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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 15, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, it's a "ghostbusters" reunion. with bill murray. dan aykroyd. ernie hudson. annie potts. melissa mccarthy. kristen wiig. kate mckinnon. and leslie jones. plus, generation gap with walt frazier and anthony davis. and music from post malone. and now, tell you what -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. that's very kind. welcome. welcome back to those of you who joined us earlier tonight in prime time. we had our game night special here on abc. game three of the nba finals between the warriors and cavs. games one and two were in oakland. games three and four in cleveland. it just goes to show you. if you work hard and sacrifice, you can can have the same travel schedule as the regional sales rep for an insurance company. the cavaliers were looking for a life preserver. the first games didn't go well. game two wasn't even close. at halftime of game two, it was so far out of hand, one of lebron james' tattoos went out to get a tattoo. it was a big night for them. it's a bigger night for us. we had the cast of the new "ghostbusters" movie, and later on in the show, the original cast of "ghostbusters."
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[ cheers and applause ] not only that, we have our own sta-puft marshmallow man parking lot security guard. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the guy who made the original costume made this. you look great. how do you feel? >> guillermo: fantastic, jimmy. >> jimmy: you look a little bit like a kabuki girl. [ laughter ] later we'll show a never seen clip from the "ghostbusters" movie. if that isn't enough, sitting in with the cletones tonight, the man who sings "the ghost busters" movie theme song ray parker jr. is here tonight. in real life you don't fear ghosts, right? you're not afraid? i'm scared of the dark, i really am. but i was thinking. >> jimmy: what were you thinking? >> i want to be in the "ghostbusters" movie as an actor.
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i don't want to be a ghostbuster. picture this, me and melissa mccarthy in bed. 2:00 in the morning. she wakes up. she sees a ghost and looks at me and i go ♪ busting makes me feel good [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a good idea. the only potential problem is they've already shot the film. >> there's going to be another film. >> jimmy: they'll do a sequel, i'm sure they'll put you right in bed there with her. ray will be playing a song for us including a special one tonight. you know who could use "ghostbusters" right now? hillary clinton. she's still being haunted by a spooky ghost named bernie. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she won four states and clinched the democratic party nomination. she's the first female nominee for a major party. historic. she has a chance to become the second most powerful woman in the world just behind beyonce. [ laughter ] even though hilly
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she won more superdelegates and she won more states, bernie sanders still isn't giving up. he says he will continue to fight. he's like one of those old japanese guys on an island who thinks the war is still going on. he says he's taking it to the democratic convention in philadelphia, he'll take to it the campaign in november, maybe even december if he has to. i don't blame him. i mean, seriously. he's a 74-year-old man. six months ago, nobody cared. now he gets worshipped like a prophet. what do you think he's going to do, go back to vermont? no, he's staying in this race until he drops dead. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he might be ready for next time. at this point it's kind of like kobe bryant saying he's staying in the nba finals. you know? everything about bernie sanders is defiant. even his hair refuses to stay where it belongs. how many of you voted in the california primary yesterday in ? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i believe about a third of you.
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how many of you voted only so you could take the selfie with the i voted sticker? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guillermo voted and posted a photo. who did you get to take that photo for you? >> my wife. >> jimmy: your wife? oh, nice. it's very american. i also went to the polls yesterday. i'm a little bit upset. i hope you know i'm running for vice president of the united states, and yesterday -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, yesterday i went to exercise my right to vote. yesterday before work my wife barbara ann, my daughter barbara ann jr., my son jessup, we got to the call and went to our local polling place like anyone else for what i hoped would be an historic event. ♪ >> jimmy: here we are. hello. we're just going to go right to the he o
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so -- yeah. excuse me. i'm a candidate. hi there. >> name? >> jimmy: kimmel, jimmy kimmel. >> there you go. sign right there. >> jimmy: hi. how are you? >> there you go. >> jimmy: thank you. >> happy voting. >> jimmy: thank you. vote now. daddy's going to vote. >> jimmy: excuse me. can i see your thing? huh. thank you. excuse me. >> yes. >> jimmy: i don't see my name here on this ballot. jimmy kimmel. >> are you running for office? >> jimmy: i'm running for vice president.
