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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 18, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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today is april 18th. if you haven't sent in your tax returns or filed for an extension, you will soon be off to federal prison. this has been a message from the internal revenue service. up your ass since 1862. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- katherine heigl. from "catastrophe," rob delaney and music from dreamcar. and now, stay put, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm
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host, thanks for watching, thanks for coming. we're glad you made it. today, as you just heard, is tax day in the united states. which is unusual. tax day normally falls on april 15th traditionally. but they moved it this year because the 15th was a saturday. i think it's illegal to make people do math on saturdays. so we got three more days to do them. i will say i was thinking about this day. it's weird that the government more or less just trusts us to tell them how much we owe them. a restaurant wouldn't do that. they audit less than 1 in 100 people get audited. i figured, the odds are pretty good, i decided to claim guillermo as a dependant this year. [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: yeah, yeah! >> jimmy: really. really. by the way, if anyone asks you call me papa, okay? >> guillermo: okay, papa! >> jimmy: thank you very much. i used to do
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for years i would save all the receipts, log all my miles on my car. every time i bought something i'd figure out some angle. oh this hamster stage, it's clearly a business expense, i might try to write a movie about hamsters or something. but it would take me forever to itemize everything. then when i added it all up i never had enough so i'd just take the standard deduction anyways, all wasted time. then i hired an accountant which is counter intuitive because all throughout school, you're not allowed to pay a nerd to do your homework for you. [ laughter ] then you become an adult and that's exactly what you do. accountants must hate us and the month of april so much. i bet there's a party going on at h&r block right now like you would not believe. [ laughter ] president trump is refusing to release his tax returns for 2016. it's become kind of a tradition for him now to not release them. i think they figured out why the president doesn't want us to see his tax returns, why he's keeping them secure. he's pnn
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he wants them to be a surprise. [ laughter ] he's going to put them all in a pinata and give us each a stick. the president was interviewed on "fox and friends" this morning. as you know, our relationship with north korea is especially tense right now. and one way or another, donald trump is going to do something about that. just as soon as he figures out that kim jong-un and his father, kim jong-il, are two different people. >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations where they say, we're going to do this in four weeks and that doesn't work that way. we'll see what happens. i hope things work out well. i hope there's going to be peace. but you know, they've been talking with this gentleman for a long time, you read clinton's book, he said, oh, we made such a peace deal, it was a joke. different things over the years with president obama. everybody has been outplayed, all outplayed by this gentleman. >> jimmy: does he really not know when bill clinton was president, kim jong-un was 16 years old? [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] it looked like he pimps out online at the supremes store. there's a 50/50 chance we might accidentally bomb south korea if we're not careful. to be fair there are a lot of kims out there. as a service to our president i thought we'd make it clear. this is kim jong-il. he is very dead. this is kim jong-un. he is still alive. and this is lil' kim. she has nothing to do with any of it, leave her alone. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's confusing. unless the president -- maybe the president knows something we don't. maybe kim jong-il isn't dead. maybe he figured out some kind of youth serum like benjamin but-un. it was a busy weekend in north korea. the north korean military, they attempted to launch a
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go well. good news for the man-eating crocodiles that live under the trap door in kim jong-un's bedroom. saturday in pyongyang they had a military parade to celebrate what would have been kim jong-un's grandfather's 105th birthday. look at this, it was a major show of force. they do not screw around over there. i guess the point of this is to inspire north koreans and to scare everyone else. and it works. it is a little bit scary. i'll say this, if you change the music they're marching to? it's not scary at all. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the kim jong-un-bot. at home the trump administration has decidedn unlike the obama administration, they will not release the white house visitor logs. this is a list of people who come to visit the president. it was
