alr
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>> only in
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breaking news this morning on the world news now. new developments coming from this turkey, the deadly terror attack at one of the world's busiest airports. suicide bombers targeting travellers from all around the world. a live report from the region straight ahead. and new details on the orlando nightclub attack at home. what we're learning from the 9-1-1 calls as police lay out the time line. and clothing controversy on the court. >> nike's new wardrobe is showing more skin than usual on one of the biggest stages in all of sports and not everyone is happy about that. and she is known for causing a stir, but now lady gaga has sparked an international incident. why she's banned from setting foot in china and why the government has also banned her


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