tv ABC7 News at 5 ABC March 13, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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the closer it gets the more dramatic the impact will be. as it draws in warmer air overhead off the atlantic ocean. we think it begin at rain as many places. then change over to a mix of snow and sleet. it could turn to snow in some areas overnight. this is the latest forecast. south of the metro area, eastern shore. less than an inch. one to two in the area suburbs of calvert county and southeast of the city. we get more in the district. progressivelymore farther north. we have two or three in -- two to six in the district. we don't how far the snow line will come. if it's too far it will be on the low inch. any way you cut it, clearly the farther north you go you hit the bigger snow totals. ten inches to a foot. you get in pennsylvania and beyond it's probably a foot and a half to two pete in spots. that big of a storm. steve rudin and i will join you and give you information on impact and the morning rush
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and a lot more. larry? >> i guess we have to stay in the airport or find a hotel. we'll see. larry: that is at b.w.i., where a quarter of the flights coming in today were canceled. this flight aware misery map right now. you can see here, things are the worst in chicago today. once the storm hits. the airports from our area to boston could see more problems. the transportation reporter brianne carter is live at reagan national airport surveying the situation for us. brianne: well, right now, larry, we have a number of delays. the name of the game is trying to get out ahead of whatever mother nature brings in here. the good news, in the last hour, the security lines decreasing. so folks are coming here to try to get on one of the last minute flights this is looking good. that is the key. time is running out. >> we are getting out of here. >> at reagan national airport. >> folks lined up to try to beat mother nature. a number of people flying tonight or tomorrowtr
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flight. the baxters booked on a noon flight tuesday hope to fly home today. >> the flights are full. we can't get to dallas early. brianne: 1,500 flights up and down the east coast have been canceled ahead of any snow. >> my concern is with the weather. brianne: all american airline flights before 8:00 a.m. out of reagan national tomorrow have been waved off. the weather is expected to disrupt the train travel in the northeast as well. business as usual at the union station today. tomorrow trains from here to boston will run on a modified schedule. that is if they are not canceled. the baxters say they would like to home by mid-week but they are taking it in stride. >> stay and have fun in d.c. brianne: a number of airlines here telling us that the evening flights are booked. there is no chance to get on one of those if you don't have a ticket. meanwhile, the wavers have been issued for a number of ourlines to change the flight to another day. watching and waiting. a lot
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tonight. reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. alison: thank you. from hardware stores for ice melt and shovels to the grocery stores and the gas stations. a lot of people spent the day getting ready for the storm. maryland bureau chief in frederick that is expected to be in bullseye for the winter whiplash. brad? brad: yeah. we have been told we are going to get ten inches at least by doug hill and perhaps even more. i talked to one of the city leaders who wandered by and they said locally they were thinking more. right now it's still beautiful if baker park. but the skies have clouded up. it was bright blue sky half an hour ago. there is a chill in the air. even so, we are talking to people out here who are having a hard tame believing this is coming. >> this is great. it will give me time to focus on school. a little time off work. get back
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grind. >> it was 70 degrees three days ago. now it's like we are going backwards. one last hooray. brad: that is what he says. the streets in this part of town have not been brined. but on the major roads they have been. one thing i have been doing is looking at the road temperature sensors across the state. the pavement is still pretty warm. so the temperature will have to drop and the snow has to fall heavily to make an impact on the streets. we will be here in frederick for the duration of the winner weather event. back to you. larry: thanks. president trump tweeting out this afternoon he hopes everyone on the east coast stays safe and listens to the local officials. german chancellor angela merkel canceling plans to be with the president tomorrow because of the forecast. stephen tschida picks up the team coverage from southeast washington with a look at how the nation's capital is
