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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 20, 2016 7:00am-8:59am EDT

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0 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. good morning, america. over the top, donald trump now the official republican nominee for president. his son don jr. makes it happy. >> congratulations, dad. we love you. >> then takes center stage for his dad. >> we didn't learn from mbas. we learned from people who had doctorates in common sense. >> trump's youngest daughter tiffany also in the spotlight. >> in person my father is so friendly, so considerate, so funny and so real. >> as the attacks on hillary clinton heat up. >> she fights for the wrong people. she never fights for us. >> and the fallout over melania trump's speech continues. his campaign chair joins us this morning and an exclusive with trump's son eric here live before he makes the case for his dad tonight. fox news
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did ceo roger ailes sexually harass megyn kelly? the new reports this morning coming on the heels of gretchen carlson's lawsuit. is ailes about to lose his job what his team is telling us this morning. saved by strangers. a car flipping over on the interstate, a man trapped inside. eyewitnesses rush to the scene. banding together to save his life. celebrating film and tv legend, garry marshall. the man behind "pretty woman." >> oh! >> "happy days," "laverne and shirley" and more passing overnight. now tributes are pouring in from around the globe for the man who made so many of us laugh. and we do say good morning, america from cleveland and we join the country in celebrating garry marshall this morning. such a huge force in hollywood.
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childhood, so many of that for us. at the "q" the trump kids in the stoplight put their father over the top. then don jr. and tiffany both took the stage to make the case for their dad. >> and their dad donald trump was not there in person but he did appear via video screen and you know he enjoys being on twitter so tweeted this moments ago. congratulations to my children. don and tiffany, on having done a fantastic job last night. i am very proud of you. >> whole trump family stars of this convention and eric trump will be here. he speaks tonight along with mike pence. right now tom llamas starts of us. >> reporter: electric moments out here on the convention floor last night. tonight, former rival senator ted cruz and newt gingrich will speak. this as donald trump makes his way back to cleveland for running mate indiana
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running mate mike pence. >> i throw donald trump over the top with the delegate count with 89 delegates and congratulations, dad, we love you. >> reporter: overnight the republican party officially nominating donald trump to be their candidate for president. >> today has been a very, very special day. watching my children put me over the top. >> reporter: his son don jr. proclaiming the new york vote count pushing trump over the top. ♪ >> reporter: i asked trump's eldest son about the moment. >> i tell you other than maybe the birth of my children it was the coolest thing i've ever done, surreal. totally intense. >> reporter: later don jr. would take the stage. >> when people told him it was impossible for a boy from queens to go to manhattan and take on developers in the big city rather than give
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the skyline of new york. >> reporter: a son telling his father's story and promoting the idea only a businessman understands how to solve the country's problems. >> that president can only be my mentor, my best friend, my father, donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie, a close friend and adviser to trump also giving a rousing speech symbolically prosecuting a case against hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty. >> all: guilty. >> reporter: christie working the crowd into a frenzy chants of lock her up breaking out. >> all: lock her up. >> reporter: her terry moran asking christie about the chapter on the convention floor. >> do you think that's a good thing for american politics when political disagreements result in basically a crowd bec
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>> come on, now. you know, this is such an overstatement on your part. yeah, i think conventions are supposed to be fun. we're having a good time tonight but it's based on her conduct. >> reporter: there were some tender moments, donald trump's daughter tiffany delivering a heartfelt speech, her mother marla maples watching from backstage. >> my dad is a natural born encourager, in person, my father is so friendly, so considerate, so funny and so real. >> reporter: but some sibling rivalry at play. eric trump's wife telling me her husband will have the best speech. how is your speech coming. >> great. >> are you nervous. >> he has the best speech. >> she's a little impartial. >> a little biased. >> reporter: the buildup is on for eric's speech. one more note, there was a brief social media frenzy when a line from donald trump jr.'s speech was shown to have appeared in
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earlier. it turns out the writer of that article actually helped out don jr. with his speech. robin. >> all right, tom, thank you very much. now to the controversy that still surrounds melania trump's convention speech and those accusations that she plagiarized michelle obama's words in 2008. jon karl has the latest for us. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, robin. while two of the trump children sang their father's praises last night, the trump campaign is still dealing with fallout from those remarks by melania trump. the moment melania trump finished her prime time speech monday night, it was all smiles on stage. but within hours, her strong performance was overshadowed by reports that portions of her 15-minute speech bore striking similarities to first lady michelle obama's 2008 convention speech. several phrases echoed almost word for word. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're
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that your word is your bond and you do what you say. >> the only limits to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: on the convention floor some delegates said heads should roll. a pretty big mistake. >> it's a huge mistake and it's an embarrassment for mrs. trump. it's an embarrassment for the campaign. >> reporter: trump wreentsly fired campaign manager agreed. >> whoever wrote it should be fired. >> reporter: the trump campaign insists the speech's similarities were not signs of plagiarism, just similar themes. >> comfortable that the words that she used are words that were personal to her. >> reporter: overnight the late night comics had a field day. >> was melania trump, she gave this -- she gave the speech of michele obama's life last
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>> reporter: and the # be famousmelaniatrumpquotes joking about her making up phrases like you can't handle the truth. luke, i am your father and i have a dream. the white house refused to say whether or not the speech was plagiarized but did encourage reporters to look into how it was written. >> as relates to mrs. trump's speech i'll let all of you weigh in on that, try to learn more about how exactly it was written. >> reporter: the trump campaign says that nobody is going to get fired over this controversy. and i am told that it was a family friend that helped write those controversial passages which may help explain why nobody is going to get fired. as for michelle obama she has had no comment on any of this. george. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. i'm here with the chair of the trump campaign, paul manafort. thanks for joining us. you're probably sick about talking about this melania trump speech but as jon karl said it's
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been done by a family friend and that's why no one whether be held accountable. >> we don't know who it was done by. as far as we're concerned it was melania's speech. we're talking about 50 words out of 1,400 and the thoughts are part of the speech but the speech itself talks about her immigrant status, her love of country, her love of husband, these are her stories. these are her messages. what she communicated to the american people monday night is a genuine message from her heart and the end of it. >> don jr.'s speech, one of the speech writers wrote that but have you figured out how to get a program to prevent this from happening. >> we have a program. that's why every other word i write is blanked out. >> donald trump was happy with how it went. >> he was very happy with how it went. it was one of the highest rated speeches of the convention so far. what we're happy about is the speeches we put onto the program that we wanted to
