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tv   World News Now  ABC  May 5, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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this morning on "world news now" -- president trump declaring the death of obamacare. >> the house republicans revised health bill has a way to go before becoming law. we will tell you the next step and how the new plan affects you. just ahead. >> rising death toll in venezuela, the country sinks deeper into chaos. battles raging in the streets. as defiant protesters face police who are violently cracking down even using vehicles as battering rams against their fellow citizens. >> amusement park-goers were frozen sky high when a roller coaster got stuck at the worst moment possible. very familiar scene for the park. hear why. >> if you think we are kicking off wedding season with a beautiful heartfelt story. you're watching "world news now," of course we are not. >> ha-ha-ha. >> this scene is about to get
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like a hot messy. somebody letting it all out. how? and how much? you will have to wait and see. this is friday, it is may 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> one of the videos, can't decide if i don't want to watch it at all. or if i want to watch it about 100 more times. >> because you know what, what tran spires. one of those things you will have to decide. you will want to watch it. and all you are going to do is decide how many times you want to watch it. >> all right. we will got to that in a few minutes. first start with the republican bill to replace and repeal obamacare. now in the hands of the senate after their rely passing the house. >> president trump celebrated the bill's passage in new york city where he was greeted by hundreds of protesters and supporters. this by the way his first trip to new york since the inauguration. before leaving washington, the president praised republican lawmakers for their efforts and declaring on twitter that,
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>> democrats insist their opponents will pay a heavy political price in 2018, expressing their views with a song. ♪ ♪ republicans have their own sound track, pumping themselves up with eye of the tiger and taking care of business before casting their votes. abc's correspondent reports from capitol hill. >> reporter: republicans taking their victory lap after finally squeezing their health care bill through the house. >> republicans came together all of a sudden two days ago. it was like magic. just cam e together. very united. house gop squeaking past the 216 threshold by the slimmest margin. just one vote. >> the bill is passed. without object, the mogs to reconsider laid upon the table. [ applause ] this a major legislative win for president trump. but what does it mean for you at home? the gop could leave 24 million
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next decade. according to the congressional budget office. a 64-year-old earning 26,000 ate year would see their annual premiums spike by nearly 13,000 dollars. and the republican bill allows states to opt out, so insurance companies can charge more for people with pre-existing conditions. it would give states $8 billion over five years to help cover the people. hundreds of patient and health groups and at least one insurance company say that's just not enough. by one estimate, 27% of americans have a pre-existing condition. and in some states that number is even higher, more than 32% of people living in west virginia, mississippi, kentucky, alabama, and tennessee. all states that voted for president trump. >> after seven years you came uh with this? you got to be kidding me? >> so many groups have come out against the gop health care plan from patient groups to health experts, even at least one big insurance company are
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it will be picked apart with a fine tooth comb, before senators, cast their votes. diane, kendis. >> congressional budget office is still picking it apart. and will come out with their bipartisan report on it next week. oar week after that. meantime, couple notes from washington where the senate gave final approval to a bipartisan $1.1 trillion spending bill that will keep the government running through september. the president expected to sign it before tonight's shutdown deadline. >> and president trump has announced he will take his first official overseas trip later this month. starting with a visit to saudi arabia. the white house says he wants to show that, he is committed to improving u.s. relations with the muslim world. the president's other foreign stops include israel, the vatican, where he will meet pope francis. >> death toll continues to rise in venezuela as more protesters take to the streets. the latest clashes have soldiers releasing tear gas on student protesters. nearly 40 people have been killed and hundr
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as protesters are demanding immediate presidential elections and president maduro is facing international pressure to hold elections. some u.s. lawmakers are urging president trump to apply new sanctions. >> directive calling for so-called safe zones in syria been signed but one thing is missing. support from syrians. the agreement creating the four deescalation areas, okayed by turkey, iran and russia. neither the syrian government nor the opposition is backing the plan. rebel representatives even stormed out of the talks. in kazakhstan. the government and rebels say the move could help split the government and opposition zones. >> tsa warning truck and bus companies their vehicles may be used as weapons in terror attacks. the agency says ramming vehicles into crowds of people are a low-tech method of mass murder. here is abc's pierre thomas with the new warning. >> reporter: the tsa warning commercial trucking and rental companies about
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threat of using tractor trailers and other huge vehicles including buses, as tools of terror. since 2014, 17 vehicle ramming attacks resulting in 173 fatalities with 667 wounded. in december, 11 murdered at his large truck ran over pedestrians in an outdoor christmas market in berlin. and by far the most deadly, the nice, france, truck rampage that massacred 87. >> this is a significant challenge for law enforcement. driving a truck into a crowd. it is really hard to stop every one of those attacks. >> yes has been calling on radicals to use vehicles to run over people. it's working. it doesn't involve big vehicles. last month in london, a rented suv to fatally run down four people before stabbing a police officer to death. the tsa warning trucking and rental companies to report any suspicious activity and stolen vehicles. >> millions of people a