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it will no longer be a matter of public record. which i'm sure is fine. it's hike when your teenage son borrows your laptop, when you get it back he cleared the browser history. not suspicious at all. [ laughter ] you have to wonder if trump supporters are concerned about this or really about anything he does. he does a lot of interesting things and no one seems to mind. we went on the street this afternoon, asked people who identify themselves as pro-trump about a list of individuals we told them visited the white house. now none of these individuals are on the white house visitor logs, we assume. but that didn't stop people from weighing in in a white house guest edition of "lie witness news." >> what do you think of the controversy surrounding president trump keeping his visitor logs secret? do you think the president should be allowed to meet with whoever he wants? >> yes. in fact, from what i understand, that log has always been kept secret. until obama came in, which he wanted to make it transparent. but of course he erased
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didn't want anybody to see. >> do you think it's fine for donald trump to have met off the record with bernie madoff to get interesting tips on how to make lucrative gains in the financial markets? >> i feel anybody with experience in that department is always -- has good hindsight on things, i'm sure he can take what he can take from it, hopefully develop the country better from it. >> why do you think president trump has decided to meet with casey anthony to discuss child endangerment? >> she's probably learned from her mistakes or learned something because she went through it. >> do you think president trump meeting with joseph stalin in the oval office could help improve u.s./russia relations? >> probably. >> how come? >> he's got something up his sleeve. >> are you surprised by donald trump's choice to make dr. bill cosby the czar of prescription drugs? >> well, he has had a lot of controversial people that he's picked, you know. carson and all that also. so i mean, a
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all the proper channels that they need to go through, i think that's probably fine. whoever the doctor is he picks. >> do you have any issue with donald trump meeting with jared of subway to discuss healthy lifestyle choices for americans? >> not at all. not at all. >> do you think jared's background as a sexual predator should be taken into account? or do you think let bygones be bygones, he's served his time? >> i think he's served his time. here in california i understand when you're convicted you're not supposed to be able to vote but they're letting people vote from in jail. >> why do you think president trump met with charles manson to get his take on the mind of a serial killer? >> probably just to dissect his mind, see what his thoughts and his processes were, this way we can make our law enforcement better from it. get into the mind of a criminal. >> do you support president trump secretly meeting with charles manson to help keep america safe by getting inside the mind of a serial killer? >> i think if anyone knows about that, then yeah, you should
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a lot of experience in doing things like that. so if you need to have, you know -- you need to have firsthand knowledge, then maybe that's somebody who should -- who should have a chance to help out our country and our president and stuff like that. >> do whaung about donald trump saying nobody has more firsthand knowledge about killing than charles manson, he's the man for the job? >> if he is the man for the job, maybe he should be given a chance. he has done a lot of different things for our country in the past. hopefully now he'll able to serve at a higher level. >> do you think it's inappropriate that donald trump let john willings booth sleep in the lincoln bedroom? or let bygones be bygones? >> it's an interesting matter. at the same time -- john willings booth slept in the -- with trump? that i wasn't aware of. >> in the lincoln bedroom. >> no i don't have an pin yore. opinion. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. i think we went -- it's good
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we have to take a break. when we come back our friend yehya will review "the fate of the furious." a new united airlines starting all the anger up again after the break. stick around, we'll be right back. i noticed it as soon as we moved into the new house. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? you hungry? i'm okay right -- i'm... i'm becoming my, uh, mother. it's been hard, but some of the stuff he says is actually pretty helpful. pumpkin, bundling our home and auto insurance is a good deal! like buying in bulk! that's fun, right? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, i hafor my belly painking overand constipation.ucts i've had it up to here! it's been month after month of fiber. weeks taking probiotics! days and nights of laxatives,
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. welcome back to the show. katherine heigl, rob delaney, and music from dreamcar is on the way. this will either amaze or depress you, it will be a good test. two men from new york set the guinness world record for nonstop virtual reality viewing. they sat in their apartment binge-watching whatever with those vr headsets on. for 50 hours straight. just sat there. like that. they staye
