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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 15, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EST

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♪ ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- blake shelton. from "nocturnal animals," andrea riseborough. and this year in unnecessary censorship. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, everyone. welcome to the show, i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for coming. [ crowd noise/inaudi
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we all appreciate it. this is our last show before the new year. i have to say, it is weird that 2016 was only one year, i feel at least five years older than i did last year. so much arguing and fighting. people keep saying, i can't wait for 2016 to be over. but 2017, that isn't looking so great either. [ laughter ] like the movie alien. 2016 may have been the moment when the alien attached itself to our face, but 2017 is when it rips its way out of our stomachs and tears the ship apart. and as if 2016 wasn't difficult enough, we get news today that america, this country, is facing a whipped cream shortage. i know, just when you thought it couldn't get worse. america, apparently, there's a shortage of nitrous oxide. there was an explosion in august at a nitrous oxide factory in -- well, florida, of course. where else do you think they make it?
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enough gas to put it in the cans. they have plentcream, they're just low on whip. and this is especially troubling, because in boston, they just legalized marijuana for recreational use. [ cheers and applause ] they'll have nothing to put on their cream pies. so we are in a tailspin, folks. there's no end in sight. i don't know if i want to live in a world if i can't stand in front of my refrigerator doing this. don't tell my wife i do that. the good news is, we have a new "star wars" movie to look forward to, "rogue one." late tonight, it's a huge budget movie, expected to make a lot of money. they say it might make millions. [ laughter ] but bob iger, the ceo of disney, the company who made "rogue one," also our boss announced today, we had a great year, made a lot of money, so only go see
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[ laughter ] our local news did a story about "star wars" related things coming out in advance of the movie. >> battling with light sabres, bringing "star wars" to life. the weekend jedi are members of america's 12 sabre guilds, staging performances and training young pado wans, all to benefit various charities across the country and pass on the force. kcal 9 news. [ laughter ] >> i think that's jedi shaming. one of the exciting things about "rogue one," darth vader is in it. apparently, the original darth vader costume went missing. they had to replace it with a piece of "star wars" brand merchandise, which i think looks just as good if not better. >> the world is coming undone.
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galaxy. >> every day, they grow stronger. >> the empire will triumph. ♪ ♪ >> the rebellion will be toast. ♪ ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you know what, toast does have a dark side. so anyway, rog one is the new "star wars" movie and another one will come out next year and every year after that so long as the human race exists. you know how the cia came out and said they believe russia was specifically trying to get trump elected when they hacked the democrats and released all their private e-mails. now senior u.s. intelligence officials say the russian attempts to interfere with our election were personally directed by vladimir
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himself. which i have to say it's nice that putin would do that for trump. those are the kind of things that best friends do for each other. but putin has denied any involvement at all, and he seems like a pretty straight shooter, so i think we should trust him on that. [ laughter ] not only that, the russian government is strongly denying another report, this one from the fbi, that vladimir putin is donald trump's secret santa. but, it turns out, trump was right all along, the election was rigged. last night on the show, we ghafe out an award for clip of the year, the best clip of 2016, but what i'm about to show you, had it been released a little bit earlier, may have qualified for that final five. this is a video that was posted on facebook, happened at a gas station in mobile, alabama. it has like ten million views on facebook. if you haven't, just stick with it until the end, because there's a twist. >> get on the ground!
