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tv   Defense News  ABC  November 6, 2016 11:00am-11:30am EST

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>> this is defense news. welcome to defense news, as iraqi forces battle isis militants to retake mo sul, questions emerge about what will happen in the aftermath. we sat down to discuss the situation and what we might expect in the first couple of weeks. >> the rebuilding is a major concern. in some of these major sunni cities, whether it is for lucia, ramadi, where tremendous
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aluja, ramadi, we see tremendous rebuilding so civilians can go back in. i have heard nothing yet about a major campaign to rebuild mosul, and i think it is a very profound concern that could be the seeds of further discontent and a sunni uprising in the not-too-distant future. >> this is waves of refugees again. we have a lot of those in iraq already. we have a lot incurred a stand. -- in kurdistan. i think there's every reason to believe that will happen here as well. in this area, i don't see signs of adequate preparation to handle that, to handle refugee populations temporarily, and
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reconstruction doesn't happen, they become permanent refugees, and that in itself becomes incredibly destabilizing. >> are there any lessons if you look at previous cities where you can say ok, this is what went right, what went wrong that might apply to mosul? >> in falluja, we were able to remove about 90% of people living there. that was not the case in most soul. there still remains 1.2-1.5 million people, about the size of dallas, to give you a sick -- to give you a scale. the potential is there to have the kind of picked -- kind of conditions we are seeing in
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on one block, you are fighting urban warfare. the next block, you are trying to do peacekeeping, particularly among tribes and groups. the third block, you are trying to do humanitarian assistance, all simultaneously. and the government and police have to be able to move in. the problem in mos greater than it was in places like fallujah and ramadi. >> in those places, when people left the city, we had a major problem with shiite militias primarily an iranian backed that were weeding out sunni men and women, some being executed, revenge being taken on a sunni male population.
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expect we could have similar problems if there are hundreds of thousands of sunni men, women, and children flowing out of most soul. >> if i may jump in on that, the issue is, unlike fallujah, this is an area where we have a lot of kurds, shia, turkmen, and when you get out into other populations. this is a much more, located human terrain than what we were looking at in fallujah and ramadi. given all of the internal players and iraqi players involved in this, that is what makes this orders of magnitude more complicated. >> from a peacekeeping
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police forces? >> and the question of who clears what. how this happens is important. it's going to be a big problem. we need to keep in mind that one of the things that generated the fertile ground for al qaeda in iraq to begin with were on the one hand fear of domination by a shia government and on the other hand, kurdish peshmerga forces moving into arab lands. those are powerful forces moving in here as well. even before we get to the question of who is policing it, the question of who clears it is critical. i don't think that is remotely receiving enough and -- enough attention in our campaign planning. >> what happens to the isis forces who are able to leave the
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sul area? where did they go? >> the last ti i talked to you, i said squeezing isis is like squeezing a balloon. we need to attack rocca as soon as possible. oncem the uniform squeeze betweenosul -- once the uniform squeeze between mosul and roc to keep them from going between each other, i think the behavior of being allowed to attack tal ifar is an indication of the seriousness of being able to stop any isis leaders from moving east to west. if baghdad had the forces, they would do it, but i think having
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pmf to be able to do that, because they don't have the manpower, hopefully keeps him out of the reconciliation in mosul. >> when we return --
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jill: news. turkey has made it clear it wants a role in the battle to take back mosul, which has created some tension. >> since the operation to liberate mosul has been going for two weeks, geopolitical factors have come to the fore.
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on the american and baguette side, those forces have always been there. turkey -- baghdad side, those forces have always been there. turkey has been training a lot of the forces. the kurdish government wants them to stay. forces. the baghdad has asked them to leave. there is a possibility the turkish forces and pmf may start attacking each other afterward. what this is at the geopolitical level is the turks are trying to counterbalance the iranian influence in iraq. baghdad hasmany turks are positg themselves as iran is positioning themselves, which is we cannot leave, we cannot lose, nor can we win.