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primary ballot. >> jimmy: how are we supposed to vote for them -- for me -- then? >> this time around you can't, i'm sorry. we're just voting for president and these other offices today. >> jimmy: my name's not on here, then? >> no. >> jimmy: is there a write in spot? >> not for vice president. no. >> jimmy: what are we supposed to do? >> you just vote for the president of your choice -- >> jimmy: i don't want to vote for the president of my choice. i want to vote for myself as vice president. >> we don't vote for vice president in the primaries. >> jimmy: i do. he's saying i can't vote. can she vote for me? >> no. there's no voting for vice president in the primary. >> jimmy: he's saying there's no voting for vice president. >> that's ridiculous. >> you have all the other offices there. go ahead and vote for everybody else. >> jimmy: i don't want to vote for anybody else. i want to vote for me. >> i want to vote for him too. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i'm sorry, mr. kimmel. >> jimmy: it's not your fault.
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have a good day. >> do you want an i voted sticker? >> jimmy: no. i don't want an i voted sticker. i didn't vote. why would i want an i voted sticker? come on. let's go. let's go, let's go, let's go. this is bull [ bleep ]. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: outrage. i'm going to tell you something. the system is rigged against me. by the superdelegates and the fat cats and the 1% and the kardashians. they're all in this. it's a conspiracy. they don't want me to be your vice president. they want me to go away and curl up in a ball and roll down a hill into a field to be kicked by men who don't speak english playing soccer. but guess what? when november comes, we'll see who's laughing when i'm smoking cigarettes and doing loops over the white house in air force two. [ cheers and applause ] i'm not giving up. i'll tell you why. god himself has chose men to --
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the guy who leads you if something -- if god does something terrible to the person who leads you. i am counting that with your support i will put the "i can" back in "american." evenfy have to destroy this country to do it. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hard doing this. by the way, snoop dogg was in san diego today. he's on my list to be secretary of agriculture. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: san diego padres asked him to throw out first pitch of the game. and it went just about exactly how you might have expected it went. >> snoop dogg throwing out the ceremonial first pitch, and this is our cricket wireless -- >> camera operator in harm's way over there. >> jimmy: high and outside. very high and outside. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you've ever wondered, it's official,
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marijuana is not a performance-enhancing drug. every now and then we pit an elder statesman against a young buck to face off in a test of pop culture iq. tonight because it is a night of basketball we decided to whoop it up a little. it's "generation gap nba edition." let's meet our contestants. our first competitor is a two-time nba champion, seven-time all-star from the new york knicks. kids called him "clyde." one of the all-time greats walt frazier! [ cheers and applause ] walt's challenger tonight, a three-time nba star from the new orleans pelicans. please welcome anthony davis. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. gentleman, have you ever met before? >> just now. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. this is exciting.
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i have to start by asking. >> out of my own creation. >> jimmy: wow. unbelievable. well, what we're going to do is give you questions from each of your eras, more or less, and we'll see how much each of you knows about the other person's time, if you know what i'm saying. now, are you competitive in general? >> i am. very competitive. >> jimmy: you are, well, obviously. walt? you too? >> i'm going to follow him. >> jimmy: all right. very good. i'm going to start off with one question and we'll take a break and finish the game. our first question is -- for walt. walt, name the drink that is the title of beyonce's new album. >> to the left. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is incorrect. now you see how the game works. when we come back, we'll play "generation gap" with anthony and walt. we'll be right back!
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11:48 pm
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>> jimmy: welcome back. music from post malone on the way. that is ray parker junior with the band. it's a big "ghostbusters" show. right now we're in the middle of a hotly contested battle. the sport jacket is unbelievable, walt. i feel like you've won already. we're going to play the game anyway. anthony, our first question for you is a visual question. what is this president's last name? that president, what is his last name? >> i have no idea. >> jimmy: a few seconds. anthony, do you have a guess? >> i'm going to go with --
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i have no -- i don't know. >> jimmy: oh my goodness. what is this president's last name, walt? >> he's from my home state of georgia, jimmy carter. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. you get a sense of how the game is played. the next question is for walt. walt, what what is this rapper's last name? we're looking for his real, given name. >> z. >> jimmy: well, you're on the right track. anthony, do you know his last name? >> carter. >> jimmy: carter is right. [ cheers and applause ] we have a tie game. anthony, you graduated college? >> no. one year. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: next question, we begin with walt. walt, complete this popular phrase. netflix and blank.
