tv World News Now ABC August 26, 2016 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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this morning on "world news now," bigotry and paranoia on the campaign trail. the heated attacks step up after clinton released an ad with images of the kkk. donald trump overnight firing back with his toughest criticism yet. >> aftershocks are hampering the ability to find survivors. rescuers are hoping for more miracles as daybreaks. and an officer's heroic efforts. caught on body cam. >> he jumps into action to pull a crash victim from a fiery wreck. see how he was able to free them. >> an making an entrance. kanye west kicking off his much anticipated tour. wait until you see the ground-raising show he's got
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planned. we're going to touch the sky on this friday, august 26th. from abc news, this is "world news now." if it's bey would be beyonce and that's bey. and then ye, ye, it's bey. sorry, we're not the cool kids. let's start with other "b" words. bigotry. >> that's a big one. right now in politics. hillary clinton's attack on donald trump. clinton accuses him of giving rise to a radical fringe element within the republican party. >> clinton hammers on race own hate and he pushed back continuing to call her a bigot, and he's accusing her of trying to smear her supporters. and trump is expected to clarify his immigration plan after conflicting comments about mass deportation. it's your voice your vote. >> reporter: donald trump is doubling down on his new label for hillary clinton.
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hillary clinton is a bigot. >> in an interview he talked about his new branding for his rival. >> her policies are bigoted. she knows they're not going to work. >> you think she's personally bigoted? >> she is. they're her policies. >> but hatred is at the core? >> maybe she's lazy. i don't know what it is. >> reporter: hours earlier in reno clinton launched her own attack on trump. >> he says he wants to make america great again, but more and more it seems his message seems to be make america hate again. >> reporter: in the first appearance on the campaign trail this week, clinton said trump is promoting prejudice and running a racist campaign. >> he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. >> reporter: the clinton campaign is reinforcing that message with a new ad. >> the reason a lot of klan members like donald trump is
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>> reporter: in an interview trump denied he wants white supremacist votes. >> not at all. i will tell you, this is not hate. this is about love. >> reporter: as he trades jabs with clinton, he raises questions about immigration. >> we're going to find people immediately, and i mean first hour of my -- the first document i will sign will say get the bad ones out of this country. >> reporter: but trump offers a murky answer when pressed on the details. >> we have crime all over this country. >> if they haven't committed crime is there a path to citizenship? >> there is not a path. there's no path to legalization unless people leave the country, if they come back in, then they can start paying taxes. >> reporter: that answer offers a glimpse into his struggle to pinpoint his immigration plan. he s
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and that was the speech he was originally supposed to give this week. >> yes. today, in fact. >> and the attacks are heated, but they have been for a while. they seem to be shifting in tone a little bit. he seems to be softening his while still attacking hers, and she seems to be trying to go after him harder directly. is there a strategy. >> it's interesting to watch them. this was hillary clinton's only campaign event this week, and we saw her in some ways adopting a trump-like attack on him. she was going after hihard. trump, he is softening. he said that about immigration, but in some ways he's using the teleprompter more often. we should expect him to see him go harder on her, but he's said it's important for him to stick on message, because he does better with voters and in the polls when he does that. we'll see if it's the strategy that they both keep up ahead of the debate. >> that debate being one month from today in long island, new
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it'll be interesting to see what sort of attack they have. >> thank you for being here. we appreciate it. we're following breaking news this morning out of omaha, nebraska. a suspect ran a vehicle into a southwest airlines jet. he breached a perimeter fence, jumped into a vehicle on the ramp, and drove it straight into the plane as passengers were boarding. there are reports of minor injuries among crew members but no passengers. the suspect is now in custody. and more breaking news from belgian officials. they've ruled out terrorism as a deadly blast of a sports center. >> they say it was most likely a gas explosion. it killed one person and injured others. police told abc news the facility was nearly empty during the accident. the investigation into the cause of the explosion continues. turkey is expanding it military presence n
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the ultimate goal may be more more about controlling the kurds than defeating isis. turkey gave kurdish forces a week to reduce their presence near the turkish boarder. the tension is threatening the goal of defeating isis. and new details about the former american hostage, kayla mueller. she was tortured, verbally abused and forced into slave labor. fellow hostages say she never surrendered hope. at one point she was forced to defend her faith to an isis excuser. executioner. in italy another earthquake has just hit the central part of the country. the 4 .7 quake hit near the town of amatrice. it hit over night and comes over 250 people are declared dead from the main earthquake. >> reporter: with time now working against the rescuers here, there are extraordinary moments playing out amid the ruins. a ten-year-old