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in a lot of ways, what the iranians may be trying to do there is developed a crescent road from iran to syria to the assad regime in the mediterranean. -- and the mediterranean. >> that is part of what erdogan is doing, but the chessboard runs all the way to syria. in restraining us as he is in restraining the iranians, and he is very interested in restraining the kurds. he has established positions inside syria so that he can control kurdish desires for advancement and independence. there is a tendency to want to see turkey as a generally
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pursuing a lot of objectives that are antithetical to american interest and to stability in both syria and iraq. i think we need to be clear about what the turks are doing. >> just a follow on that point, if you look at what are no one one in the kurds have done in -- what erdogan and the kurds have done in northern iraq, it would be the equivalent of the mexican army sending and having the governor of texas say, you are free to stay here and the american army say no, you have kurds. to get out. this is a real black mark and blow to an iraqi sovereignty and the american project in iraq. >> turkey is a nato ally. what does it say to you that a nato ally is saying iraqi
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us as our interests. >> turkey is now functioning as an empire. this is not the behavior of a good ally. turkey is not in iraq in order to help us. that is not what is happening. as we pursue approaches antithetical to turkish interests, like backing turkish forces in syria that are part of the pkk, erdogan has decided he is going to do his own thing. this is a significant fraying of an alliance, fundamentally, and that is a larger issue we need to think seriously about. >> collocated question after a fairly simple answer. -- i'm going to ask you a
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fairly simple answer. in the next five years, what is iraq going to look like? is the chaos of the last five years a sign of things to come? >> i am pessimistic. there are some in a variables at play. there is so much the can go wrong in so many regional players who have a greater strength on the ground who can impact the situation against u.s. interests and iraq's interests. the question is what happens caliphate is brought down. do they remain there on a semipermanent basis unlike in 2011? that will be an important factor, whether america has the leverage to continue leading a rack -- leading iraq in a different configuration, the decentralized but whole. it will be a very heavy left. -- lift.
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where the culture of political organizations lie. the kurds have always had political organization in iraq, particularly during saddam hussein's reign. on the shiite side, a lot of those were in exile and they came in and set up political organizations. you don't have that on the sunni side. when isis leaders of the syrian awakening, that took away any kind of structure in iraq that the sunnis had. i think what you will see is in the shiite and kurdish areas is a much more prevention, centralized government, -- provincial and kurdish areas, cd government.
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you will see a lack of trust between everybody else and iraq, and the sunnis, who are essentially letting isis seed and grow. >> the big picture we are missing is we have elections coming up in less than six months in baghdad. they are not focused on the fight against isis. they are focused on who is going to control the shiite government of ira we have a fragile political arrangement in baghdad that is on the verge of collapse. these are the big picture things that are going to affect what goes on over the next four or five years. it would be great if we could develop a national strategy.
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myers visits the vietnam wall. >> we are collecting a photo for everyone of the 50,000 names on the wall. everyone of the 50,000 names on the wall. it was happening so fast. somehow it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. if i didn't react, things could have gotten messy in a hurry. i mean just got that sweet ride with a great rate from navy federal. i was not about to let anything happen to her. he's still in training. open to the armed forces, the dod and their families.
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jill: when my alien was coming up with the design for the vietnam memorial, she said -- when maya the design for the vietnam memorial, she said she imagined taking a knife to the earth and opening it up to recognize pain that ultimately would heal. >> every veterans day, our annual ceremony begins at 1:00 p.m. and it is open to the public. this year, we are very pleased to have the current
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vietnam veteran and has gone on to have a distinguished career in public service out of uniform. >> so, your organization is in chargevietnam veteran and has gn to have a distinguished career in public service out of uniform. >> of maintaining that wall. i understand you are working hard to put faces to those. >> we need help to finish the wall. we are collecting a photo for everyone of the 50,000 names on the wall. we just passed a milestone we are very proud of with many volunteers around the country. we have less but the challenge is, as we know, the final photos are going to be much harder to get. we are asking for help from people in the community, family members, people who served with those listed on the wall, go through your archives, go through those photos, help us find the last 10,000. >> what are some of the challenges of tracking those
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around the country who have put in in numeral to do it. there are photos from when someone served time in vietnam, high school yearbook photos, obituary notices, any source we can find to have at least one photo of each of the names. >> so, if someone out there knows somebody or has one submit them? >> they can go to you can find the wall of faces there, or you can go to any of the military times websites and look for vets months for instructions on how to summit a photo. we have started to build a
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in the field behind us on the other side of the road. one of the major exhibits in the education center will in the field behind us on the other side of the road. be the wall of faces. it will be two stories tall and 50 feet wide. that is the eventual home of all of those photos. it will be digitally projected. we will be able to change the photos displayed throughout a given hour or use that screen to recognize other significant dates in military history, say, recognizing world click so, you are in charge of the vietnam veterans memorial. what kind of outreach are you trying to do with iraq and afghanistan veterans? >> i get asked if i am a vietnam veteran, and i am not, but the reason this job is so important to me is that i grew up hearing how our vietnam veterans were not treated well, and i knew
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respect and support i received was completely different. my mission is to never let another generation go to war without that respect. when i talk to veterans or chapters of the veterans groups, they are not talking about what they are doing for veterans. they are talking about continuing to pay a forward. -- pay forward. the wallace special to all veterans. this is the only place on the mall where -- wall is special to all veterans. this is the only place on the mall where they come and leave items and remembrances to those who have served. jill: in our money minute, jeanette mac explains an ira conversion and the benefits for investors.