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on communicatingo the american people all have scored highly. melania's speech, rudy giuliani's speech, several of the speeches from some of the americans whose lives have been affected by policies of the obama/clinton administration and then last night, donald trump jr.'s speech and chris christie's speech. >> let's talk about chris christie's speech. you saw the crowd go on to their feet with that chant "lock her up." is that what the delegates think, that hillary clinton should be in jail. >> yeah. >> is that what you think? >> i think what the people in this hall feel she should be prosecuted for alleged crimes that the fbi director sort of listed her clearly and then chose -- >> chose not to prosecute her but they believe she should be in jail. >> when you start with the secret meeting on the tarmac two days before an investigation in the fbi two days before a whitewash of it and then one day before the justice department says, okay, we don't even have
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>> do you think bill clinton affected this investigation. >> we feel that that was not just a happening -- meeting to talk about golf and grandchildren, no. >> that influenced the decision of the fbi director? >> i think that that probably communicated information that was going to be helpful to her in her testimony saturday. >> that's quite a charge. >> that's how we feel. >> in the speeches so far of this campaign what we haven't heard too much is what we heard from trump throughout the primaries, nothing about the muslim ban, nothing about a wall paid by mexico, nothing about scrapping trade agreements. are we going to hear those issues from donald trump tomorrow night? >> look, the purpose of this convention is to do some things that haven't been done during the course of the campaign. in the campaign primaries he was competing against 16 other republicans and it was to separate his vision from theirs and clearly he was successful at doing that. at the convention this week we're trying to show other parts of his personality, some of which you heard in the speeches of his wife and his daughter and son and we'll hear more of tonight. we feel that the amerin
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they don't know the personal side of him. they don't know -- really they know he is a businessman but don't understand in business he's used his abilities not to just create great empires but treat people who have never had chances in life to opportunities. >> so none of these signature issues tomorrow night? >> i didn't say none of those signature issues tomorrow night. as you know in a speech to accept the convention nomination you lay out your vision for the campaign. by the time he lays out his vision for the campaign we hope we've laid a picture of the candidate who's broader than just a candidate for president, a father, a compassionate human being, a successful businessman, so all those pieces will wrap together and then he sul rises it all in his vision. >> two nights to go. thanks for coming in this morning. >> thanks, george. >> thank you very much. we bring in our political team, matt dowd and donna brazile waiting to weigh in. lease pick up on day two. it was seemed to be more anti-clinton than pro-trump. they were talking about chris christie's speech when they got
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was it an effective strategy. >> well, i think the second night was a much more effective program than the first night because the second night was actually on time and things were delivered in the moments they wanted to deliver them. i think the difficulty with this convention and the democratic convention coming up but especially this one is donald trump is a very defined figure and it's going to be hard to redefine him in any real way so i think the campaign decided the only way they can win this race is to talk about hillary clinton. >> but you saw just there you heard from mr. manafort, donna, they will be trying to redefine him over the next cull of days. will democrats let him do it? >> they've tried to pivot, george, as you well know for two months and donald trump has been unable to pivot with a teleprompter or without a teleprompter. last night what we had i believe is a night where they threw the kitchen sink at hillary clinton. they still haven't built what i believe to be a bigger tent for donald trump to grow his campaign, expand his reach to the american people. but last night i tnk
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that an unconventional anti-establishment candidate took over one of the major political parties. >> amazing situation to me. this is -- also feels in this hall like an arranged marriage. it feels like there is a whole bunch a part of the establishment. garry marshall passed away and took a play from hollywood to the tv series called "the odd couple." you feel that way here. you feel like this is an odd couple matched up and have to figure out how to bind it together. >> we'll talk to eric trump coming up. you speak about garry marshall. we are celebrating him, passing away overnight after an amazing career famous for making america laugh and chris connelly has a look at his impact on hollywood and the world. >> reporter: as a writer, director and producer, in tv and the movies for over half a century, garry marshall made actors funnier and made audiences laugh. ♪ sunday monday happy days >> hey, observe.
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whoa. ♪ schlameal schlamazel hassen pfeffer incorporated ♪ >> the hardest person i ever talked with most is my sister penny on "laverne and shirley," you know. okay, well, look at that tomorrow but penny used to come to my house at night and say, i got to fix the second act. >> you would have to hide from our own sister. >> yes, for eight years for "laverne and shirley." >> only one fair way to settle it. >> fine by me. >> aaagh! ♪ >> hey, don't take away my gu gusto. ah, help me, i'm melting. >> reporter: by the '80s an and '90s marshall was flourishing as a film director. >> i don't want you to get too excited. it's only a loan. >> oh!
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>> i love you. i'll never leave you again. >> i'll never let you go. you're my annie and you always will be. >> man overboard is kissing woman overboard. >> we are gathered here today. >> no. >> where is she going? >> don't. >> lock the doors. >> reporter: his ability to assemble the star-filled casts an exam of the respect and affection so many in hollywood felt for him. garry marshall died tuesday at the age of 81. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, new york. >> it just goes on and on and people at home, oh, he did that one, he did that one. >> the ones you forget about, "dick van dyke." >> amy has more on the other top headlines. good morning, everyone. >> good morning, guys. yes, he will be so, so missed but we begin with the headlines this morning and another city mourning the loss of a police
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duty. captain robert melton of the kansas city, kansas, police department was shot and killed while searching to are a drive-by shooting suspect. the alleged gunman is in custody. melton is now the second officer killed in that city in the last two months. well, health officials in florida are investigating what could be the first case of homegrown zika virus in the continental u.s. the only confirmed cases so far have been from people who traveled overseas or were infected through sexual contact. southern states have been bracing for local transmission through mosquito bites. well, there is some eye-opening figures about prostate cancer. the number of cases of advanced prostate cancer skyrocketed by 72% in just the last decade, researchers say lax screening guidelines may be partly to blame. and an incredible scene in south carolina, strangers coming together to rescue a driver trapped beneath his overturned car. the car was leaking gas so they had to work very quickly. they managed to pull him free even beforehe
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arrived. he said he drove off the road after getting distracted. >> had a library book in the back and flipped up and, oh, my god. >> oh, you can see him there hand over his heart physically shaken but he is okay and i love what someone tweeted. god and fine american citizens were looking out for this citizens. #america. >> i tell you what, that's scary. >> and thank god they were there to rush in. >> and thank goodness he had his seat belt on. >> dangerous heat across the midwest. >> in the heart of it now soy the watches have turned to warnings and that means the heat is imminent and humidity, of course, from louisiana right up through minnesota and wisconsin and excessive heat warnings stretch into parts of missouri, iowa, look at some of the numbers this afternoon, 110, 102 st. louis and then here's a look at tomorrow. that's the bulk of the heat.