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colder outside. but inside this salt dome it will heat up soon. they are going to take the salt and spreading it out across the district highway and byway. we have the video the prepreparation loading up the trucks earlier today. this is what mayor muriel bowser had to say about how the district is getting ready for this storm. mayor bowser: the snow team is preparing for a full deployment. that means we will have more than 200 plows scheduled out on the streets. they will be at the post by 7:00 p.m. tonight. stephen: that means they will be arriving here at the salt dome very soon loading up and getting ready to head out there and get the streets, the roads treated in advance of this looming storm. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. alison: okay. thank you very much. a note about the metro access. they have suspended
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ahead of the storm. metro says the service will will not run at all tomorrow. metrorail is operating normally tonight but tomorrow it will be open at 5:00 a.m. and then run on a saturday schedule. generally speaking, once we get eight inches of snow or more on the ground the service starts getting suspended and above ground stations. metro bus service will be dependent on the amount of snow and how quickly the roads can get cleared. larry: the snow totals for the storm could change with the slightest shift. the stormwatch7 team is doing the facebook live to answer your questions every two hours throughout the evening. the northern bureau chief is live in loudoun county. jeff goldberg, i understand that governor mcauliffe already declared a state of emergency in the old dominion? jeff: that is right, larry. that came out an hour and a half ago. governor mcauliffe declaring a state of emergency meaning the state agencies and the national guard can help out
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there is a need from the storm. we are in snowtrak7. we are watching this come through the leesburg area. this is market streak. the main thoroughfare in leesburg. every time it gets a big snow here, the traffic slows down a bit. we are outside the giant on market street. this is probably one of the main grocery store in leesburg. we saw plenty of people stocking up on the provisions in preparation of the storm to buy milk, eggs, cereal all that you expect for a snowstorm. they will be preparing for the storm and the schools being closed. some are looking to help others as they prepare for storm. >> we saw a post on facebook that the leesburg homeless shelter needs eggs, toilet paper, oatmeal, batteries. >> for the storm? >> for storm. here we are. we stocked up ourselves. this is for everybody else. jeff: everybody is getting
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frederick we have seen the weather change quite a bit here in leesburg. the skies filled with clouds. it's colder. the wind picked up and the storm could come through soon. we will be here watching it all. live in leesburg, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. larry: thank you. this is a good idea. take a moment now to sign up for school closing alerts from abc7 news. you can do that. it's easy. go to alison: tune in to "good morning washington." larry, you will be there. starting early at 4:00 a.m. larry: i will go to bed at 6:15 after the show. you might want to download the stormwatch7 app for the smart phone or the tablet. it is a great idea in case you lose power for the storm. alison: police are searching for three men who broke in a gun store in chantilly. they got away with 35 firearms.
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them breaking in saturday morning on metro tech drive. police are investigating whether the robbery is connected to another gun store robbery last week in rockville. larry: developing now another wave of bomb threats targeting jew kish schools and community centers around the country. five locations receive threats sunday. they coincide with the religious holiday that honored the plot to exterminate jews in persia. none of the threats turned out to be real. authorities in poland seeking arrest and extradition of a minnesota plan believe to be a nazi commander in world war ii. the 98-year-old is accused of ordering the burning of polish villages in 1944. his family maintains his innocence and says today he suffers from alzheimer's. alison: new information regarding the 2014 police shooting of michael brown. an attorney plans to release an unedited version of the surveillance video showing brown in ti
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store. this was the same day he was shot. the move comes after the documentary "stranger fruit." that was released and it had a video claiming that brown did not rob the store and picked up an item he left behind the night before. the attorney says the video is edited and he plans on releasing an authentic video. larry: the former fairfax mayor scott silverthorne pleading guilty today related to a police sting. they caught him using a website to meet men and trade meth for sexual encounters. up until the plea, he was not in jail. today a judge ruled to have him held without bond while he awaits sentencing. he faces up to 40 years in prison. alison: we have breaking news in the past hour the nonpartisan congressional budget office released the report on the impact of the republicans' obamacare replacement. under the plan the c.b.o. predicts 14 million americans will lose health insurance next
