tv World News Now ABC April 18, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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this morning on "world news now" -- growing concern over north korea. >> the rogue nation ambassador to the u.n. saying nuclear war could break out at any moment. as president trump warns kim jung un to behave. but are the latest provocations from the north standard fare or is time running out as more missile tests promised. abc's martha raddatz has the latest from the korean ma nins la. >> the reward and dragnet widening. the accused facebook killer on the fbi's ten most wanted list. where does the search stand right now? >> the hard landing of a blackhawk helicopter turns deadly. investigators trying to figure out why a military training mission went wrong after the chopper suddenly went down. details are ahead. >> and, as more states look to legalize marijuana, more and more adults are coming out of the
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surprising numbers who is getting high and why? meanwhile, we are getting a look at a special opening set for 4/20. but for now it's tuesday, 4/1. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." sure there are many people celebrating a little early. celebrating. >> college campuses are around i'm sure. >> college? >> why just college, i assume? >> let's get to this. begin this half-hour with rising rhetoric between the u.s. and north korea. >> north korea threatening to conduct a missile test every week and top officials say there say they're ready to react to any mode of war. >> meanwhile, vice president mike pence pointing to recent u.s. military action in syria and afghanistan, hinting that north korea could be next. abc's martha raddatz has the latest from the south. >> reporter: a defiant north korea pledging to conduct missile tests on a weekly,
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accusing the white house of pushing the situation there to the brink of war. >> a nuclear war may break out at any moment on the peninsula. >> reporter: now from president trump, a blunt warning. >> any message for north korea? >> got to behave. >> in pyongyang, this weekend, kim jung un's military might on full display including what appeared to be a new long-range ballistic missile. canisters of green camo mounted on huge transporters. but amid the show of force, an embarrassing failure. a botched missile test. the weapon exploding second after launch. and questions about whether it was cybersabotaged by the u.s. >> a very strong belief that the americans through cybermethods have been successful on several occasions in interrupt these sort of tests making them fail. >> reporter: tensions
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the u.s. and north korea now now at dangerous high. >> north korea is a problem. problem will be taken care of a awe what that means is unclear. >> the era of strategic patience is over. >> in south korea, vice president pence visiting the demilitaryized zone delivering a warning of his own. just in the past two weeks the world witnessed the strength and resolve of our new president. in actions taken in syria and afghanistan. north korea would do well not to test this resolve. >> nearly 30,000 american troops are currently stationed in south korea. we visited one key base, just 48 miles from the border. here, they are at the ready. their slogan, fight tonight. >> there aren't many places i go into where it says fight tonight in giant letters. >> absolutely. >> little frightening. >> absolutely. but, for us it's our daily training. we don't know when that call is going to come. >> as for t
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chief when the white house was pressed on whether action was coming on north korea. press secretary sean spicer saying the president hold his card close to the vest. >> i don't think you are going to see the president drawing red lines in the sand. >> when asked his next move. president trump with just a two word answer. you'll see. the vice president here in south korea said he and president from have great confidence in china. but if they don't pressure north koreaen a meaningful way, the u.s. and its allies will. martha raddatz, abc news, seoul. president trump its heading to wisconsin to sign an executive order dubbed buy american, hire american. the order is looking to make changes to the h 1 b visa program often used by tech come pans to attract high skilled workers from other countries. but the white house says the program is undercutting americans by bringing in cheaper labor. executive order also calls for stricter requirements for the federal government to use american based products when
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calls on companies to hire american, trump winery trying to add nearly two dozen foreign workers to its payroll. the winery in virginia owned by president trump's son eric. it is requested temporary work visas for farming positions that will run throughened of october. employers are required to demonstrate there are not enough u.s. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available to do the same jobs. >> president trump called turkey's president to congratulate him on a controversial referendum victory expanding his powers. the president's call comes amid growing concerns about voting irregularities during the referendum vote. in fact the state department took a less congratulatory position appearing to be concerned with the legitimacy of the vote. and mr. trump also thanked president erdogon for the missile strike in syria. and talks aimed at ending the civil war back on track.
