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tv   World News Now  ABC  November 25, 2016 2:37am-3:00am EST

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a compromised laptop belonging to a contractor as the source of the breach. the contractor working in support of a navy contract, the breach included social security numbers and names. it's unclear when the breach occurred. so while many people were headed to the stores yesterday for bargains, a couple in georgia were going to the store for love. >> love. say that with more passion, kendis. >> sorry. love. >> this is nice. larry and mary -- oh, my gosh -- >> reunited after 20 years in a chance meeting at the supermarket in albany, oregon. what better way to seal the deal than in that store? >> on thanksgiving day, he said, what he wanted to do was give thanks to the lord, and the new. >> all right, lady. a spokesperson for the supermarket chain said they believed it's the first time
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of the harvey's stores. >> live jazz. the wedding held on thanksgiving day, the cake was topped with, yes, cranberries as you'd expect. >> no, i didn't expect that. i was going to say turkey, like the turkey guy. >> yes. >> like i wouldn't have said cranberries, but it works. >> i didn't know you found love in the supermarket. i'm going to check out the neighborhood wigmans. >> what? >> i don't know. try piggl-wiggly. >> whatever you have to do. >> keep tindr, that's old school. it's the supermarket now. >> i love it. >> squaring off to do battle in malls across america, and what you need to find the best bargains. >> it's the season of super dry air, but are you putting your family at risk with a humidifier? what they could be pumping into the air you breathe in your home when you don't properly clean
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now." clean that sucker. "world news now" weather brought to you by points of
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question, are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? crest whitestrps. crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs to help protect your home lysol that. you wanna see something intense?
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strong is beautiful. so this strange scene -- >> oh! >> wow. from down under. a snake falling from the sky in australia, slowing it down for you, watch it again. well, oh, my gosh, actually a bird dropped a massive snake on a the passenger in the car, as you heard there, just laughed off the incident. everybody else in the car was crying. but he did offer this advice, roll your window up. i'd say. they posted it on facebook. looks like a scary video game. >> yeah. >> yeah. all right. here at home, the cold weather and dry indoor air have many of us reaching for the trusty humidifiers. >> yeah. what you may note see hurts you
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manufacturers' instructions. >> reporter: the steam from humidifiers, seen as a way to prevent sore throats and dry sinuses, but could the steam spread germs making you sick? most people don't know how to clean them. >> oh, how gross. >> i don't know how to clean it. >> it's not the most easy thing to clean. >> i'm not reaching all the tiny conferencers. >> reporter: or don't clean as much as they should. >> about once a month. >> reporter: ten from ten families, almost all admit they don't clean their humidifiers regularly. some have asthma and allergies. >> i don't know what you're going to find, but i'm curious to see. >> reporter: we got the ten humidifiers and brought them to the lab in the hospital. testing water from inside the water tank and the vapor it em em
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inside and also in the vapor that our experts say could make our families sick. >> i was surprised by the heavy growth in a few of the devices that you tested. >> reporter: and in three of the humidifi humidifiers? mold. >> how are you? are you ready to see what was growing in there? >> oh, gross! >> they found bacteria, but more importantly, they found gross in the vapor. meaning mold was going out. >> that's especially since we have asthma in the house and allergiallergi. >> reporter: mold in this family's humidifier as well. >> this was what was growing inside. >> oh. >> mold causes nasal congestion, sore throat, chest tightness or wheezing. >> reporter: now the humidifier with the most bacteria.
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dirty and what's inside can cause pneumonia. >> looked like a swamp. ? this is what was growing inside your humidifier. >> oh! >> reporter: and you know what that means? >> yes. it means my kids are not safe, which is very concerning. >> reporter: bottom line, experts say you have to clean humidifiers every day, emptying and rinsing the base, and air dry before refilling, and every week you should clean thoroughly according to the manufacture ers manufacturers' instructions. abc news, new york. >> so the good news is you have gio at your home in a tight henley, the bad news is you have mold. >> made me nauseous, to see the images, i would be apalled that was in my haouse. >> we reached out to the manufacturers, and they emphasized cleaning
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the cleaning instructions are so critical they are on the base in big letters. empty basin daily, disinfect weekly. please. >> have gio come back in the henley and not deal with the mold?