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full days. their apartment was robbed twice, they don't even know it. [ laughter ] what an achievement. you cannot contain the human spirit. [ laughter ] next up, they're working on the record, trying to set the record for most time spent without girlfriends and i wish them a lot of luck. united airlines is making some changes. apparently something happened last week with one of their passengers. i don't know what it was. my wi-fi was down. did you hear about anything? united is changing their policy to appease angry customers. they say crew members will no longer be allowed to displace passengers once those passengers have been seated on the plane. they'll still be allowed to sit on your lap during the flight. but they won't be allowed to take your seat. once your butt touches the seat, you even it. like a wet foot/dry foot cube kind of thing. if they decide to take your seat 60 minutes before you board the plane, that's still okay. they reserve the right to give your seat to one of their employees. that was their announcement. what kind of a solution? like if you went
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and the nurse kicked you out of the bed whenever she felt like taking a nap. we did give you an hour's notice, it's okay. united's been trying to stay out of the spotlight but they started running a new commercial today. i think they might also have to get rid of their celebrity spokesman. >> we're united airlines. we work hard to get you safely so your destination and that's why we -- you know what? no. no, i can't do this anymore. because i know what it's like to get bumped. trust me, i've been getting bumped from jimmy's show the last eight years and it takes a toll. we're people, dan admit, we deserve to be treated with dignity, not told night after night, oh, there's somebody more important so take a hike. no, it's time to stand up -- hey. what are you doing? >> jimmy: we need the seat. >> what do you mean you need this seat? i'm doing a voice-over for your company. >> jimmy: we need your cooperation, we need the seat. >> what do you mean, sir? i'm matt damon. ow, get your hands off me! ow! >> jimmy: hii'
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inviting you to come fly the friendly skies. >> you people are animals! aah, aah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: in some cases, some people deserve to get bumped. and i'll probably get fired for that too. a new number one movie over the weekend, did you see "the fate of the furious"? no? apparently -- [ applause ] don't lie. i couldn't care less, really. anyway, the movie set a record for the biggest worldwide opening ever. it made $532 million this weekend. i believe this is the 28th film in the fast and furious franchise. whenever there's a big movie like this, we ask our friend yehya to refriend it for us because he loves movies and he has nothing to do, so here he is, this is yehya talking about "the fate of the furious."
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>> hi, it's me, yehya. i'm talking about the movie -- the new movie, summer movie. behind me is -- "fat of that -- fourson." that movie like for the car action, car, don't like move they make like the movie, you know. driver normal. you see the sign, the sign? go slowly. >> you ready? >> no one's ready for this. >> that and the movie van de. zer, i got picture of him, nice guy. van deezel shave his hair, he look like kojak and yul brine, his hair too. he's in the move "trouble eggs." he's in the movie also "babysitter for the kids." the blond lady, she's in that movie, she's like bad lady in
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"charlie franco." she's in the movie also, like da car, like mel gibson long time. the roracris, i got a picture of him. what's the bald guy, terrence capso. and stamis, the english guy. he do all the movie with the gun, action movie. the rock also in the movie. he's so nice guy. and wenson, he's in movie like "mummiya." the little african-american guy. i think martin lewis. the movie "control international." he's in the movie "he's got the teeth from the kids." he's in the movie "the bay and the gay." i don't see the movie with mark wubba. it's in tv show, it's called "balls." the name of the movie?
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"the fat of that foursauce" april 14. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think we set a new record. thank you, yehya. tonight on the show, music from dreamcar, rob delaney is here, and we'll be right back with katherine heigl. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by chegg, a smarter way to student. i'ma wade, i'ma waveh the waters♪ ♪tell the tide, "don't move" ♪freedom! freedom! i can't move ♪freedom, cut me loose! ♪freedom! freedom! where are you?♪ ♪cause i need freedom too! ♪freedom! freedom! freedom! freedom!♪ ♪what you want from me? ♪is it truth you seek? oh father can you hear meee...ooow?♪
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to the show. tonight a very funny man from a very funny show, it's called "catastrophe" season three now on amazon, rob delaney is here with us. later, fresh from coachella, they hitchhiked all the way here -- [ cheers and applause ] this is the bands merged to form "dreamcar," their forth-coming self-titled album, "dreamcar" from the stage tonight. tomorrow night, julia louis-dreyfus and kevin nealon will join us, and we'll have music from yo gotti. and on thursday, magic johnson, gabourey sidibe and music from dua lipa.