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netflix and blank. [ laughter ] >> i have no idea. >> jimmy: all right. we go to anthony. anthony, do you want to steal it? >> yes, i do. netflix and chill. >> jimmy: that is right. [ cheers and applause ] netflix and chill. explain to walt what netflix and chill is. >> i can't. >> jimmy: it's when you watch netflix and relax, basically. >> it has something to do with computers? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> you can get on netflix on the computer. >> jimmy: the next question is for anthony. complete this phrase. up your nose with a rubber blank. from a television show in the '70s. >> duck. >> jimmy: what? >> rubber duck. >> jimmy: that is incorrect. walt, up your nose with a rubber -- >> hose. >> jimmy: hose is right. that is exactly right.
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what an exciting game. it's tied, and -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the next question is for anthony. anthony, this is a visual question. who is this expert in the martial arts? >> bruce lee. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is bruce lee. walt, who is this expert in the martial arts? >> hermann the turtle. >> jimmy: anthony, do you want to guess to steal? >> i think that's michelangelo. >> jimmy: that is michelangelo. [ cheers and applause ] anthony takes the lead with 40 points. walt, you get the next question. what is the name of the music festival held every year in indio, california. big music festival not too far from here. many bands gather in the desert to perform at this event.
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>> i don't know. >> jimmy: walt does not know. anthony. >> coachella? >> jimmy: coachella. [ cheers and applause ] anthony, this question is for you. what is the name of the music festival held in white lake, new york, in 1969? very famous music festival. >> i have no idea. >> jimmy: walt, the big music festival in new york in 1969. >> i was there, man. woodstock. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: walt just got 30 points. next question is for you, anthony. who was responsible for the new deal? >> the new deal of what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: walt. >> roosevelt. >> jimmy: roosevelt is correct. [ cheers and applause ] walt, you can tie the game --
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>> he's thinking about his new deal. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nice one, walt. walt, what is this? >> i'd say ghost. >> jimmy: that is a ghost. [ applause ] >> jimmy: can you be more specific? >> ghostbuster. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: anthony, what is that logo? >> that is snap chat. >> jimmy: that is correct. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. you are the winner. we have prizes for both of you. walt, for you we have the new nba 2k 16 game with anthony davis on the cover, and anthony for you, we have all the action of atari basketball from 1982. thanks to both of you. enjoy your prizes. thank you for playing generation gap.
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[ cheers and applause ] tonight on the show chris malone and we'll be right back with the original "ghostbusters" cast. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ and they're off! well, that took a turn. what's the speed limit in here? dad! should we tell them there are more? they'll figure it out, eventually. when you can take your hands off the wheel to get out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering.
11:58 pm
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. that's ray parker jr. sitting in with cleto and the cletones. musical guest tonight -- this is a new single called "go flex" -- post malone from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow night, we are back in primetime for game four of the nba finals, with matthew mcconaughey, paul pierce and a special edition of lie witness news. and we have a new show after the game too, with anthony anderson and his mom, bill simmons, and the music of led zeppelin from train. please join us for that. [ cheers and applause ]
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32 years ago today, our first guests joined forces to save the world from human sacrifice, mass hysteria, dogs and cats living together -- we owe them nothing short of our lives. please welcome the ogbs -- bill murray, dan aykroyd, ernie hudson, and annie potts. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: oh, my goodness. wow. look at that action figure. let's see if he does what he needs to do. g ow! >> jimmy: ouch? maybe sideways. maybe sideways. >> guillermo: ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> jimmy: i'm almost certain this is illegal. >> are you illegal? >> guillermo: no! >> jimmy: you can't hurt him. you can smack him as hard as you want. it's okay. >> that's great. >> jimmy: who stay up with the stay-puft marsh mall he man? >> that guy. >> you know, i was just looking at something from my childhood that was innocent in a movie. it was an innocent kind of thing.
