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tv   On the Money  ABC  December 4, 2016 7:30am-8:00am EST

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hi, everyone. welcome to anti-money. i'm contessa brewer in for becky quick. e-mail, almost everyone uses it for work and play, but there are hidden dangers. how to protect yourself and make sure what you send stays where you want it. join up. the growing trend of retail membership and we're not talking amazon. you pay a fee but is it worth the price of admission? he's a world renowned chef with a remarkable store. meet marcus samuelsson and his recipe for success. and the hot holiday toy that you can't find, but we have one. we'll introduce you to hatchimal. >> yes, i really want one. >> "on the money" starts right now. this is "on the money," your money, your life, your future.
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at work and at home, it's part of daily life for most people, but e-mail hacks and leaks were a big story this election cycle. you may not have considered how careful you should be before you hit send. andrea day has this week's cover story, protecting your privacy. >> i was getting 200 to 400 e-mails a day and it just became a huge distraction. >> he's ceo of tommy john. the underwear company on pace to exceed 100 million in annual sales by 20 reach tom patterson don't send him an e-mail. >> i no longer check e-mails between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. if you need to get ahold of me during that time, send me a text message or stand up and walk over to me. >> his strategy started long before wikileaks began dripping out secret information. it was a scare at his first job out of college that made him rethink e-mail forever. >> a girl i worked with started screaming like oh, my god, oh, my god, and she sent an e-mail and said something she regretted.
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lyrics gosh, i never want that feeling. >> and according to experts patterson had it right from the expert. a best selling book "unsubscribed" is about the benefits of cutting back on e-mail. >> i think we've had a feeling of safety and security with e-mail for a really long time and now that bubble is real being burst. >> burst, she says, after wikileaks released batches of hacked e-mails from inside hillary clinton's campaign infecting some americans with e-mail >> it made me feel as a citizen that perhaps we're moral vulnerable. >> i'm thinking about looking at that software that encrypts your e-mail. >> i've always been very concerned about where my e-mails might end up. >> like patterson many well-known business leaders use e-mails sparingly, if at all. ceo jamie dimon keeps his e-mail replace short, sometimes one word and investor carl icahn
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warren buffett relies on his assistant for his messages. >> everything can be exposed publicly eventually and we need to take that attitude towards it. >> reporter: and beyond security patterson says he's already seen age sglakt has is real empowered the people reporting to me to be more direct. i was able to delegate responsibility. >> reporter: and if you have any doubt at all, don't send the e-mail. come back to it later and then decide better yet have a face-to-face for "on the money," andrea day. >> emake seems like a private correspondence, can you expect privacy when you send one rand there steps you can take to protect yourself and your mess snajs claire garret "zombieland" a director at the electronic privacy information center. claire, thanks for joining us and good to see you. >> hi, absolutely. thanks so much for having me. >> when you're going in to type that e-mail, should you assume that anything you write could be expokesed?
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to understand that their e-mail privacy is threatened from a variety of fronts, so in addition to identity thieves and hackers, the government and even the service providers are having the confidentiality of e-mails we intend to be private. >> if you've got gmail and yah they looking senator. >> gmail one of the most popular regular e-mail services regularly and systematically scans all of the incoming e-mail and outgoing e-mails to extract content for targeted advertising purposes. and then they combine that data with your search history, your web browsing, what you've watched on youtube. >> you mention the the government just this week. we saw the fbi got expansive new
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individuals' computers and phones. is that a privacy threat? >> absolutely. law enforcement has, unfortunately, quite a few tools available to them that allowed them to compromise the privacy of our e-mail communications and now the new criminal procedure rule that you mentioned, rule 41, allows really broad powers to remotely hack into countless e-mail accounts to search for all sorts know that your employer has the right to go through and look at what you're doing on the computer. that also includes your personal e-mail account if you're accessing it on your work computer but privately on your private computer and on your mobile device how do you protect yourself and your messages? >> so there are a few, you know, basic steps that every consumer can take so one of them, and this is true for think sort of online acount is to have a
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the same passworld across a variety of acounts. using two-factor authentication is also an important added layer of protection when it comes to preventing up authorized access to your e-mail accounts. >> thanks so much for joining us. really appreciate it. >> sure, absolutely. thank you so much. the booming business of legal marijuana is one of the fastest growing industries in the united states. sales expected to hit $5 billion this year and contribute as much as 17 billion our kate rogers has more from denver on the challenges of finding workers as the industry comes out of the shadows. >> reporter: cannabis has been a gold mine for andy williams and his company medicine man, a lifelong entrepreneur, williams is that righted a small family business in 2009 and now runs nine separate marijuana related ventures sand planning to expand. >> we have very unique problems for this industry as it's growing and coming from the
