tv Nightline ABC January 25, 2017 12:37am-1:07am EST
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, hypno tised to victimized. a lawyer lulling female clients into a trance state before sexually abusing them. >> do you feel intense pleasure >> the sting pleasure that brought him down. >> police officers. step over here. >> how susceptible are we to hypnosis? w break down the science of mind control. plus, insta thor. this body building buff has become a viral strong man, performing impossible, sometimes nonsensical, stunts. a maniac on a mission. >> it means running around in a tutu and being okay with myself, inspires them to be okay with themselves, then hey, reaching a goal. >> to give the whole world a pick me up. and -- ♪
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anticipation? this year's awards will feature twice the mice with former mickey mouse mice competing for best song inside their friendly competition. ♪ city of stars >> in the city of stars. ♪ are you shining just for me >> first the "nightline 5." >> we approach life by simply enjoying it. >> boost simply complete. intelligent nutrition made with nine ingredients, 25 vitamins and minerals, 10 grams of pro10. >> look where life can take you. >> boost. be up for it. when you have a cold, pain from a headache can make this feel like this. all in one cold symptom relief from tylenol. the number one doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol. >> number one in just 60 seconds.
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good even. thanks for joining us. newly released hidden camera video offering a disturbing window into a shocking crime. a divorce attorney convicted of hypnotizing female clients and taking advantage of them in their vulnerable state. tonight we'll hear from one of his many victims and experts who explain how this could have happened. here's abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: watch closely. an unthinkable crime is about to take place. >> you're going to feel really comfortable and really safe -- >> reporter: without his client's knowledge or consent, ohio divorce lawyer michael fine hypnotizes this woman, saying it's a breathing exercise. >> each time i say the word sleep you're going to go deeper and deeper,
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>> reporter: after putting the woman into a trance, he orders her to the couch. >> you feel intense pleasure and arousal and excitement. >> reporter: where he initiates a sexual encounter. >> your entire body is a vessel of pleasure. >> reporter: then wakes her up and acts like nothing has happened. >> okay, so we have some papers to go over -- >> reporter: unbeknownst to fine, this time his client had a hidden camera. >> police officers. step over here. >> reporter: this newly released video is from a 2014 sting operation. the victim, who has remained anonymous, alerted authorities because she noticed that after her appointments with fine, her bra was sometimes disheveled and she couldn't remember everything that happened. she went to the police who set up this confrontation. >> police officers. step over here. >> why do the police wait to come in at that moment? >> typically in sting operations, you want to get enough evidence of criminal activity, but
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can't as a law enforcement officer stand by and allow a sexual assault to take place. but it's very clear that everything that he was doing was inappropriate. >> reporter: but it turns out she's just one of michael fine's victi victims. >> your entire body is a vessel of pleasure. >> he ruined a lot of people's lives. >> reporter: melissa, who doesn't want to reveal her last name, says what he saw on that video was all too familiar. >> seeing that video made mow so sick, so angry, and panicky feeling too. i couldn't sleep at all that night when i first saw the video. >> reporter: she too was hypnotized and molested by the 59-year-old divorce lawyer. >> put his hand on your shoulder, around you. he's right there with you. he's going to protect you. he was actually the one who was the predator. >> reporter: an unimaginable betrayal of trust for fine's clients who were vulnerable in the midst of divorce. >> she unfortunately met a very bad lawyer who took advantage of her, who was a
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breached her trust. >> reporter: fine was arrested in 2014 and in september of last year he pled guilty to five counts of kidnapping and one count of attempted kidnapping, all with the sexual motivation specification. >> there's just remorse and grief in my heart -- >> reporter: his reheart, little solace for his victims. >> he used my trust in his position as my attorney to gain information about my vulnerabilities. >> i thank god that you are going to be locked away for a long time. >> reporter: fine was sentenced to 12 years in prison and has been disbarred and will have to register as a sex offender when he gets out. why was it important to collect video evidence in this case? >> she thinks something happened, she thinks she was hypnotized, but she can't recall what happened after the hypnosis. so there's no question that you need video evidence to show that a crime occurred. >> you feel intense pleasure and arousal and excitement -- >> reporter: although this scene is chilling,
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been used by doctors for medical and psychiatric treatment. for everything from smoking to even jump starting workouts. harnessing the power of the mind through hypnosis has long captured the imagination of hollywood. >> i have conditioned them, or brainwashed them -- >> reporter: from the villainous plot of "the manchurian candidate" where a former prisoner of war the hypno tised to become an assassin -- >> do what you have been trained to do and kill the malaysian prime minister! >> reporter: to a modern spoof on that same premise in "zoo lander." hollywood hyperbole aside, doctors say hypnosis can be effective within limits, of course. >> the basic law of hypnosis is that you cannot make people do what they don't want to do. however, what they don't tell you is that we can affect the things that you want or desire. >> reporter: dr. daniel chew uses hypnosis in his