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on grey's anatomy, her new movie is called "unforgettable." >> you only get one mother. i only want what is best for us. don't ever forget that. now if julia insists on sending you home with such tangled hair, i'm sorry, sweetheart. we're going to have to fix the problem once and for all. >> jimmy: "unforgettable" opens in theaters friday. please say hello to katherine heigl! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. >> good to see you. hello! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> takes
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>> jimmy: it's hard to believe, you had a baby not so long ago. >> i did, yeah, four months ago. >> jimmy: wow. unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you had a boy. >> i did. >> jimmy: my wife is very pregnant. >> i know, congratulations. >> jimmy: thank you very much. we've decided not to find out. >> that's so admirable, i couldn't do that. ten weeks into pregnancy, i was like, tell me right now! and they did. >> jimmy: did you have a name before your son was born? >> i didn't, which makes me want to know all that weird. i couldn't come up with a name for ages, i don't know why. i struggled with it. >> jimmy: it's hard, it's a big decision. >> it's a big decision and you don't want to fail this child with the wrong name. i don't know. my husband -- i think joshua is a beautiful name. >> jimmy: your husband is josh. >> joshua bishop kelly. i just thought, that's a beautiful name. one night i broached it with hit. how do you feel about a junior? and he in the past had said he hates that idea, he would never be that guy. i just couldn't -- i wasn't fi
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responding to. and he went, oh, i love that, that would mean a lot to me. and i was like -- [ laughter ] maybe had i known that nine months ago i would have had a name sooner, you know? >> jimmy: it's an interesting thing. there are a lot of -- there's a lot of ramifications of naming a child after the father. >> there are. >> jimmy: rarely do you ever see a child named after the mother. >> that's true. though i did give my middle daughter my middle name. i named my oldest after my mother and sister. that's yes wanted this one to have josh's family, josh's name. but i don't want him to be a joshie or a junior or a j.j. j.j.'s all right, it's all right. >> jimmy: unfortunately the kids are going to decide, other kids are going to decide what he's called. >> probably. probably a-hole, i don't know. >> jimmy: it could be the meanest combination of whatever you can find. are you still living in utah? >> i am, yes. we flew in today. >> jimmy: you have a lot of animals? >> i do. i wish i could tell you exactly how many. that sounds awful. >> jimmy: you have that many
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animals? >> on a ranch, not at our house. i do have seven dogs at the house. that sounds like a lot? [ laughter ] it feels like normal to me. >> jimmy: snow white and the seven dogs. so wow, seven dogs is a lot. >> then we have i think nine horses and two donkeys and two goats and a pig named ham met. i don't know how many cats. a lot of barn cats. >> jimmy: and the kids love the animals i assume? >> yeah, they do. >> jimmy: you don't have kids with allergies or anything like that? >> i hope not because they're going to have to find a new home. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so push comes to shove -- >> yeah. the kids go. >> jimmy: the kids are out, sorry, guys. >> jimmy: did you bring your baby here with you? >> i did, he is at the hotel right now and i felt like i whirlwind out of there, see ya, fella! >> jimmy: you did, yeah. >> he's good. >> jimmy: did you work while you were pregnant? >> i did, i worked the whole nine months. you know. it was a challenge.