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another opportunity for an entrepreneur to make that problem go away. >> the industry offers a myriad of career paths for job seekers from plant cultivation to manufacturing retail and management b.150,000 people work in cannabis today according to analysts and next pect the opportunities to expand in the coming years. giving eight states past ballot measures >> with the new laws we'll triple sales than will have massive impact on communities and states that is trickles throughout our economy. >> reporter: the marijuana business daily protects the economic impact of the marijuana industry could hit $44 billion by the year 2020. although many in the industry are concerned about how new president-elect donald trump might tackle the regulation of marijuana, especially with his nomination of senator jeff
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outspoken against legalization. contessa, back over to you. >> thank, kate. up next. should you send money to save money? more and more retailers are betting you will with loyalty programs that you have to pay for. is it the really best bang for your buck though? later, celebrity chef, author and restauranteur marcus samuelsson. his road to success and what he's cooking up next, and now a look at you how the stock market ended the week. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, with humira, remission is possible. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes
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...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. cable can't offer that. only fios can. here's a look at what's making news as we head into a new week anti-money. america's unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low in november t.stands at 4.6%, best number
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in part because many people gave up looking for work and the labor force shrank. the economy created 178,000 new jobs about, in line with expectations. hospitality and leisure showed strength. yet another record close for the dow on thursday. banks and energy companies helping push the average higher but the nasdaq and s&p 500 lagged behind most of the week. stocks were mixed on friday. america's economy grew at a much the second reading of last quarter's got domestic product showed an annualized rate of 3.2%, that's better than it the original estimate of 2.9%. in fact, it's the best number in two years. those low oil prices may be a thing of the past. opec oil ministers came to an agreement this week to cut production for the first time in eight years. that's supposed to talk effect january 1st, but opec producers don't have a great history
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even so, that sent oil prize north of $50 a barrel and it's likely to increase gas line prices and home heating oil prices. the holidays are coming up and for many of us it means getting together with family and friends and exchanging gifts. finding best bargain for those presents usually means scouring the internet or newspapers for coupons. but as more and more stores offer memberships, is that the better bet? joining us now is mary beth quirk, the great to have you here. big box stores like sam's club and costco have been doing this for year. you have amazon prime which a lot of people are fans of. who else is getting in on this membership deal? >> walmart recently jumped on the bandwagon with amazon. they are not offering where you can pay a certain amount of money for year, you get free two-day shipping all year long and other stores doing this it,
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hardware, land's end, all different than the free programs you can join and get the regular kind of perks. this you also pay for a year and then you get free shipping in return, sometimes other perks or conveniences they can offer and better customer service and may have bert access for sales throughout the year. might get a flat 20% off on everything you buy from the rell tailer and can get access to special sales that are just for members. >> it's interesting when you are talking about having a loyalty program because so many of are free s.paying a fee for that loyalty program a turnoff for some customers? >> it is, but that's where you have to think about what kind of customer you are. this is the place you're shopping regularly throughout the year and it's going to be worth it, you want to make sure it pays for itself. don't want to be like the gym membership you get on january 1st and never use it again, something sitting there bothering >> you how do you decide what the value is to you? >> many different questions, a warehouse club, physical storks how close is it to you, near
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by? you basically want something that's not more work for you. >> i find myself weighing because i get the e-mails from restoration hardware is how much am i going to spend at this particular store? if you're getting ready to do all your holiday shopping hat one store, that might make sense or if you're going to redesign your interior, go for the paid loyalty program because 20% off could be significant. >> they also offer perks, just like amazon prime has access to video libraries and mike, things like an interior design service that's complement reand rei you can hook up with a travel guide and they have got different things that can help you out and it's not just about buying things. they want you to have an experience with your brand. >> great to talk to you. thank you. >> no problem, thank you. up next we're anti-much. hatching up a hit. the toy that stores can't keep on their shelves and later
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after coming to the united states with just $300 in his pocket and a vision, chef marcus sam yulgsson earned a three-star review from the "new york times" at the ripe old age of 23. 11 restaurants and eight cook books later the celebrity chef is on the path to building a cooking empire.
