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tv   World News Now  ABC  July 14, 2016 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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this morning on "world news now," superstars of the sports world come together to try to spark change. >> the powerful moments at last night's espy awards including four of the nba's biggest names with a plea for peace in america's streets calling for an end to police brutality and retaliation against officers. we'll have that and all the other memorable moments just ahead. >> and president obama brings together round table of leaders trying to solve the nation's issues involving race and policing. this as senator tim scott delivers a stark message about being profiled himself, even refused access to high profile events. >> ruth bader ginsburg not backing down. she's caused a debate. should a sitting
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justice be politically outspoke snn. >> and we're used to hearing taylor swift talk about her breakups. this time it's her exairing plenty of dirty laundry. hear by a collaboration with rihanna is sparking a twitter feud on this thursday, july 14th. >> from ab this use, this news, "world news now." >> good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. >> let's start with the espy awards. >> you had nba stars on stage issuing a call to action. they told their fellow pros to get more involved in attempting to heal the nation's racial wounds while renouncing all violence. >> and joe biden honored craig sager who is battling cancer,
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and sager wore a brightly colored outfit. >> we cannot ignore the realities of the current state of america. >> reporter: a call to action. >> alton sterling. philando castile. this is also our reality. >> reporter: four of the nba's biggest names using their star power to address recent violence between police and black americans. >> the shoot to kill mentality has to stop. but also the retaliation has to stop. it's time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, what are we doing to create change. >> reporter: then they turned to celebrating the biggest sports moments of the year. hosted by wwe star, john cena, the show included laughs. message from president obama as part of the arthur ashe courage award.
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someone's. >> reporter: zaevion dobson was honored. the teen athlete died in december shielding others during a shooting. other big moments, retiring athletes, kobe bryant, abbie wom woman back and others. and best male athlete. >> lebron james. >> reporter: abc news, los angeles. >> happy to see stuart up there. >> happy to see lebron james take home the trophy. and my bff won for best nfl player. >> your bff? >> i don't think he knows i exist. >> the ambush in dallas was a big topic at the espy awards last night. today marks one week since the police officers were
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and the city remains in deep mourning. >> we have more now. >> reporter: an outpouring of solidari solidarity. law enforcement officers from across the country paying their respects to three of the five dallas officers killed by a sniper during a peaceful protest last week. >> i truly leave that lorne would want us to celebrate his life by taking care of one another and watching out for each other. >> reporter: special tributes made from loved ones, the spouses, partners q a, and chil. >> this act of violence hurt law enforcement as a whole, however, good will always prevail. though i'm heart broken and heart, i'm going to put on my badge and my uniform and return to the street along with all of my brothers and sisters in blue. >> reporter: it was just days ago when rapid transit officer, brent thompson, senior corporal, lorne ahrens, and serget
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michael smith were among the law enforcement officers ambushed in downtown dallas. as final good-byes were made, president obama convening a round table at the white house. the task force comprised of top administration officials, police chiefs from around the country, and civil rights activists. the purpose, developing a plan to keep streets safe while also supporting law enforcement who protect it. >> as we saw so painfully this week, that this is really a hard job. we're not there yet. we're not close to being where we want to be. >> reporter: funeral services and memorials will continue throughout the week. michael crow's funeral is set for friday, and police officer's patrick z ease funeral is on saturday. >> our thanks to ray there. overnight we learned the time and place for donald trump's v.p. announcement. >> he tweeted he'll go public with his pick tomorrow morning in new york. and mike pence and newt gingrich each met
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family yesterday. chris christie also met with trump this week, but last night gingrich told fox news that only two people are still in the running, pence and himself. >> well, just days before the republican convention j trump has found himself locked in another public feud. >> he's calling for ruth bader ginsburg to resign after she bashed him. politicians and publications are weighing in including this morning's new york post cover depicting ginsburg as badarth vader. let's get more. >> reporter: sides are being taken in the battle of the titans. the 62 billionaire versus the 51 supreme court justice, and the justice started the fight. ginsburg saying trump is a faker. he has an ego. she
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separate interviews. in another saying i can't imagine what the country would be with donald trump as our president, joking he'd have to move to new zealand. >> trump saying ginsburg embarrassed all by making bum political statements about me. her mind is shot. resign. the white house lining up with ginsburg. >> she didn't earn the nickname for nothing. >> reporter: they rarely weigh on anything political. that's why she's drawing some unusual criticism. t"the new york times," usually one of donald trump's largest critics, saying he's right about justice ginsburg, saying she should drop the name calling. really extraordinary criticism of a supreme court justice from the new york times. jonathan karl, abc news at the supreme court. >> hillary clinton was back on the campaign trail slamming donald trump as
