tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 21, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- john stamos and bob saget, from "detroiters" tim robinson, and music from snakehips & mo. and now, settle down -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for coming. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks to all of you here for coming. it's spring break. how many of you here in the audience tonight are visiting
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from out of town, you flew here to be -- okay, quite a few. i'm glad none of you were yanked off your plane. have you seen the video of the guy getting dragged off the united flight yesterday in chicago? they overbooked a flight to louisville. whenever airlines do this, which i don't understand by the way. i've been to 100 games and stadiums with 50,000 seats. they never sell the same seat two times to one person, but for some reason, airlines can't figure this out. so when they have more passengers than seats, they offer incentives to get people to volunteer to not fly, and you get a voucher. in this case they offered the people $400 and a hotel. to give up their seats but there were no takers. they upped it to $800 and no takers. so i didn't know they did this. so they randomly selected four passengers to be removed from the plane. [ laughter ] they did. three of them got up begrudgingly and got off. one of the passengers said he was a doctor and had to be at the hospital in the morning, so he refused to deplane, and this is how that refusal went.
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[ screaming ] >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. no. >> oh, my god. >> my god, what are you doing? no. this is wrong. oh, my god. look at what you did to him. oh my god. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's interesting to see who laughs at that. that's how my mother used to get me out of bed to go to school every morning. [ laughter ] this poor guy, they roughed him up. the reason they were overbooked is because they were trying to get four united airlines employees on board. they said the employees had to get to louisville, so they kicked the customers who paid for the ticket off the plane to make room for them. then about ten minutes later, the guy they kicked off somehow, ten minutes later, this i have no explanation for, somehow he wound up back on the plane. >> i have to go home.
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>> jimmy: he had to go home. but he didn't go home. they left him in louisville. the employees of united got on and the passengers booed them when they got on the plane, which is all terrible, but this might be the worst part. the ceo of united released a statement via twitter. this is what the ceo tweeted. this is an upsetting event to all of us at united. i apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers. he said re-accommodate. it's like we re-accommodated el chapo out of mexico. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is such sanitized say nothing take no responsibility corporate b.s. speak. i don't know how the guy who sent that tweet didn't vomit when he typed it out. it's crazy. when you break this down, a man was forcibly dragged off a flight because they oversold it. how that happens in the first place, i don't know. and by the way, they almost certainly could have gotten
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volunteers by offering more money. or travel vouchers. maybe 800 bucks wouldn't do it but they could have gone up to $1,000, $5,000, $100,000, who cares. it's not the passenger's fault that you sold too many tickets on your plane. imagine this happening in any other intry. imagine if this happened at applebee's. [ laughter ] imagine if you sit down, order your three cheese chicken meal, whatever, fine. 20 minutes later the waiter comes over and says sorry, we have another party coming and we need this chair. either you leave or we'll make you leave. you say i don't want to leave. i ordered my chicken, i want to eat, and he grabs you by the arm and he throws you out. you'd never go to applebee's again. that's the thing, we don't do that. the next time this happens, if one flight is a dollar less than the other ones, that's the one we'll pick. they know this. that's why we're stuck with them. the only other choice is the bus. [ laughter ] so united didn't even admit they
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if anything, they seemed to be doubling down on this. >> we're united airlines. you do what we say when we say, and there won't be a problem. capiche? if we say you fly, you fly. if not, tough [ bleep ]. >> oh my god, look at what you did to him! >> give us a problem, and we'll drag your ass off the plane. if you resist, we'll beat you so badly you'll be using your own face as a flotation device. united airlines, [ bleep ] you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. those are the friendly skies. in washington d.c. today after this long and contentious battle, neil gorsuch was sworn in as the hottest new member of the supreme court. he will start hearing cases next week. meanwhile, merrick garland just got a job as assistant
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at an arby's in bethesda. he was alone in the basement lip syncing the oath along with gorsuch. the only surprise now is this man is now on the supreme court. it means his name is an important part of american history, and here is how everyone has been pronouncing that name. >> gorsuch. >> judge gorsuch. >> judge neil gorsuch. >> judge gorsuch. >> judge gorsuch. >> neil gorsuch. >> neil gorsuch. >> judge neil gorsuch. >> judge gorsuch. >> neil gorsuch. >> judge gorsuch. >> i, neil m. gorsuch. >> jimmy: everyone says gorsuch. everyone except, that is, for him. >> i, neil m. gorsuch, do solemnly swear -- >> jimmy: they asked this man 10,000 questions. no one bothered to ask what his name was. so congratulations to neil gorsuch who as a result of being sworn in now gets to live probably every american's fantasy, being able to wear a robe to work. meanwhile, the court of public opinion, steph curry, all-star
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warriors, is getting hammered on social media for his new shoe. he has a new signature shoe. this is it. it's called the curry luxe oxblood leather shoe. $149.99. people seem to hate it. they say it looks like a couch, they say it looks like a dad shoe. looks like the interior of an old car, when i guess is bad. i don't know. are these any worse than any of the other shoes? this is the adidas kobe 2. it's like little school buses on your feet. [ laughter ] these are shaq shoes. the re book preachers. they look like some kind of wedding cake in space. this is the rick owens adidas walrus, the color of thousand island dressing. sockny grid 9000s, like big versions of the shoes you wore when you were 3 years old. these are from louis vuitton. $965. it looks like someone got blood on a nurse's shoe. all these shoes are crazy looking. what makes those good and this is the bad one? i don't know.