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red rooster cook book" after his harlem restaurant. mar cushions it's such a pleasure to have you here. >> how are you? >> great to see you. >> nice to see that we're coordinated. >> ready for the holidays here. >> yes. >> i have to ask you, you have this remarkable story that epitomizes the american dream and yet you didn't start in america. can you give me a sense of your past. >> like any swede i was born in ethiopia and adopted to sweden and obviously i feel very fortunate about that and m different path. my sister and mom and i had tuberculosis, adopted in swooez sweden hand my grandmother there taught me how to cook and taught me basically everything that i know her today and her meat balls, grandma's khelga meat balls will always in hour restaurant. i felt -- i did all my education in europe in terms of working in france and switzerland and i wanted more. i wanted to own my own restaurant and coming to america
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was the place i felt i can do that. >> do you have to have other skills outside the kitchen? >> sure. >> business, branding? >> success is not a bus stop. you constantly have to be curious and want to learn more and operating a restaurant today in a multi-locations and multi-countries is fastly different than 10, 15 years ago. today you have to know about social media, about, you know, the dialogue about healthy cooking is much better. where do from? yes, finance, marketing and, of course, passion for food and leading and building communities, right. that's essentially what we've done at the red roostner haar level. we've started with this idea that good food shouldn't be owned by certain zip codes. >> i was also interested to learn this a large percentage of the staff at the red roostner harlem are local people, some of whom had no restaurant experience beforehand so how do you give back to the community and employ local people and
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culinary service that your loyal customers from other restaurants would expect from you? >> i mean training, training, training and it's hard work and it's also what you get from people that you've not worked in the restaurant before and we've had a very diverse past and also an excitement and loishlgts so, you know, when i talk to my chef and colleagues downtown the loyalty factor might different. it really goes back to the core name of what a restaurant means. restore your community and by having about 200 that call red rooster home and a place we can play, i feel like we've really done something that we can stand for, great food and great music and hospitality. >> what's your best advice for achieving the kind of success? >> the land skein of starting your own business is very interest, right, because you can actually start it out of your own parent eats home and can you start it online, even from your phone, right, so the opportunities and dream -- if
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an opportunity for you to create it so dream birks you know. you look at a person that started in one part of the world and group up somewhere else and came to new york city and had a lot of mentors and a lot of people believing in me and hard work and finding a good mentor and actually listen to your parents might be the recipe for you. >> marcus, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. up next "on the money" a look at the news for the week ahead and there's no escaping the season's host oh, no, here it comes. it's a creature in a plastic egg with a real exit strategy. >> he really wants to get out. n almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision.
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because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? this year at t-mobile, the holidays are on us! switch your family of four to t-mobile, 800 to spend anywhere you want. plus, all season long, get awesome deals on smartphones, tablets, and accessories.
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here are the stories that may affect the money this week. on monday we'll get the latest report on consumer spending and always important because that mas the u.s. economy. we'll also get the ism non-manufacturing index which looks at the services sector. on tuesday factory orders for october are out, and hollywood is in the spotlight when the golden globe nominations are released, and how deep in the red are we in the consumer credit report for october comes out wednesday. every year there seems to be one hot holiday item, and this year's is a toy that reached
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largely to youtube. our courtney reagan went straight to the source of what's put the toy in such high demand. kids. >> it's hatching. >> this year's hottest toy is a hatchimal, a creature in an egg that pecks its way out. hatching once which can take up to 45 minutes, but if the child in your life wants one, you're probably out of luck for the holidays. while toys r u.s., walmart, target, k martd and amazon sell or sold the hot toy $50, it is a been nearly sold out since october. the hatchimal website calls the consumer response extraordinary, exceeding all expectations. the canadian toymaster spin master is planning on getting more hatchimals but they can't promise it. >> you can get one on the internet for a few hundred
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>> the hatchimals does not inflate inflated prices from non-authorized retailers but if you're desperate you can bid tree times the suggested retail price or for score one on ebay. they start at roughly three times retail price or $200 with shipping and walmart marketplace sellers are the most aggressive asking almost five times retail price or more for the season's hottest toy. chloe lucky ones. >> they are pretty fun and can you play different games with them. >> her sister is hoping for one this year. >> yes, i really want one. >> does that look like something you would want? >> yes. >> reporter: how does a hot toy get so hot? in the digital era utaub plays a big role. >> hand my friend shade she really wanted a hatchimal so i looked it up on youtube. i've heard it on youtube and i saw it on youtube. >> very interested in watching a
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surprises with toys. the element of surprise is what they really enjoy. >> reporter: lucky for some parents not all kids want a hatchimal. does that look like a fun toy for you? >> yeah, but it's for girls. >> reporter: it's for girls only? >> i really like legos? >> lego creator set. >> reporter: all right. well, here it is. here is the hatchimal, and so i think this is what it looks like once it this is the hatchimal in the egg and it's sleeping and i think we just woke it up. >> they are noisy little critters. >> when the eyes move around it tells you different things, it can be sick or cold or angry and have a hiccup. >> will it hold the kids' interest after it hatches? >> one little girl does have it,
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>> kind of like a fish? >> exactly. it has life stages so a baby, a toddler and then a kid. can you hear it doing different things and the eyes will light up and when the eye lights up it goes through different emotions. it makes motions. >> this will give the family pet a run for the money, don't you any? >> under a lot of christmas trees this year. >> thanks so much. >> thanks, contessa. >> that does it for this week. i'm contessa b becky. up next week, year-end tax tips, how to lower your 2016 tax bill.
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good morning, america. trapped inside. the oakland concert fire, young lives perishing in the flames. >> this is a devastating scene. >> concertgoers blinded and disoriented by thick, black smoke scrambling for the lone exit. am not finding it. >> at least nine people killed. possibly dozens more missing, the agonizing wait of friends and family praying for word. >> we're all looking for you, your mom, your dad, everybody. >> crews working through the night to carry out a grim search. >> this morning with the smoke cleared, survivors sharing their stories now thankful to be alive. the chaos inside as the flames broke out and the investigation


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