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northeast will have a soggy friday with up to 2 inches of rain possible. that same system brought strong storms through the savannah georgia area last night. more than a dozen buildings damaged including auto parts dealer just about destroyed. at least five people there suffered minor injuries. meanwhile the middle of the country is dealing with what is called a slow moving flooding disaster. wide areas of missouri are completely under water because of recent torrential rain. parts of the mississippi river expected to crest near record levels over the weekend. more rain over two days could jeopardize areas where flooding hasn't been as severe. forecasters say could be the end of may before the flooding eases. >> well it is that time of year. for amusement park riders to get stuck on rides. oklahoma city. 19 riders on silver bullet roller coaster stuck 83 feet in the air at the frontier city amusement park. they weren't too accused. the car stalled at the top of a major drop. and
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bring everyone down. there were no injuries reported. the coaster was stuck in all most the same location just about a year ago. >> may want to ask somebody to take a look. >> speaking of scary, any one who has gotten married, know that things don't always go as planned on the big day. one thing you want to make sure you get right is the vows. >> very, very important thing. it can be a lot of pressure. the nerves get going. don't want to meps it up. let's see who buckles under the pressure here. shall we? >> i commit to sharing with you in seasons of abundance. >> oh. >> and scarcity. >> whoa. >> i commit to sharing with you -- >> let me see it again. i didn't -- >> you guys, do we have it in slow-mo. didn't see it the first time. oh, my goodness. we don't need to do it. >> yeah! >> oh. that's projectile, baby! >> kendis, bringing back any memories for you. >> previou
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know me. >> kendis does at every wedding. >> rehearsal the night before. whoa -- >> the best, can we go back show it one more time. look at the reaction of the maid of honor. >> yes. >> first. so she is on the left. of screen. i commit to stharg with yharing. then watch the bride. >> the bride just keeps going. >> no, i'm not messing up my vows. it took me way too long to find a man. >> she looks down. and then just, any way, where was i. not again, becky, you are not ruining my special day. >> oh. all right. coming up. are we ready? >> ha-ha-ha. >> that was good. >> everybodiy ein the studio laughing and cringing. the movie expected to
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as chris pratt slips into super hero mode he reveals what he had to give up to look like a super hero. >> carbs. first, why both the state department and ivanka trump coming under fire for her new book, women who work. particularly from women who work. and remember, find us on facebook at and twitter at abcwnn. the last time that you threw up? that is our question. ask us. let us know. >> please don't ask us. >> show us the photos. share with us. >> no, we don't need any of this. >> yes, yes, the photos on twitter. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale.
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and never go to the post office again.
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a houston man did not duck the chance to be a good samarit samaritan. he stopped his car in the middle of a busy roadway to help a dozen ducks crossing the road. they made it to the other side. get it? why didhe
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>> that's why. >> they crossed to the get to the other side. >> is that it. something else on the other side. >> the joke end there. >> sorry. all right, ruined it. state department facing criticism for promoting the trump brand. >> the department's office of global women's, use retweet aid post by ivanka trump promoting "women who work." the retweet doesn't break laws but could violate federal rules against using public office to promote products. >> ivanka catching heat over the book critics calling it out of touch with the average woman. here's abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: the white house's self proclaimed champion of women's, use. >> at my father's companies there are more female than male executives. >> reporter: tout herring agenda on everything from paid maternity leave to closing the wage gap. >> he will fight for equal pay, for equal work, and i will fight for this too, right alongside of him. >> reporter: ivanka trump
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rewriting the rules for success." reviews calling it a strawberry milk shake of quotes. another reflecting on trump's inability to recognize how her own privileged upbringing was key to her success. the professional advice book includes hundreds of quotes from leaders look oprah, and ghandi, as well as the the the 35 year old mother of three's own rules for balancing work and family. but many are calling it wildly out of touch. thanks to admissions like the one that she was so busy during the 2016 campaign, that honestly i wasn't treating myself to a massage or making such time for self care. >> ivanka trump is obviously going to be criticized baz of her father. that is going to happen to her throughout his presidency. i suspect that the same book, would have done just fine, if he were not president. >> now trump also getting some blowback from some whose quotes were used in the book
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researcher, jane goodall, criticizing the white house position on conservation. i hope ms. trump will stand with us to value and cherish. but the criticism hasn't stopped the first daughter's mission. she is donating part of the proceed from her book to charities empowering and educating women and girls. >> it is better to have ivanka trump in this administration than not to have ivanka trump in this administration from the perspective of people who care about women and families in this country. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> it did make me hungry for a milk shake. strawberry milk shake. >> strawberry milk shack of inspirational quotes. sound pretty good. >> in the next half-hour, reaction to the big announcement from buck
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see how prince philip left people laughing when asked about his retirement. >> first, the guardians are back. see what we are hearing this morning about a possible volume 3. >> again? >> yep, that's next. >> i thought they had two.