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do we really need new shoe designs? i feel like we could make one of the 7,000 we already have work. right, guillermo? >> guillermo: right, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you very much. at long last what they call the teaser trailer for the new "thor" movie is here. it's great. i don't know if you saw it. although i don't like the fact that thor got a haircut. i like the old fabio-style thor with the hair. this particular chapter of the marvel universe, like a lot of their films, not only does it target a young fan base. it also appeals to an older generation by giving a state of the art look while paying tribute to the past. it's a great combination. look at this. ♪ ♪ >> asgard is dead. >> don't do that, it will bring death and pestilence! >> death and pestilence? just from doing this? >> aah!
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>> yes! >> jimmy: see what i'm saying? all right. we are going to take a break. but let's go out to hollywood boulevard. we're going to play a game called which one doesn't belong. now that family is a family for the most part, except one of those people, cousin sal. >> sal: yes, one of them. >> jimmy: does not belong, is not a part of the family. when we come back, i will try to guess which, and then that person will be orphaned, i guess. we'll be right back to play which one doesn't belong. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those.
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g that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. the microsoft cloud turns information into insight. ...studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. she said dad... ... go pro with crest pro-health. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm these
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th products... &help maintain a professional clean. crest pro-health... ...really brought my mouth... the next level. go pro with crest pro-health at red lobster's lobsterfestime. any of these 9 lobster dishes could be yours. so don't resist delicious new lobster mix and match or lobsterfest surf and turf because you won't have this chance for long. dad likare you going to weeks be using my car? until my insurance claim goes through this is our car. mr. parker, my parents have allstate. they have this claim satisfaction guarantee. really? their claim experience is fast, fair, and hassle-free or they get their, like, money back. saraaah!!! come to prom with me!! no. -hey mr. parker. claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. it's good to be in good hands.
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introducing the galaxy s8. with an infinity screen that gives you less to hold, and much more to see. ♪ and makes your world infinitely bigger. ♪ testinhuh?sting! is this thing on? come on! your turn! where do pencils go on vacation? pennsylvania! (laughter) crunchy wheat frosted sweet! kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. feed your inner kid
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. john same mow, bob saget, tim rock bin son, music from snakehips and mo is on the way. this is kind of disgusting. in florida a company called fresh express. have you seen the prepackaged salads at the grocery store. the kit and the croutons and the seeds and all that. the dressing and everything is in the bag. fresh express just had to recall, like, i don't know, hundreds of containers of spring mix, because there was a dead bat in a package. yeah. that's what the people who opened it said. the company recalled 600 cases. the victim bought the product at walmart in florida. while they have no idea how the bat got in the bag, they do know the odds of this happening in florida were exactly 100%. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] they didn't even have to trace it.
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maybe it wasn't a bat. maybe it was a vampire in bat form. maybe they killed dracula and should be celebrating. while we're on the subject of flying creatures and death. this is the scene of a funeral where the diagram tick release of three white doves proved to be just as bad a decision as you might have expected it to be. >> for as the white dove, i too have been set free. lift up your hearts and share with me. got set you free. here you go first. the holy trinity. >> jimmy: now it's a holy duo, i guess. the lord works in mysterious ways. all right. let's go out on the street. we're going to play this game. okay.