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over the next decade. even before the estimate came out, president trump and republican leaders in congress dismissed the findings as misleading. moments ago, the white house said it strenuously disagrees with this analysis. coming up next here at 5:00 -- the item starts asking questions after a man finds something that seems less than nutrition in a protein shake. >> 16 to 20 inches of snow expected. larry: plus our area isn't the only one gearing up for snow. look at what could be in store for the northeast. learn later what the weekend cold and the snow could mean for the cherry blossoms. credit karma? why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak]
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larry: we are on a stormwatch7 winter weather alert. live doppler. there is a system coming up from the south that doug is talking about. we will check back with him in a few moments. the precipitation beginning to move in. we will get more in a couple of minutes. alison: larry, as we know the cold from the storm is coming from midwest
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caused plenty of traffic problems just like this over the past 24 hours. jay korff is in the mobile track to look at the steps that the crews are taking around here to prepare local roads. hi, jay. jay: hey, guys. want to let you know, we want to show you something unique. we were just driving by route 28 in the chantilly area. this is like a staging area for snowplows. they have filled up to the brim with the salt as well. we can see from the back shot, we have a number of cameras to go back and forth on. they are ready and waiting. vdot has in the neighborhood of 4,500 pieces of equipment on standby. we are thinking they might hit the roads around 7:00 to 8:00. depends how the track moves. we know our friends east in maryland, maryland state highway administration have in the neighborhood of 2,500 to 2,600 pieces of equipment. ot
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has 200 plows. stephen tschida reported on that a short time ago. everybody is on standby. waiting and waiting. if you go to the roads, everything is move sailing. the brine, the mixtures are down. we will continue to report how the conditions evolve or de-evolve as the evening goes on. jay korff, mobiletrak7. back to you. larry: thank you. kellye lynn picks up our team coverage from arlington. kellye: the monster storm is affecting tens of millions of people in the northeast and the midwest and the southeast. a blankets of snow across the midwest comes as a big surprise in the region. >> last week in the 60's. now we have snow on the ground. >> every report we have is it will snow
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it will create white-out conditions. kellye: blizzard warnings across the northeast. followed of wind speeds of 35 to 50 miles per hour. the visibility is less than a quarter of a mile. it's a messy and a challenging mix that has the airlines canceling thousands of flights. more than 60 million people are in the path of the storm. >> we have seen a consistent pat soren far with the storm -- pattern so far with the storm. this should be a serious blizzard. one everyone should take seriously. kellye: a low pressure system is expected to combine with the storm that is battering the midwest. result is a massive nor'easter that could bring as much as two feet of snow. in new york they are not taking any chances. and preparing for the worst. public schools are closed tomorrow. many flights grounded. in arlington, kellye lynn, abc7 news. alison: all right. so there is still just a
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unpredictable. doug: yeah, a lot. the big unpredictability, the biggest is due to the rain/snow line. because the storm where it is developing and where it will develop, not quite developed yet, it is closer to us than originally thought. when it happens it will bring in more warm air. so instead of all snow, it's snow, sleet, rain and back and forth. if the storm was develop 75 or 80 miles east we'd be all slow. you will have a mix and some accumulation. we will start with a smile on your face because seven days from today, the first day of spring. it might be in the 50's then. it might be. that sounds warm compared to what we are dealing with now. with the temperatures in the 40's right now. and the winds continuing to gust. the temperatures in the 40's this time of day with the rain moving in from the south is good news. even when it turns colder overhead at times later, initially it will fall through the warmer air and
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contact. sooner or later the temperatures start to fall. the snow will get heavier. then we have issues. the question is where will that happen? it seems the best chances will be farther north, and eventually northeast. we will get a big bang. we will get bits and pieces of it. this is rain now falling south of the metro area. this is the leading edge of the center. rain is an issue and eventually snow and sleet. right now the algorithm on the doppler radar picking up a snowflakes or mix over the middle pennsylvania over tappahannock. this is yet part of the fully develop system. you can see the energy there. the moisture and the energy from the west. i will do a number in the next few hours and develop. it will start moving north. as it does it will get stronger and stronger and then how do we figure this out this who will get what? we can take the best guesstimate on the experience, the data model outlook. that is what we share with you. for now, winter storm warning north and west.
