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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 9, 2017 11:35pm-12:36am EDT

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. so let's -- oh, there. he's become more famous than me. you're fired. you really are. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- danny mcbride priyanka chopra the high school rube goldberg champions and music from royal blood. and now, as if you didn't know, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? very nice. thank you. hi, everybody. at
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thank you. welcome to our program. i'm the host, i'm jimmy. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. i know you guys, a lot of you are here on vacation, but it was yet another crazy day in the united states of america. donald trump, who maybe you haven't heard is president now, a few hours ago, he fired james comey, the director of the fbi which is kind of like o.j. firing judge ito halfway through the trial. [ laughter ] he fired the director of the fbi while the director was investigating his people of possible collusion with russia. this is unbelievable. this is the kind of thing dictate fors do. this is the kind of thing reality tv hosts do, they fire someone every week. [ laughter ] maybe that's what happened, he thinks he's still on "celebrity apprentice." it was between james comey and meatloaf, and well -- the loaf won again. one reason they gave, this is
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the hillary clinton e-mail situation, which is hilarious, that means trump fired james comey for making him president. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he's seen a lot of unusual stuff. but this is outrageous. when something outrageous happens, i don't just sit on my hands, i do something about it. that's why i will be selling these comey is my homie t-shirts. [ cheers and applause ] if you are one of the millions of americans who are angry about this shameful and disgraceful move, send me $29.99. and i will use some of that money to send a very nasty letter directly to the oval office. also available in women's and baby ts, okay? so that's crazy. [ cheers and applause ] it's all crazy. but let's focus on positive. i want to thank someone, another talk show host, in fact, who did something very kind for my family. and a lot of families on her
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>> jimmy and molly are friends of ours. and they're just extremely kind, lovely people. and jimmy talked about his newborn son billy having to go through emergency heart surgery. it was an amazing monologue. in honor of my friend, i want to do something to help. i asked to help raise money for children's hospital los angeles. here's what i am going to do. you're going to get a huge prize if you do this. i'm going to fly in one person plus nine of your friends to one of my 12 days of give-aways next season. so all you have to do is make a donation to, the more money you donate, the more chances you'll have to win, the more you'll be helping children's hospital. it's a win, win, win. if you want to party with nine of your friends for one of my 12 days of give-aways, donate now. >> jimmy: see, that's very nice. [ cheers and applause ] ellen is the best. thank you. but i do want to -- let's go back to one part of that clip. because i want to know.
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why is the reindeer on a ledge? is he having personal problems? has blitzer been making fun of his nose again? anyway, if you want to come to l.a. to see ellen and win great stuff with all your friends, go to and thank you, ellen, for being so degeneres. [ cheers and applause ] while we're on the subject of happy things, it's wedding season. there are more weddings in the month of may than -- i don't know, i didn't really look it up, there are a lot of weddings in may. guillermo, when did you get married? >> guillermo: april 6. >> jimmy: that's not helpful. but anyway, there's a lot of pressure now on the bride and groom to write their own invoices. let's see what happens when that pressure becomes too much to handle. >> before god and before our family and our friends it is my joy to take you as my husband. you as my -- it is my --
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>> it is my joy to take you as my husband. >> jimmy: is it still a freudian slip if you say it twice? [ laughter ] here's another one. this is a couple from canada whose minister or officiant had a lot of fun at the rehearsal dinner. >> i promise to be your biggest advocate ask your best friend. i commit to sharing with you in seasons of -- >> they say that's good luck. spirit airlines is having a turbulent week. have you seen the video of what happened in florida? spirit's having a dispute with its pilots. the pilots say spirit is paying them peanuts. not figuratively. they pay them with little bags of peanuts we used to get before everyone was allergic. the pilots have been, some of them have been refusing to fly, so spirit had to cancel nine flights from ft. lauderdale. passengers obviously weren't happy about that.