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hard, it was actually relatively easy for me. i credit my peasant stock. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you give birth in a field? >> basically. in utah. on a ranch. with nine horses. but no, he -- you know where i was going, i lost my train of thought. >> jimmy: you were talking about the baby. then you were in a field and the baby came out. you were working. >> on work, that's right. well, speaking of a field. so we were in offices, playing a lawyer, we had to hide it the whole time. it would not have made any sense that my character was pregnant. >> jimmy: i see. >> so it was a lot of -- >> jimmy: how did you hide it? carrying a basket? >> a lot of files. file cabinets. then high desks. then by the end when i looked at a macy's day parade float, they used extras that were shorter than me. i would talk over their heads and i would walk like this and they would walk like this. then i'd quickly try to --
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why they were selected? did they know what their purpose was? >> yes. so that would have been amazing if no one told them and they didn't know why they were walking in front of me. >> jimmy: that would have been good. that would have been how it went around here. i know you have the premiere of your movie tonight across the street. and you started acting -- how old were you when you started acting? >> my first film i was 11. >> jimmy: 11 years old. so this is from, and correct me if i'm wrong, i think this is your first red carpet premiere, "under siege 2," steve van segal. >> oh, yeah, yeah. good times. what do you think steven said in that moment? >> jimmy: oh, i would love to know. >> i'd love to know too, i have no recollection. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is there anything he said during the shooting that sticks out for you? segal-wise? he seems very quotable. >> yeah. probably. well, my favorite was that the last day of filming -- again, i had just turned 16 on this movie. he said,
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your age. and i said, isn't that illegal? and he said, they don't seem to mind. and i said, mom? [ laughter ] applause plautds [ applause ] >> jimmy: steven, i love ya. >> jimmy: that brings us to this photograph. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: this was taken that very day. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: steven was -- >> mom? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not million. >> you can't see with the big sunglasses. >> jimmy: he was getting his handprints not just in the cement over there. he was getting his handprints all over you. i'm sure it looks worse than it was. >> i have no recollection of that moment. i think we know why, i blocked it. >> jimmy: what is the movie about? you play a crazy woman i do. well, yes, i play a woman who's become very unhinged. i suppose she's always been. but she'
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long time. she is now divorced. this man she loves is moving on. and he's met a new woman he's not only dating but engaged to she just can't deal with that. >> jimmy: what does josh say, your husband, when he sees you in a movie like this? does it make him nervous? >> there's a lot of high-pitched givingling. ha ha ha! but she's scary! ha ha ha! you're such a good actor, honey! >> jimmy: you have a fight with rosario dawson. >> i do. >> jimmy: when you're fighting with another actress, does it become weird? is it uncomfortable afterwards? >> no, it's kind of -- in the moment it's really intense and fun. we don't get -- i don't get to do that very much as an actress, i don't get to do big fight scenes. it was really kind of fun and freeing. then they call cut and you're worried, wu okay? yeah, hug it out. you want to make sure your
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you, did i? >> jimmy: like iron man and captain america probably don't do that. >> yeah. like cut! and yo, bro, did i get you there, sorry. >> jimmy: will the baby be coming to the premiere with you? >> no, he will not. he is sleeping i hope. >> jimmy: have fun over there. look out for steven seagal. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: katherine heigl, everyone. "unforgettable" opens friday. we'll be right back! na® hydro boost hydrating tint. the first water gel foundation for a refreshed look like never before. with hyaluronic acid it plumps and quenches. delivers natural, flawless coverage that treats skin to 24 hours of hydration. this is what makeup's been missing. hydro boost hydrating tint. neutrogena® see what's possible.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. rob delaney and music from dreamcar on the way. first with final exams weeks away students need all the help they can get. when i say students i include our own undergraduate guillermo. >> man this can includes final is going to be murder about. do you understand any of this stuff about differential equations? >> no, bro. i'm going to flunk, bro. this coffee? it's not helping, bro. the cold shower didn't help, bro. what are we going to do, bro?
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>> i found chegg tutors, an online tutoring service for students and it's availab available 24/7. >> that's tight, bro. i found a tutor, mark, he has good reviews. >> hey, guys, this is mark, i see you need help with your calculus homework? >> that's right, bro, we need help. >> let me throw equations up on the white board and see where you're at. this is the -- in this scenario -- >> i didn't think it was so easy. >> you're really getting this, congratulations. >> math is fun! >> and our answer is? >> 2x! thanks, mark, you're the best, bro! >> glad i could help. >> want to grab a burger with us? >> i'd love to but i have to work. i'm also in cleveland. >> that's lame, bro. hey, it's hammer time. >> it is. >> dicky: get help from a live dutier 24/7, your first 60 minutes free, chegg, a smarter way to student. >> jimmy: be right back with r
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ad of ibs-d... ...with viberzi.
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. still to come, music from dreamcar. our next guest is the co-creator and co-star of a very funny show, it's called "catastrophe." >> watching the news the other night, there was this doctor in aleppo. and he puts people back together after they get blown up. and he just stays there and sticks it out. i know that's not my situation but my family is my syria. and i have to work at a terrible job, so that they can eat and live in a house. and that's just how it is. >> jimmy: "catastrophe" returns to amazon prime video on april 28th. please welcome rob delaney! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hello there. >> jimmy: we're starting to look like stunt double and friend or something like that. >> a little bit, a little bit. >> jimmy: how are you doing?