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her feet appearing first. then firefighters slowly lifting her into the arms of her rescuers. this man stuck underneath his crumbled home for more than 24 hours, pulled to safety. his slight smile, the only hint of his relief. officials say the best chance of finding someone alive is within 48 hours of the quake. a window that is rapidly closing here. and strong aftershocks are only complicating efforts. building, part of a school, was badly damaged but still standing, and then one of the aftershocks took it down. the town has been turned into a flattened moon scape. drone footage showing a divide. the town's ancient buildings in ruins while the more modern buildings still stand. many of those who were able to escape their homes when the quake hit are now lift with nothing. and the aftershocks continue to
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roll through. it's not just the danger and the fear from them. this is a mountainous region. hard to get in and out of. and this whole side of town, this whole part of the disaster zone is cut off. abc news. >> still unbelievable pictures there. back here police in mississippi hope the discovery of a missing car may help solve the murders of two nuns. the sisters here were found stabbed to death in their house about an hour north of jackson. authorities say there were signs of a break-in. thursday night detectives found their car about a mile from their home. in arizona a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a shooting range instructor the who was accidentally killed by a nine-year-old girl who lost control of an oozy. the lawsuit states the owners and operators of the shooting range were negligent, stating that an oozy wasn't a safe or appropriate weapon to entrust to
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a police officer in georgia is being hailed as a hero after pulling a crash victim out of a wreck. officer dan whitney's camera caught it. you can see as he runs to the rescue trying to douse the flames with a fire extinguisher. whitney was eventually able to bend the door frame and then pull the passenger out to safety. the driver, however, was killed. overseas, thousands of people gathered in mum bye far festival. >> participants tried to reach a pot hung above the street with the help of a rope. >> but then they break the pot allowing the curd to splash down on top of them. the festival marks the anniversary of birth of a hindu god and is based on a legend that the god used to steal butter and curd kept out of his reach by his mother. >> i'm suris
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and snatches it and runs away. wouldn't that be more indicative. >> it's interesting. on the west coast this weekend, another tradition is starting similar to this. but different treats will be there. burning man kicks off. >> definitely different treats. i like the spirit of that festival in india. >> yeah. it seems so wholesome. >> yeah. >> everyone is excited. coming up, the outrage over epipen pricing ratcheting up after the ceo of the company who makes the drug speaks out. could she have dug the whole deeper? >> and kanye west looking down on the rest of us, and we mean it literally. a kind stage setup. for the first time the jealous of them. we'll explain in the skinny. first, a look at today's forecast.
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takes. k-y touch. if you're reaching for the second or third cup of coffee at this hour, you might want to thank your genes. researchers suggest the lack of a specific gene to drink coffee. cause people to drink more coffee. people with the gene wouldn't need to drink as much to get the same caffeine buzz. >> but if you don't have that gene -- >> you need more coffee. >> drink up. cheers to that.
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>> moving on to the growing controversy and the ceo that makes the epipen says lowering the price isn't easy. >> critics say they're not doing enough. adrienne bankert as the details. >> reporter: they're not budging on the price. the makers of epipen raising the price from 100 there a$100 in 2 than $600 today. the ceo's compensation went up from $5 million to $19 million. the ceo heather bresch blaming the costs on a failing health care system. >> price is part of the problem, but we need all of the stake holders at the table. >> reporter: deflecting accusations of greed, saying it goes to research and bringing drugs to market. >> we've put hundreds of millions of dollars behind it. you can't pass legislation. you can't enhance formulations. >> reporter: buckling unde
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will issue $300 savings card. we brought it to the health department at consumer reports. would you say this new savings program will help those who are underinsured and uninsured? >> it will not. >> reporter: consumer reports saying there are catches. currently those without insurance aren't eligible, or those with medicare or medicaid. and it's up to the consumer to seek the card to get a discount. in a statement mylan saying they're expanding a program the something the uninsured and underinsured could qualify more and receive these life saving epipens. >> there could be a sticky situation at the building behind adrienne. the senator of west virginia the is the father of the ceo of mylan. he broke his silence saying he
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comments and looking at the details. she might be called to testify there on capitol hill. >> puts them both in a tough spot. when we come back, it is skinny time on this friday. and there's some surprises for kanye west fans. we'll throw some money around when we come back. >> we are? going to make it rain? e it rain?