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it was like black friday minus the part where you go home with a new tv. all hell broke loose. about 300 spirit flights have been canceled over the past week, leaving thousands of passengers grounded and angry. it's hard to say which is worse, a canceled spirit airlines flight or actually being on a spirit airlines flight. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] while this footage that's become viral of angry customers flipping out isn't doing spirit any favors. for another company, it's working out very well. [ shouting ] [ bleep ]. >> greyhound bus lines. we're looking better every day. >> jimmy: literally threw them under the bus. you know it's a shame, things have been going so well for the airlin
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this is from australia this morning from perth, australia, where the ceo of qantas got an early dessert. >> qantas ceo alan joyce was the keynote speaker at a leadership event at the hyatt behind me here in perth. mr. joyce had just taken his place to begin his speech when a man put a lemon meringue pie in his face. >> jimmy: that is quite an elmer fudd express on his face. the airline business is tough. even sean spicer is like, it must suck to be a spokesman for them. [ laughter ] i have a major television announcement to make. i don't know if you heard. this network, abc, is bringing "american idol" back. in a move that is being praised as the most original, ground-breaking idea of the year 2002. "american idol" used to be on fox. for 15 seasons it was on fox. then the ratings were too low.
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said, we can get them lower! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and that is what we're going to do. the only reason we're doing this is because "american idol" is a great source of future contestants for "dancing with the stars." we just feedba back. we don't know who the judges will be but i hope they consider merrick garland, he serves this. you don't know who that is? [ bleep ] all of you. so there you go. "american idol" on abc. hbo isn't the only network airing leftovers are people. we have a good show for you tonight. from the band royal blood. from "baywatch." priyanka chopra is here. from "alien: covenant," danny mcbride is here. "covenant," i think it's like the 18th movie in the "alien" fran
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i hear it's good, i hear it's scary. i asked yehya to review it for us and he said yes. here he, yehya, talking about the movie "alien: covenant." >> it's me, yehya, talk about the summer movie, the movie behind me is -- don't dat run. that alien. >> let me out! >> all the alien, long time, the ladies -- forget the name. she in the movie alien 1, alien 2, alien 3, alien 4. the director for that movie, scott, he make the move 0 for rosson crowe, the main guy in the movie, michael first wonder. the movie also make the computer. and also you have one guy with the hair. >> let's party. >> he's nice guy, he's the friend of colin
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lot of movie, and the alien is like flower opens slowly. and it come from inside, boom, come if your face, you know? it's come from anywhere, you don't know from where coming, you know? >> holy -- >> go see the movie, it's very scary movie, and good movie! good luck, cut! action? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: no action. thank you, yehya. we're going to take a breck. when we come back from the break, a visit from a group of high school students who invented an absolutely ridiculous contraption. stick around, we'll be right back with that. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those.
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g that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. t.j.maxx asks, she's pretty and nice like me. she is special. he knows me better than my husband somedays. my mom likes pink. mommy loves roses. it's a surprise. you picked this out by yourself? it's a purse. i know you love purses. i do! celebrate the unique mom in your life, with values everyone will love. happy mother's day!
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>> >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. danny mcbride, priyanka chopra, and music from royal blood is on the way. in case you didn't know today is national teacher appreciation day. wot teachers i mafd no one to disappoint growing up. one of my best teachers was my band director. cleto and i were in the band, mr. mac moseley. i was making a smart remark in class. i'll never forget what he said. he said, kimmel, i'm going to put my foot up your ass! then he chased me around the classroom. so to all the teachers, thank you. for all you do.