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we used to have the angeles puffed marshmallow man. he was a cop. in the movie when my friends designed the stay-puft, in the film when we brought the script and the day stay-puft showed up, bill when did this great line. he looked at him and said, he's a sailor. and it was so funny when john came up with the first drawings, i said, marry the pillsbury dough bow, the michelin man, and the marshmallow man, put them all together. and -- i opened this fedex and he's a sailor. what do you mean he's a sailor? and in the movie, the improvised line which is a classic. my friend john and michael -- >> ha ha ha! >> jimmy: it is a classic. as i recall it was something to the effect of he's a sailor. he's in new york. we'll get him laid. it's all right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what is the line people bring up most to each of you from "ghostbusters," t
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they regurgitate most frequently? >> i think the thing i hear most is what i'm hearing from annie potts right now which is get this guy off of me. i've got a nice pair of pants on. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think you can roll him. i think that's the best way to do it. >> or pass him back. pass him back. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well worth every one of the $7500 that cost. was it fun shooting the movie on the streets of new york in the city with everybody there before there were cameras and all that kind of thing? >> yeah. stealing was fun. when we first went out, i said ivan, we don't have permits or anything. nah, we don't need them, no
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walk back. we stole shots all over 5th avenue, in the civilian clothes, getting the mortgage, in the jumpsuits and the packs and stuff -- >> he's just talking about stealing shots in the movie. we stole. [ laughter ] we had these uniforms on with electronic things and wands and guns. we were walking into stores on 57th street and saying we're going to have to look at some of this stuff. [ laughter ] >> and just walking out. it was crazy. >> jimmy: and you got away with it. >> and with that car, every person in here tonight at home in this audience watching around the world, our armed forces network, should have a car like that. you never ever have to stop for a red light. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm sure you guys know, i'm sure you hear about "ghostbusters" every day, i would assume from people? what do you hear about more, "designing women" or "ghostbusters," annie?
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>> uh -- >> jimmy: it's a mix? >> it's a mix, but the "ghostbusters" fans if i'm doing a play in new york, there's always people waiting out there. some of them are dressed up like ghostbusters. >> oh, yes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: some of them are in our audience. >> yeah, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> i see that. >> and i bet some of them have their own cars made up, the family station wagon. my friend peter moezen, the king of the "ghostbusters" fans had his family impala set up like an ectomobile. >> jimmy: when i was in high school, my friend elliot painted his car white, put "ecto 1" on his license plate. he was a real nerd. he got no sex at all. i mean, still do this day. >> hey, that's a lesson, young fella. that's a lesson. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i'm sure you guys -- we have some fans. i don't know if you've ever experienced this kind of thing. put them up on the wall for a moment. when we come back, each of the people you see on this screen has an elaborate "ghostbusters" tattoo on their bodies. and we'll examine them when we return. [ cheers and applause ] "ghostbusters" is the movie coming out july 15th. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that ntributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic
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12:11 am
gain the freedom to fumble with the new water and shatter-resistant samsung galaxy s7 active. buy one now and get the samsung gear s2 for free. exclusively at at&t. out out! get get get! grrr! did you find everything okay, sir? whaaaaat? ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories.
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it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! what are we "ahhhing' about!? my money, it's gone! that's just bad security you know... i know, the new pcs are so secure, you can use your face as your password. and yet here you are, in a truck full of money with no money. you know about it. now do something about it. upgrade to a new pc. you've secured the entire block but not your pc? ♪ ithat's so interesting honeyf mybecause i'm going to share p. a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. (whispers) l'eggo my eggo
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♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! ahh! this is probably more of a breakroom activity. ya think? ♪
12:14 am
"c"you don't want to live with chelucy forever, do you?"e!" "glass?" "nah, i'm good." "do we have any towels?" "i got ya!" "we should really get a toaster." "i got you!" "credit karma huh?" "yea, it's free." "that was easy." "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the original "ghostbusters" cast. july 15th the new movie comes out. you all saw the movie last night? >> yeah. >> really, really happy. >> jimmy: you're really happy? >> first of all, these women performers, they're -- >> jimmy: they're great. right? they're all really great. [ cheers and applause ] >> they really are. >> and by the way, all the guys in the movie are just fine too. there's men and women in the movie. the third act is the manifestation in the third act is outstanding. i was --
