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tv   World News Now  ABC  May 1, 2017 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here is a look at our top stories monday morning on "world news now." wild weather across a wide part of the u.s. triggering massive floods and powerful tornados. at least 14 people killed across four states. this morning, the storms are on the move taking aim on millions of americans. >> police are questioning two people in connection with the deadly shooting spree in los angeles. one person was killed. three others injured during what police call a random rampage. police say the shootings do not appear to be gang related. >> on may 1st. may day protests planned across the country. usually annual demonstrations focus on workers. today the multiple topics include immigration, police misconduct, and lgbt rights. >> space x is hoping for a second try
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launching a satellite for classified u.s. in gel jens mission. before attempting to land the rocket back on the launch pad. sensor problems scrubbed yesterday's launch attempt. those are just some of our top stories on monday, may 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." > all. start with the half-hour, severe weather warning in effect for millions of americans across much of the eastern u.s. >> here is the reason why. we fake a look at the latest weather radar. it shows a loon of powerful storms marching northeastward. triggering warnings from north carolina into new york. and over the weekend, those storms brought downpours and deadly floods and spawned powerful tornados. killing at least 14 people across four states. >> the tornados flattened homes, uprooted trees, flipped cars, carved out dozens of miles of devastation along the way. abc's marci gonzalez was there for the worst in
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>> reporter: at least four people did after four powerful tornados tore through texas. >> there is a tornado crossing the road right in front of us. >> reporter: the giant wedge tornado slamming into the town of canton, ripping homes from their foundations. >> completely demolished. >> leaving trucks wrapped around trees. at this car dealership, an entire lot of new vehicles demolished. >> what could happened to the people to. my son, could have been in there. >> reporter: here at rustic barn it was prom night. the teens just starting to arrive when the dance's d.j., chris ingram saw the giant twister moving towards them. >> i ran in. said we have to get cover. going to be a direct hit. >> he and the venue owner, rushing 20 people into two bathrooms and storage closet where they rode out the storm. >> people were screaming, crying. backed our backs up against the door right here. >> when they finally came out this is what nay saw. the building torn apart. the three rooms people were
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standing. >> unbelievable to see there was no building left except where we were located. >> not a single one of us, hurt, scratched. god was with us no doubt on that. >> reporter: in areas along the tornado destructive paths, 49 people were hurt. some as one twister touched down right on to interstate 20. search-and-rescue operations still under way. with two people still missing. and another tornado hitting central mississippi. two people there feared dead. >> back here in canton, owners here at busy sorting through all of this damage. they say had the tornado hilt 45 minutes later when the prom was set to start, dozens more teens would have been packed into now demolished building. marci gonzalez, abc news, canton, texas. >> marci, thank you. the storm system on the move. >> accuweather's paul williams joins us with the latest. paul. >> good morning, diane, kendis. we had our fair share of rain throughout the midwest. up to 12
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missouri, illinois, indiana. widespread rain. now, we have some rivers that are in jeopardy of flootding throughout early parts of this month. mississippi river, illinois, black current, white river, missouri river, and wabash. not only that,-pressure system will dip to the deep south with strong thunderstorms. diane, kendis. >> you can see a wide area under severe weather threats today, paul. thank you. terrifying scene in the meantime. in san diego. breaking news overnight. eight people shot while attending a birthday party. the gunman opening fire at a swimming pool in an apartment complex. at least one person has died. and six others are in critical condichlgts the gunman was shot and killed by police. he lived in that apartment complex. but it is not clear if he knew the victims. >> they describe the suspect as a white male wearing brown shorts. armed with a gun. and who had shot numerous people in the pool
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the suspect pointed the gun at our officers. and our three of our officers fired on the suspect. and the suspect went down. the suspect has been pronounced, the suspect is deceased. >> most of the victims we are told were there for the birthday party. what was a really warm day there. in the san diego area. police are still interviewing witnesses, they're trying to figure out the motive behind all of this. diane. >> trump administration is citing the crisis in north korea and nuclear program there as the reason for inviting the leader of the philippines to the white house. president trump angered human rights grupoups extending the invitation during a phone call described as very friendly. the white house says they need as much cooperation as they can get to face north korea. >> in the meantime, the pentagon has released troubling report on its ongoing battle against isis.