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[ applause ] speaking of teachers we have a good one tonight with a group of students. kevin genota, he teaches in kimber kimberly, wisconsin, his team of students are the national rube goldberg champions and they have something very cool to show us so let's say hello to them now. come on out. hi, guys. how are you doing? [ cheers and applause ] welcome, welcome. i won't touch each one of you, we'll get to that later. congratulations, this is very exciting, right? is this something you've been dreaming of for many, many years? not really, no, okay, all right. that's good. all right. so kevin, you're the teacher. a good group of kids? >> a great grape? we've had no trouble on this trip? >> zero trouble. >> jimmy: very good. all right. so who's the team captain or something? is there a team captain? >> not so much. >> jimmy: not so much, all right. >> they're pretty even. >> jimmy: tell us first what is the idea behind a rube goldberg machine? >> the purpose of
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a problem in the most overly complicated way possible. >> jimmy: intentionally make things difficult, like congress does in a way. >> but this is for fun. >> jimmy: what was your mission? what was the challenge they gave you? >> this year, everyone across the country had to apply a band-aid. >> jimmy: build a machine that applies a band-aid, which of course is something that most human beings can easily do themselves. >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. and so what would you say to a kid who's interested in getting to the rube goldberg scene? is it fun? >> it's a lot of fun. it's a pretty big commitment. but it really pays off. >> jimmy: your team name is kimberly's kitchen. was that to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents? [ laughter ] >> yes, strong and bold name. >> jimmy: so this was your first trip to the nationals, right? oh, this is interesting. you're the jv team at your school, right? >> that was mr. nickname given by the seniors, correct. >> jimmy: by the seniors. >> of course. >> jimmy: none of you are
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seniors, what grades are you in? sophomores and juniors. >> jimmy: sophomores and juniors. why am i smelling alcohol on your breath, is that you? sophomores and juniors. not only did you beat everyone in the country, you beat your own group of seniors at the school. [ cheers and applause ] how did the seniors take that? were they gracious? >> they really helped us out with our machine. when we asked for it. >> jimmy: they did? >> they're okay, yep. >> jimmy: i think i've stumble onto some kind of trouble. let see the machine in action, show us how it works. here it is right behind you. everybody's going to step to the sides. who's going to run this thing and how does it start? >> all right, so -- like starting over here at the light switch, we're going to go through 70 steps. and then hopefully end up back here applying the band-aid onto our sink. >> jimmy: hopefully it will. in rehearsal it worked perfectly, which means it probably won't work here tonight. >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. do you
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machine will fall in the hands one of our enemies like isis? >> not really. >> jimmy: no? okay, all right. here we go. let do it. >> three, two, one. >> jimmy: okay. >> starts by opening our cupboards. >> the ball into the trash can. then use pool balls and spatulas to climb up. >> once they reach the top we fill a jar of salt. >> use the salt to pop our toast. >> jimmy: okay. is the salt filling? it is, okay. the salt is filling slowly. i see the salt now. okay. there it goes. >> the ball's going to go through a series of newton balls. >> that's going to steam our kettle. >> check out that spoon wheel. >> we're going to put the measuring cups back up on the wall. >> once they reach the top we cut an apple and start our mini tether ball which will knock over food boxes. there go the eggs. th
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cheddar cheese. then we're going to get cans to roll uphill. >> jimmy: uphill? >> yep. >> they start mom's kitchen aid mixer. >> and there it works. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] very well done. congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: nice to see. that was pretty -- that was pretty amazing. who will get -- what will happen to this machine? >> we save it for next year and show the new group and they try it all over again. >> jimmy: can you build a machine that will get my daughter ready for bed? >> i'll take one of those too. >> jimmy: thank you, kevin. thanks, kids. congratulations to the students of kimberly high school in wisconsin. tonight music from royal blood. priyanka chopra is here. be right back with danny mcbride! >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by
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protect your engine for one full cha with just one oil change.
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washed up? never.times. l'oreal's new age perfect rosy tone moisturizer. increases cell renewal. boosts skin's rosy tone - instantly. new age perfect rosy tone from l'oreal paris. and we're still worth it. voluminous original mascara from l'oreal. in black and now in blue l'oreal's creamy formula builds 5 times the volume the soft-bristle brush
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itthe one and only voluminousrr original mascara from l'oréal paris you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. >> jimmy: hi, there. tonight, from "quantity toe" and the new movie "baywatch," priyanka chopra is here.
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album is called "how did we get so dark?" - royal blood from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] who's on the show tomorrow night? should we guess? tomorrow night -- billy crudup, ariel winter from "modern family" and we'll have music from wale with g-eazy. and on thursday ewan mcgregor, katie lowes, and music from at the drive in. so please join us. [ cheers and applause ] while the engineers and scientists of tomorrow put band-aids on with machines, our first guest is already venturing into outer space. he stars in "alien: covenant" opening may 19th. please welcome danny mcbride. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you?