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argh! >> jimmy: people are very concerned, even around our office, oh, what is it going to be is it going to somehow elevate my childhood or destroy it? you never know. ernie, you've seen people with tattoos, "ghostbusters" tattoos. >> wait a second. let's not rush by that. >> jimmy: what? >> there are both men and women in this film. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> and speaking as a man that has dressed as a woman, i couldn't be happier. [ laughter ] >> really. these girls did a really good job. i can call them girls, because i am a boy. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> you're happy? >> i love the movie. the girls are amazing and funny. speaking of tattoos, i went to buy a car, and the salesman said there's a guy who is a big fan of yours. he has a tattoo of you. i
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he calls in this guy who is a mechanic. a guy who looks like he wouldn't even watch "ghostbusters." he pulled up his pant leg. from his ankle to his knee was my face. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. life size. >> and so i was his favorite ghostbuster. >> he chose the best looking one. >> so i've seen tattoos. >> jimmy: you're about to see more. these are people from all over the world, not just from the united states. [ cheers and applause ] and we'll start with jordan from baltimore. jordan has the beard in the bottom corner. let's have a look at jordan. show us what you got. tattoo-wise, jordan. >> i got a little bit of everything. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: keep going. keep going. [ cheers and applause ] >> whoa. check it out. >> jimmy: that's either ernie or lionel rice
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slow down" album. >> wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> nice ink, man. nice ink. >> jimmy: that armpit hair is chewbacca. that's a great look, jordan. >> thank you. >> impressive. >> very nice. >> jimmy: thank you, jordan. next, noall from portland. she has a great tattoo. hi. >> hi. >> jimmy: hi. take off your clothes. >> you have to give me money first. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: show us your tattoos. >> all right. >> jimmy: this can't be a surprise, can it? >> oh, look at that. harold ramis. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's beautiful. is that the only one you have? >> so far it is, yeah. >> jimmy: so far, okay
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[ cheers and applause ] let's check out one more. the tall gentleman from the top. mike from bristol, england. mike is from england. this is not just an american thing. hello, mike. here we go. mike, how are you? >> i'm very good. how are you? are you all good? >> jimmy: we're doing great, thank you. >> excellent. well, here we go. okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> one there, and the back, and then annie. there you go. all done by the same guy that did the other, the physical graffiti tattoos. >> jimmy: the same guy, that's unbelievable. how long have you had the tattoos? >> i've had them for six years. >> jimmy: do people enjoy them? you show them in public? >> well, not so much here,
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wear shorts and people take selfies of my leg. people just point and stare and they either do this or this. yeah. >> jimmy: do you have any tattoos? >> i've got one. >> jimmy: is it private or is it something we could see? >> no. it's on a forearm. >> jimmy: it's on your forearm? can we see it? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ernie wants to see it. >> i want to see it. >> jimmy: ernie wants to see it. >> well, i mean, i did it -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when did this happen? >> like most tattoos, it was done after i'd had a couple of drinks. >> jimmy: right. >> i had it done on my forearm and i had it done of mike in bristol. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: wow. what are the odds? the same guy -- we have yet another surprise. mike, i hope you're not high right now, because this could potentially kill you. >> no, i'm good. thank you very much. i'm good. i'm really happy that i've seen my face on you instead of your face on me. >> jimmy: yeah. thank you, mike. [ cheers and applause ] do we have anyone else who would like to come out and visit? let's bring somebody else out and we'll meet the rest of the cast of the "ghostbusters" movie melissa, kate, and leslie. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: we'll be right back with all of the ghostbusters. honey, did you call the insurance company? not yet, i'm... folding the laundry! can you? no... cleaning the windows! the living room's a disaster! (vo) most insurance companies give you every reason to avoid them. plants need planting! well the leaves aren't going to rake themselves! (vo) nationwide is different. hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim? (vo) we put members first. actually, they called me. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti.
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innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. nversus a lube strip. a hydrating gel reservoir
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ction. it's designed like no other razor to protect from irritation. sorry, lube strip. schick hydro®. free your skin®. (rustling sound effects, did we put away all the food? define all... ahhhhhhhhh! (cheetos crunching) such majestic creatures. since the beginning of time, there never seemedre is. to be enough of it. people try to beat time. ahhhhh! but time always wins. our greatest fear is running out of time. there's a bomb in the salsa can! we gotta get out of here! my phone is still charging! so if time is the most valuable thing there is, why would you waste more than you have to charging your phone? ahhhhhhhh! the galaxy s7 edge, with fast wireless charging, and our longest lasting battery. who's the genius who puts a girl in heels on a subway grate?
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e, eat a snickers. why? you get a little cranky when you're hungry. better? much better. this scene will never make the cut.