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[ shouting ]. >> who are you? >> i'm his wife. >> get his gun from him? >> i will. back up, i will get it. i will get it. i will get it. [ cheers and applause ] >> i guess you're not his wife just yet. >> that is the best/worst marriage proposal, possibly -- probably ever. >> what do you think she said, yes or no? she said yes. which is not what i would have said in that situation, but we tracked the couple in the video
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big cisco screen, the wall of america, from mobile, alabama, please say hello to the blackmans. hi, guys. >> how you doing? >> i want to say congratulations to you on your engagement. >> thank you so much. >> and i also would like to ask, shawna, why would you marry this crazy, crazy man? >> well, for him to be as crazy as he is, i have to be just as crazy to be with him. >> jimmy: oh, okay. so this is something that did not upset you? >> no. >> jimmy: you didn't go, what the hell is wrong with you? and how did you come up with this insane idea? >> well, she was all the inspiration i needed. [ laughter ] i wanted to get the ultimate reaction from her. >> jimmy: were there other ideas that you rejected? >> yes. >> jimmy: worse than that one? >> no. >> jimmy: at the end
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or terror, shawna? >> they were tears of joy. like i could not -- like i was just so overwhelmed with the fact that he did all of this for me. >> jimmy: how did you get the police to go along with this prank? >> well, i shot a pitch to them. i said, well, you know, we got a lot of tension in the black life and the police in our community. so let's try to break the tension by doing something positive. >> jimmy: yeah, well, you broke it all right. you definitely broke it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: maybe you haven't set a date yet, but will the police be invited to the wedding? >> yes. >> jimmy: very good. well, we took the liberty of getting you a couple of engagement gifts. we got you a fondue set, which guillermo is working on, and we got you a couple of his and hers bullet-proof
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[ laughter and applause ] well, that is an amazing story, and you're both very, very phra crazy, but congratulations to you and have a happy holiday. >> thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's daiwon and shawna. i don't know, maybe for the honey moon, he'll take her to afghanistan or something. you know, christmas, as i mentioned is coming. many of the most popular toys are sold out. the nes mini classic, you can't find. hatchimals are hard to find. but if you're looking for an adorable last-minute gift that isn't as popular as those, i think this might be the item for you. >> bored of bar biz? can't find a hatchimal? good news. just in time for christmas, my little guillermo. he can do all the things big guillermo can do, like stand next to a door and get drunk at work. >> wow. just like the real guillermo. >> just make sur
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water before bedtime, or he'll wake up with a hangover, or worse -- >> oh, no, he has gout! >> time to call in sick to work. >> hello, jimmy, i have jury duty and my car is on fire. >> yay! >> i love you, my little guillermo. >> i love you too. >> my little guillermo comes with everything you see here. dream house sold separately. my little guillermo is not recommended for children. ♪ my little guillermo ♪ my little guillermo ♪ his mustache is made of rodent fur ♪ >> available at walgreen's. [ cheers and applause ] >> congratulations, guillermo. all right, we're going to take a break. when we come back, we have this not week in unnecessary censorship -- this year in unnecessary censorship, so stick around, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by gray goose vodka. ♪ 3,2,1... lumière, action! ♪ [ almost... there...ental ] hmmmm... save ten when you spend fifty on toys at target. you guys rock! yeah!... whoaaa!
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oh, life-sized dragon hand back scratcher. if only it came in a luffa. it does! oh, a raisin re-hydrator. it turns them back into grapes. wow, what an exhausting journey. that's a good wedding present. good call. thank you... and thank you, lady blue. with the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. oh, look at this. disposable microphone for my uncle bob's 75th! a one and done. yes. find your voice and then dispose of it. it's more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express. ♪ ♪
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stay fresh! get last minute gifts with order pickup at target.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello there and welcome back. blake shelton and andrea riseborough are on the way, but first, you know, this year, 2016, is a unique year, because this year, the first night of hanukkah falls on christmas eve, which hasn't happened since 1978, which means hanukkah and christmas are on the same day this year. only difference is jewish kids get their presents over eight days, whereas most other kids get them all at once. like the kid version of winning the powerball. you want it as a lump sum, or you want it spread out over time. ♪ ♪
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that? >> deedel, diedel, deedel, diedel. >> jimmy: oh, no, not this again. no! >> hello! happy hanukkah! happy hanukkah! i'm here to spread hanukkah cheer at this special time of year. >> jimmy: no, i don't, i told you, gary, we're not doing this again. i'm sorry, this is one of our writers, gary. he came up with this stupid han corn character is reall. >> did you say israel? he is real, he lives in an igloo made of hummus. >> jimmy: he is in fact fake. >> would they give a fake character his own primetime, network holiday special?