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lineup is pretending to be a member of that family. what my job is is to determine which person is the imposter, okay? and so sal, where is this family from? do we know anything about them? >> sal: they're from elmira, new york. i don't think that gives it away, but you can go from there. >> jimmy: most of these people are from elmira, new york. i suppose it could be coincidence they are all from there. let's start with the dad. mark, how are you? >> fine. >> jimmy: you have the whole gang? >> the whole gang. >> jimmy: you love these kids? >> to death. >> jimmy: you love them all? >> of course. >> jimmy: equally? >> well, kind of. >> jimmy: okay. all right. go through the ages of your kids. run it down, real quick. >> all right. valerie, 17. hannah, 16. jack, 15. nolan, 8. >> jimmy: that was well done. >> thank you. >> jimmy: nolan, what does your dad do for a living? >> he's a dentist. >> j
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>> i don't know. >> jimmy: see? you know what? i still don't know what my dad does, so i'm not ruling him out for that. [ laughter ] jack, does your dad ever look at your teeth? >> yes. >> jimmy: and how do they look? >> they look pretty good. >> sal: beautiful braces. >> jimmy: did your dad put the braces on you? >> no, he didn't. >> jimmy: ah, now i know that jack is indeed a member of that family, because an orthodontist would have done that. hannah, what about you? do you have braces? >> yes. >> jimmy: are you and jack twins? >> no. >> jimmy: are you related? >> yes. >> jimmy: you love your brother? >> yes. >> jimmy: give him a kiss. just for the heck of it. aw, look at that, how sweet. let's see if jack turns red, watch his face. jack is staying pretty white. it's a very white family we have here. >> sal: did it again. >> jimmy: i would say -- okay. valerie has different colo
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hair than the whole rest of the group, which would make me think that it's probably her, but that also could have been done just to throw me off. valerie, what grade are you in? >> i'm a senior. >> jimmy: do you like being in upstate new york? >> i love it. >> jimmy: what do you love about it? >> nothing. i hate it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: huh. i'm stumped. well, maybe it's -- could it be mark -- no. maybe it is mark that's the father. mark, i'm going to guess mark. you are not -- are you the imposter? >> no. >> jimmy: oh. all right. well, if you are the imposter, raise your hand. okay. i thought it might work, but it didn't. no. all right. we have jack. we have hannah. nolan, i'm going to guess that you are the imposter. >> yes. >> jimmy: you are the imposter? wow.
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nolan, are you -- do you have a family? are you a runaway? >> no, i'm not. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> cottage grove, minnesota. >> jimmy: so you don't even know these people? >> well, i don't know. >> jimmy: okay. >> sal: trying to get in on the free braces. >> jimmy: all right. nolan, we have prizes for all of you. what do we have? >> sal: for the real family, we have a gift certificate to the sit letter. >> jimmy: that's beautiful. >> sal: for nolan, a unicycle. >> jimmy: how about that. all right. there you go. i don't know. i guess that's it. all right. i think i won. did i win? i guess i didn't win. guillermo, did i win? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: no, all right. we have a good show for you tonight. we have a very special show for you tonight. first of all, music from snakehips and mo. not that that's not special but that's not what i'm talking
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robinson is here. john stamos and bob saget will be here to share memories of our friend don rickles when we come back so stick around. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by chegg, a smarter way to student. and a thing called love. ♪ ♪ let me tell you 'bout the stars in the sk♪, ♪ a girl and a guy ♪ ♪ and the way they could kiss on a night like this ♪ life's as big as you make it. introducing the all-new seven seater volkswagen atlas ♪ and a thing called love. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪usea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪
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oh, it's actually...s your sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) i'm being so serious right now... i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. tonight he's a very funny guy, he's the co-creator and star of the show "detroiters" on comedy central, tim robinson is here. [ cheers and applause ] then their song is called "don't leave," what if they did though, hopefully they won't. snakehips & mo from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow night richard gere will be here, kelly oxford will join us, and we will have music from the shins. and later this week armie hammer, judd apatow, tony goldwyn, charlize theron, music from john mayer and romeo sant
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[ cheers and applause ] my first guests tonight met in a make believe living room with a make believe family but their love is real and strong here to share some memories of our friend don rickles, please welcome john stamos and bob saget. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for coming. it's good to have you guys here. i've been thinking about you guys. >> been thinking about you. >> your tribute was beautiful last week. >> jimmy: well, i was thinking about you guys and how close you were, i mean, really, like family with don. which one of you did he like better? let's just start with that. john? do you think john was the favorite?