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today: mostly sunny. low humidity. highs: 85-88 winds: n 5 mph tonight: partly cloudy. lows: 63-70 winds: s 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. a touch warmer and bit more humid. highs: 89-92 winds: s 5 mph ad-lib wx i'm abc7 meteorologist, doug hill
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>> and coming up here on "gma" breaking new details in that case against fox news ceo roger ailes. what anchor megyn kelly reportedly told investigators in the wake of gretchen carlson's sexual harassment suit. robin's exclusive interview with donald trump's son eric. can he top his brother? he's an 0 the stage tonight. >> he's right here. he's here live. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions,
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smoothies, only from tums. >> reporter: you'll want to get out and enjoy at a. upper 80s. after last night's storms, clearing out nicely. winds out of the north bringing in the low humidity, warm, and perfect conditions for today. then we're forecasting record heat and very high humidity starting on saturday, continuing through monday. 105 to 110 is what it will feel like. it starts through the weekend and continues through the early part of next week. >> reporter: we're dealing with the recommend intercepts of last night's storm. lots of debris, report of flooding and a lot of single lights on or the intersection is dark. we're looking at the capital beltway headed into silver spring, volume
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>> anchor: good morning washington. i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your top stories. 5640 years of searching -- after 40 years of serving, zooma williams passed away last night. one of a handful of fans recognized by the fro football hall of fame. she he was 75 years old, just celebrated his birthday on monday. severe storms triggered flash flooding across the region, including this one at national's park. this was posted ob twitter by adrianne gonzalez. look at a. a lot of water. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll send it back over to good morning america right now. hope you have are
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aquafina. for happy bodies. and see ice age: collision course in theaters july 22. welcome back to "gma" and take a look at that moment from last night, the moment donald trump went over the top at the republican convention officially becoming the nominee. his son don jr., eric, ivanka along with tiffany, they all helped put him in the spotlight and today eric will join us live standing by in the "q." >> he gives his big speech tonight. also this morning, t.j. holmes is showing us something you almost never get to see. he'll take us backstage at the convention. is that right, t.j.? >> robin, normally all we see is what, we just see the person revealed. they just come out on stage. exactly what are they doing back there and what exactly is back there? we have exclusive access as we walk the steps of an rnc speaker coming
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on the loose and he is. he is around here so that's ahead. back to new york. thank you, robin and, you know, "ghostbusters" star leslie jones, so viciously attacked on twitter, did this site do enough to protect her? we'll get into that. >> get ready for this. it's donald trump versus queen. the band is upset he used their song when he walked out with it earlier this week and they're curious. see if he can do it again tomorrow night. coming up. >> how will he top it? >> big discussion about that. back to you? see how he comes out tomorrow night. right now that fox news bombshell, chief roger ailes negotiated an exit from the network after those sexual harassment allegations and now reports that anchor megyn kelly told investigators that ailes made unwanted advances towarded her too. abc's rebecca jarvis outside fox news headquarters in new york. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning, george. and this morning, two newspapers owned by the s
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reporting that a roger ailes exit is imminent amid those allegations coming out from reportedly megyn kelly that she too was sexually harassed. this report from "the new york post." what the fox, dramatic shake-up at top news network. this morning, reports that roger ailes, the head of fox news and one of the most powerful men in television may soon be out of a job. according to a newly released article in "new york" magazine, megyn kelly, one of the network's biggest stars. >> welcome to "the kelly file." >> reporter: told investigators that ailes made unwanted sexual advances toward her about ten years ago when she was a correspondent. >> for her to level these allegations is devastating against ailes. >> reporter: attorneys for ailes firing back overnight telling abc news the 76-year-old has never sexually harassed melges. 21st century fox denying ailes
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is at work. the review is (ongoing." the possibility of an ailes departure comes on the heels of a sexual harassment suit filed against him by gretchen carlson. the former fox & friends anchor claiming ailes sabotaged her career because she refused his sexual advances, allegations he has vigorously denied. carlson posting this video online tuesday. >> i want to support all women who have been victims of sexual harassment. >> reporter: following carlson's allegations, more than a dozen fox news personalities have come forward publicly defending ailes leaving some wondering if ailes leaves, will the network's biggest stars follow suit? >> roger ailes orchestrated a pr campaign and that's another thing that rupert murdoch's lawyers are looking at perhaps meant to silence and pressure women not to come forward. >> reporter: an attorney for ailes telling me overnight there have been lots of proposal, lots of discussions going back and forth but there is
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this point for an exit agreement regarding roger ailes. george. >> okay, rebecca, thanks very much. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams for more. maybe no deal but this suit was just filed two weeks ago. already thoeshting an exit. that didn't take long. >> no, and, look, a source close to the investigation tells me that part of the reason for that is that megyn kelly's alleged to these investigators multiple incidents of harassment and it's not just about -- >> multiple? >> the source tells me that multiple fox news talent, women both current and/or former have come forward to allege possible harassment by roger ailes and that's why it's moving so quickly, because it's so clear to the owners now that something needs to be done. >> but if that's true if there are multiple allegations from megyn kelly, multiple allegations from other correspondents, how could he get, i don't know, $40 million in severance a
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contract. >> that's a business decision. that's a decision by twentieth century fox that they'll have to fight him legally so if they were to fire him and say you're not going to get anything, he would sue, say as he said publicly he said i didn't harass these women. i didn't harass gretchen carlson. i didn't harass megyn kelly and then there would be a fight with him, so for them, this isn't going to end up being sort of principal decision. it's going to be a business decision and if in the end they decide it's easier and cleaner for them to settle this, then they will. they may take the position, look, we're not going to make a judgment here about whether we think roger ailes harassed anyone. what we are going to do is try to end this by reaching some sort of settlement. >> real quickly, dan, what does this mean for gretchen carlson's suit? >> well, look, even if they settle with gretchen carlson, she sued roger ailes personally and so that lawsuit will likely continue and the more women who she can get to potentially
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stronger her lawsuit could become. >> okay, dan abrams, thanks very much. all right, and standing by patiently through all this joining us now exclusively is he ahead of his big speech, eric trump, a close adviser to his father. >> good being here. >> for getting up here and sitting with us like that. what was that moment like last night? you're there with your siblings, it becomes official your father is the republican nominee for president of the united states. >> we were i think pinching ourselves. listen, we've worked so hard and my father put so much passion into it and became a politician 12 months ago and here we are throwing him over the top. we are such a close family and it was an amazing special moment. actually very emotional but amazing, very special moment for us. >> i remember when george and i talked to your brother in iowa. seemed like two years ago, the beginning of the year? five years ago. >> that was where the process began. what has this journey been like and do you have any mixed feelings about what your family will face going forward. >> it's been a wild
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appreciated as kind of a traditional civilian being a politician. it's been wild. it's been fun. it's been energetic. we've literally seen every single corner of this country as we've gone through. that's a beautiful process and teaches the candidate and teaches the family so much about the political process, so much about the problems that this nation actually faces and it's actually a beautiful process. a lot more complicated than i never thought it would be. i always thought -- i was the guy that said, why don't they simply fight. have people vote via e-mail but it's such a beautiful thing to see every corner of this nation. >> you say you're not a politician. your brother sounded like one. >> he did a great job, honestly he did an amazing job and tiffany did an amazing job. i was so proud of her. she's 22, never done this before and came out and nailed it. >> bar was pretty high. >> the bar is high. the bar is high. >> sibling rivalry. >> we can take it. you know, we can take it. >> how will yours be different. >> i focused on the why because i think it's such an important question. why is pie
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why does he care this much? why now? i really focus on the why and it's having, here's a guy who is kind of in the apex of his career, he does not need to be doing this. i hear from his friends all the time. you know, i would never do something like that. i mean the scrutiny, the this, the that, the time commitment, the stress, the aggravation. you know, why? for somebody who's become so successful who could live a beautiful cushy life at home, run a nice business and sit back and my father cares deeply about this country. >> did any part of it -- >> did any part of you want to tell him don't do it? >> listen, i think he always knew that he was going to be right in the path of the fire and, you know, but my father has never run from it. he's always run toward the fire and away from -- versus away from the fire. i think that's what has made him successful his entire career. when he becomes passionate about something he sets his mind to it and he does it and you see that as you sit in this arena. this incredible arena with this incredible passion and i'm proud of him. i am just proud of the man. he's done such
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job. >> and what about yourself. we were talking about your brother. it was a very powerful, it was personal, political. very strong on policy. going forward if your father should become president, you've been a close adviser to him. will you have some sort of role in a trump white house? >> probably not. i mean first of all, if you ever made the call i'd be there in two seconds. the same goes for ivanka and same for don and we are very close. i would never not go to one of his debates. i will always tan by his side. that's the kind of family we are. no i'll probably very much be in new york running the hotels and golf courses and our other properties and if he needed something i'd be there in three seconds flat. i think when he wins this i think he'll go down to washington and i think we'll be staying in new york continuing his legacy, but we'll always be there for him. >> ivanka jokingly said to lara she was terrified about the speech she's going to give. what about you? >> certainly interesting. you see the size of this room. you see how it's telecast to 28
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number is around the country. it's amazing. all eyes are on but i also took immense pride and wrote every single word. >> no speech writers helped you with that. >> zero. when you write from the heart and i'll deliver from the heart. the product will be what it'll be but certainly sincere and full of love and if you of emotion and, you know, that's how it's supposed to be. >> you'll enjoy it. >> i'll enjoy it. trying to live this crazy wild moment. >> well, i know it's going to be -- we know it's going to be a long day. really appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. let's go back now to new york and michael is going to tell us what's on the big board or as your father would say, huge board. >> huge board. all right. thank you, robin. coming up on our big board, aka huge board, "ghostbusters" star less si jones takes a stand quitting twitter after vicious attacks. how the site is responding to that this morning. then trump versus the band queen. the battle brewing over their hit song "we are the champions" plus an exclusive look behin
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convention from t.j. holmes. he'll take us all inside and behind the scenes. we'll see that live in just two minutes. we'll talk about that. here they are on the big board. they look pretty. e this as simpe as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of protein, and 8 other nutrients. 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life.