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♪ ♪ >> the friday skinny starts with kanye west. his tour is underway. ♪ >> so this was the scene at last night's opening in indianapolis. look at that. fans getting quite a surprise as kanye performed above the crowd on a flying stage. as anna nicole smith would say he road the plane. >> for his own safety and and else's as well, he is tethered to the stage to make sure he can't fall off. they say this one may be his best yet. >> it's amazing. fans turned out looking for the stage had to look up. the tour continues until november. the next stop is in buffalo,
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>> probably hurt their neck in the front row. >> nosebleed loved it. >> earlier this week we talked about the highest paid actresses. now it's time for the actors. >> i'll provide the drum roll. this time at number three on the annual forbes list. matt damon made $55 million mostly because of the success of "the martian". >> jackie chan came in second with $61 million. and finally, our friend, dwayne the rock johnson, took home more than 64 million. that was double his earnings in the year before, and it's reportedly the most the rock has ever made in a year. all the money came mostly from up front fees from several films. >> i think the money came from his eyebrow. it makes me feel hopeful. and maybe they could be interested in real estate. we have a place for them.
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world's most expensive house. it's located along france's coast near the border with italy. some of the features, 10 bedrooms and an olympics size pool. there's a 35 acre garden, stables, a chapel. it's been around since 1870 and hosted elizabeth taylor and charlie chaplain. >> the price tag, $1.1 billion. step right up, make your offer. go ahead. >> and finally rapper drake. he's a big basketball fan. he loves the game. >> the rapper is a fan of toronto raptors. in fact, he's even the global ambassador for them. he can play too. >> look at the evidence. see what you think. >> wow. >> anyone who has tried to hit a half court shot knows how difficult that can be if you do it sitting down, even harder. >> he was laying down.
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by your body. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. this time next week labor day weekend will be starting. the unofficial end of summer. >> quick. >> that's -- yes, and the question will be why did it go so fast? >> let's not get ahead of ourselves. it's time for the look back at this week gone by with our friday rewind. >> it was just this terrible sensation of literally the ground beneath your feet moving and having no clue what to do. >> it's been just over 17 hours since the quake. they're still pulling bodies out of the rubble. >> i could hear the tree snap and the trees all around started snapping. you could just hear them. >> if that's not a tornado, i don't know what is. >> he had water up to his neck. he had been trying to kick out
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>> i want the people of louisiana to know you're not alone. >> you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> the way he character rises african americans in a general sense. it negates the fact that more than 75% of us are not living in poverty. i think he's talking to only white people. which is why he only talks to white people when he talks about black people. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> he is taking a hate movement mainstream. >> take my pulse while i'm talking to you. >> okay. >> so make sure i'm alive. >> oh, my god. there's nothing there. >> i overexaggerated the story. i overexaggerated some parts. my mistake was overexaggerating what really happened. i wasn't lying to a certain extent. i overexaggerated what was
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of what he did coupled with the stupidity of what he did, why? why would someone endorse that? it's dumbfounding. >> when i first met her, she was in a bruce jenner body. i have since said to her you've got to give yourself credit. you kicked manhood's butt. ♪ ♪ welcome to the fourth grade ♪ hello, i'm your teacher >> that was one of my favorite videos of the week. >> it was great. and college football starts tonight for football fans. 10 p.m. on espn. >> who do you have winning? >> winning it all or this game? >> going the whole way. >> boston college going the whole way. >> oh, so easy. too easy. >> next question. >> that was too easy.
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making news in america this friday morning -- trading insults. hillary clinton, donald trump in an all-out war of words. attacking each other's character with accusations of racism and corruption. we're live in washington. aftershocks continue in italy's quake zone. and an update on a 10-year-old girl whose dramatic rescue was seen around the world. a truck races on a tarmac. mashing into an airliner. plus, a power outage taking out power at major air importants. a man was just doing his job, fixes a busted water line. overnight, the special message for the worker from the
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