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>> jimmy: doing well. did you see the science project? >> i've never been a scientist, that's never something i've been accused of. >> jimmy: really? >> my big science project in high school was -- it was the effect of no sleep on memory, which is strange because my friend's spending the night and playing old maid all night long. we were breaking boundaries. >> jimmy: what grade did you get? >> i don't think i finished it. i think i gave up. >> jimmy: really. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were that kid. >> yes. >> jimmy: you were a substitute teacher, you've talked about that, you played a teacher, all that stuff. is that -- did they have a substitute teacher's appreciation day? or no? >> no, no. i don't think the kids that i subbed for appreciated me at all. all they cared about was what car i drove and if i smoked weed. [ laughter ] i drove an elantra so i didn'tible impress anyone there. >> jimmy: is teaching experience something that's ephelped you as a parent being able to handle children? >> you would think it would be. my wife and
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son and a 2-year-old daughter. and so it's all new for us. my son's in tk which is the appetizer to kindergarten. >> jimmy: what is tk? >> my son's born in september right past the cutoff. basically too young to come to kindergarten, but if you don't want him sitting around your house he can come here for a little bit. we agreed to that, signed up for that. and you know -- at my house, we love jokes. it's something that just happens there. when i was a kid i grew up on these books called "truly tasteless jokes." >> i had those too. >> i love them, they're amazing, really filthy. i recently found them on ebay and bought them. in my house i'm constantly trying to discuss my wife by finding the worst jokes i can in there. she's been saying, you better chill with that. because they're listening to you, they're going to repeat these things. he never listens to me, he's not listening to anything i'm saying. sure enough my wife calls me. i picked declan
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and his teacher told us that declan told a joke to the class today. [ laughter ] my face went white. oh my god. what joke could this be? i was like, really, what one was it? and she's like, apparently he got up in front of the whole class and he said, what's the difference between a wife and a girlfriend? and the whole class was quiet. and he said, 60 pounds. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and my wife was like, no way. you need to -- you go in there and talk to him. so i told him, you know what? it's not really appropriate. i shouldn't have been saying that stuff around you. mommies don't like it, teachers don't like it, so don't say that again. and he was quiet. i said, but if you do say it again, the punch line was actually "40 pounds." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: 60 is too much.
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modern times. >> he was making it his own. >> jimmy: wow, that's really funny. that's pretty great. you do really have to be careful. >> very careful. >> jimmy: you've got a precocious young boy there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now you're a big screen action star all of a sudden. >> i guess so. >> jimmy: which is different for you, obviously. >> it is, yeah. >> jimmy: basically you've been in comedies. >> being in "alien" is totally a different deal. to my parents this is the first real movie i've been in. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, the first time they've wanted to see something that i'm in, in the theaters. >> jimmy: wow. >> it's good, yeah. >> jimmy: are they coming to the premiere? >> we just had the premiere in london. no. >> jimmy: no? >> no way. >> jimmy: is that why you had the premiere in london, to keep them away? >> i did. i lobbied for it, yes. >> jimmy: was it fun to be -- to play in an action role? >> it was incredible. it was awesome. but what i learned from making this film is that i am clause tro phobic. that i never thought that i was.
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you figure that out. >> jimmy: how did you figure that out? >> the moment they put a space suit on me and pulled the visor down and i was in it. ridley scott, everything is real with him. he's putting this elaborate costume on me, this is what they're going put the astronauts in to go to mars, that and that. i'm listening to it. the glass seals over my face. they're like, pay attention to the fan. if the fan goes out you're going to lose consciousness. walking around, you can't touch your face, you can't get out of it. i'm having a mild freak-out in there the whole time. moving around like, yeah, i look tough, i'm after an alien, and i'm about to crap my pants. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: isn't that how you would be if you were after an alien? >> i guess so. i used it in the performance. it was really just me melting down and wanting a xanax, i think. >> jimmy: is it against the rules for an act tore go, aah! >> like this people are trying to be tough.