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address anxiety orders, phobias, and depression in his patients. his employee daniela graciously agreeing to go under with our cameras rolling. she trying to stop smoking. >> there are several steps in hypnosis. the most important part is the induction part. that's where you try to get them to focus and relax. >> reporter: his tool, not a pocket watch, but just his voice. >> i want you to slowly inhale. three, two, one -- >> reporter: within moments, she falls into a trance-like state. >> the next phase is called deepening. you no longer can hear other things going around you except the voice of the hypno therapist. you're going to feel the white sand beneath you -- >> reporter: then turns to the therapy phase to get her to quit her smoking habit. >> whenever you pick up a cigarette, you're going to think about what a dirty habit it is. more importantly, you're going to think, if i don't light that cigarette, how fresh the air is going to be in my lungs. you want to stop smoking right now. >> reporter: and with a final
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countdown from ten -- >> three, two, one -- now open your eyes. >> reporter: it's over. >> i definitely feel very relaxed. i feel more in control. >> how safe is hypnosis? like any medical procedure or medication, if used properly it's safe and effective. >> reporter: he says what attorney michael fine did was abuse of trust and power. >> he knew these women were vulnerable, possibly lonely. he might know these details. by using these details he could use power of suggestion to say they're more lonely, more in need of human contact. >> reporter: even though fine is already serving time his victims are pursuing a civil suit for damages. >> he's already admitted culpability. his only defense is how much were these women damaged? how much money will they get awarded? that's really in my mind the only question here. >> reporter: but as of yet, fine has not admitted to any liability in the civil
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mainta complaint. >> i wail not be in a room with anybody by myself. no shutting doors. i don't care who it is. i don't care who you are. not doing that. even for different interviews and stuff, i do not go by myself. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm mara 65 campo in new york. he'll lift your spirits and your furniture. the musselman who's conquering instagram. ah! what's this sudden cooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed... you wanna check yours? scores don't change that much. i haven't changed. oh, really? ♪ it's girls' night they said business casual. i love summer weddings! oh no. yeah, maybe it is time. maybe i should check my credit score. try credit karma. it's free. oh woah. that's different. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. sofy told you about a grown man who dresses up in tutus and performs cartwheels and splits, you probably w
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body builder with a fephysique thor. that's because juji is a complete one-of-a-kind athlete. and his zany spirit and unbelievable physical prowess have turned him into an instagram phenom. here's abc's gloria riviera in our series "social stars." >> reporter: yes, this man is lifting me over his head while doing a full split. here he is lifting almost 500 pounds while rollerblading. >> oh, yeah! >> reporter: doing splits in a pink tutu and pig tails. and i don't know what this is. while it might look out of the ordinary, videos like these have made him a social media sensation. by day he is john call, a married 31-year-old former tech manager from huntsville, alabama. >> yeah! >> reporter: his fans know him as
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buff body builder whose mind-bending acrobatic moves have brought him nearly 1 million follow others social media. is this what you do for a living now? >> yes, but only recently. it started to work out thanks to social media. >> jujimufu. >> you did good. >> reporter: jujimufu, a made-up name now known around the world. it was a hobby until this video of john doing a split while holding a barbell between two chairs went viral. >> yeah, yeah! >> i went to bed with 3,000 followers, got up the next morning, 33,000 followers. >> no way. >> that's what i said. i thought i did something wrong, i thought i was in trouble. >> reporter: a move he took his inspiration from jean claude van dam. >> that hurts just looking at it. >> reporter: that feat got him noticed on "america's got talent." and featured on a commercial for taco bell. >> all my friends are messaging me, you're on a taco bell
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what? >> no idea? >> i'm on a taco bell commercial? >> reporter: his fan base took off. buff bod, flowing locks, drawing comparisons to the god of the avengers, thor. something jujimufu has taken in stride. >> is that a nickname given to you because of your hair, because of your persona. >> it has to be. the hair, the beard, the strength, the running around. >> i am thor! >> buy a $90 costume and post videos of it. looks good. >> reporter: john wasn't also built like the norse god of thunder. as a kid he was weird and shy. >> played video games, didn't have friends. >> reporter: until he started martial arts and watching videos on the internet. you see these videos on youtube, that's what i want to do, then what? >> started weightlifting in my late teens to trick better, do the acrobat stuff better. so i'm doing both. >> no coach, just you? >> that's the way it was for all of us back then. ever
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online. forming tight-knit communities on the internet. helping each other out. posted videos, got feedback from all over the world. >> reporter: he posted this video showing a much smaller teenaged jujimufu going for his first black flip. we met john recently on the outskirts of atlanta. so this is where the magic happens? >> yes. this is like an artist studio for me. everything i look at is a tool i can use for some sort of stunt, feat of strength, or flexibility, on are video. >> reporter: just a boy having fun with all his toys. >> step back. >> whoa! >> there we go. >> how much do you weigh? >> 230, 235. >> you're lift as little bit more than your body weight, then doing a backflip. >> yeah. >> whoa! no way. >> yeah! >> that is