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we are back now with the big board. our team of insiders standing by with more on today's top stories and we'll get right to the first one shg, "ghostbusters" star le jones taking a stand after being attacked on twitter, a slew of online trolls tweeting the most horrific comments, jones responding saying she is leaving twitter with, quote, tears and a very sad heart as fans of the star and other celebrities are speaking out supporting her. becky worley our tech expert is here at the table with this story. becky, this is bullying in the first order. >> the worst of the internet, you guys. misogyny, racism, mean people. she's funny, she made a movie. what with the trolling. >> let's give people the back story. she's tweeting, she's minding her own business using twitter the wayan
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>> this is somebody going after her in a racist and misogynistic way twitter not able to handle those abusive comments. you can report abuse on twitter but it can take months to resolve. in this specific case the person who was -- this very high-profile case, she reported it directly to jack dorsey whose is the head of twitter. >> leslie did. >> yes, he reached out to her. the person -- the ringleader on this attack banned permanently, but twitter saying, people think that we don't do a good enough job on abuse and we agree, they say that they are working on their policies and they told us last night that they are really going to try to take the onus off the person being abused. >> because it's a mob mentality. one person starts and get other people to join and that's what happened. are they developing any kind of technology to help? >> yeah, the good news here, michael is that you can harness the mob for good. periscope which is the video streaming service owned by twitter, they're
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with something where people who are watching the stream, they see an abusive comment they can vote on whether they think it's abusive and if they do, that person's voted. we need more innovation, you guys. >> yes, absolutely. >> i like it. bullying is not okay. >> it is not. >> thank you. >> thank you, becky. now the queen versus trump saga and not her majesty. >> no, talking the band. >> yeah, donald trump using the band's signature song "we are the champions" for his entrance at the republican convention and queen tweeting out it was an unauthorized use and now the rnc communications director sean spicer is firing back said the song was, in fact, licensed and "rolling stone's" contributing editor joe levy joins us with more. >> how are you. >> great. it didn't stop here. they did stop there. sony music released a statement late yesterday saying queen doesn't want trump to use the song at all and if he didn't have approval, they said he did, how did it happen. >> well, it happens all the time and it's happened for a
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time. when the rnc says he had approval what they mean there's proval in the arena through copyright law there is a blanket license that allows people to play those songs and the artists to be paid so when the cleveland cavaliers come out on the floor an they actually are the champions, they don't have to get queen's permission either, that license has been given to the arena already. >> feels like a loophole somehow to me, joe. do you think he'll use the same song again on thursday night for his big moment? >> i think knowing the trump campaign, that's a decision that will be made about 30 seconds before he walks on stage, maybe he'll be carrying an ipad and change his mind while walking on stage and hear two song, what we know queen's asked him not to. he believes he has the legal right and we know that when you say please mr. trump, he doesn't always listen to please. >> all right. >> that's the truth. >> joe, we thank you so much. we move it on to topic number three. t.j. holmes, where are you, cleveland, of course, just one day to go before donald trump gives his big speech as w
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exclusive never before seen look behind the scenes. where are you right now, teej? >> it's called the digital vault and every single speaker ends up coming through here. [ audio difficulty ] >> an exclusive look backstage and you'll see me take the stage ready to address the nation from the rnc on "gma." carol's painting with confiden
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od is a catalyst, good is contagious. and once it gets going there is no stopping what you can do. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. proud sponsor of the us swim team tempur-breeze bed is it's cool. you're not too hot, too cold, you're just perfect. you just get in and it naturally adapts to your body and creates the perfect temperature for you. (vo) sleep cooler, wake more refreshed. discover the new temper-breeze. are you ready for this? back now t.j. behind the scenes with a look at what goes on at the republican national convention. hey, t.j. >> hey. good morning to you, guys. good morning to you. i am standing just offstage, every single speaker to the rnc has to come up these steps and they'll come here and they'll have this moment right here at what's called offstage announce and they'll wait to be introduced then they'll hit it. what they'll hear is, ladies and
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stage from "good morning america," mr. t.j. holmes. and this is what happens and this is how they are revealed. they'll come to the stage and they will take the podium. now, we see the stage and it's huge, yes, of course, but they had to remove some 900 steps right here to put this stage in place and what's actually behind the scenes here, guys, it's actually dan gilbert, the owner of the cleveland cavaliers, that's his suite back there that they built out from here so they come to their spot. they make their speech. they do their thing. but you all can see me here. >> you feeling it? >> you feel it? >> i'm feeling it. i didn't get anything prepared for my remarks this morning but this is -- you get to see what they go through. we just see them pop out. >> yeah, that's right. >> pretty awesome feeling, t.j. that'll be great. thanks for showing it to us. walk off like a pro now. >>
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here, george. you are setting me up, man, you're setting me up. >> we'll see a closer look at the women in donald trump's life and the role that his former wives are playing in this campaign. come on back. cervical cancer. from an infection. human papillomavirus. who knew hpv could lead to certain cancers? who knew my risk for hpv would increase as i got older? who knew that there was something that could have helped protect me from hpv when i was 11 or 12, way before i would even be exposed to it? did you know, mom? dad? i was infected with hpv. maybe my parents didn't know how widespread hpv is. while hpv clears up for most, that wasn't the case for me. maybe they didn't know i would end up with cancer because of hpv. maybe if they had known there was a vaccine to help protect me when i was 11 or 12.
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now the search is over. cool! aquafina. for happy bodies. and see ice age: collision course in theaters july 22. fthe search for relief often leads, or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once ony available in doctors' office. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. check your sunday paper for up to $18 in savings. back here on "gma," a grass fire right next to the hollywood sign. it's going to be a lot warmer this week. they got this one out.