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accusing him of pitting americans against americans. clinton delivered a speech in illinois in the same room where abraham lincoln gave his house divided address about the perils of slavery. she said trump would do little to heal this country. >> the man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. we are watching it become the party of trump. and that's not just a huge loss for our democracy. it is a threat to it. >> she tried to present herself as a unifying force. she acknowledged she has to do better as well. turning to the weather and powerful storms in the northwest, triggering flooding that killed two people. this crushed the roof of a home in the city of independence. wind
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per hour at times and knocked down power lines. this morning nearly 100,000 are still without electricity in the greater st. louis area. crews are working to try to restore power to so many of them. and then in wisconsin, this is what they're left with. cleanup underway. heavy downpours causing flash flooding that washed out roads and the wind scattered debris. although conditions are clear, rivers and creeks will continue to rise over the next few days. >> here's a story about 90 million years in the making. that's how long researchers say a previously unknown species of dinosaurs roamed the earth. they unveiled the skelskeleton. >> they call it gaulecho. they say it was a meat eater with decent speed. >> a truck accident was one o
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the dig was cursed by other problems as well. hence the name. >> apparently that truck rolled partway through j straight through the excavation. they say luckily no one was hurt. the truck was totalled. >> i can tell you one of the places i won't be going. >> speaking out about racial profiling from the top levels of the federal government. >> tim scott with a deeply personal message on the state of race relations in the u.s. we'll hear from him after the break. >> and later, taylor swift's issues with her exis spilling over to her work. they're at odds as harris spills the beans on social media. >> our pics are on instagram. you're watching "world news now." >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now.
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health officials in texas are confirming the state's first state of a baby born with the defect linked to zika virus. the baby's mother traveled to latin america where she was likely infected. neither the mother for the baby are infectious, and there's no risk to the public. >> the rick of zika virus transition will be low at the
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cooler dryer weather in rio will reduce mosquito populations. the cdc says pregnant women should not travel to places with my transmission risk. >> race and a powerful speech on the senate floor delivered by the only black republican senator. >> tim scott spoke about his experiences, including the number of times he's been stopped even as a senator. >> please remember that in the course of one year i've been stopped seven times by law enforcement officers. not four, not five, not six, but seven times. in one year as an elected official. was i speeding sometimes? sure. but the vast majority of the time i was pulled over for nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood,
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or some other reason just as trivial. i recall walking in to an office building just last year after being here for five years on the capitol. and the officer looked at me with a little attitude and said, the pin i know. you know, i don't. show me your i.d. i'll tell you, i was thinking to myself, either he thinks i'm committing a crime impersonating a member of congress, or -- or what? well, i'll tell you that later that evening i received a phone call from his supervisor, apologizing for the behavior. mr. president, that is at least the third phone call i've received from a super v
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been in the senate. so while i thank god i have not endured bodily harm, i have, however, felt the pressure applied by the scales of justice when they are slanted. i have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness, and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you're being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself. >> i'm surprised it's taken this long for him to speak up. we flew back to d.c. together after walter scott's funeral, a man shot by an officer in south carolina. and we were in the baggage claim and he said that could have been any of us in our conversation. >> powerful words, especially coming from a republican. i'm curious to see how this conversation
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>> absolutely. >> and abc will be holding a landmark town hall with the president tonight. >> president obama will take questions from americans all across the country and david muir will moderate. it begins tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. it will be on tv on abc radio, free form as well as espn. coming up in our next half hour, the hottest summer craze since the ice bucket challenge. pokemon go, now holds the top spot as the biggest mobile game in u.s. history. the distractions it's causing range from traffic accidents to robberies at gunpoint. what you need to know before you go. >> and first, the breakup between calvin harris and taylor swift is taking an ugly new turn on twitter. the love story that's gone sour, you could say. we'll give you more, next.
