tv World News Now ABC November 3, 2016 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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this morning on "world news now," hell has frozen over. >> the chicago cubs are world series champions. >> and the cubs have finally won it all! >> with game seven now in the books, the celebrations have begun. wrigleyville now a land of winners leaving the cleveland indians in the underdog dust. >> we'll have all the highlights heading into the championship city of chicago, my hometown, on this thursday, november 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hell has frozen over. >> hell has frozen over. apparently, there were sightings of pigs flying as well. the chicago cubs. >> it was an awesome game.
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>> if you're waking up, it's a new world. something nobody could say in 108 years, the chicago cubs are world series champions. excited. >> this is what it looks like when you're fans and waited your entire life rewarded with a world series title. >> that's a moment right there in wrigleyville. >> partying like it's 1908. >> exactly. that place went wild, many bars in the locker room there at progressive field. the cubs, players, fans, media members, friends, family members all celebrating. >> champagne. >> even some beer flying. many of the cubs dawning goggles, of course, and they will be the toast of chicago during the picture parade and celebration. >> sure will. cubs won it by scoring two runs in the top of the 10th inning.
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score in the 8th. that was the latest tie in a world series game like that. the cubs won it, 8-7, took the series, four games to three, former "world news now" anchor talked to fans in chicago. >> reporter: the place erupted in emotion, raw emotion, part relief, part excitement after the last out, and people right i'm exhausted, emotionally, all the cheering behind me. we're running on fumes. i want to talk to some of the cubs fans right now. starting with you, tell me, a lifelong cubs fan? tell me about this moment. >> oh, miey god. this is surreal. 33 years i've been waiting for this, and it happened. they deserve it. this is the best team we've had in years!
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the last out, and you had tears in your eyes. what was in your heart at that moment. >> born and raised a die hard cubs fan, i bleed cubbies blue, it's not a game. it's a life, it's a lifestyle. it means everything to our city, to our families, go cubs. >> go cubs, indeed. >> it's a life. >> it is a life. next year is now for cubs fans. >> yeah, yeah. >> you can understand the excitement there chicago sometimes is out with its front page out saying, simply, "what a wonderful world." >> what a wonderful world. >> one of the heros is world series mvp, ben zobrist. >> putting chicago ahead and in the locker room, he received the mvp trophy from the commissioner of baseball with his rowdy teammates making noise.
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what this team has battled through all yearlong, and believing that we're the best team, the ups, the downs, fighting through things. i mean, it's an unbelievable team to be a part of. every guy on this team roots for each other. >> good for them. zobrist awarded a chevy camaro. it was waiting for him on the field there. maybe it's in the victory parade. a >> used to go to the field as a kid. has it sunk in yet for you, family remmembers, friends in chicago? >> everybody's really excited. one of my little brothers is roaming wrigleyville inebriated. i'm concerned. >> i'm sure he's not alone at all. much more from chicago throughout the morning and "good morning america," t.j. holmes is there for us as well.
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>> as tense as game seven. >> it is, yeah. donald trump and hillary clinton taking final shots at each other five days before voters head to the polls. >> trump is calling clinton unhinged, a word she often uses to describe him. he targeted clinton over the fbi e-mail investigation but managed to stay focused reminding himself out loud to be disciplined in a rally in florida. >> stay on point, donald, stay on point. no side tracks, donald, nice and easy. i've been watching hillary the last unhinged. we don't want any of that. >> trump's wife hits the trail in pennsylvania today, and president obama stomps for clinton. >> clinton still has a wider path to victory, but they are now in a dead heat. she's not taking anything for granted. >> reporter: hillary clinton mobbed in florida. she cheered on early voters during an unannounced stop at a
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battleground state heading to another, nevada first then arizona, a democrat not winning there in 20 years. clinton boarding that cross country flight knowing her squad of surrogates is swarming the battlegrounds. in north carolina, long lines, people waiting hours to see president obama. >> you know what? she's not flashy. sometimes she's under appreciated here at home, but she made me a better president. >> reporter: the president with a direct african-american voters. >> back in 2008, i won north carolina by 14,000 votes, that's about two votes per precinct. two votes the other way, i would have lost north carolina. how can you say your vote doesn't count? each of you could swing an entire precinct for hillary if you vote. >> reporter: in florida, vice president joe biden turning the focus back to donald trump.