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>> anchor: after the storms, a gorgeous day. here is veronica johnson >> reporter: you'll want to get out and enjoy today. upper 80s. after last night's storms, get a chance to dry up and clean up. winds out of the north bringing in the low humidity, warm, and perfect conditions for today. then we're forecasting record heat and very high humidity starting on saturday, continuing through monday. 105 to 110 is what it will feel like. the heat wave starts through the weekend and continues through the early part of next week. >> reporter: we continue to teal with fallen trees, knowing and tacker interchanges. flashing signal lights in some locations. also a crash flew glen understooden, inbound 50, you can see
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occurred. we're blocking a couple lanes. delays inbound from buoy. several locations of standing water a live look on the southeast southwest freeway, we've got the crash and got a couple of ramp closures, just be alert for standing water at 6th and 7th streets especially eastbound on the sec southwest freeway. back over to you. >> anchor: thank you. now top stories. if you're going to playbookiman go, you better not be driving. a man inbaltimore learned that the hard way when we crashed his car into a please cruiser. officers were standing nearby, caught the whole thing on their body cameras. nobody was hurt. phase 5 of metro's safe track plan is elfland way. for 12 days trains will single track between east falls church and metro station. expect delays and congestion on blue, orange and silver line trains. rids
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area if possible, especially during rush hours. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll send it back over to good morning america. have a great day.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and donald trump's children are center stage. a fiery speech from his oldest son. >> my mentor, my best friend, my father, donald trump. >> and his youngest daughter. >> here i am a little new to the convention scene but incredibly honored and very confident in the good man that america is coming to know. >> now the spotlight on their mother, how trump's former wives are shaping his campaign and his message. ♪ welcome to my house also this morning from this house to the white house, michelle obama is headed to the carpool for karaoke. ♪ oh oh oh >> the first lady like you haven't seen her before. ♪ never been in love before surprise diet sabotage. millions spent on almond milk but is it
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alternative from hidden sugar to protein. becky worley breaks down the hidden myths. celebrating garry marshall. the man behind so many of america's favorite films passing away overnight. those tributes from stars around the world pouring in. what julie andrews is saying now about her friend and colleague this morning. ♪ time to get the chains out time for workout wednesday. we're kicking off your personal past to top fitness instructors from coast to coast, tracy anderson starts us off, the hottest moves to heat up your workout as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. we do say good morning, america. a great morning here in cleveland, day three. you can feel the excitement. >> it's building, yeah. >> after our interview with eric trump, it was like a
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following him all over the place here and we'll go one-on-one with some of the delegates who are here as well. >> also going to take a closer look at some of the women who know donald trump best. his ex-wife there ivana trump and marla maples and we'll talk to cokie roberts about that but now let's go back up to new york. >> here in new york it is workout wednesday. here in times square, tracy anderson, she's here and she's got great moves, look at her go. you can do right at home. they're kicking it off. i am tired watching them right now and we'll get her started. look, there she goes. >> you can join in. michael, you cannot see it but is wearing spandex under the desk. >> don't tell my secret. >> you guys, we want you to join in, we're livestreaming the workout and simulcasting it on facebook so get moving, everybody. i know michael is. >> yep, i got my spandex on. can't wait for that. first, amy has the morning rundown in i'm worn out. i worked out all the way over here. the big sto
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donald trump rebounding from a rough start at the republican convention with glowing praise from his children after trump officially won the gop nomination his eldest son and youngest daughter took the stage as party leaders appeal for unity. abc's tom llamas has more now from cleveland. good morning, tom. >> reporter: amy, good morning. in the spotlight last night, tiffany trump and donald trump jr., now, tiffany trump delivered a heartfelt speech talking about a side of her father we usually do not hear about saying that when she lost a loved one, the first phone call she got was from her father and then donald trump jr. giving a rousing speech last night, trying to sell the case that a builder and someone like donald trump, a businessman is the only person who can solve america's problems. >> we're going to elect a president who will work with everyone to pass legislation that will make our country great again. who says what needs to be said and not just what you want to hear. a president who will unleash the greatness in our nation and in all of us would will give the hard working men and wom
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built this great country a voice once again. >> reporter: now last night i also spoke with eric trump and his wife. eric trump's wife telling me that eric will deliver the best speech so a little bit of sibling rivalry with the trump kids. >> all right, tom, thank you. trump's running mate governor mike pence will address the convention tonight. our live coverage tonight at 10:00 p.m. meanwhile, hillary clinton is expected to name her running mate soon. virginia senator tim kaine and agriculture secretary tom vilsack have reportedly made the short list. in other news a major fire west of salt lake city, utah, overnight aven explosion reported there and dodds forced to evacuate as the flames burned buildings. no word on what may have caused that explosion. well, a potentially big step forward in the malaysia airlines flight 370 mystery. investigators believe this large piece of
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coast of africa is a wing flap. they're trying to confirm if it was part of the doomed plane which went down two years ago. killing 239 people. well, a growing danger for teenagers behind the wheel. researchers say 27% of teens still admit to texting and driving but there's an even bigger problem now. a whopping 68% of teens now admit using apps while driving and that includes looking at or posting to social media. and finally whether you're a dog lover or a cat lover, it turns out neither animal may be the best pet. scientists have studied a range of animals and their compatibility with humans and guess what they found to be perhaps the perfect pets? a wallaby, yep. a llama. >> a llama, yes. >> all hearing yes and then a rare type of deer apparently. these three animals among a list that would according to scientists make better pets than cats and dogs. >> really? >> who do you think? i
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>> hey, baby. >> a little big. >> bigger apartment needed. >> yes, i'm sticking with my dogs. i'm sticking with "pop news." you guys ready. >> yes. >> let me move these. i feel a spill coming on. all right. happy "pop news" day, everybody. michelle obama channeling her inner queen, i'm talking queen bey in a promo for "the late late show" and buckles up for james corden's karaoke and quite a time since she sat up front. check it out. >> maybe months ago with my daughter who learned to drive. >> yeah. >> that was the only time in 7 1/2 years that i've been in -- >> in the front seat of a car. >> listening to music rocking out like this. ♪ oh oh oh >> she certainly seemed comfortable. >> show more. show more. this is clearly not her first time around the block singing or dancing to beyonce. also she sin
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anthem "this is for my girls" written by diane warren to promote full access to education worldwide. that's the serious part. then she gets her game on by singing missy elliott's "get your freak on". >> i love it. >> you guys can check that out, james corden is a genius. also in "pop news," what would you sing if you did it? >> if i did carpool, whatever he played because i'm not a singer and would have to actually lip-sync. she's abrave and i noticed the car never left the white house grounds. >> oh, you did? that's funny >> that's good. safety first. >> safety first, america. yeah. next up so happy to report on this, shondaland reunion. t.r. knight. do you remember him? of course you do so popular as the sweet but shy dr. george o'malley on "grey's anatomy" is coming back to thursday night's lineup landing a role in the second season of "the catch." if you haven't caught it, it is really, really good. shonda said this has been a
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my favorite family members is home and t.r. posted his feelings about the new gig with his old pals on social media saying simply happy indeed. i can tell you, t.r., i know we are more than happy about your return to the familfamily. >> welcome back. >> i want to finish i know we've been talking all morning about behind the scenes about the wonderful garry marshall all mourning the loss of one of our favorite, filmmaker, writer, director, gave us so many stars, he gave so many stars their first big break like anne hathaway from "the princess diaries," julie andrews also in that film was -- said about him he was generous to a fault. goldie hawn who marshall directed in amy's favored movie "overboard" and also directed kate in mother's day mother's day and he was family and will miss him so much and marshall created a show you might remember called "mork and mindy."