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south and east. these may change later this evening by the national weather service. they put it out. you see according to the future cast by later this everything we have a lot of rain mixing in and sleet. most of the snow is north. as the storm moves out overnight, the colder air comes in and changes it to all snow. that is when we start to pick up awe cumulations. by tomorrow afternoon the sun might peak out. or try to. gusty winds. on top of that we will see the passing snowshower or rain shower. after we get rid of the precipitati, wind and cold. steve will pick up the story from the weather center from there. steve: it will be windy later tonight and tomorrow morning and then throughout the day to wednesday. the projected wind gusts, 70 in the morning. but the closer to the beach and ocean city, the wind gusts are close to 6 o miles per hour. the winds will ease a little bit on wednesday. still breezy conditions. temperatures well below average for this time of year. we are not the only ones
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warnings outside of philadelphia. new york city. entire area including long island under blizzard warning. they could look it upward of 18 inches of snow. winter storm warning for the boston area. let's see how much snow we are expecting here. doug? doug: the computer models show 6:00 in the morning we have rain in the area and mixed north and west. we will have heavy wet snow. by 8:30 the colder air will come back in and the northerly wind so it will change back to snow and mix. people along the bay will stay stuck in the rain. at noon there will be snow in the area to deal with. temperatures above freezing and the gusty winds take over. as far as how much, this is the latest incident. two to six in this range for the district. will it be two or six? in between. and more north and east. a work in progress. we are wai
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in the evening, steve is with you all night long. we will keep you up to date as it changes and the storm warms up to a blockbuster. back to you. alison: doug, thank you very much. pepco says it has more than 2,500 employees ands contractors who are standing by to dealed with downed power lines, trees and any other power problem. larry: but the storm could have the biggest impact on the cherry blossom trees along the tidal basin. we will explain how. >> the d.c. students enjoyed a special assembly today featuring two globe trotters and the celebrity centenarian. i have an update on virginia mclaurin who just turned 108. larry: i love her. alison: i know. larry: i can't wait for that. alison: veronica johnson with a preview of what is coming up early on "good morning washington." >> thanks, alison. storm on "good morning washington" we are on stormwatch7 winter weather alert. we hv
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mobiletrak7. >> get the latest update on the school closings, the road conditions and the int pact on the commute. >> keep it here for traffic and weather every ten ♪ know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values ♪ know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy
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centenarian. she celebrated today with school children. >> virginia mclaurin was the surprise star attraction at the lan public charter school assembly. honorary globetrotter with her own jersey and basketball. >> i met so many wonderful people. it makes you feel good. you don't feel your age. >> there was a gasp when the students learned mclaurin just turned 108 years old. even the globetrotters who appeared with her, were star-struck. >> it's a blessing to be here and meet an amazing person like her. she is a true inspiration. >> i felt it when i walked in. it's just like an amazing soul. >> the students serenaded grandma virginia, as they call her, and presented a signed poster and birthday cake. this was mclaurin's first visit to the school after moving to the vida senior center across the street. every day from her fourth floor window in the building, mclaurin says she love toss
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outside. and she encouraged them to wave to her in research. mclaurin is now using a wheelchair but the viral video star says she can still get around with her cane. >> i don't know about dancing. >> after a q&a session and a group photo, students swarmed the celebrity centenarian for autographs and hugs. some just wanted to touch her. >> hi, miss virginia. >> when she was wheeled home without any prompting, several students left the playground and lined up along the sidewalk waving goodbye to their neighbor. in northwest washington, mike carter-conneen, abc7 news. larry: gets no better than that. she lived in d.c. for a hundred years. in hin nowhere of her 108th -- in honor of her 108th birthday, the globetrotter dosenated 108 -- donated 108 tickets for the underprivilege kids. she wants to go as well. alison: her spirit is fantastic. larry: she is always
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she always has a smile on their face. alison: it's good for the kids to be around here. larry: i am jealous mike got to do the story. alison: i know. i love her. great job. >> i want him to do the things i got to do. alison: still ahead on "abc7 news at 5:00" -- why this virginia teen is asking a 9-year-old to go to the prom. josh: i'm meteorologist josh knight coming to you live from a busy shopping center in springfield. we are tracking the weather and the changes out there now. >> josh, the rush for shuffles, salt and snowplows is underway in gaithersburg. i'm gaithersburg with a live report i
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larry: 7 on stormwatch7 on a winter weather alert after the storm caused hundreds of delays delays in chicago moves east to join up with another system off the coast. meteorologist josh knight is in stormwatch7 tracking the changing conditions closer to home. josh? josh: that is right. the big changes we have gone throughout the day. i want to start off in springfield and give you a live look at what is going on around