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have you ever heard anybody ever talk as much about and be so preoccupied with women's bodies? this guy doesn't deserve to be president by any account. he really doesn't. >> reporter: and vouching for clinton. >> we've been friends for a long time. she not only gets, but she'll finish the job we started. >> reporter: with the polls tied, clinton is looking beyon sanders to blue states, michigan and wisconsin. >> the choice is clear. >> reporter: states trump is trying to win too by appealing to white working class voters. >> not only is he going to lose on november 8th, but he and his friends, his billionaire friends, are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. >> reporter: with days to go, some clinton supporters already looking ahead to the history she
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female president. >> i just wish my mother and dad could see all of this. >> reporter: in arizona, 102-year-old born before women had the right to vote, remembering watching her own mother vote for the first time. >> they all came down to watch women vote. even the men were happy. >> reporter: abc news, las vegas, nevada. >> what a cute woman. >> what a great, great story. >> yeah. what a beautiful woman. >> amazing mom good reminder. 102 years old. born before women could vote. >> good moment for her. we point out that abc's election night live team coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern tuesday running through the early morning hours of the following day. hope you will join us. coming up, liberation for women in parts of iraq. the new images showing the moment a young girl was rescued
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on drivers who forget to switch off high beams. a little bit of payback? check out the behind the scene pictures on instagram, you're watching "world news now. " mucinex clear and cool. " ah! what's this sudden s. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. i love you so much. that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash
3:10 am
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officers had a history of run-ins with police and school officials, police officers told scott green to leave a high school football game after displaying the confederate flag. he was taken in custody for the ambush style killing of justin martin and des moines police sergeant tony beminio. mike pence stopped by the growing memorial of the two men. to mississippi now, the torching of this black church in gr possible hate crime. the words "vote trump" spray paymented on the side of the church, and they tell the wall street journal the person of interest is questioned in arson. consolidating control of moz m mosul. going door to door looking for residence, some men are shaving the beards they were forced to grow in the isis occupation of
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extreme religious measures impose by isis. the kurdish news outlet showing a girl taking off the black vail after she was liberated. the kurds are advancing. things physical in a meeting of parol limit in hong kong, two politicians barred from insulting china sparked chaos scuffling with security guards, on the other handed to stay away ti to the swearing in. when the guards tried to throw them out, sporters joined the fight, and, no, this is not a scene from our current presidential race. >> this happens in russia, in lots of places throughout the world. shocked it's nots happened in capitol hill. >> not yet. here at home, a high school in wisconsin, and exercise in driving home the danger of teenage distracted driving
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announcement of four students killed in a car crash, after the initial shock came the truth. >> reporter: it's a morning announcement like no other. >> there's been a series of wrecks in multiple wreckless driving, and we've currently lost a handful of fellow students. >> reporter: students sitting on camera, announcing the death of four schoolmates who died in a car crash. some kids crying. >> a girl had a panic attack. >> reporter: minutes later, the truth, students their classmates were very much alive. those four students and parents in on the secret. turns out, the school said it was a simulation intended to teach a lesson about distracted driving and safety on the road, and some parents are fuming. one sounding off on facebook saying, enough with the barbaric scare tactics. the superintendent says the district would like to apologize for unnecessary stress this
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serious issue. and that idea was approved by school officials, but it came from the student council, and a member there said it was worth it if even one life is saved. abc news, new york. >> students maybe don't always have the best ideas, the adults should step in. i think it's outrageous. so many people have died because of texting and driving, find the family member of someone who has been lost and talk to the students. don't play a dirty trick. i don't like >> boo. >> speaking -- >> boo. >> speaking of -- speaking your piece. if you have been blinded by another driver's high beams, you'll appreciate this. traffic police, this is in southern china, cracking down on drivers who forget to turn off their bright lights. >> okay. that is called torture. those caught have to stare into the beams for 60 seconds, describing the program on the social media page going viral,
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boarding. just kidding. >> let's hope not. so coming up, we're going to head back out to the campaign trail. >> it's blazing a divide right through america's schools. we're going to go back to the classroom and hear how teachers are struggling to handle this particularly bitter presidential race. you're watching "world news
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still too young to vote. >> particularly in the battleground state of pennsylvania. this year's presidential race is not only a nail biter on the chasm pain trail, but also inside the classroom. we are up all nightline in new bethlehem, pennsylvania. >> reporter: the real election is still six days away, but in just a few hours here at red bank valley high school, students will be casting their votes for president. it's a predominantly white community and this mock civics program tackling a devicive election. >> i know there's teachers, i taked to them, administration specialically told them do not deal with the election. they are concerned about controversy. where better to deal with controversy than social situations? >> nice to meet you. >> how many of you know somebody who lost a job around here?