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>> making a star out of the late great robin williams and his daughter zelda williams thanking him for changing her family's life and gave rob lowe his first job at 15 and also created the character the fonz. >> hey! >> when he wrote "happy days" and henry winkler described him as larger than life, funnier than most, the definition of friend. as you know he made "pretty woman" and jason alexander said garry gave me one of the best experiences i ever had in my career. thanks, pal. richard gere called marshall one of those truly important people one is blessed to meet in their lifetimes. i can tell you, guys, i was lucky enough to interview him several types. he was so generous in his storytelling. he made you look good because you would ask him a question and he would go on and on and make you laugh. he became a dear friend to me and also ginger, i know that you had -- you actually went the next step. you guys became dear friends in we became real
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last time i got to see him was a couple of months ago in l.a. and the favorite place to meet him was his office. it's like a museum of hollywood. carl reiner and anne bancroft and him playing tennis with mel brooks but next to it is his grandchildren who he loved most. today, this is your water but i want to toast to him with hit favorite drink, sprite and no ice, to you, garry. >> rest in peace, we will miss you. >> all of that came through. all of that came through in his films and every one of those things make me smile and happy. >> he was always happy. >> 'he do a garry marshall movie night. >> i love it. >> i'm in. >> pajamas? okay, i'm in. all right. everybody, here's a look at what's coming up on a "gma morning menu" manhunt. how donald trump's ex-wives are shaping his campaign and the one and only becky worley is breaking down why almond milk may not be as healthy as you think even though it looks really good. good glass of milk. plus, julianne moore is here with her children's book
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julianne. how are you, my dear. mwah. so talented. actress, writer, does it all. a bunch of cute kids, all hers and it is workout wednesday. tracy anderson, she's out in times square right in military island sharing her best moves that you can do at home. you have all that coming up live on "gma" here in times square. "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by new nexium, 24-hour tablets. ♪ i ain't never giving up
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side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix did not have significant impact on weight. ask your healthcare professional trintellix could make a difference for you. back now with donald trump's family, a big part of this campaign, tiffany trump and
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night. >> the family stars every night, melania monday and ivanka introduces her father tomorrow and we'll hear from his formerlier wives, ivana and marla maple but linsey davis joins us with more. >> good morning. donald trump has said in the past that he found the combination of beauty and brains almost unbelievable. but the thrice married trump says business is his greatest passion and that focus impacted his relationships but his ex-wives are still part of his life. >> please welcome tiffany trump. >> reporter: donald trump's younger daughter tiffany named after the luxury jewelry store took to the stage in cleveland and shared a bit about growing up trump. >> if you do what you love, hold nothing back and never let fear of failure get in the way, then you pretty much figured out the trump formula. >> reporter: while older sister ivanka prepares to introduce their father thursday night, there are the other women in his life who know firsthand what it's like to live life as a
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trump. first wife ivana trump and second wife, marla maples. >> are we getting married? >> if so, when? >> who said we're not? >> reporter: she recently competed on "dancing with the stars." where she opened up about her marriage to the now republican nominee. >> i met tiffany's dad when i was 20 years old. that time he wasn't a world known name. i met him through a friend and thought he was, wow, what an interesting person. >> reporter: but their six-year marriage wasn't without its share of drama. the two began dating while trump was still married to ivanka. the czech born socialite told barbara walters about meeting maples for the first time. >> she said i'm marla and a love your husband. >> i said, get lost. i love my husband very much. >> reporter: ivana is the mother of trump's three oldest, donald jr., ivanka and eric, all executives at the trump organization and did mend fences with her
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"the first wives club." >> don't get mad, get everything. >> in april ivana famously told "the new york post." donald is not anti-immigration saying and i quote, as long as you come here legally we need immigrants. who is going to vacuum our living rooms and clean up after us, end quote. >> all right there, linsey. joining us now, abc's cokie roberts is here. now all is right in the world. always good to see you, cokie. especially in this environment and you spend a lot of time with the female delegates here. what are they telling you they need to hear? >> they're thrilled his family is here and they really don't want want to hear from anybody else but they feel that his family might convince them, particularly the social conservatives, the people who are pro-life and anti-gay marriage that maybe that the family will convince them that he's not far out there somehow. that he really is a family man. but you know linsey talking
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could do him huge damage and the fact that they're not doing that is a big plus for him. >> is there any danger of overplaying the family card? >> sure, there is. because at some point isn't there anybody else? and how many things can you say about how great my dad is which is why donald trump jr.'s speech was good because he didn't just do that. but, you know, you have to remember when ivana trump and donald trump got divorced it was a huge thing, you know, everybody was taking sides about the prenup and the deal she got and all that and she said that he wanted to run for president earlier and that the american women were siding with her against him and that's why he didn't run then. but she's now come around and decided she's not going to go after him anymore and that is huge. >> that's a big deal. ivanka, his daughter, tomorrow night going to be introducing him. >> so interesting, isn't it? his wife gave the
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and now his daughter introducing them. it is a family affair here and ivanka, though, everyone has been very impressed by and, of course, the truth is they are his chief campaign advisers, that family is a close corporation and they are really the people doing the deciding here and so, therefore, the delegates on the floor want to know, you know, more about him. >> and they are. they're learning. all right, cokie, always good to see you. all right, coming up diet sabotage, don't you love the segue. almond milk. is it really healthy as you think, cokie? is it? we're going to find out here. >> never tasted it. >> on "good morning america."
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back now with surprise diet sabotages and becky worley has more. >> reporter: almond milk in your cereal. almond milk latte. almond milk for the kids. its popularity is soaring but why? >> the perception is that you're drinking a big handful of almonds and getting all those benefit. >> i don't know that to be true. many almond and nut milks are reconsty instituted so i don't know how many nuts are in the actual
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>> reporter: compare it to a cup of skim. one serving eight ounces has eight grams of protein. no added sugar. >> that's about 1 1/2 small eggs. >> reporter: but one cup of almond milk -- >> you'll be so surprised. almond milk has one gram of protein per serving. >> reporter: here's the real almond milk problem. the added sugar. there is an unsweetened version but original has seven grams of added sugar per serving and vanilla a popular choice for lattes, 16 grams of added sugar. a juice box? >> absolutely. it's comparable to a juice box. so this is your preteen and that's about 15 grams of added sugar. >> reporter: we reached out to the california almond board who says almond milk offers a dairy-free, soy-free, lactose-free alternative and isn't high in protein so better off eating a hand full as a snack if you want more. >> let's go outside to ginger. >> we want to getfriday through - feels like 105-110 for
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today: mostly sunny. low humidity. highs: 85-88 winds: n 5 mph tonight: partly cloudy. lows: 63-70 winds: s 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. a touch warmer and bit more humid. highs: 89-92 winds: s 5 mph ad-lib wx i'm abc7 meteorologist, >> don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.