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♪ hooked on a feeling
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♪ i'm high on believing ♪ >> get the walkman and the mixed tapes ready. because this weekend, the guardians are back. >> get that. eight track baby. told you what the critics are saying about guardians of the galaxy volume two. now abc's nick watt tells us what the stars are saying. >> reporter: the first guardians of the galaxy cam out in 2014. many saw it as a risk. >> people were like. >> why guardians. >> ironman, get it. spiderman, we get it. captain america, everyone knows him. i've don't know who the guardians of the galaxy is, no one does. >> the marvel comic book brought to the movies by marvel, owned by our parent company walt disney. >> my name is peter quill. >> any lack of name recognition. >> one other name you may know me by. star lord. >> who? >> star lord, man. legendary outlaw.
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>> forget it. >> volume one was a smash. cost $170 million to make. raked in $775 million, the global box office and scored 90 plus rating. they call themselves the guardians of the galaxy. a bunch of a-holes. >> made such a star out of chris pratt he landed a star on the hollywood walk of fame. all on social media thanks to his wife, and he has a massive following for his snack critiques. >> what's my snack? >> on instagram. a lot of people ask me what i had to give up to maintain this level of physical fitness. turns out my personality. >> talk of a volume 3, but yet to be confirm. >> can't say who is back for the third one? >> kevin bacon. >> kevin bacon, you are making that up? >>o.
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>> i've become a fan boy. not a super hero movie guy. doesn't matter. you didn't have to beep for this. >> transcends a genre, very complete, even film. i really think it is a masterpiece. >> i do look how you can say the lines, and not break a smile. >> saying that the film is a masterpiece? >> no, just any line. ha-ha. not sure if you are serious or joking, you don't break. >> you're saying they got the right guy for the job? >> yes, curt russell, exactly what i am saying. i'm nick watt for "nightline," in los angeles. ♪ ♪ >> so the movie is not even out yet. the sound track is already at number 8 on billboard 200. >> impressive. freeing to figure out some of the songs. >> once you hear them. >> they're classic, 60s, 70s, 80s. >> you'll, you'll recognize them when you hear them. >> surrender.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ five-second rule protection. new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. ♪ lysol. what it takes to protect. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide.
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with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest.
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and pocket pearl for on the go. time now for "the mix." a father/daughter in syracuse, new york, bonding over a unique trait they share. >> nice. >> byron the world recordholder for the world's, world's -- >> oh, my god. whoa. >> he has the world's widest tongue, 3.37 inches. in case any one wants to repair. wider than an iphone. >> meanwhile, as you notice, 16-year-old emily, she has a wide tongue too. not quite as wide as dad's 2.8 # inches. that's wider than a credit card. >> yes, it is. >> so, kind of runs in the family. kind of great. >> isn't that cute. one more time. ah. >> if you cross a,
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from where they're standing in niagara falls and go to canada, you can take part. >> ew. >> in, you can, get your own bomb b bombbay saphire, the bottle may say it is close to 40% alcohol. it's close to 80% alcohol. >> so -- >> 6,000 bottle out there like that. >> is the problem they forgot to charge extra. >> let's test it out. let's see. >> that should work. >> that's, that's awesome. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ poll teitics foreign wars all weather all the scores that's the world news polka tapes that roll in way too slow stuff you saw on koppel's show that's the world news polka it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not
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mug and everybody dance have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal do the world news polka everybody! that's the world news polka insomniacs only. that's the world news polka who cares what the bosses think they're a goofy crew no clue and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do moo when they yell it's half past three tell them it's news to me, that's the world news polka they make us work the graveyard shift that's why we go for broke so why not tune in abc and joan our little yolk, ha-ha-ha, five whole days every week, we're here with tongue in cheek and the world news polka, not lip-synced it's the world news polka duh-duh-duh yeah ♪
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this morning on "world news now," flooding disaster. worsening, residents evacuating as rivers expected to rise this weekend. this is a the storm that dumped rain on the regions, brings tornados to the east. the latest ahead. president trump's visit was brief but cheerful, celebrating the house passing the revised health care bill. what is in the bill? does it have enough support in the senate to make it to the president's desk? >> new this half-hour -- >> french politics and cuisine. election day in france this weekend. and marie lepen facing more than political attacks. actually hit with an egg. >> new record for the world's most famous abs. ronaldo surging to a whole new level on social media. why?


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