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>> well, he called him stah-mos, he never got his name right. >> john got close with him first. i think he took him back to an older time of show business when people were like john, handsome and smart, and didn't talk about show business. talked about family. [ laughter ] that's why "full house" will never go off the air. >> jimmy: how did you meet don? >> i was at tony's taverna, a greek restaurant. i sat next to him. it was about 15 or 17 years ago. it was before his renaissance, his resurgence. it was interesting to sort of be by his side to watch him get the accolades he deserved. i think after the documentary, people saw he's still alive and still the funniest man on the planet. >> jimmy: that's a great opportunity to watch, "mr. warmth." it really covered his career, the beginning part of his career, which, you know, even, like, for me, i loved him on the tonight show
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you'd see him in all these things. but i didn't know about all the stuff that preceded that. >> i became in love with him at 17 years old. i snuck into the latin casino in new jersey. i was underage. i got arrested. but i just loved him from the tonight show, and i loved him from anything he ever did, the roasts. his way of roasting was like nobody else's. it was not done mean spirited. he did it out of love, but when he was mean to you, it was like a privilege. it was like a gift. >> it really was. >> jimmy: a great not too many people you're thrilled when they say something mean to you. i can't really think of anyone else. >> but for every mean thing he said in his career, he said two nice things, and he loved you, jimmy. >> he loved you a lot. it made me jealous. >> jimmy: no, it did not. you guys were -- listen. i know you guys talked on the phone all the time. it was like a fatherly relationship. >> i didn't stay up late to
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watch him on carson, i was aware of him. but we started out talking about -- i never said he was like a father figure. that was for him to say. i tread lightly on those words, but we talked about that. he really wanted me to find a girl, and -- >> jimmy: a woman. >> a woman. >> yeah. he said stop dating teenagers. [ laughter ] he did. he told me the same thing. >> the problem is when he did that joke, he said 9-year-olds. i was like, 9? why not 22? >> he dated a 9-year-old, that's sick. that's not appropriate, right? that's wrong, people, that is wrong. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but you made him so happy, because you didn't just find a woman. you found thousands of women. >> no. he was so happy. >> jimmy: women everywhere. >> don would say he had a little clicker. for each one. no, he wouldn't, because it would have gotten a laugh. >> jimmy: i won't let you off the hook either. he was obsessed with you guys settling down. >> yes.
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your balls about that. >> he was worried about bob. >> rightfully so. >> what are we going to do with saget. >> jimmy: why do you say he was worried about bob? >> look at him. [ laughter ] >> this is what he said about my comedy. i was actually -- this is going to be foul. well, he would say that i would come out and i'd look like a jewish clark kent. he would tell this to his bob newhart and tim conway, his contemporaries. bob newhart, best of friends. he would say you know what bob saget does in his act? what? he comes out like a jewish clark kent. then he sings a song. ♪ and the monkey [ bleep ] the dog and the dog [ bleep ] the monkey ♪ and i said, don, i don't do that, i never said that. i inferred. >> no, he says -- ♪ and [ bleep ] john and [ bleep ] john ♪ >> and that's just true. >> jimmy: how many times between the two of you did you have dinner with don? >> a lot. >> when i first started hanging out with him, it was jus
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don and barbara. >> jimmy: his wife. >> beautiful wife who we send so much love to right now. and daughter mindy. a lot of love to that family. >> when you ask barbara or don, you say how are you? he'd say we're fine. barbara, how are you? we're fine. >> jimmy: and barbara knew every story. >> she couldn't care less. she would just push her glasses up. "she takes off her bra and her head hits the sink." >> with her jewelry. "the jewelry weighs her down in the pool." >> jimmy: i remember barbara would be having a conversation with my wife or whomever she was sitting next to, don would be telling the story, he would get stuck in a detail. you wouldn't think barbara would be listening and she'd say, filling in it blanks. "sinatra." "the sands." >> and we'll have another round. >> he would say johnny, give me that cookie, and she would say you can't have a cookie. i'd give him the cookies.