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well, now that the turkey's been picked clean, you're lacing up, ready to do battle at the mall or online. joining us this morning with innovative tips on getting the best black friday deals is personal finance expert, ve vera gibbons. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> black friday, set to go -- >> pack your patience, 137 shop over the black friday shopping weekend. first tip, tieing your purchases. it is a good day for electronics, the laptops, the flat screens, you want to hold off on things like clothing, beauty products, and shoes ideally until cyber monday when you see extravagant deals on the items specifically, and that's when you see site-wide deals of 60% off. important to time the purchases.
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time the purchase for 8:00 a.m. friday morning, but you can wait a couple weeks, right? >> do the research to see price points and when. for example, toys, people buy all sorts of toys, but actually the best time to buy toys is towards the middle of december. his rho hold off on buying toys unless you're in the market for a super hot white hot flying off the shelves, then hold off and wait >> good tip. i'm a creature of habit, and i always -- just going to amazon, and that's it. really, you have to know where to buy. >> well, it gets more confusing every year. i think, you know, people want to know, like, who got what, what price point, when is it going on sale, door busters available in store, online, just in store, just online? it's important people use deal
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what, what price point, and directly from the >> it has got confusing. it's easy, but there are other gifts. >> they overlook other things on sale. people hone in on the elect electronics, tvs, but there's good deals on other things. for cleaners on sale, very attractive prices on dyson. i might buy one myself. other home goods, kitchen appl appliances, don't overlook other things and just focus on electronics. >> not often apple puts stuff on sale. >> not often. you have to get from a third party. >> yeah. when you see a deal, and it's 60% off, you gravitate to it,
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>> well, the average savings on black friday is 39%, so if you are doing better than that, that's good. you don't just want to buy a product because it's on sale. look at the ratings and reviews, see opinions, amazon, consumer reports, what are people saying about the particular product, and i would say that in addition to using the deal ag agree gators, go to price grabber,, just get the best possible price that you're not missing out on anything. >> okay. i'd also, while out there, and you're shopping, and you're buying - what's that mean? >> shop with confidence. in other words, do your research. >> oh, okay. i thought that -- >> just don't go out there and blindly and try to deal with crowds. you'll be trampled. know what you want, who has it, what time it's on sale, and, boom, bang, out of there. or shop from the comfort of your home. >> all right. buying with confidence meant having an american express with no limit. >> oh, well, what -- >> this card will go through.
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happy thanksgiving to you.
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looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs
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. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. dawn saves wildlife. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex
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ditch the misery. let's end this. interesting. i'm learning all things kendis this morning. >> yeah, so she'll never come back. >> no, no. >> so many americans, by the way, as you know, take advantage of the long holiday weekend getting back in nature. >> oh, yes, nature lovers. keeping the distance from wildlife, no matter how cute they look. here's more. >> reporter: it's the oh and awe of adorable baby animals, but what happens when you meet a bambi in real life? >> most people want to react as if they would to a lost dog and kitten, bring it in the house, love it, shower it with
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>> that was at yellow stone with a baby bison. >> it's fine for a puppy or kitten, but that act of human affection can cause serious, serious problems. >> here at the wildlife center, they are animals rescued from squirrels to black bear cubs. >> why not give them a bowl? >> a great question. ca how to forage. we don't feed in a a bowl. but scattered, and they have to find. >> reporter: nearly a third of the fawns kidnapped. >> people don't realize a young fawn is normally alone during the day. if you find a fawn alone, it does not need rescued or saved. the mother is actually put it there to rest while she's gone off to forage and she'll be
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their natural predator, get too close, and they should scamper away. >> when people, even if they are well-motivated catch an animal and think by petting it, holing it, talking to it will calm it down, but they are not a puppy or kitten. they are wild animals. petting it, stroking it, holding it, talking to it are stressful things you shouldn't do. >> teaching the animals and visitors to let wildlife stay wild. cute. >> they are. but -- they are wild animals, and it's important to remember that, leave them wild. >> important to have a healthy respect. >> for their space, yes. >> we're invading their territories. >> oh, yeah, sharks, deuces. >> you don't put a shark in the back of the car, though. that was the story, right? >> well, that's the news this
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the passing of american's tv mom. ? ? ? here's the story of a lovely lady ? >> unpleasant surprise, a shock to us, florence henderson has died at the age of 82. we'll moment. found alive, a california m who was missing has been found; tied up on the side of the road and managed to get free. the details of the ordeal just ahead. mom on a mission, couldn't have children of their own, so they turned to adoption, but they had a rude awakening to the costs involved. how the couple overcame obstacles and are helper other couples realize their dream of parenthood. it's happening.


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