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don't put the visor down. >> jimmy: you can't call hr? >> no, you have to swol low it and go to your special place i think. >> jimmy: we'll see a clip from "alien: covenant." danny mcbride is here, be right back! out of fabric softener, going on a targetrun. need anything? clorox wipes... for my little artist. and a razor for my little man. nana. got it. get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done.
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republican leaders are to affordable health care. i'm tom perriello and in congress i voted for obamacare because it was wrong that a million virginians weren't covered while insurance companies held all the power. now i'm running for governor because it's wrong that most virginia incomes haven't gone up in 20 years. together, we can stop donald trump, raise wages and build an economy that works for everyone. and we'll make sure this never happens in virginia.
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hey, hey, we got company! >> what? >> we got company! the other side of the ship! ♪ ♪ >> hold on! holy -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is danny mcbride in "alien: covenant." i have to tell you. if i was in a situation like that, i know you're playing a role, but if the alien was banging on the glass and i was flying whatever that was, i'd just
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thing and die. >> that's not what you're supposed to do. >> jimmy: that's not in the handbook? >> no. well, you know, the cool thing about ridley scott, you're not just acting in front of a green screen, like he builds everything. that ship, they built that. i went to the set and that ship was sitting there. it was on this like 50-foot gimbol, they'd take it into the air, shake it. four days i'm strapped into this thing having my gut shaken out going up and down, up and down. it was awesome. >> jimmy: sounded like a terrible experience. >> it was really awesome. >> jimmy: where did you shoot? >> australia, a long way from home. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it was amazing. even things like the alien. most visual effects they're making you be chased by a tennis ball. but here ridley literally puts like a 6'5" contortionist in the alien costume and cuts him loose after you. >> jimmy: did it scare you at all? >> it totally scared me. [ laughter ] you sit there like, oh, we're
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then you see it. oh my god, that's the alien! >> jimmy: then you're having lunch afterwards. >> he's sitting there with his head off texting. >> jimmy: have you shot in far-away locations before? >> i have. i did -- the furthest is i shot "rock the casbah" in marrakech in morocco. >> jimmy: that's right, bill murray. >> bill murray. i'm a good flier but i just get real sensitive weirdly when i fly, thinking about dying the whole time. and i'm sending text messages to everyone i know. i really loved our friendship. i'm on a flight. so i landed in morocco. and i was pretty tired and worn out. and you come to the customs area. like the guys are no joke. it's like there's guards there with ak-47s. >> jimmy: right. >> you're waiting in line with your passport. and i was trying to walk a line and be completely respectful and not have them throw me out of the country. and so i go through customs.
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customs counter is staring me up and down, real stern. oh my god, what's happening? i'm looking at these guys with guns. she looks at my pass port. stamps everything. hands it back to me. without smiling is like, "welcome to morocco, kenny powers." [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow. >> yes. so there are fans there. >> jimmy: that could be the big screen adaptation. >> maybe, yeah. "welcome to morocco, kenny powers." will there be another season of "eastbound and down"? [ cheers and applause ] we're getting "american idol." . >> i think we interviewed ourselves. i don't know how we'd top kenny pow others a hover bike in africa ending the series. >> jimmy: base would be a good place for kenny, space. >> or morocco. >> jimmy: very good to see you. congratulations on "alien: covenant." it opens in theaters on ma
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danny mcbride, everybody! we'll be right back with priyanka chopra. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. still to come, music from royal blood. by night our next guest plays cia analyst alex parish on "quantico" and starting may 25th you can see her in blinding sunlight in the new movie "baywatch." please welcome priyanka chopra. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how may i ask the firing of the fbi director james comey affect your situation on "quanti "quantico"? >> i mean, you guys, i can't tell you how many people have been tweeting me saying, alex should be nominated. >> jimmy: really? >> i'm just saying. >> jimmy: you could get a promotion out of this. >> if president trump calls alex and says we would like you to take the job,