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then i'd stick him the bill and go home. >> i had a dinner story with him. john couldn't make it. he was busy dating a 9-year-old. [ laughter ] >> by the way, the great thing was i finally met a beautiful woman i am madly in love with. don got to meet her and approve her. he was crazy about her. >> same thing with me, and it's the same woman which is ironic. [ laughter ] but we both met women at the same time, and mine is actually a woman. so is yours. i mean -- >> what? >> i mean for my age. i'm your senior. i'll tell you this briefly. >> jimmy: yeah, please. >> i wanted to tell this story. we're at dinner at craig's who e-mailed me and said please mention me on the air. so we're at dinner there, and it's barbara, don and me, or i, i don't know, i don't care. and they bring out these little hot dogs wrapped in dough. and i said, bring him the hot dogs wrapped in dough. he liked them.
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don, where did you get that. he goes where did i get it? it's a restaurant! where did i get it? but i ordered it. right? she gets up. she's mad. she goes to the bathroom. to make him laugh, that's a big gift. this is one that i'll always remember. so she gets up and goes to the bathroom, and i said you got to get out of this. and the man hit the table. and then he smacked me. did he ever smack you in the face? >> jimmy: many times. >> he did it lovingly, too. >> he didn't love comics, but he he loved you two. >> jimmy: didn't like comics in general. >> yeah. when i first started bringing bob around, i was like keep the comics away, but slowly he started to really love bob, and you could make him laugh. which i loved watching. >> this was really hard for me. what you did the other night is how i feel now. because i just -- and i don't like doing it either in front of people. but i just loved this guy. >> jimmy: i don't want to upset you. >> no, you are. you are. [ laughter ]
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about the two of you, john stamos and bob saget between the cookies and the hot dogs, killed don rickles. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with these murderers after this. inthousands ofk barrels lay silent aging, building a fuller smoother flavor that only comes from being aged four long years
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12:12 am
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good evening mr. president, nice to see you, and your lovely wife nancy. it's a treat to me to fly from california to be here for this kind of money. >> jimmy: that's don rickles with the reagans. so don, i would -- if i had to guess, i'd say you were at hundreds of dinners with don. he had kind of a rotation of stories he would go through. if there was somebody new at the table, he would share them. what's your favorite? there were some he only told with very small groups. is there one that comes to mind? >> it would be a frank story. you tell it. you know everything. >> he's told that story. >> jimmy: i think that's what people know most. >> maybe this isn't what you're talking about but i knew a secret. we had the same audio video guy. all his passwords were "hitler." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. a year ago we were at --
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>> jimmy: that's excellent.s re out. we were at a theater, and he performed. at that time he couldn't stand. and so he was in the chair. and we were all there. he got up one time in the act. one time. it was planned. and it was to goosestep. he stood up and he put the moustache on. this is a man, he spent all his energy to stand up and -- just to walk across the stage. >> for a joke. >> just to goosestep and go "jawol!" >> were you ever at a show where he did his act, and he said the asian person there and the mexican person, and the lights come up, there was no asian person. there was no -- well, he might have been there. were you there, guillermo? >> guillermo: i was there. yeah. >> i mean, he was the best. i have to say it's been the highlight of my life to have spent time with him. >> that's the truth. >> jimmy: you spoke to bob newhart today? >> i did.