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you get a car and you get a car and you get a car. ha ha! >> you didn't disclose that the vehicle was going to be a hearse. >> i'm sorry my uncle owns a funeral home. not an enterprise rent a car. >> i hope you checked to make sure there's not a body in the back. >> i don't know. >> you didn't check? >> i was in a hurry, i checked to see if we had gas. that was more important. >> so there is a body? >> let her check. she likes that type of stuff. >> i could think of seven good uses for a cadaver. today. >> no, dr. frankenstein, we got to turn in the body if there's one in there. >> all right. >> don't do that. >> jimmy: that is "ghostbusters." the ladies and gentlemen of "ghostbusters" are all here. let's talk about the time you in the c
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when you saw the original "ghostbusters" movie. where were you, how did you see it, and what happened? >> i was in utero, and god, i laughed. that was good stuff. i'll never forget it. >> jimmy: maybe i should start with have you seen the original "ghostbusters" movies? >> we just saw it. >> jimmy: you just saw it? and? >> i was in plainfield, illinois. i was 14. i may have seen it repeatedly, like a lot in the theater, like a lot, a lot, and i was slightly obsessed with it. >> jimmy: we were talking about the fact that there have been so many different pitches about a new "ghostbusters" movie, and you have been -- >> i saw them all. >> jimmy: you saw them all, and you were reluctant to be a part of any of them until you heard this idea, and why was this idea appealing to you? >> it was only because i knew these girls were funny. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know if you th
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boy so it's cool, all right? >> he's a man. >> he's a big boy. >> when you see the film, and you'll delight in the film, it rumbles along in the beginning you go oh, god, are they going to pull this off? [ laughter ] no, believe me. i feel like a stepfather to the whole thing, you know? but there is no quit in these girls. i worked with melissa before and a little bit with chris, and a little bit, but this was a tough movie to pull off. it's a big concept. there's a lot on the plate. there's a lot of expectation, and danny and i and annie and ernie, we're just screaming, cheering like we were at a sporting event at the end of it. they just kept going. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy
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barbara walters on you, but what does it mean when you hear dan aykroyd and bill murray talking about the four of you like that? i mean, really, seriously. >> it's weird. >> yeah. >> there's a slight feeling like when i wake up from my fever dream and this isn't real, i'm going to be bummed! so bummed if this isn't real. >> jimmy: wouldn't that be horrible. >> it would. like oh, man. >> jimmy: you know what? they're right, you guys are very, very funny. [ cheers and applause ] they called it "ghostbusters." it features all of tonight's guests. it opens july 15th. thank you all for being here. we'll be right back with music from post malone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i want to thank the ghostbusters, ray parker, jr., and apologize to matt damon,
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"nightline" is next, but first, here with the song "go flex," post malone. ♪ ♪ lighting stog after stog choke on a smoke they tell me to quit don't listen what i'm told ♪ ♪ help me forget that this world is so cold i don't even know what i'm chasing no more ♪ ♪ tell me what i want 'cause keep searching on it's never enough cup after cup ♪ ♪ blunt after blunt i wouldn't get one if i could find a fu-ah-ah ♪ ♪ in the cut and i put that on my mama and my girl called talking bout some drama ♪ ♪ i swear there ain't no time for woman on the come up it's either -- or the commas ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex
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gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ yeah pushing gas getting mother -- nosebleeds she ain't never met a youngin' doing like me ♪ ♪ she got a man but she says she really like me she doing things to excite me ♪ ♪ she sending all her friends snaps of my new tracks ♪ ♪ cause all these hoes know what's about to come next i hit my plug up got the bape on connect ♪ ♪ i drop a couple bands i just wanna go ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪
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flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ knowing all of this it just don't make a difference i'm just talking -- to the ones that will listen ♪ ♪ i came with the heat man i swear i'm never missing and i'm still the same and i swear i'm never switching ♪ ♪ knowing all of this it just don't make a difference i'm just talking -- to the ones that will listen ♪ ♪ i came with the heat man i swear i'm never missing and i'm still the same and i swear i'm never switching ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex with my squad and i'm smoking up a check ♪ ♪ man i just want to go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck ♪ ♪ and i'm stone cold with the flex stone cold with flex ♪
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♪ ♪ note stop saying stop saying stop saying ♪ ♪ i'm balling i'm balling on the song oh ♪ ♪ watch out watch out watch out ♪ note that's my shout that's my shout that's my shout ♪ ♪ i swing in i swing in on my -- ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ i got me some place and i got me some more ♪ ♪ started
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can ♪ i'm shot, i'm shot, i'm shot! >> america under fire. >> it could have been anybody. >> a stunning portrait of violence. >> it's got to stop. >> tracking 11 days of bloodshed. revealing the searing truth about gun violence. >> pop, pop, pop, pop! >> 1,586 shot. 509 killed. in just 11 days. tonight, "nightline" on the front line of this american epidemic. hundreds of lives in america cut short with the pull of a trigger. families forever shattered. a nation in crisis. tonight, a special edition of "nightline," "shots fired."


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