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she would say? >> alex would take the job. priyanka might not be able to. >> jimmy: i see, i gotcha. >> because i'm not american. >> jimmy: with donald trump there's more a chance that he will ask priyanka to be the fbi director than he would an actual member of the fbi. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> and it would be okay. >> jimmy: it would be great. >> the story would be believable. >> jimmy: i would be happy with the choice. by the way, tracee ellis ross was here talking about the met ball. we looked at the outfit she was wearing. and you wore a pretty spectacular outfit to the met ball. you were there as well. in new york. who made this, just to start? >> this is ralph lauren. >> jimmy: is this a trench coat? >> yeah, it's the world's longest trench coat, apparently. [ laughter ] the internet tells you really useful things. >> jimmy: i've never seen a trench coat longer than this, that's for sure. [ cheers and applause ] >> it was a lot of fun. the theme
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garcon, i love that this was ralph lauren's take, which means "boys" but at the same time she's a designer that has always broken fashion silhouettes. i thought it was a fun outfit to wear. >> jimmy: i don't understand any of what you just said. [ laughter ] except for the fun outfit to wear part. >> i didn't understand de garcon, i looked it up. >> jimmy: this is how you arrived. where was the train of this particular -- >> this is a mini bus. >> jimmy: a mini bus. >> i arrived to the met gala in a bus. because the train was 20 feet long. >> jimmy: was nick jonas driving the bus? what is he doing? what's going on? are you dating nick jonas? isn't he like 11 years old? >> we were both wearing ralph lauren. we decided to go together. >> jimmy: oh, really, interesting. >> yeah, i didn't ask his age. 11? >> jimmy: he's 11 years old, you didn't know? >> i didn't know that. >> jimmy: last year he was 10, now he's 11. i think he's going to be 12 too. [ laughter ]
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>> oh, no. >> jimmy: that's something else. you decided, we're wearing the same designer, we should go together? >> yeah, we were on the same table. we know each other. hey, you know what, let's go together. i was like, okay. ended up working out. >> jimmy: uh-huh, okay. [ laughter ] you know, when you're considered for the director of the fbi, you will be subject to a polygraph. >> i know. >> jimmy: i will make sure the nick jonas questions are on that polygraph. [ applause ] this is the after party. >> yes, that's the after party. >> jimmy: what happened to the rest of the outfit? >> that was pure genius, jimmy. can you imagine being there with a 20-foot train? >> jimmy: no. >> i woke up and i was traveling from mumbai to new york. i had a nightmare on my flight. what happened to the train? at dinner? it's like 20 feet and there are all of these people. my people called up ralph lauren's people, and people called people, then they came up with the idea of making a short
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mini inside of this dress. >> jimmy: they -- you thought of this? >> we had a -- like three days before we were going in. then we came up with the idea what would happen at the oscar party? >> jimmy: i tell you what it's a fire mas zard hazard. you can't be in something like that at dinner. >> it would fully kill the vibe. >> jimmy: kill the vibe and the wearer of the dress. >> absolutely. and people around me. >> jimmy: how late did you stay at the party? was it a long thing? >> 7:00 a.m. flight to zimbabwe the next morping. >> you were all over. why in zimbabwe? >> unicef. i'm a good will ambassador. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. you didn't have the 20-foot dress in zimbabwe? >> two things. i could go back home, get a nap, change, be comfortable, then go to the airport. or stay out all night. i chose the latter. because my outfit was really comfortable and all of that. >> jimmy: comparatively, sure. >> that was my reason for
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course. no, i left rihanna's at like 5:00 a.m. -- >> jimmy: i thought you meant rihanna's apartment. >> oh my god, no. >> jimmy: hanging around with nick jonas, who the hell knows what's going on. [ laughter ] >> didn't he go through puberty? >> jimmy: i think he's a nice kid. >> i met him a bunch of times. i didn't get that vibe. >> jimmy: 0 i don't know. who knows? he's a kid. i'm sure he's got some vibes going. >> who knows. >> jimmy: you are in "baywatch." >> yes. >> jimmy: the big screen version. growing up in india, is this a show that was on there? we hear the most popular show around the world, and never really believed it. >> it really was, jimmy. >> jimmy: it was? >> like in the '90s, i feel like "baywatch" is what america -- like everyone in the world was like, that's america. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. i believed that. i believed everyone in america looked like that, there were only beaches,
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and dived really well. >> jimmy: you must have been so disappointed when you got here. [ laughter ] >> i got here at 13. like oh. >> jimmy: oh, really. iowa. >> yeah, it didn't help. this is not like california. >> jimmy: no. >> a little bit different. >> jimmy: it is very different, yeah. david hasselhoff is in the movie? >> yes, he is. him and pam anderson are both in the movie. >> jimmy: did you meet them? >> i didn't get around to meeting him. but david hasselhoff did call me after. >> jimmy: i bet he did. [ laughter ] [ applause ] what did he say? what is he calling you for? >> he loves indian movies. that's what he called me for. [ laughter ] i believe that's what he called me for. "i love indian movies." >> jimmy: cowboy and indian movies or indian movies? >> the other. well, this indian. not the other. >> jimmy: right. >> yeah he called me up. listen, i would love to do something there?