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on the way here. i talked to him and i said, you know, you're it now. so we're going to take you to dinner. >> jimmy: oh, that's a lot of pressure. >> and he said, i'm attracted to your wife jenny. and he said oh, that's an age difference. so we are going to take him to dinner. >> we have to find a new person. >> well, bob newhart -- >> jimmy: don is already being replaced? >> i was emotional. on the way here. i need someone to take his place. >> jimmy: this is not "american idol" or "the voice." we can wait. >> what did you say the last time you talked to him? >> the last time i talked to him was i guess -- it's so hard. five weeks ago i called him and said, how are you feeling? and he said, what do i have to do to get you out of my life? >> that was it. >> so i did apparently have something to do with it. >> jimmy: he did a little one on one thing, not just with people he knew, but also with everyone he passed. i got so many messages on twitter and e-mails of people saying, like, i was a page standing in the hall at nbc, and he said wipe that stupid smile off your face. it was a nice little gift,
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something people could tell their families, a little story about don rickles. it's like the pope, you want to be touched on the head, and in this case, you want to be insulted by don as he walks by. >> i was thinking as we were holding hands getting ready to come out here, he wanted so bad to get a kennedy honor. >> jimmy: kennedy center honor. >> we should work on that. >> jimmy: he thought he had offended the kennedy family in the past. >> he said something to joe kennedy about hookers and handguns. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. joe kennedy has been dead for, what, how many years? >> right. >> jimmy: like what, 70 years or something? >> we should try. were you at the dinner the last time? he said, before i die, i hope i get one of those honors. >> jimmy: i have discussed it with him. he seemed certain -- but that would be a lovely thing. >> i e-mailed someone at the kennedy center. it was a random thing. you just go online. no, i e-mailed them because i did a roast of james carville there. it would be a lovely thing. >> do you have any other guests because, bob -- >> a
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>> jimmy: no, no, we're fine. >> i never thought we'd be friends this long. [ laughter ] my god, the first four years we worked together, we weren't besties. you were bringing all the hot women in the world to the show. you had a mullet. you were uncle jesse. i was a married guy in the palisades. i didn't know what the hell was going on. you were getting action all the time. i was trying to write jokes at night. >> you ar whiny jew. >> jimmy: you guys are going to be like the old guys on the muppets. >> i hope that happens. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hope so too. john stamos, bob saget, everybody. see don rickles at the orleans hotel in las vegas august 9th through 11th. be right back with tim robinson! april showers ♪ it was shaping up to be a most miserable day. ♪
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please welcome tim robinson! i don't know if they told you. i was on netflix, i saw your comedy special. they have a thing called the characters. i thought it was one of the funniest things i'd ever seen. i said we have to get him on the show. they said he already has a show and it's called "the detroiters." you're from detroit originally? >> yes. >> jimmy: sam, your partner, he's on "veep" also. you started out together in detroit? >> we started when it was second city detroit, back when it was downtown. i went to snl. he came out and started veep. we pitched the show together. and then we started at comedy central. >> jimmy: that's exciting. to work with your friend. and you shoot it in detroit? >> that's right.
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you, shooting a show in your hometown? entanglements when you shoot somewhere where you live. >> for sure, to go home to work, sometimes your parents don't remember that, and they're like, well, monday is your cousin's birthday, so you got to go there. and your grandma's awfully mad at you. man, i shouldn't have come home. >> jimmy: you might want to just shoot the exteriors there and put the rest in l.a. >> like martin did. >> jimmy: yeah, right. it's a great idea, the show. you are ad executives. very dumb ad executives. a lot of times they'll have one dumb guy and one smart guy. you did it differently. you have two very dumb guys who make local tv commercials. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are these inspired by real local tv commercials in detroit? >> absolutely. a lot of the ones we've done on the show a l
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almost direct rip-offs of ones that really exist. >> jimmy: it's hard to make them funnier than they really are. >> it really is. >> jimmy: i love local tv commercials. that's my thing. >> that's the best, yeah. >> jimmy: detroit has good ones? >> has the best. >> jimmy: what are some of the good ones? >> one parody, d.o.c., it's an eyeglass store. the owner of us used to dance in the commercials. and people kind of liked the dancing, and he was like yeah, the dancing is sexy. we'll call him sexy specs from now on. his commercials were he'd go around the town dancing saying sexy specs! we did a parody called hunky specs. when people found out it was real they were like, oh, man, that guy! >> jimmy: do you ever hear from any of these guys? >> i think that guy is too proud to reach out. >> jimmy: is that right? >> i think he's too proud. >> jimmy: you did something -- you gave us a vision i never thought i would see. rick
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member of the bad boys of the detroit pistons, maybe the baddest of the bad boys. >> him and laimbeer. >> jimmy: laimbeer, you got the idea if they were prison mates he would definitely come out on top. >> yeah, that's interesting, yeah. interesting to think of. >> jimmy: trust me, i've given this a lot of thought. you got him in a commercial. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you do this ridiculous commercial. >> yeah. well, he's -- like so -- the character he plays tomorrow night is based on a real detroit commercial called "mel farr, superstar." he's a guy who played for the lions but then he had a car dealership in detroit. he wore a cape and would be like come on down for a farr better deal! and he'd fake fly off, because he was a superhero. so we did a quick rick may horn in dearborn, and he's a superhero too. >> jimmy: had rick acted before? was this his first -- >> he had done other commercials before. and when we called him to do it, we were so nervous. i grew up wa
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and i loved him. so i was nervous to pitch to him and stuff and be like this is what it is. at first i was like you're still in detroit. right? there was a long pause and he was like, " 24/7, baby." [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: so that's a yes? >> yeah. and then even on-set, you know. we'd -- we made him wear some outfits and stuff. i don't want to ruin it, but he'd ob-set and he'd be performing in these crazy costumes. they'd call cut, and he'd come over and be like i'm going to find out what bar you guys hang out at and beat your asses. lav [ laughter ] and then he would go back and do it. >> jimmy: when you were working with him, did he feel comfortable as an actor? i think we have a still photograph of him in his costume, right? yeah. did he take this outfit home?