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because you don't have your own primetime holiday network special. >> oh, yeah? then what's this! >> ho ho ho, it's that time of year again. >> yes, it is, it's hanukkah time! >> it's the hana-corn's eight stars of hanukkah, featuring dr. oz, billy baldwin, justice ruth bader ginsberg and at the hana corn tries out for the harlem globetrotters. the hana corn is here! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you for joining me this evening. tonight we're going to have some schmoozing, some kibbutzing, and if you're lucky, maybe even a little mishegos
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what is going on? >> i'm hosting my own primetime hanukkah special. >> jimmy: he is not. you're stealing time away from my show right now. this is my show. it's not a primetime special. >> if you keep this up, i'm going to call security. and speaking of security, please welcome my security guard, shlomomo. >> shalom! oivay, mazza ball soups. >> jimmy: guillermo, what are you doing? >> can't a person make i living? >> jimmy: there they go, the -- >> no, no, jimmy. can i at least bring out my eight special celebrity guests? >> jimmy: no, you cannot. >> how about five? >> jimmy: no, none. >> one, one, one. >> jimmy: if i let you bring out one celebrity guest, will you promise never to do this again, next year?
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kiz. >> jimmy: okay, make it quick. okay, ladies and gentlemen, you know him from 'n sync, please give a big hana corn welcome to joey fatone. ♪ that's right ♪ dreidel, dreidel, i made you out of clay ♪ ♪ when it's dry and ready ♪ oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel ♪ ♪ please tell me who to do ♪ because dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, i'm not even a shoe ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> the one, the only, dreidel god! ♪ go dreidel dog, go dreidel dog ♪ ♪ yo-yo yo go dreidel dog go
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>> happy hanukkah! [ cheers and applause ] >> happy hanukkah. >> jimmy: joey fatone, thank you, joey. somehow we veered into mexican television. i'm not sure how. all right, one more thing as 2016 draws to a close. we went through the biggest tv moments of the year and selected our best bleeps and blurs and it's time now for this year in unnecessary censorship. [ cheers and applause ] >> this morning, donald trump went on national television and [ bleep ] my father. >> you pick a fight with america. you steal our security. you spit on our freedom. we'll put a [ bleep ] in your ass. it's the american way. >> at that point, it's not a robbery. at that point, [ bleep ] a [ bleep ].
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since i was a kid. i used to have adults blowing [ bleep ] in my face all the time. >> we're going to ride off into the sunset together. >> brook has turned me on to what i like to call the diesel, which is just black [ bleep ]. >> yeah, bill. we just won the world series. >> people came up and said, your mother, i [ bleep ] your mother. i [ bleep ] your mother. just over and over again. >> it won't jump out or make your face dirty. >> promise? >> i promise. >> aaah! >> did anybody [ bleep ] last night? [ cheers and applause ] >> i [ bleep ] my family, i [ bleep ] my business, i [ bleep ] my employees, and now
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i'm going to [ bleep ] you, the american people, like nobody has ever [ bleep ] before. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, andrea riseborough is here, and we'll be right back with blake shelton. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> come on, it's the time of year! go rabbis, go rabbis, go rabbis? >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by the new nissan rogue. go see "rogue one," a starr wars story in decembtheaters decembe.
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>> jimmy: what kind of stuff do you investigate? >> white collar
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there with those rich guys and just turn the screw on them? yeah, right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, from the movie "nocturnal animals," andrea riseborough is here. we got pedestrians in our room, and we will go outside for music from blake shelton. we had a santa come to the show today after rehearsal. believe it or not, we rehearse the show. so a lot of the parents who work here brought their kids in to take pictures with santa. we brought my daughter in, guillermo brought his son benji. benji just turned 5, right? >> yeah, he's 5. >> jimmy: he's very cute. i chatted with him. what does he want for christmas? >> he wants the "star wars"
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toys. >> jimmy: did you get them for him? >> yes. >> jimmy: which one did you get him? >> i don't know their names, but most all of them. >> jimmy: how does it work? you say santa brought them? or do you take any credit at all for them? >> no, i tell them santa brought it and left it right there for you. >> jimmy: okay, very good. a little bit of insight into our personal lives. [ laughter ] our first guest tonight say hugely popular television star with a very nice career in country music on the side. his latest album is called, "if i'm honest." please welcome blake shelton! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> how you doing? >> i'm good. how you doing?