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we are in a shocking center and there are tons of cars trying to get in and out of the shopping center, everything from the grocery store. we have the c.v.s. here. people trying to get what they need for the storm. and you n the distance you can see the snowplow and the salt to treat the parking lot if it starts to deteriorate later tonight. you will notice first and foremost the cloud cover taken over for us as we have gone through the day. let me show you what the temperatures are doing. zoom in at full screen. 41 for us now. that still says occoquan from where we were earlier benow in springfield we are at 41. feeling like 39. the dew point comes to go up as we do saturate here and get to a better chance of rain and snow to develop. the breeze is picking up. the wind chill is part of the story for us. i want to come back here live here. while we are waiting for the redlight to change. you can see everybody starts to line back up. doing a poll. if people are ready for spring
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show up? you can see what we ended up with 18 folks saying yes, please bring on the snow. and 12 saying no, no, no, make it rain. most of the people telling me no say they have to work tomorrow regardless. that is a big player in this. for a while it was neck and neck, see if the mother chure and the ray/snow line can work out -- rain/snow line will work out for people. but it will be tough. still, packing a punch with the system. for more on that and then't cooing coverage send it over to kevin lewis in gaithersburg. kevin: hey, josh. sunny skies have given ways to the overcast skies in gaithersburg. we are at the lowe's which has done a lot of good business today. this is a makeshift aisle of the winter time staples. they have put it in the back storage room and they have had to drag it out. this man here, got two shovels in hand. getting ready for the winter weather co
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we have the windshield wiper fluid, logs for the fire. they had a number of sold bags down here but those have been sold out. for the snowplows. 55 sold today alone. that is more than the last two months combined. >> the big item is the ice melt. followed by snow shovel. space heaters, things of that nature to get you, to keep you warm and ready, especially with a little mini snowmageddon pending. >> across montgomery county, 400 salt spreaders and snowplow trucks mobilized, ready to tackle whatever is coming our way. we are live in gaithersburg, i'm kevin lewis, abc7 news. larry: thanks. once the storm starts share your picture and videos with us at then sign up for the school closing text alerts at you can get a customized alert for your system or school
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alison: well the storm won't only affect the roads. it may have a severe impact on the trees. we are talking especially about d.c. beloved cherry blossoms. peak bloom was pushed back five days. it is supposed to be sunday. now there is a chance we won't see them at all. the temperatures could dip in the low 20's. even the teens several nights this week and the flowers nay not be able to survive that -- may not be able to survive that. >> anything around 27 degrees we could see damage to the blossoms or the blossoms being killed off. this is first time we are looking it the potential of a significant number of the blossoms not coming out. alison: the snow is a factor. but national park service says it is not as much of a nuance as the cold is. we will keep a close eye on that. meanwhile, mother nature is cooperating with the annual festival marking the arrival of the spring in india. the festival of colors known as holly is primarily
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celebrated by hindus. larry: on a cold day like today the next story will warm your heart. chesterfield teen locked her in her prom date early. choosing 9-year-old beckett wyatt who is battling cancer. she has already been to prom so she wants some one on her arm that has never been. >> i want him to do the things i got to do. i see him run around and dance with kids he never met before. i can just imagine how much fun he would have with the older kids. larry: when asked what he would do at prom he said he could shove her face in the punch bowl. it's that sort of humor that keeps the family going. alison: oh, man. so deserved and a sweet gesture on her part. larry: absolutely. alison: coming up here at "abc7 news at 5:00" -- retirees have been known to pick up knitting needles and yarn. what the folks are making may surprise you. q: have you seen this man?
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steve: winter storm warning starts at 6:00. it includes all the areas shaded in pink. winter weather advisory, prince george's county, charles and stafford along with spotsylvania and orange county. how much snow? it could be anywhere between two and six inches around the capital beltway. however, the trends right now show we could be on the lower side of things especially south and east of d.c. with more rain and sleet mixing in. doug hill is back in a few
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q: welcome to "7 on your side" fighting back wall of justice. i'm q mccray. here is our wall. five fugetives from the local law enforcement. one wanting for beating up his ex-girlfriend. they want imani for choking and beating his ex. and raymond davis for punching a man and stealing his phone. the calvert county sheriff office looking for hurley for assault and lying to authorities. they also want ryan watson for trying to kill someone, robbery and burglary.
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arlington county police want sedid for fraud. let's put the wall of justice in motion. tonight the spotlight is on george sedid. the arlington county police say he is took advantage of the people who considered him a friend. >> he has also gone by george mancini and is wanted for fraud where he swindled people out of their jewelry. q: they say he is 63 years old. 5'8", 190 pounds. he is wanted for fraud. if you have any information about him, contact the arlington county police department. "7 on your side" fighting back against crime. i'm q mccray. larry: thank you. alison: reminder you can sign up for the fighting back against crime newsletter at our website larry: still ahead, how the weather is taking a toll on the local schools heading to the big dance.