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>> jimmy: he is going to beat your ass when he gets home. [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: are there other local commercials you have your eye on or have you done them all? how does it work? >> there's definitely other ones we haven't hit that we'd like to try to hit next season. there's one, it's an awesome store, mr. allen's. it's clothing and shoes and stuff. but back when i was a kid, they had this deal that was $29 or two for $50. and then you could get these things for that. but to show it, they had an animated man pop in. it was little animation, but we would come in and be like these boots, $29 or two for $50! we want to get him in there sometime. >> jimmy: you've got to get that guy in there. >> he's the best. >> jimmy: i understand he's there 24/7. >> that's mahorn. >> jimmy: i got it mixed up. congratulations on the show. you picked up for a second season. [ cheers and applause ] >> jim
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank john stamos, bob saget, tim robinson, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, here with the song "don't leav"" snakehips and mo! ♪ you know me now and then i'm a mess ♪ ♪ please don't hold that against me i'm a girl with a temper and heat ♪ ♪ i know i can be crazy but i'm not just a mess-up, i'm the mess-up you need ♪ ♪ i don't hear nobody when you focus on me perfectly imperfect, yeah i hope that you see ♪ ♪ tell me you see 'cause i know that you've been thinking 'bout it ♪
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♪ don't leave shut your mind off and let your heart breathe ♪ ♪ you don't need to be worried i may not ever get my stuff together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better don't go ♪ ♪ what we have here is irreplaceable no, i won't trade this for nothing ♪ ♪ i may not ever get my stuff together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better than me, yeah ♪ ♪ love you better than me ♪ in a room full of people with you i don't see anybody else, no ♪ ♪ when we fight and you're right so sorry i make it just so
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♪ but i'm not just a -- up i'm the mess up you love we ain't like nobody else tell me so what ♪ ♪ perfectly imperfect yeah, baby, that's us baby, that's us ♪ ♪ 'cause i know that you've been thinking 'bout it ♪ ♪ don't leave shut your mind off and let your heart breathe ♪ ♪ you don't need to be worried i may not ever get myself together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better ♪ ♪ don't go what we have here is irreplaceable ♪ ♪ no, i won't trade this for nothing i may not ever get myself together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better ♪ ♪ sitting in the living room you look at me i stare at you ♪ ♪ i see the doubt i see the love i have and it is all for you ♪
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♪ let me wrap myself around you, baby let me tell you you are everything you are ♪ ♪ losing my words i don't know where to start ♪ ♪ but baby don't leave me shut your mind off and let your heart hear me ♪ ♪ i won't trade this for nothing i may not ever get myself together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better ♪ ♪ don't leave shut your mind off and let your heart breathe ♪ ♪ you don't need to be worried i may not ever get myself together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better ♪ ♪ there ain't nobody gonna love you better than me ♪ ♪ don't go what we have here is irreplaceable ♪ ♪ no, i won't trade this for nothing i may not ever get myself together ♪ ♪ but ain't nobody gonna love you better than me, yeah love you better than me ♪ note love you better than me ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, life as caitlyn. the exclusive diane sawyer interview. caitlyn jenner two years after the bombshell. >> do you miss being bruce? >> her life in the spotlight. her new thoughts on president trump. and the kardashian keepsakes she just can't part with. plus earthquake at everest. in the heart of nepal, a pristine paradise. on this day, a raging death trap. >> we all just turned around and started running for our lives. >> the catastrophic quake that december mated entire villages. an avalanche crushing climbers at mt. everest. >> i saw this giant wave like an empire state building of ice and rock. >> how the lucky survivors stayed alive. and heart-stopping footage from inside the
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