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>> great to see you. >> jimmy: i saw the first episode of your third season of "catastrophe." it's very, very funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: explain what the show is about for those who don't know. seems to me you're trying to convince people not ever to get married or have children. is that correct? >> no, it's not at all. i'm married in real life, i have kids and i love it. but in the show, yeah, i play an american advertising executive from boston. i go to london on a trip. i meet an irish teacher played by sharon horgan who i write the show with. we have intercourse for one week. then she gets pregnant. when we find out, since we're not little kids, we decide to have the baby and become a family. and then terrible things happen. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, a lot of terrible -- how many kids? >> in real life i have three boys. >> jimmy: three boys. >> 6, 4, and 2. >> jimmy: they're young too, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. my house is like a zoo on the outskirts of town that's been forgotten. it's just a nightmare. >> jimmy: are you now -- because i remember a few
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were moving to london to shoot this show. >> yes. >> jimmy: it was like you were moving there just to do the show. >> yes. >> jimmy: now technically do you live in london? >> i 100% live there. i just remembered this before i came on. we i told you i was moving to london you sent me an e-mail, probably the longest e-mail i'd ever received, all your favorite restaurants in london. i've been there three years and we've not checked them all off. maybe 40 left. >> jimmy: good reviews? >> they're wonderful. >> jimmy: i'm a little bit ocd. when i say late bit i mean a lot. i'm glad you're eating. people think the food in london is bad but it's not. >> apparently it used to be now it's not. the global capital and the food is amazing. >> do you like living there? >> love it, yes. >> jimmy: do your sons like living there? >> they really do. >> jimmy: do they go to buckingham palace? >> yeah, from time to time. we ride double decker buses everywhere. >> jimmy: for real? >> absolutely. they're little boy
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it. since i moved, it's still new to me, so i still love riding them. if you go to the doctor, they have nhs. if you go to the doctor and say, something's wrong with they, me fix it. not like here, we're going to need your mother's atm pin code and we're going to do a retinal scan and figure out -- give us all your bank account numbers. they just fix you. it's not free, you pay with your taxes, but it's amazing. >> it's kind of free? >> you don't pay when you're there so you gor-get you pay for it. >> jimmy: like going on a cruise, it's all-inclusive. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you can get whatever disease you want. >> yeah. i wake up, i'm sad, i'll go to a doctor. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: as an american you endorse their health care system? >> oh, like crazy. >> jimmy: really? >> absolutely, yeah. >> jimmy: we're included? like if i were to go over there -- >> just go, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: they wouldn't say, well 82 uh got to pay us, you're from a different country? >> they are supposed to. but they would forget. honestly. >> jimmy: really? >>t'
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here, i might need an mri on your knee, and physically you get a stomachache, because you can't pay for it even if you have insurance. over there, yeah, it's fine. do both! this one hurts? we'll do body, that's fine. >> jimmy: that's amazing. do they have dentists? what's going on with the teeth? [ laughter ] >> okay, so -- they totally do. >> jimmy: they do. >> but it is correct, their teeth are kind of -- >> jimmy: is that not included? >> it is included. i don't understand why. because that administer row type, i love living there, and their teeth are a mess. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is the worst thing about living there? >> okay, this is the worst part. we know it rains there, right? if you went and got rained on you wouldn't be shocked. you would be shocked that in the six months of the year, which is how long winter is there, the sun sets at 2:30 p.m. london, i didn't know this, it's in the arctic circle. but it's not freezing because the jet stream or gulf stream empties out there. so it's warm but it's in norway.