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larry: 7 on a storm watch winter weather alert as it moves closer to the area. this is the prediction on the storm totals from the stormwatch7 team. doug has a look at the forecast in a few minutes. alison: now the i-team is digging into what a maryland man found last august in a protein shake. investigators scott taylor says the video might disturb you, so you have been warned. it isn't pretty. scott: larry lives in waldorf, maryland and found him this at the bottom of a dark chocolate original nutrition shake. >> it scared the hell out of me. it was pure ugly. scott: he drinks ensure every morning but this tasted funny. expiration date was september 2017. >> i shook it hard. it went thump, thump, thump. i poured it out in the sink. that popped out. scott: his wife delores. >> i heard him coughi
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bit. scott: larry ended up tossing his cookies. >> you think about what went in your stomach, it doesn't stay there long. scott: i want to show you how it feels to the touch. thick and rubber like in the consistency. >> i wanted the bottle for leaking but the -- one of the bottles were leaking but the others were intact. the expiration is good. i don't know what that is. scott: "7 on your side" reached out to the f.d.a. and private labs but nobody wanted to test anything. abbott the maker of ensure agreed to test it. the result? the root cause is bottle damage with holes in the neck created by rodents after it left the factory. abbott says due to the bottle damage the product showed spoilage based on their testing results. >> i hope this is isolated incident. god forbid it's not. scott: he tested the same
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and they passed qualifications. he said he is only drinking from clear bottles in the future. >> i have never seen anything like that. scott: last year, abbott who makes ensure gave larry free coupons to replace the bottles he didn't want to drink anymore. if you something or anything in something you neat -- that you eat or drink, reach out to the f.d.a. and file a complaint. if it's issue with meat, poultry or eggs contact the usda. not pretty at all. larry: time for a check of the roads. julie wright, my "good morning washington" friends is in. >> between the two of us we have two eyes open. i have one open now. all right. just a reminder "good morning washington" is starting at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow to get you to work if you have to go in tomorrow. we have the latest school closings and the delays at 4:00 a.m. right now drive home as
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slow on kenilworth avenue at eastern avenue. the stalled weekend at the left lane. we are slow in each direction trying to get to and from northeast washington. on the west side of town. the beltway inner loop is slow from 66 to 270. that is a 30-minute commute on the inner loop. the outer loop we have congestion heading to the springfield interchange. of course, a reminder with the metro rail tomorrow. the trains operate on saturday schedule. that means every 12 minutes. metro bus service going to see changes due to the weather. metro access the service suspended through tuesday afternoon. of course, still without any precipitation. now is the time if you haven't checked battery and the tires. have an emergency kit in the car to be on the safe side if you have to be out tomorrow. that is the traffic watch. back to you. alison: thank you very much. nice to see you here this afternoon. our stormwatch7 winter weather alert isn't just for people. these bald eagles nesting at the training academy cou
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few days. the first of the two eggs is expected to hatch as early as tomorrow. find out by the way while we are on the topic of animals and the snow, find out how to protect your pelts during the storm. that is on our website larry: one way, in massachusetts, a group of retirees want to be sure chickens stay warm in the winter. that's right. chickens. the knitting club at the retirement home -- i am not making this up -- is busy knitting sweaters for the chickens. you see chickens don't grow extra feathers for this time of year the way other kind of poultry do. they are stylish. alison: they are. larry: very nice. that is a runway. alison: designer chickens. all right. well, now that we have the chickens covered for the weather, let's find out how we will do here. are we having snow in a few hours, doug? >> it looks like a few more hours. we have rain move in the area
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the little pink area based on the temperatures there. could be pockets where there are areas of sleet or the snowflakes mixed in. but the majority is south. head over to show you the big picture. here is doppler and precipitation working into the area working in the area. we have seen cloudiness increase rapidly through the day as the storm takes shape to the south. there are snow across ohio and the indiana. the upper level storm system out west. the energy will slowly transfer east tonight to the new storm forming along the coastline. what will happen is the intensity of the precipitation will increase. the winds will increase as well as we go through the evening. the big decision the forecast team is struggling with all day and still struggle with, where is the rain/snow line going to set up? it's coming in from the ocean. many areas are just rain. is there a chance it will go north and west than we thought and bring more rain? possibly. is there a possibility that it could st