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it's been two years. >> jimmy: i know, it's been a long time. >> two years. hello. >> jimmy: it has been two years. and i wish you would come more often. but i have been, fortunately, i've been able to spend a lot of time with your face, looking at this cd. i don't know if you can tell, but when you move the cd, and by the way, what a face you have. i mean, i asked -- [ cheers and applause ] oh, there we go. look at that. it's like, anywhere you sit, you're looking at him. >> what the hell is wrong with you? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know, let's go through the inside of it too. >> stop! what are you doing? >> jimmy: there's more. >> oh, my god. it's pictures. it's a damn picture. what is your deal? >> jimmy: it's just so funny, ba united states th -- because this is so not you, i feel like. you never sit on the rocks and look at -- >> of course, i do. when i'm here, i drive out to malibu all the time. sit there and i look at the whales and wonder
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taste. [ laughter ] you know, that's what everybody around here does in los angeles. >> jimmy: it looks like a cholesterol medication commercial to me. good to see you. are you liking l.a. better? last time you were here, you were having a tough time adjusting to our lifestyle, whatever that is. i'll take that as a no. >> well, my girlfriend lives here. so that makes it a lot more appealing. [ applause ] but the fact remains that, you know, the house is about, i don't know, two miles from here, and it took, i don't know, three hours to get here. so that sucks. >> jimmy: i heard you -- at your house in oklahoma. is that true? >> i have a -- >> jimmy: have you been talking to carson? i have. >> look, someday, when we all make it, we'll get a
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>> jimmy: i would have a helicopter if i was -- >> where would you go? you would raise up and see your house from here and land. >> jimmy: that's why i don't have a helicopter, i guess. do you take gwen on "bachelor" style helicopter dates? >> we use that thing a lot. it gets a lot more use than you would think. i don't know how to fly, so we use somebody else. >> jimmy: are you going to learn? >> in order to fly, you need to be drinking. to settle in and really enjoy it, you got to have some drinks. and you shouldn't be flying. >> jimmy: that's great advice for kids from blake shelton. do you not fly your helicopter drunk ever. >> happy holidays. happy holidays. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is a part of you listen to christmas music every day, is that the case? >> all year long, i listen to it. >> jimmy: even t
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july? >> i listen to michael buble, andy williams. all those people. >> jimmy: why? you love christmas that much? >> i do. i love christmas music. don't you? >> jimmy: i do, but i only like it at christmas, and not before thanksgiving, and then the day after christmas is over, i do not want to hear it. >> really? >> jimmy: no. >> see, i don't want to let go, it's like, it's still close enough, i'm sure there's people that haven't celebrated yet, because they got to go to the other family's house, and let's all keep it going in honor of whoever those people may be. >> jimmy: i also heard you love the golden girls. is that true? is that one of your favorite shows? [ applause ] you can be honest. >> i'm just trying to figure out your segues. let's say everything we can say to embarrass blake. >> jimmy: your friend carson told me something so unbelievably embarrassing and horrible that if i were to say it right now, you would literally have to g
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hiding. okay? >> let's talk about the golden girls. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i hear you loud and clear. [ laughter ] what do you want to know about the golden girls? >> jimmy: who is your favorite golden girl? >> dorothy, for sure. >> jimmy: why is dorothy your favorite? >> which is bea arthur, right? >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> i just think her sarcasm on that show is incredible. don't you think? >> jimmy: well, she's very funny. >> i love sarcasm, and remember benson? >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's why i love that show. that guy was such a smart ass. >> jimmy: benson is another favorite. it was a good show. or did we think it was a good show because we were young and we didn't know what good was? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> jimmy: benson and golden girls. so much to learn about you. you know, it's really -- i can't imagine you sitting at home watching "the golden girls."