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♪ >> we really need a glow stick if you're going to play those songs. you get into it. they may have met in the spring, not the summer, but the breakup of taylor swift and calvin harris is heating up. >> twitter proves the two are never, ever getting back together. see what we did? >> reporter: normally taylor swift writes songs about her exs, not for them. this is what you came for may be the exception. ♪ the lyrics were the new hit with rihanna were origill
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taylor swift says it's really a pseudonym for her. awkward. the day the song dropped, ryan seacrest asked harris, will you do a collaboration with your girlfriend. >> we haven't talked about the. >> reporter: a month later they split and she moved on with chris hidl ton. today the embarrassment of it all struck harris like a thunder bolt. hurtful for her to make me look back. if you're happy in your new relationship, focus on that instead of trying to tear your exboyfriend down for something to do. maybe there's a song lyric in that. >> oh. >> and people are loving this. normally taylor swift airs the dirty laundry. the best part might be katy perry's response. >> calvin harris brought up katy perry. >> here
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>> no words just simple -- i'm just going to leave that out there. uh-huh. oh, really?
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introducing new k-y for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. i'm my bargain detergent, ithift couldn't keep up.ter. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. voted 2016 product of the year.
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it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. okay. of course the craze of the summer is pokemon. it's been around pokemon, go, it's been around for a week. there are a lot of haters all over the place. this web developer has now created poke gone. it's a software that once you put it on your google browser, it will block all the pokemon content that's opinion dribeen crazy. >> does that mean our show is being blocked? >> that would be half the shows. it will take care of the stuff you've been tired of. it will stop your eyes from
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about pokemon. >> a good result of pokemon, an animal shelter in indiana has figured out that all these people walking around can be put to work. they are walking dogs for the shelter. that is the director of the shelter. he came up with the idea. >> that is a great idea. >> and ever since he pitched it, they have seen a surge in volunteers. people are walking around anyway, and they need people to walk the dogs. they figure tell people they can catch more pokemon walking around with dogs. >> do you think the dogs can see the characters? >> they are looking at them. >> it's kind of weird. >> maybe that's the secret. >> everybody is getting into this pokemon go craze. and everything is getting into it. what else would -- >> i'm afraid to download it. >> oh. why? >> maybe, maybe i should -- >> what else would explain why this happened in thailand
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>> no, but it's a giant lizard in a super market. i wandered in through the automatic doors and stood in the middle of the door just kind of impazi gazing around, wagging the tail. >> do you think he was playing pokemon? >> he's like it was a lure. it was chilling feeling the air-conditioning there. >> no need for a pokemon lure at this restaurant in oakland, california. they have now made the spaghetti grilled cheese. apparently the owner started playing around with leftovers and decided to put two pieces of garlic bread around some spaghetti, sauce, cheese. they put it on instagram and it's become the restaurant's most popular sandwich. >> that looks amazing. >> same
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this morning on "world news now" donald trump announcing overnight when he will reveal his running mate. so does proposed timing of the event tell us about who that pick may be? details ahead. >> a new video shows a deadly police encounter with a young suspect. the fresno police department released images showing the encounter and the decision not to comply. >> the pokemon craze has taken a dangerous turn. >> kids of all ages try to catch them all. the dangers of the app keep multiplies. is a warning necessary? >> in the world of politics, fashion, entertainment and sports, all coming together last night in los angeles for this year's espy awards. we'll have a wrap up of the big night and the winners and the


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