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i missed working with you. >> jimmy: he wants to make a movie with you in india. >> it would be cool. people love him there. >> jimmy: in india, yeah, sure. oh, boy. this is going to be great. what the hell is he going to do in india? [ laughter ] >> we haven't figured that part out. we can have the conversation. >> jimmy: the devil's in the details. >> the details ar little far off. >> jimmy: pam anderson, did she call you? >> she didn't. >> jimmy: i wonder why he called you and she didn't. [ laughter ] >> i'm not thinking about it like that. i was just like, okay. >> jimmy: that's what i'm here for, priyanka. >> put it in my head. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations. on the movie. i assume it's going to be a big hit. "baywatch" opens in theaters may 25th. priyanka chopra, everybody. be right back with royal blood! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank danny mcbride, priyanka chopra, the rube goldberg champions and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, their new album "how did we get so dark?" comes out june 16th. here with the song "lights out" - royal blood! ♪ ♪ every time i'm with it alone it picks me up you just send me down ♪ ♪ i can feel it rushing under my skin you're a cage won't you let me in ♪ ♪ on my toes lock the door oh oh ♪ ♪ pretty face through the walls oh oh ♪ ♪ don't know if i'd be so sure again oh oh ♪
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♪ yeah my eyes are still burning red so turn the lights out ♪ ♪ yeah you're not so hard to forget yeah with all the lights out ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ every time i'm stuck in the ground spin me round won't you spin me round ♪ ♪ you're a void a crack in the mirror see me now ♪ ♪ if you could see me now ♪ you slipped through the night oh oh ♪ ♪ then walked out skin tight
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oh oh ♪ ♪ but you don't matter that much to me oh oh ♪ ♪ no you don't matter that much to me oh oh ♪ ♪ yeah my eyes are still burning red yeah so turn the lights out ♪ ♪ yeah you're not so hard to forget yeah with all the lights out ♪ ♪ so turn the lights out just turn the lights out ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah
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yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ my eyes are still burning red yeah so turn the lights out ♪ ♪ yeah you're not so hard to forget yeah with all the lights out ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ nothing here to see just a kid like me trying to cut some teeth trying to figure it out ♪ ♪ ♪ nothing better to do when i'm stuck on you i'm still in here trying to figure it out ♪ ♪ ♪ getting hard to sleep blood is in my dreams love is killing me trying to figure it out ♪ ♪ ♪ nothing better to do when i s
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, you're fired. president trump terminating fbi director james comey. but why now? democrats accusing him of shutting down the investigation into his campaign's alleged russia ties. >> were these investigations getting too close to home for the president? >> heated reactions from all sides. the president giving an unexpected reason for the ouster. plus all new "idol." >> this is "american idol," here we go! >> the show that launched countless stars. ♪ i can't believe this is happening to me ♪ >> "american idol" making a comeback. bigger, better, and on a brand-new network. and later, gator. a 10-year-old girl saving herself from the jaws of


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