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>> jimmy: but you do. [ laughter ] >> you need to accept it. it's a good show. have you never watched the show before? >> jimmy: i have, but i feel like it's -- i have watched it, but it's not something i'm planning the day around. >> you don't have to, it's on like 24 hours a day. benson is not. benson is hard to find. >> jimmy: gwen is from orange county. she took you to her kind of home area, anaheim, to disneyland, which you'd never been to before. >> she took me to -- she took me to disneyland and then she drove me down the street to the house that she grew up in, and then the house that they used where they created -- basically created no doubt and wrote a lot of the songs and rehearsed every day. it's on beacon street down there. i got to see all that stuff. >> jimmy: was that interesting for you? or did you pretend it was interesting? >> no, it was so interesting. here's why. the houses have been
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bought or whatever. and so, if you look out your window and gwen stefani is standing in your lawn taking selfies, and this happened. i was down there just a couple of months ago. she was like, oh, my god, there's my house, jumps out of the car, standing in these random people's lawn, that may not even know they live in the house she grew up in, and she's taking selfies in front of it. >> jimmy: did they let her in? did you go inside the house? >> they didn't even -- it was so weird, all you saw was curtains. remember that movie, the burbs? it was like that. i don't know. >> jimmy: i want to ask you about the album. the title of the album is "if i'm honest." does that mean anything in particular? do you normally hold back? i mean, with eyes like these, i would imagine you don't hold anything back, really. >> you realize that's not -- [ cheers and
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these for my house? >> you realize that is not new technology. they had that in the '80s. in the '80s, we had those pictures you could do that. >> jimmy: but never with this face, no, no. well, it's very good to have you here. what song are you going to do for us tonight? >> well, because you were gracious enough to set up a big stage out there for me, we're doing a bunch of songs. >> jimmy: oh, great. >> i think for television, we'll do "guy with a girl" and "she's got a way with words." >> jimmy: blake shelton, everybody! this is his cd, it's called "if i'm honest." we'll be right back with more. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" were brought to you by ear bombz. at select retailers and fitness clubs worldwide.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, andrea riseborough and music from blake shelton is on the way, but first, the holidays are almost here. kids all over, are excited to find out what santa and company will bring and a little elf, known as guillermo, wants to make sure none of those kids are forgotten. ♪ ♪ >> i am the red leader, guillermo. and i'm on a mission from nsa
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and "star wars" force for change, to deliver these cool "star wars" toys to kids in need this holiday season. and i'm doing it in the perfect vehicle. a 2017 nissan rogue. all the room here means a lot of toys. ♪ ♪ >> hold it! >> uh-oh. >> identify yourself. >> i'm the red leader, i got to deliver these toys. you want to help? >> lock in the accord nats. >> great idea. i will put it in the navigation. >> hey, kids, who wants some is cool "star wars" toys? >> whoa! >> everybody get a toy. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> hi, guillermo, thank you so much. this can be a very difficult time of year for many of our il
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>> it's our pleasure to see all these kids happy. make us very happy too. >> well, that's it, gave away all the toys, time to go home. >> whoa! >> wow, cool car. >> visit your local nissan dealer to donate a toy to the rogue toy drive, to help kids in need this holiday season. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with andrea riseborough. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] mulation. ♪ ♪ [pedestrian detection beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th.
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that you're ready to makeou've gotnot-so-hiddenent if you have a thing but your friends don't know about your thing then take matters into your own hands by taking that phone in your hand and opening facebook. press this. and go live. now introduce yourself, tell them about the thing alright hit em with that talent [man belting in his house] you're doing great, and even if you're not your friends will probably still think you're awesome after dark, we come... the brave shirts. the glow gals. the lords of the playlist. the midnight feasters. and the last train sprinters. we are the night.