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completely understand how an ira works, they just know they have one, which is great. converting a traditional tool can be a smart tax move that can save you money in the long run. that is because you're being taxed on contributions now, rather than down the road. think about when you're not going to be earning as much as i like when you take a break after your military retirement before your the longer the money saved in your roth after converting, the better. the time to kick back -- if the time to kick back without having a job is less than five years away, any withdrawals could be subject to penalty. contribute until you are truly ready to hang up your work boots.
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financial advisor to figure out if converting to a roth ira is a smart move for you. jill: thanks, jeanette. when we return, a tribute to soldiers who never returned home. but first, a mini museum on board the uss iwo jima. >> this is right next to the enlisted mastec's, which is where all the enlisted crew members and maureen z their meals. a table set up in remembrance of the men and women who fought the battle and are missing or prisoners of four. here we have a cap's -- prisoners of war. here we have a captured flag, captured by a marine outfit that made the landing there. over here, we have a case with
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distinctive black sand from iwo jima, that you can see from the movies. the dark, black, volcanic ash makes up the majority of the island. this was presented to the ship. it was flown over the museum. it was flown over the trade center memorial on june 14, 2014. this wall serves as a poignant reminder of all the listed marines who were killed in the battle of the wood jima -- and listed marines who were killed in the battle of iwo jima.
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is an image of medal of honor recipients who fought the battle of the wood jima that iwo jima -- battle of iwo jima. it's quite a wall. >> you can look around and walk out with a sense of pride. i am a part of something that is bigger than myself. >> we went off to fight for being detected w option. if i was recognized the whole operation was blown. the element of surprise was imperative. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself. and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards it's gonna be a killer honeymoon. woo! maui!! boom open to the armed forces, the dod and their families.
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jill: welcome back. september 15 was the first pow recognition day. we have more on the report from september.
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service members were prisoners of war or meshing in action. -- missing in action. they will now have a seat at fedex field. this unoccupied seat was dedicated in honor of those who remain unaccounted for. >> its public awareness. our role is the remembrance and recognition of the p.o.w.. the more we get it out there, the more people understand what we are all about. >> rolling thunder's goal is to have a p.o.w. seed in every stadium across the country. >> i think every team should honor those who sacrificed and are not able to be here today with us. >> we still have prisoners of war or missing in action. senator john mccain is a big
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it brings to light that we have people who are unaccounted for. we need to find them. >> rolling thunder hopes to start a conversation about prisoners of war and those missing in action. >> 91,000 moms and dads don't know what happened to their children. they went off to fight for their country. tonight, we are going to show that america will never forget them. >> these two veterans unveiled the seat before a roaring crowd on monday gh somebody out there is looking for your son or daughter. somebody is looking for your wife or husband. somebody is looking for your mom or dad. jill: that's all this week. be sure to tune in next week when we dissect the results of the election and what it will mean for defense spending and
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[music] >> dr. charles stanley: we have chosen sin to fulfill us. and we have rejected godliness as god's way of being fulfilled. principles of the word of god is a fulfilling life. but living according to the ways of the world, disobedience, rebellion, absolutely turning their minds and hearts away from the word of god. >> male announcer: next on "in touch," "america's perilous position." >> announcer: join us during the program and follow along with


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