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meeting in switlazerland. a u.n. official agreed to attend. no word from the trump administration. last week, rex tillerson met with russian leaders in moscow. the sessions failed to produce progress in the situation in the middle east. >> one crew member is dead and two injured after a military helicopter crashed on a golf course in maryland. three person crew aboard the blackhawk was on a training mission. army officials describe it as hard landing. one kur vi the witness says the chopper may have hit trees on the way down. >> the search is nationwide. $50,000 reward offered in the search to find the suspected facebook killer. steve stevens remains on the run two days after authority say he killed a stranger. then posted the video of the murder on facebook. investigators still don't have a motive for all this. however in the video steechbds blamed violence on the fme
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and the manhunt has become a national search. >> obviously this individual is armed, dangerous. quite frankly at this point heap could be a lot of places. could be nearby. could be far away. anywhere in between. >> of overnight, a vigil was held for the man who was killed there in cleveland. robert godwin sr. shot to death in the video. 74-year-old father, grandfather. retired foundry worker. facebook is responding to all of this. handling of the crime. stevens account is disabled but video of the killing was online for more than two hours. in a blog post, facebook executive says it was a horrific crime, one that has no place on facebook. in their word, we know we need to do better. >> snapchat stock under pressure following controversial alleged comments by its ceo. those comments are part of a lawsuit filed by a former employee. the worker quotes snapchat ceo saying he didn't want to expand "into poor countries like india and spain." snap chat's parent
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the claim ridiculous. it says the former m ployy who filed the lawsuit was disgruntled. sharing, shares of the company lost ground yesterday. when most other stocks posted gains. >> the news is better for netflix, company predicting it will surpass 100 million subscribers this weekend just over half of them are in the united states. netflix debuted a decade ago. can't believe a decade. and ceo says he expects the next 100 million subscribers to sign up more quickly than the first 100 million but didn't provide a timetable for when that might happen. >> what would you do for free car? >> got a question? would you do this? right? >> would you do this? >> this, this is a kiss a kia contest. happening right now at a dealership near austin. the people have to, keep their lips on the cars that they are touching. the last person kissing the kia wins the kia. >> and this -- is a live pic
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>> there it is. started at 8:00 a.m. monday morning. and they're still there, 15 people, that person walking around on her phone. a monitor. >> oh. >> the contest sponsor by a radio station theren austin, texas. if more than one of the people, are still kissing the kia by the time they hit 50 hours, a random drawing will take place to deter men a winner. i wish i had known about it. >> would you do it? >> i have kiss aid lot worse. >> i wouldn't do that. >> kissed a lot worse for a lot less. you with me, jack? >> turn into prince rm chaing. the kia its just a kia. great car. do it for a good car. >> whoa. hating on the kia? >> saying a great car. do it for a great kia. >> safe car. good looking car. kia, don't come after me. >> i would do it for air lemon and then some. >> thrill a minute. going to continue to monitor that situation. >> breaking news. >> riveting video.
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last time we checked in on it. amazing. >> all right, coming up. the new study on smoking pot. not just smoking, but, dabbing or vaping or however cannibis users are getting their thc these days. no idea. why the marijuana taboo seems to be going up in smoke. >> close encounter one woman had with a toilet. the bathroom fiks fxture. >> what happened? >> we have no idea. >> you are watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen ings. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. i will nevi wnevereverair again. wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger
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the break sent a motorcyclist through the air, suffered multiple broken bones. a few weeks after part of atlanta's i-85 collapsed after major fire there. >> those massive florida wildfires are threatening the state of georgia. helicopters took to the air to help douse the flames near the georgia border with florida. residents have been warned to evacuate at any moment. crews are struggling with the flames in florida. central region, requiring most attention. smoke from the area forced troopers to close highways for several hours at a time. >> wisconsin man who was the subject of a nationwide manhunt is being held on $30,000 bond. a defiant joseph jakubowski had the court appearance, telling the judge you can't tell me what to do. jakubowski faces gun theft and charges. prosecutors say he sent 161 page manifesto to president trump. jakubowski accused of planting a
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day he vanished. he was captured friday. >> now to a secret life. unsealed search warrants, narcotics around the sing ear home none prescribed in his name. >> abc's eva pilgrim has the latest. >> search warrants concerning prince's death unsealed. painting a picture of the singer's opioid addiction. investigators found a sizable amount of narcotics inside paisley park. pills hidden in aspirin and over-the-counter pain relief bottles all over the house. some of them including recent ones found in a suitcase along with handwritten lyrics to 1987 hit you got the look were prescribed under the name of his long time friend and drummer kirk johnson including the prescription prescribed after prince's plane made the emergency landing in moline. illinois. >> unre