12:21 am
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: you know our next guest from the movie "birdman," and the tv show "bloodline." she does good things as co-star in the tom ford directed thriller "nocturnal animals," please welcome andrea riseborough! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, have
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seen "the golden girls"? >> yeah, i have seen it. we've got it in britain. >> jimmy: that's a thing over there? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: where are you from in england? >> newcastle. it's like the armpit of the -- >> jimmy: is it really? >> it's the cold, northeastern part. >> jimmy: it's funny, because you hear newcastle, and you think it's some shining city on a hill. >> it was -- >> jimmy: is that where it's from? >> yeah, and that stop rots your bladder. you have a pint of it. i took an ex-boyfriend to newcastle and the whole time i'm here, he said he was going to drink brown ale. we were in a play and halfway through, he was like -- because it just sits in there and the yeast ferments and then you've gotta pe gotta pee, you have no choice, you've just got to pee immediately. >> jimmy: they should put that in the ads. >> yeah, on behalf of my people, you are welcome. >> jimmy: will you
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christmas? >> no, i'm going to venice for christmas. >> jimmy: oh, italy? or california? >> sounds quite fancy. not the skate park, no. >> jimmy: oh, okay. wow. that's fun. >> dicky: >> i know, yeah. >> jimmy: have you been there before? >> yeah, i went when i was 19 with no money and thought it would be fine and i could just live off art. >> jimmy: and? >> it didn't work. >> jimmy: it didn't work, yeah. >> cut to next scene and i was like really -- i remember passing out in a leonardo da vinci exhibition, just my head hitting the floor and being emaciated and sleeping on trains. i got an interrail pass, i had nowhere to stay, so me and a friend slept on trains. >> jimmy: you've had a terrible life. >> it's been really hard. >> jimmy: do you ever look back on those days and long for them? >> no. >> jimmy: no? [ laughter ] twr do you live now? >> i live here. >> jimmy: do you like it here in
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>> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: because a lot of people don't like l.a., but i find that almost everyone who comes here from england loves l.a. >> yeah, i kinda hate when people are like, why do you live in l.a.? i really have such a love for california, and there are so many brilliant artists that have come from this place. it's an inspiring place. >> jimmy: california's the best state, there's no two ways about it. and i'll fight anyone who says it isn't. [ cheers and applause ] it is. and we have the best flag here. do you know the california flag? >> yes. >> jimmy: it's a bear. >> i thought that was a mountain lion. >> jimmy: no, it's not a mountain lion. chblt that was a joke. >> jimmy: oh. maybe too many of those newcastles. >> c-3po, that mountain lion. >> jimmy: no, that's a -- oh, the one they
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: am i supposed to know this? >> i was hoping you might. >> jimmy: does the mountain lion really have a name? >> my friends had a pet communicator. >> jimmy: they did? >> she said it went really well. >> jimmy: what kind of pet? >> a westy called ollie. >> jimmy: and she believes there's a person that can read the mind of a pet. >> oh, they did it online? >> jimmy: even worse. this is worse than, like, tinder. online there's somebody -- how much did they pay this person to do that? >> i think the thing is, just to be open-minded about it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know how much it costs? >> he was having trouble with food. so, you know, it's worked out for everyone. >> jimmy: well, that's great. i'm glad to hear that worked out. that's ridiculous. guillermo, go take all their money from them. >> all right. >> jimmy: go run out there. that's his excuse to
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holiday. by the way, i really enjoyed this movie "nocturnal animals." >> it's great. >> jimmy: your character is a socialite, married to michael keen's character. >> i was really obvious casting for a socialite. >> jimmy: did you base the character on an actual socialite? >> no, so the night i got there, tom was there at my trailer and was like, you look fabulous. in my own clothes, which i was like -- i think i was wearing slippers and i had a fake tattoo on my arm. it was terrible, not the way you want to meet tom ford. and he said, you know, you're playing my best friend. and i said, like tonight, like in -- like that's when you're telling me? in my own country, i've made almost my entire career on playing people who actually existed. >> jimmy: so the character is really based on his real best friend? >> his real best friend. i said, she's a living, breathing thing, like an entity on the planet earth.