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it find at least 352 civilians unintentionally killed by u.s. coalition artillery and air strikes. in iraq and syria since the operation started in august 2014. the u.s. military combined joint task force said in its report, that "the coalition takes extraordinary efforts to minimize civilian casualties." it says "in some instances, casualties are unavoidable. >> breaking news now from congress overnight. congress has reached, trillion dollar deal to avert a government shutdown. if approved, the $15 billion will go to the military. there is no money for president trump's border wall. the bill will pay for other border security measures. congressional aide say it will not block funding for planned parenthood. national institutes of health gets $2 billion in funding. vote could come as early as midweek. >> now that president trump any first 100 days in office are behind him. he is looking ahead to what may be his first
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victory. he is optimistic about the latest effort to replace obamacare. he is also taking direct aim at the media. here's abc's david dray. >> we are going to get the premiums down. we are going to get deductibles way down. >> reporter: president trump is back on the bandwagon with health care reform. >> we will repeal and replace obama care. you watch. >> reporter: tweeted health care plan is on its way. we'll have much lower premiums and deductibles while at the same time, taking care of pre-existing conditions. >> i was asked to not roast the president and administration in their absentia. >> split screen moment. reporters who cover the white house gathered for their black tie fund raiser. >> as you may know, there its another big gathering taking place tonight. >> the president normally guest of honor, blew them off. holding a campaign rally in harrisburg instead.
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for the white house correspondents dinner. without the president. >> he is the first sitting president to miss the dinner since 1981. ronald reagan had an excuse. he had been shot less than a month earlier. and he even managed to call in from camp david, where he was convalescin convalescing. >> i could not possibly be more thrilled than to be more than 100 miles away from washington swa swamp -- spending my evening with all of you. >> the white house chief of staff told john carl, the president may seek to change the libel laws, in order to make it easier to prosecute news outlets. >> i think it is something that we have looked at. how that gets executed or whether that goes anywhere is a different story. >> the trump card
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corps woodward and bernstein, journalists whose dogged reporting of the watergate scandal led richard nixon to resign. >> mr. president, the media is not fake news. >> follow the money, but follow also the lies. >> going back now to the proposal to change the libel laws. the current law states that in order to bring a lawsuit you have to prove actual mall as. that is, that a reporter knew that a story was false, and published it anyway. changing that would likely require a constitutional amendment. and that would be a tall order. david wright, abc news,ment white house. another member of the trump white house set to leave his post. senior member of the administration confirmed, dr. sebastian gorka stepping down. gorka is national security aide. used mainly as radio and television commentator. neither the white house or
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commenting. >> chartered fishing boat came to the rescue of three men stranded in the water off the florida coast after their boat sank. it happened 15 miles off coast of jacksonville. the three men were left clinging to a cooler as well as the a gas can. they were treading in water for three hours. after they boat took on water and capsized. all three men are okay this morning. and no doubt thankful. >> to a sign of unique u.s. patriotism. >> great. >> from canada. check out this scene that happened before an nhl playoff game in edmonton. >> so the oilers hosted anaheim ducks, game three of the series last night. as usual the crowd was asked to stand for the u.s. and canadian national anthems. >> unfortunately. country singer, brett kissel's microphone stopped working before the star spangled banner. he egged on the crowd. and then this happened. ♪ the bombs bursting in air gave proof
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that our flag was still there ♪ >> what an amazing moment. >> sound like the entire arena is singing, again, the game was being hosted in canada. >> yeah, in way northern alberta canada. not even near the border. not as if people might have driven over from the u.s. it was filled with canadians. >> the mike was back on in time for 'o canada. >> how convenient? >> whole experience brought up the idea if an american crowd would not only do the same, would be capable of doing the same? >> 'o canada. la, la, la, la. >> thank you, jack. ♪ through patriots >> if everybody took a turn singing a word the we could all do it. basically overwhelming response on social media so far has been
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no tauch no. how i am in church. i will just rely on you to know the word. >> i stand up and say all the responses though they changed all the responses in the catholic mass. i'm the idiot saying all the wrong things. >> that's their fault for changing it. >> packers leaked orange is the new black. what could the breach mean for the future of streaming media. >> we'll meet a world war ii veteran who traveled to washington december tees to reflect on his past and look towards his future. first, a look at today's temperatures here in america. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by all star marketing.
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you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. back with the cyberthreat against netfchtlix. >> they demanded ransom. when the company didn't pay up.