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so they need more sunlight. they need to fix that. >> jimmy: is it good -- if you want to put the kids to bed after lunch, seems like -- >> happilf of the year you can. the other half of the year they're up until 11:00 p.m. >> jimmy: i lived in seattle at one time and it was similar to that. kids would be playing at 10:30 at night because the sun was up. >> that's nonsense. >> jimmy: it's completely unacceptable. your mom on the show was carrie fisher. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the late great carrie fisher. she played -- you can clap if you want. [ applause ] now she was a writer as well. did she help you write the show? i know you and sharon -- >> it's funny. because sharon and i are lovely people. laugh li[ laughter ] but very despotic when it comes to the writers. actors are like, why don't we sort of do this? we're like, why don't you do it the way we wrote it? except to carrie fisher because she's funnier
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anybody in the zip code. she'd do whatever she wanted and it was amazing. in the second season our kid has a christening party. she wandered around the back in other people's shots, singing a song she'd written that day about areoli, the doctor word for nipples. it's beautiful, it's about nipples. she's at a christening walking around doing it, like try to stop me. in the show, we kept it. she's just amazing. >> sounds like you had no choice, she's in the show. your costar and cocreator sharon horgan, this is not something that could have happened 20 years ago, you met on twitter. >> yeah. >> jimmy: something good came of twitter, the one good thing that came from twitter, yeah. >> jimmy: how did that happen? >> i was a fan, she'd made amazing sitcoms in the uk. >> jimmy: right. >> and i was a fan of them. she happened to follow me on twitter because of some fart joke i wrote or something. i wrote a message, i'm crazy about you! she was like, okay.
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then gradually we became friends. and then after a while we decided to write a pilot together. >> jimmy: did you did decide before meeting each other? >> no, we met a couple times and our families met each other and stuff. i would go do standup in london, she'd come over here and work on something. we sort of would cross paths. just enjoyed each other's senses of humor? and you say, i'd like to have a couple of tv babies with you? >> just a couple. >> jimmy: that's unbelievable. the show is funny. the third season comes out april 28th. amazon prime video. rob claimmy, everybody, "catastrophe." be right back with dreamcar! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪
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you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank katherine heigl, rob delaney and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first, their self-titled alm
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out may 12th, here with the song "kill for candy," dreamcar! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ i didn't leave a thing behind but you can't say i didn't try ♪ ♪ i didn't take a thing with me but please don't say you're left displeased ♪ ♪ miss you misunderstand me me i kill for candy i'd left before you said goodbye ♪ ♪ w
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what's on our tongues is less discreet ♪ ♪ before it dissolves it's oh so sweet miss you misunderstand me me i kill for candy ♪ i'd left before you said goodbye ♪ ♪ what's left to say beyond a lie what's on our tongues is less discreet ♪ ♪ before it dissolves it's oh so sweet miss you misunderstand me me i kill for candy ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ let it dissolve on your tongue let me dissolve on your tongue ♪ ♪ miss you misunderstand me me i kill for candy ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'll always bleed you'll never blush hear your heart well that's asking too much ♪ ♪ i'm ready to faint and you're not ready to touch but all of the dead girls love me ♪ ♪ stalking the beach threaten the sun whatever their tone beyond moribund ♪ ♪ bathing in bleach and rose 31 all of the dead girls love me ♪ ♪ all the dead girls love me love me who the gone boys too ♪ ♪ so why can't you
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all the dead girls love me love me who ♪ ♪ the gone boys too so why can't you let's take a step back in the cafe ♪ ♪ you caught me look before you faded away i felt a chill colder than your sway ♪ ♪ yet they say all of the dead girls love me compassion of cats as caring as sin ♪ ♪ you bat me of the rack when my porcelain skin shattered it revealed ♪ ♪ that your inscription within read all of the dead girls love me all the dead girls love me ♪ ♪ love me who the gone boys too so why can't you all the dead girls love me ♪ ♪ love me who the go
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so why can't you ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, the dramatic end to the nationwide manhunt for the alleged cleveland facebook killer. >> find me somebody i'm going to kill, kill this guy right here, the old dude. >> accused of murdering a complete stranger then posting the video on social media. the police pursuit and today's fatal finish. how workers at a mcdonald's drive-through recognized and stalled the suspect. plus doctors without bodies. we're in madagascar taking health care to new heights using drones to fly medicine into remote rural areas. >> the drone's making a house call so that the patient doesn't have to leave the village. >> granting isolated patients unprecedented access to modern treatments. and lord and a lady.


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