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area like this. >> i have questions. >> yes, please. >> that was fun, thank you. i was struck by, powerful when you asked how many of you have been affected by job loss. can i see that again? how many of you? everybody. >> in these hallways, there's signs that the trump movement is strong here. keep immigrants out. a lot of make america great again. hard to be a hillary supporter the latest poll has clinton at 48 and trump at 43. in this election -- >> and contrary to him, i don't think it's rigged. >> reporter: the teachers are working to make sure students understand how democracy works. polls are about to close. there's excitement in the air. it may be a mock election, but there's something empowering about all of this for these young people. >> campaigning.
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carefully counted, and we're the first to report the results. >> hillary clinton 48 and donald trump 340. donald trump with a landslide victory here for red bank valley. bernie sanders got a write-in. the gorilla got a write in. anything in the adult world that we could learn from how these kids handled and learned about this election? >> we need adults just as engaged as them, but, also, you disagree. it's okay to be a trump fan or a hillary fan, and you can sit next to each other and get along and it's not the hatfield and mccoys where you create a rebellion. that's what makes america. we're supposed to be nice. >> for nightline, redbank valley high school. >> wow, those are trump spormt
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okay. we're back with the mix and your chicago cubs fans, but how much is it worth to be right there on progressive field in cleveland to see the cubs win? >> you know, it's all relative. >> it is all relative. >> if you're made of money, $20,000, sure. >> per money or took out a small loan. there's one chicago cubs fan who apparently paid nearly $50,000 for two tickets to last night's game seven stub hub confirming, not saying who the person was, as you see, many, many fans there celebrating in chicago. by the way, just as comparison, the medium price for game seven
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$1823. >> that i would pay. $47,000? not so much. >> worth it. >> here's one from my other hometown, my second hometown, london, a white rabbit hanging out near barnes bridge, a neighborhood in west london, a beautiful neighborhood. there he is. this white rabbit, creation of local performance artist named spike, allegedly doing this since november of why not just a rabbit? why do we have to look at colors. >> this one person tweeted, anyone see the white rabbit waving at 8:00 a.m. yesterday? or was i just really hungover? >> probably hungover or probably still drunk at the same time or something else kicking in. who knows. this is interesting story. a michigan dog wins release from death row. follow me.
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the body of a neighbor's dog, lad, and jeb here, accused of killing the dog and sentenced to being put down. there was dna testing. >> falsely accused? >> proving he was wrongly accused, and court ordered release. >> he can't speak up for himself, outrageous. >> thank god for dna testing. it's saved all of the >> they decided to step into this, seemed friendly enough. and they brought the kangaroo out.
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makes the play, it's over! and the cubs have finally won it all! 8-7. >> can you believe it? in our time. lovable losers no more after more than a century of falling short, the chicago cubs have beating the cleveland indians. we're going to join in the major celebration coming up. also -- even though it's party time in chicago for cubbies fan, for their first baseman, the emotional roller coaster was too much to handle. why he was channelling a news anchor from the dugout, a certain fictional news anchor. it is thursday, november 3rd.
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