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>> johnson picked the drugs up from the pharmacy but told investigators he didn't know prince was addicted and the first time he had done something look that. search warrants show that he told investigators he put prescription in johnson's name for prince's privacy. >> what is still not clear how prince got the powerful fentanyl that ultimately killed him. investigators scoured his computer, e-mail and phone record for any clues but found no prescription for fentanyl. eva pilgrim, abc news. >> very long investigation into it. should say many prince fans, the important part for them is remembering the singer that they loved so much and their four days of, events that are planned there in the minneapolis area. >> vibrant life he led. he will be greatly missed. still is. coming up in our next half-hour, the desperate search for a woman and her step grandson swept away in the grand canyon park. the experienced hikers lost their fo
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thought she was a nice young lady. >> i'm in love with mary jane. >> hoboken. not so much. all right. >> ha-ha. >> apparently you can get anything at a dry through nowadays, you have food. coffee. dry cleaning. in louisiana, get a drink. but now you can get marijuana if you live in colorado. >> tumble weed express, built inside an old car wash. really creative. this makes it legal because even though you don't have to get out of your car, you are technically inside a building. >> brilliant. >> like the they you have at the, at the drive through daiquiri shacks in louisiana. drive through dispensary opens on april 20th, 4/20, only serving cannibis products. go to a different drive through your munchies as well. >> lot of families now, coalescing around marijuana.
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report about marijuana and american family. >> perception is changing. what's driving the trend. abc's lara spencer with more. >> reporter: from showtime's controversial series weeds. >> i'm not a dealer i'm a mother. >> reporter: back to the 1936 anti-marijuana film. reefer madness. we've come a long way on how we view marijuana. >> marijuana. >> reporter: state after state legalizes not just medicinal, but recreational use. new yahoo! report, weed and the american family shed light on a new age of marijuana in the u.s. yahoo! found that 54% of people who use marijuana and 51% who use marijuana regularly are parents. most americans believe regular tobacco use and alcohol use pose bigger health risks than regular marijuana use. the eye opening numbers, set t
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60% of women are wearing the w...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from ugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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all right time for the monday mix. welcome to the newest officer at avondale police department. say thank you for joining ranks of being a, somebody out there fighting crime. it actually is -- >> good to see him there. >> a bearded dragon. >> this was a joke that they mention on april fool's day on their page. when they found the lizard. they ended up swearing in this lizard as a newest member to help them fight crime. >> lizard in law enforcement. >> yeah. >> okay. >> that's all we got. >> all we got. >> sorry oechlt kkay. woman in cleveland's day want to
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pot. or the potty. >> not marijuana. >> she tried to unclog her toilet. kau t called the plumber. >> fried to unclog the toilet how? >> was going to call the plumber instead took matters into her own hand. >> literally. >> stuck it in the toilet. couldn't get it out of the toilet. had tow have law enforcement fire officials come help extract her from the potty. >> no, no. i love my phone. if my phone fell down the toilet it is yours. it is kohler's for life. >> there is nothing. >> the pipes. >> bless her heart. >> if there is gold in there maybe i will go after it. maybe. but, wow. that must have, ooh, ew. awe thought stinks. >> yeah, no. no, thank you. >> all right. here its a video that doesn't stink. coachella in the desert there, palm desert in californ
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finally got a list of all of the stuff that in case folks have like munchies. here is some of the stuff they're munching into. you have mozarella stick grilled cheese sandwich. >> yes! >> fruity pebble churro. that, that. >> the first one we needed a sample of. a little sweet for the morning. >> that's great for any time of the day. especially with the people out there in coachella valley. saying. >> you eat skit ltles pizza. may not just be having beer. >> gold leaf donut. >> pretty. >> it is pretty. what it tastes like? >> what it's laced with there. >> got to this one really quickly. college student , attaching chan saw to a tries comcycle. have to use the flintstone method to stop. they didn't have brakes.
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this morning on "world news now" -- trump's next move. as the president makes his way to wisconsin for another campaign style rally. issuing a new executive order. aimed at foreign workers. the latest in a live report from washington. >> breaking new, the supreme court overnight preventing an arkansas inmate receiving lethal injection. with more executions planned what will the high court intervention mean going forward. >> new this half-hour, the new oldest person in the world. >> find out how old you have to be to earn the honor and how the oldest woman alive is reacting to her bragging rights. >> bless her heart. >> the dance floor the most magical place in the world on "dancing with the stars" it was disney night.
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