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>> anchor: a great looking day on the way. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: you'll want to get out and enjoy today. upper 80s. after last night's storms, clearing out nicely. get a chance to dry up and clean up. winds out of the north bringing in the low humidity, warm, and perfect conditions for today. then we're forecasting record heat and very high humidity starting on saturday, continuing through monday. 105 to 110 is what it will feel like. the heat wave starts through the weekend and continues through the early part of next week. >> reporter: we don't to get reports of downed trees across the road ways, lots of debris and dark traffic signals. contending with beltway collisions now, traveling through fairfax county, a live look as you head through mcclean and
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right lane on the inner loop after the dulles toll road. the other crash into silver spring, two lanes blocked with this as just -- just after new hampshire avenue. keep in mind flooding this morning, approaching the southeast southwest freeway on the ramp from 6th and 7th streets. >> anchor: redskins fans are remembering keith z, after some 40 cares of serving as the unusual mascot of the nfl team. passed away tuesday. williams is a handsful of fans recognized by the pro football hall of fame. he was 75 years old, just celebrated his birthday on monday. 47 years ago today, kneel arm strong and buzz aldrin walked on the moon, parts of the apollo 11 mission along with astronaut michael collins. this morning the smithsonian is putting arm strong's
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"credit karma, why are you checking your credit score!" "you don't want to live with lucy forever, do you?" "glass?" "nah, i'm good." "do we have any towels?" "i got ya!" "we should really get a toaster." "i got you!" "credit karma huh?" "yea, it's free." "that was easy." "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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welcome back to "gma." we are live here in cleveland and all eyes on that stage behind us tonight. donald trump's son eric and his running mate, governor mike pence both will speak. >> those two taking on a big role here and some of the delegates flying in from all officer the country to vote and speaking of that stage, t.j. holmes is back. you were up there on the stage but you spent some time with some newcomers here. >> some newcomers. i had my moment on stage. it was brief. but, yes, they tell us some 50,000 people total came in to cleveland for this convention. well, 2,427 of them are these delegates and they came for different reasons and some even came because they want to change the face of the republican party. >> cleveland or bust. >> reporter: for 24-year-old georgia delegate katie frost, the trip began
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farewell from her sisters. michele nix took a 14-hour bus ride and for this man he's joining his mom also a delegate. >> love you. >> reporter: it doesn't come cheap. delegates pay their own way. a price tag that can reach into the thousands sending some to fund-raising sites like go fund me. >> i have all my dresses and, of course, the proper shoe collection. >> reporter: for some enthusiasm is paired with worry. >> my family and friends are worrying for me scared of the protests. >> reporter: we talked about their motivation to be 2016 delegates. >> i like to use platforms to show there are young people in the republican party. >> reporter: reportedly own 18 of the nearly 2500 gop delegates is african-american. henry is hoping to change the face of the gop. >> part of what goes on inside is recognizing that if we really want to make a difference we have to hear what's going on
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with it. >> the opinion of the chair. >> reporter: as the convention opened a contentious attempt to block donald trump's nomination. these delegates recognize the challenge of supporting a divided gop. who at this table from the very beginning donald trump was your guy? >> he became my choice after my first choice was no longer available. >> i think the delegates are going to have to work a little harder maybe to become cheerleaders. we have to be enthusiastic about making sure, well, can't be hillary clinton. >> reporter: the party in cleveland may be under way but these delegates know there is a lot of work to do on the road to election day. >> one of the points they try to make people think of the republican party as a part of old white men and say look at us, two women, one of us 24 years old and a black man. they say that's important for us to try to put that image out and -- >> sounded like they need a little more convincing. >> they need a little -- i asked
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who here was trump was your first choice, second, third fourth, i had to go down the line and they still especially that young woman she wouldn't commit -- it was more so we can't let hillary win versus we're so excited about donald trump. >> we'll see a lot more tonight. t.j., thanks for being here and our special 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight, "world news" and a special of "nightline" as well and that coverage going to continue all week long. and i want to give a shoutout. this is going to be my last day at the convention. i have family affairs. my sister is getting married. i'm not in the wedding but i'm till going. >> did you hear that? >> oh, but i have to give a shoutout to the local organizers. everything has been so -- is being so well run here and the volunteers. >> doing a great job. >> doing a great, great, job. been fun with you guys. i'm going to the wedding. all right. to ginger. >> i love this. all right. so how about this crowd out here this morning. we love our party in times square. and miss liberia,
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contestants from all over. which state? >> i'm virginia. >> it goes right down the line. we have a bunch of hem. >> you stick out slightly with the crowns and the sashes so a very good morning to all of you. >> good morning to you. >> good luck this friday. let's go ahead and start. washington, d.c., just overnight that lightning then, of course, the storms, they had more than 3 inches of rain in just 90 minutes in parts of virginia. a quick look at the storms in the center of the nation.- neart friday through monday - feels like 105-110 for 4 days today: mostly sunny. low humidity. highs: 85-88 winds: n 5 mph tonight: partly cloudy. lows: 63-70 winds: s 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. a touch warmer and bit more humid. highs: 89-92 winds: s 5 mph ad-lib wx >> this weather report brought to you by mercedes-benz and now a sneak peek behind the "$100,000 pyramid." celebrity guest terry crews taking center stage taking on michael in a surprise dance-off. you know that's going to be good. the "$100,000 pyramid" is as you
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michael trahan. see it this sunday at 9 p.m. eastern. michael, i know you have the moves. i don't even know if that's fair. >> you can see we had a lot of fun doing that show. we're about to have more fun right now because we are joined by julianne moore, the oscar winning actress isn't just a force on the big screen but also an author behind the hit children's series "freckleface strawberry and the really big voice." i love that name. and she's thought with a new book, "freckleface strawberry and the really big voice." >> uh-huh. >> and i have a question for you. >> what? >> who has the really big voice. >> i do. yes. i have a big voice. do you guys have big voices. >> all: yes. >> yeah. yes. >> you know what i love about this book and series. this book talks about an indoor and outdoor voice in that's correct. >> but it also teaches kids it's okay to be different. >> that's right. that's right and i think i wanted to right about that. that idea that maybe that what you have is okay, you know,
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like whatever you have, whatever makes you different is an okay thing whether you have freckles or a big voice, good at sport, bad at sport, there's sort of room for all of it, right? >> and freckleface strawberry was your nickname growing up. >> yes, we talked about that, right? i'm freckleface strawberry. >> all: yeah. >> i say look at my airports. have you ever seen so many freckles in your life? and they usually say, no, they haven't so i take the cake with freckles. >> my twins have strawberry hair and freckles as well and can relate to this. i'm curious, are the experiences in the book what you experienced growing up. >> yeah, it's all autobiography. are you kidding? yeah, yeah, i mean i think -- i mean my second book was about dodgeball and hating dodgeball. and 50/50 people who love dodgeball. how do you feel about dodgeball. who loves it? yeah. who hates it? >> i was always on that afraid of dodgeball. >> no, come on. >> i know i ran into people for a living at some point but, yeah, i was
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somebody really hard or get really hard. >> right, right. >> it's upsetting so they are books sort of based on what i experienceds a kid growing up and it's nice to for me now it's nice to think about what is happening in kids' live, what's important to them, you know and this one is very much about going back to school, right. we have a while before we go back to school, right, guys, like a month or two. >> are you excited to go back to school? >> all: yeah. >> our voices louder on the playground or in class? >> all: playground. >> playground. yeah, yeah, so this book starts when they're all on the playground and everyone is sort of making a lot noise but then it sort of -- then they go to school and they have different kinds of voice, right. >> i tell you what, they already obviously know this book. you've inspired a lot of well-behaved kids. >> we have some great kids. >> we have lily and lily has a question. >> wh
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>> my question is, is freckleface strawberry everyone's friend? >> yes. she is everyone's friend. because freckleface strawberry is me. i want to be friends with all of you. how about that? >> i like that. >> yeah. >> you feel like friends? >> what do you think, friends? >> yes. >> yes. >> right on. >> i feel a play date coming on. but you also say growing up books played a big role in your life. what were some of your favorites? >> i loved all the louisa al cot books, i loved laura ingalls wilder. did you read "little house on the prairie." i could not get my daughter to read those no matter how hard i tried. but i mean i liked anything that had a girl at the center of the story really. that's what i was looking for, a reflection of my own experience. the great thing about reading it leads you --
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always think as a kid when you read something how do they know that about me? and that's where you learn about the universality of experience. books are important because it's a way for a kid to find themselves. >> you're helping them with this freckleface strawberry and the really big voice. i'm glad you wrote it and kids love it. so "freckleface strawberry and the really big voice" is available now, julianne moore, everybody, and thank you so much again. up next, it is workout wednesday. yeah, i'm taking these kids outside with julianne and we're going to work out with tracy anderson and all that is live right there in times square. >> that would be
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♪ you make me feel back now with our new weekly series workout wednesday getting you up and moving with the top trainers in the business and up first we have tracy anderson here a fitness expert and creator of the tracy anderson method and, tracy, we know you worked with gwyneth paltrow to victoria beckham to robert downey jr. and have a new workout called taba. >> like tracy anderson go. a little latin flavor in there. >> i
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>> she inspires me all the time because we work together. >> she inspires everyone. this is called low impact cardio. what is that? >> this is lower impact so it's not just all jumping like i have tons of dance cardio dvds over the years that are high jumping but sparks a lot of hunger and we're aging and as we're aging, everyone and so as we're aging we don't want to be jumping quite as much sometimes so this is where you can dance, have high energy but it's low impact so it's not as high impact on your joints. >> okay. >> we've been livestreaming this workout and they are really working out sweating back here. >> they are sweating. >> we've been working out for an hour. >> we want to see a few of these moves. >> you want to see them or do them. >> i'll do them. >> we might do them. >> okay. so this is really easy, put your hand over your hear and take a few pump backs and go back, circle, walk forward with some attitude, back, circle. walk forward with some attitude. go to the left, back,
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michael. they like it when you're dancing. again, i want to very a little hip thrust because it's good for your abs. >> you know this is morning tv. you're talking hip thrusts. >> like the floor is hot and you'll go back and hip. floor is hot, floor is hot. come on. come on. floor is hot. floor is hot. >> two thrusts. >> even bigger fan now i am. here we go, to the left, yep. you got it. to the left. >> he's got the moves. >> i better stop so i can keep my job. >> how long do you need to -- >> i bunch of marriage proposals coming up on -- >> like michael's hip thrusts. >> thank you so much. tracy has more workouts on her website as well and we are livestreaming with tracy so go to facebook live andsk
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her in realtime. >> then is awesome and thank you, i appreciate that workout. coming up next, "absolutely famous" star joanna lumley is here live in times square. there
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i'm giggling because i'm here with joanna lumley, one-half of patsy and edina from the international hit tv show, they're taking on the big screen now in "ab fab: the movie," "absolutely famous" actually and edina is telling patsy all about her book deal. >> am i in it? >> of course you're in it, darling because you are my oldest, oldest friend. >> uh-huh. and who will play me, eddie? >> like near aly book. it will be a film because it has me in .