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i totally get it. it's tfun to watch him have so much fun. it's also insane. for all his showmanship, john's passion isn't about the performance. it's inspiring people to just be themselves and have fun. so when you see other people get excited about it, how does it make you feel? it sort of validates what i do. it has to. i mean, gosh, please. it's like now i have more friends. because if you're doing what i do and we both like and it we're both excited about it, we're basically trends. life is better when you've got more friends. >> what would you say to those kids who haven't for whatever reason kicked a ball, caught a ball, done anything? >> doesn't have to be a ball, it could be two chairs. there's something out there for them that's going to make them feel at home. i want people to feel welcomed. i want them to feel like they're okay. if me running around in a tutu and being okay with myself inspires them to be okay with themselves, then hey, reaching a goal. >> reporter: speaking of goals, how hard could it be to become a back-flipping
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>> all it is is a jump where you tuck your knees and roll over the top. >> all it is ask a jump where you tuck your knees and go over the top. >> go ahead. >> whoa, whoa! >> if you had somebody like me who likes fitness, enjoys fitness, wants to push it a little, where would you start? >> how about a handstand or a cartwheel. >> here we go. >> put your hands down and kick your legs up. don't overthink it. people confuse themselves too early. hold it. want to try a backflip? >> no, that's okay. >> reporter: with the backflip off the table, what about that epic chair split? >> this is like training wheels. third chair is like training wheels. feeling pretty good. >> ow. oh my god. how does it feel? >> right now it hurts. >> reporter: even more john looks to up the ante. >> i've done this hdi
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before. want to try it? >> me? while you're doing this? >> yeah. >> reporter: pushing that body, inspiring fans, having infectious fun what is jujimufu is all about. >> let go, let go. >> oh my god! >> yeah! >> oh my god! >> i'm good, how are you? >> i'm good. gloria riviera for "nightline." up next -- ♪ can't stop the feeling >> can't stop the feeling of deja vu. justin timberlake, ryan gosling, who sang together as kid in the mickey mouse club, what's getting them going toe to toe once again? ♪
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timberlake for "trolls." ♪ city of stars there's so much that i can't see ♪ >> reporter: and a couple of gosling numbers from "la la land." >> if i can make a suggestion for the actual evening, maybe gossling and timberlake performing together? >> maybe we should talk to you next year. >> reporter: a mickey mouse club reunion, oscar night. note i know what i know but i cry ♪ >> reporter: meryl sings this the year too. >> not bad. there's work to be done. >> reporter: bagged the 20th nomination for "florence foster jenkins," beating her own acting record of course. shouldn't she be disqualified? >> of course not, of course not. >> reporter: "hacksaw ridge," the 21st nominatio
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won. maybe this year, kevin. the susan lucci of the oscars, nominated for "all my children" 18 times before bagging an emmy. most importantly, seven actors of color nominated, denzel washington and viola davis among them. after two years of all-white nominees in their categories. #oscars #oscarssowhite controversy. >> is hollywood racist? damn right hollywood's racist. the racist you've grown accustomed to. >> reporter: the academy says it has diversified its membership. >> how about #joyfuloscars. it just so happened that this year, we had an abundance of films that represented inclusion. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm nick watt in beverly hills. >> and you can catch the oscars right here on abc february 26th. finally a note on last night's broadcast. in our segment about the new administration we interviewed former wte
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secretary ari fleischer. in editing the piece his quote was shortened and as a result his comments mischaracterized. we corrected the piece online to include his full quote and context. we apologize and regret the error. thanks for watching abc news. good night, america. >> what's even more exciting than getting a chance to win $1 million on "millionaire"? not finding out you're going to get that chance until 30 seconds before the show. and that's exactly what's happening to some lucky people right now. from bally's las vegas, it's "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ hey, everybody, welcome to instant millionaire week on
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"who wants to be a millionaire." this is a lot of fun. all week, we're surprising potential contestants in their rooms with a chance to play our game. yesterday, today's contestant was just minding his own business in his room at paris las vegas when we suddenly knocked on his door and invited him to come play "millionaire." so, ladies and gentlemen, from langhorne, pennsylvania, please welcome back jim moore. [cheers and applause] come on, jim. how you doing? welcome back. >> hi, chris. glad to be back. >> there you are, just sitting there in your robe and... >> yeah. >> we knock on the door and say, "jim, you got to play 'millionaire.'" and you shot over here like a rocket. >> what else am i gonna do? >> and now, you're in the middle of a game. >> yeah. >> and it's going well. >> yeah. >> now, you are--you run the floor of a poker room? is that it, you run--? >> yeah, i'm a floor supervisor at a poker room back home in philadelphia. >> okay, so you've seen it all, as far a gambling goes. >> i've seen a lot. >> winners, losers. it runs the gamut.
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