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fabulous. and i said, well, can you describe to me what she's like? and he's like, we have, like, ten minutes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. was she happy with your portrayal of her? >> i met her just the other week. it was weird. i think -- i hope that i -- i hope i did an all right job with it. i don't know. when i met her, because she is fabulous, and she's a socialite, but she has this real earthy, wonderful, centered, like, true, authenticity about her. and i don't know whether that's my judgment, but i hope i captured that, as well as the fabulousness. >> jimmy: did she indicate you captured it? because if she's so authentic, you should have known. >> it's weird when you meet someone you've played because they slowly back away from you. you go oh! and they go -- so, i don't know. i couldn't read. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. have a great holiday in venice. i'm jealous. that sounds fanst
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watch "nocturnal animals" in theaters now. we'll be right back with blake shelton. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is brought to you by the dick's sporting goods foundation. go to sports to help save youth sports. >> the latest political bombshell. >> they were referring to the senior most government official in russia. >> will allegations that president putin swayed
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is brought to you by the dick's sporting goods foundation. go to sports to help save youth sports. >> jimmy: thanks to joey fatone, andrea riseborough, and i do want to make an apology to matt damon. we ran out of time for him again. we will try to get matt on the show in 2017. "nightline" is next, but first his album is called "if i'm honest," here with the song, "a guy with a girl," blake shelton! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes i'm the guy with the boys kicking it back or the guy with the it
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singing on a country track ♪ ♪ i might be the guy with an ice cold can stirring up dust on some old farmland ♪ ♪ when i walk into the party with you, girl you change all that i'm just the guy with the girl everybody wants to know wishin' you were there alone wonderin' how i ever got ♪ ♪ your little hand in mine lookin' over at ya like ain't she beautiful ♪ ♪ i'm invisible but i stand right there and smile you're right beside me ♪ ♪ oh and i see the same thing they're seein' but i don't mind being the guy with the girl ♪ ♪ ♪ it's funny watchin' 'em do the way they do they come walkin' up to me ♪ ♪ but they only wanna talk to you and i don't blame 'em that they're hypnotized ♪
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♪ ♪ they keep staring at yo your heartbreak eyes ♪ it's like their heart starts stoppin' when you come walkin' into the room ♪ ♪ and i turn into the guy with the girl everybody wants to know ♪ ♪ wishin' you were there alone wonderin' how i ever got your little hand in mine ♪ ♪ lookin' over at ya like ain't she beautiful i'm invisible but i stand right there and smile ♪ ♪ you're right beside me oh and i see the same thing they're seein' ♪ ♪ but i don't mind being the guy with the girl the guy that don't know how he got her ♪ ♪ but he ain't never gonna let her never gonna let her go ♪ ♪ whoa oh yeah i'm just the guy with the girl everybody wants to know ♪
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♪ wishin' you were there alone wonderin' how i ever got your little hand in mine ♪ ♪ lookin' over at ya like ain't she beautiful i'm invisible but i stand right there and smile ♪ ♪ you're right beside me oh and i see the same thing they're seein' ♪ ♪ but i don't mind being the guy with the girl no, i don't mind being the guy with the girl ♪ ♪ yeah, i'm just the guy with the girl i'm always the guy with the girl ♪ ♪ i don't mind it, baby i don't mind it, baby i'm just the guy with the girl ♪ ♪ that's all i am ♪ i'm just the guy with the girl♪
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♪ >> this is "nightline." tonight, defector elect. reports to russian hackers attempted to influence the election. and celebrities uniting to inspire insurrection. >> the constitution gives electors the right to vote for any eligible person. >> now some electoral college members vowing to change sides. we're with one who has received death threats. could it really overturn the results? plus, the traffickers. behind the bright lights and seductive poses, a dark underworld. >> how many girls would you estimate to be trafficked here? >> the unlikely respiratory exposing black markets, extracting secrets from shadowy figures, tracing guns, organs and humans on


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