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line. abc's mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: seeing red over the reported leak of orange is the new black a month before the show's scheduled release. >> what? why? >> reporter: the dark overlord reportedly stealing the ten episodes from post production company leaking them after the hackers say netflix refused to pay ransom. in a press release it didn't have to be this way, netflix. you're going to lose a lot more than what our modest offer was. hackers claiming to have stolen content from fox, ifc, nat-geo and abc making ransom demand. our offers are still on the table for now. >> the company need to be good all the time. the hackers need to be lucky once. anything that you have stored electronically, that has path to the internet. has risk. >> reporter: dark overlord targeted more than hollywood. last january, swiping
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a cancer charity. attacks like this up 50% last year alone. in a similar attack, a hospital actually paid the $17,000 ransom. and a police department in massachusetts paying $500 to get their data back. >> best option for us, though it was the last and worst option for us was to pay the ransom. >> in a statement, netflix says they're aware of the situation. the fbi is aware. but they're not commenting beyond that. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> coming up. paving the way two decades after her very public coming out. >> what ellen degeneres is now saying about that. next. ♪ ll bacteria but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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>> coffee? >> do you have coffee every morning? >>y. >> in the 15 years we've
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married, ever been one morning where there wasn't any coffee? >> no. >> then why do you have to ask me every morning if there is coffee? >> is there toast? >> i was here first. >> roseanne is the latest tv show, set for reunion. key cast members set to reprise their roles including roseanne barr, john gillman, and how are they going to bring back john goodman. given his character died end of the series. however, die hard fans may know that, back in 2009, roseanne barr said in the blog, in her mind he faked her own death. in her mind he is there for the reunion. >> there is a possibility. >> just decided go with her mind. awe on the night, ellen degeners made history, 20 years ago. 20 years later won the emmy for best daytime show. >> let's take a look back. >> i am so afraid to tell people. i just,
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>> it's been 20 years since historic episode of ellen. ellen's television persona, ellen morgan coming out as a lesbian in front of 42 million viewers. degeneres paving the way for the lgbtq community on screen and off making personal life public starting with the cover of "time" magazine. sparking debates around the country, and on oprah. >> i just feel like, we're being stuffed with this, right now. down our throat. it's just like, why? why? why all the time? >> because you don't have to fight for any one to embrace you and say how wonder tul you have a family and children. >> her courage being celebrated two decade later. >> it was the hardest thing i ever had to do in my life. i wouldn't change one moment of it. it led me to be where i am, standing in front of all of you which is a joy. >>
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york. >> congratulations to her great. can't believe it's been 20 years. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist ♪ ♪ five-second rule protection. new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. ♪
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breathe happy, with new febreze. >> when duo we start? >> lesson one. eye contact is power. women will lust after you. >> eye contact. eye contact. >> ha-ha. this guy, right. i know. >> ha-ha-ha. how to be a latin lover, came in surprise second at the box office this weekend. earning $12 million. the fate of the furious has gone to the top spot. again with almost $20 million. and, cross that $1 billion mark. >> the circle debuted in third. with $10 million. probably one of the lowest debuts there for tom hanks. washington nationals crush the new york mets in d.c. over the weekend. crushed. it wasn't close.
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practice. there was a certain met fan in d.c. over the weekend who might have been disappointed. >> probably seeing wins and laups losses. had a dream job quite some time. rachel scott introduces us to this 92-year-old veteran. >> reporter: meet lucasery, one of the last of the greatest generation. he considers himself 92 years young. a world war ii veteran and purple heart recipient, he says he was looking for wrd to the day for quite some time. than ticks to a special trip, organized by big apple honor flight, he along with dozens of new york veterans boarded a plane headed to washington, d.c. they stopped at memorial dedicated to their service. and reflected on their time in the war. >> i see a grave, i sort of like to cry, so many soldiers. and i could have been one of them myself. >> reporter: he remembers being
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being detached from his unit to. verify his identity they asked him who his favorite baseball team was. >> at that time, the new york yankees. >> reporter: a lot has changed since then. including the team he roots for. kidding he is the oldest usher for the new york mets, a job he held for five decades. >> i love it there. i enjoy it. it keeps me going. >> he says the team allowed hem do what he does best. connect with people every day with a smile. rachel scott. abc news, new york. >> oh. >> good moves. >> i might have to go to a mets game just to be able to hang out with his a little bit. he does have moves. twirling around. >> 92 years old. he's got us beat. that's the news for this half-hour. >> stay with us.
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this morning on "world news now" -- congress says, let's make a deal. >> overnight negotiators have come to an agreement, avoiding a shutdown, and tax doll laz for big ticket items. what about the border wall? details ahead. >> we'll have more on the deadly storm system stretching from the gulf to the great lakes. tornados tearing apart families and communities. floodwaters set off search-and-rescue efforts. some motorists washed away. >> supposed to be a music lover's dream, luxury concert experience on tropical island. organizers of the fire music festival are issuing apologies and reportedly planning a follow-up festival. >> hard day? it is the picture that everyone can relate to. the question, when she wakes


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