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pr -- >> ooh. fabulous. and who will play, not jane fonda. >> i mean, was patsy just giving herself botox. >> yes, she keeps a bag in her bag she keeps needles and drugs and everybody should just put botox on. >> like powdering your nose. i notice the pill -- >> yes. >> going down. how fun is it playing that character? >> it's the best, i promise you. fantastic and to have had a character for 25 years and still be there is brilliant because i know exactly what she's going to do so although i'm not like her, she's mine if you know what i mean. >> absolutely. >> and is it true you guys wrote them or that your partner in crime jennifer wrote the movie just so you could continue hanging out. >> pretty much because our lives are so busy we never get a chance to ee each other and we love so much when we're together. it's just brilliant. >> i want to hear a little about your take on this plot. it
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>> it is pretty crazy. her careers is a pr is going down the hill slightly, patsy hangs on to her as a good best friend and they get the chance to see that kate moss needs a new pr and edina vainly thinks it must be her and knocks her back against the river and kills her. >> yesterday we learned that small faux pas, you guys wrote or jennifer wrote the story line about kate moss without checking with kate moss so -- >> almost didn't have your star. >> i know. >> luckily kate is a very cool girl and she said, yeah, i'll do it. she was just great. >> that's so great. >> i want to let you know any indication of how this movie play, there are reports that some audience members have gotten kicked out of theaters for laughing too loud during this movie. have you heard that? >> i have heard that. i think they might have partaken of a little liquid refreshment as well. >> patsy would approve. >> i think she would. >> tell me about your life
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and patsy are such best friends on screen. what's the dynamic between you and jennifer in real life. >> just real friends, never enough time. as you get older you think i'll control my life. the opposite happens. life controls you and you're owe so busy and rushing and when we see each other we talk and talk and these characters never leave us. both of us do work, i work in the theater and do documentaries, she does other stuff but when we are together these ghastly sfipgss arrive behind our shoulders and all we can think about what patsy and eddie would do. >> are you a little like your characters when you see each other with a cocktail perhaps. >> well, occasionally i've been forced to take a sip of a drink, you know. >> i don't know what you mean by that. it was nice, julianne moore was just here and she saw you, she screamed such a fan of yours. >> i just adore that girl. >> do people see patsy when they see you. >> quite a lot and because the two are so
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very funny and people have an affection towards them because the people we most poke fun at is ourselves. >> of course. >> so we're not mocking anybody, it's just us being disgusting, god, i can't tell you what fun it is. it is so lovely to see you, lara. look at you. >> right back at you. >> if we do something else will you come and be in it. >> are you hearing this, america? i hate to say it but it might be typecasting. i might have had a cocktail or two in my day. i love seeing you. thank you for both coming to us and can't say enough. this movie will make you smile and laugh so hard. "absolutely famous: the movie" opens nationwide this friday. please keep them coming. tell her to keep writing. >> i will. >> we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ know you're budgeted for the expected, and the unexpected. know that at least the process of buying a new home can be clear and simple.
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retirement closer than you think know. the one word behind all the guidance we provide, tools we create, d services we offer. because when you have insight, you know.
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are you ready. >> yeah, i'm ready. >> for not just deals but -- >> really great deals. >> these perfect will make you say -- >> i need these immediately. >> so what's not to love. >> that is fantastic. >> tomorrow on abc's "good morning america." ♪ something big "good morning america" is brought to you by panera bread. food as it should be. ♪ feel it in my bones we have to say good-bye to our patty. we thank her for so much. robin, take it away. >> you know, i had to stay around here in cleveland because i had to say my good-byes, lara. that woman you're hugging,
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thank you, our longtime senior book producer here on "gma." if you've seen an author since 1982 that woman is responsible for her. for that person being on our show and, patty, it goes back, you know, you were there with charlie and joan and joanie and spencer and still i know charlie is still a very dear friend of yours and just so appreciative of everything you have given to us and you're just so uplifting to be around. that gorgeous smile of yours, diane, we would talk about you all the time. the placing you've gone, the things that you've seen. your spirit, your zest for life and zest for jack hanna. we cannot thank you enough, patty. we love you. i love you. i thank you. you're one of the first people i met when i started back in the day. can't believe it's been three decades. one last thing, please don't go, please don't go, patt
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>> yeah. >> you have to go? >> she's got to vacation in a lot of place, right. >> if it wasn't for patty, jack hanna, i mean, thank you for jack. thank you for you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> anchor: a gorgeous day. here is veronica johnson >> reporter: you'll want to get out and enjoy today. upp
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clearing out nicely. get a chance to dry up and clean up. winds out of the north bringing in the low humidity, warm, and perfect conditions for today. then we're forecasting record heat and very high humidity starting on saturday, continuing through monday. 105 to 110 is what it will feel like. the heat wave starts through the weekend and continues through the early part of next week. >> reporter: if remnants of the storm last night effecting the commute this wednesday morning. we have a closure on the southeast southwest freeway/the 7th street ramp to eastbound, blocked with flooding. downed trees reported, accident cleanup on the capital beltway toward new hampshire avenue, if you lanes blocked with this crash on the outer loop. inner loop crash infairfax county, according to police, the right lane blocked on the inner loop after the dulles toll road. back to you. >> anchor: now top stories. people are still in the dark
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this morning after [indiscernible], trees came down, cars trained and roads closed. at one point 45,000 customers were without power. that number is now down to around 2,000. safe track surge 5 is in effect starting today. no shut downs this time. the orange and siller lines effected. fell single traumatic from east falls churn to boston, flew jul. donald trump's vice-presidental pick is expected to speak at the republican national convention in cleveland. we're bringing you live reports all week. watch news channel 8 every night at 7:00 for an hour long special [ ghost voice ] the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. oh -- ohhh! she slimed me. [ laughs ]
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announcer: it's "live! with kelly." today, from the new comedy, "bad moms," mila kunis. and a chat with recording artist jessie j. and the co-hosts flex their creative muscles when they tackle the improv games. plus film and tv star keegan-michael key returns for another hour with kelly. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: and now here are kelly ripa and keegan-michael key! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: oh, my god, hi!


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