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the lighter areas get more snow? that is possible, too. but here is what we think at the moment on the observation and models. southern suburbs, two inches or west. far enough from the city. mostly rain. the metro corridor is two to six inches. if it winds up on the six or closer to the two will be determined by the rain/snow line and the temperatures, and the type of precipitation area falls. in the area where it is snow, there is no question it is a lot. ten inches or more in the northern county and more heading into pennsylvania. a big storm. but it doesn't look like a big storm for the metro east and south. this is indeed a work in progress. we keep a close eye on things for you. the forecast up to the north show what is a big change this will be. 20 inches will be common with the higher spots as the big blizzard rages. on the southern extent. that is the latest. steve rudin will be here in the 6:00 hour and break down more of the effects of what is coming our way. the
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and more and what will turn out to be one of the largest east coast snowstorms in march on record. let's talk sports for a few minutes. erin hawksworth is here. erin: wow! speaking of effects, the winter storm warning affected the local sports scene. the maryland men's basketball team is already on its way to orlando for the ncaa tournament. normally the terps would not have left until tomorrow. but decided to get out today in anticipation of the storm. the terps don't play xavier until thursday. we were at college park today for the sendoff. we asked dodd how leaving early affects the preparation. >> nothing changes. we will practice tomorrow. we will do what we always do. then probably go out to dinner and different things. go down there a day early and start to prepare for the game. erin: all right. just like maryland, virginia, v.c.u. and va tech left a day early to beat the wea
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instead of tomorrow. recap when the local teams are tipping off. maryland-xavier get going on thursday in orlando at 6:50. virginia and unc wilmington tip at 12:40. that is also in orlando. virginia tech faces wisconsin in buffalo, that is at 9:40. vcu heads out west to salt lake city for a date with st. mary's at 7:to. another thursday tip. don't forget about mount st. mary's and maryland. they are in the first four. the 16 seed squares off against new orleans tuesday in dayton and that is at 6:40. catch all that? there is a quiz later. while we are on the subject of weather, check out the video from yesterday's first ever match for mls expansion club minnesota and atlanta united. it was a winter wonderland in minneapolis. the coldest game in mls history. only 19 degrees at kickoff. both teams navigated the snowy conditions. atlanta won the game
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the cold temps and witnessed history. that looks awesome. alison: so weird. erin: you might have rather watched it on tv. alison: thank you. larry: by the way, prince william county schools announcing they will be closed tomorrow. sam: a sender for transgenders in northwest say they have been vandalized three times in two weeks. i'm sam ford prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant.
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alison: vandalism at an lgbt center and now an arrest. d.c. bureau chief sam ford looks to see if this was a hate crime. >> if it is going to happen again, i would say either you have plexi glass on the outside. sam: repairman at the casa ruby, center for the members of the lgbt community in northwest after a man yesterday made threats, threw a brick through the glass door here and used anti-y
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it under hate, bias motivation, gender identity, anti-transgender, transsexual. >> this is a hate crime incident to me. sam: ruby, who runs the place says this the third incident in two weeks. >> damage property and assaulting people. sam: patches where someone else punched holes in the wall. >> saying all this crazy stuff. >> brown says yesterday's vandal came in and started throwing chunks of soap at her when she pushed him out the door. >> threw a brick through the glass. almost hit a client here. sam: he frequented this place. >> he affiliate with -- yes, he does. >> some would question whether this is a hate crime because the people here seem to know the vandals by name. >> how do i know somebody else is not coming today and shoot and deliver on the promises that the person
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policy to keep no one out. police announced this afternoon they arrested andrew cook for yesterday's incident. in northwest washington, i'm sam ford, abc7 news. announcer: this is a storm watch 7 winter weather alert. michelle: right now at 6:00, winter whiplash. major winter storm locks in on the northeast. 100 million people in the crosshairs. virginia's governor declared a state of emergency. >> storm watch 7 team spread throughout the area ready for whatever comes our way. that begins with stormwatch7 meteorologist doug hill. what do we expect? doug: we have reports to the snowflakes around the area. you can back it up with radar throughout the city. this is just the initial push well ahead of the storm system that is in the development stage. we had d
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are warm. the air temperatures are still well above freezing. so whatever flakes wall for a while will melt. that is good news. safe traveling. but the snow rate will continue to pick up. we have variable precipitation. snow, rain, sleet back and forth. there is a rain/snow line for the duration of the system that will set up around the district. that is the demarcation. people east and south will get lighter snow. and north and west will get heavier amounts. that is the way this is shaping up. here is the storm center. taking shape. it will take several hours to develop the move north. tap in colder air. the main event is later tonight. let's give you an idea of the warning in effect for the winter storms, district to the west. the winter weather advisories east.
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